• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 6,613 Views, 221 Comments

MLP - New Game Plus Postmortem - Reizthefakebrony

You know the gimmick about human being ponyfied and brought into the canon of the show. But, there's some kicker. A boy, Allen, goes indeed in Equestria...... FROM THE GRAVE! Side effects: Medium Plot Bending, Black Humor, and Videogame Logic.

  • ...

Ominous Premonition

Rotatory abilities:
Book of Healing
Void Ring
DNA Twister

I woke up inside my mound with a reminder about what happened yesterday. That date slash interview with Mayor Mare ended up well. I mean, the whole thing consisted in Mare bombarding me of questions regarding my past, my persona and even my power, which I had really avoided to respond. The strange thing was the fact that she was accidentally flirting with me, and when she had realized that, Mare treated that as a joke.

I didn't have the time to reconnect my brain with my surrounding that I heard someone whimpering from outside my coffin. I peered outside and what I saw was Mayor Mare trembling like leaf with a pillow in between her hooves. That was random... Or so I thought.

"Mayor Mare? What the are doing here?" I asked her.

"A-ask t-that brutish monster waiting for me outside this building." Mare said with an awed voice.


Wanting to know what the hell was all about, I went outside my mound and found myself face to face with something that you don't see everyday.

A manticore with a camera view like glass replacing his left eye and a laser replacing his tail. I also saw that there are multiple destroyed trees behind the thing. But the most terrific feature of his were his claws being made of metal.

"Where the hell-" Before I could even ask, he roared while shooting his laser, that was traveling on me. "OH SHIT!"

I dodged the blow by rolling away from it. The laser, however, leaved a burnt mark on the grass and on the rocky surface of my home. Now that is personal.

The creature was coming after me, rushing like a crazed fury. To make my job easy, I summoned my black chains and wrapped them around the beast, blocking both his body and the laser tail. The monstrous manticore stumbled and fell on the grass like a potato sack.

"What kind of creature are-" I stopped my sentence, realizing in horror and shock what I could possibly be. C'mon. That cannot be real. "That can't be."

I slowly approached the beast, and before I could get even close to it, the manticore started shooting his laser upward while whirling to release itself. I couldn't allow it to do any more damage, so I activated my Void Ring and touched the laser gun with my hoof, erasing it from the existence and stopping the laser.

"Thank goodness, there was no damange," I said a second before a bird whose wing was lasered fell on the ground at my left. "Yet... Damn it."

The manticore stopped wriggling and instead trembled like a leaf. Now it was his turn. I used my DNA Twister to return the manticore back to normal, but the red vortex quickly dissipated into trails of vapor with nothing happening.


"Are you alright, mister Allen?" Mayor Mare asked me from behind the entrance of the mound.

"Yeah... Somehow." I said almost calmly, but no tranquil at all. "I can't believe at what I am seeing... This manticore is a Remodeled Corpse, and is immune to the DNA Twister. That can't be real. I had liquidated Nero Aoi."

I looked right in his left eye, being some kind a camera glass. I can recognize this kind of things when I see one. I don't know what is the responsible for this but I won't allow myself being utterly blamed for something I swore to not to do ever again and leave this crime unpunished. There's someone who was doing Nero's modus operandi.

"Mayor Mare, do you want me escort you to your office?" I asked.

"N-no, thank you." Mayor Mare said half tranquil. "I will go on my own."

"You know, even I though to go to Ponyville," I said. "And no, I wasn't flirting you."

"Me neither." She said.

That being said, we walked through the woods, headed to Ponyville. Mayor Mare, to pass the time, was asking me some sporadic question about the manticore and his apparition. She also explained that the animal attacked her when she was going back to her home and, during her escape, found a refuge inside my house.

That made me return to where I was pondering about. It can't be another Granite Dagger cultist. I my own former world, the Corpse Remodeling was a plot element of a horror manga and the invention of Nero Aoi, a mad genius with a superior complex worth of a Frankenstein like scientist. Where does that monster came from? Who is responsible for this? And most of all, can this story get more fucked up as it is.

