• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 6,614 Views, 221 Comments

MLP - New Game Plus Postmortem - Reizthefakebrony

You know the gimmick about human being ponyfied and brought into the canon of the show. But, there's some kicker. A boy, Allen, goes indeed in Equestria...... FROM THE GRAVE! Side effects: Medium Plot Bending, Black Humor, and Videogame Logic.

  • ...

Chronological Inconsistency

Author's Note:

I found out that this story sucked for various reason, and yet people still liked that story despite it's flaws.

Then I discovered the reason why I should continue this story.

And made even less sense, so I don't even bother to explain that.

Putting aside this, sorry for the delay. I was a little bit out of Ideas. But now here there it is another chapter of this demented adventure.

Also, the rewards this time will be a surprise regarding the next chapter. Some feedback about the story wouldn't hurt at all.

Enjoy it, because that you like it or not you are free to decide.

After Lilly finally recovered from being struck by that lighting, we finally moved away from my mound to find a place far away from there. I was a board of a chariot, sat next to Lilly, with a couple of his pegasi colleagues driving it. I hoped that the place we are headed to was a deserted one, that makes difficult for anyone to track me down.

Instead she resorted to transfer me into a cave behind the mountain at the north of the Rock Farm were Pinkie once resided. I know that because I could see the forest nearby the Ghastly Gorge from above. Is isolated yes, but Lilly should had took in consideration that Pinkie's family would be involved or that maybe somepony does live in the Ghastly Gorge. But that is just my hypothesis.

During the travel, I took the time to ponder about the rewards I had obtained so far. The... wretched Corpse Remodeling abilities and cube, Ryu Hayabusa's ninja stuff abilities, the Corrupter and so on and so on. Not only that, but I noticed one thing in which I didn't had paid attention before. Why the hell the Mane Six still are still distrusting me despite Celestia having told them my reasons to side for a moment with Nightmare Moon and me having saved their lives?

"Ok, now this new life is starting to be a Gary Stu like farce... In the extreme." I murmured.

"Don't bother to complain about the travel. We have arrived." Lilly said, not having heard anything from me.

The chariot slowly descended nearby the base of the mountain. Good for me since I was having some vertigo, like the time I was at the top of Fafnir. Lilly looked at me with suspicion.

"Now that I'm thinking about, how the heck did you had recovered this fast from your injures?" Lilly asked.

"Zecora tested one of her medicines on me." I lied but always better than nothing.

"Did it worked?"

"Well, she cured Twilight and her friends from the Poison Joke's effect, so that shouldn't be a problem."

"I see." Lilly paused. "Say, I talked to the two pegasi who crushed through the SPA's wall. Did you have something to do with them?"

I looked at her with a annoyed look. "Does everything that happened yesterday have something to do with me?"

"You are the one with the corrupting magic, remember?"

"...... Can we just get to the job already."

She was about to retort, but since she wasn't much in the mood to waste her time to talk with me, she simply nodded and returned her attention to the destination.

We landed nearby a cave, where we were greeted by a trio of unicorn Royal Guards guarding the entrance. Lilly talked with them for a moment while I was looking inside my bag to check my equipment for a moment. Entering inside, I was surprised to see a illuminated room with a bed, a desktop with books, a food storage, and a water storage.

But the most strangest thing was a console connected to a magical slab depicting the whole Equestria, with red pony-like and not silhouettes floating above it. There is a manual at the top of it.

"Lilly... Did you had projected this plan from the start?" I asked, unsure of that answer.

"Not exactly." Lilly pointed out. "It was Luna's idea. You see, Celestia didn't had perceived the first demonic entity's presence when he first attacked her after the defeat of Nightmare Moon. So she ordered the construction of this machine."

"For what?"

"This thing allows you to localize every single type of magical or vital essence from every part of the world. If there is somepony with a unusual power or energy, it's silhouette is usually colored in violet. Also, you can tap his position to block him with a seal."

I think I had understood the situation. "You mean...!"

"Yes," Lilly confirmed. "That is your job. And, oddly enough, it seemed to be the easiest one. I mean, what you had to do is just to monitoring the whole Equestria from there and prevent any menace to act. You wouldn't have to fight them."

