• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 8,304 Views, 1,284 Comments

Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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Star Power

Poo slowly opened his eyes, staring out from the Place of Emptiness with new strength and conviction. He had seen eternity, and knew what awaited there, and found no fear. He knew his powers, and his limits...and knew himself strong enough to fight alongside his new friends. He knew he had the power and the will to save the world, and was determined to put it to use.

Inside his mind, he felt his friends awaken with a new awareness as well. Ness felt the roiling of his emotions calmed, quieted. He knew he was bound to Paula, to Jeff, to Poo, to Moondancer, and to Buzz Buzz. He knew even death could not truly separate them, so long as they stayed true to one another. He knew that with the help of his friends, he would save Paula. He knew together the six of them could accomplish anything. With that knowledge came peace of mind. With a gaze into the empty darkness, he knew he need not fear what would come if they fell. So long as they had the will and the drive, they would find a way to return.

Moondancer found her own fears and concerns relaxed. The darkness no longer brought fear to her mind, nor did she find fear from physical pain. As long as she stayed true to herself, she knew she would find the strength to overcome...with her friends. Friends...somehow, that firm acceptance of such a thing felt important, an importance even the mind link could not fully grasp.

One of the attendants approached at the edge of visible land. "Prince Poo!" he called out joyfully. "You have now completed your training! The old Master must be so pleased! Hurry now, and return to the palace!" With his message delivered, he left with a spring in his step.

As Poo got to his feet, briefly marveling at the feeling of his legs, he felt the link to Ness and Moondancer beginning to waver. My friends? he asked in confusion.

We...fell asleep after eating magic cake before being linked to you, Ness managed to say as he felt himself moving.

I'm guessing...we're waking up now, Moondancer concluded.

Then when you awaken, I shall join you in body, and meet you both face to face, Poo promised firmly. As I have seen, life and experience can not be taken for granted, and I fully intend to experience as much as I can with my friends. For now, I bid you farewell, and know we will meet again soon.

See you in Fourside, Ness murmured as he felt the link fade.

Fourside, hmm? Poo pondered thoughtfully. A most unusual name for a city. I shall be sure to ask Master how to get there...

Ness slowly opened his eyes, staring up at the ceiling of a hotel room. "Di..." he began, finding his voice a little rough. Licking his lips, he tried again. "Didn't we fall asleep in the park?"

"I'm guessing Jeff or your Mom moved us here," Moondancer murmured as she lifted her head at the foot of the bed. "If nothing else, it's a lot more secure than leaving us out cold in the middle of a field where Giygas minions could ambush us."

Ness managed to sit up, grabbing a glass of water sitting on the end table and drinking it down before handing the other glass to Moondancer. "Then...where is Jeff? And Mom?"

"Your Mother left after you fell asleep," Jeff explained as he stepped in with a smile, using a towel to wipe grease and oil off his hands. "She said she'd done too much, and feared the consequences if she did more. Since it didn't seem safe outside, I moved you both here and rented the room. Once you were both settled, I decided to investigate the Monotoli connection."

"What did you learn?" Ness asked eagerly.

"I learned that Monotoli's office is on the top floor of his building, and that no one's been allowed up there for several days," he explained calmly. "All his orders have been relayed by his right hand man...Porky Minch. I didn't see him myself, but apparently there are orders that anyone matching your description be let up to his floor and taken straight to his office."

"Pokey..." Ness murmured thoughtfully. "It has to be."

"But why's he calling himself 'Porky' now?" Moondancer asked curiously. "I mean...I guess I see the resemblance, but he doesn't seem the sort to go for self-deriding humor..."

"We could go up and ask him," Jeff suggested diffidently. "That seems a quick way to reach the top of the building without having to fight through most of the security."

"We'd be walking right into a trap," Ness stated firmly. "That's the sort of thing Pokey loved setting up when we played together back when we were younger. If we go in the front door, we're asking for trouble."

"But...what other way in is there?" Jeff asked curiously.

"Let's go take a look at the building and find out?" Moondancer offered with a grin, looking forward to the challenge.

As they stepped outside, Poo walked up to them. "Ah, Ness, Moondancer!" he greeted warmly, offering them both a respectful bow. "And you must be Jeff," he greeted as he turned. "I learned much about you when Ness, Moondancer and I shared minds during the final stages of my training. It will be an honor fighting alongside one so wise and brave." He bowed again. "I am Prince Poo of Dalaam, and I am here to aid however I can."

Jeff stared a bit, blinking in confusion as he was caught off guard. He quickly regained his composure, however. "Well, welcome to the team, I guess," he managed to say. "Though...you don't seem to have brought much with you." He glanced over Poo, who only wore his training gi and carried no weapons.

"I...am afraid most of what you are used to using in combat I would be...unsuited to," Poo admitted sadly. "The only weapon I have ever trained with is a training sword and my own hands and feet, nor have I ever worn any sort of protective garb."

"A sword, huh?" Moondancer mused. "That's...like a Sharp, Pointy Thing, right?"

Poo blinked in confusion. "That...is the fundamental nature of a sword, yes," he allowed.

She began rummaging mentally through her PSI storage space. "Pretty sure I have one of those...huh, I seem to be missing a few things..."

"They fell into my pack while you were riding in it," Jeff explained bashfully, "and I'm afraid I got...experimental."

"How so?" Moondancer inquired. The Sharp, Pointy Thing had been a gift from a Starman Super, and she'd been holding onto it for a while, certain it would be useful at some point.

"I used the combinulator," Jeff explained ruefully. "I put the sword, a chunk of Meteotite, and a spare Star Pendant you had in and...this came out." He reached back into his pack.

At first glance, it looked like an ordinary sword in a rather plain sheath...until Poo drew the weapon. The hilt had no true ornamentation, but the guard glittered with stardust. The blade itself showed signs of being truly strong steel...but also signs of heavy use, as though the blade had been worn down by ages until all that was left was the essence of sword, a weapon meant for cutting things. This was a sword meant to bring a battle to a close as quickly and as permanently as possible. Holding it up to the sun, it was almost ostentatious in the way it did not glint in the light, as though it didn't have time or patience for such frivolity. This...was a True Sword of Kings. Just holding it, he felt he could feel the spirits of every hand to wield the weapon before him speaking to him, guiding him through its use...and to a higher understanding.

A blaring honk caught everyone's attention. Turning, they saw an empty taxi glaring at them before speeding towards them. Almost without thought, Poo focused his PSI through the blade and pointed it at the taxi as the others braced for battle.

Stars seemed to shoot out of the sky, slamming into the taxi in beams of light and explosions that blasted it to pieces, sending shrapnel flying and a burning wheel bouncing off into the distance.

As the others stared, Moondancer smiled. "Yes...let's see about a 'back door' to Monotoli's office, shall we?"

Author's Note:

Sword of True Kings
Attack + 20
All other stats +5 (boost to IQ and Vit affects in battle only, and does not influence increases to HP or PP)
Double Chance for a Smasssshh!!! hit
Protects from Fire, Freeze, and Flash
Equip to Learn Starstorm Alpha
Use in battle as an item to cast Starstorm Alpha, once per battle. Reusable.

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