• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 30,355 Views, 3,573 Comments

Families - Darth Link 22

Spike and Scootaloo are acting strange, and Twilight and Rainbow Dash are going to find out why.

  • ...


It was two hours before the mob was contained and Soarin was allowed to go, with the papers Rainbow Dash would need to sign in the morning. Tired, he flew up to her cloud house and entered. The only care he gave was making sure the custody papers would be put somewhere Rainbow Dash would see them.

He came to the hallway and had to stop a minute. Which one was hers, again? He carefully went up to the first door he saw and opened it slowly.

It was the guest room, with Scootaloo curled up under the covers, sleeping soundly. She looked relieved, not happy necessarily, but relieved. Tank was laying on the end of the bed, tucked in his shell, apparently thinking the newcomer needed his companionship more than his usual master.

He smiled at the sight, then closed the door quietly. He left silently, using his wings so as not to make a sound, went to the next door and opened it.

Rainbow Dash jumped a bit, but relaxed when she saw who it was. "Oh, you're here. Everything went okay?"

"Everything's fine," he said. He stood there awkwardly before Rainbow Dash identified his nervousness. She patted the bed next to her, giving him the invitation he was waiting for. He slid under the covers next to her.

Sorain, on the flight to Ponyville, had pictured a lot of swapped spit as the result of this. But too much had happened that night, and only a few kisses were exchanged before they settled down.

"I'm surprised you're still up," Soarin admitted as they settled down on the pillows. "I would have thought you'd be asleep."

"I've been thinking..."

"About what to do with Scootaloo?"

"Yeah." She was silent for a moment. "I can't imagine what this is like for her. Poor kid, she has no idea what's going to happen."

"And do you?"

Rainbow Dash was silent for a minute, but then said quietly, so Soarin had to strain to hear her, "I really want to be the one to take care of her."

"Great," Soarin said. "I thought you might. I bet knowing the Princess will speed up the process..."

"It's not that simple!" Rainbow Dash said. "Is it even a good idea?"

"Why wouldn't it be? From what I hear, you've been a better parent to Scootaloo than Speedy or Quick ever were."

"For two weeks," Rainbow Dash reminded sourly, "part-time. That's not the same. I'd have to spend a lot more time with her... I might have to give up being a Wonderbolt..."


Rainbow Dash looked at him like he was crazy. "Because I can't take care of a kid when I'm on tour nine months a year!"

"We spend a lot of time in Equestria. Ponyville is as close to the center of it as you can get without being in Canterlot. You could easily fly and visit. And she can travel with us during the summer months. I'm sure you have friends that can watch her during school hours."

"...You've been thinking about this."

He actually blushed. "Well... yeah. I was worried about the kid. After everything... and I knew you'd want to keep her..."

"So you started thinking about how I could take care of her..."

He sighed. "Well... how we can take care of her.”

She looked at him incredulously. "You want to help me take care of her?"

"Well... I was already in the middle of this whole thing. I know having kids after the first date is only supposed to happen when it gets crazy in the good way, but..."

"This is serious," she snapped. "What about me makes you want to do this with me?"

"Wish I knew," he snarked. But under his marefriend's gaze, he answered more seriously. "I guess part of it is like I said: after having to fight to make sure she’s okay, you feel kind of committed.”

“Can you afford to do it? It’s a full-time job.”

“Please see everything I said to you about this whole thing,” he pointed out. “I think we can make this work. You just need to chill.”

Rainbow Dash was about to say something, then stopped in realization. “You know, I’m always the one in my group of friends to take it easy. I guess... I guess you’re right. I’ve never let something being hard stop me from doing anything before.”

Soarin’ gave her a quick kiss. “I think you’re going to be a good mom.”

Luna didn’t brag very often, even though she often wanted to. It was unbecoming of somepony in her stature, and it was the mark of a weaker mind to do so.

However, after the last couple of weeks, Luna was enjoying a clear-cut victory, and she couldn’t help herself.

“It’s quite amusing how everything worked out,” she said, smiling a very unladylike smile. “With all this commotion and barbarism, the movement against my sister now looks bad. Everypony that was foolishly following you is abandoning the cause, and is back to trying to beg and scrape to avoid punishment, or else they see us as benevolent for showing them mercy. Now with the voices quiet, we can concentrate on finding the Changeling Queen with no further distractions. We've removed any objections on Spike being adopted, at least any that could stop us, we’ve managed to weed out the few unloyal guards in our ranks, and we also managed to save an abused filly.”

I saved her,” Olive Branch snarled, but there was simply no way he could look intimidating now that he was locked in a jail cell deep in a dungeon.

“And I suppose you think that excuses you?” Luna glared at him.

Immediately he shrunk. “P-please,” he said timidly, “I turned in the abuser! Please don’t kill me!”

