• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 30,355 Views, 3,573 Comments

Families - Darth Link 22

Spike and Scootaloo are acting strange, and Twilight and Rainbow Dash are going to find out why.

  • ...

Talking it Out

Unlike her friends, Fluttershy had enjoyed the last two days with in relative peace. After breakfast the previous day she had stayed around her cottage, feeding her animal friends and catching up on her light reading. Her mind constantly drifted back to the others, wondering if they were alright with their various troubles.

Her silent questions were soon answered by Pinkie walking up to her cottage. Seeing her, the pegasus was about to greet her friend, but paused.

Pinkie was walking, not bouncing, or skipping, or whatever cheerful word for walking you could use. She actually looked worried.

“Um, Pinkie, hello,” she said on instinct. “What can I do for you today?”

“Hey Fluttershy. Can I talk to you about something? It’s really, really important, and you’re the only one who isn’t too busy with something else.”

“Of course. Come inside. Would you like some tea?”

“No thanks, I’m not really thirsty,” the earth pony explained as her friend led her to an outside table. Fluttershy hadn’t let her into her cottage for months, knowing how she would rile up her animals.

“What’s wrong, Pinkie?”

The pink pony shifted the grass underneath her with a hoof. “Fluttershy... you remember that time we told the fillies how we all got out cutie marks?”

“Um, yeah. Why?”

She looked down, as if she were being scolded. “I... I wasn’t telling them everything,” she confessed, as if she had just committed a major breach of her friend’s trust.

Fluttershy tilted her head in curiosity. “Why was that?”

“Well... I didn’t want to talk about it... it wasn’t important to how I got my cutie mark anyway... I hadn’t even told the Cakes about it until the night we got back from the wedding.”

Fluttershy could sense this was important. “Um, what happened? Um, if you don’t mind me asking.”

Pinkie took a deep breath. “Well...”

”Surprise! You like it? It’s called a party!”

Clyde and Sue Pie just gaped at the spectacle, while their two elder daughters shifted nervously, their eyes darting back and forth between the spectacle Pinkie had laid out. For a few, long moments, none of them moved.

Then, there was finally a reaction. Clyde grimaced. He marched over to the table where his youngest had placed a cake. With a quick flick of his nose, he overturned the spread, sending cake and punch crashing to the floor.

“Wh-what?” Pinkie said, hurt. Anything further was interrupted by a yell of pain as Sue clamped her teeth down on her ear. With great force she dragged her daughter out of the silo as her husband continued to destroy the set-up, while Inkie and Blinkie looked on with fear at their younger sister’s fate.

Twilight knocked on the door Spike had barricaded himself behind. “Spike... Come, I have ice cream.”

No answer.

“I’ll sprinkle some sapphires over it,” she offered.

Still no answer.

She sighed. She pressed against the door. “Spike, I know you can hear me... listen, remember when Owlowiscious moved in? You got all jealous and mopey, and it turned out the reason you were so upset was a misunderstanding? That’s what’s going on now. You haven’t done anything that could make me stop loving you. I doubt anything could.

“Even since the day I hatched you, and you crawled up onto my back, I’ve taken care of you, and I haven’t regretted it once. I love you, and I hate seeing you unhappy. Please... for me, come out and talk.”

No answer yet again.

“Spike!” Twilight croaked. It was somewhere between a sobbing plea and a forceful command. “Please, just...please...”

No answer.

She gritted her teeth as she held back tears. She took a deep breath, trying to get some composure in her voice. "Do you really want to keep hiding in that room?" she asked.

She didn't get an answer.

She held back an angry grunt. She wanted, so bad, to just teleport inside and confront him. She knew the time for giving him a chance to talk was passing. This needed to end.

One more chance. That's all he would get. Tomorrow morning, she would get the story out of him, whether he was willing or not.

Trotting away from the door, she sighed and walked downstairs, ready to continue her work. She was surprised, then, to see Applejack sitting in her living room, glancing over a book she had left open.

"Oh, I didn't hear you come in," Twilight said, a bit alarmed. "Did Big Mac send you?"

"No he didn't. Mah brother's getting his dues for stealing that doll from yah, don't worry. But I still wanted to talk to you about it."

The unicorn shifted uncomfortably. "What's there to talk about? Your brother took my doll, and I took it back."

