• Published 23rd Jul 2012
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Families - Darth Link 22

Spike and Scootaloo are acting strange, and Twilight and Rainbow Dash are going to find out why.

  • ...

It Gets Worse

Clyde wasn't happy at this new development. He had expected to spend the entire day with his family, catching up on his oldest daughter's accomplishments and working on a way to integrate her back into her family. But now, Twilight Sparkle was pushing him out the door of Sugarcube Corner, demanding to be taken to the spot where he had run into the Anti-Celestia group.

Still, Clyde could sympathize. These ponies had threatened her son (a dragon for a son... that was an interesting story right there) and she was not about to give them any chance to harm him. His parental instincts had kicked in, and he agreed.

Pinkie would be coming with them, as would the earth pony Applejack. Inkie and Blinkie had wanted to come, and though they were both of age, they had buckled to Clyde and Sue's demands that they stay behind.

"Are you sure about this, Twi?" Applejack muttered. "You said yerself we shouldn't be actin' hasty..."

"We aren't going to confront them," she assured her. "At least, not directly. I just want to see what they’re up to. If they are going to do something illegal, they're not going to get the drop on me."

"Are you sure you don't want the rest of us to come with you, dear?" Rarity asked.

"No," she said immediately. "There's more that has to be done here." She turned to the Cakes. "Can Spike stay here until I get back?"

Confused, the pair nodded. "Of course... but do you really think it's necessary?"

"I'm not taking any chances," Twilight answered. "If they came here, I want him hidden. They'll be reluctant to attack Sugarcube Corner since an assault on a public place would mark against them." She took a breath. "Rarity, go get Spike and escort him here. Rainbow Dash, keep your dinner date with Scootaloo's family, that's not something we can put off. Everypony else, just stay put. We won't be long."

"If you insist..." Rarity said reluctantly.

"We'll be back before you know it."

That conversation had been the last bit of talk in the group until they were out of the city. Finally, Clyde spoke up. "Has this group been causing you problems?"

"Not really," Twilight admitted. "They need the public on their side, so they haven't done much more than trash Spike and the Princess."

Clyde slowed a bit. "Then why worry about them?"

"They aren't popular here. The only speaker that tried got run out because the ponies here respect Spike. But they're still hanging around. I need to know why."

"Ya think they're up ta somethin', Twi?"

"I wouldn't doubt it... I wonder what their angle is..."

"We can figure it out," Pinkie chirped happily, looking like her old self again. "We'll get rid of those meanies! Then, we'll figure out what's wrong with Scootaloo, and fix that! Then we'll finally have that big party to celebrate beating the changelings! We'll have cake, and pie, and punch..."

Twilight started to tune out Pinkie's chatter, but she noticed Clyde listening happily, as if his daughter's voice was beautiful music. She smiled despite herself.

Since the wedding, there had been no peace. The falling out, the invasion, the apologies and guilt, Spike running away, Pinkie's parents, and Scootaloo's troubles had all piled on each other. There had been too little peace. But now... it was finally clearing. The dinner with Scootaloo was tonight, and that should tell them both what needed to be done. That only left the Anti-Celestia group, and the Princess would deal with them... hopefully.

Rainbow Dash flew up towards her home. She had to shower before the dinner, and she'd hoped to avoid Rarity’s insistence that she do her mane or wear a dress.

Just as she was about to open the door, something grabbed her from behind. Yelling in surprise, she turned... or more accurately, was turned by something. She opened her mouth to yell in surprise, only for another pair of lips to come crashing down on them.

Once she realized who it was, she kissed back, but only for a moment. Then she pushed away and playfully swatted at his side. "That wasn't very tactful," she said evenly.

"Oh really?" Soarin said. "You didn't seem to have much to complain about a second ago." He wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

Rolling her eyes in an equally playful manner, she opened the door to her home, heading inside with her coltfriend right behind her. "You could have picked a more romantic time for your first kiss," she chided.

"You didn't seem like the type," he shrugged. "Anyway, any news on Scootaloo?"

"Nothing I didn't tell you in the letter," she said, walking into the kitchen and pouring drinks for her guest and herself. "That's why we're heading over to her house tonight. You need to use the shower?"

"I think I better... I just flew all the way from Canterlot."

"You can go first then," the mare noted, pointing in the general direction of her bathroom. "Shower off and get ready. I don't want to be late."

Sugarcube Corner, despite being closed, was still as lively as ever. Inkie and Blinkie were playing with Pound and Pumpkin, causing the foals to giggle happily at every funny face. Rarity and Fluttershy decorated the dining area with streamers and balloons, ready to celebrate Pinkie's reconciliation. Mrs. Cake and Mrs. Pie remained in the kitchen, baking treats.