“Kill you? My dear, my sister abolished the death penalty centuries ago!”

“Don’t lie! You say that to appease the public, but I know! Nopony with as much power as you two is that selfless!” then he shrunk again. “I-I won’t tell, just please...”

“You’re convinced we think like you do, and yet you’re expecting me to show mercy. You’re a puzzle, you are. Well, at any rate, you’re likely thinking there's going to be a big show made out of your trials so we can make an example of you. Well, you’re wrong. That will be the one known as Rabble Rouser's position. See, one of my privileges is the sentencing of one criminal a year without the consent of a jury. I thought it would be decades before I used this privilege in this new peaceful Equestria, but I’m using one on you.”

His eyes widened. “P-please don’t hurt me!”

Suddenly, his hooves were held down by Luna’s magic. He struggled, but the Princess came near, her horn glowing.

“I’m not going to hurt you. Every bit of pain you’re about to feel is self-inflicted.”

“Wh-what are you doing?”

“This has become known as a ‘reformation spell’. It’s a bit of a misnomer. It merely enlightens the individual.”

Before Olive Branch could respond, Luna touched his forehead, causing his eyes to go wide and his pupils to shrink.

When she backed off, Olive Branch was silent for a moment. Then, he felt it.

He felt pain. He felt hundreds of ponies hitting and bucking him at once. He felt three teenage dragons clawing him, kicking him, knocking him around. He felt six ponies fighting him to save a baby dragon. He felt a massive hoof crush his nonexistent wing. He felt Rainbow Dash and Soarin hurting him, and he felt others hurting Rainbow Dash and Soarin. He felt Rabble Rouser and his ponies knocking him out four times. He felt Applejack knock him out. He felt it all.

As he lay on the floor of his cell, screaming in pain, Luna spoke in an eerie calm that was somehow still clear to him. “From now on, every ounce of pain your actions cause will be felt. You'll know, firsthoof, the consequences of your selfishness. Maybe that will open your eyes to all the suffering you’ve caused.”

She began walking toward the exit. “You’re lucky, I had to reduce your sentence to be allowed to do that. But you have twenty long years to think about what you’ve done, and what you’re feeling. I suggest you use it wisely.”

And then she was gone.

Twilight’s heart leapt. She was back.

Back in the white room with the single door. Back to a place she hadn’t been sure she could get before.

She flung the door open and ran inside, past the rows of books and chronicles, and to the tired-looking pony sitting, surrounded by books.

“You’re back... I had a feeling you might be tonight.”

“How’d I get back here?” she asked immediately.

The Keeper gave her a look. “Come on, you know it doesn’t work like that. You have to figure things out on your own.”

“Can’t you say something understandable for once?”


“Don’t say it!” Twilight said angrily.

“Okay, here’s something: slow down, take a breath, and think.”

The unicorn did so. He mind wandered. “Today... the way I handled the mob... that had something to do with it, didn’t it?”

“Indeed, it did,” the Keeper said. “Now get a little deeper.”

She thought. “Well... Applejack stopped me from just running it. Like at the wedding...” Her eyes lit up. “When I learned to think instead of stressing out, it removed one of the roadblocks in my mind!”

“That’s correct.”

“So now I’m able to travel here whenever I want?” she asked hopefully.

“Not necessarily,” the Keeper sighed. “You’re not even close. You’ve learned to open up to your friends better, and you’ve learned not to panic. But learning these things and actually applying them are different matters entirely. And you still have not found the answer you seek.”

“I don’t suppose you could tell me anything else?”

“Oh, where would be the fun in that?” the Keeper smirked. “Besides, you’re an intelligent pony. I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

Rainbow Dash awoke the next morning to find Soarin already awake. He was still lying there, just looking at her with a warm smile.

"You're up already?" she moaned.

"Uh... maybe you better look at the clock."

She did, and her eyes bulged. "Ten o'clock? Oh my gosh!" In a flash she was up. "I better check on Scootaloo!"

She was in front of her door before she knew it. Taking a deep breath, she opened it.

Scootaloo was laying there, wide awake, staring at the ceiling. She turned to face her mentor at hearing her come in, then responded with a mumbled, "G'morning."

"Scootaloo, good morning." She went to her bedside and lightly tussled her hair. "How long have you been awake?"

She looked at her bedside clock. "I think about two hours."

Soarin was with them now. "Why didn't you come wake us?"

"I... I didn't want to bother you..."

"Scoots," she sighed. She pulled her into a hug. "You're never bothering me. I care about you. I wouldn't have done all this for you if I didn't. Don't be afraid to come to me with anything, okay?"

"...Alright," she said after a moment.

"Good. Now, why don't we get you some breakfast? Then, we can have another flying lesson. I bet Soarin would love to see how far you've come. And then we need to make a trip to Sugarcube Corner. I think a few celebration cupcakes are in order. How's that sound?"

