• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 6,614 Views, 221 Comments

MLP - New Game Plus Postmortem - Reizthefakebrony

You know the gimmick about human being ponyfied and brought into the canon of the show. But, there's some kicker. A boy, Allen, goes indeed in Equestria...... FROM THE GRAVE! Side effects: Medium Plot Bending, Black Humor, and Videogame Logic.

  • ...

Murphy Gon Give It To Ya

Author's Note:

And that is the second part of the apple segment. I expected that to be short and yet turned out to be this long. I hope you enjoy it anyway.

Rotatory abilities:
Plasma Cannon
Void Ring
Ryu Hyabusa's Abilities

After I woke up, I got out of my bed and headed toward the door. I looked around and noticed Lilly not being there at all. Just to see if the the rotation of skills didn't gave me the trap of the last minute, I pulled out the black orb. I took a look at it... And became instantly triggered about discover that I was deprived of both the Gravity Manipulator and the DNA Twister.

"Really Yomi... Fuck you."

Pissed off about it but trying to concentrate on my current situation, I descended to the first floor and walked toward the reception, were a female earth-pony was nervous for what was happening with Chief Thunderhooves' tribe.

"Did you have seen a female pegasus in golden armor?" I asked.

"You are referring to your mate?" The mare said almost cheerfully. "Well, she said to have a commission to do."

I went wide-eyed, surprised. "That's it?"

"Yep, that's what she said," The mare replied. "She said to have received a letter from Princess Celestia. Ain't know the details, but surely it looked important. Oh gosh, being a Royal Guard must be a more tiring. Stress is a serial killer and I know something about that."

Good for me. I just hope that she didn't had actually gone to face that prick in power-armor.

Exploiting her absence, I went out the inn and wandered through the town, in search of Pinkie. She wound probably with at the gathering of both the buffaloes and the settlers. I heard multiple voices in the distance and followed the source, until I reached the said gathering.

Much to my horror, the 'Gotta Share Gotta Care' spectacle was already going on. Pinkie was making her infamous dance. I had woke up in the worst timing possible. The show finished after a few seconds. I looked at the group of buffaloes from the distance and saw Chief Thunderhooves, who didn't looked so happy. And wasn't because of his disdain toward the settlers. That was something else.

"It seems that sheriff and I have come to an agreement," Chief Thunder hoof said.

"We have," Sheriff Silverstar added.

"That was the worst performance we ever seen."

"Teh... Abso-tively!"

"Fuck," I whispered frustrated, facehoofing. "I was too late."

"Time for action... Hmh... Is upon us!" Chief Thunderhooves declared with a serious tone. "Our stamped will start at high noon tomorrow. And if the orchard is still there, we'll flatten it... And the whole town!"

The Mane Six, Braeburn, Sheriff Silverstar, the rest of the settlers and even Little Strongheart, the female buffalo of the herd, gasped upon hearing that. And that was the part where both sides will go nuts. Yippie skippie.

"But, Chief!" Little Strongheart said alarmed.

"An' we Appleloosans say you'd better bring yer best, 'cause we'll be ready an waitin'." Sheriff Silverstar retorted.

And so both sides prepared themselves for the incoming battle. I got to see the Mane Six, and Spike, trying to convince both sides, but without any results. Seriously. Twilight was even lamenting that there's wasn't anybody who acted rationally. The settlers started barricading their town and weaponizing their apple pies. I didn't need to go to the buffaloes to see that they were literally preparing for war.

Since I have no intention to interfere with that, I headed toward the exit of the town unchecked. Its a good thing that Twilight and her friends didn't had noticed me. The things looked more frenetic in live of than I saw in the actual episode and nopony wasn't in the mood to reason, so leaving Appleloosa for a moment was a good thing.

In the meantime, I ran at ninja speed toward the place where I first went out of the train. I had arrived to my destination after one hour and a half of travel, almost exhausted and with my heart beating like fucking Mjorlnir. I won't had fatigued at all if Yomi didn't had took away the Gravity Manipulator at the worst moment.

After a handful of minutes recovering my strengths, proceed to patrol the rocky valleys in search for that douchbag. I ran around the rocks and multiple places of the area, but without any success. He wasn't nowhere to be found, once again. At least he will still think that some invisible barrier was protecting me. I guess he won't try to mess with me... If he didn't had found out that I could use that trick anymore.

However, that pointless search wasn't leading to anywhere, until I found a very unusual mountain. I looked upward and saw a cave being locate in its highest point. That would be impossible for normal ponies, but not for me. I climbed the mountain and reached the entrance without any problem. As I stepped inside, I was met by something that I wasn't expecting to find.

There are multiple treasures, some marble columns with torches illuminating the place and strange, red banner depicting a silver colored emblem. That symbol was that of a sword protruding from a eye above a defenseless woman, whose body was impaled by a pillar from beneath her and was then stabbed by the said sword. That was enough to give me a bad vibe. I have reasons for hating it.

"There's no doubt about the symbol," I said with a grim tone. "But I never thought to find it inside a cave being located in this western styled region of Equestria. This is the emblem of the Granite Daggers. That group of psychopath must have really disturbing tastes in that moment. What I don't understand was how the heck did that ended up there?"

Putting that aside for a moment, I explored this cave, checking every treasure consisting in golden coins, multiple gems... Guns!? Is that telling me that this cave became his vault without me having realized that.

Continuing my tour, I spotted two texts worth of a graffiti scribble being carved on the stone walls. They weren't important at all but what made me curious was the text being not written in a equestrian language. I read them and... What!?

Snowman was here.

Gamecube rules.

Its me or what was carved in was just trolling me.

"Snowman?" I whispered, not believing this. "Is that referring to... The ice manipulating Iron Ghost of the Darks Saints named Snowman?... Who, in Equestria, would possibly know about him?" I paused looked at the other text. "Also, Gamecube rules?" I then pondered about, only to find absurd possibilities. "So Snowman was once a hardcore gamer?"

Before that dilemma could even confuse me even more, I heard two familiar voices echoing from the darkest part of the cave in my right.

"Are you sure that taking that thing from that buffaloes' tribe was a good idea?"

"Shut up! This is just one fine gem that we can take without having nothing to do that pony!"

"You gotta be kidding me," I muttered as I headed toward the source.

Reaching the deepest part of the cave, I surrounded by the pitch-black part of that place. Luckily, there was some lighted torched that allowed me to see what was going on.

And much to my shocked surprise, I found...

"I can't f... Those damn boss dogs again." I said quietly, restraining myself form say the F-word. ".. Seriously. They won't even learn, aren't they? Holy god, I have enough of those douches."

