• Published 20th Jan 2017
  • 7,675 Views, 239 Comments

Equestria girls Hell rider - Tunefulsubset72

Something is coming to canter lot city, something with a lust for vengeance..

  • ...

The one and only

"So what's the plan?" Tony asked as Crimson smirked. "I take it that you have something planned at least."

"Back before Grimstone came along, I was part of a task force with shield for a few years." Crimson said. "It was me and four others."

"Task Force 12, I remember Fury mentioning something about it." Tony said as he looked out the window. "He also told me that he shut it down."

"Grimstone happened." Crimson said as he sighed. "Only three of the other are still alive, Northwest helped me and a friend start the team, but he died along with his wife a few years back."

"Blizzard's their son, right?" Tony asked as Crimson nodded. "Who the others?"

"Stromm, Nazico, and Shadoc." Crimson said as a sad look appeared on his face. "We were the best of friends, we once raided a changeling base outside of Nashville with some new shield recruits...."

"I read about that mission." Tony said accidentally interrupting Crimson. "None of the recruits made it back alive."

"Fury new the danger, but he sent them with us anyway." Crimson said angrily. "He blamed us for what happened, me especially, so he shut down our team, once in awhile two of us would get together and stop some changelings, but not as much anymore."

"You mentioned Nazico and Shadoc, aren't they the Wingfeather brothers?" Tony asked as Crimson looked at him. "So you got with work with royalty, neat." He said as silence fell between them. "So...Where are we going exactly?"

"Shadoc happens to live here in Canterlot. Every now and then we go out for drinks." Crimson said as he turned down a street. "Hopefully we can get to him before......Oh no." Crimson trailed off as he noticed an ambulance in front of Shadoc's house.

"Well that's not good." Tony said as Crimson stopped the car and got out.

"Shadoc, what happened?" Crimson said running up noticing his friend as Daring was rolled out of the house on a stretcher.

"Hydra happened." Shadoc said as the peramedics lifted the stretcher. "They almost killed Daring, tried to kill me."

"How many?" Crimson asked as Tony jogged over to them.

"Just one, but he just wasn't any hydra agent." Shadoc said with worry. "His arm...."

"Had the ability to transform into a gun?" Tony asked as Shadoc nodded. "It's the same guy that killed Hobbs and Williams."

"Hobbs and Williams are dead?" Shadoc asked as Crimson nodded sadly. "Jaysus, that not good, they helped form the team."

"You think this agent is targeting members of task force twelve?" Crimson asked.

"Most likely, he mentioned he took out my brother sometime ago." Shadoc said as Crimson sighed sadly. "That just leaves Stromm."

"The weakest of us." Crimson said as Tony stared at a rooftop across the street. "What ya looking at?"

"I think someone's watching us." Tony said as the Shadoc and Crimson looked at the roof. "WE KNOW YOUR THERE!!!" Tony shouted as a figure stood up and fired at them. "GET DOWN!!"

"That's the agent." Shadoc said as they ducked behind Crimson's car. "He took what he wanted."

"What did he take?" Crimson asked as a bullet bounced off the car as Shadoc glanced at him. "Oh no."

"Mind filling me in." Tony said as he covered his head from another bullet.

"On one of missions we found something, Fury wanted it." Crimson said as he peeked over the car. "The blood of Captain America."

"Why would he want caps blood?" Tony asked.

"Super soldier serum." Shadoc said as his eyes turned purple. "I'll rip him to shreds." Shadoc said as he formed a ball of energy and threw it at 17. "I'LL F@CKING KILL YOU!!!!" Shadoc yelled in rage as he vanished in a plume of mist and reappeared in front 17 and kicked him off the roof. "You mess with the bull, you get the horns." Shadoc jumped off after 17

"I should've realized who you are and that it was foolish to try to kill you in an ordinary way." 17 said as he stood up. "I won't make the same mistake twice."

"I'd like to see you try." Shadoc said as his hand turned into claws. "I was born with the soul of Yurgun, King of the sea dragons."

"And I was born and turned into the perfect hydra soldier." 17 said as he aimed his gun Shadoc. "I have orders to kill, and I'm going to obey those orders one way or another....(WHAM!!!!)

"You're not going to kill any more people." Tony said fully suited in his armor as he pinned 17 to the ground. "I suggest you surrender."

"I never surrender." 17 said as he broke free from Iron man's grip and slammed him into the ground. "Perks of being a cyber soldier, It comes with super strength."

"Perks of living in Canterlot city, we have a Ghost Rider." Crimson said as loud roar was heard and flaming chain wrapped around 17. "What took ya?"

"NOT NOW!!!!" The Rider roared as he flung 17 across the ally. "You killed lots of people didn't ya?"

"Only those I've been told to kill." 17 said as Shadoc took a step forward but Crimson stopped him. "Even those who got in my way." 17 said as Crimson glared. "Don't worry, Spitfire isn't dead....Well, not yet anyway."