"I'm not entirely sure."

"Me either. This job is, after all, a way to test this thing."

"It looked so easy, but I don't think that will stop them permanently."

"I know, but I put you there because I don't want you to cause any ruckus with your... 'powers'," Lilly then looked at the exit. "Now if you excuse me, I have to return in Canterlot."

Lilly headed out of the cave and talked with her comrades for a bit before leaving. I took the time to look at the food storage, which was surprisingly full of sweets and fruits. Including well conserved apples, pears, oranges and only one banana. Ironically, sweets seemed to be the main diet in Equestria.

Minutes passed by with nothing relevant happening. To pass the time but without any intention to slacking off, I read some page of the manual to understand how that thing works. It was difficult at first but after some reading and a chunk of patience, I managed to get a grasp of it's functions.....

Now that I'm thinking about, Twilight's book and this one should be written in Equestrian language, and yet is in English. Usually it should be a seemingly illegible scribble that almost no one, if is not Starlight Glimmer to take a example, should be able to read. And yet there are literally letters on it.... I guess that this Videogame Logic is involved.

"Nevermind, my new life is already on the extreme level of a Deus Stu." I complained quietly.

"Is there something wrong, sir?" One of the unicorns said.

"Nothing. I was just trying to find out of this thing works." I responded.

"Yeah... You better not do any nasty trick on us."

"Sorry for his warning," The second one said. "But we didn't slept very well since last night."

I didn't mind being in a new home. Thought that is no different from my mound since this place is rocky. On the bright side, I have a normal bed that is not a futon inside a stone coffin. The only downside is the boredom of being kept in this place under surveillance.

As the unicorn guards continued their duty, I passed my time watching over the magical slab from my desktop, but as far as I saw, nothing happened yet. No alternate Granite Dagger member appeared in the sight. In this lapse of time, I was also reading some book, including one of the Daring Do series. I have only reached half of it and then putted aside afterward.

Luna's plan to keep my enemies at bay would be a sweet dream for me if wasn't for a detail. In my past life they managed to elude any type of surveillance. That make me think about the magical reliability of that machine.

Having noticed some blank paper and a ink quill, I putted on the Freezing Gauntlet and used it's fingers to write properly. Well, more than writing, I was making a brainstorm: One being about the number of times I leveled up, obtained rewards, the times in which my enemies appeared so far and the times I screwed up and someone else end up injured.

"If this can be called life," I whispered frustrated. "Even In Equestria, I'm facing the exact same shit that happened in the past.... And Aunt Death said that I would have obtained a change of pace." I paused. "And then I found myself facing pony equivalents of my enemies," I groaned a little bit. "And I'm currently overpowered. What kind of change of pace is that?"

After my rant, I took a look at the magical slab one more time.... No shit happened. The silhouettes are all normal.

Better be this way. That would be good if I wasn't currently paranoid that something will happen from a moment or another. The downside of being a watchdog.

As time passed by, I began to feel sleepy. My head fell on the desktop with my eyelids being a little heavier. Classic is would say... Until a 8-bit buzz ringed out of nowhere, which startled me but for other reasons. That didn't sounded like the usual level up theme. That was a freaky one. Before I could even question about that, the green glowing RPG text box appeared on my right. I took a look at it and saw something different.

A Berserker Claw is added into your inventory.

My eyes widened in slight surprise. That must be the work of the first rule that stupid patch was referring to. After the text box disappeared, I rummaged in my sack and found a chilling, golden clawed gauntlet inside of that. I couldn't trust that design. Especially since the text box didn't say anything about it's properties.

"Oh.... Goody." I said with sarcasm.

I turned toward the slab and noticed some violet silhouettes being on it. And are telling me that they are inside this very cave. And are probably Granite Dagger members in pony form.

"You're kidding me, right? A mass attack!?" I exclaimed.

Having read the instructions, I found in which part of the mountain they are, exactly. And much to my shock, They are in nearby the wall next to my room. I put the Berserker Claw on my other hoof to see if I can use it as a extra hand. I managed to move it's finger, which means it worked.

