• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 6,613 Views, 221 Comments

MLP - New Game Plus Postmortem - Reizthefakebrony

You know the gimmick about human being ponyfied and brought into the canon of the show. But, there's some kicker. A boy, Allen, goes indeed in Equestria...... FROM THE GRAVE! Side effects: Medium Plot Bending, Black Humor, and Videogame Logic.

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Reborn from the Grave

Everything in front of me was dark, and is hurting my eyes. My body felt like it was buried under the ground, and i'm suffocating as well. My mind is currently groggy, I can't feel the fingers of my hands.

It's like being submerged in dirt. At that is what it is.

Screw it! I'm suffocating. I have to get out of this humid place, whatever it is. Without thinking, I started to dig very frantically. Anything to get out of here.

As i was digging, I felt my body being more stranger when usual, but that wasn't important. I continued to dig without even know how much time passed since i started. I didn't what was guiding me in that moment. Is that fear? Or just survival instinct?

After some minutes which looked a unnerving eternity for my warped time conception, I finally emerged from the earth. I coughed violently, spitted every piece of dirt out of my mouth and then breathed very heavily.

I hold my eyes shut, too busy in clean my eyelids from the dirt to mind the surrounding. I felt something cold and liquid dropping on me. I slowly opened my eyes and quickly looked upwards.

My sight was blurry, but I could see that the sky was a very stormy one and it's raining. I gathered all of my energy and pulled the rest of my body out of the ground.

Already exhausted by the whole thing, I laid down without even looking. As I touched the ground, I felt my body being kind of odd. Now that I'm recalling, I didn't felt my fingers when I was digging.

Let me see my hands and... Wait? Hooves? For Real? Which means... You gotta be kidding me.

I took a look at the rest of the body and saw what happened to my body. I'm not that horrified for that, but it's just random Judging by my current form, it was a quadrupedal one. Equine type.

No wonder my body was feeling weird. It was transformed. I panicked for moment, but then calmed down to remind myself of a obvious detail. I died, so maybe that was a new body to start with.

Now that I looked at it, it's a very stranger, and yet familiar one. It reminded of that of the MLP characters.... Wait. MLP?

Embarrassed and feeling awkward for that revelation, I facehoofed and closed my eyes.

"Oh, you're gonna talking out of your...."

I processed all the possibility that my form was implying and I concluded, as much I refused to retain possible, that I am actually in Equestria. I panicked for moment, but then calmed down as I remembered a obvious detail.

"I died... So that must be my new body."

That shouldn't be a surprise to me since I had foreseen that from a mile before that happened. I remembered how it happened, so I guess I retained my personality as myself. Allen Nitrol, a boy that anyone can identify as a normal student.

Well... Normal isn't exactly correct. I the past, I had obtained dreadful powers, fought a horrific demented cult, smash their ranks for about two years and then I was finally killed by them during the final confrontation. Pretty lame, huh?

If that is the case, Should I be in some realm of the Afterlife like... I don't know. Paradise? Purgatory? Hell? Or even Limbo?

To answer that question, I looked around to see where I am now. What was in front of me instantly freeze me, making me forget the rain and the chilling air freezing my coat for a second.

There are tombstones in front of eyes. I don't know if I was in Hell or in some place nearby the Dark Forest according to Dante Alighieri, but that is definitively a graveyard.

Now that I'm thinking about, that mustn't be the case anymore since I'm starting to think that I'm reborn in Equestria. In the most shittiest way I ever go through in the very first minutes.

Waking up buried under the ground and digging through the dirt to save your life. That must be a sucky way to start my new life. Seriously, what the hell?

I processed all the possibility that my form was implying and I concluded, as much I refused to retain possible, that I am actually in Equestria. I would check my body to see if I'm currently a pegasus, a unicorn, or a earth pony. But first, i have one thing to examine: If there is a tombstone nearby the hole were I came out.

Adjusting my four legged movements, I turned around, expecting to find a tombstone with my name. That was indeed there, except that were wasn't my name carved into it. I was surprised to see a mirror on it instead. And i was more or less surprised to see my new form.

