• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 30,357 Views, 3,573 Comments

Families - Darth Link 22

Spike and Scootaloo are acting strange, and Twilight and Rainbow Dash are going to find out why.

  • ...

Calm Before the Storm

The longer the days went on, the more agonizing they got, for all involved. All the drama of the last few days gave way to routine without relief. There was tension coming, and none of them liked it.

Rainbow Dash's worry was likely only surpassed by Pinkie's. Every morning, and every evening, she had dropped by the library and asked Twilight what she had found, though neither of them were sure exactly what she was looking for anymore.

Indeed, each day the news seemed to get worse. Child abuse, especially when it was done non-violently, was notoriously hard to prove. Each case Twilight read made her stomach tie into knots. Celestia had tried for years to get better laws on the books, but the case by case nature of it made the task nearly impossible.

More than once, Rainbow Dash considered trying to visit Scootaloo again, though she quickly dropped that idea. If there was something going on, trying to visit might only make things worse.

"I should have stopped her," she had said one day while visiting, earning a look from Twilight.

"What do you mean?"

"Scoots. When she came by and told me everything was okay, I shouldn't have just let her go. Everything was telling me something was wrong."

"Dash... that wouldn't have sat well with the police, going off an instinct..."

"I know," she snapped. "But... I..." she placed her hooves on her stomach. "I can't stand this. It's driving me crazy!"

"It's only another two days," Twilight assured.

“Don’t tell me...” she began angrily, but she sighed. “I know, but...”

“Maybe you should read something to take your mind off things.”

“I’m all finished with Daring Do,” the rainbow maned pony brushed her off.

“There are other series besides that,” she noted, pulling a book off the shelf. “Here, this one is good. High fantasy, you’ll love it.”

The rainbow maned pony took it and leafed through the pages. “This one will take weeks...” she noted.

“It’ll get your mind off things.”

Celestia looked over the reply her messenger had brought her. She nodded, telekinetically floating over a ten bit tip to her servant and waving for him to wait. She turned back to Luna, who was sipping her own tea.

“It seems Olive Branch has agreed to an audience,” the Princess of the Sun noted, “but he wants it in two days.”

Luna tilted her head. “Whatever for?”

“Time to prepare,” she noted. “To gather the list of grievances they want to present and convince me to change.” She took a parchment and quill and began scratching out her reply.

“You’re allowing this?”

“If I do not, they will twist it to suit their agenda.”

“Yes, but... two whole days? It seems a bit of a stretch. Suppose they’re planning something?”

“It has occurred to me,” she admitted, finishing up her letter. She duplicated her letter with a simple spell, then handed the original copy to the messenger. “Stamp it with the Royal Seal and deliver it.”

The messenger took it and saluted, running off. Celestia turned back to her sister. “I seriously doubt anything will come of it... still, perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad idea to increase security.”

Spike ate the last bite of his gem cake. Twilight had to giggle at her boy’s appetite, he was finally eating normally after all those days of sorrow. This picnic had been a great idea, it seemed.

“Well, well, hello, Miss Sparkle.”

Twilight’s fur stood on end. She sprang to her hooves, looking around in worry. There, in front of their picnic, was a pony with an olive branch for a cutie mark, being flanked on either side by six large, muscular guards. Her eyes widened. An olive branch...

She grabbed Spike with her magic and placed him behind her. Olive Branch...

“Oh how cute,” the newspaper editor sneered.

“Don’t come any closer,” Twilight warned, her eyes glowing along with her horn. “There’s not a pony alive that can match me!”

Olive Branch just smiled. “Well, then... I guess it’s a good thing that we aren’t ponies.”

Suddenly the seven ponies’ eyes turned green, and a flash of flame revealed seven changeling soldiers.

In a flash, Twilight had summoned a shield around her and her son, keeping them safe. “I should have known. Don’t worry, Spike, they can’t get in here.”

“Oh, they don’t have to...”

Tensing up, Twilight turned to her boy, only to find him on top of her, his small arms wrapped around her neck. His eyes glowed the changelings’ sickly green and his fangs grew to monstrous proportions before they sunk into her neck.

