• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 30,342 Views, 3,573 Comments

Families - Darth Link 22

Spike and Scootaloo are acting strange, and Twilight and Rainbow Dash are going to find out why.

  • ...

More Trouble Brewing

Applejack wobbled out of the farmhouse and into town, her body still sore from the night before. She was sincerely hoping to not run into anypony she knew that morning.

"Hey AJ," a voice called out from above. Knowing who it was, she tried to ignore it. Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash was not one to be ignored.

"You look tired. Did you have a long night with..."

"Don't. You. Dare."

"Aw, come on..."

"It ain't funny," the cowpony growled. "You know why I'm so sore..."

"Yeah, apparently Royal Guards aren't too keen on you jumping at another pony yelling angrily. Who'd have thought."

"...It weren't that bad..."

"AJ, you knocked one of the guards out."

"It was an accident!"

"It took me, Twilight, and the other guard to hold you down. You're lucky you're not in jail right now."

The cowpony grumbled angrily.

"So, when's your first date?"

Applejack swung at her friend, but Rainbow Dash was already in the air, so the attack didn’t amount to much.

“Aw, don’t be like that,” the pegasus chuckled, clearly only encouraged. “I think the two of you just need a good night of cider drinking and your feelings will come out. Who knows? Maybe we'll fly the two of you to Las Pegasus and get you...”

The glare her friend shot her got Rainbow Dash to stop talking, but only because she was too busy laughing. Grumbling, the cowpony continued on, with her friend right behind her.

“Don’t ‘cha got somethin’ better to do than harass me?” Applejack shot.

“Not really,” she shrugged. “That’s the thing after a big storm, weather tends to be sunny for a while. We just needed to set out a few clouds, and I’m not needed for that. Which means I can rib you about this all day.”

“No you can’t. I’ve got farmwork to do today. I can’t have ya floatin’ behind me all the dang time.”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Fair enough. Looks like my fun is down for the day. I wonder if Scootaloo is up for another lesson?”

“Scootaloo?” Applejack smirked. “Not prankin’ with Pinkie, or hangin’ out with Fluttershy?”

The cyan mare blushed. “Well... I’m still worried about the kid. See, yesterday...”

“Uh, Dash?” the cowpony muttered in shock.

“What? ...oh...”

The reason for the surprise was that there seemed to be a gathering just ahead of them. There was a makeshift stage made out of milk cartons. There was a backdrop composed of a wooden frame covered with a canvas. Drawn on was an olive branch with the words “Seek the Peace” written in big, black letters.

“What the...”

A white unicorn with a megaphone for a cutie mark stood on the stage. Levitating a bullhorn up to his lips, he began speaking. “Citizens of Ponyville, hear me! You are in great danger! Certainly you have noticed just how close to death you have all come to. No, I am not talking about the changeling invasion, though that little mess had many of the same root problems. I’m talking about the attack just two days ago that could have gotten you all killed had things happened just a little differently.”

Coming up to the crowd, Rainbow Dash and Applejack gave each other curious glances. The cowpony tapped the shoulder of the first pony she came to, which happened to be Lyra.

“Hey, do you know what the hay this guy’s talkin’ ‘bout?”

“He’s talking about the dragons you and the other fought a few days ago,” the unicorn noted, levitating a newspaper up to her friend. “It’s made the papers.”

Applejack looked on and realized that this wasn’t any local paper. It carried the title of The Truth, and it bore an ominous front headline.


“What the ponyfeathers is this?” Rainbow Dash said angrily.

“Can you all imagine what would have happened had that dragon not been at the town’s edge? You would all be out of your homes and likely your employment, and many might have died.”

There was some murmurs to that. Rainbow Dash and Applejack looked at each other, not liking where this was going.

“And do you know why this happened? It happened because you’re housing a dragon, one that has been forced on you by our so-called beloved princess. Celestia sent him to live here, and now he has put you in danger!”

That got murmurs, both at the insulting of Spike and the criticism of the princess. Rainbow Dash snorted angrily while Applejack dug her hooves into the ground.

