• Published 20th Jan 2017
  • 7,656 Views, 239 Comments

Equestria girls Hell rider - Tunefulsubset72

Something is coming to canter lot city, something with a lust for vengeance..

  • ...

The 4th

---Hydra base---

"How much longer?" Flint asked as he stared at a machine. "Tirek is not exactly known for his patience."

"Just a few more hours." A scientist said as she typed at a computer.

"The sooner, the better." Flint said as the agent entered the lab. "Well?"

"Crimson is no where to be found." The agent said as Flint smiled to the news. "And Shadoc has been detained."

"Have you informed Tirek?" Flint asked as the agent nodded. "Is that all?"

"Your new orders, straight from Red Skull himself." The agent said as he handed Flint a file. "This target is....Unique."

"Now we're striking at the heart." Flint said as he smiled evilly. "Current location?"

"Canterlot city, the Avengers are there, so watch your back." The agent said as Flint nodded. "This mission is different as well, you are to use any means necessary to bring your target back alive."

"Understood." Flint said as he followed the agent out of the room. "When am I due to leave?"

"As soon as you are ready." The agent said as they went in separate directions.


DONT LOOK BACK!!!! A voice shouted in my mind

"No." I muttered as I tossed and turned.

RUN SON!!!! I heard my Mother shout as sweat rolled down my face. RUN!!!

"No!" I said louder.

BLIZZARD!!!!! my Father shouted as an image of the ceiling collapsing on my parents flashed inside my mind.

"NO!!!!" I shouted as I shot up and hit my head on a lamp hanging above me. "Ow." I muttered as I rubbed my and looked around and noticed I was in a lab. "Rider?"

~Way hey drunken whaler, way hey drunken whaler~ the Rider sang drunkenly as I groaned SOLDIER, YOUR OUT OF UNIFORM, get some pants on.....zzzz

"Da f@ck?" I muttered as The Rider snores faded away. "At least he's quiet." I whispered as I noticed Rainbow with her head resting on her arms as she slept a nearby table.

"Good you are awake." A robotic voice said as I yelped and fell to the floor. "My apologies."

"Thanks for the scare Tony." I muttered as the suit of armor approached me. "I'm not going to attack."

"I am Jarvis, Mr. Stark is currently upstairs keeping an eye on Green Song." Jarvis said as I raised in eyebrow at him.

"Okay then." I said as I noticed I wasn't in my shirt and jacket. "Where's my shirt?"

"On the chair over there."Jarvis said pointing. "Lunch will be arriving soon."

"Pizza?" I asked as Rainbow woke up with a yawn. "Morning sleeping Beauty."

"Good to see you're finally awake." Rainbow said as she stood up and stretched. "You won't believe what...."Rainbow trailed off as her faced turned beet red. My gawd, you could grind meat on those. She thought to herself.

"Erm Rainbow?" I said as Jarvis walked over to her and waved his metal hand in her face. "She acts like she's never seen a guy without a shirt." I said as I slipped my shirt over my head.

"Huh what?" Rainbow said as I laughed. "You say something?"

"Never mind." I said as Rainbow gave me a suspicious look. "Anyway, what did I miss, other then Crimson going missing."

"How do you know already?" Rainbow asked.

"I can't sense Grimstone anywhere, which means he's gone." I said as we left the lab. "How's Green Song taking it?"

"Not well." Rainbow said sadly. "And honestly, neither am I."

"He'll be back." I said as I placed my hand on her shoulder as a tear rolled down her cheek as we hugged. "He's probably been through worse than this." I said as we let go of each other.

"You're probably right." Rainbow said as we walked in the living room, to see the rest of the Avengers. "Did I forget to mention the Avengers wanted to talk to you?"

"I'm in a good mood to talk." I said as Captain America approached me. "You guys can relax, the Rider is out of service for a little bit."

SEX MAKES BABIES!!!!! The rider shouted as I face palmed. THEY DID THE MONSTER MASH!!!! Rider began singing.

"What's he saying?" Rainbow asked worried as I groaned.

"You don't want to know." I grumbled. "Anyway, you need my help or what?"

"You could say that." Cap said as he crossed his arms. "Tony here told us about what hydra has been doing here."

"If you're asking for me to help you find their base, I honestly don't know where to start." I said as Thor appeared behind me as Rainbow backed away." He's going to hit me with the hammer isn't he?"

"And why would I do that?" Thor asked as I shrugged.

"After what Rider did to your buddy Hulk." I said as Thor raised his hammer. "Does Crimson have coverage for super hero damage?"


Wake up dude we got work to do. A calm voice said.

What're you doing idiot get up!! A angry voice commanded.

"Morning to you too." Apocalyptus muttered as he stood up brushing him self. "Where am I?"

"In my field." A voice with an Irish said as looked around and saw a man holding a rifle. "Tell me who you are and why you're in my field or I'll blow your balls off."