Twilight awoke with a shriek, her heart racing. She took a few deep breaths to calm herself. She looked around. She was home.

She calmed herself. Of course, the nightmares were back. They wouldn’t just go away thanks to a talk with Applejack. The anti-Celestia group was not a group of changelings in disguise, Celestia had given each solid background checks and required each speaker to be tested. The excess magic shedded during the invasion meant that a changelings magic could be identified, and it was a simple matter for the Royal Guards to test any pony’s magic. The group had been cooperative in that regard at least. Her home was warded against the changelings as well, and she had not allowed to let Spike leave the house unaccompanied since the group had surfaced.

“Uh... Twilight?”

Twilight blinked, looking over at Spike’s basket. The dragon had lifted his head from his pillow, and was looking straight at her through the glaze of sleep. “What’s wrong?” he slurred.

“Nothing, Spike... I just had a nightmare. Go back to sleep.”

She laid her head back on her pillow and tried to think of a few comforting thoughts. Her head lifted at the sound of sheets rustling and tiny claws on the wooden floor.

Spike climbed into her bed, wrapping his arms around her neck and nuzzling close. Caught off guard, Twilight still instinctively wrapped her forelegs around him. “Spike... Wha...”

“You always let me sleep with you when I had nightmares. I think it’s only fair,” he mumbled. It was clear his exhaustion was fighting his compassion.

Twilight smiled, lifting the covers so Spike could slip under them. He was asleep before she had finished straightening them, and Twilight followed soon afterward.

”Pinkie...” Mr. Cake said slowly, “what is that?”

“An alligator,” Pinkie chirped.

“...Why are you feeding it a bottle of water?”

“Silly! Because reptiles don’t drink milk. Only mammals do that.”

“...I mean, why are you taking care of a baby crocodile?”


“...Why are you taking care of a baby alligator?”

“Fluttershy got it at her cottage yesterday, she said it was orphaned because of a few poachers.”

“...Pinkie, when we said you could get a pet... well, we didn’t mean something that could grow up so big... or that could bite!”

“Silly, he has no teeth! See?”

She pushed the reptile uncomfortable close to Mr. Cake’s muzzle. The gator opened his mouth wide, showing that it only possessed a set of gums. It helped confirm this statement by biting down on the baker’s nose.

“Aww, he’s hungry!” the mare cooed. “Isn’t that cute!”

“Uh, Pinkie?” Mr. Cake slurred.

She gently pulled her gator away. Placing him on the counter, Pinkie pulled a bottle of protein pills, pulling one out and popping it in her pet’s mouth.

“Oh, it’s already civilized?” Mr. Cake noticed.

Pinkie nodded. “He’s been eating pills since he was a hatchling!”

Mr. Cake breathed a sigh of relief. If his foster daughter really was going to keep this thing, at least it wouldn’t bite him in the flank as it grew old.

Pinkie giggled as the gator bit her front hoof. “Aww... I think I’ll call him Gummy...”

Gummy hadn’t grown much in three years, which was just fine for both of Pinkie’s employers. It proved a surprisingly good playmate for the twins... at least, he didn’t make too much of a fuss if they wanted to hug onto him tightly.

Pinkie was nearly as unresponsive as her pet today. Even watching the twins, she seemed to be on autopilot, and had to throw herself into playtime to distract herself.

Pound and Pumpkin sensed the change, nuzzling up to their foster sister. Gummy cocked his head at his master, wishing he knew what to do. She was taking deep breaths, and tears were appearing in her eyes.

Mr. Cake sighed as he saw this from the doorway. Trotting in carefully, he placed a hoof on her shoulder. Pinkie jumped initially, but relaxed when she saw who it was.

“Are you alright?” the baker asked, then added a hasty, “I mean, besides the obvious.”

“...No,” she admitted, sounding bitter. “My tummy hurts.”

“It’s only one more day,” he soothed. “After tomorrow, you’ll feel better, even if...”

He didn’t finish. He couldn’t. “Things will be alright. They want to come see you, remember? They wouldn’t be doing that if they weren’t going to make amends with you.”

