• Published 20th Jan 2017
  • 7,674 Views, 239 Comments

Equestria girls Hell rider - Tunefulsubset72

Something is coming to canter lot city, something with a lust for vengeance..

  • ...

Your sin will find you out...

---Ghost Rider---

"Oh boy." Midnight said as The Rider swung the flaming wood at him. "What are you? Some creature from Equestria?"

The Rider stopped for a moment and stared at him. "Equestria?" The Rider asked. "The F*ck is Equestria?"

"So you're not from Equestria, then where are you from?" Midnight asked as The Rider swung at him again. "Do you have a name?"

"Go..... to....Hell." The Rider said as he tried to kick Midnight, but only for Midnight to dodge and kick Rider into one of the brunt walls of the house.

"Listen, like I said, you just go after someone who you think deserves to die." Midnight said as The Rider stood up. "I'll ask one last time, who are you?"

"I'm the spirit of vengeance." The Rider said as he threw the burning wood into the house. "But you can call me Ghost Rider."

"Never heard of you." Midnight said as he pulled out of of his swords. "But still, I can't let you hurt any innocent people."

"HAHAHAHA....That is rich." The Rider said cackling. "You don't understand, you're trying to stop me from finding guilty people." The Rider said as Midnight looked at him confused.

"It doesn't matter." Midnight said as a fire began to spread in the house. "You're still going down."

"Funny, that's what this one guy said to before I came." The Rider said as Midnight charged and stabbed him."Funny, that's what he did too."

"What the..." Midnight said as he pulled the sword as it started melting. "Should've seen that coming."

"I'm made of fire, what did you expect?" The Rider asked as Midnight shrugged. "But to say at least, you can put up a fight."

"Thanks...I guess." Midnight said as The Rider threw a fireball at him. "WHOA!!!!!"

"I thought you could fight?" The Rider said as Midnight threw a punch at him as The Rider caught his fist. "That's just sad."

"What about this?" Midnight said kicking The Rider into the now burning ruins. "I've fought a lot of things, something like you should be a breeze to kill."

"Then why haven't you yet?" The Rider asked standing up. "Also I don't think my host would appreciate dying a second time."

"Second time?" Midnight asked as The Rider. "Who's your host?"

"Sorry, but I can't say, it would ruin the surprise." The Rider said as he picked up a chain. "It's not mine, but it will do."

"Even if you kill me, your sins will find you." Midnight said as The Rider chuckled. "I'm being serious."

"I kinda have a free pass." The Rider said as he swung his chain at him as Midnight ducked. "I hunt down people who've committed sins."

"Some of those people deserve justice, not be hunted and killed like an animal." Midnight said as the chain hit him in the chest, burning some of his clothes.

"Sorry, but that's Johnny Blaze's job, not mine." The Rider said grabbing Midnight by the neck and picking him up. "Now then, I suggest it be best for you NEVER to cross my path again." The Rider said as Midnight struggled to break free. "Now if I've made myself clear, be on your way." The Rider said dropping Midnight and stepping on his chest. "Next you see me, I'll probably eat your soul." The Rider said as he placed his hand on Midnight's chest causing him to yell in pain as it burned him. "Have a nice day."

"Rot...in...Tartarus." Midnight said wheezing as The Rider began to walk off. "I...Will..Find you."

"Then I'm looking forward round two." The Rider said as he left the burning ruins. "Until then Midnight Sapphire, farwell." The Rider saluting Midnight as he walked to his bike.

---C.H.S after school---

"He should've called by now." Sunset said with a worried tone as he leaned against the statue. "I hope he's okay."

"Hey Sunset." Rainbow said walking up to her. "Still haven't heard from Midnight?"

"No, I haven't." Sunset said as she checked her phone again. "I hope he isn't hurt or captured."

"I'm sures he's fine." Rainbow said as a fire truck zoomed by, followed by an ambulance. "That's not good." She said as police car zoomed by a few seconds later. "Geez."

"No kidding." Sunset said as the rest of their friends came to them. "I just hope that Midnight wasn't involved."

"I have a feeling he was." Applejack said chuckling. "You know him."

"Maybe he fought the Ghost Rider." Pinkie said smiling as Sunset gave weird look. "What?"

"Aaaany way?" Rainbow Dash said rolling her eyes. "We still having the slumber party Friday night?"

"I asked my parents, and they said you're more then welcome to have it at my place." Rarity said as she grabbed her phone as it buzzed. "Sorry, I must get home, see you all at six?"

"Yep." Pinkie said as Rarity nodded and walked off. "Oh hey Midnight." Pinkie said looking behind Sunset as Midnight limped up up behind her. "You okay?"

"Call...an ambulance." Midnight said as he fell over. "Please."

"MIDNIGHT!!!" Sunset yelled with worried. "What happened?"

"I'll call an ambulance." Fluttershy said pulling out her phone.

"What's with all the burn marks?" Rainbow Dash asked noticing his burnt clothes.

"I fought some sort of demon or spirit, I think." Midnight said as Sunset helped him up. "He melted my sword as if was nothing."

"Was he from Equestria?" Applejack asked. "Because after the sirens, I've had enough of magic for a while."

"No, he's from this world." Midnight said wincing in pain. "At first I thought it was just a normal person, I didn't get a good look before he transformed."

"Transformed?" Pinkie asked. "Like the hulk?"

"No. His skin seem to melt off, and he a flaming skull." Midnight said as the group gasped. "You know who I'm talking about?"

"You saw the Ghost Rider?" Rainbow asked. "And fought him?"

"Yeah, you saw how that turned out." Midnight said chuckling, then groaning in pain. "It hurts to laugh."

"The ambulance will be here in a few minutes." Fluttershy said as she put her phone away, noticing the worried looks on her friend faces. "What happened?"

"Oh, Midnight was just telling us how he got his butt kicked by the Ghost Rider." Pinkie said as Fluttershy yelped in fear.

"The Ghost Rider is here?" Fluttershy said with fear. "In Canterlot City?"

"You'll be fine Flutters." Midnight said as a siren was heard. "The Ghost Rider told me himself, that he can't kill innocent people, but word of advice, don't make him mad."

"Well duh, he can eat your soul." Pinkie said as Fluttershy fainted. "I shouldn't have said that."

"There's the ambulance." Rainbow said as an ambulance pulled up. "HE'S OVER HERE!!!!" Rainbow yelled getting the paramedics attention.

"What happened to you?" One of paramedics said with worry noticing all the burns. "Get the stretcher over here."

"Please be okay." Sunset said quietly as they put Midnight on the stretcher." Please."