• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 30,357 Views, 3,573 Comments

Families - Darth Link 22

Spike and Scootaloo are acting strange, and Twilight and Rainbow Dash are going to find out why.

  • ...

Another Try

“You’re such a good study buddy,” Twilight cooed to Miss Smartypants, nuzzling her foalhood friend. “I’m never going to let you go again.”

Outside, Big Macintosh was pounding on the shield she had summoned around the library. “No! Give her back!”

“Forget it!” she called to the outside. “There’s no getting in…”

At that point, the wall to the library was burst open. Big Macintosh stood in the opening, having somehow gotten past her shield.

“What? How did you…”

BIG MAC WANT!” the earth pony yelled. Suddenly his coat turned green, his mane turned a darker green, and he grew to twice his old size, the purple pants he was suddenly wearing tearing. “GIVE BIG MAC, OR BIG MAC SMASH!


“What?” the pink earth pony asked, giving a hurt look.

“That didn’t even make any sense!” Twilight gave an exasperated sigh. “Big Mac can’t just turn into a monster! Who would believe that?”

“Well still, how can you be sure he won’t chase after you?”

“I don’t know, which is why I’m in a hurry. Can you just give me my cupcakes?”

“Fine,” the earth pony answered with a pout, placing Twilight’s order on the counter. She levitated it up, giving her a small thank you.

“Well, it’s not as good as pie, but maybe these will get Spike to loosen his lips.”



“I said no. You shouldn’t have taken that doll anyhow. It ain’t yours.”

The eldest child pouted. “But it’s adorable!”

Applejack growled angrily. “Don’t matter. When you told me you wanted the upstairs to be family only, I thought ya wanted it as a matter of privacy, not cause you were holdin’ that thing hostage. I ain’t stealin’ it back for ya!”


“No buts! Now get ta moppin’! And don’t try makin’ Apple Bloom help ya, this is your punishment.”

Sighing, the stallion took the mop and began cleaning up the mess his little sister had made. He was interrupted by his sister’s voice. “And what did you threaten Twi with?”

Big Macintosh turned suddenly, his eyes wide at the accusation. “What are you talking about?”

“Twilight didn’t speak to me a lick about that doll. What’d you say to her to keep her from tellin’ me?”

“Nothing! I didn’t even know she knew until today!”

“Don’t ‘cha lie to me!”

“I’m not lying, really!”

Applejack’s expression softened as she looked at her brother’s face. He looked shocked, and even a little hurt at his sister’s accusation. She could tell he wasn’t lying.

“Then…why didn’t Twi tell me about it?”

”Hey, Twilight!” Moondancer called, running up to her classmate. Twilight muttered a brief “Hello,” but kept trotting forward. “Me and some of the girls are getting together tonight and head to the Stable. You want to come?”

“I can’t. I have Spike back at the castle, remember?”

The other unicorn groaned. “Using him again, huh? You know, there are other foalsitters besides me in Canterlot.”

“Not ones that would be willing to sit for a dragon,” Twilight noted a bit bitterly.

“You live in a castle. Filled with ponies who are loyal to the Princess. Can’t you get any of them to watch him for the night?”

“They don’t care about Spike,” Twilight answered bitterly. “I’m not leaving him alone with them.”

“So? He’s what, eleven now? Isn’t it about time you let him stay home alone?”

“That’s still a baby by dragon standards. Besides, he’s still at that age where he can’t stand not being around me. You should see him when I walk in the door from school.” By this point, Twilight’s voice had lost some of its edge. In fact, she seemed to be rather fond of what she was discussing.

“I know, remember?” Moondancer reminded, grinning now as well. “I can get any foal asleep, but that dragon won’t go to bed until you’re home. And he always runs right up to you and gives you a hug.”

“He’d use to yell ‘Twilight’s back! Twilight’s back!’ when he was younger.” Twilight noted with nostalgia.