"I'm looking for someone." Apocalyptus said as he looked at the man as the man took a step back in fear as he saw glowing eyes. "His name is Stromm, heard of him?"

"That I have." The man said he lowered his weapon. "He's in a small town not too far from here, about a three hour walk."

"Thank you." Apocalyptus said as the man nodded. "You wouldn't have a cloak by any chance."

"Yes actually, and I have no problem Giving it to you." The man said as he motioned for the demon to follow him. "It's back at the house, you'd put Ireland in a state of panic with eyes like those."

"Geez thanks." Apocalyptus said sarcastically as the man chuckled. "What is your name?"

"The name Sean, and yours?" Sean asked.

"Apocalyptus." Apocalyptus responded.

"I'll call you Apoc then." Sean said as Apocalyptus groaned. "Why are you looking for Stromm?"

"He's an old friend, and I need his help." Apocalyptus said as the approached Sean's house.

"Well good luck with that." Sean said as they entered the house. "Wait here, don't want you scaring the family."

"I understand." The demon said as Sean disappeared into the next room.

I hope Green Song's alright. Crimson voice echoed inside Apocalyptus' mind.

"She'll be fine, Stark and Blizzard are with her." Apoclypus said as he sat on the arm of the couch next to him. "I'm more worried about Stromm."

He's pretty stubborn sometimes. Grimstone groaned.

"Agreed." Apocalyptus said as Sean reappeared holding a brown cloak. "Thank you again."

"It's no problem, to find your friend, ask around at taverns or inns at the village." Sean said as Apocalyptus put the cloak on. "You might get lucky and see Stromm at one."

"What do you mean?" Apocalyptus asked.

---Sometime later---
~Irish village~

"Five taverns and three inns." Apocalyptus groaned as he entered the sixth tavern. "He'd better be here."

"Welcome to Glippers, what can I get ya?" The bartender said as Apocalyptus sat at the bar.

"I'm looking for someone." Apocalyptus said as the bartender cleaned a mug. "Goes by the name of Stromm."

"You friend of his?" The bartender asked as Apocalyptus nodded. "Hey Stromm, the man claims to be friend of yours."

"What's his name?" A voice called as Apocalyptus turned around.

"Well I went by Crimson Beat, but now it's Apocalyptus." Apocalyptus said as he approached Stromm. "Good to see you old friend."

"What do ya want Apoca?" Stromm asked bluntly. "Better question, What hole did ya dig yourself into this time?"

"Still holding a grudge?" Apocalyptus asked as he sat down at Stromm's table. "That was years ago."

"Stills feels like yesterday." Stromm said as he chugged down his drink. "Shouldn't you be dealing with Chyrsalis instead of bugging me?"

"She was brought to justice a few weeks ago." Apocalyptus said as Stromm rolled his eyes. "Don't believe me?"

"I believe ya." Stromm said as he looked at his empty mug. "But that doesn't answers my question, why are you here?"

"Hydra's returned, and they took Spitfire and killed three agents of shield." Apocalyptus said a Stromm sighed. "Before the team we shut down you retired, we need your help once more."

"I hate to break it to ya, but me fightin' days are over, go ask North or one of the other guys." Stromm said as he leaned back in his seat. "Or are they still mad at you too?"

"Your sister and her husband died six years ago." Apocalyptus said as Stromm sighed. "I'm sorry."

"Chysalis?" Stromm asked sadly as Apocalyptus nodded. "At least she's behind bars now, thank you for letting me know."

"None of us have seen you in almost ten years." Apocalyptus said with a hint of anger. "And that's all you have to say."

"I left for a reason, and only me sister knew why, I'm glad she took that secret to her grave." Stromm said as Apocalyptus growled. "Don't try with me Apoca, my word still stands."

"Very well." Apoca said with a sigh. "How's life been?"

"Peaceful." Stromm said as he crossed his arms. "You and Spitfire have any kids, well other than..."

"We have a daughter, her name is Green Song." Apocalyptus said as Stromm chuckled. "Also, Flint was one of the reasons I need to talk to you."

"Didn't he die as a baby?" Stromm asked as Apocalyptus sighed. "He's alive?"

"And with hydra, He goes by the name 17 sometimes."Apocalyptus said as Stromm stroked his chin.

"So Hydra's still making Cyber Soldiers." Stromm muttered to himself. "Well this changes things." Stromm said as Apocalyptus looked at him confused. "I'll help, but I'm not fighting if I don't have too."

"What made you change your mind?" Apocalyptus asked.

"Your son is still alive, and you want him back." Stromm said as he stood up and grabbed a white coat. "If you said it was a family matter, I would've said yes without a second thought."

"Did you not here me when I said Spitfire was taken." Apocalyptus said as Stromm rolled his eyes.