"Where is she?!" Crimson yelled as he clenched his fist and his eyes started turning red and black.

"I'm afraid thats for you to find out." 17 said chuckling as the Rider growled. "An avenger, a ghost, a demon, and a dragon, whatever shall I do?" 17 said mockingly. "As much as I'd like to stay and chat, I have a deliver to make to my leader."

"And who would that be?" Iron man asked as 17 looked at Crimson. "Crimson?"

"Just like your son, you thought he was dead." 17 said as Crimson charged at him as Grimstone took control and slammed a fist into the wall behind him."Does the big bad wolf want to play?"

"I'LL RIP YOU TO SHREDS!!!" Grimstone roared as 17 laughed. "Laughing in the face of death?"

"Take my mask off, then you'll see." 17 said as Grimstone removed his mask.

"No... no I though it was true but I didn't want to believe it..." Crimson said as he partially regained control. "Son?"

"The one and only." Flint said kicking Crimson back. "As much as I'd like to kill you, I have orders not too."

"What did they do to you?" Crimson asked as Flint scoffed. "What did hydra do to you?"

"Perfected me." Flint said as his gun changed and a white glow came from the barrel of the gun. "Now get out of my way." Flint said as he aimed the gun at him. "I'd hate to disobey orders."

"Does your mother know?" Crimson asked as Flint scowled.

"Just like you, she's dead to me." Flint said as he fired the gun.

"I'm sorry Flint." Crimson said as the Rider tackled him out of the way as the bullet hit the Rider.

"D@MN IT, I ONLY HAD THE ONE ANGEL BULLET!!!" Flint yelled in rage as Shadoc charged him. "I guess melee will work." Flint said as he dodged Shadoc as he pulled out a white glowing dagger. "Chrsyalis wasn't the only one with Angel blood."

"Rider, you okay?" Crimson asked as I turned back to normal as I yelled in pain.

"The bullet had angel..ACK.. Blood on it." I said as I gripped my leg. "I guees it can hurt spirits too."

"Tony get him out of here." Crimson said as Iron man picked me up. "Take him to my lab."

"What about you?" Iron man asked as Shadoc grabbed Flint and rammed him through the wall.

"I'll make sure he doesn't let Yurgun get in control." Crimson said as ran towards the fight as he let Grimstone regain control.

"Shadoc, don't kill him." Grimstone said as Shadoc looked at him and roared. "Don't let Yurgun take control."

"What do you think I'm doing?" Shadoc said as his skin turned into shiny grey scales and wing shot out of his back. "But, try and stop me from killing him."

"Don't say I didn't warn you, COME HELL WATCHER!!!" Grimstone said his sword appeared as Shadoc slammed 17 into the ground. "Shadoc, that's enough."

"Yes, listen to the demon." Flint said evilly. "Kill me, he tears you to shreds."

"You planned this." Shadoc said as Flint grunted in pain as Shadoc applied more pressure. "You see, I'm the only one who can keep up with Grimstone."

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" Grimstone yelled as he punched Shadoc off him. "YOU, STAY HERE."

"As if." Flint said standing up as he picked his mask up off the ground as he activated his communicator. "Mission successful, the two titans are going at it."

"Return to base." a voice said from the communicator as Flint began to walk away.

"This has been fun gentlemen." Flint said as he walked away. "Have a nice day."

"FLINT!!!" Grimstone yelled as Shadoc slammed him into the ground and blew fire out of his mouth. "I guess we're doing this the hard way."


"I wonder what Blizzard's up to?" Rainbow asked no one in particular as she and Green Song walked to Crimson's house.

"Probably hunting somebody down." Song said as Rainbow shrugged as she spotted Iron Man landing in front of her house carrying something. "Is that Iron Man?"

"Isn't he friends with Crimson?" Rainbow asked as Song shrugged as Tony walked inside the garage. "Let's find what he's up to." She said as they ran towards the garage as the door to the lab was opened. "Crimson has a lab?"

"Um...yeah." Song said as the entered. "He never told you?"

"Not on bit." Rainbow said as the walked around. "I knew he liked to make stuff, but this is just awesome."

"Mr. Stark?" Song called a she noticed his helmet on a table. "Hello?"

"Stay where you are." Tony said stepping in front of them. "I'm sorry, but you can't go any further."

"What's wrong?" Song asked as Rainbow looked behind Tony.

"Is that Blizzard?" Rainbow asked as Tony sighed. "Blizzard?"

"He's hurt, bad." Tony said as Rianbow pushed passed him. "If your brother doesn't deal with his problem, he could..."

"He could what?" Rainbow asked a she looked at him. "What happened?"

"Hydra apparently got their hands on Angel Blood." Tony said as Rainbow covered her mouth as she gasped. "For all I know, Blizzard dying."

"Wait where's dad?" Green Song asked as she looked around.