“But I think it’s time he grew past that. He’s getting to an age where he can be alone.”

“Well, I appreciate your input,” the lavender unicorn sneered, “but I’m in charge of Spike, not you.”

“Well you need to think of something,” Moondancer pressed, ignoring her classmate’s eye roll. “All you ever do is study. You need to get out more.”

“I don’t have the time for friends,” she muttered. “I’ve got studies to do and a dragon to raise. I don’t get to be a teenager like everypony else”

“My parents had three foals and full time jobs, and they got out more than you. That’s really no excuse.”

“Were any of you the lynchpin in a major political change?” Twilight asked.

Moondancer sighed. She had been expecting that answer. It was a bit like going through the motions at this point. “I still think you need to get out more.”

“We’ve been over this. Besides, you know the moment I stick my head out Blueblood or some other social climber will be all over me.”

“And you need to learn to deal with that,” Moondancer said, exasperated. She placed her hoof on her face. She was silent for a moment, wondering if she should say something she had thought of saying for a long time. “You do care about Spike, right?”

Twilight stopped dead, turning and glaring at her acquaintance. “What kind of question is that? Of course I do.”

“And… you want him to change everypony’s view on dragons, right?”

“Yes. What’s your point?”

“Well… he’s going to need to get out and socialize for that to happen, isn’t he?”

“Yes… ” the lavender unicorn answered, not liking where this was going.

“Well… isn’t he learning how to act from you? I mean, shouldn’t you be setting a better example in that department?”

Twilight’s face contorted in anger, but she knew she was right.

“Just… think about it, okay?” she said defensively. Giving a sigh, she walked off, leaving Twilight alone. Angrily, she stomped off, thinking about what Moondancer said.

Unbeknownst to them, from behind a corner to another hallway, a small baby dragon who was there for a checkup by one of the university doctors poked his head out from around the corner. He was crying, because he had heard every word.

That night, when Twilight got back to her dorm, she had found everything cleaned, all her usual chores done. Spike had done them all, saying he had wanted help her with anything she needed. He also said he felt like he didn’t need a foalsitter anymore.

Twilight immediately sensed something was wrong. He refused to leave her alone for another three months. Finally, she relented and allowed him to stay by himself. After she came home and found he hadn’t burnt down the castle, she agreed to make him staying by himself the norm.

Spike sighed as he finished the last of the dusting. The library shined from top to bottom. As good of a secondary assistant as Owlowiscious was, he often missed the fine points of cleaning. After a full week of only him in charge, the library needed a quick clean.

Satisfied with his work, he prepared to sulk back to his room before Twilight returned home, hoping to avoid her. This thought was interrupted by said unicorn bursting through the door.

Spike!” she cried.

“Huh, what?” the baby dragon said worriedly.

“Spike, quick, close and lock every window shutter!”

“…Is that Miss Smarty Pants?”

“Yes, and Big Mac could be right behind me, so come on, windows, close, now!”

Spike obliged, glad that the focus was off him. For the next three minutes he ran throughout the library, shutting and bolting all the window shutters around the home. Once the last one was secure, he sought out Twilight again, and found her in the kitchen, brewing up some tea.

“I’m finished, now what?”

Spike suddenly felt Smarty Pants being pushed into his claws. “Put her away in my keepsake trunk. No need to make it easier for him. Then come back here.”

The dragon nodded and obey. A minute later he returned to the kitchen and saw the table now had two seats ready at the table. At each seat was a cupcake on a small plate and a cup of tea.

“I figured I’d get us a treat. The tea is cinnamon, your favorite!”

Spike perked up. He licked his lips, his desire for the treats overriding anything else. Happily, he took his seat and snatched up the cupcake. He ate it with marginal neatness, enough not to cause a mess but not exactly the full extent of his etiquette training.

Twilight giggled, levitating a handkerchief towards her. “You’ve got frosting on your cheek,” she noted, licking the cloth and using it to rub his face.