"So... Let's just to press those buttons already." I said as I messed with the console and pressed them, resulting each silhouette to be surrounded by a circular barrier, which is the seal... I guess.

I heard various screams coming from behind them, all of them being multi-vocal. That creeped me out for a moment but that wasn't the time to have fear. I turned toward the entrance and galloped toward the outside to warn the unicorn Royal Guards that are supposed to guard my persona.

"Hey, dudes! I just caught a group of-" I suspended my sentence and stopped upon seeing none one being there. "You are fucking kidding me?... They're probably gone for lunch and leaved me on my own. Well, I can defend myself after all, so I can't even blame them for that."

I galloped back to the wall and stood nearby it on my hind legs while wielding the Plasma Cannon. I took the aim on the lowest part and shot a plasma sphere, destroying the wall in a purple explosion. A great veil of dust rose as I was mentally praying that this whole mountain wouldn't crumble for that.

I looked torward them as the dust was slowly dissipating, revealing obscure pony shapes covered by the veil. I guess that they were indeed other members of that damn cult. So I pointed the cannon on them and looked at them, so fed-up that I was even acting like a psycho.


I interrupted my own screaming, frustrated declaration upon being met by black-green flames engulfing their bodies and molding them like they were changing. The fire vanished, giving some insectoid like horses with... Bug wings... And one of them seemed to be a taller female...

I blinked twice for the disbelieve before giving my own reaction.

"Ok, can someone explain what the hell is going on?" I asked, annoyed by that discovery.

As I was mentally processing that, the three unicorn guard ponies rushed on the scene and gasped in shock upon seeing them. They were shocked to see them but I was slightly irritated by a thing called inconsistency. I know who they are.

"Seriously, they're the fucking changelings. And the taller one is Chrysalis. Weren't they supposed to show up in the events of Season 2!?"

"Guys." I began calmly but irritated by that. "I think that this queen and their subject wanted to express their discontempt for being sealed inside a barrier".

"D-discomtempt?" Chrysalis said with a half angered tone, probably trying to hide her being scared for the explosion from before. "You disgusting little pony! You were almost killing us with that..." She pointed at the cannon. "Whatever the heck it is!"

I flinched in awe. Because I just remembered that I was still wielding the cannon with my hooves being equipped with both the gauntlets. Right in front of the guards.

"...... I hate my own mental incompetence."

"Now that I'm noticing that," The first unicorn said as he looked at both my weapon and the claws. "What is this?" He then looked at me, very distrustful. "And were did you got those claws?"

"Lilly told us about you but we weren't expecting those things, boy." The second unicorn said.

I slowly turned toward him and looked in his eye in annoyance.

"You know what. If those things are really bothering you, then I will gladly give this thing to you as seized material." I said calmly while leaning the cannon at him.

"W-what?" The second unicorn stammered. "Why?"

"Because I want Luna to use them for research or something." I lied, because I just wanting to make sure that those things wouldn't end up in wrong hands.

"I think we should save that for later," The third unicorn said. "Right now we have to deal with those creatures... Although that should be our job and not that of our 'supposed' protege."

I groaned while scratching my head and then pointed my plasma cannon at Chrysalis again, making her flinch.

"I have seriously to explain a lot of things. But first, you had to explain something." I declared. "What are you even doing there anyway? Planning a invasion by, I don't know... Replacing somepony else with yourself?"

Chrysalis' face instantly became a shocked one. "How did you know that?"

"I just guessed." I said bluntly. "For record, all the evil overlords of any sort tried in vain to conquer Equestria.... You are no exception to this."

Furious for my attitude, she glowed her horn intensively, only for it to dissipate one second later, much to her dismay.

Luna's machine indeed worked wonders.

"W-what is the meaning of this!?" Chrysalis shouted.

"You got owned. Ergo you lose. That's all." I said with a unenthusiastic tone.

"Who do you think you are to talk to me like that!?" Chrysalis demanded. "And why you weren't so scared of us?"

"You want to know why you are nothing new to me? Fine. I'll tell you." I paused and pondered about the right words to shoot at her. "I faced Nightmare Moon, who used me as a pawn, only for me to turn against her. I'm also regularly attacked by various psychopaths who harbored a grudge against me. Including somepony who can dissolve into shadows and a mad mare who carves eyeballs to add in her eyeball decorated dress. Hell, I was even confronted by a pony who can control the freaking earth and his own constructed giant dragon. So of course you are not this big deal."

