• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 6,613 Views, 221 Comments

MLP - New Game Plus Postmortem - Reizthefakebrony

You know the gimmick about human being ponyfied and brought into the canon of the show. But, there's some kicker. A boy, Allen, goes indeed in Equestria...... FROM THE GRAVE! Side effects: Medium Plot Bending, Black Humor, and Videogame Logic.

  • ...

The Desecration of Harmony

Rotatory abilities:
DNA Twister
Plasma Cannon
Ryu Hayabusa's Abilities

I was out of my mound, witnessing a very chaotic spectacle. Like chocolate- no. That meme was overused. But hey, I know what is going on.

Discord is on the way. Lilly didn't wasted any more escorting me to Canterlot Castle and put me in front of Celestia, along with the Mane Six, who didn't seems so happy to see me.

"Discord is the mischievous spirit of disharmony," Celestia explained. "Before my sister and I stood up to him, he ruled Equestria in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness. Luna and I saw how miserable life was for Earth ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns alike, so after discovering the Elements of Harmony, we combined our powers and rose up against him, turning him to stone."

They took the box to get the Elements of Harmony, but the elements, of course, are not there. Everybody were surprised. I am not.

"That chamber is protected by a powerful spell that only I can break! This doesn't make sense!" Celestia.

"I got the Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?" part. Just show up and just let's get over it."

A minute of silence and then he spokes off "You have to ruin everything, Violet?"

In a blink of a little light, Discord appeared. He first looked at me with scorn and then turned to the princesses.

"Did you miss me, Celestia? I missed you. It's quite lonely being encased in stone, but you wouldn't know that, would you, because I don't turn ponies into stone."

"Behold his ego's crotch." I said, causing everyone to glare at me with disgust, especially Discord.

"YEEEEW." Discord gestured. "Whatever, I burrowed your elements for a little game?"

"What game?" Applejack demanded.

"Oh, I forgot," Discord saying and then starting to make fun of the Mane Six, including Twilight and then he comes to me. "And then we have our hero Violet Tower... or villain... well I cannot decide. But you know what? You will be not included in my game."

"What?" I asked.

"Stop stalling, Discord! What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?" Celestia demanded.

"Oh, so boring, Celestia. Really? Fine, I'll tell you, but I'll only tell you my way. To retrieve your missing Elements, just make sense of this change of events. Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began." And then Discord laughed.

At this point, Twilight went out with her friends and went to the labyrinth. I was about to leave when Discord suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Didn't I mentioned that you are not included in the game?" Discord asked.

"Yeah, so?" I asked.

"You know why? Your powers are quite of a hindrance. I'll just turn you into a cookie for sure!" Discord declared.

And was about to screw me up but.

"Not under my watch." Yomi's voice said.

Everything went black and the only thing I was witnessing were Yomi and Discord facing each other like it was a duel.

"You are not the only player, Discord." Yomi said.

"Shut up, you geek. You are interfering with my fun!" Discord lamented.

"Oh, yeah? Well let's see who is the real chaotic one in this mess."


Yomi turned to me. "Oh, I forgot. I cannot leave trace of our fight, so,"

Yomi snapped his finger and I was suddenly brought back to my mound, were I discovered with horror that I was turned into a pile sugar, to not say pile of ashes. My coffin, my console, my home. Everything was technically, basically destroyed by the asshole who control chaos. I will exploit the fact that Discord is too busy fighting Yomi to notice me.

I went to the Golden Oak Library and hid behind the entrance door. Peering, I was seeing Twilight trying to retrieve the elements from her now discorded companions.

"No. Ha ha-ha ha ha." Discorded Fluttershy laughed.

I brutally opened the door, slamming the bullying pegasus against with wall, making the elements fall. I know this episode would end for the better. But now I was currently bat shit insane and eager for a worse revenge.

"HEEEEEEEY!" I called. "You are acting like real assholes!"

"Violet, what-" Twilight was talking but I put on her mouth a black chain to shut her up and passed on discorded Pinkie. "So what're doing?"


I used the corrupter on her. "Shut up! If you are angry, just destroy some things!"

Pinkie turned into a Asura Wrath like creature, crashed out of the window and began to destroy anything outside. I passed on Rarity, who sticks herself with her rock. "Hey, jerk! What're doing!?"

"You can't h-"

Corrupted used. "Shut up! Go devouring everything in sight. Even SOULS!"