It was a rather tense situation. No matter how friendly one tried to be with the other, there was the unmistakable looks of jealousy in their eyes. As far as Mrs. Cake was concerned, Sue had just stolen her child from her. And as far as Sue was concerned, Mrs. Cake had stolen several years of her child's life from her.

They tried not to voice it. Pinkie's heart was big enough for two sets of parents, no matter how much it hurt to share her, and neither wanted to cause the child more pain by fighting.

"Was Pinkie happy here?"

Mrs. Cake's ears perked up at Sue's question. It wasn't an accusation, or a questioning of her parenting skills. It was simply a question that she wanted answered.

"Of course... we raised her like she was our own."

"She did well in school?" she continued interrogating. "You didn't have a problem getting her to work?"

She shook her head. "No... she was always eager to bake. She never had any trouble in primary school. She needed the grades and the bits for her secondary schooling."

Sue gaped at her. "S-secondary schooling? What could she have needed that for with her cutie mark?"

Mrs. Cake was not angry at her surprise. Both her and her husband had been equally as surprised when they heard it. "Engineering."

Sue's mouth nearly hit the floor. "Wh-wh-what?"

"I know... I thought it was crazy too. But she had all these designs she wanted to see built. She'd spend her free time in the backyard, tinkering with all these parts, trying to build a flying machine."

Sue's eyes actually widened further. "Don't tell me... she actually managed to build it?"

Mrs. Cake nodded. "It took years, but she finally did it... she made a cannon that shoots party decorations too."

Sue's shock slowly faded, to be replaced by sadness. "So... me and Clyde were worrying about nothing..."

To her surprise, Mrs. Cake actually shook her head. "I don't think so... Truth be told, Pinkie was pretty irresponsible about everything that didn't involve her special talent. When she was on the clock, she worked just fine. When she had to do her chores, well... it was something else entirely."

Sue nodded. "We were worried that would be a problem..."

"It was... the only reason we ever agreed to let her babysit Pound and Pumpkin was because we literally had no other choice."

There was an awkward silence.

"The twins... they're yours biologically? Not adopted?"

"Yes," she answered. "Me and Carrot... we had some recessive genes that come out."

The last part was clearly to answer what she knew Sue must be thinking, but was too tactful to ask. She nodded. "I see..."

Silence once more as the pair kneaded dough. "Aside from the irresponsibility, was there any other problems? Any... misbehavior?"

"Not really," Mrs. Cake said. "Pinkie was very well behaved. The only time she really got in trouble was about a year after she moved in. She tried baking without us and nearly set the kitchen on fire." She looked at Sue, for the first time moving from her neutral expression to a slightly angry one. "I was about to take a paddle to her. But once she saw it, she broke down crying. She cried so hard, I couldn't bring myself to hurt her. I ended up grounding her instead."

Sue didn't have an answer for that. She simply went back to kneading her share. The silence was awkward at that moment. Mrs. Cake sighed. "Listen... I care about Pinkie, and I know you do too, regardless of what happened."

"That doesn't change the things I did," Sue said sadly, stopping her work. "Or what I didn't do."

Mrs. Cake nodded. “It doesn’t. But maybe you can make up for it before you leave.”

Sue smiled sadly. “I suppose it’s pointless to try and talk Pinkie into coming back to the rock farm, isn’t it?”

“You’re welcome to try,” was all Mrs. Cake said, and it said enough. The fact that she was offering Sue the chance to take Pinkie made it clear that she didn’t think such a thing was possible. Sue felt her heart ache.

“She’s happy here, right?”

“As happy as we can make her.”

Rainbow Dash looked at herself in the mirror as a brush ran through her mane for the seventh time, wondering if she should do anything with it. This was both dinner with Scootaloo’s parents and a date with her new coltfriend, she needed to look her best. But she hated having to style her mane unless it was absolutely necessary. Even during the Gala and at the wedding, she had only let Rarity do as much with it as was needed.

A knock on the bathroom door was accompanied by Soarin’s voice. “Come on, are you ready yet? I thought one of the advantages of dating you meant no waiting to get ready.”

Rainbow Dash opened the door and whacked him with the manebrush. “Ow! What was that for?”

“That was still sexist,” she said flatly, but there was still a smile. “And this is kind of a big deal. Think I should style my mane?”

“Nah, I like it the way it is,” he grinned. He waited for her to grin as well before adding in a bit of teasing. “Sides, I doubt you could do anything with that mess anyway.”

That earned him another smack, but Rainbow Dash took it as a joke. “You're lucky you're cute,” she said playfully.

“And the fact that I’m rich and famous doesn’t hurt either, does it?”

“Please. I’m going to get my own money and fame. I don’t need a stallion for that.”

He shrugged. “Fair enough... I think that’s enough banter for now. Come on, dinner awaits.”

