• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 30,357 Views, 3,573 Comments

Families - Darth Link 22

Spike and Scootaloo are acting strange, and Twilight and Rainbow Dash are going to find out why.

  • ...


Chrysalis awoke in a void. Large, black nothingness. She looked around in fear. She was supposed to be safe in an abandoned diamond dog mine with her soldiers, but here... where was here.

A disapproving *tsk tsk tsk* sounded, followed by a voice that turned her blood cold. "Chryssy, Chryssy, Chryssy, somechangeling's been a bad mare..."

Slowly, she turned her head, and was greeted by a horrifying sight.

"Now, did you forget all about me? Honestly, I taught you better than that."

With a frightened cry, Chrysalis scooted back, even though the logical part of her brain was telling her that trying to run from Discord was a foalish gesture that could never work.

"How could you? I could forgive stabbing me in the back and leaving me to rot, but... really? An invasion? You couldn't be more original? Honestly, I thought you were listening when I taught you about chaos. Shapeshifting infiltration and you decide to just rush them?" The spirit of disharmony put his face in his lion's paw. "Ah, well, you could still be of some use..."

"No!" Chrysalis said, finding her bravado. "I'm not your servant anymore! I will be the one conquering Equestria, me! On my terms! I have no interest in your plans..."

At that, Discord laughed, a truly jovial laugh, as if what Chrysalis said had been a particularly amusing joke. "My plans? My plans? Chryssy, look at me. Do I look like the kind of spirit that makes plans? Yeah, no. That requires order, strategy, a rhyme and reason, and that's not me. I'm just out to have my fun. As much as I'm allowed."

Chrysalis gaped at this. "You... work for somepony else?"

"Are you listening? Working for somepony is just as bad as having somepony work for you. That requires taking... ugh, orders." he spat. "No, I don't work for any being. I can, however, push things in the right direction if our purposes cross, and lo and behold, it has."

Chrysalis said nothing, so Discord snapped his fingers. A black feline appeared before him, who then reached into her mouth and pulled on her tongue, stretching it to an impossible length.

"Aw, cat got your tongue? Get it?"

"Yeth, yeth!" she screamed in terror. As harmless as this was, she knew it was a precursor to true abuse.

"Good. Now then, I need you to rendezvous with an acquaintance of mine. Once in contact, you'll be able to discuss freeing me."

Chrysalis blinked. "Freeing? But..."

"Oh, I'm still a statue," he explained. "I have limited powers to contact you. In your dreams, of course. When you awaken, you will find a portal in your little hiding place. Go through it, and you'll meet the pony you'll be working with."

"And why should I help you?" Chrysalis demanded. "Even if I do, life under you was no different than Tartarus! You can hardly do much worse to me if I don't cooperate!"

"...True," the draconequus admitted. "How about this, then: if you help me, I'll return you to normal And you'll be completely safe from my chaos."

"...What's the catch?"

"Trout," Discord exclaimed, pulling a fish on the end of the line he was now holding. His fishing cap almost obstructed his eyes.

"Don't play games! You manipulate, speak in half-truths!"

"I do," he admitted. "But really, what have you got to lose?"

There was silence for a moment.

"Fine. Where do you need me to go?"

Comments ( 123 )

Well, shit.


And so it ends this fic, with several problems solved... and a ton more coming, between Sombra, Discord, Chrysalis and the dragons, the mane 6 and her allies are going to be busy.

Nyeh... guess I'm gonna have to accept evil Discord in this.

yay sequel and plenty of possible daw with dashie falling into the role of scoots mom.


So no redemption?

Smiles... yyaaaay!

pink flu-*bang*

Discord is the best Joker.


But Is it a evil Discord? Alternative storyline?

I wish there was a way to un-vote,

I like the changes at the end, but I'm not sure enough to thumbs it up but I'm not sure it deserves a thumbs down any more

Wooooo!!! Sequel squeals! :yay:

I sense evil brewing on the horizon. Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, and Evil Trixie. Plus, I'm sure there will be more surprises than that. I am looking forward to the sequel.

I am seeing...I am seeing...

Chrysalis and Sombra together in the Crystal Empire, leading to a much more exciting and dangerous Season 3 beginning than what we originally experienced.

May the Grace of the Valar Protect You

Shire Folk

aww yeah! another story is on the way!

"...What's the catch?"

"Trout," Discord exclaimed, pulling a fish on the end of the line he was now holding. His fishing cap almost obstructed his eyes.