Rarity flew off outside, turns into a Atomos like creature and began to consume everything. I passed on Applejack.

"Hey, jerk! What you're doing!?"

"I'm not d-"

Corrupter used. "Shut up! Lure anyone on..." I Stammered. "In impending doom."

Applejack went outside and began spread lies who started a few wars or simple fights in between races or same ponies. I then used the black chain to catch up Rainbow Dash.

"Hey jerk!" I said

"Let me-"

"Shut up! BACKSTAB SOME ASS!" I commanded.

Rainbow Dash went to Cloudsdale to save pegasi who were victim of Discord's chaos, only to be backstabbed by her. I went to Fluttershy. "Hey jerk! What're doing!"

"I will m-"

Corrupted. "Shut it! If you want violence, do that to the EXTREME!"

Fluttershy went out from the library and began torturing and murdering everything on her sight while laughing like a maniac. I freed Twilight's mouth from the chain.

"VIOLET! WHA-" Twilight was then corrupted.

"Shut up! What you have to is to show Discord who is powerful."

A moment of silence and Twilight instantly glowed of an unstable energy that engulfed her body, in resonance with her fury.

"I WILL SHOW HIM ALL THE POWER THAT I WILL EVER UNLEASH!" Twilight roared a moment before it exploded, destroying everything in her sight, except me, who was just protected by Yomi that informed me.

"You have gone too far this time." Yomi's voice said.

Ponyville has become now a crater, now thanks to Raging Pie, Voracity, Applebastard, Rainbow Stabber, Fluttersadist and Twilight Smite. Speaking of them, they were laying unconscious. I was proud of the result.

Celestia then appeared in front of me, furious. "WHAT THE HAY HAVE YOU DONE THERE!?"

But before I could even answer her question, Discord voice roared. "ENOUGH!"

Suddenly, the time rewinded itself until I found myself back at Canterlot Castle, this time all the discorded Mane Six, Twilight included, who looked traumatized. And then we have Discord, who wasn't so happy about my action.

"What the hay you think you were doing?" Discord asked sternly.

"I thought you wanted disharmony," I said.

"But this is not create disharmony! This is... Drugging it and pumping it on steroids. Why would you do that!?"

"Let's just say that I have my own touch,"

"You have read too much Rei Mikamoto horror manga, right?"


"Let's see, we have Reiko the Zombie Shop, Bloody Delinquent Chainsaw, Satanister, and oh, my favorite one, Konyo-"

"NO! NO! GET THAT MANGA THE FUCK OUT OF MY SIGHT! The idea of strippers fighting a zombie apocalypse was moronic beyond any kind of criteria... sigh."

"Now we are even."

"Not exactly since I was distracting you."

Discord didn't understood what he said but then acknowledged Twilight and the others being returned to normal and already using the Elements of Harmony to petrify Discord once more.

"You got busted." I said.

"Not thanks to you," Celestia said sternly.

"You made me destroy everything," Pinkie lamented.

"I devoured everything... Disgusting," Rarity said.

"You made me start wars and poisoning," Applejack said.

"You made me backstab ponies at random," Rainbow Dash said.

"You turned me into a monster," Fluttershy said furiously.

"Relax, I know that Discord wouldn't had approved that and would had rewind the time. At least there was a good ending in this."

"Not for you," Discord voice said, making everybody including me panicking. A transparent image of him appeared afterwards.

"Discord?" Celestia said. "But how-"

"Relax, I'm just a hologram. I will just show some images of Violet. Or I will say his real identity. Watch."

And with a remote at hand, a screen suddenly appeared, showing the images of my past and these of my rebirth in Equestria as Violet. I was powerless and screwed.

"Oh, and about when Violet "saves" Twilight," Discord pressed the remote again.

The images shows me shot Vaelox and Twilight's head with the shotgun. What follows was the image of my Corpse Remodeling of her body, even thought that makes her even more normal. Everypony gasped. Again.

"Twilight, could you please move my statue to prove your status?"

Reluctantly, Twilight pushed the statue, which just fell on the ground unbroken. Everypony gasped and Twilight freaked out. Celestia looked at me, which means one thing.

"Now.... I am fucked."

"My job has been done. Revenge accomplished... Good day," The hologram of Discord said before disappearing.

Everybody glared at me.... And I have a lot to explain.

Level up abilities suspended until update.