“Ew, gross,” he groaned, trying to swat the offending item away, but Twilight managed to keep it in place until its job was done.

“Aw, you didn’t always think it was gross.”

“I was five and stupid,” Spike mumbled, taking a sip of his tea.

“No, you were just my special little guy back then,” Twilight cooed, causing Spike to fake gag. “And you’re still my little dragon now,” she continued, suddenly serious. “That’s why I want to know what’s wrong.”

Spike froze. “N-nothing. I told you, I’m fine.” He attempted to get up, only for Twilight’s magic to force him back into his seat.

“Spike, you can’t lie to save your life,” she said sternly. “You’re not leaving this table until you tell me what’s wrong.”

Spike looked at the wooden surface, knowing he was trapped. “I… I…”

Twilight sighed. “Spike, I know this is about the wedding. I told everypony else that I understand why you didn’t believe me at the rehearsal. Me not being believed was as much my fault as it was everypony else’s, maybe even more so.”

“But I abandoned you and…” He caught himself. He was so close to spilling.

“Spike… I’m not going to lie. It hurt to have you walk out on me. But like I said, that’s my fault, not yours. I love you just as much as ever. You understand that, right?”

Spike looked at her in silence. He wanted to tell her how he felt so badly. “…Yes,” he said at last.

“So do you feel better? Are you going to stop moping?”

“Yes,” he nodded, smiling an empty smile.

Twilight was silent for a moment. Then she rose to her hooves, walked over to Spike and hugged him tightly. “I love you, Spike.”

“I love you too, Twilight,” he said weakly, trying to keep himself from crying.

“Then tell me what’s wrong.”

His eyes widened. “Wh-what? I told you…”

“And you lied to me. There’s something more, isn’t there?”

Spike held back the tears. He couldn’t tell her. Not after how badly he had let her down. He tried to push away, but the unicorn tightened her grip.

“I’m not letting go until you tell me.”

“I’m stronger than you,” he tried to sound intimidating, but failed.

“Not by enough. You’d have to hurt me, and you’d never do that.”

“…Please let go.”

“Tell me what’s wrong fir-ack!” she squealed.

As it turns out, Spike had a way of getting out of Twilight’s grip without hurting her. He simply brushed her side with the tips of his fingers. Caught off guard, she laughed and loosened her grip, allowing him to escape. He managed to get three feet away before she fully recovered.

“Oh no you don’t!” she said, lighting up her horn. In a flash, Spike was back in front of her.

But he just kept running, too quickly to get a hold onto him with her magic. She tried again.

Flash! “Spike please listen.”

Flash! “Seriously, we need to talk.”

Flash! “Spike, as your caretaker, I’m telling you to…”


Spike suddenly turned to Twilight and flicked her horn.

Touching a unicorn’s horn when they’re casting magic caused disorientation. For something simple like levitation, it was only for a split second. Something as major as teleportation, however, left them dizzy much longer. Part of Twilight’s extensive training was how to minimize this period, and as a result she was recovered five seconds later.

By that time, Spike was out of sight.

“Spike!” Twilight called, chasing her charge in the direction she had seen him run towards. She was in the next room before she heard a door shut and lock. She sighed, but didn’t slow her pace until she got to the door.

She knocked her hoof on it. “Spike. Come out here, now,” she demanded.

She received no answer.

“Spike, if you don’t come out, you’re ground…” she trailed off. Spike was moping around the house anyway, not doing much of anything. Grounding him wouldn’t do much good.

“Well, I’ll give you a whip…” Again she trailed off. She had threatened to spank Spike once, but when the time came to act on the threat she couldn’t bring herself to do so.

“Spike, listen…” she said slowly. “This is ridiculous. You can’t just avoid me forever.”

She tried to remain firm and commanding, but a lump formed in her throat. Her voice wavered. “I don’t like seeing you like this. Please come out.”

There was no answer.

