• Published 23rd Jul 2012
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Families - Darth Link 22

Spike and Scootaloo are acting strange, and Twilight and Rainbow Dash are going to find out why.

  • ...

Mama Ursa

Garble, Mumble, and Thrash had never seen a pony looking quite so angry. Ponies ran from them, they didn't stand their ground and fight, so it was a bit disorienting.

Spike, still sore and weak, looked at the unicorn slowly, trying to see her through his blurred vision. "...Twilight?"

Garble, regaining his bravado, stood back up. "Aww, how cute. What are you, his mommy?" he mocked.

"You better believe I'm his mother," she said bluntly. Spike's eyes went wide, his heart tightened. Was he just delirious? Was she really saying...

"And if you take one more step toward him, I'm going to..."

“What?" Garble said mockingly. He took a step forward, extra mockingly stomping it down. "There, I took a step. What are you going to do about it?"

"...What are you waiting for? Grab him!"

Suddenly remembering her job, Fluttershy made a dive for Spike. Seeing this, Garble lunged forward. This was exactly what Twilight was counting on, it left him wide open for another strike from the tree, sending him back. His friends, caught him keeping him upright.

Fluttershy reached the injured child, collecting him up gently in her forelegs. The dragon moaned, keeping Peewee in a protective hug. The bird was visibly shaking, nuzzling into his master. "It's going to be okay," Fluttershy soothed, lifting Spike up. With great speed, she started back to Ponyville.

"Get her!" Garble yelled, starting forward again. Twilight swung the tree again, but the crimson dragon let loose a blast of fire that lit the tree ablaze. Then, with one swipe of his claws, he split the tree apart, turning it into several burning splinters.

Now free of their obstacle, Mumble and Thrash flew up and after Fluttershy. Twilight tried to block them, but was interrupted by Garble flying forward and swinging his fist down on her. She put up a shield quickly, causing his punch to bounce off. He continued his barrage, banging on her shield relentlessly. Under other circumstances she might have flinched, but now she was a mother protecting her child.

Mumble and Thrash flew over the ponies, chasing after the pegasus that had taken their target. Seeing this, Applejack, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash chased after them, shouting protests.

Garble kept pounding away, but was stopped by Rarity, who leapt over Twilight's shield and bucked him in the face. The crimson dragon was caught off guard, both by the attack itself and just how painful it was. Rarity was much tougher than she looked. He staggered back, allowing Twilight to strike him in the ribs with a full blast of her magic.

It would have killed a pony, or at least broken its bones. It knocked Garble back, not doing any noticeable damage but clearly hurting him.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll stay down," Twilight said coldly.

The threat didn't take. Garble rolled to the side and stood up, having just enough time to fly away from the following blast. Twilight kept firing, every blast dodged, while Rarity stood at her side, wishing she knew more combat magic.

Fluttershy could be quite fast when she needed to, even fast enough to keep up with Rainbow Dash. But this depended on it being in certain situations: her friends being in trouble, an animal being in trouble, or her being in trouble. Right now, all three were happening. She doubled her speed when she realized she was being followed, much to the amusement of the two dragons.

"Aw, come on, we just want to play!" Mumble jeered, speeding up as well.

"Heh, heh, yeah," Thrash needlessly added. "Just slow down and..."

At that point, Rainbow Dash rammed into his side. Thrash let out a yell, more surprised than hurt. He turned and swung at her, but like a particularly bothersome fly she flew around him. Thrash turned his head, trying to follow her, and was rewarded by a mocking bop on the nose. Enraged, he swung again, only for the cyan mare to fly around him, wrapping her hind legs around his head and rapping his head with her forehooves as if she was playing a set of drums.

Enraged, Thrash began living up to his name, which Rainbow Dash took as a sign to get off of him. As he turned to face her, she blew a raspberry, then turned and darted off. In a rage, the brown dragon forgot his original target and chased after her.

