• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 6,614 Views, 221 Comments

MLP - New Game Plus Postmortem - Reizthefakebrony

You know the gimmick about human being ponyfied and brought into the canon of the show. But, there's some kicker. A boy, Allen, goes indeed in Equestria...... FROM THE GRAVE! Side effects: Medium Plot Bending, Black Humor, and Videogame Logic.

  • ...

Greed Day

Rotatory abilities:
Plasma Cannon
Ryu Hayabusa's Abilities
Invisible Aegis

I had just woke up during the hours of the dawn.

I was nearby the edge of the Ghastly Gorge, observing the place and pondering about the whereabouts of the frozen body of Nero Aoi. For someone, that would be stupid thinking about a villain so despicable that I had thrown into the abyss of the Ghastly Gorge. So why I am worrying about someone I retained disgusting?

Simple. I wasn't worrying about her. I wanted to make sure that her frozen body was disintegrated on the rocky part of the gorge during the fall and not sunk into the water. Because when I tossed her in the void, I didn't had looked where I was throwing her.

"If Nero Aoi's body fell on the water, the ice in which she was encased would be melted, allowing her to escape. I cannot allow that."

"Let's start the inspection." I said while equipping my hooves with the gauntlets with anticipation.

Having ninja's abilities like this allowed me to climb down to the gorge. I felt a little sense of vertigo, but wasn't a problem. Sure, I could have done the alternative long path down the valley, but even this way was fine too.

After two minutes, I reached the bottom of the gorge. I wandered for a while, inspecting every angle of this rocky and perilous place, including the river. It took me one hour of search, but there was no trace of Nero's frozen body. However, I do know where the river was flowing...

"Pinkie's family Rock Farm... That's a problem." I said to myself.

I was worried about a theory of mine: The ice that was keeping Nero from escape would be actually melted and her body being carried nearby the farm. Armed with this hunch of mine, I ran at ninja toward my next destination, following the direction the river was taking. The travel was going to be really tiresome but I need to check that place.

It took me two hours of travel, I had finally arrived nearby the farm. I was breathing like a mad bull and almost having a heart attack from that. I couldn't have used Fafnir for a fast travel. I didn't want to scare the shit out of the whole Rock Family. I removed both my gauntlets and advance forward.

I was about to enter into their land with the intention of interrogate them about the body, but before I could even enter the farm, I was called out by Marble Pie's voice.

"Excuse me." She said from behind me, almost startling me.

I turned toward her and I was welcomed by her timid muted surprise. Marble didn't expected to see me there. To be honest, I didn't wanted to be there before the events of Season 5, but I had to do that in order to verify the facts. Speaking of Marble, she was trembling a little bit. I think she was thinking about what happened during the incident with Shilow. After all, I was the guy who had temporary turned her into a female Doom Guy... In a matter of speech.

Hopefully for me, she thinks it was dream.

"You are the pony named Allen?" Marble asked.

I blinked in surprise. "Who did told you about that?"

I thought that the Rock Farm was too distant from Canterlot and that the family was too busy with their business, aka being unaware of what was happening during the events with Discord.

"Well... A Royal Guard named Lilly told us that," Marble stated. "She also told me about your deed and that you have nothing to do with that nightmare that I had days ago."

I sighed in relieve. "Thank you, Lilly." I murmured.

"What?" Marble looked perplexed.

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about that," I giggled nervously. "I mean, I have nothing to do with that."

"Oh, so you are the Allen guy that Royal Guard talked about," A harsh voice said.

I turned toward the source... Who turned out to be Limestone Pie. Her expression? A little bit intimidating like Iron Lilly when I met her for the first time.

"I am sorry for this visit," I said apologetically, slowly regaining my composure. "Allow me to explain."

"You better do so, because I won't allow anypony to cross me," Limestone warned.

"Well... What about if I explain this to the family too?" I asked.

"Fine. But make no mistake, 'hero'. We didn't trust you so much like my other sister tend to do." Limestone said, referring to Pinkie Pie.

That being said, I was escorted inside their house, in their living room. I got to meet Pinkie's parents, Igneous and Quartzy. And like I had expected, they looked very stern as hell. I started to explain them that I was in search of a pony encased inside a prison of ice, without even mentioning Nero's name.