“Celestia insisted on keeping a beast among civilization, and look what it nearly cost all of you. Sure, you might have been spared this time, but what happens next time? Are you really willing to put your lives in danger over some monster.”

That’s it!” Rainbow Dash said, flying up. Applejack tried to restrain her friend, but missed her by a longshot as the pegasus flew forward and landed on stage. “Listen here, I’m already sick of you!”

“And what do we have here?”

“Look you, I’ve been listening to you for a minute, and I’m already sick of you badmouthing my friends. You better stop, or else!"

Applejack hit her forehead with her hoof. She knew what happened next.

"Behold, one of Celestia's attack dogs, baring her teeth at the slightest resistance," the speaker said, playing the crowd once again.

"Slightest? Your badmouthing the princess and my friends!"

"That incompetent tyrant sitting on the throne in Canterlot? The one who allowed the Changeling Queen to set up an invasion right under her nose? Why not?"

"Look you, I'm going to..."

"And behold! The true colors of the monarchy," the pony jeered, "threatening with physical..."

"Oh shut up," Bon Bon jeered from the back. "I'm getting pretty sick of you myself."

"Oh, you poor soul, so lost from the monarch's..."

"Actually," Doctor Whooves countered, "I'm growing quite tired of you myself."

"Oh, and I suppose you think you're better versed in the ways of the world than I am?"

"You have no idea..."

“You’ve all been cheated and lied to! The Princess...”

“Oh, put a sock in it,” another pony yelled. Much to the speaker’s surprise and horror, that cry received a chorus of agreements to it.

Suddenly, the speaker who had been filled with vim and vigor mere moments ago was beginning to falter. "Friends, I speak nothing but the truth. The dragon..."

"Is a respected member of our community," Mayor Mare interrupted, coming up to the front. On either side, she was flanked by Chief Book ‘Em and one of her aides. "One I do not like you badmouthing. And I don't recall you getting a permit to speak here." After a pause, she leaned down to her aide and whispered "They didn't get a permit, did they?"

"No, ma'am," the aide assured.

“Well then,” the old mare continued, “you must pack up and head out.”

“You can’t silence the truth!”

“You’re right,” Book ‘Em said coolly, “but I can silence the idiot yelling stupid things at the ponies in my town. So I suggest you pack up and leave, immediately.” This received a chorus of agreements from the crowd.

The pony backed up a bit, his eyes shifting nervously, clearly unsure whether to stay or leave. In the end, he knew he was beaten, the crowd wasn’t on his side. He jumped off his stage. With a glow of his horn, the setup folded itself into a cube, rather impressive magic, all things considered. “You’ll see the truth eventually,” the unicorn proclaimed, then walked off, ignoring the jeers he was getting.

The Keeper smiled. “Well done, Ponyville,” she noted, looking at Applejack’s tome. Sighing, she turned her gaze to the one belonging to another pony. “I just wish Canterlot was as intelligent...”

“Ask yourself, how many of you were horrified at the thought of a dangerous creature attending the same school you did?” This got a number of agreements. “But because even at a young age you took a stand, you were spared any danger! You chased that beast off, though Celestia has ignored your feelings!

“And I ask of you: can you sleep at night knowing how poor Canterlot’s defenses are? The Royal Guard was on high alert, and yet the Changeling Queen was able to waltz right in and kidnap a member of the Royal Family and impersonate her for months! Those expertly trained guards expecting an attack lost the capital in ten minutes! All the warning in the world couldn’t have helped them!”

That got agreement out of everypony.

“And where is Shining Armor now, when the Changeling Queen needs to be found? On vacation! Fraternizing with his consort and deciding that that’s more important than your lives! He knew the kingdom was in trouble, yet he insisted on holding the ceremony right then and there!”

Another chorus of agreements, even as two Royal Guards pushed their way through the crowd. The unicorn speaker noticed them.

“And what have we here?” the speaker sneered. “Come to try and shut me down!”

