• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 8,305 Views, 1,284 Comments

Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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Green and Blue

As Zarbol guided the ship towards Earth, things were quiet and peaceful inside. Moondancer did her best to use that calm and peace to try and meditate, but that peace was interrupted as the ship came under attack by a large green creature made of tentacles, mouths, and one large eye. "What is that?" Alinivar demanded as he led the race to the combat deck to try and fight it off.

"Gargiathan," Niiue stated quickly. "A space creature that attacks and devours space ships. It's incredibly durable, and can regenerate any part of its body it loses. I'm pretty sure we won't be able to destroy it here. The best we can do is make it take enough damage to drive it off-"

"It's only got one eye!" Moondancer pointed out. "And it's in the center of its body, like some sort of nucleus! Maybe if we focus our attacks there, we'll be able to do some real damage?"

"Maybe, maybe not zoom!" Colonel Saturn offered. "But can ship hold up while we find out?"

"I've actually got an idea," Mondancer continued. "But do any of you know PSI Beam, or any laser-type attack?"

"I have a spread laser attack, sorta," Zarbol offered. "It...might work."

"I know PSI Beam," Niiue provided. "It's not as strong as it was, but it should work for whatever your plan is."

"Larice knew it..." Alinivar offered sorrowfully.

"Do you know PSI Freeze?" Moondancer quizzed Alinivar insistently.

"Just Beta, but yes," Alinivar confirmed.

"Alright, here's the plan," Moondancer offered quickly. "As soon as we get out there, Alinivar cast PSI Freeze on the outermost layer of Gargiathon's eye! Don't try to freeze the eye itself, just try and solidify and crystallize the outermost lens."

"My Glare might diamondize it, if I focus on just that," Alinivar offered hopefully.

"Then try both!" Moondancer insisted. "Colonel Saturn, what about you?"

"Laser gun, boing?" the small soldier offered. "Borrow from Larice. Not use well, but can pull trigger zoom."

"When I give the signal, all three of you focus all your beams on the target area," Moondancer instructed firmly. "You'll know it when you see it."

"I'll instruct the other ship to hold their lasers until they see us using ours!" Boson - Zarbol's pink friend - called out from the comms.

Gargiathon let out a roar as they all arrived, the sound coming from its many mouths as it focused its single eye on the group. Alinivar immediately acted, unleashing PSI Freeze Beta and his Glare, focusing the energy of both on the outer coating of the eyeball. Gargiathon flinched back with a snarl, trying to shake the crystal-ice lens that took shape there. "It...it worked!" Alinivar gasped out in shock. "I can't believe it worked!"

Moondancer frowned, focusing her PSI. What she was trying to do was a little beyond her if she were going to use it as an attack on its own, but she hoped she had the strength for this purpose. PSI Shockwave - the PSI only the Geeg could use - turned PSI power into light that was not light to barrage targets with endless streams of power. Moondancer had only mastered PSI Shockwave Beta, but Gamma was what she needed. Gamma created planes of light to focus and amplify the PSI power for more devastating blasts. She couldn't focus her PSI well enough to unleash Gamma, but if she could just create one plane of light...

Nine squares of hard-light PSI flew through the air before coming together in a spinning square between the ships and Gargiathon, the squares folding in at the corners to focus.

"Now!" Niiue roared out as he unleashed PSI Beam Epsilon, the powerful beams shooting into the plane of hard-light. Zarbol backed it up with his Sparks shot, the endless streams of tiny shots being drawn in. Though the laser weapon Colonel Saturn had borrowed sent him tumbling backwards nearly off the ship when he fired, the beam still tracked. The other ship - who was under attack by Gargiathon before they had arrived - unleashed its own defensive lasers.

As all the Beam and laser energy struck the plane, it focused into a single powerful Beam that shot into the crystalline lens and tore through the eye behind it as it was further amplified, and right out the back of the creature. Gargiathon let out a pained scream of rage...and fell still.

As Moondancer lost control of her PSI, she slumped to the ground. "Oogh...that was not pleasant..."

"What's this?" Zarbol asked as he caught a small sphere that floated out of Gargiathon's decaying body towards them.

Niiue's eyes widened as he caught sight of it. "That's...that's a Reboot Orb! You should definitely hang onto it. It'll come in handy at some point."

"Can we go back inside now?" Moondancer asked hopefully as she slumped atop Colonel Saturn, using him for a pillow.

With Gargiathon destroyed, Zarbol once more set course for Earth. "We're ready to land, but..." he began nervously.

"But?" Niiue asked curiously.

"There's some sort of barrier around the planet," the little UFO pointed out.

"I'll take care of that," Niiue insisted, floating out of the ship. Floating up to the barrier, he opened a door in it, letting the ship through...only for something to hit the ship.

"We're going down!" Alinivar shouted out as he held tight to Moondancer to keep her from being jostled. "Brace for impact!"

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