"So let me get that straight," Igneous started. "You traveled for miles and miles toward our house... Just too ask us if we saw a frozen pony being dragged in the river outside our land?"

"If you put it in that why... I am sorry to tell you, but the answer is yes." I said bluntly.

"Then I am afraid to inform you," Quartzy said coldly. "That haven't saw nothing. We were just too busy with our activity that we have no time to check the river."

"Well to be honest..." Maud Pie butted in, entering from the entrance. "Two days ago I was walking nearby the river and found something very unusual."

"Really?" I asked. "What was it?"

"Well..." Maud showed us a wooden chest and opened to show it's content.

The content of the chest... Was a scientist coat... Wait. Was that Nero's scientist coat!?

I looked at the coat in bafflement. I couldn't even confirm if that was really her coat or someone else's coat. But if Maud found that into the river, that could mean one thing.

Nero wasn't dead yet. She's on the loose.

"This is bad," I murmured with a grave tone.

"Excuse me?" Igneous said, rising an eyebrow.

"Gentle ponies, I am thanking you for you collaboration," I said while slowly heading toward the door. "I need to go."

"Wait a minute," Quartzy halted me. "And what about your similarity with the pony that our poor daughter, Marble Pie saw in her dream."

"Didn't Lilly told you that? I had nothing to do with that." I said calmly as I took the cloth and put it inside my bag.

"I am still not convinced." Quartzy said.

"Me too." Limestone said.

"Could that pony being your twin brother?" Marble asked. "I mean-"

"There can't be two ponies with the same cutey mark," Maud Pie denied.

"That's right," Limestone said. "And I am sure that what that Royal Guard said to us wasn't entirely true."

"Whatever. You know what? I abruptly end this interview. Bye." I said to them as I went out the house and ran at ninja speed toward the exit of the farm.

Once I am outside, I traveled back to the Ghastly Gorge and returned atop the edge nearby the forest. The time estimated? Other two hours and ten minutes. I was literally so exhausted from that travel that I had fell aback and fainted for the extreme fatigue that I had accumulated.

Everything went black.

The whole place that was surrounding me was dark, adorned with a surreal atmosphere. That means that Aunt Death is in my dream again.

"Death?" I called.

"About time." She said from behind me, scaring the shit out of me.

"DAMN IT! Could you please appear in a very appropriated way next time!?"

"We don't have much time to waste. You saw one of the risk about a soul being brought into Equestria."

"Yeah. It was Nero. I was about to eliminate her but instead, in panic, I had just froze her up and thrown it into the ghastly gorge just because I didn't wanted to blow up her lab and set the forest nearby it on fire."

"The flux of the souls acts in a very strange way," Death said.

"Could be just Yomi being messing with it?" I asked with sarcasm.

"No. As much powerful his being the videogame logic itself, he has not the ability to do such a thing. He could only signalize when a soul had been reborn into Equestria."

"It could be cool if it was the soul of a hero," I commented. "But instead, it was the soul of a psychopath. A monster that I must find at any cause before it causes even more damage."

"Speaking of damage," Death said. "What about that giant dragon?"

"You mean Fafnir or Spike?" I asked.

"Allen! Wake up!" Lilly shouted, waking me up from the slumber.

I felt dizzied and groggy, and I was surrounded by only Lilly and Zecora. "Whoa, calm down."

"There's nothing to be calm about." Twilight said sternly. "It's about Spike."

That made me remember something. That was the even in which Spike was conquered by his own greed and became a huge dragon. I would had convoked Fafnir for a epic fight, but I rather not worse the situation. And besides, since is Rarity who can save the day, then my intervention is not required.

"Did you have just lose him in the forest or something?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

"I have no time for your sarcasm," Lilly said.

"A dragon's heart is prone to greed, a steady diet to make growth speed." Zecora said.

"Let me guess," I said. "Spike became a giant dragon just because he was getting to greedy."

"It's not to late for things to be prevented. I also hope that your methods wouldn't be this patented." Zecora said, referring to the mess that I had caused to stop Discord.

