• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 6,613 Views, 221 Comments

MLP - New Game Plus Postmortem - Reizthefakebrony

You know the gimmick about human being ponyfied and brought into the canon of the show. But, there's some kicker. A boy, Allen, goes indeed in Equestria...... FROM THE GRAVE! Side effects: Medium Plot Bending, Black Humor, and Videogame Logic.

  • ...

Desecrated Fashion

Rotatory abilities:
Plasma Cannon
DNA Twister
Gravity Manipulator

Despite the sun having made its benevolent entrance two hours ago, I continued to sleep in my coffin. Someone will call it laziness, but that time was justified by what had transpired yesterday. When I had took down that mob of diamond dogs who helped that damn sniper to escape, Lilly showed up in the worst time.

As I was escorted to Ponyville in a chariot, I had the pain to explain not only what I was doing in Rambling Rock Ridge, but also had to tell her about the Berserker Claw that I was wearing in that moment. That interrogation lasted for about six hours, with launch and a bit of her personal problems included. And by the time I had returned home, it was midnight already, and I was literally tired.

As for the interrogation? Well, of course I had to lie since I have still my real identity and past to hide. For starters, I told her that I was in that wasteland to find another evil entity who was controlling the diamond dogs. As for the Berserker Claw, I just told her it was a magical limb that I can use as a hand, just like the Freezing Gauntlet.

"Seriously, since I had corrupted Lilly once, is probably better that she doesn't know about this claw being the exact same one that had temporarily turned Marble Pie into a killing machine who was also the pony equivalent of the doom marine?"

On a good note, I had discovered that I got back my Gravity Manipulator... In exchange of my ninja skills of course.

What the hell. I mean, I was fine having my invisibility technique to hide my form from that sniper. I was even planning to go in search for him unseen and kill him with a surprise attack! Did Yomi just decided to screw me over in the last minute?

Hopefully, my gravity power should allow me to create a force field that will deflect every bullet that would had shot at me. However I preferred to sleep once more since I was so tired. I was able to enjoy the silence, slightly broke by only the sounds of the nature.

Until a female voice coming from the outside cried, freaking me out. "You got da vrong pony, you brutish creatures!"

No... That can't be that voice. She wasn't supposed to be there at all.

"P... Photo Finish?" I murmured, perplexed. ".... Wasn't she supposed to visit Rarity to take pictures for a model?"

Oh, great. Now I have another pain in the ass to take care off. I would have to check if Lilly was at her usual guard post, but that wasn't the time for that. I went out of my coffin and put on both the gauntlets. I then put on a violet hood because I don't have anything better than this.

With all of the preparation being made, I walked toward the exit at a fast pace. Stepping outside, I noticed Lilly not being here, which was a good thing since I don't want have to gave any other fake explanation.

However, the sniper would be probably still stalking me. Not wanting to get shot like the first time, I create a force field around me and galloped out of my mound, directed toward the woods. No bullet wasn't shot yet, but it was too soon for me to relax.

Stepping out of my zone, I was met by a very surreal scene. There was indeed Photo Finish, being wrapped in bandages and dragged against her will by three Diamond D.... WHAT!?

"I can't believe it! These are the three boss dogs who tried to protect that prick! Why the are they kidnapping Photo Finish, of all people... Screw equestrian terminology for once! Besides, what hell are they doing there!?"

"Weren't they supposed to be at Rambling Rock Ridge to scavenge gems or some shit?" I whispered.

"Weren't we supposed to go after that white unicorn with violet mane?" The first boss dog asked.

"Yes. Why kidnap her?" The second boss dog added. "We need that unicorn since she's the only one able to detect gems, not this weirdo."

"I am not any weirdo," Photo retorted. "I have a credibility and an acute, diligent eye for wondarous beauty. Something that you are not, barbarians."

"Be quiet!" The third boss dog shouted. "Look, not even I wanted to do that. But somepony asked us to take you to him."

"To who? If I had to ask." Photo replied, almost deadpan.

"He preferred to remain anonymous," The third one responded rudely.

"Pretty odd, huh?" The second one said. "I heard him about using her... Death to frame that gray pony-"

The third one interrupted him with slap in his face. "Don't be stupid! He assured us that he won't hurt any other ponies. Seriously, is not in our way to live... This is sick."

I was left speechless by what I heard from them. Diamond Dogs were brutish but they won't gain anything from doing from murder. And I think the sniper was exploiting their stupidity and naivety to putting me in a corner.