Applejack and Pinkie, who were right behind them, saw the scene. Applejack began to change directions, but the cyan pegasus motioned for her not to. Thrash, being too focused on catching her, didn't notice.

The cowpony quickly understood why. Rainbow Dash and the dragon were both flying so fast that neither earth pony would be able to keep up. Hopefully the brash pegasus had some plan of action other than a direct conflict.

Instead, Applejack turned back to Mumble and redoubled her speed. She found herself gaining slowly, but surely on the dragon. Finally, when he was close enough, she gave a mighty leap and landed straight on the dragon's back.

This sent him crashing to the ground. Unfortunately, by this time Mumble had reached Fluttershy and had managed to get a grip on one of her hind legs, sending her to the ground as well. She gave off a whimper as she landed, and Spike left her arms, rolling along the ground a bit before stopping.

As Mumble tried to buck Applejack off, Fluttershy called "Spike! Run!"

Spike didn't listen, at least not immediately. He checked on Peewee first, who was still shaking but otherwise seemed uninjured. Spike turned and began running.

Mumble rolled over, causing Applejack to fall off. He rolled back on his stomach and turned to his side, striking the cowpony with a mighty blow, sending her to the ground. With a satisfied smile, he began rising...

"Hey, Mr. Meanie Pants!"

...and found himself looking down the barrel of a cannon.

"It's party time!" Pinkie fired.

Mumble was hit with a fifteen pound ball of confetti and glitter. He was on his back moaning in pain, looking more like an overdone craft project than an injured dragon.

"Ooh... where did you get that from?" he demanded.

"I made it myself! I took several months of fine tuning, and building, and the Cakes saying 'Pinkie, stop that racket, it's two in the morning!', but all my hard work paid off! I used it at Twilight's birthday, and it decorated the whole ballroom in seconds, and they were all impressed, and we had cake, and..."

As it turned out, dragons had a quick recovery time. Mumble was back on his feet in moments. He grabbed Pinkie by the tail and swung her around like he was competing in a hammer throw. After a few rotations he let go, sending the pink earth pony flying.

For a moment, Mumble looked at the horizon, smiling at his accomplishment. He turned around.

"That wasn't very nice. I mean, that could have really hurt! Not as much as it did for Mrs. Cake when the twins were born! I mean, ouch, seven hours in labor was hard, and she kept saying these funny words to Mr. Cake that I'm not allowed to repeat, and when she somehow got a hold of that scalpel... fortunately, Mr. Cake's scars have healed, and Nurse Redheart sees almost perfectly out of that eye now..."

Throughout the entire tirade, Mumble had been looking from Pinkie to where he had thrown her seconds earlier, complete disbelief on his features. "Wha... how... look, how'd you do that anyway?"

"...Now let's not get nosy," the earth pony scolded.

Mumble was bucked by Applejack seconds later. It was preferable to the headache he was currently getting.

Rainbow Dash blew out her cheeks and stuck out her tongue, agitating Thrash. Even flying backwards, she was more than fast enough to outfly the dragon.

By now the two had flown over Ghastly Gorge, and the cyan mare led her opponent into the canyon, continuing the merry chase.

Thrash flew forward at full speeds, only to get a nasty surprise when Rainbow Dash did a full ninety-degree turn upward, causing him to go flying forward after nothing. After managing to stop, he turned and saw her lowering back to his level. She wiggled her rump in his directions, slapping her flanks in a mocking manner.

Thrash roared in frustration, lunging after her. She flew up again, once again causing him to chase after nothing.

"Too slow!" she laughed.

This time, the brown dragon flew after her at top speed. It didn't matter, Rainbow Dash flew faster. She led him on a merry chase, hundreds of feet, before Rainbow Dash suddenly made another ninety-degree turn.

Once again, Thrash kept going, right into the side of the Gorge.

Rainbow Dash put her forelegs over her stomach and laughed uproariously, but she was cut off by a boulder falling, just barely missing her. She looked up to the rim of the Gorge, and immediately became terrified. She flew out of the way just in time to avoid the avalanche of rocks.