"Do you think that your enemies were after me for some reason?" Mare asked.

"I don't think so. They weren't notorious for creating undead beasts like that." I said.


"Let put it in this way. Somepony is trying to frame me for a crime that I didn't had committed. Remember that-"

"You had accidentally killed Twilight Sparkle and resurrected her as a almost normal like zombie?"

"Remodeled Corpse is the right term. Same thing for the other two unwitting victims."

"Sometime I wonder how is possible for you to be a hero and a villain at the same time." Mare said narrowing her eyes.

"Trust me. My life is not as easy as you think." I replied.

"Is that so?"

"We have arrived."

Arrived in Ponyville, Lilly suddenly showed up and offered protection to Mayor Mare, all the while saying to me to return to my home because of there are witnesses and the Royal Guards who were after the manticore. The incident happened in one night.

The night in which I was sleeping... Fantastic. Now the image of me as a villain is amplified in the public opinion. I turned around and was about to go back home until a blue maned green pegasi Royal Guard landed in front of me and announced one message.

"Despite the public opinion and your unjustified absence," He said. "Princess Celestia had formally invited you at the Garden Party."

Garden Party?... Oh, I forgot. These are the events in which Rarity became so popular in Canterlot that began to neglect her friends at home, especially during Twilight's birthday. I wonder if the cultist the start a new attack.

"Ok, I will come here, but let me fix one thing first." I said, galloping from him.

I returned back to my mound, in the place where the manticore was still black chained. Multiple Royal Guards were patrolling my home under the aegis of Lilly. Ignoring their glare directed on me, I approached the beast and gave him a perplexed look.

"Who did this to you?"

"Is this your doing, Allen?" Lilly asked sternly.

"I swear. It's not me this time."

Suddenly, bip like noises ranged from the camera glass eye of the manticore. I observed it and noticed some numbers...

It was a timer!

"Guys, run until you can!" I alerted the Royal Guards while galloping away from them. "RUN!"

"You heard the idiot!? Follow me!" Lilly ordered and the guard ponies followed suit.

As we galloped away in our respective direction, there was a explosion behind us. It seems like the manticore had a bomb implanted inside his body. The flames spread across the forest like a plague, almost melting everything. That made me think that Napalm had been used. That reminded me of a very familiar situation that I don't want tell to anyone.

The weather ponies and others worked together to mitigate the fires through rains, wind and some spells. As for me, Lilly escorted me into Canterlot Castle. I entered inside the throne room were Celestia and Luna were exactly waiting for me. I guess that Celestia finished to talk with Rarity.

"Did you know anything about that poor undead manticore?" Celestia asked me.

"I swear to go... Whoever is sacred to you," I replied. "That wasn't me. It happened yesterday when I was sleeping, right? So it's evident that somepony was trying to frame me."

"Did you expect us to believe you?" Luna asked sternly.

"If you're not, fine. Put me in the jail," I said. "But seriously. Need I remind you that I was still horrified for having screwed up Twilight's life since Vaelox and the incident. Ok? If It's possible to me, I would had reversed long time ago."

Celestia and Luna exchanged their gazes and then returned right back to me.

"Why not use that DNA Twister of yours?" Luna asked.

"It only alterates the DNA." I denied. "It can't reverse the undeath."

Luna and Celestia glared at me for a moment but then sighed in resignation.

"Alright, let's just say that we do believe you," Celestia said calmly.

"Fine. What I have to do is clear my name and avenge the manticore, I guess." I said.

"Vengeance is not necessary, but you better investigate about this incident," Luna said.

"And bring to us the real culprit." Celestia grimly pause. "If this culprit exist."

I gulped. "Ok, fine. I will do that."

"You are dismissed." Celestia declared.


I was about to leave, only to be blocked by Lilly. "To be sure that no cultist or any other incident will disrupt the party, I had adjusted your room."

"The guest bedroom?" I asked.