"Did you ever just ask him for it back?"

"Yeah, after the Crusaders published that article about him, I found out he had it. I asked him for it back, but he just told me that I threw it out, and it was his now. I've been waiting for a chance to steal it back ever since."

"Uh-huh. And why did you never just ask me to get it back for ya?"

Twilight suddenly looked ashamed of herself. She kicked at the floor like a child being interrogated by her teacher. "Well... I mean, he is your brother. I... I guess I thought you'd take his side on the whole thing."

"What?" Applejack asked incredulously. "How... you know I don't let bein' part of mah family stop me from doin' the right thing. Twi, how could you think that?"

"I'm sorry, I just... I wanted to be careful about getting her back."

Applejack looked at her friend a moment, then she sighed. "I know what the problem is."

Twilight blinked. "What?"

"Why yer so wound up all the time. It took me awhile, but thinkin' 'bout it ever since you ran off with that doll made everythin' come together."

"...Well, what is it?"

"Twi, yer always tryin' to be a good friend. Now that's a good thing, and it's one of the things I like about you. But you do it by tryin' to solve everypony's problems all at once, and by yerself."

"Well, yeah. Isn't that was a good friend does?"

"Not the way you do it. You seem to think you need to be able to do everythin', and act a certain way, or we're not going to like you anymore."

"That's not true!" Twilight snapped.

"Oh really?" Applejack arched an eyebrow. "What about that incident with the tickets? You were all so worried we wouldn't like you if we didn't get to go."

"That was barely a week after we met! I hadn't exactly made a lot of friends by then, how was I supposed to know?"

"Well, what about when Trixie rolled into town? You thought just casting a few spells would get us to hate you. That's one of the most absurd things I ever heard. After we fought and beat NightMare Moon together, how could you think that?"

"It wasn't my proudest moment, alright?" Twilight snapped.

“And whenever th’ Princess comes to visit, you drive everypony crazy because you micromanage ‘em on getting everything ready. She’s not gonna...”

“Please,” Twilight said a bit forcefully, but there was just enough of a pleading tone to get the earth pony to stop. “The Princess and I... we talked the morning after the wedding. I... I told her I forgave her, and... I apologized to her too. I’m the only pony she has, and it hurt her every time I thought she was going to hurt me.”

Applejack smiled, putting a comforting hoof around her shoulder. “It’s the same with us. You always worry about not bein’ a good friend, but ya already are. Listen, your real problem is you’re so obsessed with helpin’ us that you end up hurtin’ yourself.”

“What do you mean?”

The cowpony pointed to the open book lying on the table. “You got a lot a’ books out for Rainbow Dash. Nearly everythin’ on the table is about them fancy laws she asked ya to look up.”

“Well, yeah. I’m doing what a friend asked me to do.”

“Somethin’ she told ya you could take your time on,” Applejack reminded sternly. “And I’m not seein’ any books out here on how young’uns think. Shouldn’t you be lookin’ up a way to deal with Spike?”

Twilight paused for a moment, looking at her friend. Then she sighed. “Look... I know Spike better than a book could ever hope to. When I first got him, I tried reading every child psychology book I could get my hooves on, but Princess Celestia advised against it. She told me that books could give an overall impression, but I should be raising Spike out of love. That’s what I do.”

“Well, can’t argue with ya there. I never look into them fancy things when raisin’ Apple Bloom. But still, what have you done about Spike?”

“I’ve been trying to get through to him,” the unicorn protested. She immediately quieted herself, glancing back to the stairs. Seeing her charge wasn’t listening, she leaned in and whispered, “Tomorrow morning is going to be the last straw. Either he tells me willingly, or I’m going to sit him down and make him tell me.”

“Good answer,” Applejack approved with a nod. “Well, I gotta admit, I was wrong on my first point, but there’s somethin’ else.”

“Oh? And what’s that?”

“You’re not sleepin’ at night. Don’t think I don’t notice. You looked a mess last mornin’, and you look even worse now. How much shut-eye have you gotten since we got back?”

“...Two, maybe three hours,” Twilight admitted with a nod. “But I’m just so worried about Spike...”