Yes, those three annoying damn boss dogs were right in front of my sight. So much annoyance. But more importantly, how did they managed to climb this mountain? They were diggers, not freaking climbers.

I halted my anger for a moment as I recalled something that they said. They talked about taking something from Chief Thunderhoove's tribes. The third boss dog said that they were about to take some gems without being after me, which means that they had given up hunting me down for real. Still, I wondered what was this treasure they talked about until I noticed a red orb being held by the third boss dog.

"Was that Chief Thunderhoove's treasure?... Time to have a chat with those assholes."

I walked toward them, slowly reaching them. They continued to talk for a while, seemingly so busy arguing about who does the gem belong to that they didn't had noticed that yet. I stopped a few inches away from them.

"Ehm.... Guys!" I shouted, causing them to turn around reluctantly.

They Instantly flinched in fear upon seeing me, except for the third boss dog who was just staring at me with pure incredulity, becoming steadily nervous. His left eye was twitching. His eyes glued on me.

"Oh, not him again!" The first boss dog exclaimed in awe.

"Impossible! No pony would be able to climb this mountain to reach us!" The second boss dog pointed out incredulous. "I mean, tha-"

"ENOUGH!!" The third boss dog screamed in resignation, unable to hold up his neurosis as he knelled in front of me with raised hands. "WE ARE SURRENDERING!!"

I froze in surprise upon hearing that and blinked, not expecting a reaction like this. "Really?.... No trying to resist me?"

"C-calm down, pal," The second one said meekly. "I mean, we get the fact that messing with you was a great mistake."

"Yes... Oh, look at it," The third one added as he showed me the red orb. "You can just take that and the rest of treasury for you. You don't have to worry. Eheheh... Also, there are still the gems buried in our territory. We don't need to break our bones for this idiocy."

It seemed like kicking their asses with multiple tremendous powers can work wonders. Being a little amused for that, I summoned one of my black chains and tossed it toward the trio. It managed to wrap around the red orb as they were too dumbfunded by this act, which made easy for me to pull it back to snatch their object from their clutched. I catched the flying orb and put it into my bag. Then I pointed my hoof to the third boss dog, with the other twos taking the distance from me, fearing for what was going to happen next.

"You know, I don't want have any witnesses," I informed them while pointing my hand at the third boss dog. "But I don't even want to kill you either."

"W-what are you going to do to us?" The third boss asked, scared.

"You are going to help me, but not as yourself," I said bluntly as I use my Corrupter on him.

Suddenly, a flux of black lightnings from coming from my hand struck the third one, who screamed in pain as the red orb fell from his hands.

"Boss!" The first boss dog screamed.

"No!" The second boss dog did the same.

The body of the third one began to change, with his gray fur becoming suddenly white like the veiled sugar, his eyes becoming almost red and her canine face being turned into a wolfine one... Which impressed me. Really. I wished for him to become something more humble. The two other boss dogs, however, looked at their leader's new form with a shocked expression, speechless.

After that transformation, the third boss dog, that I will dub as C. Mine, slowly rose up with the face of someone that had just witnessed a miracle happening in front of his eyes. I'm feeling that something is wrong with this situation. Sure, I know I had corrupted him just to make him and his colleagues desist from pursuing me but... I still have this sensation.

"Now you and your colleagues are free to go, but don't even try to pursue me again," I said with a stern tone before turning toward the two boss dogs. "And you do better doing the same."

The two diamond dogs nodded frantically and recoiled away from me and their former friend. And speaking of him he, wasn't scared of me anymore. He just looked amazed to see me.. Why?

"Thank for you mercy," C. Mine said with a disturbingly solemn tone. "You are indeed the only real benefactor."

"Huh?" I flinched, taken aback by his reaction.

"There's a truth far more great than this, buried in our soil," C. Mine continued. "Thank you for showing us the way. We will follow your indications. Never again we will go out of trails."

The first boss dog and the second boss dog went wide-eyed, like they were fearing for the sanity of their colleague. "WHAT!?"

"W-what are you talking about?" I stuttered dumbfounded, but then shrugged off my shock. "Just get out of my sight and go dig in peace or something!"

Hearing that, C. Mine bowed and walked away from me, being about to rejoin with his companions. He then turned around and walked away. The other two boss dogs doesn't know what to do or even believe anymore.

"Follow me, my brothers," C. Mine instructed. "There's so much work to do and so much more to discover than just mere gems."

The first one turned at the second one in confusion. "Are we supposed to follow him even after he's reduced like this?"

"Shh! Always better than enraging this pony even more," The second one pointed out. "For now let's stick with him and see how far this... Situation goes."

Reluctantly, the two remaining boss dogs followed C. Mine, who was leading them like a some weird immaculate shepherd. I couldn't help but feel a little worried about them, especially since the transformed diamond dog looked at me like I was his own god. But still... Why I have the feeling that something is going wrong with them?

Putting aside that for later, I glanced at the red orb laying nearby my feet and putted it inside my bag. I don't know why that thing was there but is better for me to take it. If Chief Thunderhoove was really on its tracks, I better give it back.

"I think that bastard stole that for a valid reason." I said, having a sinister feeling about that. "I just hope that he won't be present at the stampede at all." I paused. "But still," I then sighed heavily. "Its time for a really tiresome backtracking."

Anyway, resigned to the fact that I couldn't even flying at the moment, I went out of the cave and descended down the mountain. I noticed the sun slowly setting and I couldn't afford to nap there. I had to hurry, and that was the hated part of all.

Reluctantly for valid reasons, I ran at ninja speed back to Appleloosa. By the time I had reached the place, it was already evening. I was more exhausted than before, panting hysterical due to my aims asking me for mercy. So hard that I was almost falling on the ground. I forced myself to remain still a took a look the surrounding.

The town was full of barricades and most of the inhabitants seemed too nervous for what was going to happen tomorrow. They weren't even noticing me. They didn't even wanted to talk with anyone. I went Inside the Inn without being noticed and went on the upper floors.

Nonetheless, I instantly went on the bed and took some serious time to rest. My heart was really pumping harder and will take sometime to slow down. And my muscles were hurting for the excessive overwork. Seriously, I wasn't used to travel for a long time no stop. Flying with my gravitational powers was less exhausting than running normally.

The only thing that I would had done in that moment was waiting. I mean, I know that this problem with the irritated buffaloes would be going for the better course. Except that I have to deal with Pinkie's encore of that number. I have to be fast. This time that won't happen.

I wondered why Lilly didn't had returned from her commission yet, but whatever. I guess Celestia had gave her some instruction regarding the entity slash prick in power-armor. But I wasn't convinced of that.