“That all depends,” one guard said, trying to keep his tone neutral, though a tone of disapproval was heard. “Let’s see your permit.”

Unlike his Ponyville counterpart, this one was better prepared. He produced a parchment decorated with the Royal Seal. It was a permit, authorizing speaking on a political matter, and authorized for this specific area of the city.

“...It’s legit,” the first guard muttered, unable to keep the disappointment out of his voice.

“Very well,” the second guard mumbled, “carry on, as long as this doesn’t get violent, we don’t care.”

It was half-truth, half-lie. The speaker noticed as they walked away, and continued making comments about them.

“Behold, how they flee from the truth...”

It took all of the guards’ discipline not to just turn around and silence the speaking pony, but that was exactly was he was counting on, and they knew it. They simply walked off, ignoring the shouting crowd.

Spike awoke feeling much better than the previous day. The pain that had coursed through his body was disappearing. He had been brought gently to the breakfast table by his mother, who fed him generously as the day before.

“I’m sorry you fell asleep last night, that dinner was for you,” Twilight sighed. “Do you want to do something special next month?”

Spike perked at this. “Why next month?”

“...Pinkie... I have a lot to tell you. See...”

She was interrupted by her front door opening. Applejack and Rainbow Dash rushed in, looking disheveled. “Twi, good, you’re here... so is Spike, that’s good.”

“What’s going on?” the unicorn demanded.

“You’re not going to like this,” the pegasus said nervously, producing the newspaper the speaker had been passing out.

Rainbow Dash was correct. One look at the paper and Twilight looked nearly as mad as she had when facing down Garble. “What. Is. This?”

As Spike took the paper, Applejack spoke. “There was some fella speakin’ in th’ town, bangin’ on about how Spike was a menace and th’ Princess isn’t runnin’ things right,” she practically spat.

“Oh, those...” Twilight growled.

Then she glanced over at her son. His expression stopped her.

He wasn’t crying, but he looked like he wanted to... or at least, would have if he were younger. He just looked at the headline, not bothering to read the rest, he knew it was the same comments he had heard for years.

“Spike...” Twilight said slowly, “it’ll be okay...”

“I know,” Spike said, his voice wavering a little. “I just thought... I just thought it was over... that I didn’t have to put up with this anymore...”

“Oh, you won’t,” Rainbow Dash assured, “nopony listened to him. He’s been chased off.”

Spike breathed a sigh of relief, but Twilight had to shatter that perception. “I’m sorry, Spike, but this doesn’t look like it’s limited to Ponyville... this might be a problem.”

Spike drooped again, but this had no effect on Rainbow Dash. “I don’t think so. Can’t the Princess handle this?”

“How? It’s not illegal to print political opinions in Equestria.”

“Well, yeah,” Rainbow stuttered. “But...”

“How big can this thing spread?” Applejack asked. “I don’t want these fellas gettin’ the upper hoof...”

“I doubt it will come to anything,” Twilight said, “but it never hurts to be careful. Spike, are you up for sending another notice to the Princess?”

Before Spike could answer, Scootaloo came into the library, clutching the second Daring Do book between her teeth. She was initially bounding in, but upon seeing her idol she stopped in surprise.

“Squirt?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Huh, Runbuw Dush,” she muttered before spitting the book out. “Hi, Rainbow Dash!”

“Hey kiddo,” she smiled, wrapping a wing around her student and pulling her in close.

Twilight levitated the book up. “Did you finish this already? You just checked it out two days ago!”

“Well, no...” she admitted, “but I don’t need it anymore! My dad said he was going to buy me the whole set tonight!”

The three adult ponies looked a bit surprised. “That’s nearly a two hundred bit set,” Twilight said in a bit of disbelief. “He’s buying them for you just like that?”

The filly nodded. “He’s buying them for me as an apology present.”

That got the their attention. “What do you mean...” Spike began, but he was interrupted by Rainbow Dash scooting down to her level.

“Kid... was something going on?”

Scootaloo kicked the ground a bit. “Well... please don’t get mad, Rainbow Dash, everything’s better now...”