“Twi, don’t give me those horseapples. Yeah, yer worried about Spike, but that shouldn’t mean yer losin’ so much sleep.” The earth pony took a deep breath. “Twi... are you havin’ nightmares?”

There was a silence. Then Twilight put on a smile that actually impressed Applejack with how incredibly unconvincing it was. “What makes you say that?”

Applejack just arched an eyebrow. “Well, we all had nightmares after Discord, and when we walked out on you we were pretty much doin’ the same thing to ya again.”

“...No, I forgave you all, remember? It’s not still bothering me.”

“Twi.” It wasn’t shouted, but there was still force in it.

“...Please don’t be mad, Applejack. You were all so upset after the wedding, I didn’t want to make you all upset again.”

“And that’s your problem,” Applejack said finally, hanging her head solemnly. “Look, I ain’t gonna lie. Yes, I hate that you’re still in pain ‘cause I messed up, but I wanna know ‘bout it so I can fix it. You’re so worried about us you’re lettin’ yourself get hurt. You’ve always been a great friend, but you’ve never given’ us much of a chance to return the favor.”

“Sure I have...”

“Twi, please listen. You’re gettin’ more an’ more open, I see it ev’ry day. But you still don’t open up enough. Trixie, Fluttershy bein’ a model, a lot a’ things could have been avoided if you had just been more open with us. We didn’t even know you had a brother until about half a month ago. You’re tryin’ to be perfect for us ‘cause you think that’s how ta be a good friend, but you’re wrong. Part of it is lettin’ us see the real you, so we can help ya get better.”

Twilight kicked at the floor as if she were a filly again, being lightly scolded by her parents. Applejack put a foreleg around her shoulders. “You can be open with us... but I guess we didn’t help our case much when you had that breakdown... or at the weddin’. But I want to make it right. Come on, Twi, you’re always there for us... let me be there for you.”

Twilight broke down, crying. Almost immediately she flung herself at Applejack, her forelegs locking around the cowpony’s neck. Having expected this, the blonde held her back, allowing her friend to weep into her mane.

“There, there... just let it out,” she soothed, patting her head.

“I... I don’t think I’d be having them,” Twilight choked out. “But... the wedding just... it... made me think of... of Discord. I’m not mad at any of you, I swear, I just...”

Applejack squeezed her harder. “I know, sugarcube. It’s just somethin’ ya need to work through. That’s what I’m here for.”

“In... in all of them, I’m in trouble. And you all ignore me. You’re even cheering on for my death in one. I...”

She sobbed again. Applejack nuzzled her. “I’d never hate you, Twi... none of us would.”

“I know...it’s stupid to worry about...”

“No, it’s somethin’ natural to worry about after everythin’ you’ve been through. Needin’ to lean on us is nothin’ to be ashamed of. I’m just... I’m sorry we haven’t always been there...”

“Don’t start that again,” Twilight said, a little strength returning to her voice. “There’s enough drama around here lately.”

Applejack smiled. “Come on, keep talkin’. And when you’re done, let’s set you down, you need to get some rest.”

Pinkie lay on her bed, crying harder than she had ever remembered doing. Her flanks felt like they were on fire, a testament to her mother’s strength with a paddle. But the constant stinging was nothing compared to her father’s cruel words.

“This is what you get a cutie mark for? Dancing around and pursuing frivolous celebrations? I did not raise you to be so petty.”

“I... I was only trying to make you smile...” Pinkie blubbered.

“By wasting time? Bah, you’re a disgrace! No daughter of mine is going to throw her life away! Tomorrow, you’re doing double your chores! I’ll work this nonsense out of you!”

Fluttershy cupped her mouth with her hooves. “Pinkie...” she said slowly.

The earth pony was crying a bit. “I... I know. I didn’t tell the fillies because it wasn’t really important to what they wanted to know.”

Fluttershy was tearing up. “Pinkie... when I was ‘New Fluttershy’... the things I said...”

Pinkie felt a lump in her throat. “Y... yeah. It felt like he was...”

“I’msorryI’msorryI’msorry,” the pegasus wept.

“No, no, please don’t cry, Fluttershy, please. I forgave you for that.”

The yellow pony wiped her eyes. “I...I..."

"Fluttershy, I need you now. Please don't get sad."

"I...okay, Pinkie. Please, what else happened?”