• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 8,304 Views, 1,284 Comments

Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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Moondancer staggered back with the others as they made their way back to the museum. While the others barely seemed aware of what just happened, she was lost in her own mind.

There was no doubt about it. The singer Venus was Cerue...her mother. She'd left Mercury and come to Earth, the focal point of the conflict with Giegue/Giygas, and placed herself in a position practically at the heart of the conflict. And on top of that...she'd felt her in her Magicant. It was how she knew that Venus was more than mere human...but Cerue hadn't touched Moondancer's Magicant even when they were together on Mercury, when she had chosen the role of Moondancer's mother. Back then, Cerue had been entirely self-enclosed PSIchicly, as though she shunned even the idea of letting her mind directly contact another's.

Moondancer couldn't really blame her for that, admittedly. After all, her only past experience with that had been when she was with Giegue...and the way that had ended would be enough to put anyone off it, even if they didn't fully understand what it was like. To permanently anchor your mind, your soul, a piece of your very sense of self and identity to a bond shared with another, only to have it torn asunder as that person became someone you couldn't even recognize anymore...

As the group entered the back room Mr. Spoon had been guarding - a room containing only an open manhole cover through which a distant glimmering of stars could be seen - Ness paused and laid his hand on Moondancer's neck. What happened on Mercury? he asked silently, no doubt in his mind that his thought inquiry would reach her. Whatever it was that Venus was talking about, it threw you off something fierce.

Moondancer shuddered as she tried - and failed - to bring her thoughts and emotions into some semblance of order. Such an undisciplined mind would shame the Geeg and their subordinates. An idle snort crossed her mind as she briefly thought about how little that would actually matter to Giegue and Cerue how she wished she knew them, before the Nightmare Engine-

Oh, so that's why she threw you, Ness thought to her silently, making Moondancer realize he was actually picking something up from her wandering mind with how undisciplined her thoughts were at the moment. I can see why that would be emotional for you...but why aren't you happier?

Moondancer closed her eyes, bringing herself back into focus as she felt Poo add his hand to her back. With the three of them touching minds, she felt herself briefly surrounded by Mu, the comforting emptiness letting her face her thoughts and doubts without fear. When we last parted, she said Giegue learning about her presence could be...very bad, she explained in silent thought. I...don't understand why she would be here now.

Perhaps the 'here' and the 'now' are the exact details you are missing? Poo suggested diffidently, even his silent thoughts as disciplined as his normal expression. Though perhaps 'now' is less of a concern, given that time manipulation is at hand and events don't necessarily influence each other in linear order. At least, I believe that is what I understand from your discussions with Nieue from the memories you shared.

Moondancer thought about that for a time. Yeah. That did seem to be the situation...

Buzz Buzz shifted idly in her mane, having been privy to the silent discussion due to proximity. Well, the answer's obvious, he observed thoughtfully. Something happened HERE, in Fourside, that sent ripples through Time and Space that meant she wanted to be here...something that would reach her even in the heart of Mercury for her to feel-

The Star PSI! Ness concluded, his eyes widening in shock. We were reaching through the Mani Mani Statue into the heart of the Madness and whatever machine was influencing Giegue...and healed him, restored him, brought back part of his true self! If any connection between them remained, she would have felt that through the distortions of time, wouldn't she?

Moondancer blinked for a bit as she felt energy surging within Ness as he said that, energy that resonated with something deep inside her that seemed to purge the world around her of even the slightest touch of grey, a grey she didn't even realize was there before. As she felt a different power welling inside her to meet it, a tinge of blue and gold touched her vision ever so briefly. Then...maybe it's not just Father that can be saved after all... she thought, a desperate hope coloring her thoughts.

Alinivar promised, Buzz Buzz pointed out, a smile in his thoughts. We'll keep it.