Pissed, I dissolved my force field and went toward the three dogs. Why dissolving the only thing that could keep me from get shot? Because I cannot project the field and use the gravity manipulation on my enemies simultaneously. Sure, I can still have the field while flying and go Psycho Crusher on them... But since they have a hostage, I cannot make any mistakes.

I stopped a yard away from the three boss dogs, who were almost arguing with each other. As for Photo, she began to look pretty nervous. I won't blame them for being almost tricked by the sniper, but I have to kick their assess anyway.

"Hey dudes." I said to the three boss dogs, who flinched uncomfortably and slowly turned toward me with awe.

"Oh... No." The second boss dog said, almost trembling.

"Not him again!" The third boss dog exclaimed in fear.

I gestured with the gauntlets, pretending cracking knuckles. "Round 2."

"Not today!" The first one retorted.

"LET'S RUN!" The third one ordered as he was about to take Photo Finish in his arms.

Unless until I pointed my hand at them and made them hoover in the air. Needless to say that Photo was overtook by bafflement to see what was happening but I won't worry about it. I was wearing a hood covering my entire body except a little bit of my hooves, so that wasn't a problem.

I then draw the three boss dogs toward me and made them stop in mid-air, right in front of me. They looked more scared than they were yesterday. I grinned at them as I summoned the black chains and tied their bodies with them.

"I will talk with you later." I said with a grim tone, a second before hoovering in the air and flying away at from the area at a slightly high speed, carrying them and leaving the still tied up Photo.

I know that wasn't a very good idea of mine but I will return to get her later. In the meantime, I reached my mound and dropped the chained dogs on the terrain. Despite being free, the were too scared to oppose me. They were even whimpering. Ok... Now I'm feeling a little guilty in this moment, but not so much.

"You better get out of my sight as fast as you can," I warned them. "Oh, and to answer to your question from yesterday, my name is Big Show. Remember this name if you don't want to be cranked down. You demented faggots."

"Boss, I think we should listen to him," The second boss dog said meekly.

"Yeah... I think so," The third boss dog, apparently having learned the lesson.

"Just go already," I said with pure annoyance as they slowly stood up and fled from me in fear.

After that, I flew nearby the entrance and removed my hood before tossing it inside the coffin. Basket style. I am not familiar with NBA, but they sure does good stuff.

I yawned after that. Justified since I was half asleep when I rose up from there.

"Now, time to go back to the crime scene," I said tranquilly as I turned around and flew back in the woods, this time lurking from behind the trees. "I have some fashion pony to set free."

Seriously, Photo wasn't too far from my property so I slowly levitated toward where she was and stopped as soon as I saw her in the distance. I landed on the soil and walked toward Photo Finish, who was, in the meantime, contemplating about seeing her captors flying away without any logic explanation and a mysterious hooded pony with a sinister power. Besides, is time for me to put some acting.

"What the..." I said, feigning surprise. "Who the heck did this to you?"

"Finally. Zomepony went to help me," Photo said almost relieved and she turned her head toward me... And noticed my gauntlets being putted on, flinching upon seeing my Berserker Claw. "Yik. What the..."

"Lady, you shouldn't be scared by those," I replied calmly. "I merely use those as limbs for a job of mine."

That being said, I cut the bandages with my claw, releasing her her body. As she took a moment to recover, I looked around to see if there was any other nuisance. There was none... For now.

"I, Photo Finish, can't believe vey dragged me into vis," Photo complained as she stood up and dusted herself. "Not to mention, trying to uze me for zomething vile and gruezome."

"By the way, do you need some passage?" I asked. "Because I think there is somepony looking for you."

"Vat would be my agents," Photo commented and then sighed. "Vorst day to come outside."

Great, now I have to escort her to the town. I am not complaining about guarding Photo Finish or her notorious accent. Meeting Rarity was the thing that really annoyed me most.

"Whatever. Just follow me." I suggested, walking toward the path that I take to go to Ponyville.

"Vait a second!" Photo halted.

I groaned softly. "Now what?"

"Are you de one... Vho made that grotesque dress?"

I froze, knowing what she was referring to. "What dress... Exactly?"

"Vell, one of my friends vas at a fashion show in Ponyville," Photo responded. "And took a photo of a dress that was being wore by an arrogant looking pear-white mare. Oh, vat zubject was a shame. But the dress?... Its zomething unique."

Unique what? For having given a real hell of seizure attack to the inhabitants of Ponyville? Her friend should had explained something about the dangers of that thing.

"Who told you that I was the one who made it?" I asked perplexed.

"Vhy, a pretty talented mare named Flower Chrome, of course," Photo replied.

"F-Flower Chrome!?" I asked astounded. "How did she even know it was me if she never met me face to face!?"

"To be honest, I zaw that dress in live," Photo admitted, looking a little conflicted. "Its motif is zo bizarre to give me a tremendouz vertigo... And I almost fainted."

I felt a vague sense of horror upon hearing that. Why I shouldn't? The production of that stupid dress, those motifs was based on fractal geometry, has probably made so many victims that it must be considered dreaded, although it didn't killed anypony at all. And now that I am thinking about that, should Flower Chrome asking me a refund?

"I apologize for that," I said, scratching my head. "It wasn't my intention to cause some health issues. I don't even think you should bother with that flawed design. I know what you are thinking: Its a horrid display and you are right. It even caused some."

"Oh, pleaze. You mizunderstood me." Photo said with a strangely assuring tone.

"Huh?" I looked confused.

"That will zound very weird to you," Photo said, unsure about how she want to describe that moment. "But... I think that dress actually struck me like a revelation. Don't get me vrong. I felt my senses faltering dramatically, and yet I was entranced by the disposition of its colors. Normally I would shun something like that, but you know what?"

Photo slightly took off her red sunglasses and looking at me with dreamy and yet reluctant eyes, visibly aroused a little bit.

"I crave for more of that sick feeling." Photo Replied, almost gleefully.

I became silent for that, literally disturbed by that. That can't be happening. I mean... Weren't Arga, Photon Gladion and Aster Brightside crazy enough? Where the fuck did that came from!? Did my dress screw up Photo's mindset?

"You... Cannot be serious," I said while shaking my head, hoping she was... Trolling me or something.

"I am zerious, dear boy." Photo stated seriously while putting back her glasses. "It got me in a blink." She paused and sighed before grinning. "Its even necessary to hide it? I mean... As much zickening it can be, that made me alzo feel good in its own way, It makes me want even more of it..." She then suddenly dropped both her glee and grin. "And I berate myself for that."

".... D-did the sight of the dress turned her into a masochist!?" I thought with a bit of concern.

"Do not presume that I had fallen down yet," Photon retorted. "I'm not this depraved."

"R-really?" I asked, hoping its the case.

"You should had consider vat I have a image to protect," Photo remarked. "Never heard about it?"

"Yes," I replied, almost apologetically.

And since I didn't had enough problem to deal with in this very moment...

"Violet!" Lilly's voice shouted in the distance.

"Oh, great," I muttered before groaning. "Just than I didn't had enough problems."

True to my prediction, Lilly was galloping toward us... Or to be accurate toward me since she looked very annoyed. Her expression, however, assumed a very surprised one when she saw Photo Finish being nearby me. Lilly stopped a few inches away from us.

"What the heck are you doing!?" Lilly asked sternly. "And why is Photo Finish with you!?"

"Look, I know you are thinking, but let me explain," I started, not expecting to convince her. "I was-"

"If its possible, I rather tell you what happened," Photo volunteered.

"Sure, why not." Lilly said, almost convinced. "Because I have saw strange coincidences since yesterday."

Photo explains what happened to her... In her own way. According to her, she was strolling in Ponyville with the intent to take the breakfast when the three diamond dogs kidnapped her. As for what happened next, Photo said to have saw a hooded figure with strange powers taking the dogs away, not knowing that was me. She also confirmed to Lilly that I had rescued her.

After that, Lilly didn't had pretty much choice but believe her. With that, the pegasus Royal Guard escorted Photo Finish to Ponyville, leaving me alone with myself as I was about to return to my mound to sleep.

Or at least, that was what I made her believe. I used my DNA Twister to turn myself into a female unicorn and whizzed toward Ponyville to check up Photo's conditions. Landing nearby the entrance of the town, I spotted both her and Lilly and followed her inside the building where Fluttershy's fashion adventure was going on.

As expected, Twilight used her magic to screw up Fluttershy's performance, everypony booed her and Rarity just forcefully cheered at her, turning the audience on. Except Lilly, who had already noticed Twilight's action but seemed like to kept that for later. However, I didn't had given a fuck about that. Photo Finish was the only subject I came for. And speaking of her... She was actually fine, not displaying that creepy behavior that she had with me.

"Thank god," I whispered with female voice, which gave me a really weird impression.

I sighed in relieve since everything was fine and went out the building. I know already how that story ended, so I leaved the town and flew back to my mound with a bad taste in my mouth.

During the travel, I was contemplating about the damage that had been made by the dress. Seriously... that was disturbing. I didn't know that dress was powerful enough to screw up Photo's brain chemistry. I can't fucking believe to have accidentally desecrated, even in the slightest, a fashionista that doesn't deserve it. Seeing her like that, in that fraction of seconds, gave me bad impression.

"How many times the law of Murphy has been involved with me?" I asked to myself as I removed my gauntlets from my hooves.

Stepping inside, I returned to my real form and went to the basement to spend three hours playing at the DETHLOSENSICAL 91. Or to be specific about games, at Dark Souls 2, the clown of the series. Once I got bored after three hours and went outside.

It was already evening, so I too went inside my coffin with a doubt of mine. And that bad taste in the mouth was still there. I hope that what happened to Photo didn't had ruined the events of Fluttershy's temporal fashion adventure and Pinkie's... Unnecessary insistence about keeping the secrets. Which was ok if it wasn't counterproductive.

Laying on my futon, I closed my eyes and went right into Morpheus' arms... But not without a legit question.

"Why there's not a pony equivalent of the DMX?"

Waking up in the earlier morning, my sight was met by Lilly facing me from the top of the coffin. That wasn't any new to me. If she was greeting me like this, that means that she wanted something from me.

"Did you need something?" I asked, almost annoyed.

"I need you to come with me," Lilly stated.

"As always," I replied unsurprised. "So... Where, this time?"

"You have to come with me in Appleloosa." Lilly responded bluntly.

"What?" I exclaimed, knowing what was going on there.

I mean... Is the delicate situation between Chief Thunderhooves and the Appleloosian settlers after all. My presence isn't needed at all. Unless...

"According to one of our guards," Lilly said. "There is one of those malevolent entities wandering around in the town among the ponies."

"Really?" I asked, surprised and expecting the pony she described to be who I think he is. "And nopony seemed to not had noticed him?"

"That is the case, but not the only problem?" Lilly stated. "Twilight and her friends are headed toward the town. What's worse is that there is growing tension between the Appleloosian settlers and the Thunderhooves tribe, and I think that creature will took advantage of it to create confusion and target Twilight's group, just like what happened before."

She's referring to the encounter with Vaelox. And I get to unwittingly relive the moment in which Twilight was accidentally killed by me and being turned into an apparently normal zombie by me.

"And you need my intervention." I said bluntly.

"You better prepare your stuff. Now." Lilly suggested with an almost imperative tone.

I didn't wanted to involve Lilly into this but I had no choice. The problem was that I don't know how to defend her by a possible attack of that prick in power-armor. I have to get close to him without getting caught by Lilly, or Twilight or any other pony whatsoever.

On the bright side, no pun intended, that would be a perfect moment to stop Pinkie Pie to screw up the situation even further. I don't doubt that she just wanted to resolve the situation with Chief Thunderhooves, but this is not how some sane pony will do it. Sorry Pinkie, but you deserve to be trolled.

With the preparations being completed, we went outside and walked our way toward Ponyville station. We took very long to reach the place and take the train. We ended up waiting thirty minutes to take the tickets, but was better than nothing. Still, I was bothered upon seeing six strong looking stallions being forced to pull it no stop. I felt sorry for them.

This practice, hopefully for them, would be discarded in the future. But for now, they had to do this ungrateful job. Ungrateful was the word.

"I wonder if they could even sleep," I commented, referring to the six stallions driving the train.

"If course their will since they can exchange place with others. Not all of the trains are like this." Lilly stated. "Lets move on,"

I spotted Twilight, her friends and Bloomberg, Applejack's tree, taking the last two wagons without noticing us. Better this way since I don't want have to explain my presence. I and Lilly, on other hands, entered inside the third last car of the train, that started its journey after a few minutes.

I didn't had took a vehicle since my rebirth, so I was a little dazed during the travel, that was lasting more than eight hours. The same time I spent talking with her about the bizarre situation I was responsible for and Twilight's opinion about me.

