• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 8,304 Views, 1,284 Comments

Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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Moondancer clung tightly to Ness, not wanting to let anyone here see her cry. She would definitely need a good cry before she was ready to adventure. She just hoped they could leave soon-

"Out!" Mr. Minch shouted suddenly, his voice somewhere between angry and panicked. "I want you all out of my house! I don't want to see you cross my threshold ever again! And you!" He shook his finger at Ness. "You can expect me to bring this up with your Mother when we talk later about how much your family owes-"

Moondancer's PSI seized the notebook that she'd sensed Mr. Minch's thoughts on. "I don't know money," Moondancer stated flatly as she floated it over, feeling the dread that took hold of Mr. Minch's heart. "But you do. The original loan amount is recorded...along with the illegal interest rates charged so that Ness's father wasn't able to pay it off right away. As are the payments taken from Ness's mother from the funds his father sent the family to live one. Along with the notations that each parent wasn't told the other parent was also paying. You counted on his father's work being too important for his mother to want to worry him, and his guilt - for whatever he feels guilty for - to lead him into not bringing it up. All of that is apparently written in here." She turned to glare at Mr. Minch. "I'll be giving this to Ness's Mom. I'm sure you'll have lots to talk about when next you go to 'collect a payment'."

"You...you can't..." Mr. Minch began desperately. "You can't just...walk in here and steal my personal property-"

"You invited us in with your sons," Buzz Buzz spoke up plainly. "No breaking and entering. You're really going to hold a petty theft against extortion?"

"...did that bug just talk?" Mrs. Minch gasped in shock, having apparently regained her bearings after Moondancer's attack since she wasn't actually harmed.

"Buzz Buzz is my friend," Moondancer stated flatly. "And you tried to kill him. Be glad I leave this place in one piece."

Ness quickly ushered Moondancer out of the house. The group was startled to find the sun had already risen. "But..." Ness began in a whimper. "But I didn't get to sleep..."

"I'm sure your Mom will let you," Buzz Buzz spoke up calmly. "Besides, she needs to see that notebook."

The trio made their way over to Ness's house. As they reached the gate in the fence, Moondancer could have sworn she felt someone watching, but the sensation rapidly faded.

Once they were inside, Ness's Mom took one look at the group and rushed forward. "You three look worn to the bone. Have some spaghetti all three of you, and then scoot off and sleep till tomorrow."

"N...notebook," Moondancer managed to say, holding it up.

"I'll look at that while you're sleeping," she responded firmly as she grabbed it before rushing the trio to the table.

To their surprise, she even set out a bug sized plate for Buzz Buzz, complete with bug sized noodles and utensils. While Buzz Buzz was grateful, Ness was stunned. "Uh...Mom? You do realize there are...aliens at the table, right?"

"Of course there are, Ness," she responded airily. "Your generation thinks you invented everything. I was dealing with aliens when I was your age." She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Well...one for sure, anyway..." Her face turned thoughtful and sad briefly, but she quickly smiled again. "Now eat up. I'll go set up some extra cots in your room for your guests."

With her nudging, it didn't take long for the trio to finish eating and be tucked in. Buzz Buzz was given a bed in two bowls set edge to edge, very similar to his old shell but easy to leave. Moondancer had an extra thick piece of carpet that was almost like sleeping in grass but without bugs. All three slept long and deeply until the following morning.

As Moondancer awoke, she saw Ness was looking conflicted. "What's wrong?" she asked curiously.

"...I need to apologize to Pokey," he began softly. "I didn't treat him well last night. That was uncalled for. Just because I was tired and cranky was no reason to take it out on him. But I don't know how I can apologize when I'm banned from the Minch house."

"You will figure something out," Buzz Buzz observed softly. "For now, I need to give you this." He placed a small stone in Ness's grip. "This is the Sound Stone. Scattered around the world are points of power, known as Your Sanctuary. When you visit them, this Sound Stone will collect their melody. When the melody is complete, drawing from all eight, it will infuse you with the power of Earth...if you are ready for it. When you have the power of Earth, then you will be ready to face Giygas."

Moondancer thoughtfully glanced at her Empty Stone. Would it gather the melodies as well? Would that help her deal with the madness?

Another thought occured to her. "Here," she spoke up, floating one of the Star Charms in her possession over to Ness. "Wear this. It'll protect you."

Smiling, Ness put it on. "Thank you. It's good to know you'll both be helping me."

"Not too much," Buzz Buzz spoke up. "My power is limited, and I need to conserve it. And if you rely too much on Moondancer's power, your own won't grow. She'll be there if you get in over your head, but you need to focus on developing your own power. Only once you're as strong as her can she help you out full time."

"Until then, I can help you carry things," Moondancer offered. "Your pack doesn't hold that much, but I use a pocket dimension maintained by PSI for my storage needs. That should make things easier."

Ness chuckled. "I get the feeling that's going to be more than enough help." Pushing his covers aside, he leapt to his feet. "Come on, let's go."

Smiling, the trio made their way out of the house to the gate...at which point odd upbeat music heralded a man in a top hat and suit with a blonde beard descended from out of the sky. "Pictures taken instantaneously!" he proclaimed eagerly. "I'm a photographic genius, if I do say so myself!" In an instant, he had a camera and tripod setup. "Now look at the camera and say...Fuzzy Pickles!"

Buzz Buzz hovered uncertainly. The suddenness told him this was a threat...and yet neither Ness nor Moondancer reacted with fear or hostility. They were completely relaxed, as though this person were...familiar. Ness took a pose with his hand out in a victory sign as Moondancer tried to pose next to him, looking more silly than dramatic. "Fuzzy Pickles!" they said together.

The man snapped the picture. "What a wonderful photograph," he mused warmly. "It will always bring back the fondest of memories..." He then spun, flying back up into the sky.

"...what was that about?" Buzz Buzz demanded.

"Not sure," Ness admitted, "but I think it's the start of a great adventure!"

"I wonder what memories he wants to bring back?" Moondancer mused thoughtfully as they headed south towards Onett proper.

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