Light grey coat, dark violet mane and tail, red eyes and no horn and wings whatsoever. I took a look at the infamous cutey mark, which has the form of a controller. I abstained from making any comment about that. My original powers, however, were obviously gone.

That confirmed that I am indeed in Equestria and showed me that I'm just a earth pony. What I cannot understand is, of all place to begin a new life after my death, why Equestria? And why I was buried alive?

"Bbrrrrr..... What a horrible night to be reborn." I said, shivering for the chilling cold.

I shrugged off all the drops of water that bathed my coat, which makes it a little bit heavier than before. I think I'm going to get a serious flu if I stand there any longer.

"Emerging in a graveyard is not a cheerful Equestria prospective." I complained.

"Just wait until the that get more interesting... Even if it is going to be just part of my comedy." A chilling, spectral female voice talked.

It came from behind me. The blood chilled at a very unbearable degree. I could feel my bloodstream being close to the subzero. My heart momentarily stopped. I didn't even want to know, but I turned around to face the speaker anyway. In the instant i saw her, i recoiled in fright. The being in front of me was a skeletal pony wearing a violet cape and hiding something inside of it. My body refused to move and I couldn't even it at all.

"Oh, c'mon. Why is the sight of a coordinated composition of bones being such a deal for your mind and sight?" The skeletal pony mocked me. "By the way, is surely not a very cherry thing being under the ground and having to make your way here, but, you know... Wasn't the circle between Life and Death working in mysterious ways."

Irritated by this, I shrugged off my fears and gestured at her in defiance. I'm still intimidated by her, but that arrogant tone is something that i can't take any longer.

"Ok, lady! Hold your horse for a second!" I howled. "No pun intended. I'm sorry to talk to you like that, but I was about to suffocate from being buried, and I'm under the rain, in this forsaken cemetery, without knowing exactly what is going on. And now you were making fun of my fears! Not funny, dude!"

"Strange... I don't remember you being such hot-head, Allen." The skeletal pony said that nonchalantly.

"What?" I remained silent for a moment, because i wasn't expecting her say that. "How did you know me?"

"Well, depend of how much you are willing to acknowledge that." She said.

"Screw your hermetism. Tell me who are you."

"I'm your attendant that will lead you to your new situation. But you can call me Aunt Death." She said gleefully.

I freeze again. It's understandable that I died and i'm now in a new world, but i cannot believe that i'm actually talk with that entity.

"What did you say?" I asked dumbfounded.

"You can recall me as the Horseman, the Sister of the Ended Lives or, commonly, the Grim Reaper." Death paused. "I'm genderless, so any name is indifferent for me. Don't believe me? Just watch."

Death leaned toward a vine tangling around the grave stone and touched it with her skeletal hoof. The vines withered very quickly. That really convinced me since it matched with every expectation. Whatever thing the Death touches dies, whiter or decay, depending on the subject and circumstances.

She also pulled out the strange item from her cape, revealing it to be none other than her scythe, which sight immediately startled me. Not matter how many depiction of it I had saw.

I cannot believe that is actually happening. The very first pony that i'm talking to is Death itself.

"Now then, my dear guest. Where are your balls now?" Death asked me intimidatingly.

"Is that supposed to be some movie shut out? That's not funny." I said irritated, but still chilled by her presence.

"Oh, there they are. Your guts felt naked for a second." Death said.

I gave her a very annoyed glance, but she didn't cared. What does she want from me anyway?

"You know, I don't think you came here just to mock me. There must be a reason."

"Nothing special. You are just reborn in Equestria." Death said bluntly before talking again with a echoing voice. "And that is kind of a bless."

"So being turned into a pony of that type is a bless for you?" I asked sardonically.

"You know, after your own past life made of painful ordeals and dreadful fights, you can consider this a change of pace," Death explained in a disturbingly optimistic way. "And I'm not talking about this sepulchrum. Still, consider that as a reward."

For me is just surreal and awkward to me, but to be fair, I agreed with what she said. This is ridiculous, but is also a very comfortable thing compared to the gory death that I have met in my previous life. But, then again, why I'm here?

"Oh, and there's the other reason." Death added.

"Huh?" I looked at her perplexed.