"She came here to investigate the evil entity, who is the sniper, being in the town. But if that was the case... Why would Celestia convoke her in the last minute?"

It doesn't add up indeed. I guess that I will find out about that tomorrow. Mostly because I want to sleep.

That was the usual dream. Nothing new about it, except that the place was a . And once again Aunt Death was there, this time looking at some portraits depicting... Huh?

"Oh, Dracul-pool. Always in my dreams," Death said with a dreamy tone as she walked toward another one.

"Nonpareil. Master piece. Artful." Said another voice similar to her coming as the owner came out from a corner, revealing to be... Another Aunt Death?

I know that is supposed to be surreal but still... What's going on!?

"Since by then Death has the power of mindscrew?" I murmured dumbfounded. "I thought that was my subconscious' job."

"Where the fuck were you looking at?" Asked Aunt Death's voice coming from behind me... What!?

"WHOAAA!!" I screamed startled, a moment before turning toward the source, who was... Aunt Death. "W-what the...?"

"I can't believe that," Death said with a bit of disappointment. "You were a powerful Iron Ghost, and yet you didn't had realized they are fake ones?"

"Huh?" I looked at the two 'Aunt Deaths' who were looking at the pictures with very unusual weird tone and then looked back at the other Aunt Death, assuming that its the real one... Considering that or her, or my mind, or even both of them are driving me crazy, like the medusa head and axe armor tag team doom corridor in Castlevania. "How I could had even tell that?"

"Think about my competence for a moment," Death inquired. "These two copies were commenting the portraits through unnecessary meme like comments and behavior belonging to mortals passing their time commenting stuff on the Internet. Even that picture of a Dracula-Deadpool hybrid is a meme. You can say... This whole scene, in itself, its artful on its own way."

".... What are you on?" I asked, perplexed.

"You should consider that," Death suggested. "For every time you face a version of any person you had met in your life coming from an alternate universe. You are going to need this suggestion. That goes also for your enemies."

"You mean... I have to face even non Granite Dagger members too?" I asked.

"Its just a possibility... But in a way or another, both you and Equestria will be pretty much in deep shit," Death commented.

"So, to make a example," I improvised. "I have to face an alternate version of myself who would be different from me or outright an asshole?""

"Not exactly," Death assured, a moment before her tone became a very grim one, no pun intended "But you have to prepared for the future exception."

Waking up, a dreadful silence was the first thing that greeted me. It was merely broke by the sounds of few hooves slowly walking on the streets. Silently, I put on both the gauntlets and went out the inn, headed toward the barricade. Beyond that, there was a rocky hill standing a few yards away from the town, where Chief Thunderhooves will gather his tribe for war.

I know fully well that was going to end very well in the end... But not with that prick being still around. Hiding from behind the walls, I saw Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Braeburn and Sheriff Silverstar being the first to arrive. They were eventually joined by the inn keeper and the rest of the town, who were carrying apple pies to use as ammunition.

Strangely enough, Pinkie and Applejack weren't with them, for some reason. Although why Applejack wasn't there, I know very well that Pinkie was actually there. And that's a problem.

"Well, if I have make the wait easier, I rather spent my time looking for her," I said almost nervously but mostly calm compared to the ponies who were waiting the noon with nervousness. "Not that will make my job any easier."

I spent the next three hours wandering around the town looking for Pinkie, while the inhabitants prepared themselves for the incoming war. I checked every corner of it, but she wasn't nowhere to be found. The time was running out and I was going almost nuts.

After so many frustrating travels, I finally found Pinkie... Ducking nearby one of the many wooden obstacles that were composing the barricade... Right now I had a urge to kill her. I couldn't believe how much time I had wasted looking for her. I was observing the situation from behind a wall, without her having realized yet.

"Nonetheless, Pinkie wasn't a real problem," I whispered. "Just a misguided one. I was thinking if the sniper will make his move... I'm not very tranquil in this moment."

In any case, noon finally arrived, demonstrated by Chief Thunderhooves showing up from above the mountain with his tribe, accompanied by a very reluctant Little Strongheart. The inhabitants, and Sheriff Silverstar in particular, were stubbornly prepared for the worst, while the Mane Six, minus Applejack and Pinkie Pie, and Breaburn, having the award for the only sane Appleloosian ever, didn't liked the idea at all.

I looked at the hill, where Chief Thunderhooves was about to order his tribe to charge when Little Strongheart putted her hoof on his cheek, making him desist. He look at her and then closed his eyes. He sighed, starting to consider that there was another way than fighting a war.

"He's not gonna do that," Rainbow's voice said.

That phrase was then followed by her, Twilight, Rarity and Fluttershy sighing in relief. In that moment, I know what was going to happen next. Like a hopper, Pinkie bounced up with the intent to sing.

"Not under my watch," I declared as I shot a freezing bullet at her, causing her to literally froze in place.

At first, I thought to chain her down and hide her inside the clock tower. A plan that I had rejected since she would had cried for help or, as minor problem, having suffered from starvation or lack of oxygen. I then tried to check if some pony of the town caught me in the act, but, for some reason, no one, not even Twilight and her friends, had heard that happening.

I continued to observe the situation from behind the wall, just to see if the settle ponies had learned something without them and the buffaloes fighting against each other. Still, that made me realize a very chilling thing. I was becoming just like Yomi?

"Appleloosans." Chief Thunderhooves called from above the hill. "I will considering to make a deal with you and spare your town."

Hearing that, the ponies of the town reacted cheerfully for situation taking a turn for the better. And yet there's still something bothering me. I think to know why.

"But unfortunately, there is some of you who had committed a crime against our tribe!" Chief Thunderhooves said with a grim tone.

A very uncomfortable silence fell upon both sides. The hopeful feeling of a peaceful resolution was suddenly replaced by awe. Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity and Rainbow Dash were the most shocked of all.

"What!?" Twilight exclaimed alarmed.

"Yesterday, one of you stole the treasure of our ancestors when we were sleeping." Chief Thunderhooves said seriously, pointing his hoof to the town, causing Twilight's gang and the ponies of the town to gasp in dismay. "You have to gave it back to us this instant. NOW!"

They were completely taken aback from that statement. In a blink of a eye, the settle ponies began murmuring, not expecting it coming. I, however, expected him bringing that up. I knew what he was referring to.

Its quiet convenient that I have what they want right in my bag since I can turn the situation in my way... Somehow. I would had told them the truth, but since they wouldn't believe me and will instead hunting me down, I preferred to see where this story goes and then came up with a strategy to resolve the situation.

