• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 8,305 Views, 1,284 Comments

Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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First Fragment

Feeling much more certain of themselves now, Ness, Moondancer, and Buzz Buzz progressed south along the forest- and cliff-lined path towards Onett proper. A few snakes and crows attacked, their very shape warped by Giygas influence, but Ness proved fully capable of handling himself with the PSI Bat as Moondancer stood back to watch, Buzz Buzz resting in her mane. Plainly, as long as they weren't encountering anything particularly dangerous, Ness could handle himself. The more he fought, the stronger and more sure of himself he seemed to get, though it was a slow process.

As they reached Onett proper, Ness stopped at the edge of town. "Alright...what do we do now?" he asked carefully.

"Why ask us?" Moondancer asked curiously. "This is your adventure."

"Because I don't really know what I'm doing," Ness admitted. "Fighting the monsters to turn them back into animals? Yeah, I can do that. But figuring out where to go? I haven't even gone to town without Mom before! I only just turned 13, and I'm more at home in the woods or up on the mountain than in town. I don't do well with people, I get all tongue tied..."

"You seem pretty verbose now," Buzz Buzz pointed out.

"Well..." Ness rubbed the back of his head nervously. "I...uh..."

"You were about to say 'I talk to animals all the time', only to worry how we'd feel about being called animals?" Moondancer translated. "Don't worry, we're not offended. You're an animal to us, too."

Ness sighed in relief. "Thanks for understanding. I mean, there are a few kids who enjoy spending time with me up at the clubhouse in those trees, but other than that..."

"I take it that's why you've never stood up to Pokey when he did things you didn't like?" Buzz Buzz inquired.

Ness flinched. "It's...it's not like that with Pokey...really..."

"Do you think we should check in with those friends of yours?" Moondancer asked curiously. "Maybe they'll have something to help on your adventure."

"Good idea!" Ness agreed happily before turning to head for the clubhouse. Moondancer and Buzz Buzz followed, Moondancer keeping up her 'Ignore Me' Aura so people wouldn't notice her if she didn't want them to, though she also kept her distance from the younger of Ness's friends. PSI Auras didn't effect the especially young, as their minds weren't developed enough to receive PSI impressions.

To Buzz Buzz's surprise, Ness's friends talked at him rather than with him, with Ness mostly communicating with nods, shakes of his head, shrugs, and smiles. While adults might have found such behavior concerning, Moondancer found herself amazed at just how much Ness was able to communicate to his friends without sound, carrying on a full conversation to all appearances. He walked away with his friends' well wishes and the loan of a Mr. Baseball Cap, which was infused with his friends' well wishes and thus interacted with his PSI energy to increase his defenses.

"While we were on Earth, we got a Town Map," Buzz Buzz pointed out to Moondancer. "We were told to return it to the library in Onett. Maybe the Town Map would be useful? It did map out every town..."

"I'll go get one!" Ness agreed readily, rushing into the Library to get one. The librarian was understanding enough to know exactly what it was he wanted. Coming back out as he unfolded it, he held it out so Moondancer and Buzz Buzz could examine it and plan the next course of action. "So...what now?"

"From the sound of it, you need some guidance," Buzz Buzz observed calmly. He crawled across the map as he examined individual houses. "...this place," he stated finally. "The map is incredibly detailed this close up, I can even read the signs off the map. And the sign outside this house says something about a Hint Shop. I bet if you bring some money, they can tell you where to go next. Like...like a fortune teller, but more accurate."

Moondancer and Ness exchanged glances. "I suppose it's worth a try," Moondancer allowed, letting Ness lead the way to the house Buzz Buzz had pointed out.

The house was rather plain on the outside, and even plainer on the inside. A balding man wearing glasses - his brown hair combed over his balding head from the sides - stood behind a stand made of cardboard nailed together, looking far from sturdy or reputable. "Welcome, Ness," he greeted softly as the group entered.

"You...know my name?" Ness asked nervously, not noticing Buzz Buzz and Moondancer stiffen at the sound of the man's voice.

"It's my job to give you hints when you get lost on your journey," the man replied readily. "Call me the Hint Man. Of course, my service is not free. If you are to grow, you must learn to stand on your own...and only through growth can you succeed. So I will charge you for the clues I provide...but I'm sure you'll find my prices quite reasonable. $35 dollars for your first hint."

"That's...reasonable?" Ness asked nervously. It sure sounded like a lot of money to him.

"Call your father about how much he's placed in your account for your adventure," Hint Man observed idly. "I'm sure you'll think otherwise."

Ness sighed. He did have $35 on him, as an emergency fund...but he needed to know where to go. He handed the money over.

The Hint Man happily accepted it. "It seems that the citizens of Onett are being harassed by those dang street punks called Sharks," he spoke up, as though reciting from a script. "I wonder if going to talk to Frank, the leader of the Sharks, would do any good?"

Ness groaned softly. "Great...that means I need to t-t-talk to people and ask about this Frank..."

"Fight some of the Sharks," Hint Man suggested blandly. "Not only will your Father send you more than enough to earn back the cost of the hint, some of them might have something to say about Frank."

Ness managed a smile. "Thanks..." Turning, he stepped out of the house.

Hint Man turned to Moondancer and Buzz Buzz. "Aren't you going to jo-"

"George?" Moondancer finally gasped out. It had to be. It was the same voice...wasn't it?"

"I am not George," the Hint Man responded calmly. "But I can tell you about him. But are you certain you want to know? The story isn't pleasant."

Moondancer gulped, but steeled herself to nod.

"I am the past looking forward," Hint Man intoned quietly. "I see the future as it will unfold, but now I turn my eyes backward to speak of what has been. George loved his wife very much, but he was obsessed with answers, discovering the secrets that were hidden without thought to why they were hidden...and this brought him no end of trouble. The grey child...his love for the grey child was rivaled by his desire for answers, to study the grey child. This became a rift between himself, his wife, and the grey child. The child did not trust him enough to go when he discovered the danger. He failed them...but that was only the beginning of his sins."

Moondancer and Buzz Buzz were dead silent. "How...how do you know all of that?" Buzz Buzz finally gasped out. Even their view of the events through Giegue's Magicant hadn't given them those details.

"My story is my purpose," Hint Man answered easily, a soft smile on his face. "That purpose is fulfilled." He started to fade away. "I don't mind not being here anymore. They are better out without this fragment..."

He vanished entirely. His hint stand slowly collapsed in on itself, leaving behind a thick magazine of some sort with a Starman Deluxe on the front. Moondancer curiously lifted it up and tried to open it...only to find she could only read the first few pages, which covered Onett, the areas around it, and the creatures they would face there. "This is...odd..." she murmured nervously. She glanced at the ruins of the stall...which weren't there anymore. "...so is that..."

Ness stuck his head back in. "You guys coming?" he asked curiously. He then blinked. "Where'd the Hint Man go?"

"He had somewhere else he had to be," Buzz Buzz explained. "But he sold all his hints to Moondancer, so she can help guide you in the future."

"Awesome!" Ness crowed happily. "Thanks a lot, Moondancer!"

"Uh...you're welcome," Moondancer answered thoughtfully, turning to follow out of the empty house.

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