Lilly escorted me and Zecora to the chariot and flew into the sky, headed to Ponyville. Zecora and Lilly where worried, but I was rather tranquil, because the situation will go very smoothly.

As we were arriving, we saw indeed a huge, draconically grown Spike rampaging on the town and holding Rarity as a hostage, in the distance. Before we could even approach him, he suddenly returned back to normal and began to fall toward the terrain alongside with Rarity.

"Hurry up!" Lilly ordered to the pegasi Royal Guard driving the chariot. "We have to do something."

"Wait for it." I said calmly.

A sudden rainbow blur passed through them. Or I should actually say the two are rescued by Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash at the last moment and deposited on the town's main bridge.

We landed nearby the main bridge and approached both Rarity and Spike. Lilly, Zecora and the pegasi Royal Guard looked at me with suspicion.

"You had predicted this, don't you?" Lilly asked.

"Rarity was capable to take care of Spike." I said. "My intervention wasn't necessary."

"Really? You could have at least had the courtesy to stop his rampage." Rarity said coldly.

"I'm sorry to tell you, but you suck as a hero." Spike said bluntly.

"Whatever." I replied. "Any other comment?"

"I'm sorry if I am agreeing with him, but he's right." Fluttershy said.

"Yeah. His intervention could have worsened the situation with his methods," Rainbow Dash said. "Besides, he looked like you had predicted the whole thing."

"I don't care," Rarity said before turning to Spike. "Spike, I just have to tell you how absolutely proud I am of you."

"Proud of me?" Spike asked perplexed.

"Yes. It was you who stopped... w-well, you, from destroying Ponyville. You are my-WHAT THE HECK IS THAT THING IN THE RIVER!?" She indicated the river at the left side of the bridge.

There was a pony being completely made of water walking on the surface of the river, adorned with various jewelry in almost every part of his body. He was holding a sack full of jewelry and other stuff. There's only one similar individual made of water that I had encountered in my old life.

"Tidal!" I called him out.

He turned toward me and flinched. "Allen?"

Tidal is a very heinous thief, completely uninterested to the Granite Dagger's cause. He's merely using both his powers and his position as the cult's high priest to steal any objects of value, including treasury of every kind.

"You never change, bastard," I commented as I had equipped my hoof with the Freezing Gauntlet. "You were marauding this town while it was under attack!"

"I should thank your little friend for this opportunity to exploit this chaos he had caused to gain some loots." Tidal said proudly. "I won't allow you to stop me again!"

"Oh, yeah?" I said unimpressed as I shoot a freezing bullet at him.

Bizarrely enough, his chest opened in a hole and the projectile passed through it, ending up freezing part of the river behind him instead. Now I am really impressed since his human counterpart wasn't smart enough to do that.

And then Rarity fainted in shock for that display.

"Do you think I will let myself being frozen up this easily?" Tidal provoked. "You must be stupid."

Tidal pointed his hooves toward us and started shooting water projectiles. Twilight provided us a magical barrier that blocked the projectiles.

"Oh, c'mon! You can't hide behind a wall forever," Tidal said angrily as he shot other water projectiles like a machine gun.

The barrage of water bullets tested the magical resistance and Twilight's stamina. Seeing her gritting her teeth said all. I was about to bring out the plasma cannon until a 8-bit buzz ringed out of nowhere and a text box appeared on my left. What was written into it surprised me.

A Planeswalker Ring is added into your inventory.

The text box the disappeared one second later.

"What was that?" Twilight demanded while struggling to maintain the barrier.

I grinned about the plethora of possibilities that were opened in front of me... Maybe. To test my theory I had immediately pulled out the ring from the bag and put it into one of the fingers of my gauntlet.

The barrier finally collapsed and Twilight stumbled on the ground for the exhaustion.

"Twilight!" Spike yelled.

"Out of my way!" Tidal roared as he turned his arm into a very long water sword and was about to slice us.

"Not today," I said as I pointed my finger at him and activated the power of the ring.

A sudden blizzard materialized around Tidal. In a matter of seconds, his body and hydrical sword freezing inexorably.

"What the..." Tidal said shocked before being completely shutted up by the blizzard, which dissipated afterwards. The blade of his now frozen sword had almost reached our position, but none of us was actually harmed. And since I commanded the blizzard, I made sure to freeze up him but not the bag full of stolen jewelry he was holding.