"Wait a second!" Rainbow protested. "That can't be possible! Outside me, nopony stepped into your camp, especially since they were in this town the whole time!"

"That may be a possibility, unfortunately for you," Chief Thunderhooves retorted harshly.

Rainbow went wide-eyed, dismayed. "What?... Are you telling me that I stole that?"

"Impossible." A female voice said, being none other than Applejack joining the group in the last minute. "She would never do something like that."

"How can you be sure about that?" Twilight asked.

"A rather unusual guest came to us this morning," Chief Thunderhooves explained. "To inform us about the theft."

"Who?" Twilight asked confused.

Chief Thunderhooves didn't said anything. Instead he gestured to his tribe to clear the wave, probably to make room for the pony he talked about. As I guessed, the accuser showed up, being... That prick in power armor!?

"Are you SERIOUS!!?" My mind screamed as I was struck with pure bafflement upon seeing him.

I expected him to show up, but not in this way. I was momentarily froze in shock, until I realized the picture. And it was really disgusting.

"You tried to frame me but ended up frame Rainbow Dash as compensation, huh?" I whispered. "What a clever son of a bitch."

Twilight's group, Breaburn and the rest of the inhabitants looked dumbfounded by the power-armor the sniper was wearing. Their reaction was justified. Not because of his gear, but because they didn't trust so much a pony who was hiding his face behind a helmet.

"H-he's that the guess ya talked about?" Sheriff Silverstar asked.

"I-I'm sorry to say that but... He sure looks suspicious." Fluttershy said distrustful.

"And they trusted the words of some one who dressed in that suspicious manner like that!?" Rainbow muttered.

"Especially since that suit is so lifeless and devoid of any vitality." Rarity added with disgust. "I won't contradict Chief Thunderhooves words, but I cannot possibly trust somepony with a bad taste like his own!"

"The point is the same," Chief Thunderhooves warned, pointing at Rainbow Dash. "Unless you won't gave our treasure back, we will resume our war!"

Everypony but the chief and his buffaloes reacted with utter shock.

"Chief!" Little Strongheart called alarmed.

"What!?" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Ya can't be serious!" Applejack protested.

Normally, I would had turned myself into another pony, but unfortunately I didn't had my DNA Twister with me. Fuck that damn Yomi. I hate to do that, but I have to expose myself.

"What the hell are you talking about!?" I shouted as I went out the wall and surpassed the barricade, headed toward the hill while the sniper flinched as he wasn't expecting me to show up. "That rainbow mare is not the thief!"

I stopped in the middle of the field and rose up two legged, greeted by the confusion of both sides... And the protest of both Twilight and her friends.

"Violet, what are doing here!?" Twilight said from the barricade behind me, annoyed but surprised to see me here.

"Don't you see the situation in which we are!?" Rainbow asked with the same tone as Twilight.

"Not you too." Rarity lamented. "Must be your anti-fashion like appearance be omnipresent!?"

"Wait, you know who he is?" The inn keeper said.

"He's just somepony who's also source of annoyance," Applejack responded bluntly.

"Chief Thunderhooves, this pony's not authorized to represent us!" Breaburn said hesitantly.

"Since by then I am representing someone?" I muttered quietly. "Sometimes your l-"

"She's not the culprit, you say." Chief Thunderhooves interrupted me, responding sternly from above the hill. "Then who exactly?"

"Well, let me ask you one question first," I replied. "What was the form of the treasure?"

"Its a red sphere that we called the Scarlet Tear," Chief Thunderhooves explained. "A relic of our history, a very significant memorial and the one thing that has been stolen from us!"

I nonchalantly pulled out the red orb from my bag. "Like this?"

Everypony gasped, more shocked than before. I turned around to see their reaction. I won't bother to look at their reaction but they surely seemed pretty mad about that. Seeing the buffaloes' disdain was enough.

"WHAT!!?" The sniper exclaimed with a disguised voice while flinching, causing the buffaloes to look at him with confusion.

Seeing this gave me a real confirm about the cave where the orb was located being his own. "I knew it."

"Our relic," Chief Thunderhooves confirmed dumbfounded.

"Is that their treasure?" Twilight inquired.

"A well endowed gem," Rarity commented before assuming a very irritated tone. "Ruffian, you are the one who stole it, isn't it?"

"And I also knew that Rarity will react like that... Hashtag hammy award." I thought with annoyance.

"You tried to frame me!?" Rainbow bellowed.

"Why don't you ask the helmet guy?" I asked with a fed-up tone while pointing at the sniper. "The one who seemed to know anything about the theft and yet looked surprised to see me having the orb like he doesn't?"

"Now that I am thinking about..." Chief Thunderhooves looked at the seemingly nervous sniper. "You weren't so honest-"

The chief didn't had the time to finish that the sniper stood on his hind legs, drawing out his metal fingers from his hooves and made his move.

"Fuck all of this!" The sniper in power-armor exclaimed as he grasped Little Strongheart's head and lifted her above him to use her body as a human, or rather, equine shield. "Nobody moves or she will meet his ancestors this instant!"

Everybody flinched alarmed by that. Fluttershy in particular, looked very scared, fearing for Little Strongheart's life. Chief Thunderhooves glared intensively at the sniper but didn't do nothing since that guy has the upper hand on him.

"Release her, you coward!" Applejack roared.

"Just let her go and face me with dignity, Doom reject." I taunted him.

"Doom... What?" Twilight looked confused.

The sniper used his only free fingered-hoof to remove his helmet, revealing his face. It appeared as a blue maned pale-cyan stallion, wearing a very sadistic expression. He started to laugh almost maniacally.

"You just want have to screw up my plan, eh, Allen?" The sniper said with his real voice, being a very rough one. "I don't even know how did you managed to survive me so far. I wonder if there must be some cheat code going on in Equestria."

I froze, mostly because I had recognized his voice. I was struck by pure incredulity. I couldn't believe he was the one who stalked me this whole time.

"Trice!?" I exclaimed baffled.

"I would had spiced up this already toned down war," Trice said with a irritated ton. "If you didn't had took that item from me."

"What did you said?" Chief Thunderhooves asked angered.

"That's horrible!" Twilight retorted.

No one in this world didn't know him, but Trice was the most deadliest weapon master of the Granite Daggers, being able to create portals that he would had used to snipe through, and, most of all, he's the only Iron Ghost being also a half-cyborg with the ability to enhance his powers. And I knows very well that being half cyborgs, in his case, was practically useless since being a Iron Ghost were enough. What its condition does was amplifying his powers, almost poorly.