Thrash, however, wasn't as lucky. The boulders struck him, sending the already dazed dragon falling to the ground, pinned underneath a mountain of debris.

For a moment, the cyan mare held her breath, torn with how to feel. Half of her hoped the avalanche had done the dragon in, half hoped he would be okay.

When the dust cleared, Thrash was among the rocks, pinned underneath the stone. Carefully, Rainbow Dash moved in. He was still breathing, she could tell. She saw his chest move up and down.

She briefly pondered helping him, but decided against it. Spike was more worthy of her time, and if Thrash died as a result of his injuries, it was on him. Without another thought, she turned a flew back to her friends.

Applejack moved in to try and stomp down on Mumble, and immediately regretted it when his tail whipped out and hit her. The purple dragon rose to his feet in time to be greeted with a view of the party cannon. This time, however, he was quick enough to dodge, and the projectile flew off until it decorated a tree for its five hundredth birthday. He quickly moved past the cannon and to Pinkie, giving her a swipe with his claws.

Forgotten in all the chaos was Fluttershy, who silently crept to the bushes that Spike had run to and began rifling through them, hoping to find the child in her care.

After a few minutes of combing the foliage, she found him, gently stroking Peewee in an effort to calm him down. He looked up and saw her.

"Flutter-" he began, but the pegasus shushed him so Mumble wouldn't overhear. She picked him up gently and gave him a reassuring nuzzle. She turned to continue flying to Ponyville.

She found Mumble blocking her path, grinning.

"Well, well," he laughed. And then he punched Fluttershy.

She fell to the ground with a painful cry, tears in her eyes. Spike tried to scramble out of reach, but the older dragon grabbed him by the back of the neck. Raising him up, he slammed him roughly into the ground.

Spike's body went limp. Peewee warbled in panic.

"Aww, you broke too easy," Mumble whined. "That's no..."

"How dare you!"

Mumble jumped at the sudden forceful words. Fluttershy had gotten up, apparently not in pain anymore, and was staring at the purple dragon with a look that sucked all the bravado.

"Just who do you think you are? You think just because you're big and strong, that gives you the right to hurt innocent ponies and dragons?"

"I... I..."

Fluttershy grabbed his ear in her teeth and pulled him along, the teenage dragon moaning from the pain the whole way. They came to a large rock, and the pegasus let go.

"Now sit on this rock! You're in a time-out!"

"But..." he began, but a reaffirmed stare got him to obey.

"Now you sit here until the sun goes down, young drake, and think about what you did! Then fly home and don't harass Spike or Twilight again! You hear me?"

"Y-yes, ma'am!" Mumble said in tears, looking very much like a scolded filly.

Fluttershy nodded curtly, then flew back to Spike. He was awake, it turned out, and crying heavily, the days events finally gotten to him. A recovered Pinkie and Applejack were heading to him, but the yellow pegasus reached him first.

“Shh, it’s okay,” she soothed, gathering up the dragon in her forelegs. “It’s okay, it’s all over now.”

The dragon just wept. He was awfully mature for his age, yes, but underneath it all he was still a kid, and the pain, shame, and distress of the last few days was finally getting to him. Even as Fluttershy nuzzled him and Peewee nibbled his ear, he couldn’t calm down.

Garble dodged blast after blast of Twilight’s magic, blowing raspberries at the enraged unicorn. “Aw, what’s wrong? Is the prissy pony getting tired?”

That question was answered when an aura of lavender magic encased him, stopping him. The crimson dragon struggled, but he was pulled down to the ground, his feet actually sinking into the soil a bit.

"I can lift an Ursa Minor," Twilight noted with strained words. "I can hold you."

Unimpressed, Garble kept thrashing, but he was still helpless when Rarity charged him and bucked him in the stomach as hard as she could. The wind knocked out of him, he stopped moving, and Twilight took advantage of this by releasing him and shooting him with a well-aimed blast of magic. It struck him in the chest, sending him tumbling on his back.

