• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 8,302 Views, 1,284 Comments

Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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To Ness's surprise, the Runaway Five refrained from commenting on the situation with him and Moondancer...although they sent Moondancer some knowing looks that left her glowering back at them, especially Groovy. They then insisted that Ness and the others hang around to watch their 'goodbye show' at the Topolla Theater. Ness was happy to oblige, if only to get out of the spotlight for a time.

Of course, then Gorgeous decided to shine the spotlight anyway once the show started before the lights came on. "It's going to be a great show! We're so good...it makes me think those kids in the 'assistance animal' seats will wet their pants! Those kids are hip, baby!"

"Seriously?" Moondancer growled out as she ground her teeth as Paula and Jeff facepalmed and Ness buried his face in his hands in embarrassment.

"Hasn't he learned how to act like a sensible human yet?" Buzz Buzz muttered under his breath.

Admittedly, the show itself was quite good. The group's performances were top notch, as good or better than they'd ever been...especially when they announced 'the new star who would be taking their slot' and brought out a young blonde woman in a slinky, shimmering black dress that was introduced simply as 'Venus'. She sang with the group, her behavior - especially with Gorgeous and Lucky who backed her up - showing that she knew them somewhat as more than just fellow stars. Moondancer couldn't stop herself from examining the woman speculatively. I wonder how well she knows them, she thought to herself. I wonder if she knows their secret... Another thought suddenly struck her, and she focused her mind in the same way she did when she'd been trying to see Lucky's true face.

As she stared at Venus, she could tell there was something there...but she couldn't see what. She could tell there was something about Venus that was more than just ordinary human...but she couldn't determine if it was just a latent untapped PSI gift, a disguise she couldn't penetrate, or something completely unrelated. She could tell that Venus seemed to lack any sense of innate modesty in the way she moved as she sang...but no matter how she moved, her dress stayed exactly where it was on her body. Moondancer made a mental note to ask Larice if she got the chance.

The thought nearly abandoned her mind when the Runaway Five's van - which in her altered vision state she saw as their saucer ship - 'drove' onto the stage for Gorgeous, Lucky, and Venus to board before 'driving' off. If they're that reckless with their shows, it's no wonder they racked up such a tab, she thought to herself as the show came to an end.

Ness quickly rushed the group outside, hoping to meet up with the Runaway Five to talk...only for them to be long gone by the time they got there. "Well, there goes that idea of a lead..." he murmured thoughtfully. "And here I thought with how they helped us getting to Threed, getting them out of their contract here would have given us a new lead..."

"The Department Store is finally open!" someone walking by declared excitedly as they ran by with a group. "With how long those renovations took, there's bound to be something awesome there now! Let's check it out!" The group eagerly agreed as they headed to the Department Store.

"Well, that's a lead," Jeff murmured thoughtfully, pushing his glasses up on his nose.

"Do you think that's just a coincidence?" Moondancer asked Buzz Buzz curiously.

"...if it isn't, I don't like the possible reasons," Buzz Buzz replied worriedly.

"Let's not be so down!" Paula spoke up happily. "Ness's Mom was coming here to hit the department store for its selection, so let's go there and see if we can bump into her! If not, we can go shopping!"

"...shopping?" Jeff asked in confusion. "It's...it's not like this is a vacation..."

"Well we don't always have to be acting like the world's about to end," Paula pointed out petulantly. "Just because we're on a quest to save everyone doesn't mean we have to treat every minute seriously. It'd be good for us to have some fun!"

"...she's got a point," Buzz Buzz allowed. "There is that saying about all work and no play, and you guys are just kids. You should take some time to relax when the opportunity arises."

"In that case, let's go shopping," Ness decided firmly. "We can wander around, see if anything is to our interests...maybe hit a crafts shop and make things for fun. And we can get a meal at the food court and relax." He hesitated. "...that's what kids do at department stores when they're just hanging out, right?"

Giggling, Paula towed Ness along towards the Department Store, Jeff and Moondancer following along behind - mostly because no one had taken the leash off Moondancer yet - with Buzz Buzz flying along after them.

The group entered the department store together, moving up to the second floor since the first floor only had the reception and returns desk, with nothing of interest to any of them. While the place was brightly lit and clean, nothing seemed to be particularly eye-catching. The second floor had a couple of food shops and a few tables...along with a door to another area that drew Jeff's attention.

Ness approached the tables and tapped one. "Let's meet back here when we're done looking around," he stated firmly. "We can grab some food before we head out to figure out where we should go next."

"Don't suppose that guide we got from the Hint Guy has any clues?" Buzz Buzz asked Moondancer.

Remembering the guide, Moondancer quickly pulled it out and glanced in. She flipped through everything they'd done...only to reach the blurred out pages again. "Looks like something's supposed to happen here," she observed finally. "It mentions the Department Store being open...and that's where it stops."

"Then we'll be careful," Paula stated firmly. "I'm sure we'll be fine." She smiled happily with confidence.

The group dispersed, each taking some money that Ness handed out for purchases from his account...which had grown considerably with everything his father was putting into it. Paula went straight to the toy store, looking around at the plush animals as she decided whether or not she would get one. Moondancer wandered around looking for books before returning to the food stores and grabbing some meals for everyone while she waited. Jeff paused briefly at the toy store before checking out the back room, where he found someone who had a few bottle rockets and other doodads for sale that he thought would be useful for his inventing.

Ness briefly looked over the sports outlet...but finding nothing to his interest, he moved on to a crafts store and grabbed a handful of things before moving back to the food area to meet up with Moondancer. She raised her eyebrow as she caught sight of him. "I didn't expect you to be one to work with crafts," she observed thoughtfully. "You seemed more the sporty type, if quiet."

"Just something I thought I'd try," Ness allowed as he got to work, setting his materials out to one side of the tray Moondancer had prepared for him.

Moondancer decided not to comment on that as she watched him work, assembling something from the charms as he worked carefully. She raised her eyebrow when he quickly hid his work when Paula returned with a plush bear to cuddle as they ate, but said nothing. The look Ness gave her said anything she'd need to ask about.

Jeff returned before long, having gathered what he needed and wanted, and once they were all done eating they moved to leave the mall. At the middle of the first floor, Ness turned to Paula. "I...I made you something," he managed to stammer out as he held out his hand. Resting off his fingers was a simple charm bracelet, with a few charms attached. Moondancer was able to spot a bow, a baseball, a pony, and a flower among the charms, though she couldn't see the others.

Paula's eyes lit up with excitement. "It's gorgeous!" she declared happily as she reached for it, taking it into her fingers.

The lights flickered. Something blurred past their vision. Paula screamed.

The sound of the bracelet snapping seemed to echo as a few charms fell to the floor. Ness stared, eyes wide in shock and fear as the charms tinkled on the tile floor.

Moondancer and Jeff struggled to rush to his side through air that suddenly far too thick...and a voice echoed through the dark store over the PA. "Your attention please...would the customer from Onett, Mr. Ness, please proceed to the fourth floor? That was customer Ness, 4th floor office..." A strange animalistic sound followed, mixed with an odd electrical static as the signal cut.

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