Twilight didn’t continue. She turned and walked a brisk pace away from the door. If Spike heard her cry, it could make things worse.

After she was back in the kitchen, she let her tears go. It was painful to see Spike like this. Her thought drifted back to his most inconsolable time.

Twilight walked into her dorm room to a most unusual sound, that of crying. Confused and a bit frightened, she called out “Spike?”

No answer, the crying continued. Using caution, she moved around her bed, looking around to the side away from the door. She found Spike sitting in his basket, curled into a ball, head buried in his knees, sobbing. Next to him sat a book, though Twilight didn’t care to see which one.

“Spike, what’s…”

“Ponies… ponies only live about seventy years, right?”

That caught Twilight off guard. It seemed so random. “Yes… one hundred if we take good care of ourselves, why…”

She trailed off. She looked at the book. Dragons: Everything Known About the World’s Most Mysterious Creature.


He looked up, tears still falling. “You’re… you’re going to…”

No… No, it was too soon. She wasn’t supposed to have to give him this talk for another decade. This was ruining the timetable. “No, no…”

“I’m gonna… gonna…”

Twilight gulped, then nodded slowly. “I’m afraid so, Spike… dragons live to about a thousand years old. I’m only going to be around for…”

No!” he wailed leaping up. In a blur he tackled Twilight, wrapping his arms around her neck. “Please don’t go!”

“Spike,” she said sadly, returning the hug. “Please…”

Don’t leave me, Twilight! Please! I don’t want to be alone!”

“Spike, I can’t do anything…”

But you promised!” He wailed heartbreakingly. “You said you’d always be there, ‘with Celestia as your witness’! You lied!! You…” he dissolved into a purple bundle of misery.

Twilight just held him close, stroking his scales in an attempt to soothe him. For the next several moments, Spike gave his heartbroken wails, holding his caretaker so close that she began to suspect he was trying to permanently merge with her.

“Spike… Spike, look at me,” she commanded. She pulled away slowly, then placed a hoof under his chin and made him look up in her eyes. “One day, I’m going to leave the world and enter Celestia’s Paradise. Nopony, not even Celestia herself, can prevent that. But even though my body might be gone, my spirit will still watch over you.”

Spike was silent. She continued.

“I’ll be looking down on you from there, watching you. And when your time comes, you’ll join me there.”

“But… I don’t know what I’m going to do when you’re gone! Who’s going to take care of me and read me bedtime stories and fix my gemstone soup or…”

“Spike, listen to me. My life is shorter than yours, but it’s not ending for a long time. And I know you’re going to grow up to be a smart, sweet dragon. You’re not going to need me anymore…”

“Yes I will!” he cried. “I… I don’t wanna be… alone.”

There was a silence as Twilight tried to think of what to say. Finally an idea came to her. Lighting up her horn, she gently grabbed hold of one of his claws and brought it down onto his chest. “Do you feel that?” she asked softly.

Spike’s face contorted with confusion. “Yeah. That’s my heart.”

“That’s where every living thing stores the love they have for everypony. That’s where your love for me lives. I want you to know that as long as you keep that, I’ll never really die. I’ll live on in your heart. So will my mom and dad, and Shining Armor, and Princess Celestia, and Cadance, and Moondancer, and everypony else you love. We’ll be here long after our great-grandchildren die, as long as you keep us here.”

“It… it won’t be the same, will it?”

Twilight sighed. “It won’t be easy. But you’ll make it. I know you will. You’re going to change everything. Equestria will be a better place because of you. There will be a time when little dragons and little ponies will be attending the same schools, all thanks to you.”

For the first time since Twilight saw him, Spike smiled. “Y… you really think so?”

“Think? I know so!” she replied, giving a cocky grin and a poke to the nose. Spike giggled a little bit. “Why don’t you eat something? It will make you feel better.”

“…Can I have some gemstone soup?”

“My own special recipe.”

