• Published 20th Jan 2017
  • 7,675 Views, 239 Comments

Equestria girls Hell rider - Tunefulsubset72

Something is coming to canter lot city, something with a lust for vengeance..

  • ...

Camp counseling (Written by Crimson Beat)

--- Crimson/Grimstone---

Hey wake up. We're here time for you to take control. Grimstone said in my head as he pulled into the driveway right in front of the Rich's Estate.

"Crap man how long was I out?" I asked as I yawned while desperately trying to find my drink in the darkness.

'Bout two hours, but we're finally here and you may want to see this. Grimstone said as his tone grew more serious. I opened my eyes only to be greeted by dismembered bodies tossed throughout the yard like a child with his toys. I opened the door only to step in something that made a spine chilling squelch sound.

" I think this is the place." I said in confirmation when I realized I was standing in a pool of red human nectar.

Well let's get this show on the road I count six bodies in the yard. Grimstone added.

" Same I see two of the grounds men and four police officers that arrived to the call." I said as I broke off a branch from a nearby tree and started moving some of the clothes around trying to find identification. Snap a twig broke right behind me. I turned around and lifted up the branch in my hands ready to swing, but it was only a rabbit.

D@mn flee bag. Grimstone said as he caught his breath. Before I could turn around I felt a dead gaze on the back of my head as if something were standing right behind me. I turned around only to have a fist hit me in the jaw sending me five feet in front of me.

" Ouch you jerk what was that f-" I started to say only to realize who was standing before me. There he was 6'8" sporting his usual dark brown jacket and black pants. He didn't say a word. All I saw was his white and red hockey mask and the machete in his hand.

"There you are bubba!" I said as I stood up with a smile on my face as my body had mist starting to poor out of it. "Now the real fun begins Jason!" I screamed as my skin opened up to make way for a toxic green exo-skeleton that covered me like an armor." RRRRAAGGGHHHH!" I yelled as I opened my mouth as far as it would go to let out the skull of a wolf that covered my head like a helmet. My eyes became black and red and my once red and black hair turned to a burgundy colored mist like the assistant principal Luna's hair.

Jason just stood there with a baffled expression...I think.

---Grimstone P.O.V.---

"Huh, does my appearance make you speechless?!" I yelled as I roundhouse kicked him square in his right shoulder with the force of a train. He was launched by my kick directly into my car leaving I giant dent the size of a boulder. He just sat there with his usual blank stare as black blood dripped out the holes of his mask.

"Come on man couldn't you have spared the car?" I asked with a hurt tone in my voice. I'm assuming this made him mad because he then stood up and grabbed the car and threw it at me. I just snickered as lifted my hand and pointed at the car. My hair turned a gray metallic color and launched itself at the car splitting it right in half.

"Don't be a sorry sport the fun is just getting started." I said as my hair turned to the regular burgundy mist." Now if you want to give up that's perfectly understandable I mean I am a de-" I was cut off when I felt a sharp pain in my left elbow only to look down and see that it had literally been 'cut off'.

"You monsters are never easy to deal with are you?" I said calmly as green mist poured out of my wound and grabbed my forearm reattaching it." Now where should I cut you?" I said as my fingers disappeared only to be replaced by dark flaming talons." Maybe I should cut your nerves in your left hand so you will drop that butter knife? Or, maybe your legs and leave you just as a stump? Or even better how about I take your little toy and shove it down your windpipe and light your a$s on fire?!" I screamed as I slashed at his stomach causing large gray lumps to fall out followed by a black liquid. His torso then burst into flames that slowly went inside his body.
He tried desperately to fight off the attack to little success.

"Having fun with my purgatorial flames are we?" I said as I knocked him to the side two feet away. I then walked over and grabbed him by the throat and threw him into the house through a brick wall.

"And touchdown the crowd goes wild! They're chanting his name! GRIMSTONE, GRIMSTONE, GRIMSTONE!" I said as I rushed into the hole looking for my little friend. Suddenly before I could utter a word the rubble below me suddenly exploded as a tattered hand sprung forth and grabbed my ankle.

"Oh this is going to hurt like a Mothe-!" I started saying as I was slammed into the ground face first repeatedly. "I. GET. IT. NOW." I said during the free seconds I could talk. He then threw me at the wall and walked over." What are you going to do now big guy?" I said with a smile as I felt steady stream of blood pour down my chin, Then I felt a jolt in my gut only to look down and see his machete protruding from my stomach. I then passed out from blood loss with my eyes open.

I felt him tug on the blade trying to pull it out I saw my opportunity and grabbed his machete and pulled him in closer.

"That's not going to do it buddy." I said as my body was engulfed by flames burning his arms off completely. The flames created a crown that laid perfectly on my head." I AM THE ONE TRUE KING OF THE DAEMON RACE. GRIMSTONE NOW BOW BEFORE ME AND TREMBLE AS I SEND YOU TO HELL PERSONALLY!" I yelled as the real me came out.

I swiped my claw in the air to the right of me causing a portal to open where the hilt of a sword came out. I grasped the sword and pulled with all my might. The sword came out easily and laid at my side. At that very moment I saw one emotion finally show itself in his eyes. It was fear. With one mighty swing I ripped his head clean off his shoulders as the floor and ceiling were showered in the dark black smelly blood.

*huff* *huff* I panted as I regained my composure looking at my fallen enemy who suddenly burst into dark flames as the purgatorial flames did their job. I walked over to his decapitated head and smiled.

"Now did you learn your lesson young man?" I said as I picked up his head." No answer? Oh well." I added as I removed his mask for a trophy. I looked at my new prize and threw his head into the fire. I walked over to my sword which was which was standing perfectly on it's hilt as if the skull on it were watching our enemy burn.

"Be gone Hell Watcher your job is done for the night." As I said this the sword burst into white flames and disappeared leaving a skull and crossbones mark on the floor. I then let my mist hair envelop me as it turned bright red turning me back to normal.

Vrrmm Vrrmm I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I pulled it out and opened it up to see a text message from Rarity.

Rainbow is in the hospital she was very badly burned by a guy named Scorpion. Also we know that Blizzard is the Ghost Rider he's taking Rainbow to the hospital now as we speak. Heading there too will keep you updated once we catch up.

Oh s@it Grimstone commented as I crushed my phone to pieces in my hand.

" Grimstone I need your powers now." I said as I put Jason's mask on my shoulder like a guard.

No problem man brace yourself. He said as I felt my shoulder blades burn like someone put red hot irons on them.

"AAAAAGGGGHHHH" I yelled as two skeletal wings resembling those of a bat burst forth from my shoulder blades." BLIZZARD YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!!!" I proclaimed as I rocketed through the hole Grimstone made heading towards the city.

Author's Note:

Grimstone/Crimson's sword