The members of the Granite Daggers secretly ridiculed him for the choices that Trice made, despite them not having any benefit to him, his capabilities or the organization itself because he thought it was cool. He was too busy feeding his ego, rather than following his superiors' schemes. He even lamented that they wouldn't allow him to keep shoulder pads.

Rarity's worst nightmare, I would add.

Returning to what Twilight said, horrible would be the correct word... if that wasn't associated to Trice. Because he was indeed cruel and sadistic, but was also kinda undignified and cocky idiot. Seriously. His real kryptonite was his ego and can't be taken seriously because he always managed to destroy the seriousness of every situation in which he was involved due to his bad habit to mumble absurd things of videogame level of stupidity.

That was proven by his original being almost shredded by Mio Amisato in my world. I eventually killed him during a real ordeal of a fight.

"Chief Thunderhoof..." I called him incredulous. "He just came to your camp, claiming that one of the of ponies in the town stole your treasure... And you instantly believed him without even questioning his identity what so ever?"

"Well, he present us as a bounty hunter looking for the one we believe he stole our treasure," Chief Thunderhooves explained, reluctantly. "He was quiet of polite, clever and very convincing with us, having a understanding of our situation... Until now," He facehoofed. "Honestly..." He paused. "I couldn't believe that I was that naive."

"Because you were too busy preparing to prepare your war with the town, now suck it," Trice said before looking at me. "You better no underestimate me this time, Allen! I have plenty of tricks in my sleeve in comparison with my original!"

"Just what do you think you are?" I asked sternly.

"I am a Call of Duty fan in a word of fiction!" Trice announced, convinced of his proclamations. "I would had put the tribe to fight the whole town in my own way while reveling in the beauty of giving orders and shooting things!" He paused as he was oblivious of some of the buffaloes who looked at him with a creeped out expression. "And now that I'm thinking about, with your death I will finally learn the legendary arcane art of acting," He then grinned very madly. "The secret called NUANCES!"

I facehoofed for Trice's uncanny ability to elaborate some rumbling bullshit during a hostage situation. As I could tell, both sides, including and Twilight, her friends looked at him with dumbfounded, with Rainbow Dash suggesting he's insane. Chief Thunderhooves, on other hand, had his patience becoming really low.

My patience with him was also getting low, but for other reasons.

"If Ultimate Warrior had made an academy that rewards the skills of insane, caveman rambling," I thought. "Trice would had graduated in one instant."

"That was the most nonsensical and demented rumbling I had ever heard in my entire life," Rarity commented. "And I thought that your outfit was the only primitive thing here."

"Ah think we've to save that for later," Breaburn remarked.

"What the hay are you talking about!?" Twilight said, utterly confused.

"Twilight, he's a idiot with very warped convictions," I said annoyed.

"Nopony asked yer opinion, Violet," Applejack remarked sternly, a moment before realizing something. "Besides, where's Pinkie?"

Oh, shit. That's not good. That would... Wait, nobody noticed that Pinkie was frozen since my arrival?

"And still... Only now they had realized Pinkie was missing? How slow Twilight and her friends are?"

Ignoring their reaction, Trice jumped down while bringing Little Strongheart with him and sled down the hill until he reached the terrain. He then draw out the barrel of a gun from his metallic hoof and pointed it at the little buffalo. I Grinning, he slowly approached me, only to stop at few yards away from me and pointing his weapon at me.

"I have an actual proposal for you, Allen," Trice said confidently. "I will release this child if you accept to get killed by me without even fighting. No tricks. And no even some mystical mumbo jumbo whatsoever or this girl is toasted."

Yeah, I know that you will actually had killed her anyway and probably had unleashed the fury of Chief Thunderhooves' tribe. But to be fair, that was just my theory, because I don't know and want to know about the consequence of what you are going to do. However, I was still holding the red orb with my hand, being the freezing gauntlet, and that gave me a idea.

"Well, if you have to kill me," I suggested. "Let me at least give you the treasure."

"Huh?" Trice looked perplexed.

With that, both sides were left incredulous but

"Why you would even do that!?" Chief Thunderhooves exclaimed, looking upset.

"What is wrong with you!?" Rarity shouted.

"Well, I could just take it from your corpse but..." Trice pondered about it for a moment but then grew impatient. "Damn. Then I would had lowered my guard to take it. Alright, give me that thing but do it fast."

"Take it," I said calmly, a moment before I instantly hurled the red orb with so much speed and precision that it whizzed toward him like a bolt, until it struck his forehead and made him fall back to the terrain while moaning in pain before bouncing upward.

With her captor's hand loosing its grip, Little Strongheart fell on the ground as well. She moaned a little bit but then noticed the red orb descending down. She jumped toward the falling object and took it with both her hooves. Seeing this, made me consider one strange dilemma. How the hell did the buffaloes managed to carry that jewel if they weren't bipedal beings?

"Tsk. Mystery of faith marked Lauren Faust," I whispered without expecting an answer as I pointed my Freezing Gauntlet at Trice and shot multiple projectiles to freeze his gun armed-hoof, its other hoof and the rest of his body except his head. "Now try to run if you can, asshole."

Unfortunately I won't have the glory to blast him off since I was watched by all of the equestrian creatures, who would have probably expecting me to defeat the bad guy without killing him. I have to wait for the right circumstance to do that. The only nuisance was that I have the pain to explain to Twilight, and the other equestrian residents, what the hell is going on.

I looked at Chief Thunderhooves, who sighed in relief upon seeing both Little Strongheart and the red orb being fine and then looked at me irritated for having used their treasure as a weapon. I then looked at the Mane Six, who looked very astounded for the way I had knocked out Trice, but I think that they were actually looking at my gauntlets.

As Little Strongheart tried to figure out how to carry that thing, Rainbow Dash instantly flew toward her and picked her up. The rainbow maned mare brought the little buffalo back to her tribe and flew back to Twilight. And speaking of her, she and a few other ponies, including the inn keeper, seemed really surprised.

"Where did you learned to throw like that?" The inn keeper asked surprised.

"Good grief, Its a miracle that you didn't had complicated the situation, but still..." Twilight noticed the Berserker Claw that I was wearing on my left hoof. "Where did you took that?"

"Well... It's a long story." I said, a moment before returning my attention to the frozen Trice, who looked as he realized in shock to be encased in his ice prison. That sucker that putted me through a very demented ordeal tried to release himself, but was all vain.

"Mother fucker!" Trice bellowed. "Did you took lesson from the Snowman!?"

"I don't know what hell are you talking about." I mocked him.

Trice was about to retort, but then realized to be watched. He instantly realized why. He could see both the buffaloes and the ponies giving a cold glance at him.

"Oh, shit." Trice murmured nervously.

With Little Strongheart being liberated, the eyes of both sides were glaring at Trice but looked also unsure of how to with him since he can still pull off something dangerous, even if he was frozen. Their reaction was justified since that guy was displaying some object so foreign to them that they couldn't understand, leaving me being the only one who knows him. Trice may be a idiot, but I know his arsenal and how dangerous he can be.

"Ya'd finished to mess with us, scumbag," Sheriff Silverstar commented, trying to be confident.

"Look, you may be dangerous," Breaburn proclaimed. "But if we have to resolve our question with Chief Thunderhoove's tribe, that wouldn't be by your rules!"

"Indeed," Chief Thunderhooves commented from the rocky hill. "You will pay for stealing our treasure and threat my kin." He paused, having realized something. "Perhaps..." He then looked at me. "Where did you had found that?"

"Inside a grotto that was stuffed with treasures by him," I stated. "I just found it when I was trying to track this guy down.

"It's that so?" Sheriff Silverstar said curious. "Ah wonder how many things that criminal stole from others."

"Well, at least I didn't had planned to make a encore of the 'Gotta Share Gotta Care' shitty ass song," Trice said before he made a sinister smirk.

Chief Thunderhooves and his tribe, including Little Strongheart, flinched shocked upon hearing that. Twilight and her friends winced uncomfortably, joined by Breaburn, Sheriff Silverstar and only half of the town. Much to my shock, there was the other half, actually liked the song despite the agreement of both leaders that it sucked... Seriously!

I began to fear that the war between the native creatures and the settle ponies will resume... For the wrong reasons. I have to mitigate this fear. Because I am in deep shit in that moment.

"Guys. Let me assure you that no one has the sick idea to replicate that demented performance." I pointed out nervously. "Besides, Pinkie isn't even here to do that."

"Hi, guys! Did I missed something?" Pinkie's voice demanded from behind me, making me flinch for the fear. "Because I ended up being somewhat really frozen."

"Oh, shit! Did the ice melted down already?" I whispered nervously.

Reluctantly, I turned around. Much to my horror, I saw Pinkie nerby Twilight and the others while looking at me with a baffled expression, soaked in melted ice with her dress. My plan of preventing the war easily was instantly screwed.

"Oh, fuck! This is going to be caliente!" I thought nervously.

"Violet?" Pinkie said before growling. "Why you had froze me!? I was about to celebrate this moment with my number!"

"Pinkie, no!" Applejack retorted.

"But why?" Pinkie replied confused, missing the point.

Hearing a very unsettling growl coming from the hills, I returned my attention to Chief Thunderhooves, whose expression instantly assumed an enraged one upon seeing the pink mare being that dress.

"Grrr..." Chief Thunderhooves glared at us.

"Wait," Another buffalo halted. "If you permit, I have a suggestion.

"What now?" Chief Thunderhooves asked impatiently.

"Before we charge," The buffalo said. "It will be corrected if we went against that thief and the other pony as well."

"Eh?" I froze, refusing to believe to have heard what he said. " No, no, no, wait. What kind of idiocy is that!?"

"Why we should?" Chief Thunderhooves demanded confused. "He's the one who saved Little Strongheart in the first place."

"I know that," The buffalo replied. "But I am starting to think that, having took the red orb that the thief stole from us, I concluded that he was the thief's competitor, only not this ruthless. I think he just wanted something from us."

Really?... He cannot be serious. Wasn't the fact that I had saved Little Strongheart and returned their jewels... Well... let them retrieve that enough? What kind of reasoning was that? Was he the tribe's theorist or something? I know that the buffaloes had a feud with Appleloosa's inhabitants or anything, but I didn't remembered them being paranoid. That was chilling.

"Are you putting me in the same league as him!?" I asked shocked. "In case you had forgotten or weren't paying attention, I had even gave your treasure back!"

"Yes, but it's probable that you would had took the treasure to extort us to begin with," The buffalo said convinced, caused the chief to flinch in shock.

"Chief," Sheriff Silverstar butted in. "Before you are going to rush against us, let me assure you that we didn't had any intention to resort to something vile like this," He paused. "So, to show you our good faith," He then pointed his hoof at both me and Trice. "Let us hunt down these two hoolingans as well, at least."

Both sides, excluding Chief Thunderhooves and Sheriff Silverstar, froze in confusion upon hearing that, but then all nodded in agreement with that proposal. As for the Mane Six and Breaburn, they looked sternly at me, except Rainbow Dash.

"But he cleared my name..." Rainbow said, a little bit conflicted. "I don't know, right now I couldn't decide."

"Well, he went out of the shadows to help you," Twilight said with reassuring tone, a second before passing to a stern one. "Although that doesn't explain what he would gain from that, knowing him."

"Yeah, especially since he had also froze up Pinkie," Applejack said before looking sternly at Pinkie. "And now I know why."

"Why is everypony against my performance?" Pinkie lamented.

"Is not the message... But the way you did." Fluttershy pointed out.

"I think its too late for that," Rarity pointed out meekly.

"Should we concentrate our effort on that bizarre, greedy, armored pony instead?" Breaburn pointed out.

"Ah'm sorry, but that gray pony deserve it too." Sheriff Silverstar said apologetically.

"Just how stupid is your reasoning!?" Trice exclaimed incredulous, hypocritically.

"Are you kidding me, Silverstar!?" I shouted, astounded by the absurdly bad situation that was about to happen.

"Hmph, fair enough," Chief Thunderhooves agreed, a moment before inhaling and screaming. "Chaarge!"

That being said, the buffaloes rushed down the rocky hill and charged toward the town. The Mane Six and Braeburn took their distance as horns smashed through the barricade and apple pies flew around. As for me, I saw a pissed off mob composed by buffaloes and country ponies coming toward me.

As they were getting closer, I heard something melting and a strange heat from nearby me.... Wait, I knew what he was doing. I turned toward Trice, who was unfrozen and standing on his hind legs being soaked in its melted ice!?

"Bastard! You had overheated your legs with the propeller to escape!?"

"Argh! I had broke my rockets but I once again proved that having cybernetic part does fucking pay off!" Trice shouted confidently as he turned around and ran away from them, two legged ala Terminator. "Fucka la vista, idiots!"

"Don't even think to escape!" I retorted as followed him two legged.

"How the heck can they even run like that?" One of the buffaloes demanded from behind me.

"Save that question for later, and get some focus!" A female pony responded angrily.

I continued to chase Trice wherever he goes, followed by the enraged mob and taking the distance from the battle that was happening in Appleloosa. Thanks to my ninja speed, I managed to distance myself from them and almost reaching Trice, who was probably running at speed... Doping 2.0 I guess.

