• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 6,614 Views, 221 Comments

MLP - New Game Plus Postmortem - Reizthefakebrony

You know the gimmick about human being ponyfied and brought into the canon of the show. But, there's some kicker. A boy, Allen, goes indeed in Equestria...... FROM THE GRAVE! Side effects: Medium Plot Bending, Black Humor, and Videogame Logic.

  • ...

Eclipse Proof

Rotatory abilities:
Plasma Cannon
Face Palmer
Gravity Manipulator

Nightmare Night, the equestrian equivalent of Halloween. To be honest, I am not so fond of this tradition in both ways. So while Twilight was too busy resolving the problem of reintegrate Luna into the society, I was reading books from my living room, which was also my basement.

After being satisfied enough with that, I put back the book in it's place and went out my mound. I wandered through the forest in the middle of the night. It was so silent that is benevolent. There was also an equally benevolent breeze. However, despite this, I had to keep an eye in every corner. Maybe because I was currently paranoid that a cultist from Granite Daggers or some other menace would show up.

"Man, I can ever relax myself ever again, isn't it?" I demanded to myself.

"Long time no see, Allen," A spectral voice said, startling me.

"Who's the... Wait, that can't be her." I said turning to the source.

I saw a very cloaked figure approaching me. Her body looked very skeletal. There's no doubt. She was in front of me, in flesh and blood. Or I should say in just bones.

"Aunt Death?" I said incredulous. "What the-"

"As much I like this reunion, I have the hurry to inform you about a... Little complication."

"What complication?"

"The flux of the existence suffers from a grave unbalance."

"Oh, great. Now we have something that alters something like the Multiverse?" I asked sardonically.

"Not exactly," Death said. "It's about the flux of the dead. The one that unites parallel universes. Something is altering it and now I have the pain in the ass to investigate it. You have to keep an eye not only to the alternate Granite Daggers but to others as well."

"What? There are other people coming there as ponies?"

"Well... I should said that those ones are reborn... Just like you."

That reminded me of the patch that Yomi fetched to me in the black orb before meeting me. There was one rule that specified that after a certain time, an alternate person from another universe would be reborn as a pony.

"Which means villains as well."


"Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked a little alarmed.

"Look, I have no time to tell you the rest," Death said before she began to dissolve herself in a coil darkness. "Have fun."

"Wait, don't go!" I exclaimed but it was too late, because she just disappeared.

Seriously. Too comfy for her leaving me in the dark after giving me this shocking news. That really left me a bad taste in my mouth. I turned around, headed toward my mound, which was also my house. But first, I have a Face Palmer to test.

I put on that dark violet gauntlet on my right hoof and directed it on the rock at my left. I briefly charged it and shot a dark wave of energy that hits the rock, leaving a hand shaped mark similar to a buddist palm that came from some kung fu movie.

"Well... That's of you make some face palming action," I said while removing the gauntlet. "Ok, time to go to sleep."

"Allen, as much I don't trust you, I require your assistance," Luna's voice said from behind me.

"Oh, boy. Now what?" I murmured.

I turned around and saw Luna slowly landing in front of me. Her expression looked very stern, but at the same time, she looked a little worried. Could be that she need some other encouragement or advice despite what Twilight and others had given to her.

"I need to talk with you," Luna said almost apologetically.

"Why all this formality?" I asked. "Weren't you disgusted that I had almost destroyed Equestria in a fit of insanity to troll Discord?"

"I know everything about your deeds and I don't like your attitude. However, my reason for this talk is another one," Luna explained.

"Explain yourself." I replied.

"You see," Luna began. "I had regained a little bit of connection and trust from my subjects, but I feel still guilty about my past actions. There's so much things that I want to do in order to fix it."

"Is there anything that doesn't involve torturing you with a entity that you will create in your dreams to torture yourself out of guilt because having learned the lesson wasn't enough for you?" I asked sternly.

"How did y..." Luna paused. "You are telling me that I shouldn't do that, right?" Luna asked.

"Yes, because that would be unbelievably stupid and dangerous for the others," I informed her.

"You think so?" Luna asked with a raised eyebrow.


At that point, we exchanged awkward gazes. She seemed about to wonder if I am trolling her or just being plain suspicious. I don't even want to know what she was thinking, because I don't have any responsibility regarding screwing the fate in multiple occasions.

"....... You said that you can't predict the future right?"

"Yes, why you ask?"

"Just saying." Luna said before realizing something. "I forgot to ask you something."


"I require that you tell me about your past life," Luna said bluntly.


She wasn't even present when Discord exposed me, so I told her about my background as a Iron Ghost vigilante, my allies and even about my enemies. Luna seemed disturbed to hear that and felt sorry for my tragic outcome. She seemed took my past arrogance sternly but then soften up upon hearing my positive traits and motivations.

"I have to admit," Luna said. "Your story is... awful."

"I know. Neither I wanted to live that shit." I said.

"MIND YOUR LANGUAGE!" Luna said with a royal voice.

"Ok, ok. I keep it in check." I replied, almost freaked out but then calmed down. "At least I had the time to know love."

"That female human... You miss her, right?" Luna asked calmly.

"...... And how. I wonder if she's still alive after my death." I replied.

"I am pretty sure that she is fine," Luna then turned around. "Now, if you excuse me, I have to go."

Luna flapped her wings and flew away from my sight, leaving me alone with much stuff to reflect about. Being reborn in Equestria with the past being somehow able to bite me is not an happy thing. Well, at least I have Yomi to back me up, that no power up can do anything about the doubts of my heart.

"Sometime I wonder what tomorrow has in store for me."

Next Level Up:-1

1)Planeswalker Spark: The owner becomes a Planeswalker with conditioned method of power.

2)Stand: A embodiment of the owner's spiritual energy.

3)Shadow Mantle: Allow the owner to manipulates the shadows, make it's own disappear and even hide inside that of the others.