It was night already, but Lilly went to patrol all of the wagons of the train. I had proposed to let me do that, but since she doesn't want to be second to a civilian, she had to overdo her job.

I won't diminish her self-esteem, but stress can be a serial killer.

The bed was really comfy though, just like the one when I was in the cave. However, I couldn't even sleep due to my own insomnia, so I struggle a little bit. And for bit I mean hard.

Then, I heard Lilly's grunting from behind the door leading to the next wagon, followed by a thud like she was struck by something. I went out of the bed and silently walked toward it. I was about to open the door but then stopped upon hearing some footsteps.

The door creaked open, revealing... The three boss dogs from before, who looked determined at first but became quickly terrorized upon seeing me. I looked at them with annoyance. Because I am sick and tired of their faces.

"You didn't had learn the lesson, aren't you?" I said, a moment before pointing my hoof at them.

Knowing what that means, the second boss dog, like the other ones, became terrorized. "Wait!"

"C'mon, let us talk at least," The third boss dog added.

Too late because I had already hoovered them outside the wagon and dropped them on the road. Their figures grew quickly distant from me. Worried about Lilly, I silently went on the next wagon, only to find her laying to the ground unconscious, being hit in the face. There was also a log laying on the floor, probably used by them to smack her face. That was the only part that was unprotected by her helmet.

"How the hell did they had do that? Diamond Dogs are usually diggers. I don't remember them being trained as assassins... Sorta."

"Seriously, you can't take a break from bad luck, aren't you?" I whispered, feeling sorry for her. "I mean, you were being accidentally corrupted by me, mentally shut down by Arga and struck by a lightning. And now you got knocked out by three really improvised diamond dogs in the dark."

Wanting to make the things normal as possible, I use my gravity manipulation to put Lilly on her bed despite her still wearing her golden armor. Is not so comfy for her but I refused to undress her because of my own human ethics. I then returned to my wagon and went to sleep. Assuming that the sniper won't be able to shoot me when I was moving on the train. It took me one hour but I managed to reach the dreamland before the next day.

But not before detaching my wagon from the rest of the train. I saw the other one in front of me quickly whizzing away from me, leaving the still unconscious Lilly on her own.

As I woke up, I was greeted by the western styled dawn scrolling in front of my eyes and its sunlight filtering from the window. I felt a little dizzied and exhausted, so I assumed that I had slept for five hours. Covering my eyes for that blinding light, I looked outside and observed the last two wagons, that were still attached. That means that the buffaloes didn't had arrived yet.

That was the perfect moment, but first I have to check Lilly's conditions. With a bit of hesitation, I put on both the gauntles and went inside her wagon, where I found her being in her bed, still unconscious. With that certainty, I went outside and flew off the train with my gravitational powers before the arrival of the buffaloes leaded by Little Strongheart. I then slowly descended to the rocky soil and took a look at the train running away from my sight. At that point, I made my move.

I know that was stupid of me, but I would had reached her eventually. Besides, I don't want to be greeted by Braeburn and his slasher smile induced mania for Appleloosa. With all of the cultist psychopaths that I had met, I wasn't in the mood for that at all.

"Ok... Let's move on," I said with an half sleepy but serious tone.

I was in the middle of the desert, in the middle of nowhere. I took a moment to shrug off my dizziness and proceed toward the next phase. Without any delay, I created a force field around me.


Like I had expected, I heard that gunshot, but didn't felt anything, except something bouncing on my barrier. I turned toward the saw and finally found that prick in power-armor being a few yards away from me, standing on his hind legs while still pointing her sniper-rifle at me, holding it with metal fingers.


Another projectile was shot, this time I whizzing toward me, only for it to be ricocheted on my force field. It was redirected toward him like a lightning, passing nearby the left side of his helmet. The sniper flinched a second later, not expecting this to happen another time. It was a shame that I couldn't see his expression due to it being covered by his bizarre helmet, but I guess he was probably wondering what happened since he was unable to see my barrier.

Fed-up of the shit he put me through in the past days, I turned off my force field without him realizing it and slowly walked toward the sniper, who before turned around and ran away from me two legged. But there's no way I could allow that. Not this time.

"No escape this time, asshole!" I exclaimed as I hoovered above the ground and flew toward him.

