• Published 20th Jan 2017
  • 7,675 Views, 239 Comments

Equestria girls Hell rider - Tunefulsubset72

Something is coming to canter lot city, something with a lust for vengeance..

  • ...


----Crimson P.O.V-----

"Ugh today was very stressful." I said as Rainbow, Green Song and I walked into my house a couple hours after Blizzard left.

"Crimson we have a problem.." Spitfire said as she met us at the door.

"What's wrong mom?" Green Song asked as we followed her into the living room.

Then there sitting on the couch was the last person I was expecting.

"Been what a couple days Crimson?" Fury said as he took a sip of water.

"Not enough days Fury." I said with a stern tone in my voice as I crossed my arms and stood in the opening as Rainbow and Song sat down.

"Well that's very nice of you to say I missed you a lot after our little conversation at the high school." Fury said as he stood up and looked me in the eyes.

"What do you want?" I questioned as I felt my patience growing slimmer.

"What no 'how was your day?'" Fury joked.

"We aren't in the middle of a joking matter." Grimstone said as he partially manifested himself turning my right eye into his.

"I'm never going to get used to that." Fury chuckled.

"Like Grimstone said we're in the middle of something important and we don't need little interruptions like this Nick so get to the point." I said as I glared at him.

"Fine. We had two agents murdered last night by an unknown assailant and we would like your help." Fury said as he sat down and clasped his hands together.

"How is this our problem?" Grimstone commented.

"Normally we wouldn't come to you all, but this is different. There are two things that need to be addressed, but first things first." Nick said as he laid a picture of a hospital on the coffee table in front of him.

"Wait isn't that..." Spitfire trailed off as she looked at Fury who simply nodded.

"Two months ago we found out that this hospital wasn't no ordinary hospital. It was a Hydra facility." Fury said as he closed his eye as if bracing himself for a punch.

"THE H3LL DO YOU MEAN A HYDRA FACILITY!!!????" I yelled as I slammed my fist down onto a small chestnut coffee table causing it to shatter into pieces.

"Dad what's wrong why'd you destroy the table?" Green Song said in a loud tone.

"Green Song be quiet!" Spitfire ordered as her eyes filled with rage as well.

*knock knock* The door sounded.

"Who is it?!" Grimstone yelled in the direction of the door.

"It's us we need to talk to Rainbow." A country accent replied.

I walked over to the door and yanked the door open with a force so strong the doorknob created a hole inside the wall.

"May-Maybe we should come ba-ba-back." Fluttershy said as she cowered behind her four friends.

"Inside...Now!" I said in a dominating tone as I stepped out of the way. Without arguing the four girls walked in and sat in the floor with pale faces.

"Girls why are you here?" Rainbow said in a worried tone.

"We wanted to apologize to you darling for treating you so badly." Rarity said in a low voice.

"Why just me though why aren't you telling Sunset this also?" Rainbow asked.

"Because we still don't trust her fully silly!" Pinkie said in her happy tone.

"Save this talk for later! Now Nick tell me what you did about the Hydra Facility." I said as I walked over and slapped my hand on the picture.

"We raided it of course and found some very disturbing experiments and videos. However, one you would be interested in.." Nick said as he pulled out a tablet and began playing a video.


"Experiment Number 8477. Name: Flint Locke. Gender: Male. Parents: Classified." A computer like voice sounded in the beginning of the video.

"Now Flint tell us how do you feel?" A scientist asked as he stood above a boy who was in his teenage years and was in a red and black suit.

"Perfected..." Flint replied.

"Very good now how does your new arm and leg feel?" The scientist asked.

"Amazing..." Flint replied.

"Good. Now how do you feel about your parents seeing you like th-" The scientist began before he was cut off by Flint's hand that shot up and grabbed the scientist by his throat.

"Don't ever bring them up again." Flint said in an angry tone as he jerked his hand to the side quickly and snapped the scientist's neck. After the last breath left the scientist's body it was thrown to the side.

Flint walked directly in front of the camera. Then lifted both of his arms with hands made into fists.

"HAIL HYDRA!" Flint shouted at the top of his lungs.

----Video end----

"D@mnit Nick I knew this was a bad idea. Why didn't you check the background of this building or give him some guards!?" I said as I placed both of my hands on my head as I grabbed two fist full chunks of hair as I walked around with my eyes closed and grief on my face.

"What's happening? Who is that man?" Green Song asked as the others grew worried.

"You haven't told her yet?" Nick said as he realized he may have messed up.

"Oh Green Song honey. We're so sorry." Spitfire said as she walked over and hugged her daughter and began to quietly cry.

"Why him? Of all people why him?!" I yelled as tears began to roll down my face.

"Who is he dad?" Green Song asked as she began to get scared.

"Everyone you need to hear this." I said as I sat down on the two seated love seat and Spitfire joined me. We looked into each others eyes as she began to cry a little more. "I'll tell them honey." I said as I grabbed Spitfire's hand causing her to cry even more.

"What's going on?" Rainbow said as her and everyone else began to get worried.

"We haven't told you everything. After the fight with Tirek Spitfire and I became a couple and decided to get married a month later. Then after we were married we did like normal married couples do and start a family. However,... Spitfire was able to conceive a child and successfully gave birth to a little boy..." I said as I closed my eyes to get myself together. "But, we weren't out of the woods. The laser that was shot towards Spitfire was nuclear powered and even though Grimstone took most of the blast the radiation still got to Spitfire. Our son had been born with multiple birth defects as well as no right arm and no left leg. Then Fury told us of a hospital that specialized in these sort of incidents and had a 80% success rate. So we admitted him to the hospital. That hospital is the one in the picture that is secretly a Hydra Facility." I said as I looked at everyone who's eyes were wide as they realized what I was saying.