In reality, that would be a lie. I should be scared of her. Unfortunately for her, after all the times I was threatened to death by my own enemies, previous life or not, being faced by threat had become more or less a routine. Which I hated to no end.

"W-was that supposed to scare me?" Chrysalis demanded, unsure.

"Look, I hate to state the obvious, but I'm the one with the gun here."

Chrysalis trembled a little bit. She was about to retort when some of her subject started to murmuring.

"Did she actually fearing this pony?" One of them said.

"Ssh. Just because that quadrupedal freak has a powerful artifact, doesn't mean that she can't handle him." Another one said.

"Ehm... We are blocked by that barrier, remember?"

"Relax. Ponies really values friendship and love. I don't think this one is so insane to actually... Blown us up."

"What are you talking about, you two!?" Chrysalis roared at them.

Before that conversation will get even more sickly, a grumpy, almost ferocious voice echoed from behind the changelings.

"Oh, for the love god! Just get on with it!"

And then two black sphere whizzed past Chrysalis until they landed behind us. I turned around to see what they are and realized these were not just black spheres.


They burst in a unusual explosion of pure darkness that engulfed the room and then my sight, like I was instantly blacked out. My body instantly became numb, making me collapse on the ground. I tried to move but I have not control over my body.

For a second I thought I was passing out. I discovered that I'm not. I my sight was all tinted in pitch black and I couldn't move any of my limbs or even talk, and yet I could still feel the cold, rocky ground and hear things. I heard some weird footsteps getting closer to me.

Something grabbed my arm and dragged me toward only-murphy-knows what place.

"Eheheheheh. I finally got you without your powers, you maggot." That ferocious voice said gleefully.

I felt my body being lifted and then my arms being held. My sight was slowly returning clear.

I guess I can see who he was but it didn't took so much for me to recognize his voice. Is terribly familiar.

Before I could see him, I was suddenly punched in the face. As the times with the mind controlled Trixie and Melkior's stone punches weren't enough. I couldn't remember how many time I got punched.

Moaning in pain and slightly pissed off, I tried to move my head. Hopefully I can do it, so I managed to look around. The place was somekind of tunnel being carved inside the mountain. I then faced my aggressor. I dazed but nonetheless surprised to see him, of all people.

His current form was that of a black long maned light-gray stallion. Despite him being in pony form, his face is almost similar to his original. Arrogant, ruthless and prone to the death metal stereotype even without the painting. And he had also seized my bag. Damn, I hate deja vus.

"Surprised to the one you had given for dead?" He said. "Well guess what. I will avenge my original."

"Shilow," I said before looking at who was holding me, being two shadow humanoid, bipedal versions of him and then back to him. "You won't be anything without your Shadow Golems, don't you?"

"Mock me whatever you want, Allen," Shilow said while other four Shadow Golem gathered behind him. "Now is your turn to be the prey."

"Hatred toward me like the other one?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well, yes, but I'm the only one who got greatly humiliated by you. Oh, don't worry about the guards and these... bizarre creatures coming from some asinine David Chronenberg movie rip off. I will use them for personal purposes."

"I'm not interested to know what."

Other footsteps were getting close from our left, followed by some female moaning weakly. It sounded like a dazed and delicate voice. To clear any question that I could have about that, another Shadow Golem showed up, dragging a mare being none other than a stunned Marble Pie, of all ponies, who didn't seem to realized what is going on.

"What?" I said perplexed.

"Hey!" Shilow shouted, looking visibly annoyed. "What the hell do you think you are doing!?"

"I tHoUgHt ThAt YoU CoUlD uSe HeR tO lUrE oUr TaRgEt." The Shadow Golem said with a disconnected voice. "Is JuSt-"

The creature didn't have the time to finish it's phrase that Shilow promptly blasted it's head by shooting a shadow projectile from his hoof. It's body disappeared into a coil of shades afterwards.