I was practically going after him without having to gallop, but he was surprisingly faster than me. Although he wasn't any fast than Rainbow Dash, reaching him was almost a ordeal. I chased them around the mountains for about twenty-six minutes and he wasn't exhausted yet. No pony could be able to continue this ran for this long time, which made him look like a equestrian Terminator.

Hopefully, I got closer enough to block him in the mid air through gravity manipulation and slam his body . The chase finally ended and I was about to give him my form of retribution. I turned him toward him to face him, thinking to have upper hand until I noticed something being held in his hand. I went wide-eyed upon recognizing its form. That was bad news.

"A flash bomb!?" I exclaimed, a moment before the object suddenly exploded into a blinding flash of light. I instantly shielded my eyes with my hands to protect myself from being blinded for real. I waited for the light to dissipate.

After some seconds, I lowered my hands down and saw the sniper having fled from my sight. Again. That really pissed me off like no other. I never thought to find some bastard that will actually take me too long to take down.

"DAMN IT!" I exclaimed before groaning loudly. "I got almost close!"

I took a long moment to regain my calm and then decided to let him be, wherever the hell he was. I would had looked for him, but not now because I have a female pegasus to find. I flew as fast as I can, headed toward Appleloosa.

Flying was indeed a good way to travel, but I wasn't Superman as I wasn't as fast as a train. The travel took me two, or maybe three hours before I can reach the town. And at this point, Lilly will be pretty mad for my disappearance anytime soon.

"And I was expecting to settle the score with that sniper bastard very quickly. Now how can I even expect to explain my prolonged absence to Lilly?"

After a while, I landed two legged, a few yards away from the entrance of the town. Seeing Appleloosa in live gave me a strange impression of western being reincarnated. And much to my luck, Breaburn wasn't around, probably escorting Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Twilight to a mountain and telling them about the conflict with the buffaloes.

Now, as for Lilly, I was about to go after her, when the familiar level up 8-bit sound suddenly ringed, startling me considering that I didn't had heard it for days since my encounter with Yomi. The glowing green text box didn't took too long to appear.

"I had forgot that you even exist," I commented. "So... What kind of idiocy Yomi gave me this time."

I took a look at the following reward and... Why I smell Jojo reference in this one?

Void Ring: A object that allowed the user to become a living void that disintegrates and clean through everything that came across and revert back when is needed.

"Talking about dreadful," I commented, referring to the abilities of the item. "Let's see how does that work."

I rummaged inside the bag until I found something, being an amber colored ring with a emerald being encased on it. It was pretty interesting design. Unfortunately, I don't think I can keep it that way since, like the Corrupter and the Gravity Manipulator, will disappear and entering inside me.

Which really happened anyway.

"Tsk. Typical." I commented.

With that out of my way, I concentrated that power through the whole body... And started to regret that since I found myself suddenly falling down, through the ground. I was obviously screaming for that. My body was going through the terrain, disintegrating every atom of it. I had to stop, so I dissipated that power traversing through my body, stopping the fall.

Found myself on a bed of hard rock. I looked upward, only to find a very dime light above me. I was weirded out upon seeing the hole that I made being shaped like my own body when I was falling. Now that was seriously cartoonish... No pun intended. Also, I'm not sure about the depth, but I am almost certain that I fell at... Maybe thirty or forty meter under the ground. Good thing I had halted immediately.

"This power sucks." I complained. "Unless I can control it properly, of course."

I hovered upward and raised toward the surface. It took me half of a minute to do that, but I exploited that period to develop a idea of mine.

As I returned from the terrain, I looked around to see if there was any pony who could had saw me do that tremendous stuff, but there was no one. Good for me. But there was still that hole being opened by me to the ground. I was able to survive, but any other pony would end up getting killed by the fall. I have to do something.

I noticed two flowers blooming nearby this hole... Which gave me a idea. I used my DNA Twister to alter their vegetal organism and turned their roots into huge ones that closed the hole, completely.

"Wow," I said, impressed. "I never thought that I had to employ this method to resolve this mess."

Resolved that, I turned toward Appleloosa and stepped inside the town, looking for Lilly. The streets was almost desert, save for some of its inhabitants, a mare selling flowers and, of course, sheriff Silver Star observing the situation from nearby the door of his office . But Lilly to be nowhere to be found.

By the way, I also noticed a very familiar female earth-pony, being the cheater that I had caught trying to sabotage her competitors and trolled her hard. She looked a little depressed and yet confused, probably still wondering what happened. I was wondering why she was still there, but...