I thought to have a upper hand against him... Until he turned around and shot two red balls from his mouth. The two balls immediately exploded in a surge of electricity that shocked me, causing me to almost collapse on the ground. Trice was going far away from me while laughing maniacally.

"Adios, bastards!" Trice announced proudly.

I was both stunned and paralyzed by that voltaic charge. That was a nasty trick, But unfortunately for Trice that was momentary since I had a tremendous stamina. I had quickly recovered and resumed the chase, pissed off as I was. This time I was almost reaching him. He didn't had realized yet but then turned his face toward me and went wide-eyes for the shock.

"You gotta be shitting me!" Trice lamented angrily before turning around and leaping toward me.

"The hell!?" I said taken aback, a moment before Trice turned around and tried to shoot me with his hoof-gun.

I could feel frozen armor pressing against my chest. It was indeed unbearably chilling, but I couldn't feel that much since I am an Iron Ghost. Trice slammed both his frozen hooves on the terrain, liberating both of them from the ice but ended up breaking his gun in the process. But that wasn't his only weapon. As I predicted, he put his other, still intact hoof on his back and pulled out a flame thrower into my face.

"I will shut you down!" Trice screamed, ready to pull the trigger.

Despite him being about to roast me, I wasn't scared. Not at all. I smiled mockingly, a moment before using the powers of the Void Ring. I was disintegrating the ground behind me, creating a hole. I was digging without doing anything, resulting both me and Trice falling inside. Trice screamed as I and him continued to fall.

After a handful of seconds, I turned off the effects and stopped at four or five meter of depths away from the surface, a second before Trice landed on me, almost crushing my body.

"Ow!" I exclaimed.

Trice promptly got off of me and rose two legged, looking upward with confusion. He didn't even know what happened. The noises of both the stomping hooves of the group of ponies and buffaloes, and a few distant voices echoed from above.

"W-w... What the hell just happened!?" Trice demanded irritated.

I silently exploited his distraction to rose up two legged. It was pitch black, but there was enough light for me to see him. I pulled out the shotgun and pointed it at him.

"Headshot." I proclaimed quietly.

"What?" Trice said confused as he turned toward me and noticed the barrel of my shotgun being aimed at his face. "Bast-"


He wasn't able to finish that insult or even react that I had already pulled the trigger and blow up his head. Big time. Extra crispy.

"Shut it!" I said with a very pissed off tone as Trices' body disappeared in a coil of black embers. "I don't wanna fucking hearing it! That you can finally have an urticaria in your ass, in hell! I've enough of this... Mandarin bungle FUCK OF YOUR SHENANIGANS!"

That he can . I remembered Trice being this annoying, but not this bastardous. Also, why running away from a group of angry ponies and buffaloes? Because he was a coward with the allergy for gank squads.

The sounds of stampeding hooves coming from above slowed down until stopped. Something must have happened there. I was about to climb this hole when I noticed his flame thrower nearby my feet.

"Damn, he dropped that?" I asked perplexed as I picked that up and put it inside my bag. "I don't wan't become a pyromaniac, but I think that will come handy when I will be the one being froze... Or when I have to scorch zombies."

And speaking of zombies, that reminded me of Twilight. I hope that she didn't became a flesh eater or even a undead criminal if she finds out her conditions.

Yeah, I don't want talking about that for now.

Without wasting any time, I climbed toward the surface, expecting that group of ponies and buffaloes waiting for me. Or that was what I thought. As I had almost reached the top, I was met by Lilly instead, much to my surprise.

"It seems like both your gauntlets helped you a lot," Lilly said impressed. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I replied with a little bit tired tone. "But I have to explain a lots of things to both Sheriff Silverstar and Chief Thunderhooves."

"That won't be necessary." Lilly assured. "I had explained everything about you, the evil entities and your mission... Sorta."

"Really?" I asked half relieved, if not surprised.

"What about that evil entity wandering around Appleloosa?" Lilly asked.

"Taken down for good," I assured her, almost gleefully. "You have no idea of how much frustration he brought to me."

After this brief talk, I went out the hole and went back to Appleloosa, this time escorted by Lilly. The war between the buffaloes and the settle ponies was finally put to a ceasefire when Chief Thunderhooves came up with a better idea. The orchard stayed at condition that a path for them was cut and apple pies were shared with them. Both the sides believed Lilly's version regarding me being some kind of good guy, even if some of them were still antagonizing me for my ambiguity.

And of course both Rarity and Applajack didn't bought that entirely. Twilight, and Rainbow Dash seemed the only ones that would had give me the benefit of the doubt. Fluttershy just preferred to see where my situation was going and Pinkie was just angry because I had sabotaged the party, although she agreed that maybe her number had gone too far...

But mostly because Applejack zipped her mouth about that.

In the orchard, the party was going as I had predicted. Applejack planted Bloomberg, the path was cut and everyone seemed enjoying the moment. Nothing new to me. Everything was fine, although Pinkie was glaring at me due to me freezing her a second time.

I won't even apologize for that.

I don't even know why she had to be so recidivist about a performance of her that sucked.

"No wonder they still considers you as a villain," Lilly pointed out. "You have a bad habit about manipulating the situation from behind the scenes."

"This is different," I explained. "I mean, why Pinkie must insist on something that was really hated by every pony?"

"Well... I guess she thought that since the situation was calming down," Lilly guessed. "Maybe that would had been appropriate for the mood."

"..... No, seriously," I insisted calmly. "This is-"

"We don't speak of that in any rust bucked place." Applejack interrupted harshly. "Got it?"

"Y... Yes madam." Lilly replied intimidated.

You are kidding me, Lilly? The first time I met you, you were so though to be about to confront mercilessly Applejack during the time she was overdoing herself but now you felt intimidated by her?

"And ya, Violet," Applejack said distrustfully but then toned down her suspicion a little bit. "Well... Ya'd cleared Rainbow Dash's name, so... Ah guess that its something worth to be mentioned." She paused before giving me a stern look. "But don't get me wrong, Ah don't even think you were this honest to us." She pointed her hoof at me. "Ah'll keep you in check."

After that, Applejack leaved me alone with Lilly, who was slowly recovering her composure. However, her pride was slightly compromised. As for the Element of Honesty, I think she talked to me like that due to her bullshit detecting instinctive abilities ringing the alarms about my cover... Which would be a real pain to me.

I was about to check up Twilight when I was approached by both Chief Thunderhooves and Braeburn.