Clyde had enjoyed the walk through Ponyville now that the large weight on his past had been lifted off his shoulders. It was absolutely wonderful to have his daughter next to him, pointing out the buildings she frequently inhabited, and waving to ponies she knew. A few had approached for introductions to the old stallion, only to be halted by Twilight, who said they were in a rush now and they’d all get a chance to meet him at the inevitable “Welcome to Ponyville” party that Pinkie was sure to throw.

On the outskirts, they continued walking, while Pinkie finally explained to him about Spike and his relation to the Anti-Celestia group. Clyde nodded, then spoke aloud. “I suppose I understand why you want to check this out... no assuming when it comes to your foals... er, in a manner of speaking.”

“I’ve made that mistake before,” Twilight grumbled.

The older pony looked at her with an interested expression. “What do you mean?”

“It was during the first Winter Wrap-Up we had in Ponyville... we do everything by hoof, no magic. When the clean up was over, I decided to play a prank on Spike. He ended up dunked in the river. Then it turned out the ponies who were supposed to have heated the pond with the underground pumps had slacked off their duties. Spike was sick for two weeks.”

Despite the story, Pinkie actually giggled. “Rainbow Dash and Applejack had to hold her down to stop her from hurting the ponies responsible, and it took Rarity, Vinyl Scratch, and Lyra working together to suppress her magic.”

Clyde nodded. “A few years after Pinkie left, something similar happened in our town. A foal took a swim as soon as it was over. He wasn’t so lucky.”

“The ponies who did it got off too easy,” Twilight spat. “Ninety days jail time.” And then, her ears drooped. “Still... I shouldn’t have pulled that prank...”

“Twi, we told ya, it wasn’t your fault,” Applejack patted her back. “Even with how we were runnin’ in circles, nopony was quite that dang fool enough. Anypony coulda fallen in them ponds when they was bustin’ up the ice... dern foals slackin’...”

Twilight sighed. “I guess you're right... Still, I want to get this done and get back to Ponyville.”

“By the way, what’s th’ plan when we see ‘em?” Applejack asked.

“We spy a bit to see what they’re up to, if we can get in close enough without being seen.”

“And if we can’t?” Clyde ask.

“We run a changeling check on them and then get back to town,” Twilight sighed. “There’s nothing else we can do. We’ll think more about helping Scootaloo, if she really needs our help at all.”

Clyde spoke up again. “I’ve been meaning to ask, who exactly is Scootaloo?”

Pinkie suddenly panicked. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, I didn’t tell you! You see, there’s this little pegasus filly that hangs around with Applejack and Rarity’s little sisters, and...”

“Excuse me.”

The four ponies heads turned as another pony, a unicorn with a white coat and a megaphone cutie mark. Applejack tensed. “Are you aware of the grip of tyranny that...”

He trailed off as he saw who he was talking to. His face contorted into an expression of contempt, like he was looking at something rancid and filthy. “Well, look who it is. Celestia’s little lap dog.”

Scootaloo’s heart began racing as she heard the knock on the front door. Sweat began forming on her forehead. She looked up at her father, who gave her a condescending look.

“Now remember, just act like everything’s okay, and by the end of the night, it will be. I know it’s a lot to ask of you, but I’m sure even you can manage this.”

Scootaloo gulped, but nodded. “Sure thing, Daddy.”

“Good girl,” he said sweetly, patting her head as Quick Delivery opened the front door. A chorus of welcomes was exchanged as Rainbow Dash and Soarin stepped in.

“Ah, Miss Rainbow Dash. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you,” Speedy said quickly. “I wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for my daughter.”

Rainbow Dash grinned. “Heh, it was nothing,” she assured, playfully ruffling the foal’s mane. “She’s a natural at it. Aren’t you, Scoots?”

“Y-yeah,” Scootaloo said, trying with all her might to keep the tremble out of her voice. “A natural.”

“And Soarin, we’re honored that you would grace our home.”

“Hey, it’s no problem,” the Wonderbolt said dismissively. "I don't get good, homecooked meals much anymore."

“Well, we have no shortage of that," Quick Delivery said happily. "Can I get you anything to drink? Water? Soda? Wine?"

"Water," Rainbow Dash responded, and her coltfriend in kind. She turned back to Speedy Delivery, putting on her best friendly smile, though she was still unsure exactly how much the stallion deserved it. "So, how are the flying lessons going? She was doing great at her last one."

"Oh, Scootaloo is a natural," Speedy said with a grin. It looked friendly in every way, though for some reason it still made Rainbow Dash uneasy. "She's going to be joining you on the Wonderbolts someday," he added to Soarin, "aren't you?"

Scootaloo swallowed the lump in her throat, and then tried to speak without her voice cracking. "You bet."