"Dad.. what was.... my brother's name?" Green Song asked as she began to whimper.

"His name.... was Flint Locke" I said as I clenched my fists turning them white.

---Blizzard P.O.V---

"So what's the plan?" I asked Rider as I sat on my bike and watched as more C.H.S students entered the warehouse.

Crimson would flip if we killed them, so let's say we won't kill any. The Rider said as I adjusted the chain wrapped around my shoulder. So we simply make an example of one of them.

"The one who hurt her the most?" I asked as the Rider cackled. "Very well, Have fun." I said as I got off my bike and my skin started to burn away as the Rider came out.

"Time for some fun." The Rider said as he kicked down the door. "HERE'S GHOSTY!!!!!" He bellowed as students began to scream.

---A few minutes earlier---

"Please let me go." Sunset whimpered as a student pushed her to the ground. "I'm not Anon-A-Miss." She said as students laughed as she was picked up and slammed onto the ground as she started to cough up blood.

"Don't kill her." Lightning Dust said as Sunset curled up into a little ball. "Yet, anyway."

"Took us for ever to find this place." Hoops said as he walked in with his brother Score and two others. "We miss the fun."

"Not yet." Gilda said as she walked over to them. "You tell anyone?"

"Only those who want a piece of the action." Hoops said as the door was kicked down and flames filled the entrance."What the F@ck?"

"HERE'S GHOSTY!!!!!" The Rider bellowed a students began to panic as he whipped his chain in the air. "Don't worry I'm not gonna kill ya, I'M GONNA MAKE YOU SUFFER!!!!" He cackled as he grabbed a student and threw him to the side as students backed away. "Now then, one of ya has more innocent blood then the rest of y'all." The Rider said with a southern accent as students whimpered. "Ya shoulda known that with me in town, any innocent blood shed by people like yerselves, I'll hunt ya down." The Rider said as he looked at Gilda. "I'd say you should run, but....I'd catch ya anyway." He said as Gilda began to run as the Rider swung his chain at her. "YOU.....GUILTY!!" He said as the chain wrapped around her and he started pulling her closer as students began to run out of the building.

"I'm sorry, please!" Gilda screamed as she struggled to break free as the Rider picked her up. "Can we take this out?"

"Funny, I asked Grimstone the same thing, and guess what?" The Rider said as Gilda looked at him worried."We never did." The Rider whispered as two orange dots took form in his eye sockets. "Your soul is stained with the blood of the innocent, feel a fraction of their pain." The Rider said as Gilda began to scream as her eyes slowed turned into black orbs and began smoking as the Rider dropped her.

"T-Thank you." Sunset said through tears as Rider helped her up. "I think I need to go to the hospital."

"No need." Rider said as he placed his hand on her and flames cover her shoulder. "Better?"

"A little." Sunset said she limped behind rider as they left. "Again, thank you."

"Want me to take you home?" Rider asked Sunset who shook her head.

"I'll manage." Sunset said as Rider stared at her. "What?"

"You're homeless, aren't you?" Rider asked a Sunset looked away. "I'll take you somewhere safe." Rider said motioning her to follow her.

"Where?" Sunset asked as she followed him.

"Only the people who stand by you during this." Rider spoke as Sunset smiled as the got on the bike. "Also, if things weren't so bad, I'd say Merry Christmas."


"Ah, your back 17."A Hydra agent said as the shadowy figure walked in. "What is your report?"

"Shield is crawling all over the city."17 said as he approached a capsule. "Also, There is a Ghost rider allied with Grimstone."

"Our leader will be most please with this report." The agent said as the capsule closed for a moment and reopened as 17 stepped out wearing a black jump suit, which revealed his metal arm, and his face, he had jet black hair with a yellow streak, and reddish blue eyes ."Anything else?"

"Almost had a run in with the Avengers."17 said as the agent groaned with disgust. "and that wall crawling menace."

"Of course they brought in the Spider." The agent said as they left the room. "Is that it?"

"Yes, want me to deliver the report?" 17 asked as the agent handed him a tablet. "Want me say anything to him?"

"Tell him we've figured out how to get his strength back." The agent said as they walked down a corridor. "The device for it will be ready soon."

"I'll let him know."17 said as they stopped in front of a door. "Wish me luck." He said as he entered the room. "Sir, here's the report from my scouting mission."17 said as he approached a man slouching in a throne like chair staring out a window. "Also, I bring good news."

"It better be good." the man rasped before coughing. "What is it?"

"Our scientist have figured out a way to get your strength back."17 said handing the man the tablet. "It shall be ready soon."

"Excellent."The man said chuckling as 17 turned to leave. "How is.....Crimson?"

"Don't know, Don't care."17 said stopping in his tracks. "I wanted to kill him, but that honor belongs to you,"

"Wise choice." The man said grabbing a cane and stood as he began approaching the window. "I'll inform Red Skull of your success."

"Yes sir." 17 said as the man scrolled through the device. "Anything else..Lord Tirek?"

"That will be all 17." Tirek said without looking up. "You are dismissed, Hail hydra."

"Hail hydra." 17 said before leaving. "It's matter of time." He muttered to himself as he closed the door.

Author's Note: