• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 30,357 Views, 3,573 Comments

Families - Darth Link 22

Spike and Scootaloo are acting strange, and Twilight and Rainbow Dash are going to find out why.

  • ...


Pinkie nervously tapped her hoof against the tablecloth as she watched her friends discuss what Twilight had ran off about. Rainbow Dash was gagging about the overt sappiness of it, though it was clear that she had thought it was sweet, Rarity was giggling excitedly to Fluttershy about how they could be aunts now, while Applejack seemed congratulatory in a general sense.

They didn’t notice Pinkie’s uncharacteristic silence. Now was the time. Twilight’s problems with Spike were done. She could talk to them about it now, and fill in Twilight later.

“Um... guys?”

The others quieted and looked at her, a bit off guard by the fact that Pinkie was showing a subtle emotion.

“Pinkie... is something wrong?”

The pink earth pony pawed the tablecloth with her hoof. “Well...”

A loud bang cut her off. Seconds later, a hysterical Twilight Sparkle burst into the room.

You have to help me find Spike!”

Tears were in her eyes. She was breathing heavily.

“Twi...” Applejack said, stunned. “I thought you said he was going to tell you everything...”

“Remember when you promised to tell us everything ‘at breakfast’?”

Confusion. Then, realization crossed all their features.

“Oh... that idiot,” Rainbow Dash muttered, burying her face in her hooves.

Twilight was all business almost immediately. “Fluttershy, get all your animal friends together, see if they saw anything. Rainbow Dash, I need you to fly up and survey the area. Everypony else, split up and check the roads leading out of Ponyville. See if anypony saw him leaving. I’ll signal you if I see anything.”

Fluttershy only nodded, flying out at an extreme speed.

“On it,” the cyan mare saluted, flying out of the room.

Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie nodded, jumping into action with surprising precision. Twilight led them out of Carousel Boutique, telling them what specific routes each of them should take. She did it on autopilot, her mind was elsewhere.

Spike’s crying and thrashing filled the room as Twilight pulled her pillow over her head. “Spike, please, be a big boy and go to sleep. You need to learn to sleep...”

The cracking of wood was heard. Twilight’s eyes widened, then she sighed.

“5, 4, 3, 2, 1...”

She felt her bed jostle and move. Moments later, something warm and scaley curled up next to her.

“...Still can’t sleep apart from me, huh?” the filly said.

“Mah,” Spike cooed in reply, nuzzling into her.

“Okay, but this is the last night, okay? Tomorrow you sleep in a crib.”

“Mah,” which Twilight understood to mean, “No.”

Sighing, the purple unicorn draped a foreleg around him. Spike let out a small yawn, finally ready to sleep.

Smiling, Twilight couldn’t help but nuzzle back.

Spike sighed, walking along the train tracks leading out of Ponyville. His blanket was currently acting as a bindle, carrying a pillow, some food, and a book on wilderness survival that Twilight wouldn’t be getting back. Peewee sat on his shoulder, chirping happily.

“It’s just going to be you and me for awhile, kiddo,” he said to the phoenix, who nibbled his ear affectionately.

It made him smile, but only for a second. He’d never see Twilight again. She’d be sad at first, but she’d be happier without him. She wouldn’t have to worry about taking care of him. She’d place a request for a better assistant, one she’d only have to pay a salary for out of her stipend, and not room and board, and toys and books and whatever else. She’d have the free time back he had been robbing from her. He wouldn’t be around to let her down.

He sighed, kicking a stone.

”And with that, Scorpan suddenly transformed back into the rightful king of Dream Valley. Peace was restored, and everypony lived happily ever after.”

“Wow,” Spike said in awe, laying in the lavender pony’s forelegs. “Is that story true?”

“Of course not, Spike,” Twilight said dismissively, floating the book over to the nightstand. “All this talk of humans is pure fantasy. But I told you this story for a very specific reason.”


Twilight held the little dragon closer. “Well, when you hatched, I named you Spike because I loved this fairy tale. Celestia didn’t object, and I know why. The Spike in this story was a dragon, but he was still a kind, sweet dragon who stood by his king and helped defeat Tirac. Everypony was telling him to be bad, but he was a good soul, just like you.