"But we can talk about that over our meals. Please, come side down." He motioned to the table. Quick Delivery had finished pouring the drinks, water for the guests, a glass of cider for her husband, and a glass of wine for herself. As the two guests set, they both noticed Scootaloo had gotten only water as well. A bit strange for a foal so young.

"I'm so glad you agreed to this," Speedy said as he and his daughter sat down. His wife excused herself to enter the kitchen. "I wanted to get to know somepony that my daughter holds in such high regard."

Rainbow Dash waved this off. "What can I say? I am pretty cool that way."

Quick Delivery came in balancing the plates on her wings. It was salads, Rainbow Dash was pleased to see. As the matriarch of the Delivery family passed out the plates, Speedy continued. "I don't suppose I could get a letter of recommendation for Scootaloo while you're here, can I?" he asked Soarin. "I'm hoping to get her into a good flight school."

"Well, it's a bit complicated," he admitted. "I'm going to have to see her fly... but if Rainbow Dash says she has talent, I think she'll do fine."

"Excellent," he said. "We can go out after we eat. Come on, I'm sure you're all hungry."

"Why have you come? Are you here to suppress us? Is Celestia trying to bully us out of our noble cause?"

Twilight gritted her teeth. "No. I want to know what you're doing camped out outside town. What do you possibly hope to accomplish?"

"We simply seek to open ponies’ eyes to the incompetence of your master, though you're too blind to see it."

"So your great plan to invoke change is to harass travelers into coming to a backwater town? I'm not buying it! What are you really up to?"

"And, the Princess'a lapdog comes to do her bidding with wild accusations! I suppose you have proof of your claims? We have a right to protest against against things we see as harmful to us."

"I haven't made any claims, I merely asked what you were up to," Twilight snapped, her patience running thin. "And by your logic, I have a right to investigate ponies that are trying to have my son exiled."

"Your son? That's what you claim that little beast is? He's a monster! He'll eat you whole."

"Listen, you..."

"Twi," Applejack spoke up, "reel it in. He ain't worth it, and he's too darn thick ta listen ta reason."

"Pretty big talk coming from a country hick whose cutie mark is for playing in the dirt."

Applejack flared up at the insult, but a hoof on the shoulder from Clyde stopped her. "They're trying to bait you," he whispered. "Just stay calm."

"Fine, don't tell me," Twilight said. "I don't think I'd trust anything you had to say. But I trust the lot of you will agree to be scanned?"

Much to Twilight's surprise, the pony seemed to calm down. "Typical changeling scan, yes? Very well, let's get it over with."

The lavender mare blinked in surprise, as did her companions. Was it really that simple? Just like that? Carefully, Twilight approached the red pony and lit up her horn.

A second later, it felt like she had been punched straight in the brain. She staggered back as her magic was suddenly pushed back into her, and her mind felt like it had been split in two.

Seconds later, a hoof hit her in the face.

Rainbow Dash had to admit, one way or the other, Quick Delivery was an excellent cook. As she took another mouthful of leaves, Speedy was talking. "I guess I should thank you," he said. "I guess I have been a bit too busy with my work. I didn't mean to neglect my daughter."

"I can understand," Soarin noted. "I imagine the mail work could keep you busy."

"Well, it's not quite that," Speedy admitted. "I'm not planning to make Scootaloo live off my postpony salary forever. Whenever she gets her cutie mark, I want her to get some good continuing education. So I've been working on a little project."

"Project?" Rainbow Dash lifted an eyebrow. "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh just something that's going to mean big things for Equestria," he said casually.

Rainbow Dash looked at the stallion for a moment. Then, she started to laugh. She wasn't sure why.

Soarin laughed too. "Well, I'm sure you'll... you'll be fine," he said.

"Oh, excuse me," Rainbow Dash said, leaning back. "I just... I feel dizzy all of a sudden."

"Yeah, me..." Soarin began, but then his eyes widened in horror. "Wait... what did you put in our food?"

Scootaloo froze in terror as she realized what was going on. "Daddy, what..."

"It's just a special ingredient," he assured, smiling pleasantly.

"You... you ba..." Soarin began, attempting to stand up. Attempting being the key word, as his legs immediately gave out and he crashed to the floor.

Rainbow Dash fared a little better, managing to catch herself on the table. She pulled herself up, reaching toward Scootaloo. "Scoots... what?"

She was silenced by a hoof to the side of the head. She saw stars dance in her vision, and as the world went black, she heard Speedy Delivery's final words.

"Send a message to Olive Branch. Tell him we have what we were waiting for. He can start his negotiations."

Author's Note:

I meant to post this up last night, but my internet had to go out, which means I'm uploading this on my iPad, which I hate doing, because it inevitable leads to problems.

I was unsure of this chapter, but then again I'm unsure of all my chapters, so it balances out. I might revise this a bit once I get back from my business trip (I leave tonight). Still, I hope you like it!