"No... Rarity's bedroom." Lilly said calmly while grinning.

"....... What?" I asked confused.

"Follow me," Lilly ordered. "I am sorry, but Celestia also requested your presence because Rarity would had become a probable target since she's one of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony."

I sighed. "Alright."

Seriously. Rarity still considers me as a fashioncidal demon because of my look and a villain because of my previous acts. Including turning her into Voracity to trick Discord. I already saw the scene in my mind... And Is going to happen.

Anyway, we had arrived nearby Rarity's door. Lilly knocked it twice. "Rarity, I brought here your bodyguard."

I looked at her perplexed. "Bodyguard?"

Lilly glared at me. "You better behave."

"That voice... No, don't tell me." Rarity said from behind the door.

Without any delay, Rarity opened the door and became pale upon seeing me. And, like I had predicted, Rarity fainted. Lilly pushed me inside the room and politely closed the door without saying anything else. I took my time to explore the room. There was a mountain of luggage nearby her bed and Opalescence sitting on it. Seeing this in live gave me a very bizarre impression.

However, Rarity recovered almost quickly and approached me with a upset face. "Why in the name of heavens they had chosen you as my protector?"

"It was Celestia's idea since I had to guard a famous fashionista who enjoy it's fame without giving a damn about her friends." I provoked her.

Rarity gasped. "How dare you! My friends are important! It's just... It's just..."

"You don't want to be ridiculed, right?" I supposed.

"Don't provoke me any further, Allen." Rarity retorted.

The door knocked twice from the outside. I know what was going on, so I hid myself under the bed, not caring whatever Rarity was going to tell me whatsoever.

"Hiding under my bed? What the heck you are, a filly?" Rarity asked as she was opening the door, only to find Twilight and the other four elements waiting for her.

"Surprise!" Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Applejack exclaimed at the unison.

And Rarity fainted... Again.

This time it took her one minute to recover and reluctantly received her friends in her room. I, on other hands, was just waiting for them to leave. In any case, Rarity assured Twilight that she will be present to her birthday, but I know that she will zigzag between this and the Garden Party.

Three minutes later, we were finally alone and I went out the bed. "I supposed-"

Rarity blocked my mouth with her hoof. "Don't. Saying. Anything."

"C'mon. All you need to do is gather your courage and-"

"I don't need your advice," Rarity said as she took her leave. "And don't need your protection.

With the magic of her horn, she slammed the door, like it was a intimation for me to not follow her. However, I followed her without being noticed. Just because I had to protect her by eventual dangers, not for stalking. And besides, I was invited to Garden Party anyway.

I had arrived in place. Celestia wasn't present. The only ponies being present were Fancy Pants, Rarity and the infamous duo being composed by Jet Set and Upper Crust, and the majority of the Yes-Ponies. As I had predicted, Rarity zigzagged in between the party and Twilight's birthday. I wasn't doing this much. Just looking at a bunch of upper class ponies enjoying themselves, in a social manner of speech.

This until female voice bothered to disturb me. "Excuse me."

I turned around and was face to face with Fleur De Lis, the notorious supermodel. That just surprised me a little bit. There are a lot of mysteries and memes regarding her.

"Yes?" I asked almost calmly.

"You must be the hero named Allen." Fleur said. "You know, anypony would have it's own story and faults, but I have to admit that you are very difficult to scan."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I know who you are and yet there are still things regarding you that I want to know." Fleur said.

"You are a very interesting subject," Jet Set said approaching me.

"Indeed," Upper Crust said.

In disgust, I took the distance from them. "I am sorry Fleur, but I won't be associated with these two."

"Allen, I supposed." Fancy said, approaching me and being next to Fleur. "Isn't that rude express your own prejudice toward toward them without even know them?"

"Look, I know them very well," I replied. "Trust me on this one since I am a No-Pony."


"Allow me to explain."