“I’ve been keeping the truth a secret from you before today. If I made a mistake, I’m sorry. I promise I’ll never lie to you again. But now that you know the truth, I read you this to let you know, that no matter what anypony tells you, you’re not a monster. You’re a sweet little boy who’s going to grow up to do great things just like the first Spike.”

“You think so?”

“I know so.”

Spike was silent for a moment. “Do you think I could still be a knight?”

“Yes,” she said unhesitantly. “It’ll be hard, but I know you can do it. Never let anypony tell you you can’t do something... not even me. Promise?”


“Okay, good. Now, you’ve been mopey all day,” she grinned. “You know what happens to mopey dragons?”

Spike’s eyes widened. “No, no...”

He couldn’t escape. Twilight pushed him on the bed and dug her hooves into his side. “Tickle manticore! Roar!”

Spike laughed and squirmed.

Twilight had sprinted across town, asking nearly every pony she saw if they had seen Spike. Unfortunately, Spike had left before many ponies were out of their houses, and couldn’t help her.

”Of course he’d be smart enough to leave at that time... I just had to raise him to be smart, didn’t I?”

Twilight!” Rarity called, running over to her, for once not caring about looking dignified.

“Do you have a lead?” she asked desperately.

“Yes! Doctor Whooves says he saw Spike walking down the train tracks holding a bindle stick. He was heading toward Ghastly Gorge!”

The lavender unicorn nearly exploded with joy. “Good!” She lit up her horn. Seconds later, fireworks decorated the sky above her. “That will signal Rainbow Dash and the others. Let’s hurry!”

”Spike, pick up your junk!” Twilight said, exasperated.

“It’s not junk!” the dragon said in protest.

“Please, these comic books are so lowbrow. I really wish you’d read more sophisticated stuff.”

“It’s not lowbrow! How would you even know? You’ve never read one.”

“I don’t need to read one. I know they’re all juvenile.”

Spike opened his mouth to protest, but a thought entered his head. He grinned evilly. “Hold on, didn’t you tell me once I wouldn’t know I liked anything until I tried it.”

Twilight froze. “Um... yes.”

“Does... this mean you were wrong?” Spike asked with fake surprise. “Maybe I don’t have to try anything I don’t want to do...”

The purple unicorn was silent for a moment. “Well, I’m torn. I’m both mad at you and strangely proud of how cunning you are, all at the same time.” She sighed. “Okay, look, I’ll try one comic, and that’ll prove I don’t like it.”

Spike grinned. “Fine by me.”

Several hours later, Spike spoke to her again. “Uh... Twilight? Have you been up all night?”

“Not now, Spike! Bat-Mare just escaped from The Kidder’s latest deathtrap.”

Spike lay in his basket, feeling like he was going to melt. He was so hot. Yet he was shivering too. His head hurt, he felt dizzy.

Twilight set a washcloth on his forehead. “This will help cool you off,” she whispered gently.

“I wanna die,” he moaned.

“Don’t say that,” she scolded, levitating a glass of orange juice up to his lips. “Here, drink up.”

Spike drank without complaint. When he was finished, he moaned weakly. “Was that medicine?”

“No, Spike. I’m sorry, but there’s no medicine for dragons. They’re so... special that ponies don’t know how it will affect them.”

“But... does that mean... I’m going to...”

“No, no,” Twilight assured. “You’ll be fine.”

“But... I feel so bad!”

“Shhh,” Twilight soothed, kissing his forehead. “You’ll get better. You’re strong, I know you.” She wrapped the covers around him. “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine...”

Spike was crying at this point. Peewee nipped his master’s ear, trying to cheer him up. But to no avail. He had lost the one pony who had always been there for him.

He looked around. He was near Ghastly Gorge, he saw the small forest that surrounded it. From there he could turn off, maybe head for the Badlands...

Three loud thumps interrupted his thought, and a shadow loomed over him. He looked up... and his heart stopped.

“Well, well, well...” Garble mocked. “What have we here?”

Spike’s irises shrunk to the size of pencil points. He turned to run, but Garble was too fast, grabbing him by the tail. In one motion he picked him up and slammed him against the ground. Mumble and Thrash laughed like he had just done something incredible. Peewee gave a frightened squawk, landing at Spike’s side.