Rarity confidently strode up to the fallen dragon, though she was sure to keep enough distance away to remain out of his reach. "Now then, are you going to leave Spikey alone?"

As it turned out, Rarity hadn't been as careful as she had thought. Garble's tail lashed out, wrapping itself around Rarity's neck. Twilight readied a blast, but the dragon's words stopped her. "Shoot me and I'll snap her neck."

The threat worked, but only for a moment. The aura circled his tail, prying it open and allowing the white unicorn to fall to the ground.

As it turns out, Garble was smarter than either unicorn gave him credit for, as that was exactly what he was counting on. Distracted by freeing her friend, Twilight didn't react fast enough when he darted forward. She began to summon a shield, but his strike caught her on the side of the head. Thankfully, he went so quick he didn't uncurl his hand, so she wasn't cut to ribbons, but simply knocked back. She skidded along the grass, coming to a stop just short of the still burning tree splinters.

"How dare you!" Rarity shrieked, attempting to buck him, but her kick was caught, and she was lifted up in a most undignified manner.

"Put me down right now, you hoodlum! I might be a lady, but for everything you've done to Spikey-Wikey, I'm going to..."

Garble turned and swung Rarity in an arc, slamming her into the ground, effectively ending her demands. He lifted her up again by her hind leg as she moaned in pain. She was now looking in his eyes, weakly.

"You know what I'm going to do to Spikey-Wikey? I'm going to kill him. But first, I'm going to skin you all alive and make him see. And I'm going to keep stomping that bird until it runs out of lives. Then, I'm going to break both of his arms, and his legs. Then, I'm going to kick him around a bit. Then...”

Garble was more intelligent than the ponies gave him credit for... but he was still pretty stupid. He went on a long tirade about what he was going to do to Spike while his mother was in earshot. She didn't take it well.

In pure rage, she rose to her hooves and levitated one of the burning splinters into the air. Charging forward, she leapt onto the dragon's back.

"What the-"

And then the red hot stick came down.

The Keeper flinched, inhaling sharply. "Ooooh," she moaned as she read the dragon's book. "Well, look on the bright side, Garble, girl dragons think eyepatches are cool."

Garble's pained, primal howl filed the ears of the two unicorns. Rarity flinched in horror, even feeling some pity as he dropped her, clutching his face in agony. Twilight, however, gave no quarter. As he stumbled blindly, turning around, Twilight struck him in the chest, sending him to the ground.

Before he could sit up, Garble felt something jump onto him, pinning him to the ground. Slowly, nervously, he moved one of his hands, allowing his right eye... his only eye, now... to see.

Twilight had turned white, her eyes red, her mane and tail now flames so intense that even Garble felt them.

"Listen to me," she said through gritted teeth, "I love Spike. He is my son. And I will do anything... anything... to protect him. I've defeated NightMare Moon and Discord, I've fought armies of changelings, I've been taught by Princess Celestia herself. You, you're nothing. You're a pathetic punk who traveled a continent because some baby dragon stood up to you. How petty. You have no chance against me.

"So leave. Go home. Don't come back. Because if you do, I'll take more than an eye. Do you understand?"

Garble was silent, shaking in sheer terror.

"Do you understand?"

"Y-yes," the dragon whimpered.

"Good," she spat. She turned around, whipping him in the face with her tail. She jumped off of him, planting her feet back on the grass. She lit her horn and doused the burning tree remains, no need for them to spread.

"Come on, Rarity, we better see if Spike is okay." Twilight reverted back to her true form. She was calmer now, a bit more neutral.

Rarity stood in silence, a bit afraid. She looked and saw Garble's form, still shaken and disturbed. She turned to Twilight, still walking off, heedless of the fact that her fellow unicorn hadn't followed her.

Finally, she sighed and followed, stopping only to pick up the bindle Spike dropped. She would talk with her friend about it later.