"No offense, but I never trusted her." Stromm said as he paid the bartender. "Being a shield agent and all."

"She's my wife, I trust her. And besides she knows how to keep 'family' secrets" Apocalyptus said as they left the tavern. "Still have your old suit?"

"It's at me house." Stromm said as they walked down the street. "But like I said, me figthin' days of over."

"Listen, Crimson is very sorry for what happened that day." Apocalyptus said as Stromm sighed. "He didn't...."

"He didn't know that me wife and son were in that hydra base?" Stromm snapped in anger. "You're lucky I'm helping you get your son back, I don't want him to suffer anymore then I did."

"What do you mean?" Apocalyptus asked as Stromm looked away.

"As grateful as I am that Crimson and the team saved me before I joined with shield, you should've at least got my family out of there first." Stromm said sadly. "and left me to die."

"Is this the beer talking?" Apocalyptus asked. "Because if it is, you need to lay off."

"Beer hasn't done anything to me for years." Stromm said as the continued down the street as music filled the air. "Tell me, before you came for me, did you try to save my family first."

"We did, but they thought we were hydra agents and....." Apocalyptus trailed off as he sighed. "Your wife put a gun to her head and your son was killed by an explosion."

"Their minds were broken." Stromm said sadly as a tear rolled down his cheek. "Hydra performed experiments on all of us....What number did you son go by?"

"17, Why?" Apocalyptus asked as Stromm gave him a worried look. "When we met him, he was sane."

"Did he call himself perfect?" Stromm asked as Apocalyptus nodded. "Then things got a lot more interesting."

"Why are you saying?" Apocalyptus asked as they stopped in front of Stromm's house.

"17 was not the first perfect one." Stromm said as he opened the door. "There was one other, Cyber Soldier 4." He said as he flipped a switch as the room flooded with light. "I may be retired, but I'm still keeping track of hydra." Stromm said as Apocalyptus looked at around the room, which was filled with pictures and maps showing hydra activity.

"I'm impressed." Apocalyptus said as he looked at a map of Canterlot City, and noticed a big red 'X' on a section of it. "What's with this?"

"A recent hydra base, if anything that's where your family will be." Stromm said as he took off his coat. "You'll need an army to get in there."

"We have a hulk." Apocalyptus joked as Stromm groaned. "Anyway, can you tell more about this other cyber soldier."

"Better yet, I can tell you where he is." Stromm said as he leaned on the table. "He'll be more then willing to help you."

"Where can I find him?" Apocalyptus asked with a raised eyebrow as Stromm rolled up his sleeve to reveal a white metal arm. "I figured as much. You were always bad at keeping secrets."

"Aye, I'm the 4th." Stromm said with a sigh. "If you want your son back, you'll need my help."

"Well we're pressed for time so I'll have to buy you that beer later." Apocalyptus said jokingly. "So what's the plan?"

---Canterlot city---

"Hey Thor, Weren't you keeping an eye on Green Song?" Tony asked as Rainbow handed me and ice pack. "Where is she?"

"She wished to be left alone and went for a walk." Thor said as he stared down next him as I glared at him. "My apologizes."

"Mother F@cker." I muttered as I winced in pain. "You should've hit Rider, not me."

SCREW YOU!!!! The Rider shouted now sober.

"Would you have felt the pain?" Thor asked as I shook my head. "I'll keep that in mind."

"Quit whining you big baby." Rainbow said as I glared at her. "You're a Ghost Rider, you should have walked it off."

"That's if the Riders in control." I said as Rainbow laughed as someone knocked on the door.

"I'll get it." Rainbow said as she opened the door to reveal Pinkie in panicked state. "Hey Pinkie....You alright?"

"MEN WITH GUNS, SHOOTING DOWN TOWN, GREEN SONG TAKEN AND...." Pinkie said panicked as Rainbow pulled her inside. "Oh hey the Avengers."

"Pinkie, what happened again?" Rainbow asked as Pinkie took a deep breath. "Slowly."

"So me and Rarity were at the downtown mall shopping when I spotted Green Song all sad and alone, so I went to cheer her up." Pinkie said with a smile. "Then this black van pulled up and these guys with guns jumped out and started shooting, they all wore masks so I couldn't see what they looked liked."

"Is everyone alright?" Cap asked as Pinkie nodded." Can you describe what these mask look liked?"

"Not just masks, but full uniforms, each one had a red symbol on it with a skull and tentacles." Pinkie said as each of the Avengers glanced at her. "I'm guessing it might've been hydra, but during the commotion, one of them had a metal arm and it tuned into a gun of some kind and he shoot at Green Song." Pinkie said as her hair dropped. "He hit her, then just took her."

"So hydra has Green Song now?!"I said as I stood up. "Things have just gone bad to worse."

Crimson is going to be soo pissed when he finds out... Rider said in a quiet tone.

Author's Note:

Stromm's armour