Scootaloo actually smiled. "That sounds great!"

Garble moaned as he pressed his bandage closer to his missing eye. The pain still hadn't stopped. He considered stopping in another town and extorting more of whatever the doctor had used when he had treated him, but he refused to let ponies near him again. He would not have even had the medical care he already had if Thrash and Mumble hadn't refused to go on until he got it. One stop in another small, isolated town and a few threats had been enough to get a doctor to ensure he wouldn't get an infection and dull the pain awhile, and that was enough, in his opinion.

They had finally gotten out of pony territory a few days ago. It had been a slow trip, only Mumble was still in full health, but they were finally at the large mountains that surrounded the territory.

A full-grown purple dragon stood guard at the stone gate that kept the lesser creatures out. He stood, unimpressed by the three who were approaching him. Then, they got close enough to see their faces.

"...Prince Garble?" the dragon roared with surprise. "What..."

"Let me in," he said.

"Your father is..."

"That's none of your business, now let me in!"

The adult dragon did as he was told, tapping on the stone barrier three times. Almost immediately it began rising. Garble waited for no more questions to be asked, he just went in. Still, something the gatekeeper said had sent a chill down his spine.

How was he going to explain to his father that he had lost to a group of ponies?

Speedy Delivery sat in the tiny stone-bricked cell he had been forced into. By the time he woke up, he was already in custody, with nopony willing to tell him where his daughter was or where he was being taken. He had been separated from his wife. He was alone.

How had it all gone wrong? Where had it all gone wrong? The movement was finished. Not only he, but Olive Branch and Rabble Rouser, were all jailed. It was over.

The door lock creaked open, and Quick Delivery was pulled in by two guards. She looked a mess, her mane clinging to her forehead with sweat, her body shaking wildly, and her eyes looking sunken.

"Get off of her!" he roared, beginning to charge at them. He stopped when he was obeyed, his wife let loose onto the floor. He ran up, looked her over, then back at his two captors. "What have you done to her?"

"Nothing," one of them said. "She did this to herself. She's experiencing withdrawal."

"They... they won't let me have..." she murmured. "I just need..."

"You're not getting any," the second guard said. "Not now, not for quite awhile."

"You're lying!" Speedy said. "You did something..."

"I'd stay quiet if I were you," Celestia strolled into the room. "You're in enough trouble as it is."

Both Speedy and Quick lost any defiance they had as they looked up at the Princess of the Sun with fear. She was levitating several papers around her, and currently had her muzzle up to a stack of them.

"You're facing some serious charges," she noted. "Treason, kidnapping, assault... I could lock the two of you up until the day you die."

She was silent for a moment as she let that sink in. "But I won't."

They both blinked. "You won't?" Speedy repeated, in complete disbelief.

"I will not," she repeated. "Provided, of course, you sign this." She levitated a parchment in front of the pair, with a quill to go with it. It read, simply, "WAIVER OF CUSTODY."

"You're asking us... to give up our child?"

"That's correct. No custody, no visitation, you both consent to be put under tracing spells that let us know if you even come within 150 meters of your child, and you make no claim of relation to her to anypony. Ever. It will be like you've never even had a child."

There was silence for a moment. "And if we sign this, you'll let us go?"

"No. You're still going to prison for kidnapping, assault, and child abuse. But it will only be a half-sentence, and it will be much more pleasant than what will happen if you're convicted of greater charges."

"Why do this?" Speedy demanded. "If you really have us so surely as you claim, then why let us bargain? Why not just lock us up?"

"Because that would require a long and difficult trial process," Celestia noted. "And word would get out on who Scootaloo is. It would be a black mark on her life to be associated with you, certainly if the abuse you gave her is lost amongst the reports of kidnapping and treason. On top of that, I have no interest in making a child testify in court when the events have scarred her enough already. If possible, I will spare her from that, even if it means letting you walk freely."

Celestia stayed quiet about her other reasons. How she knew of all the defenses he could attempt to play in court, how there was a possibility he could worm and lie his way to a lighter sentence. She couldn't risk that, not now.

"I never abused my daughter," Speedy said. "What makes you think I'll sign a document of lies?"

"Ignoring the obvious denial you are in, your first question upon seeing the document wasn't why you were being asked to give up your child, or outrage over the claim. It was how you benefited. You'll sign because you care about yourself."

"...And who's going to take care of her?"

"That is unknown at this time, but I assure you it will be in a loving home. Now, sign the paper."

There was silence.

“Could we ever see our daughter again? Ever?” It had been Quick’s first words since Celestia had entered.

“Possibly... if Scootaloo decides to give you a second chance. But that won’t be happening for at least two decades, once you’re out. Now then, will you sign?”

Silence again. Then, with a sigh that Celestia almost believed was regretful, Speedy took the quill in his teeth.