“Kid, I won’t make a big deal out of things if they’re really better.”

“...Well... my dad... he was just putting me down. He didn’t mean to,” she added quickly, “he was just looking out for me. But... he was doing things that made me feel bad.”

“...And what did you do?”

“I... I just... got mad and told him he was wrong. I told him everything... about our flying lessons...”

“Wait,” the older pegasus was looking upset, “they didn’t know about the lessons? Were you keeping this from him?”

“...Yes. He... he kept telling me that I was too clumsy to learn how to fly... he was just being overprotective.”

“Oh really?” the older pegasus said, crossing her forelegs, “and did he say this himself?”

Scootaloo smiled and nodded. “He said that he was sorry... and that he would teach me flying.”

“...Really?” Rainbow Dash asked slowly.

“Yeah! Thanks for teaching me, but you don’t have to anymore. My dad is going to start tomorrow... not that I don't like learning from you, but..."

"I understand," Rainbow Dash answered. "He's your dad. I'm happy for you."

Twilight, Applejack, and Spike exchanged a look. They weren't sure if even Rainbow Dash herself believed it.

Scootaloo hugged her idol’s leg. "Thank you so much for teaching me. And... I wanted to invite you to have dinner with my family."

That caught Rainbow Dash off guard. "Really?"

Scootaloo nodded happily. "I told my dad that Soarin' was coming into town to meet you, and he decided he wanted to thank you for teaching me by having you over for a meal one night. Will you do it? Please?"

Rainbow Dash was silent for a moment. "I need to talk to Soarin' about it, but I'm sure he'd say yes. Sure!"

"Great!" the filly exclaimed, looking giddy. "I got to get back home, but I'll tell my dad what you said! Thanks for everything, Dash!"

With that, the filly skipped out, looking happy and content.

There was a silence that hung over the library. "Well," Applejack said at last, "that solves that."

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash noted, rubbing her chin. "A little too well."

"Now Dash," the cowpony started, smiling smugly, "you sure you're not just... jealous?"

Twilight opened her mouth to comply, but memories of the wedding came flooding in. "...Maybe we should keep a few eyes out..."

Applejack looked at her friend incredulously. "Twi, you really think that filly's bein' abused? From the look of things..."

"We all went by 'the look of things' at the wedding, and look what happened," the pegasus retorted. "I'm not taking any chances..."

"I agree," Twilight noted. "Just don't do anything reckless, Rainbow Dash," Twilight noted. "The last thing we need is to make ourselves look bad... especially with these ponies around," she added, holding up the newspaper.

Pausing, she glanced at the paper, bothering for the first time to look at the author of the piece. "I wonder who this Olive Branch pony is...”

Olive Branch, meanwhile, was rubbing his head with a hoof. "So... the ponies of Ponyville didn't take to our message," the said wryly.

"That's right," the speaker pony said. "Even if we could get permits, I doubt anypony would listen to us..."

The leader brushed his subordinate away. "We always knew that town would be a particullarly hard nut to crack... they are tight knit, after all. I knew trying to apply for a permit wouldn't have changed much."

"So... where do we go from here?"

"We'll have to wait," Olive Branch said simply, "for our speakers in Canterlot to report back. In the meantime, I have another little surprise cooking up..."

Rarity was currently entertaining a rare guest. While Zecora wasn't an unusual sight around Ponyville anymore, seeing her among frivolities such as dresses was something unusual. Still, this particular dress was to help her home country, so she was willing to take the time to help her friend.

"Though to get used to it might take awhile, vibrant colors are a zebra's style..."

"I see," Rarity said politely, sewing the patches of cloth together. "I must say, this is a far cry from pony fashion... but anything endorsed by Fancypants will sell."

"Um..." Fluttershy said nervously as Rarity wrapped the fabric around her body, "am I going to have to wear these at the auction?"

