• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 30,356 Views, 3,573 Comments

Families - Darth Link 22

Spike and Scootaloo are acting strange, and Twilight and Rainbow Dash are going to find out why.

  • ...

Sports and Politics II

The next few days, all things considered, were surprisingly peaceful, at least in Ponyville. The speaker didn’t dare return, it was clear he’d get no support. Rarity spent most of that time indoors, finally getting her order for Fancypants done. Applejack’s farm work caught up for her, keeping her home. Twilight, meanwhile, was having troubles of her own.

“My dearest Twilight,” she read Celestia’s letter out loud, “I have heard of these troublemakers. They are on the streets of Canterlot as we speak, trying to stir up trouble. Under other circumstances, I would simply ignore them long enough for the controversy to die down. Fear and paranoia tend to burn out quickly, especially when confronted with logic. However, under the circumstances, I fear more proactive measurements must be taken.

“I wouldn’t worry for Spike’s safety, at least not yet. These ponies need public approval, and in order to get to Spike they would have to harm ponies, which would be bad for their image. I would still recommend you keep him indoors for a while. Also, due to the protests I must currently deny your application for adoption papers. I’m sorry, Twilight, but given the circumstances it might be best for all of us to wait until this dies down. I promise to send you the necessary paperwork as soon as I can. I will send further information as it becomes available.

“Sincerely, Princess Celestia.”

Twilight shook with rage. Not at the Princess, but at the conditions. After everything, Spike still wasn’t getting his happy ending...

She shook the thought off. Spike was her son, no matter if she had some piece of paper designating it so. She had more immediate concerns to worry about.

She picked up a copy of Warning Signs of Abuse and sat it on her favorite reading table. Rainbow Dash was still counting on her.


Celestia scowled at the headline. Perhaps waiting a bit before giving Twilight her raise would have been smarter, but she still couldn’t stand it. She knew most of the ponies complaining about the proposed tax increase would be taking milk baths throughout the whole ordeal. Not that such a thing was likely to happen now. Fancypants had successfully contributed about half the needed funds, with Jet Set raising another fourth through his various auctions, the damage wasn’t going to be as long lasting as first thought.


She sighed at that one too. Cadance, alone, in those caves for weeks, could have been avoided if only for some attentiveness on her part.

The next article caused her to gape.

Twilight Sparkle has continued a position of support to Celestia despite rumors of some less than savory dealings behind the scene. We have previously noted the dramatic pay raise that she has received in her service of our dear tyrant. Perhaps this is less a case of brainwashing, and more a case of her being paid generously enough to work for such a cruel...

The paper burned to ash before Celestia’s anger. She fumed. Such an accusation... it...

“Sister?” Luna called, entering the room. the Princess of the Night entered with a few papers levitating behind her. She curiously glanced the floor where the ashes of the former tabloid had been before looking up. “Is everything...”

“Yes,” Celestia said, “I just... there are some arrows even I have trouble bearing. What have you brought me?”

“More bad news, I’m afraid,” the younger alicorn muttered, levitating the papers to her sister. “There’s a petition going around Canterlot to evict Shining Armor as Captain of the Guard, another to have Master Spike deported to dragon territory, and demands there be a cut in Twilight Sparkle’s funding.”

She sighed as she looked over the demands. “Any news on the changelings?”

“We have confirmed they were in the desert territories,” Luna informed. “There were more than enough sightings, and we found a mountain that was clearly used for a temporary base. We have searched for a trail, with the Appleloosian militia and the buffalo tribes assisting. The bison in particular have expert hunters, and they seemed all too willing to help.”

Celestia nodded. “They do love Equestrian cuisine,” she smiled. “I remember visiting. Chief Thunderhooves developed quite a sweet tooth for pie.”

“Still,” Luna said, “perhaps it’s time we called in Shining Armor from his honeymoon. Things are looking bad politically, he needs to be here.”

The Princess of the Sun was quiet for a moment. “After the wedding, they deserve some quiet...”

“Do not let your compassion get the better of you, sister. Remember how you excluded Cadance from suspicion during the wedding?”

Celestia looked like she had been stabbed. Luna went on. “You cannot put your loved ones’ comfort over running our kingdom. You know what I’m saying is right.”

“...I know,” Celestia sighed. “That doesn’t mean I have to like it. Very well, I’ll have word sent to bring Captain Armor home. In the meantime, we’ll leak that he took his honeymoon at my insistence. Given that these ponies seem eager to target me in particular, that should take some of this off him.”

“Are you sure that’s wise?” Luna asked skeptically. “Your own name is being tarnished...”

“My rule has been long enough that I can absorb it,” she said sternly. “For all the bravado this group shows, such a major change seems unlikely.”

