• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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The Destroyer

"W-who are you?" Moondancer asked nervously as the door sealed shut behind her.

"How rude," the Fobby countered irritably. "You enter my domain and you demand my name before introducing yourself? I thought you were raised better."

Moondancer felt her fear being pushed back by anger at that disparagement of her father. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Only that I was under the impression that Giegue was trying to keep you from walking the path he now walks," the Fobby responded coldly. "Plainly he's failed. Another Destroyer is already rising. Pathetic."

Moondancer could feel her rage growing at being treated so dismissively - and at such disparaging remarks being directed towards her father - but she forced it down. If he was trying so hard to make her angry, she'd deny him that. "I'm Moondancer," she introduced herself calmly. "Who are you?"

The Fobby turned, its beady black eyes staring at her. "Perhaps there is hope for you yet," he murmured thoughtfully. "I am the true Cosmic Destroyer, Fobbygig. The Giygas that Giegue is soon to become is but a pale imitation of my true nature. It irritates me, as if he completes his journey unhindered I will have to choose between finding a new solar system to rest in, confronting him myself, or beginning my own destruction...and I don't want to really do any of those."

"I'm not going to let him become that," Moondancer insisted firmly.

"...oh?" Fobbygig asked cruelly. "You really think you can stop someone from becoming a Cosmic Destroyer? Do you even know what it means to be a Cosmic Destroyer? Foolish." The air became heavy with PSI as red swirls of concentrated emotion energy took shape. "I can sense your fear. Just the feeling of my power in check has you shaking until you can barely move. Fear opens the door to destruction. Face Giygas and you will die. It is that simple. Only death and madness await you on this path."

"Then I'll change the path," Moondancer insisted, barely managing to force the statement past chattering teeth without stuttering. "If Fate says I have to lose him...then I'll just change Fate. Predestination can kiss my-"

"No need for obscenity," Fobbygig interrupted, amusement dripping from his voice. "Still, you think you can change Fate? Reshape the path predicted by the Apple of Enlightenment? Alter the very fabric of causality in this looping time without tearing the fabric of reality apart?"

"...if it comes to that, I'll figure out a way to stitch it back together," Moondancer declared firmly.

A horrible sound filled the air, tearing at the psyche and making the very air dance in colors there were no names for. It took a moment for Moondancer to realize the sound was Fobbygig laughing, which only made it worse. "Oh, you intrigue me," he murmured softly. "Very well, let's see what you're capable of."

"What?" Moondancer gasped in shock.

"You seem to think you can save your father from madness," Fobbygig explained. "So I will test you against madness. Survive, and I'll let you leave to make your attempt. Overcome, and I'll grant you a boon to aid you. Refuse or fail, and face destruction for disturbing me."

Moondancer swallowed convulsively, knowing she was in deep trouble. However, the only way out was forward. "Alright," she agreed, bracing herself.

Fobbygig had no facial expression, but she got the sense he was smirking at her. The air shook, and she felt an attack coming, but she could not comprehend its form. Energy lashed into her, sending her flying against the wall as she felt her mind reel, tearing at her ability to focus her PSI. "You can do better than that," he stated coldly.

Gritting her teeth, Moondancer forced herself back to her hooves and unleashed Shockwave Omega, having just recently realized its power. The energy constructs flew out of the air towards Fobbygig to unleash their destructive power, only to dissolve against the red swirls that filled the air between them.

"It is impressive you know that skill," the tiny ball-like creature observed coldly. "But it is nothing compared to my raw power. You'll have to do better than that."

Moondancer felt an attack coming again. Rather than trying to interpret it, she let herself react, rolling to the side. She felt the energy pass her on all sides, slamming into the wall behind her.

"Well, you can dodge," Fobbygig mused curiously. "One, anyway." The swirls began to spin.

Moondancer could feel multiple attacks coming her way. She'd already seen trying to think her way past didn't help. Closing her eyes, she fell into her PSI...past her PSI...into her magic.

She reacted.

"What the-?" Fobbygig stared as energy lashed out from Moondancer's body, swaying like snakes as it sought out every random hole in the waves of madness as they sought him out. The bands of energy were relatively weak, and the waves could easily brush them aside...but as they tightened, the two energies were locked together, unable to get the force to move.

Moondancer's eyes flared open, and she raced along one of the beams of magic she'd unleashed. Drawing on the others, she felt the power of PSI Quicken drastically increase her pace as she raced through the maze of PSI and magic until she was in physical range of Fobbygig. As he drew in power, she spun around and brought up both hind legs to strike him as hard as she could.

Her hooves impacted, sending the creature flying against the far wall before bouncing into the red swirls, ricocheting around for a time before flying back towards Moondancer. Letting herself react, she lashed out with her legs again, continuing the deranged game of pinball until the red swirls could no longer hold cohesion from the damage they'd taken, leaving her just kicking the ball-beast into the wall.

"Enough!" Fobbygig suddenly roared, his energy flaring out and pushing Moondancer back against the wall. "...it seems you can grasp the edges of madness, and can find ways to overcome. However, at your current strength it would take the full power of madness to match what Giygas will unleash...and that would destroy you." A strange weapon floated over to Moondancer, affixing itself to her right foreleg before projecting its emission dish. It was the same color as Fobbygig...which Moondancer now realized wasn't quite orange. "This is the Borange Ray," Fobbygig explained. "It is stronger than any weapon in the solar system, as it draws from the essence of madness for its power, inflicting it upon those who feel the force of its rays. As it is now, it will strike entire groups...but if you learn to understand and master its power, you will be able to focus the power so it strikes a single target, and does not spread madness."

Moondancer blinked in surprise. "I..."

"No thanks," Fobbygig insisted. "As I said, I would grant you a boon if you overcame. That is all. Now wake up!"

Moondancer's eyes flew open. She was back in the bed in the hotel. There was no door in the wall. The others were still asleep. Had it all been a dream?

As she shifted, she felt cold metal against her leg. She stared in awe at the Borange Ray strapped to her. She prayed she would learn to control it soon, and not risk hurting friends or innocents with it.

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