“Aw, the egg hatched... but we can still smash it,” the crimson dragon laughed, reaching for the chick.

In a flash Spike grabbed his charge and pulled him into his arms, using his body to shield him. “Leave him alone,” he said, trying to sound intimidating, but as sore as he was it wasn’t impressive.

Indeed, he wasn’t. Garble slammed down a foot on his head. “Alright, see, you didn’t get it the first time. I always get what I want, and I want that bird. And I’m going to get it if I have to break every bone in your body.”

”I don’t think they’re coming back,” Rainbow Dash said.

“And we simply can’t stay here,” Rarity added. “Those awful dragons are still running around.”

“But...” Spike said sadly, looking at the egg. “He’ll be...”

Twilight sighed, draping a foreleg around him. “Spike... it’s not your fault. They would have come to this nest either way. If anything, you saved it.”

The baby dragon rubbed the egg a bit. “Do you think it will hatch without its mother?”

“It should,” Twilight said. “We can give it to Princess Celestia. She knows how...”

“No,” Spike said simply. “...I want to take care of it.”

There was silence for a moment. “Spike,” Rarity said at last. “Taking care of a pet, much less a phoenix, is a big responsibility...”

“I know,” Spike said simply. “But Twilight told me I needed to take responsibility... and I was in this situation once. I can’t just let it be raised by anyone.”

Twilight felt a tightness in her chest. Pride...

“That’s very good of you, Spike,” the lavender unicorn praised, levitating him on his back. “I’ll write to Princess Celestia and get you some advice...”

The sextet of ponies traveled down the tracks, moving at top speeds. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash traveled just above, keeping an eye out. Every hoofstep made Twilight look harder, hoping to see Spike on the horizon.

She smiled. “I think I see something!” There were figures moving. Was Spike with them...?

“Yeah, I...” Rainbow Dash started, but she stopped dead. She screeched to a halt, gasping. Fluttershy wasn’t too far behind, looking absolutely terrified.

The grounded ponies skid to a halt, noticing the stop. “What is it? Do you see Spike?” Twilight said hopefully.

“Uh-huh,” Rainbow Dash confirmed grimly, “...but that’s not all!”

Now scared, Twilight charged forward again, but stopped when she saw what had made her friends so frightened.

Mumble gave Spike a kick to his front, sending him tumbling like a ball over to Thrash, who kicked him back. When he rolled to a stop Spike tried to run, only for Garble to bring his foot down on him. All the while, Spike remained curled, shielding a panicking Peewee the best he could.

“It’s those three brutes!” Rarity cried.

“Y’all know them?” Applejack asked, incredulous.

“Spike met them on the Dragon Migration,” Rainbow Dash explained.

Pinkie gasped. “What’ll we...”

“Fluttershy,” Twilight said coldly, getting all of their attentions. “As soon as you have an opening, grab Spike and fly back to Ponyville. If you’re followed, lose them first.”

That was her only instruction. She began walking toward them. As she did, she looked toward the forest lining the Gorge, lighting up her horn.

Garble lifted up his victim, now covered in bruises and cuts. “Well? You ready to give me the bird?”

Spike responded by lashing out and scratching the older dragon on the nose. He snarled and flinched, more out of surprise than pain. Then he glared and pulled back a fist.

It collided with Spike’s head, sending him to the ground. He rolled along before coming to a stop.

As soon as he had his bearing, he pulled Peewee back into him, just as Garble reached him.

“I have to admit, you are one tough little dragon. But you’re still just a pony punk, and I’m going to break you.” He reached for him...


Every dragon’s ears perked up. The three teenagers looked up. In an instant their eyes went wide.

“What the?”

By the time Garble came to that conclusion, it had hit him. His inability to respond had been understandable, as anybody would have at least been a bit confused at seeing an uprooted tree flying sideways at them.

The trunk struck Garble and kept going, hitting Mumble and Thrash as well. The three went flying back, landing on their rumps ten feet away. They recovered from being struck, but not from the sight before them.

There were ponies before them, but most were equally stunned at what their friend had just done.

Twilight stood there with an icy glare. Her horn was lit up, levitating the tree she had uprooted above herself. She spoke five words.

“Get. Away. From. My. Son!”