• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 8,302 Views, 1,284 Comments

Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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Robots For Everyone

After a quick nap in the hyperpod, the group was ready to move on. Moving further in the large room, they found a vending machine that let them restock a few repair packs and food items that could restore health and PSI. Beyond there, a ladder led down past metal walls and into deep caverns of moon rock with massive chasms to either side of a narrow path. Embedded in a wall was another Knowledge Stone that Alinivar took the time to claim, as it could be exceptionally useful.

One last path downward led to a large chamber with a single human scientist inside. In the distance behind him was a massive battle robot, bright green and heavily armored, glowing with power. As they approached, he frowned as he turned to face them, arms crossed. "Hmph, you five. Well, congratulations, you found me." He straightened himself out proudly. "I am Doctor Destructo. Giegue hired me to build his robots."

"Dad?" Moondancer asked hopefully. "Or..."

"I know your story," Destructo responded flatly. "He wasn't your Dad yet when he hired me. I've been here hard at work for several decades, even before his first operation on Earth."

"Why?" Larice asked curiously. "Why would *click* Giegue want robots? He had *bzzt* Starmen, and the Nightmare Engine."

"Oh, the robots on Earth during that operation weren't part of his takeover attempt," Destructo responded airily. "By the time that group of kids got that far, he fully intended to face them himself. He only sent some of the early models down to test their capabilities in combat. They performed quite admirably, leading to an order to increase production and functionality."

"If he didn't want them for Earth, why did he want them?" Zarbol asked in confusion.

"Why, for Deep Grey," Destructo answered readily. "The Geeg Homeworld."

"What?" four voices gasped in shock.

"Boing?" Col. Saturn demanded as well.

"Giegue knew there was a good chance he wouldn't be welcome in Geeg society even if his experiment on Earth succeeded," Destructo explained. "Even then, he was too emotional, and Cerue would always be forbidden by the nature of the 'experiment' she was. If he succeeded at freeing humanity from being ruled by their emotions, he would have bound them to his service, and then led them against the Geeg with my robots as a vanguard." His voice became fevered as he warmed to his subject, thrusting his fists into the air in eagerness. "They would be offered the choice of letting Giegue and Niiue be part of the Geeg Empire, or being conquered by Giegue...and they would have seen they were right to fear humanity!"

Dead silence greeted this proclamation. "...the Geeg...fear humanity?" Moondancer finally managed to say. "Why?"

Destructo shook his head, tsking under his breath. "You don't even know that much?" he asked ruefully. "Well, I do enjoy a good lecture. Let's start at the beginning."

Reaching over, he tapped a computer display, calling up starmaps. "The Geeg Empire has ruled the entire known and explored universe - which admittedly doesn't extend too far beyond the Milky Way - for uncounted thousands of years. When they discovered life had developed in the Sol System to the point it could be useful, they moved to conquer it." The map zoomed in, showing a map of the Sol system. "However, they found their first assault thwarted entirely by Earth. The early humans of that era were all incredibly powerful PSI users, attuned perfectly to the planet's potent PSI fields. Having never encountered PSI users of that strength before, the Geeg withdrew and studied, planning and preparing." The image showed captured stills of those early humans, crude brutish creatures that wielded potent PSI by instinct, rather than thought.

"A thousand years later, they returned to try again when they learned that there were far fewer PSI users on Earth. This time, Earth fought them off with a different strategy." A single human appeared, dressed in a white gi with but a topknot of hair flowing back. His arm was stretched forward as planes of light shot forward, smashing into anything the Geeg could bring to bear. "A single PSI user unleashed the full power of the planet's PSI field in a technique called PSI Kiai, which turned willpower into raw destructive energy. For fear of the technique being used against them again, the Geeg used their skill at attacking minds to erase the ability to use the technique - and even the knowledge of it - from the planet before withdrawing. They then learned to use the technique themselves, combining logic and emotion into the unique Geeg skill they call Shockwave."

As the image changed to show Geeg discovering the awesome power of PSI Shockwave, Moondancer's eyes widened. Shockwave...was originally a human PSI? But the Geeg had stolen it, made it their own, and erased the capacity to use it from humanity? ...what would the Geeg do if they learned she - not a Geeg - had learned to use it? Or Alinivar?

"The third time they came, humanity had built fortresses in which they could hide from the onslaught, and half-machine, half-PSI titanic golems they called gods to protect them," Destructo continued, now showing an image of a pyramid fortress and oddly designed moving statues that called down the stars themselves onto the invading Geeg. "They called down a new PSI, that used Earth's PSI field to call the energy of the stars down to smash the Geeg craft. As they withdrew again, they discovered that Martian PSI was similar enough to human PSI that - with the right techniques - such PSI could be turned against the humans. Thus, Mars was conquered, and the Starmen were born...and the most advanced were given the ability of Starstorm.

"That was 1000 years ago," Destructo concluded his explanation. "However, it wasn't until they returned this time that they truly came to fear humanity."

"Only this time?" Alinivar demanded, perplexed. With how thoroughly the Geeg had been driven back each time, he would have been sure they'd be afraid already.

"Yes indeed, and for one simple fact," Destructo continued. "For all their power and incredibly long life spans, the Geeg have a very low population growth rate...possibly because they've suppressed all emotion and instinct in favor of logic. Their entire species throughout the empire caps out at about 20,000. Only procreation matching through genetic comparisons for minimal commonalities keeps the species genetically viable. The average population of most races throughout the galaxy - space faring or otherwise - caps out between 100,000 and 500,000, with a more or less stable population density, with a slight curve upwards." He turned to face the group. "At the time the Geeg arrived for their fourth attempt at conquest of Earth, humanity had just cleared one million population, and trends showed that they would just keep growing in number at a rate far in excess of any other race.