:rainbowlaugh: That was perfect. This whole story has been perfect, and now, I eagerly await the next installment.

Looks like this could become a trilogy.

The best part about all this? There's still a chance that Dyne can take Spike.

First, despite him being 'adopted', from how you've set things up in this story, while he's now Twilights son, he may not be recognised as a citizen of Equestria (or worse, not recognised as a person) in his own right, which means the dragons could request that he be returned to them (either as extradition of their own or asking for the return of state property, depending on how Equestrian law recognises dragons (which seems to be 'poorly' if the story is anything to go by)).

Second, there's the fact that from how things look, Spike was taken without knowledge. His birth parents could want him back, not knowing what happened to the egg, and there would surely already be things in place for if a birthparent wanted to contest an adoption.

Third, adoption takes time. Just signing the papers isn't the end of it, even more so for single parents. There's processing of the papers (which can take weeks to go through the machine and there's check-ins. Even if you get the paperwork sped along, if someone comes to check on Spike and sees him being treated the way we've seen Twilight treat him in the show, she'd lose him instantly. And if word of how he was treated got back to Dyne, Celestia would have to give him back or face some severe repercussions.

Personally, much as I don't like the dragons, there is a lot that would have had to have been done in order for the ponies to keep Spike. I'd like to see them win, but that's probably because I can't see them treating Spike any worse than the ponies have on multiple occasions (and let's not forget, yes, Garble and his friends were dicks, but they were the only dragons Spike interacted with in the show and Garble is a prince in this, which means he's as entitled and big headed as Diamond Tiara, with the addition of actually being royalty, so not all dragons will be like him). It also has the benefit of Twilight then flipping her shit, storming into dragon territory to get Spike back, killing dragons left and right and starting a war.

And dragon/pony wars are always a fun read.

On the Discord/Chrysalis thing: Chryssy, he said you. Your subjects will still be mindless drones, except then you won't be in charge of them anymore. He didn't even have to be manipulative, he just didn't say two words ('and yours') and you should have been smart enough to catch that. Then again, you're sleeping and as he pointed out, 'rush them'. :facehoof:

This story really is fun. So looking forward to sequel number two.

I liked it so much better when you were writing clever character analyses. I'm sorry, but a sequel to a story like this just doesn't interest me. It kinda Jumped The Shark for me when you made the jarring genre shift.

When's the next sequel?

Well, here we go again.:facehoof:

You really like dealing out Drama in threes don't you?:ajbemused:
Spike's origin, Crystal Empire and Discord's plans.

The ending to my favorite fanfic, and the buildup to a new one.

A lot is coming over the horizon.


So commeth the Dark Lord Sombra. Can't wait to see what sort of characterization you have for him.

Such an ending. So many enticing plot hooks for the next instalment, I want to all


You sir, are truly one of the best writers of all time! It has been a pleasure to read each of your chapters the days that they come out and I'm eager to follow more of your works. :twilightsmile:

Oh man, i thought this was about over....

Annnnd... here comes the sequel:ajbemused:



Well. That's ominous.

Heh, trout.

Very good story... now where is my Sequel? :rainbowwild:

3130294 I couldn't agree more. It wasn't bad enough to merit a downvote, but also wasn't good enough to merit an upvote. 6/10

Holy balls, how many times has this been featured?

SWEET CELESTIA! :pinkiegasp:

A sequel?! That's awesome! :pinkiehappy:

As far as this story goes, I'm glad everything worked out in the end. However, if the conversation between Chrysalis and Discord, and the reaction that Garble's father had to his son's lie proves anything...then things are far from being over.

Anyway, this story was truly worth reading and I shall be waiting for the sequel that is coming soon!

~ Super-Brony12

its always a little bittersweet when one of your favorites stories end, its the natural progression of things, and there is noting more sad that an end that just didn't come, this part of the story is over, it was such a fun ride, hectic at times, breath taking at others, but the great news is, that the once two-part story, is to become a trilogy :yay::yay::yay::yay:
or maybe you planned this to be a trilogy or even more from the beginning, either way it was such a nice surprise to see there is more to see from this universe in the future :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Points for The Dark Knight reference.:

my only issue with this story is that i cant be cannon with the events of season 3, but that's just me being nit picky

The Joker!

3130294 I am pretty sure that if you clicked the upvote button, you can take it back by clicking the downvote button, and vice versa.