"He's back at Shadoc's house fighting that hydra agent." Tony answered. "Wait what is that sound?"

"I don't know but it sounds like a swarm of angry bees." Rainbow said as she began looking around.

"Wait where's his orb?" Green Song asked as she looked around frantically.

"Uh I found it, but somethings wrong with it." Tony said as he found it lying under pillows in a bowl.

"Oh no we need to get to him now." Green Song said as the orb began cracking. Then without warning the orb just shattered into pieces.

"Jarvis take the X-18 suit and take care of Blizzard while we go see what's happening." Tony said as he stepped into his suit.

"Will Blizzard be okay?" Rainbow said scared.

"Don't worry about him Mr. Stark has given me the medical suit that will allow me to make sure he is perfectly fine once you return." A computerized voice said as a red and white suit began forming itself out of a briefcase.

"Thanks Jarvis. Now hold on girls." Tony said as he grabbed Rainbow and Green Song under his arms and flew towards Shadoc's house at top speed.

---Shadoc's House---

"RRRAAAAGGGGHHHHH" Yurgun yelled as he began slashing at Grimstone wildly.

"Yurgun let him have control again you d@mned gecko!" Grimstone yelled as he tried to dodge the oncoming onslaught.

"You're one to talk you mangy mutt you know the only way to bring back Shadoc and neither of you are willing to go that far!" Yurgun laughed.

"Don't make us do it we both know it won't end well." Grimstone said as he popped his broken wrist back into place.

"Well either you die or I leave here and kill everyone in this town until I find that twerp." Yurgun announced.

"I won't let you kill anyone!" Grimstone yelled as he sucker punched Yurgun and sent him flying into his house.

"Nice punch wolfie." Yurgun said as he rubbed his jaw. "Well you better make your decision quickly because if you don't I will start with those two." Yurgun said as he pointed upwards to Tony who was carrying Rainbow and Green Song.

"DON'T YOU DARE!!!!" Grimstone and Crimson yelled at the same time with pure utter rage in their voices as their body was covered in a bright red light which shot into the air releasing great heat.

"Now the real fun begins!" Yurgun yelled. "You two girls may want to pay attention and see what he really is capable of." Yurgun screamed at Rainbow and Green Song.

"What does he mean?" Green Song said as they were getting prepped to land.

"I don't know, but it doesn't seem to-" Rainbow began before she was cut off by a atrociously loud roar.

"When the world began, I cleansed it with fire. When human life began, I made examples of those who opposed me. When the world cried for relief, I showed my dominance. When the world tries to fight me, I will cleanse the world and start from anew." Crimson and Grimstone said in unison as their skin began to break apart and they grew in size. "BIOMERGE!!" They both yelled as they turned into a giant armor scaled wyvern with neon green eyes.

"So you finally went that far eh?" Yurgun said as he raised eyebrow.

The wyvern just stood there and growled.

"Dad are you okay?" Green Song said as she looked at what was once her dad.

"RRRRRRAAAAAHHHHHHH" The wyvern screamed into the air as a giant bolt of lightening struck it.

"What are you gonna do with that little bug za--" Yurgun was cut off as a giant bolt of green lightening that emanated from the wyverns tail struck him directly in the chest launching him into the wall causing him to pass out.

"Bro snap out of it!" Rainbow screamed as she walked in front of the wyvern.

"Don't Rainbow it can and probably will kill you!" Tony yelled.

The wyvern then charged at Rainbow, but stopped only inches away from her face. Looking her directly in the eyes.

"Please Crimson stop this..." Rainbow said as she tried to reach her hand towards him.

The beast snarled showing its toxic green metallic teeth.

"I don't want to hurt you. I just want my brother back." Rainbow said as she began to cry as she finally placed her hand on the side of the wyverns head.

The wyvern then slowly moved his head away from her hand as what looked like a tear rolled down the side of it's cheek.

"Crimson?" Rainbow said.

Then in a bright flash of light the beast was gone and standing in its place was a man who was covered in a skeletal armor that looked like a wolfs skeleton that was a dark red with flaming purple orbs in the eye sockets. Then the man turned around showing who was under the armor.

"Dad what's wrong?" Green Song said as she walked over next to Rainbow.
"I'm sorry, but I am not the Crimson you once knew. You may call me Apocalyptus." Apocalyptus commented as he turned around only to reveal trails of tears that looked to be made out of blood flowed down his cheek. "I have caused all of you pain that should not have been experienced. And for that I am truly sorry. Our journey together ends now I will continue this fight alone. Goodbye." Apocalyptus said as he turned around and the wings of the wyvern burst out of his back as he flapped once and was launched into the air.

"Wait don't go!!!" Rainbow and Green Song yelled as he flew away.

"Save your breath he isn't coming back.." Tony said as he rubbed his eyes. "Let's clean this place up."

Author's Note:

For anyone who wants to know, Shadocs accent is British