Shilow then moved his hoof around like he was performing some sort of enchantment, causing other two Shadow Golems to appear nearby Marble, with one of them lifting her up and held her by her arms.

"Idiot. Now what I'm supposed to do with her?" Shilow muttered. "If I have to gather the Elements of Harmony, I shouldn't encourage them to fight seriously. Which is why I need that queen loser to perform the job for me."

"What?" I was even more perplexed. "Why you, the most aggressive and ruthless of the cult, need the Elements of Harmony?"

"Don't even think I like girly stuff but I recognize a dreadful power when I see one," Shilow replied with a disgusting confidence. "As you know, the Shilow of your former universe was constantly scoffed for being the most weakest member of the Granite Daggers. Which is why I will use the Elements to become the most strongest entity around."

"What? Your plan actually rotated around trying to kidnap those six mares and stripping them of their Elements?" I asked perplexed by the stupidity of his plan.

"I know you would grab any type of power to compensate your inferiority," I replied irritated by his ego. "But your plan is stupid is you are. Do you really expect that the Elements, not the ponies but the actual elements, would collaborate with you?"

"I will find a way because I don't want waste time and energy to find another one. You forgot that I'm also a artist. I will create a glorious harmony of my own."

"Yes, glorious as the Matrix. You're are no artist at all. In fact, before entering in the cult, you were nothing but a stupid gang of bikers that committed vandalism as a form of art, You were then critically injured by the police and then rescued by the cult's leader, who put you on his side for potential cruelty and gave you the power to use shadows... To bad you suck at it."

"You little-" Shilow furiously punched me in the stomach and then in the face. "Don't you dare to make fun of me!"

I was even more stunned and disoriented by those blows. For a second I thought I was about to puke. Too bad for him that I didn't had ate something before. As I was dealing with my current vertigo, Shilow had the quick thinking to pull my Freezing Gauntlet off my hoof and stuffing it in my bag. He then let it slide nearby the vacant Marble.

"At least I can use you as a trophy to show to my superiors. If they showed up." Shilow announced gleefully.

"Y... You really believe in yourself, huh?" I demanded.

"Face it, Allen" Shilow said while pointing his hoof at my face like he was about to shoot me. "I'm sick and tired to be considered the weakest one of the cult. And now I'm going to prove my superiority by humiliating you and making you carry this humiliation into the grave after you're dead!"

Shilow was about to charge his blow to finish me.

Hopefully is a self-absorbed dumbass who doesn't do his job in the right way. He didn't had the courtesy take my Berserker Claw away from me. Feeling it's power flowing inside of it, I moved only one finger of the claw and pointed at him. It charged with a red, electric energy and shot a flux of red lightnings at him...

And missed him, ending up hitting Marble Pie instead, much to my newfound horror.

Marble made a weak cry before seemingly passing out. What surprised me is that despite the lighting having struck her body, didn't looked crisped at all.

Shilow glanced at me with incredulity. Then looked at Marble and then back to me. He looked back and forth between us until he stopped to look just at me and without any change of expression, he clapped his hooves for applause.

To be correct, to applaud my stupidity.

"Congratulation, Allen," Shilow commented. "You reputed me to be very stupid but it seems like that YOU WERE the dumbest one. You, the hero who won't hurt anybody, actually end up hurting this defenseless mare. Bra-slamming-vo!"

".... Suddenly being killed by you sounded more appealing." I commented resigned by that.

"Hey, don't implore me to kill you. You will ruin my moment of glory," Shilow complained. "Now..."

A sudden harsh groan make it's voice known, replaced then by a aggressive growl. That is really freaky as a sound. It was partially feminine and comes from our left.

"The hell!?" I exclaimed.

"Arrrgh. What now?" Shilow muttered turned toward where Marble was.

Shillow's face became instantly a shocked one as the growling became more intense. I turned toward the distressed gray mare.

Much to my shock, her usually timid face assumed a completely aggressive one. Clenching her teeth, she managed to released herself by smashing through the stomach of the Shadow Golem holding her with one back headbutt. The creature disappeared into a coil of shadows with a brief chilling scream.

"Huh?" I looked at her in confusion.

"It Killed... It killed what? what? WHAT!?" Shilow then glared at me. "What the hell have you done to her!?"