“Are you still suggesting that we simply wait for this to die out?”

“...No. A few days ago I would have recommended it, but things are beginning to get out of control. I think we need some proactive steps.”

“What do you suggest?”

“I will agree to meet with a representative and let him plead his case. It doesn’t matter how much he kindles this fire, fear and paranoia tend to fall under reason and logic.”

“I suppose...” Luna nodded, “though they do not seem like rational ponies...”

“Perhaps not, but they will still not last long. Things will calm down, hopefully once we find the Changeling Queen.”

“Very well... any word on how Twilight Sparkle is handling this?”

“The group is not as popular in Ponyville as in Canterlot... thank goodness... so she and Spike are relatively safe. From what I hear, that group has bigger problems.”

Rainbow Dash knocked impatiently on Scootaloo’s front door. After about half a minute, the front door opened, and Quick Delivery greeted her. “Hey... what can I do for you?”

“Uh, yes...” Rainbow began, a little off guard. The mare seemed a bit dazed, her eyes seemed to be looking past the cyan mare and at something in the distance. “You’re Scootaloo’s mother, right?”

“Oh yeah... you must be Rainbow... Dash,” she said, as if she was having trouble forming her words.

“Yeah... I’m here because of Scootaloo inviting me and Soarin’ to have dinner with the family.”

Quick looked confused for a moment, then brightened up. “Oh yes, we wanted to thank you for the flying lessons... and of course, we’d love the opportunity to meet a Wonderbolt.”

“Yeah. Well, I sent a letter to Soarin’, and he got back to me with a response. We can have the dinner Saturday night.”

“Oh that’s good, that’s just what Speedy was planning... so you’ll both be by tomorrow?”

Rainbow Dash blinked in confusion. “Um...”

“Oh! I mean Satur-next Saturday! Oh, sorry. I’ve just been working so hard lately I can’t think straight. Anyway, I’ll pass the message along to Speedy.”

“That’s great. Can I talk to Scootaloo real quick?”

“Oh, no, no... poor filly fell asleep after the last training exercise.”

“...I see. Well... alright, I’ll see you in about a week.”

“We sure will. Good night!”

Rainbow Dash lifted an eyebrow before glancing up at the midday sun. “Right... see ya.”

With that, Quick Delivery closed the door. Rainbow Dash stared at the wooden barrier for a moment before turning around. This whole thing was suspicious. Quick Delivery seemed off somehow, but there was little to be done about it now.

She wanted to barge in and see her number one fan, to see what was going on... but then what? Even if she did find anything, it would be their word against hers, and being arrested for breaking and entering wouldn’t help the case.

Sighing, she took to the air and flew off. Maybe Twilight had found something.

Scootaloo pressed her hooves against the glass as she watched Rainbow Dash fly off. She pulled up every inch of her willpower to stop from rapping the glass to get her attention.

How can she help me anyway?

Before Rainbow Dash came along, she was a good little girl. She might have been clumsy, but she obeyed her father. Then she met Rainbow Dash and became so confused. It was doing what she said that made her dad angry.

She couldn’t remember being this scared. Throughout her whole life, through everything, her father had never physically hurt her. It was so jarring, like she had been wearing blinders her whole life that had been just knocked off.

Had her father always been like this? A bit condescending, certainly, but was it all intentional? This whole time...

Or... was he? She had tried doing it Rainbow Dash’s way, and look what it had gotten her. She had been fooled, so easily. How? Rainbow Dash had told her she needed to stand up for herself. Maybe her dad was right...

But... good parents didn’t hit their kids...A good parent wouldn’t have done what her father did.

Apple Bloom’s sister spanked her the last time she misbehaved, she remembered. This was no different, wasn’t it?

But Rainbow Dash said...

But her father said...

She flopped onto the bed. She pressed her front hooves against her head. She was so confused, if felt like her brain was going to split in two. She wished she could just go to sleep and escape the confusion. She wished she could go back in time and undo what had happened. She wished Rainbow Dash would fly in and whisk her away. She wished her father would come in and tell her she was forgiven.

She wished a lot of things. She wished she knew what she wanted.

“Alright, alright, settle down there,” Mrs. Cake cooed to the foals surrounding her. “There’s plenty for each of you.”

The foals all jumped as the baker passed out sugar cookies to them. She smiled at each smiling, happy face, but stopped on one.

This filly looked dirty. Not raggedly so, more like after a hard day of play. But she seemed thin, as if she wasn’t eating, and her expression was more of relief than excitement.

“Here you are, dear,” she said, trying to keep a straight face. The pink filly snatched the cookie. “Thank you,” she said, sounding more genuine than it should have, before turning. Even with her back to her, Mrs. Cake could tell she was devouring the treat like it was her first meal in days.