"Oh, no darling, I couldn't possibly ask you to after..." Rarity trailed off. Zecora lifted an eyebrow but thought it best not to comment. "Believe me, I wouldn't even ask you to if I thought any of the others would do it. I dare say, I don't think Pinkie or Rainbow Dash would be able to sit still for more than five minutes. This simply has to be done now, I've delayed far too long already, especially for a client who pays as well as Fancypants."

"This rich young pony I wish to meet, his generosity is quite a treat."

"You'll get a chance to meet him in about a week," the unicorn assured. "He'll be coming by to pick up my dresses for his auction..." Rarity trailed off. "Have you heard what went on in town?"

"That wicked speaker? I did indeed. For such hurtful things there is no need."

"Oh my, yes," the pegasus said timidly. "I saw everypony talking about it after he was chased off. Rainbow Dash broke it up, thank goodness..."

"Yes, well, that pony seemed a bit... xenophobic, I was wondering, did they say anything to you?" Rarity asked, turning toward the zebra.

"They have not spoken to I, when they see me they just pass by."

Rarity shook her head. "I was appalled to hear it. Derpy told me when she delivered my mail this morning. That pony's lucky too. What I wouldnt give to march up to him and give him a piece of my mind."

"Reacting in anger leads only to dread, stay calm and peaceful, you should instead."

Rarity sighed. "I suppose you're right... rather unladylike, I know, but after all Spike's suffered through the last few days..." she shook her head. "There's simply been so much going on, darling... and I must say, this wouldn't have happened if I'd have had the mind to keep quiet..."

"I believe they say the loosest of lips, can sink even the mightiest of ships."

Rarity sighed. "I believed I was doing the right thing, warning everypony of the threat. But..."

"Oh Rarity, don't feel bad..." Fluttershy said weakly.

"When horrible equines want to have their say, they'll twist the truth in whichever way," Zecora noted sagely. "For now, there little you can do to atone, so why not concentrate on the work in your home?"

Clyde reached the end of his slow, melancholy song. Pinkie, Inkie, and Blinkie clapped, half out of obligation, and half because they truly did appreciate it.

"Okay, enough of that," Granny Pie laughed. "Let's pick up the pace! Come on, sonny, sing something upbeat!"

"Mother," Clyde winced, rubbing his head with a hoof, "it's important for them to learn some slow, respectable songs..."

"Oh of course it is," the elder mare waved a hoof, "but they've had their fill for tonight. Come on."

"...I still say they should keep learning," Clyde said, though he was clearly resigned to losing the argument.

"Oh, pish-posh. You're such a fuddy-duddy. Why, even as a kid you hardly let loose if I wasn't tickling you."

At that, Clyde blushed. His kids perked up. His wife, busy knitting in her chair, stopped and looked amused, in spite of herself.


Granny Pie just smiled. "All I had to do was poke you right..." she jabbed the tip of her hoof into his ribs. Instantly Clyde, of whom his kids suspected would have his face enchanted to stay in the same expression if he thought he could get away with it, cracked a smile and a snicker. He immediately put himself back to normal, or tried to anyway. The nervous sweat from what he expected was coming next kind of made that hard. His children tittered, also sensing what was coming.

"Mother..." Clyde tried to sound firm, and his level of failure in that regard was nothing short of impressive. "Don't..."

"Go on, kids, try it!"

Clyde nearly screamed in terror. Rightly so. His foals, who had developed a sixth sense to know when an adult gave them permission to be rambunctious, leapt straight at their father. The farmpony hit the ground as his kids climbed over him.

"You kids stop or I'll..."

Any threats were lost in his laughter as six tiny hooves assaulted him. Granny Pie laughed too, not lifting a hoof to help her son.

"S-stop!" he giggled. "A-alright, that's i-it!"

He managed to get Pinkie and Inkie pinned. Blinkie still sat on his back, tugging at his ears, but he paid her no mind for now. He instead pressed a hoof into each of his daughter's stomachs, causing them to giggle.


Pinkie Pie came back to reality, noticing that the cookie she had been decorating now had more icing than cookie.