I then glanced at the Berserker Claw, intuiting it was responsible for her change. Not even I couldn't believe what I'm seeing in this moment.

Marble stood tall on her hind legs with a dreadful, almost maniacal face. Seeing the second golem rushing at her, she proceeded to kill it with only her fist. Or to be accurate, her hoof literally piercing it's chest.

As the golem disappeared afterwards, Marble rummaged in the bag nearby her and putted on the Freezing Gauntlet.

Other golems rushed toward her. This altered Marble didn't made them wait as she roared furiously while going psycho against them. One by one the shadow creatures were single handedly slaughtered by her.

"Who's a mare and half!? Certainly NOT YOU!" Marble screamed confidently while destroying some golem's head in one punch.

"Enough with that shit," Shilow murmured while pointing his hoof at her. "I will end this."

Shilow shot a dark projectile at Marble, only for her to dodge it. She then pulled the shotgun out of my bag and shoot in the heads of the golems who were holding me, making them dissolving in shadow coils and causing me to fall on the ground.

Dizzied from the various blow I have suffered in this moments, I just wanted to rest.

Then I remembered that I was dealing with a psycho idiot in that moment, so is not even convenient to slacking off there.

I slowly rose up and looked at him. I then looked at Marble, who had practically slaughtered every single minion that Shilow had at his disposal. She seemed to enjoy every single kill. Which is kind of scarier, coming from her.

Utterly furious, Shilow shot other dark projectiles at her. Marble avoided the blows while throwing the Shotgun at him, striking his face before he could shot his next projectile.

The gray mare leaped toward Shilow and landed on her legs nearby her stunned target.

I took the opportunity to gallop toward my bag and retrieve it. Looking back at the two, Marble seemed to exude a very scary aura. Or maybe I'm just saying that because I accidentally turned Marble Pie into a pony equivalent of the Doom marine.

"You brought me against my will without even realizing yer," Marble muttered with a half slasher smile. "But don't worry. I will settle this horrible misunderstood with this pacifier that is this Shotgun, you arrogant moron!"

"Y-You know what is called?" I asked shocked by that.

Marble looked at me in confusion. "Who the hell are you!?"

"ENOUGH!" Shilow screamed as he emitted a black shockwave around him that propelled the crazed mare away from him.

Marble ridiculously landed on her hind legs in nearby me.

Since I couldn't waste anymore time, I promptly pulled off the Plasma Cannon out of my bag and pointed it at him as he was approaching us.

"You ruined my plan for the last time, even if I don't know how. DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Shilow screamed as he spiraled through the air and flew toward us in a black energy lance.

"You never change your damn strategy." I said as I then shot one plasma sphere on him, disintegrating his body.

Yes I won this battle... But I don't feel any satisfaction. Not because I'm overpowered and stuff, but because I have the impression that I will never have a break from this feud. And that is just infuriating.

Calming down my mind, I looked at where Marble was supposed to be. But she was gone.

"Dammit! I haven't purified her from the claw's effect! Where is she?"

My question obtained it's answer as Chrysalis' voice echoed through the tunnel in front of me. That told me that the situation has gone a little out of control.

"Wait! Keep that thing away from me!" Chrysalis' voice shouted.

"Seriously, give up bug lady! You bark in vain!" Marble's voice said in her newfound arrogance.

Following the voices, I galloped faster. They weren't so far away from me, so I was even lucky that I can prevent whatever this berserker Marble Pie was going to do. I arrived to a wall nearby where I was before where I found Marble pointing the Shotgun at a intimated Chrysalis, who tried to maintain her calm in vain.

Hiding behind it, I promptly pointed the claw at the gray mare and zapped her with another red lightning. She yelled for a moment.

"My newfound confidence is... fading.... is not fair." Marble said weakly in her aggressive voice slowly turning into a timid one before collapsing on the ground.

I could see Chrysalis sighing in relief. Some of her minions were about to burst in laughter, one second before she glared at them menacingly and shouting at them about her doing some reprisal for disrespecting her.

Typical of her. Even thought that she saw clearly that I, and possibly Shilow disrupted her plans, she always put the blame to the others.