Pinkie wiped her eyes. “I keep telling myself that.”

“...Maybe you should go for a walk, clear your head.”

“But... the twins...”

“Today’s a slow day,” he assured, “we can handle everything just today. You go out and try to clear your head. You’ve hardly left the bakery all week.”

Pinkie blinked, realizing her foster father spoke the truth. She had been so mopey the past week she hadn’t done much of anything...not since she had told the others the truth about her parents.

“...You’re right,” she said at last, standing up. “I want to talk to Twilight about something anyway.”

“Seriously, where does she get her gender politics?”

“You noticed, huh?”

“Twilight, you don’t need a degree in writing to see that. I mean, really, it’s like mares and stallions are two different species. And what’s up with the length? I’m starting to think she got paid by the word. And there are how many books?”


Twilight and Rainbow Dash’s discussion on literature came to an end as the front door opened and Pinkie walked into the library, smiling a small smile.

“Hey Twilight... Rainbow Dash.”

Both mares just stared at her, causing her to flinch. “What?”

“Pinkie...” Rainbow Dash said slowly...”are you nervous about your parents?”

Pinkie was about to answer, but Twilight cut her off. “Of course she is, they’re coming tomorrow,” she snapped a bit. She turned to Pinkie to talk, but she was cut off.

Tomorrow?” the cyan pegasus shouted. “I thought it was the day after... the dinner with Scootaloo’s family is then...”

“What?” Pinkie said nervously.

“I... I’m sorry Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash said. “I... I messed up, I...”

Pinkie put a hoof up to her friend’s mouth, silencing her. She smiled in support. “Dashie, you don’t have to worry. My family’s coming in the morning, and your dinner’s at night.”

Rainbow Dash blushed. “Oh...” She rubbed the back of her head with her hoof. “I guess I did kind of overreact...”

Twilight rolled her eyes a bit, but concern crossed her features as well. She slowly took her gaze off Rainbow Dash and turned to her earth pony friend. “When are your parents going to be here?”

“Just after breakfast,” Pinkie answered. “That’s why I’m here, actually. Do you think... can I stay here tonight? Pretty please? I... I don’t feel comfortable sleeping at home tonight.”

Twilight and Rainbow Dash exchanged glances. “Pinkie,” the pegasus began slowly, “you’re not trying to run from this, are you?”

Pinkie shook her head vigorously. “No, no, no, no, no. I just...” Her eyes got wet. “I’m... scared. Please? I don’t want them in the house when I’m not awake...”

Rainbow Dash barely suppressed her groan. “Pinkie...” she began, but she was cut off.

“You can,” Twilight nodded, giving a reassuring smile. “I’ll tell Spike to set up the guest bed...”

“Ooh! I can go tell him! Where is he?”

“In the historical section, sweeping. Tell him if he just gets it out, I’ll set it up.”

“Okie dokie,” Pinkie chirped as she bounced upstairs.

After a moment of silence, Rainbow Dash spoke up. “Are you sure this is a good idea? Maybe we should make her face it.”

“I understand the logic,” Twilight answered, “but this is already nerve wracking enough for Pinkie. Plus...” she trailed off, then sighed. “This might be just paranoia, but... I kind of want to check Pinkie’s parents in case they’re... changelings.”

She blushed a bit, expecting Rainbow Dash to laugh. The pegasus just arched an eyebrow. “What makes you think they are?”

The unicorn shook her head. “I guess I’ve just been... edgy since the wedding. I think I’m starting to see changelings everywhere I go...”

“Please don’t go crazy on us. We need you to do the real work.” It was meant as a joke, and it was taken as such.

“...Are you still feeling bad about what happened?”

Rainbow Dash had not been expecting that question. “What made you think that?”

Twilight shot her companion a look that spoke volumes. “...Helping Scootaloo and Pinkie won’t make what happened just go away.”

Rainbow felt her stomach drop. She should have known she couldn’t keep things a secret from Twilight’s observations. “I know... but... it would make me feel better...”