"Violet!" Lilly's voice screamed from my left.

"Oh... There she is." I said bluntly as I turned toward the source of the voice.

In that point, I saw Lilly running toward me, looking pretty pissed as I had predicted. It was legit of her since I had disappeared without telling her anything, right when she was still unconscious, courtesy of the three diamond dog bosses inside the train at night. Which was something that I found ridiculous in any case.

"I wasn't able to find you. Where the hay did you had gone!?" Lilly said almost furious, a moment before her face slowly contort with confusion. "And why you are covered with dirt?"

I was confused at first, but then I looked down to both my chest and hooves, being covered with specks of earthen dirt. I didn't had noticed that but I dirtied myself after I had halted the phasing fall caused by the Void Ring's ability and touched the deepest earthen stratus. I dusted myself a little bit and looked at her, trying to explain that. However, that simple detail became very convenient to me.

"Let me explain of I got that." I asked, ready to lie again.

I had obviously lied to her, but that's probably for the best. I told her that one of those malevolent entities stormed inside my wagon and dragged me out of the train before he buffaloes came to assault it with the intent to kill me. I fought valiantly against him and almost destroyed him, with the result that he unwittingly tossed me in the desert with annoyance and retreated.

As for Lilly being knocked out, I spared her the embarrassing details by saying that the entity did that and not the three diamond boss dogs. She however looked unconvinced, and yet she found most of what I told to her pretty much plausible. I didn't had any expectation when was about being believed.

"Let's just said that you were right," Lilly stated, almost resigning. "I don't think I have pretty much choice at this point. But do one favor for me. Do not interfere Twlight's effort to put the hostility between the buffaloes tribe and the settlers of this town to rest. And most of all, try to prevent that entity to ever try to cause a war."

I nodded, because I was thinking if that sniper has something in its mind. If he made his move and went to kill any pony or buffalo in its side. He has to be stopped. And I think he has his own reason to steal the tribe's precious treasure."

Can that be right? Unless... He would make a similar tactic that motivated him to kidnap Photo Finish, in order to use her death to blame me. I wonder what he will do during our encounter with the tribe.

"By the way, can you give me a little... Refresh of they reason behind this war?" I asked, feigning perplexity.

"I will tell you that anyway," Lilly pointed out. "But first, come with me in the inn."

That being said, we entered inside a inn were, hopefully for me, the Mane Six weren't residing since they took place somewhere else.I Lilly order a temporal room for both of us and stepped inside any way. As for the bedroom, it wasn't dirt, messed up, dusty or anything. Its just that it has to be improved anyway. But still, I am grateful that the Mane Six didn't had saw me coming.

However, we didn't took any rest and instead spent half of a day patrolling the outskirts of Appleloosa to find the entity, being the sniper, while talking about my him. I had also made up the part in which the sniper can manipulate any feral beasts that he encounter in his way and sent them against their former companions. What else I had made up? Why, the part in which the diamond dogs worked for him and that he tried to use Photo to fake her death and put the blame on me.

In the same moment the sun was setting, we returned to the Inn empty handed and took some dinner.... And for dinner I mean apple shaped chocolates.

After that I went on my bed, while Lilly was guarding outside the room because she wanted to settle the score with the attacker... Unaware that wasn't him. As for me, I read some book, being one telling a possible origin of this part of Equestria. That would be interesting.

Unfortunately I fell asleep after twenty minutes, but not before reminding myself of that thing. Something very important. A factor that I must not overlook.

I have a universally hated pink pony's show to sabotage.

Chapters before Level Up: -3

Next Level Up:

1)Giga Drill: The main weapon of the so called Gurren Laggan, almost reduced to the size of portable weapon while retaining its power, but was made almost impossible for others to wield it due to its tremendous weight.

2)Item Animator: A mysterious quartz who gives the own the ability to turn inanimate objects into living things with the condition that they weren't bio organic to begin with.

3)Face Palmer: A dark-azure gauntlet which functions consist into shooting face palms like wave of energy, striking its target with unexpected power, great impact in the most undignified way possible.

Author's Note:

Initially I had in program to put the condensed version of Green Isn't Your Color, Over a Barrel, the phoenix one and the flashback episode in one chapter, but that resulted more longer of when I had imagined. I had almost went through the thirty thousand words. Which is why I had divided that one chapter into four parts. Don't worry, they will be somehow shorter.