Well, the Dragon King is far more reasonable and less reactionary than I'd feared he might have been (hurrah for no tedious vengeance cliches!) Discord is still (likely) villaining (and sorry, but I never bought his face-heel turn in season 3 - I believe he's either only biding his time by playing nice (because other it's statue time) or he's simply so chaotic that he actual believe it himself - until te next time he gets bored...), Sombra hopefully (who I think, has the most villain potential out of everyone: he was efficient, didin't waste time, laid every reasonable precaution and at no point dropped the idiot ball - he only lost because he just wasn't quite quick enough)...

This has been an excellent story, and I look forward to the next one!

*pounds forks on table* SEQUEL SEQUEL SEQUEL!!:trollestia:

Scoots' mom has it going on, Scootie can't you see you're just not the filly for me...

Wellp, you reached an ending that puts the Jackson Lord Of The Rings series to shame... in that your story has even more endings than that one had. I still don't see the necessity of the whole dragon epilogue or Chryssie releasing Discord etc, because those go pretty far away from canon in which you started the 'nuptialverse'. That said, you're already so far away from it that you can pretty much go wild. I wanted to let you finish on this story before giving my critique/whines about it.

Sorry if I come off as negative. I held great hopes for Families, but it never answered my expectations that Post Nuptials or even the story's own synopsis built up. Post Nuptials was a great study in realism being added to the show canon and held loads of insight. Families promised to be a similar study on family matters and how three different children view their parents. In the end, I pretty much forced myself to finish because I'm a sucker for Scootaloo being adopted by RD and Scootalove in general. The rest of the story failed to grip my interest, the worst offender being the whole Pie family thing where things were resolved with nothing interesting or dramatic whatsoever. Lets not even talk about dragons, political intrigue for immortality... bleh. I hope you'll some day write more in-depth stories like Post Nuptials that are actually based and expand upon canon instead of swarming us with one-dimensional OCs bent on world domination. :facehoof:


nope that just switches it from an up vote to a down or a down to an up.

Hmm... I'm guessing Chryssy will pose as Celestia and muck up the meeting with King Dyne thus putting poor old Spikey Wikey in harm's way... again.

Another closure for another amazing storie. Let new shenanigans begin.

Huh! I have the feeling that we've just met the first Element of Chaos. I wonder if she's going to be meeting up with Trixie, who is currently unaware of her own role as one of Discord's pawns. I don't think that she has been sent to meet with Sombra; like all tyrants, Sombra is a Evil/Lawful aligned and is thus anathema to a Neutral/Chaotic spirit like Discord.

Chrissy's right, of course. Discord can't be trusted but, right now, she's completely out of options. Now, as for most of her existence, she is his creature and is at his mercy.

EUREKA! :pinkiegasp: I was wondering why there was such negativity, but Isseus up there 3132495 just spelled out why there is such groaning and whining!
GENRE CHANGE! :scootangel:
I personally didn't mind, since it didn't go into anything darker. The good guys win, the bad guys lose, no one dies, the end. Something tells me you're going to reform Discord just on that basis. :trollestia:
It might not have kept to its Slice-of-Life tag, but it was still a good story and I (and I think some of the whiners, too :raritywink:) enjoyed every word of it. You just need to change the label on the box. :ajsmug:

Thank you for this awesome fanfic.
Discord can always use the obvious loophole and keep Chrysalis "safe" from his chaos by killing her. My guess is that Discord's associate is Sombra. I sure hope the Dragon king understands that Spike is happy being Twilight's child.
I liked the sort of snapshot view of everyone's nights in the last chapter. I wonder if Chrysalis will get anything resembling redemption as it's obvious she very much hates what her life has become.
I also wonder if it'd be possible for the flutterponies (now changelings) to be cured. You keep hinting at higher powers, so that makes me wonder.

Does... does this mean...
shifting even further into adventure?
Yes please.

It's over. But it's not.

Graah, it's the third well-written fic ending on an open note for future chapters that I've read in the past month. It's a mix of "Dammit, now I have to wait for more," and "YES, there's more!"

"...What's the catch?"

"Trout," Discord exclaimed, pulling a fish on the end of the line he was now holding. His fishing cap almost obstructed his eyes.

Now that I can breathe again; that was utterly brilliant. I haven't seen such good Discord-related humor since I read Echo the Diamond Dog.

That ending was brilliant, classic Discord. :rainbowlaugh:

Still waiting on some TwiJack though. :pinkiehappy: What? I can dream! :trollestia:

I really can't wait to see what happens next. Especially with all the subplots. This was a great story and I can't wait for more. Once again you are my favorite author on this site

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