After that, Spike became a full-time assistant. He never said it, but she knew it was because he wanted as much time as possible with her before the inevitable. She was torn on how to handle it. She loved that Spike was being so diligent, it was preparing him for the long, hard life he had ahead of him. But it pained him that he ignored opportunities to play in favor of work… not that she was one to talk in that regard, she supposed. But she legitimately enjoyed her studies, while Spike seemed to work with a feeling of obligation.

She soon realized that Spike had overheard the conversation with Moondancer. When she realized that, it dawned on her that the only time he spent around her was to work. All other times, he would insist, subtly, he thought, that Twilight should go out. She had to explain that she considered time spent with him a joy, and that she sincerely had no desire to socialize beyond chatting with a few of her classmates between studying.

She gave a pained groan. Even in that state, all she had to do was present the facts and Spike would begin the recovery. She wouldn’t lie to him in situations like that. After the school incident, she promised no more hiding the truth, despite how painful it was. She only ever regretted that promise once, during a very uncomfortable discussion in which Spike asked where foals came from.

But here, it wasn’t working. The problem seemed to be that Spike was feeling guilty that he didn’t believe her, yet when presented with the facts he rejected them. There had to be a part of the equation she was missing. But what?

She sighed. Maybe tomorrow.

“Well that was a waste of time,” Garble groaned, watching a traveling pony run away screaming in fear.

“This whole thing’s a waste of time,” Mumble whined, even as he was tossing their latest victim’s bits up and down in one of his purple claws. “I say we forget this and get out of here.”

Garble responded by whipping around and grabbing him by the throat, choking him and causing him to drop his precious gold.

“We. Are. Not. Leaving! Not until we find that shrimp and grind him into dragon meat!”

“Aw, come on, we’ve been at this for a month!” Thrash objected. “I say we get out of here before we attract attention.”

“From what, a namby-pamby pony princess?” Garble laughed, tossing Mumble to the ground. “Bring her on! I can beat any pony into the ground!”

“Oh bravo,” a new voice interjected. Surprised, the three dragons glanced behind them. They were surprised to see ponies approaching them, unafraid.

“I guess popular perception of all dragons being savages isn’t too far off after all.” Their leader chuckled. He was a unicorn, with a coat as red as Garble's scales, and a mane that seemed greyed and aged. His look gave a sense of importance, like everything around him was beneath his notice. His cutie mark was, of all things, an olive branch, and the three dragons were somewhat nonplussed at this, given how out of place it looked on him.

The two ponies flanking him were a pegasus and an earth pony, with coats of white and grey respectively. Both of their cutie marks were hidden due to them wearing armor that seemed stolen right from the royal guards, though they were painted sinister shades of black and grey. The both carried saddle bags, presumably filled with supplies.

“Who the heck are you?” Garble demanded.

“The pony who is going to lead you right to the dragon you are seeking.”

All three of them were caught off guard by this blunt answer. Not waiting for a reply, the unicorn continued, using his magic to open the earth pony’s bag. He withdrew a scrap of paper, floating it to Garble. “This map marks Ponyville, where the dragon you speak of lives. The trek will take about two days. I trust you know how to use it?”

Garble looked at the map, then back at the mysterious benefactor. “Why are you helping us?”

“Do you care?”

“…No, I guess I don’t,” Garble laughed. “Congratulations, you’re the first pony I actually like.”

The unicorn didn’t respond to the compliment. “If possible, try and take out the purple unicorn with him.” With that, his horn glowed. There was a flash of light, and he and his cohorts were gone.

The three dragons stood in silence over what happened. It had been so abrupt that it left them more confused than anything.

Finally, Thrash spoke. “I don’t think we should do this. That pony could be trying to trick us.”

“Well it’s a good thing you’re not the brains around here,” Garble snapped, clutching the map like it was a winning lottery ticket. “I’ve got Spike’s location, and when I find him I’m going to run that twerp into the ground.”