“Rainbow, you really care about Scootaloo, don’t you? If you’re just treating her like a chance to be redeemed, you’re not being very fair to her.”

Of course I care about her!”

There was a brief silence.

“...Sorry. I didn’t mean to snap.”

“And I didn’t mean to insult you. Just... be careful, okay?”

Rainbow Dash put on a proud smile. “When am I not?”

Twilight shot her that look again.

Celestia looked over the latest letter from Olive Branch, confirming that he could make the meeting time, and agreeing to the conditions. They would bring only three ponies, no weapons, and would behave civilly during the negotiations. She sat the letter on the table as her sister poured herself a cup of tea.

“Well, here’s hoping that all goes well,” the Princess of the Sun said, filling her own teacup.

“Indeed. Perhaps if things go well, we can commemorate the event with some champagne and...”

She trailed off at her sister’s glare.


“No, Luna.”

“It was over a millennium ago!”

“I had to ban alcohol for a half a millennium because of it.”

“It wasn’t that bad...”

“The economic crisis lasted a decade.”

“Sister, I am not a foal any longer! I should be able to partake in this activity! I...”

No. And that’s final, little sister. Do you understand?”

Luna glared at her sister for a moment... then lowered her head and sighed in defeat. “Yes, Celly.”

Scootaloo had done nothing but sit in her room for a week, but she had never been bored that whole time. When trying to figure things out, that had left little time to truly have nothing to do.

The door opened, and Scootaloo flinched. Speedy Delivery walked in, giving her the same cold glare he had been giving her the last few days.

“The dinner is tomorrow. You remember how to behave?”

“Yes, daddy.”

I mean it,” he said harshly. “You better not say anything until it’s time. Do you understand, or have you learned nothing?”

Scootaloo felt like crying. “Yes, I do.”

There was silence. Speedy reached toward her. She flinched, but was surprised to find his touch soft and gentle.

“There, there. It’s not entirely your fault. Rainbow Dash is manipulating you, I understand that.”

Scootaloo looked at her father with confused eyes. “Then... why did you hurt me?”

“Sometimes a parent has to hurt their little foal,” he whispered. He probably meant it soothingly, but it made her shiver in terror. “It’s what’s best for them.”

He leaned down until he was eye level with her daughter. “You have a lot to learn, little one. Maybe it was a mistake letting you have so much freedom, but I thought it would be better than risking you blabbing about what me and your uncle Olive Branch have been up to. I suppose it’s my fault, I shouldn’t have overestimated you.”

Scootaloo winced. Her father either didn’t notice or didn’t care. He went on.

“I’m going to give you another chance. If you can just get through dinner without saying anything, then I’ll forgive you. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

She was silent. Her father pressed her hoof down on the back of her head. “Isn’t it?”

She gave a whimper. “Y-yes, daddy.”

He smiled. She didn’t feel any warmth from it. “Good.”

Then, he hugged her.

She froze. When he pulled apart, he looked into her eyes. He seemed warm, gentle.

“I’m sorry,” he said. He sounded genuine. “I’m doing this because it’s best for you. What I’m planning means great things for you, and me, and your mother. Once you see what comes of it, you’ll see why I had to do all this.”

Scootaloo cried. Her father hugged her once more.

“Shh, it’s okay, everything going to be okay, sweetie. Daddy’s here.”

He let Scootaloo cry for a good ten minutes. When they finally pulled apart, he smiled at her.

“Now, what do you say?”

“I love you, Daddy.”

To her immense surprise, Speedy kissed his daughter on the forehead.

“I love you too.”

Author's Note:

Well...here it is. I'm soo sorry for the unannounced hiatus. It's been a hectic few weeks.

I know you probably wanted more than this, but I assure you, the next chapter will be Pinkie meeting her parents, and it will be out next week, same time.

And, about the Changelings...there. I closed the possibility. The anti-Celestia-Group are not changelings.

Guess which ponified book series RD and Twilight are talking about. Note: the author of the real world series is a guy).

Note: Olive Branch isn't Scootaloo's real uncle. It's an honorary title.