But before I could explain the whole thing, Twilight and her friends disrupted the party, each one with her own way. Twilight was dancing like mad, Pinkie was just being Pinkie, Dashie sucked at cricket, Fluttershy had her time with the birds and Applejack was just putting her hooves in the mud to 'purify' the grass.

They were doing thins until they noticed my presence. They weren't too happy of my presence I guess. Especially Rarity, who came out after them.

"Allen, what are you doing here?" Twilight asked in shocked surprise.

"Yeah! Did Celestia invited you or something?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes, she did. Celestia also asked me to protect Rarity from incoming menaces," I said. "Sounds like a excuse to you?"

"Sounds like a excuse to me." Applejack said sternly.

Rarity saw the scene in front of me and was about to faint again. However, for some kind of miracle, Rarity managed to resist that urge and remained composed. Fancy, however, was just perplexed about that.

"Rarity, I know your aversion toward Allen but I don't know these ponies." Fancy said. "Did you know them?"

Ponies were chattering with each other, some were glaring at me and the other were just asking if Rarity know Twilight and the others. Rarity took time to gather her courage, but then she managed to express herself.

"Yes. Yes, I do know them." Rarity said, shocking Fancy and the others. "They may not be as sophisticated as some of you Canterlot ponies, but they are my best friends. And they are without a doubt the most important ponies I know. And no, I won't thank Allen for his own advice."

I knew it. She hate me too much to admit that. Hopefully there was no menace in sight, but I better be cautious. By the way, the charade wasn't over yet.

"Important ponies? These ruffians?" Jet Set scoffed.

"Don't make me laugh!" Upper Crust said before she and Jet started laughing.

"I, for one, find them charmingly rustic," Fancy said, causing everypony to gasp. He then turned to Rarity"And I think the dress you made for your friend is lovely." He chuckled "I dare say every mare in Canterlot will be wanting one."

"Oh, I'd like to place my order right now." Upper Crust said.

"I think you should get two." Jet Set said.

"I don't think so, my dear Yes-Ponies," I butted in.

"What did you just said?" Crust asked.

I turned away from them. "You can came out, guys!"

At that point, we were welcomed by Justin and Friem, the two pegasi who were actually snakes that I had altered with my DNA Twister. They landed next to me.

"Allen, could you explain who are those ponies?" Fancy demanded.

"These are the example of a species called Yes-Ponies," I explained. "They undergone to a training consisting to say 'yes' to everything that was asked to them. Justin. Friem."

"Yes?" They asked.

"Just headbutt against each other."

"Yes, sir!" And so they did and fell aback to the soil.

"Allen! Are you nuts!?" Twilight demanded.

"No, it's an example," I said. "These two are indeed Yes-ponies. However there's also the worst level of Yes-ponies. The type who say yes when the situation or the pony suit them-"

"I won't listen to this farce any further," Jet Set said irritated as he took his leave.

"No,no,no,no,no,no,no. I'm not gonna get insulted in this way." Upper Crust said while following his husband.

"Social Justice is served." I said proudly.

"No, Allen. It's just stupid." Rarity said irritated.

"Er, yes, now then. How about you introduce me to your friends?" Fancy asked.

"With pleasure!" Rarity said enthusiastically.

As Fancy was making acquaintance with the rest of the Elements, I approached the injured pegasi and helped them to get up. No menace had appeared in that moment but there's something off that is going come in front of me.

"Friem. Justin. Did you had found what I asked find?" I asked.

They looked at each other and then shook their heads in denial.

"I'm sorry, but there isn't no frozen pony in the depths of the Ghastly Gorge." Justin said.

"What?" I flinched.

"We had patrolled the cavity for the whole day but without any result."

"Nero Aoi's frozen body had disappeared without leaving any trace of disintegrations?" I thought.

What the hell is going on?

Next Level Up:-2

1)Time Compressor: A remote that allow the owner to skip the episodes of the MLP series.

2)Amakusa's Orb: A dreadful sphere containing a tremendous power being once wield by a heinous individual.

3)Drill Shield:A shield who act as a both a protection and a drill on it's own.