"And on top of that, humanity had mostly lost PSI...but made up for it with machines," Destructo continued. "Most races throughout the galaxy use PSI, even if it's only to levitate tools or something similar. Without that convenience, humanity has developed machinery far faster than any other race did. And we've done things with machinery even the Geeg never conceived of." He began to cackle a little madly. "The only limit to what humanity can make with machines is our experience and imagination. That and our rate of growth terrified the Geeg. What if we learned space travel? What if we developed machines that could use PSI? What if we created machines that could suppress PSI?

"And that's why the experiment known as Giegue was started," Destructo concluded, pushing the board away. "To take humanity apart from the inside out. And from what you've seen, my machines are worthy of the fear of the Geeg!"

"I don't see why," Alinivar pointed out. "Sure, they're powerful, but we took them down."

"Of course you did," Destructo allowed. "You aren't Geeg."

"But if the Geeg *click* are so powerful-"

"Logic driven Geeg can only do four things with their PSI in combat," Destructo interrupted. "Protect their bodies, replenish their vital energies, unleash Shockwave...and attack the opponent's mind. They are most skilled at that last one, and it's the skill 99 out of 100 Geeg will attempt first. But my robots have nothing organic inside them. No matter how advanced the AI...there is no mind for the Geeg to attack. And if you can get past a Geeg's formidable PSI, their bodies are incredibly fragile. The smaller, faster bots here? They could charge the Geeg while they try and find the 'mind' to attack and cut them down. The larger could tank a Shockwave or two, especially with repair bots backing them and acting as shields.

"And my masterpiece!" Destructo declared eagerly, gesturing to the huge green bot beyond the safety railing. "R7039-X! Huge, powerful, capable of tanking several Shockwaves alone...and equipped with the PSI circuits, systems that will let him use PSI! Magnet, PSI Power Shield, and Lifeup! Three PSI that make him an unstoppable killing machine to the Geeg! And that's not all!"

"It's not?" Moondancer gasped in shock, trying hard not to look at how Zarbol was floating quietly over to the giant robot.

"No!" Destructo continued dramatically. "It also has installed a PSI battery that can store all the PSI it absorbs from the Geeg it defeats, a PSI suppressor to keep them from contacting other Geeg, and the final touch...the Madness Generator!" He called up the design as Zarbol came to a halt behind the giant robot's main body. "Once the Devil Machine is complete and Giygas unleashes his madness upon the system, R7039-X will absorb that energy, and be able to broadcast it when he marches on Geeg outposts! The Geeg's servant creatures will go mad, and be unable to help their masters! The Cosmic Destruction will spread, as only by giving into madness will the Geeg unlock the skills that can let them fight back. Dead or mad, the Geeg Empire will fall, and Giygas' wishes will be carried out as the cruelty and lies of civilization are torn down, and all that is left is the true nature of life...anarchy and destruction!" Leaning back, he let out a bellowing maniacal cackle...which covered some odd noises coming from where Zarbol floated.

As he calmed down, he turned back to the group. "And now, I must politely ask you to leave. Under Directive Nineteen, the stones that were left here are not to leave this chamber."

"Stones?" Alinivar asked eagerly. "As in Knowledge Stones?"

"Precisely," Destructo responded immediately. "I have disabled the ship-blocking field surrounding the moon. Please recall your craft immediately and leave."

"I don't think we can do that," Larice buzzed flatly.

Destructo frowned. "Well, if you're going to stay, you might as well be useful. We can always use more test subjects...especially for my masterpiece!" He raised his hands dramatically.

In the distance, R7039-X whirred to life...only to fall apart, revealing Zarbol putting away his salvage equipment. "These parts are great!" Zarbol declared eagerly.

"No!" Destructo wailed out in despair. "My masterpiece! I dedicated three years to carving the PSI circuits by hand so it could use PSI without creating a mind to attack, and decades to perfecting the blueprints! I don't know if I can do it again!" He sank to his knees, weeping bitterly. "He was my only friend...and I never got to see him turn on..."

Zarbol hovered for a time. "...well, now I just feel kind of awful-"

"He was going to activate it and make it attack us," Moondancer pointed out.

"...yeah, not so much now," Zarbol allowed. "Not sure what I'll do with most of these, so why don't you hold onto them Moondancer?" Floating over, Zarbol handed over a tech-club, a shield-spoon, a broken antenna, miscellaneous robot parts, an Empty Stone, and four Star Pendants. Moondancer happily hung one pendant around her own neck while putting the rest of the items away.

"Let's get those Stones and get out of here," Alinivar decided, moving into the next room to collect the two Knowledge Stones, the others following along behind him as he took a back exit out of the base and into apparent space.

Larice's communicator suddenly rang. "Hey, it's Niiue. You guys alright? We lost contact with you for a while, but now you're back on the radar."

The group exchanged glances. "I...guess we're okay," Moondancer responded finally. "Give us a ladder, Niiue. We're coming onboard."

Author's Note:

Tech-club - an odd club made of technological components. Reacts to PSI energy.
Shield-spoon - a shield in the shape of a large spoon, with a flat bottomed bowl and an insulated handle. Has circuits in the metal that resembles runes. It probably has some significance.
Broken Antenna - a smart guy can probably make something cool with this
Miscellaneous robot parts - a really smart guy can probably make something awesome with this.
Empty Stone - it looks like a Knowledge Stone, but it has no glow. Might be important.
Star Pendant - equipped to the body, this strongly protects from fire, freeze, flash, and paralysis...but the others have gear with stronger PSI boosts to their combat potential, so they don't want them.

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