"You see? Ultimately Equestria looked almost monotone to me, toward the limit of boredom. Mostly because of the excessive preservation of Harmony. So i figured out that 'maybe' your existence would make that interesting." Death said while she putted her scythe back in the cloak.

"Let me guess. You want me to screw with the life or the balance of this world, isn't it?" I asked mistrustful.

"I knew you would say that. But unfortunately, there's a big and mischievous actually targeting your existence which even I found ridiculous."

"What expedient?"

"Videogame Logic." Death pulled out a gray bag and tossed it to the ground in front of me.

She gestured the object, as she asked me to take a look at it. I do so and saw three items being inside. Let's see, we have strange black orb, a... gauntlet? Ok, i will keep the questions for later. And then... What, a shotgun!?

I gave her a death glare. I'm a strange feeling about knowing her intentions. Seriously, Grim Reaper or not, what the hell is she thinking?

"Why is there a shotgun inside the bag? Besides, that would be impossible since I have hooves. No hands." I retorted.

"I won't ask you to kill anybody. You are free to get ride of that if you want," Death said nonchalantly. "But I'll suggest you to keep it. You will never know what is going to happen."

"No, Death... Aunt Death, or whatever you want to be called." I refused. "I'm sorry, but i won't do any kind of controversial stunt that would put me into trouble, Death. I know that kind of gimmick, so let met tell you. I'm NOT Valiant Plymouth."

"I get it, i get it. You're not Valiant Plymouth." Death paused. "So what?"

"What do you mean 'so what'?"

"I know that you don't want to mess with the integrity of the history of this world and I understand that you don't want to have any problem after your past fights. But in both cases.... I don't give a flying fuck." Death replied bluntly.

"W-w... Are you this for real?!" I asked astounded. Seriously, is like the most ridiculous thing i ever heard by a entity who is supposed to take a force far bigger than every living being seriously.

"Life and Tragedy are both comedies, if you look by a very playful but experienced point of view." Death gleefully commented.

"Oh, yeah?.... What do you expect me to do exactly?" I demanded.

"The answer is simple..... Nothing."

I stared at her with widened eyes as i was trying to not drop my jaws. My mind became outright confused by her logic so hard that I couldn't see any glimmer of seriousness anymore. I don't know if she was making fun of me or she was just a impostor. Everything is possible.

"Are. You. Serious?" I asked with a grave tone.

"That's it." Death then gestured. "That's. It."

I still stared at her.

"Oh' c'mon. When I said the secondary reason for you being brought here, I was joking. You are free to live your life." Death admitted... Maybe. She may be honest, but i still don't trust her this much.

I sighed in relief, but then something in my mind bounced in front of my eyes. A detail was missing.

"Wait. You gave me this bag, but you didn't specified what do you mean with Videogame Logic? Is because I have a videogame controller as a cutey mark?" I inquired legitimately.

"Oh, you will see for yourself. In the meantime, what you had to do is just live your new life." Death said as she was apparently trying to calm me down. "And don't stare at me like that. At least I didn't give you some absurd instruction like 'If you don't want undead ponies coming back from the dead, just kill the living ones by shooting in the head'."

"Don't remind me of that weird movie." I said in disgust.

"Yeah, my depiction's role in that was just out of place."

Both of us paused. I lowered my head for a moment and though about my old life. After a while, I looked in the Death's face with formality. I think i should get used to it.

"It seems like I have to live in this kind of existential retirement... I guess."

"That's more like it." Death said as she headed toward the gates.

As she went out of the graveyard, Death suddenly dissolved in the void. I was left alone with myself. I wasn't convinced about being reborn in Equestria. I think that my arrival could a bastardous interference to the events of this world.

But it seems like a higher force has spoken, so I don't have pretty much choice. Remaining in this graveyard wouldn't be beneficial for me.

"I'm going to regret this." I said as I headed toward the exit.

Like Death said, after a life of dangerous ordeals, I would have obtained a change of pace. I guess that she was referring to the fact that i would have a moment of tranquility. But I wasn't exactly expecting me to be there in this way. I don't even know how much my existence will affect this world.

In the best way? In the worst way? In.... any way that none one wanted to talk about?.... Not even I do. And then there is the Videogame Logic involved.

That can't be good.