I studied the new situation since Shilow was removed from the equation. The only problem now was get ride of the changelings before the barrier dissolved. Why? There's a time limit that made the barrier dissolving at the end of the day. To complicate the situation, there are the three unicorn Royal Guards laying unconscious, far away from my reach.

Before I could even organize myself, that annoying 8-bit level up sound ringed out of nowhere. In the most inopportune moment I will say.

"Now what?" I whispered, annoyed by that.

"Who's there!?" Chrysalis winced.

The text box appeared on my right. Ignoring the queen, I took a quick look to see what it was... And as I expected from this Videogame Logic, was the most exaggerated thing that I ever got.

Gravity Manipulator: A artifact who gives the owner to control the gravity around him at a certain radius of about three yard.

As the text box disappeared, I noticed a silver triangle being there, probably the object that I had obtained in this moment.

"Oooooh, that's new," I said in sarcasm. "At least I found a way to send Chrysalis away from here. Not that will prevent her to invade Canterlot wedding anyway."

I shrugged my arms and touched the object, expecting to disappear and entering inside me in a flash, which happened.

"Yeah, pretty unexpected."

I headed toward the imprisoned Chrysalis, which was in a real foul mood after all of the shit that happened because of Shilow.

"I won't repeat myself! Let us out of there THIS INSTANT!" Chrysalis shouted.

"Oh, don't worry, missy. You will," I said while pointing my hoof at her.

Then, a huge sphere appeared around the changelings and lifted them in mid air, carrying also the ground beneath them. Ignoring their cry of confusion, I brought them out of the cave and stood up on my two hind legs.

"Get out of my office." I announced as I pointed forward, making them flying in the air at high speed. Their screams echoed in the sky.

I looked their figures disappearing from my sight with a impassive face.

"No, I don't want to comment that." I paused, massaging my head. "Now I understand what Saitama felt regarding the boredom coming from being the strongest one."

With this thought being impressed in my mind, I putted away the Berserker Claw walked back to the cave to see how the situation is going. Luckily the guards already regained their consciousness and treated Marble Pie, who looked very confused at them.

"Was that... Just a dream?" Marble asked them.

"Yes... I obviously it." The first unicorn said.

If only I had the courtesy to ask their names. But then again, nobody cares at this point and I wouldn't remember all of them.

"Hey, you!" The second unicorn shouted.

"What the hey just happened!?" The third unicorn.

"One of the demonic entities caught us by surprise, I recovered, I defeated him and everything's right," I said. "Also, this mare was kidnapped by our aggressor. I think you shou-"

"I know. Escort her to her home," The third anticipated my sentence with a irritated tone. "Don't tell us how to do her job.

Marble turned her attention at me.... Which is no good for me. "Did we met?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked, feigning ignorance.

Marble remained silent and walked away from the cave with two of the unicorns escorting her. The third one remained to guard the entrance.

"And the changelings?" He asked to me.

"The demonic entity simply propelled them away," I said. "They were probably no match for him."

"Wow, that must pretty tough."

"About the huge metallic thing, I'm seriously giving it to you."

"Hey, you can keep it. It must be you the one who should give it to Lilly or even Celestia and explain it's presence."

"As you wish."

As the guard returned to his job, I walked toward my bed and put myself under the blanket to take a nap. Differently from my former bed, is a very comfy one. Is perfect.

My hoped moment of quiet was then interrupted by another 8-bit sound, this time being a creepy ring. That scared me at first. I forcefully contained my own scream.


A green text box appeared. I took a look at it.... And remained stunned to see what is written. Is not a level up or the addition of a object in the inventory. Instead that was something different.

That was something that I didn't expected to see.

A message.

You think is boring? Your own way to interact with this world, this alternative and these items are boring me out of my mind.

"Is the Videogame Logic actually contacting me?"

The text box dissapeared, only to be immediately replaced by another one.

I will met you tomorrow if you don't mind.

"You know bastard? That was the moment I was waiting for."

Next Level Up:

1)Power Package: A special offer with a increment of power.

2)Endurance Package: A special offer with a increment of endurance.

3)Speed Package: A special offer with a increment of speed.