"Sorry, Mr. Cake," Pinkie said sheepishly.

"Try dabbing the excess on the other cookies," her employer instructed. As she got about her task, he spoke again. "Thinking about your parents?"

"...Yes," she said, not slowing her work. "...Dad was just... he wasn't really different before Granny Pie passed on, but..."

"Grief does weird things to ponies," Mr. Cake said simply.

"But... it didn't seem to do anything at all..." Pinkie sighed. "He cried a lot for a few weeks... we all did. Then he went back to being him. I thought..."

Mr. Cake looked at his employee awkwardly. "I think the only way to straighten all this out to talk to him."

Pinkie felt her stomach lurch. She would have never thought it was possible to wish an event would both come and never happen, but here they were.

"Why don't you go relieve Cup of the twins," he suggested. Pinkie could be distracted from a lot of things, but her surrogate siblings were not one of them, and he knew it.

"Oh! That could be fun!" she said. She knew it was a distraction, but she jumped on it. It was what she needed at the moment.

Scootaloo skipped home. A weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Her dad and her had cleared the air, and she was going to get lessons directly from him. No more getting talked down to, everything was going to be perfect.

She opened her front door, and was almost immediately greeted to her father calling calmly from the other room. “Scootaloo, is that you?”


“Then come in here,” he said. The instruction was unnecessary, Scootaloo was already heading toward the living room.

Speedy Delivery sat on his couch, watching his daughter come in. He opened his mouth to speak, but she spoke first.

“Rainbow Dash said she’d love to come for dinner!”

“Oh, did she now?” he answered pleasantly.

“Yeah! She going to talk to Soarin’ about coming! She should know sometime soon and...
Speedy Delivery stood. Scootaloo stopped as her father walked over to her. There was a tense moment.

“Well, let’s see those wings.”

Smiling, the young filly extended them proudly.

And then, a large hoof came down on top of the left one, sending it to the floor. Scootaloo yelped in surprise and pain as she was pulled to the floor.

“Ow,” the filly whined in pain. Her father’s hoof pressed down on it, not as hard as he could, but enough to cause some discomfort. He grinded his hoof, causing additional pain. “Wh-what are you doing?”

“You disobeyed me,” he said coldly.

“But...” she had tears in her eyes. “But you said...”

“Well, I had to take advantage of an opportunity. You were simply stupid enough to fall for it.”

“I’m not stupid!” she shrieked.

Speedy Delivery responded by grinding harder, causing her to yelp in pain. “You just cut yourself off from something you loved. Do you feel smart?”

Scootaloo let out another sob. “Why are you doing this?”

At this, he leaned in close to his daughter’s face. “Because, I’m your father. You’re my daughter, my little pony. I decide what’s best for you. Not Rainbow Dash, not anypony else, me. I’m truly disturbed that you don’t get that. But you understand now, don’t you?”

Scootaloo sobbed.

Don’t you?”

A hiccup. “Y-yes.”

The hoof grinded harder. “Yes, what?”

“...Y... Yes, Daddy.”

At this, he finally released his daughter. Scootaloo fell back, sobbing on the ground.

“Now, why did you make me hurt you?” he sighed. “This wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t such a bad kid.”

Scootaloo just sobbed.

“Now...say you’re sorry.

“...I... I... I’m sorry, Daddy.”

“Yes, you are,” Speedy Delivery answered neutrally. “You will not be leaving this house until the dinner with Rainbow Dash, so I suggest you get comfortable.”

Scootaloo looked at her father, confusion showing through the tears. The dinner was real. “But... why?”

“You shouldn't question him, little one,” a new voice said.

Scootaloo stopped. It wasn't her mother. She turned her head towards where she had come in.

“After all,” Olive Branch noted, “Father knows best.”

Author's Note:

Wow, who saw this coming except for all of you?

Seriously, I'm sorry you guys had to wait so long, and I'm equally sorry if it doesn't live up to expectations. I'm just a tired, tired man right now.

Please let me know what you think, and I'll try to have the next chapter up sooner.