• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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Back to the Past

Niiue stood before Zarbol and Moondancer. "I know Alinivar said he wants to believe you'll meet again...but this trip into the past is one way. You won't have a way back."

"I expected that," Zarbol allowed sadly. "If we succeed, this future won't exist anymore to come back to. If we fail, there won't be anything of us left to come back."

"Or worse," Moondancer whispered fearfully, "what's left will make things even worse..." After all, Fobbygig had warned her that she might walk the same path as Giegue did to become Giygas. She would have to be careful not to walk that path.

"We have the Zexonyte," Niiue spoke softly. "So there's only one thing I need to do before I prepare the time shift. Moondancer, do you still have the Empty Stone from the Moon?"

Moondancer nodded, pulling it out. "I still have everything from the Moon," she confirmed.

Niiue reached into a pocket and pulled out the Unity Star. "Alinivar recorded the songs from the Points of Power around the system on this, before that power unlocked PSI Harmony within him. It might just help you now." He gently dropped the Unity Star into the Empty Stone.

The stone hummed as each tone from the Unity Star briefly filled it, and Moondancer felt something inside her react to it. The stone glowed as it absorbed the melodies of Mercury's Core, Venus' Heat, Mars' Silence, Jupiter's Storm, Saturn's Rings, Uranus' Dregs, Neptune's Waves, Pluto's Snow, and Eris' Eye. The Glowing Stone hummed with power not yet realized.

"Put it away now," Niiue instructed firmly, before giving a small stone to Zarbol. "This serves a similar purpose to the Unity Star. Give it to Ness when you feel the time is right."

Zarbol nodded as he accepted the stone. "Right. I'll tell him about the Points of Power-"

"That's not what they're called on Earth," Niiue corrected. "They connect strongly to Ness for some reason, so they're called 'Your Sanctuaries'. He's the only one that can draw on their power..." He turned towards where Moondancer was putting away the Glowing Stone. "...as far as I know."

"I have all this information from the Apple of Enlightenment," Zarbol pointed out. "We're ready to go." Moondancer nodded confirmation.

"Alright," Niiue allowed. "Then on three, close your eyes. One...two...three..."

Moondancer and Zarbol closed their eyes.

They were inside something dark, cozy, and warm. There was no sensation beyond thought. Moondancer felt Buzz Buzz's thought...but there was something wrong. Buzz Buzz? she thought in confusion. I thought you had a different name.

Time is shifting, Buzz Buzz thought back. It's affecting memory a bit. My real name might draw undue attention when we go back. After all, we were on Earth twenty years ago, and we're only going back to ten years ago.

Oh, that makes sense, Moondancer allowed. How soon do you think before we start time shifting?

Not until after Alinivar and the others confront Giegue, Buzz Buzz pointed out. He needs to be distracted to keep from catching us.

I don't like hiding from my father, even if it is on my father's orders, Moondancer grumbled mentally.


Oh, right, you weren't told that part of the story, Moondancer realized. Niiue is part of Giegue, part of his Magicant made manifest as a separate being. It's why they couldn't fight before, why they know each other so well, and why Niiue was taking care of me after it happened.

Buzz Buzz was silent for a time. ...I feel like that information really should have been presented much more dramatically, he thought finally.

Yeah, I'm a bit too distracted to deal with being dramatic, Moondancer countered softly. I'm trying to find their minds.

Whose minds-Alinivar and the others? Buzz Buzz's thought gasped in shock. You can feel their minds?

I can if you'll quiet yours for a bit, Moondancer countered grumpily. ...got it. They just confronted Giegue... She shivered as she felt an echo of Giegue's rage. That's...that's pretty strong...but they're strong too. Strong enough to...survive, I hope.

Hold onto hope, Buzz Buzz told her. That's what the Apple said-

Moondancer's thought suddenly became turmoil. Oh...oh Geeg... she moaned. What...what did Father do to himself? It's...his body is breaking down, and his mind...madness...

Pull back from it! Buzz Buzz ordered quickly. Before you get dragged in!

Moondancer managed to pull her thought back, just barely clinging to Alinivar and the others. The madness...it's starting to take physical form. This...it isn't going to be pleasant...

Just breathe, Buzz Buzz instructed. Just breathe and calm down. It's going to be okay.

The small space they were in suddenly shook. What happened? Moondancer demanded in confusion.

The time shift has started, Buzz Buzz explained. We aren't in the past yet, but we're out of Giegue's reach.

I can still feel Alinivar, Col. Saturn, Larice, and Niiue, Moondancer pointed out. And...it's not Giegue anymore. I...I feel Giygas...

You should let go, Buzz Buzz told her gently. Whatever's going to happen next, it won't be something you want to feel, I'm sure-

Alinivar's trying something! Moondancer crowed in mental delight. He has a plan! I- Her mind lurched. I...I can't feel Niiue anymore...

Moondancer... Buzz Buzz began softly.

I...I can't feel Larice or Col. Saturn either...only Alinivar... Moondancer's mental voice sank into despair. I...I can't feel any of them anymore. Just...the song. The...lullaby...

Moondancer, put it from your mind, Buzz Buzz instructed firmly. If Alinivar's plan worked, then we don't have to worry. If it didn't, then there's nothing we can do. For now, we need to focus. We're going to be arriving on Earth of ten years ago soon, and we need to be ready to find Ness.

Moondancer was silent for a time, sunk in despair. Eventually, she managed to get her emotions under control. So...how are we to do that? she asked flatly.

I...don't know, Buzz Buzz allowed. I...I know we'll be arriving in a meteor, and that Ness lives in Onett...

I know where that is, roughly, Moondancer spoke up, extending her thought to encompass their entire vessel. I just have to steer...

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