• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 8,302 Views, 1,284 Comments

Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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The Rescue

Ness, Jeff, Poo, Moondancer, and Buzz Buzz stared up at the towering Monotoli building. "So...a backdoor to the top floor?" Jeff asked curiously. "I admit, I'm not certain how you intend to accomplish that."

"Dramatically," Ness responded calmly as he pulled out several Skip Sandwich DXs. "And quickly. Poo, how fast can you run unaided?"

Poo glanced from the sandwiches to the ground, and from there to the side of the building before gathering himself and bracing in a running pose. "Fast enough," he assured Ness.

"Moondancer?" Ness inquired.

Moondancer grinned, seeing where Ness was going with this. "I think I can manage," she agreed, taking one of the sandwiches.

"Jeff, how strong are the grippers for the arms on your Robo-Pack?" Ness inquired carefully. "And how strong is the harness? And how sturdy is the material of this building?"

Jeff blinked in confusion at the series of questions...only for his eyes to widen as he realized what Ness intended. "I...believe it is all well within required parameters," he allowed as he took one of the sandwiches and grasped the controls for the Robo-Pack. The four robotic arms moved into position.

"In that case..." Ness concluded as he took a bite. "Let's run!"

As soon as Ness, Jeff, and Moondancer finished their sandwiches, they raced for the side of the building. Ness and Moondancer focused their PSI so that when they placed their feet and hooves against the wall, they stuck until pulled off. It wasn't enough to hold them there long, but long enough to place the next step as they ran. Jeff swung the arms of his Robo-Pack forward, digging into the wall of the building to pull himself straight up the side. Poo grinned eagerly as he raced forward, drawing on the same PSI energy as Teleport to rapidly accelerate his running up the side of the building, keeping his speed to just below the level that would actually trigger the teleport.

As they raced up, windows from the higher floors opened and tough guys in suits leaned out with guns, taking aim.

"Evade!" Jeff called out as he began racing around on the wall like a spider to dodge the incoming bullets. Moondancer simply raised a PSI shield, keeping it to her exact size to deflect the incoming rounds. Poo leapt off the wall to a window cleaning platform, from that to a gargoyle crenelation, and from there to above the gun-wielding guards.

Ness started to gather his PSI, but quickly saw his plan of action was flawed as the thugs were all wearing dark shades, making an attempt at disorienting them with PSI Flash uncertain in its effectiveness...at least from directly in front. Focusing the PSI into a sphere he launched it ahead of him. When it reached the level of the windows he detonated it, the blazing light hitting the thugs' peripheral vision and making them wince and try to cover their eyes...which let Jeff swipe their guns from them as they raced past the floor.

As the roof approached, Poo grabbed hold of the edge and performed a perfect flip onto the roof, bleeding all his momentum in the process. Moondancer gently floated herself off the top of the building and onto the roof. Jeff pulled himself up carefully before setting himself down. Ness leapt off the roof, gathering his PSI to float himself gently onto the roof in a final back flip, landing lightly on the helipad right next to the helicopter. "Alright, let's get inside!" he declared firmly as they opened the unlocked roof access and went in.

After a long corridor, the group found themselves in a large office with yellow wallpaper, carpet, and furniture. An old man with grey hair cowered away from them, and Paula was visible standing next to the desk, seeming unharmed. "P-p-please don't hurt me!" the old man pleaded as he flinched away from them. "I give up, that's enough! Please!"

"Ness!" Paula called out happily as she rushed over to the group, throwing her arms around his neck. "You finally made it here! I knew you'd come!"

Ness immediately embraced her worriedly. "Are you okay?" he asked earnestly.

Paula giggled softly. "I'm fine," she reassured him happily. "Mr. Monotoli isn't really a bad person. In fact, I'm not entirely sure he was the one giving orders here. He's been...apologetic ever since I arrived here."

"W-when the statue arrived, I was...somewhat under its control," Mr. Monotoli explained nervously. "It...helped me climb to political and economic power here in the city...but then it went wrong. It started lashing out at me...and I could only get the help from it through Porky Minch...he's the one who's been controlling things here for some time..."

"Then I guess we'll have to go deal with him," Ness muttered ruefully. "I...need to fix this."

"Who's this?" Paula asked curiously, glancing at Poo.

"A pleasure to meet you," Poo greeted formally with a bow. "I am Poo, of Dalaam. I have been called to be one of your companions, to aid Ness and all of you in saving the world. I hope our friendship will grow quite strong in our time together."

"I'm sure it will!" Paula responded happily.

"Porky's office is one floor down," Monotoli offered helpfully. "He's usually there."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Moondancer asked eagerly. "Let's go!" The group quickly stepped out the office door into the rest of the building.

Just outside the office, an odd robot could be seen bumbling about. It had a few cleaning attachments, a round head with a circular antennae, tiny arms and legs, and a round body. It tumbled towards them as soon as it saw them. "Ping!" it sounded out, though whether the sound was vocalized or part of its machinery, it was difficult to tell. "Clankety clankety...rattle rattle dwourrrrr...squeeeek tweet tweet...CLANK!" With the final sound, it lobbed a bomb towards the group.

Everyone lunged to the side to avoid the bomb as best they could, drawing their weapons to defend themselves. As the Clumsy Robot toddled back and forth between them and the exit, they prepared themselves for battle.

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