"I humbly apologize for that terrible misunderstanding," Chief Thunderhooves said apologetically. "It seems like you didn't had stole our treasure. We have the embarrassment to discover that it was stole two days before Rainbow Dash's visit and not yesterday."

And he didn't had realized that your treasure disappeared the other day before?... Well, I won't blame Chief Thunderhooves for that. The reasons was the obvious one. He was too busy trying to retrieve his land that he had accidentally neglected the duty to protect it.

"However, there is something bothering me." Braeburn said perplexed. "Why ya didn't had told us about that evil entities."

"You won't had believed me and there was a orchard at stake," I pointed out bluntly. "That wasn't important to you since... You know, you weren't in the mood to talk at the moment."

Chief Thunderhooves tried to say something but halted to consider what I said in that moment. "Touche."

Not having anything to do, I was about to leave the orchard but I was then approached by Twilight, who didn't looked so much distrustful as before.

"Honestly, I wasn't expecting you following us in Appleloosa," Twilight stated.

"Hey, I wasn't following you," I retorted with a bored tone. "I was tracking down the prick with that armor. I didn't came here without a valid reason. You heard what Lilly said before?"

"Yes, she told me about your ordeal and her being attacked by Trice in the train," Twilight replied calmly.

In reality, the attacker wasn't Trice, but the diamond dog bosses. And that reminded me that I turned one of them into a lupine shepherd. He talked like he was some kind of saint. I have to check him out once I had regained my gravity manipulating powers, although I have to pray some pagan, chinese or other deity for the ability rotation to roll on my favor.

"I was even kicked out of the train by him," I added.

"So... That was one of those malevolent entities you talked about with Celestia," Twilight said, scratching her head. "And yet he looked almost like a normal pony."

"They didn't choose to take that form. They merely exploited it mix themselves among the others," I explained. "They had powers that none one in Equestria even possess."

I don't want to tell her anything, but I just hope that Twilight, and Celestia's forces in particular, doesn't go into a full inquisition to hunt down whoever they think is a malevolent entity. Soul Calibur 5 style. Although its quite weird picturing Twilight as a female Patrokolos.

"However there's one thing that can't understand," Twilight said perplexed. "Why they keep calling you Allen?"

"They were pursuing the wrong pony," I replied bluntly, lying of course. "Even now I wondered who this Allen guy they talked about."

"Seriously, that's not good," Twilight said, slightly alarmed. "If that is true, we have to do something."

"Or better say, I have to do something," I retorted calmly. "This is why Celestia let me be and why she sent Lilly to keep a eye on me, because I have to report every single progress."

"Talking about that," A familiar female voice said, coming from my left.

I turned in the voice's direction, only to find Rarity approaching us, much to my annoyance. Her expression was inquisitive since we first met. At this point, I completely expect some exaggerated hammy performance

"Even making that grotesque, disgusting dress of yours count as one?" Rarity asked sternly but not hammy.

"No, Rarity," Lilly said, butting in the discussion. "That was something that I asked him to do for a bet, although I didn't expect him to came out with this."

I can't believe Lilly didn't get it yet. My intention was obvious. I designed that to troll her... And make a tribute to fractal geometry as well.

"Seriously?" Rarity asked with shock, and the hammy kicking in. "Why entrusting that task to this foul fashioncider like him? I would had helped you?"

"Her nasty, obnoxious colleague Aster Brightside forbid her to do that for the sake of the bet," I responded bluntly.

"I'm not buying this," Rarity retorted, dismissing it as bogus. "I want to hear it by someone trust worthy like Lilly."

"Well... That's true," Lilly admitted reluctantly. "Although I wanted to keep that by myself."

".... Is that so?" Rarity asked surprised.

"Rarity, I hate to inform you of that," Twilight said. "But somepony from Canterlot had replicated and sold multiple copy of that dress." She paused. "And this pony over there," She then pointed her hoof toward me. "Got even paid after several days with half of the gain since it was his idea."

"WHAAAAAAT!?" Rarity exploded from the disbelieve, startling both the ponies and the buffaloes.

If I have to be honest, getting paid for something that was probably continuing to spread real seizure attack to some unluckiest pony wasn't something that was proud of. Not wanting to have any incident, I was about to give her some explanation. But not before being interrupted by Rainbow Dash showing up.

"I hate to admit but this is the second time you save me from a pinch, Violet," Rainbow said, slightly embarrassed. "I should probably thank you."

"I don't think that is the right moment" I asked with a deadpan tone. "Just look at her."

Confused, Rainbow Dash glanced at a baffled Rarity, whose eye was twitching frenetically like the bouncing of the ball from Pong. "Is there something wrong?"

"Violet spread a very disgustingly evil plague!" Rarity replied, increasingly irritated as she pointed her hoof toward me. "And he got even paid for having made something really mediocre."

"Let me inform that making the dress was indeed a real mistake," I said annoyed. "Ok? Its motif caused a real, even if its temporal, seizure attack that stunned the audience of the failed fashion show, Hoity Toity included."

Rarity gasped. "It did what?"

"If I have to tell something relevant," Lilly said. "Is that when I was escorting Photo Finish back to her home, I noticed her caressing with a unnatural motherly behavior the dress as she asked for some 'strange feeling'."

Silence fell upon us while the other ponies and buffaloes were enjoying the party. Applejack in particular continued to admire Bloomberg. Bloomberg was still a tree but I wouldn't even question that due to my caution about not to go very deep on this weird detail.

As for the four mares in front of me, they looked at me like I was out of my mind. That was reasonable, and not because I had accidentally almost turned Photo Finish into a weird masochist, although Lilly, Celestia and the Mane Six doesn't know yet. I had to take look at that fashion photographer someday.

"I don't know what Violet has done this time, but I'm not in the mood for mushy stuff," Rainbow said slightly disgusted as she walked away. "If you need me, I am with Applejack."

"Seriously," Twilight muttered before facehoofing. "Is possible that something crazy continues to happen because of you, if you don't have done anything to do that?"

"What the bloody hay have you done, Violet?" Rarity asked with a inquisitive tone.

Well, there was a even better question.

"Why the fuck I am still getting paid for having made that dangerous dress?"

Chapters before Level Up: -2

Next Level Up:

1)Giga Drill: The main weapon of the so called Gurren Laggan, almost reduced to the size of portable weapon while retaining its power, but was made almost impossible for others to wield it due to its tremendous weight.

2)Item Animator: A mysterious quartz who gives the own the ability to turn inanimate objects into living things with the condition that they weren't bio organic to begin with.

3)Face Palmer: A dark-azure gauntlet which functions consist into shooting face palms like wave of energy, striking its target with unexpected power, great impact in the most undignified way possible.