Moondancer took a deep breath, letting her thoughts and emotions gently settle as she stopped trying to rein them in. Seeing Jeff and Paula staring at the silent gathering, she awkwardly scuffed her hoof against the carpet. "Sorry about that," she apologized, her voice still somewhat thick with emotion. "I..." She hesitated, uncertain how to explain what it was all about. She certainly didn't want to mention Cerue aloud.

"Don't worry about it," Jeff observed calmly, straightening his glasses. "I'm quite aware there was something...unusual about the encounter with that singer. I suppose it was your turn to experience emotional upheaval that redefined how you saw yourself and your place in the world on this journey."

"And here I thought it was traveling with her that was making us experience that," Paula offered somewhat teasingly, though her eyes showed compassion and understanding. Moondancer was unsurprised that Paula understood without being told.

"Precisely," Jeff joked with a slight smirk. Clearing his throat before anyone could comment, he began speaking more seriously. "I took a look down the manhole cover. As can be expected, it leads into the sewers, and it is...far from clean. We can expect to be slogging our way through in order to get anywhere, and it is unlikely it will be an easy or comfortable trek. I already spotted specters and other creatures swarming through the sludge. Roaches, trash creatures, and R.O.U.S.es, just to name a few."

"That's not going to be pleasant," Ness muttered irritably as he gently took his hand from Moondancer's neck, breaking the mental contact to free them all up to think and plan separately. "Is there at least a walkway?"

"There is, but it is blocked here and there by large barrels," Jeff allowed apologetically. "We may have to slog through the sewage at certain points to reach the Starburst containing the Sanctuary Guardian."

"Could we not go over the barrels?" Poo suggested thoughtfully. "If they are too heavy to lift or push out of the way, then they should be sturdy enough to handle one our age clambering over them. If Jeff and I gave Ness a boost, he could clamber over first and receive each of us coming down the other side, and Moondancer could float herself over after giving me a leg up once everyone else was across."

Jeff tapped his chin in thought before taking another look down the manhole. "That might work in theory...but we might be attacked by monsters while the group was divided. Not to mention the barrels do not look entirely clean, and we might end up slipping off them into the sewage anyway, and then be further divided if attacked."

"Once one of us ends up in the sewage, there's no point in the rest of us not if there's danger," Ness pointed out. "Let's give it a try and see how it turns out. It might work, and I can't see the attempt hurting anything in the long run. And you could use your Robo-Pack to help stabilize things if we misjudge anything."

"Very well," Jeff allowed uncertainly, though accepting Ness' decision as leader of the group. "Let's go."

Comments ( 13 )

R.O.U.S.es? I don't think they exist.

You don't believe they exist, you mean?

Edit: Nvm, 10461100 proved me wrong with their clip.:twilightblush:

"I took a look down the manhole cover. As can be expected, it leads into the sewers, and it is...far from clean. We can expect to be slogging our way through in order to get anywhere, and it is unlikely it will be an easy or comfortable trek. I already spotted specters and other creatures swarming through the sludge. Roaches, trash creatures, and R.O.U.S.es, just to name a few."

I get that reference!

I don't believe in miracles, and yet Tatsuro finally updated the damn thing.

Who needs miracles when you have PWNIES? ...Seriously, between a miracle and a PWNYverse pony, I'll take the pony - they're as good as miracles, but they don't stop happening, and it is GLORIOUS. :pinkiehappy:

Back then, Cerue had been entirely self-enclosed PSIchicly, as though she shunned even the idea of letting her mind directly contact another's.

You know, "PSI" is short for "Psionic", so if you need an adverb for it, "PSIonically" [Psionically] would work just fine, lol.

Yeah, I actually looked up the clip to get the correct wording.

Ok, why was this chapter marked as unread? I remember every line, and several of the replies are upvoted. :trixieshiftright:

I really like this story. Though I have to ask, will you include Mother 3 in this as well?

Can already see the Cognitive Dissonance influences here.

NALT stands for Ninten, Ana, Lloyd and Teddy.

Yo question:will a Adult pippi also appear?

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