Twilight, Spike, Lilly and the pegasi Royal Guard were at a loss of words. Rarity, however, had just woke up and noticed in pseudo awe the frozen hydro-pony over there.

"Allen. Is this one of the demonic miracles of yours?" Rarity asked sternly.

"Who cares. We won the fight anyway." I retorted.

Lilly and the Royal Guard exploited that moment to retrieve the bag from the frozen Tidal and bring the stolen stuff bag to their rightful owners. Twilight was starring at me, already eager for an explanation.

"What you have done this time?" Twilight asked.

"A freaking miracle." I said calmly as I walked nearby the river and approached the point were Tidal was frozen. I then pulled out my plasma cannon and shot a plasma projectile that disintegrated his body into pieces. Needless to say that the frozen parts vanished in black embers from inside the ice piece.


In fact I should have used this beast of a weapon in other moments. The explosion should had scared the hell out of the inhabitants of Ponyville nearby the scene. Now I looked like a destructive savior. I putted away the weapon and was about to leave, but there's another theory that I wanted to test.

I grinned. "Wait me there."

And then I flashed out of the place. Everything around was being instantly replaced by a multicolored abyss. And in one minute I was in my human form, wearing a suit like armor and being at the top of a temple.

I was in Theros.

"Now that is interesting," I said satisfied. "Magic The Gathering was full of special stuff and magnificent lore. Maybe I should consider to come into Ravnica to gain some knowledge about-"

"That's not your place," A female voice said from behind me.

I turned to face the speaker, who was a woman dressed like a oracle. The way she talked leaded me to presume it was one of the many oracles of Keranos.

"Return back to your real world," The oracle said. "Your destiny doesn't coincide with our own."

"In fact I was just leaving," I said as I flashed out again.

Everything around me shifted again, forming he multicolored abyss, which I presume it was the Blind Eternities. Like I had suspected, the ring contained an artificial planeswalker spark. A very powerful one I should say since it contains that of all the five mana.

In one second, I was in Equestria again, being in pony form, equipped with both the freezing gauntlet and the ring, and standing in front of Ponyville's main entrance. Twilight and the other mane five were just rushing toward me.

"Where are you been? You had disappeared for about fifteen minutes." Twilight asked.

"I was just experimenting this new toy, if you ask," I said as I showed the ring. "I had teleported into another place."

"Where?" Applejack asked.

"You better not ask that for the moment." I said as I was leaving. "I'll go back home for now."

"Wait, you have to tell us!" Rainbow Dash said impatiently.

"Isthataringthatallowedyoutotravelthroughthemultiverse!?" Pinkie Pie said at the speed that makes her look like a female micro machine guy.

The Mane Six except Pinkie looked perplexed. "What?"

"You heard her." I said I used the ring to teleport myself from Ponyville to the entrance of the cave where Fafnir was residing. Is not a Dragon Ball Z reference. I had just thought about how the original card Teleport worked with this logic. At least I can say that Twilight wouldn't be the only one who can teleport now.

I had approached the metallic dragon, who was awake and looked ready to fly again.

"Yo dawg. Care for a ride?" I asked.

Fafnir roared as a response.

"Now we are talking. We have a psychopath to find." I said calmly.

No matter what it takes. I will find Nero Aoi and make sure that she would not make any other harms. A Remodeled Corpse of a manticore self destructed because of her methods. While my Corpse Remodeling of Twilight and the two pegasi was done to fix something, her own was just disgusting and destructive. It would be also dangerous if Nero and the Granite Daggers join forces, something that I wanted to prevent.

I don't care who I am about to face. I will protect this world, even if it hates me.

"Well. Let's do that," I said as I put my hoof inside my bag and realized something off.

My Berseker Claw was missing.

"Oh, fuck. Did I just accidentally dropped it somewhere?"

Next Level Up:-1

1)Time Compressor: A remote that allow the owner to skip the episodes of the MLP series.

2)Amakusa's Orb: A dreadful sphere containing a tremendous power being once wield by a heinous individual.

3)Drill Shield:A shield who act as a both a protection and a drill on it's own.