Quickly, Mrs. Cake made her way over to her husband and whispered in her ear. “You see that filly over there?”

Looking to where her wife was pointing, he nodded. “She seems a bit raggedy. Why?”

“...I don’t think she has a home.”

Mr. Cake blinked. “An orphan? Are you sure?”

“Not entirely. But I’m going to find out.”

“Cup, what are you...”

Carrot never got to finish that sentence, because at that point his wife saw the filly heading towards the exit. Thinking quickly, the mare moved to intercept her.

“Excuse me, sweetie?”

Pinkie stopped and looked at the baker. “Um, yes?”

“You seem like a nice young mare. What’s your name?”

“...Pinkie,” she said, as if unsure.

“Well, Pinkie, would you like a cupcake to go with your cookie?”

“Yes,” she answered immediately.

She smiled, leading the young one into the back. “I’m about to put a new batch into the oven. Why don’t you help me? I can teach you how to make them.”

“That’s neat! My parents only ever taught me how to make bread.”

Mrs Cake lifted an eyebrow. “Oh? Your parents are bakers?”

“Oh no,” she said, stumbling over her words. “They just liked to cook. They taught me how to do a little...”

“Well then, let’s see if we can’t help you improve your skills a little more...”

Day had turned into night, and yet the filly showed no interest in going home. In the past few hours, she had made cupcakes, muffins, cookies, and cakes. True to her word, she had some knowledge in baking, and took to the new recipes quickly.

Celestia had lowered the sun, and Mrs. Cake sent her to their restroom to bathe. While she was doing this, she quietly got the guest room ready, making sure to lock the window.

When Pinkie came out clean, the Cakes served her dinner. She ate hungrily, despite all the sweets she had eaten that day. After dinner, Mrs. Cake tucked her into the guest bed, where she instantly made herself comfortable.

Mrs. Cake gently patted Pinkie on the head before speaking. “Pinkie... do you have anypony else taking care of you?”

Immediately Pinkie turned white. Her mane seemed to deflate. Even without answering, Mrs. Cake knew the truth.

“Oh, I... um... what makes you think that?”

“Well, you made yourself awfully comfortable here for somepony who would have somewhere else to go.”

Pinkie shifted, trying to think up an excuse. But Mrs. Cake’s eyes bore right through her, and she sighed. “No... I’ve been on my own.”

“What happened to your parents?”

“...They...” the filly was silent for a good long while. Mrs. Cake just sat silently, waiting. “...died.”

The older pony gently rubbed her mane. “Why have you been living alone?”

“I... I don’t want to go to an orphanage.” Suddenly she leaned forward, wrapping her forelegs around the baker. “please don’t tell anypony! Please, please, please!”

Mrs. Cake hugged her back, and gave her a few minutes to calm down. Finally they parted.

“Why don’t you get some sleep tonight? I’ll talk with my husband about this tomorrow.”

“Okay,” Pinkie dropped. Mrs. Cake hesitated for a moment, then kissed her forehead. This seemed to ease her, she let her head hit the pillow.

“Good night, Pinkie,” she cooed, reaching the bedroom door and flicking out the light. She closed the door behind her, then, slowly so Pinkie wouldn’t hear, she locked the door. No need to risk her running away.

Mrs. Cake watched as the filly she had raised played on the floor with the twins. The day she had come into the bakery, they were unsure what to do with her.

They had vowed to report her to the authorities, but they never did, both because she was a joy to have around, and because she proved invaluable help around the bakery.

Before long, they were calling the guest room “Pinkie’s room”. Before long, they were sending her to school, attending Parent-Teacher conferences, and watching her perform in her school play, taking several pictures and showing them off to their friends and customers.

Eventually, Pinkie was noticed by the Mayor. She sent word around the orphanages, but nopony had reported her missing. There was little point in taking her back anyway, if she actually was happy. No point in adding one more foal to the already overwhelmed system.

There was never an official adoption. Pinkie never started calling them “Mom” and “Dad”, they never referred to her as their daughter. But everypony saw it that way anyway. There was no need to have it spoken.

And now... learning that they weren’t truly the only family she had left... it was a bit jarring.

She trotted over to Pinkie and nuzzled her gently. Pinkie paused, then returned the gesture.

“Are you feeling better?”

“...Not really,” Pinkie moaned as Pound and Pumpkin cooed, latching onto Pinkie. “My stomach’s still churning.”

“It’s only another week,” she tried to reassure. After a few moments, she spoke again. “You know... we never regretted taking you in. Ever.”

“I know,” Pinkie actually laughed. “I never regretted coming here.”

“You know regardless of what happens, you’ll have a home here.”

Pinkie nuzzled her foster mother again. “I know... and thank you.”