• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 6,614 Views, 221 Comments

MLP - New Game Plus Postmortem - Reizthefakebrony

You know the gimmick about human being ponyfied and brought into the canon of the show. But, there's some kicker. A boy, Allen, goes indeed in Equestria...... FROM THE GRAVE! Side effects: Medium Plot Bending, Black Humor, and Videogame Logic.

  • ...

The Zombie Shop Case

Rotatory abilities:
DNA Twister
Book of Healing

My situation couldn't be more complicated than it is now. I know I would had some trouble, soon or later. But I never expect that to bite in my back in the most predictable way. I was in the throne of Canterlot Castle, being in front of both Celestia and Luna, who had simply facehoofed with embarrassment, as she never wanted to be in my shoes.

And at my left were was Geeko, the other soul that had been reborn in Equestria. There are two sides of the coin. The positive one was that she was Nero's real nemesis. The negative one was the fact that she was known in his own world, or I should say her own manga, for her short temper and violent tendencies when it comes for her enemies or little nuisances. She is, as I know for sure, a delinquent. And a very chainsaw armed one.

As for me, I passed all the previous night in the interrogatory room until they escorted me in the guest bedroom, while Geeko got to sleep in the dungeon and was deprived of her chainsaw as a precaution.

Returning to the present, I told Celestia and Luna about Geeko and her fights with Nero's forces without mentioning about Nero's existence of the fact that they came from, well, a manga. I just told them that she came from a parallel universe. I also told Geeko about the Princesses' role in the Equestrian history, my role in my war against the Granite Daggers and Yomi's intentional screwing with my new life.

The Princesses were having a hard time to digest my news.

"Allen..." Celestia began. "I know I'ts not your fault... But seriously, a person with a foul character and violent tendencies shouldn't be on the loose at all!"

"Although Allen was the one who did violent things all of the time," Luna said.

"Hey, wait-" I got interrupted by Luna.

"I know about your acts of heroism and stuff," Luna continued. "But try to understand that. We had an horrible episode of violence and fear reigning supreme because of the case of Quetzalcoat's spirit, centuries before of my transformation as Nightmare Moon, and then here comes you. You can say about you doing the right thing, ok, but you had always killed off your enemies in order to protect us. That was enough. However, having another ponified human, whose motivations and violence were more accentuated and chaotic than yours, is out of question."

Geeko's eyes narrowed. "Wait a minute. You're telling me that since that episode, you never had a episode of accentuated violence?... Are you telling me that in this world there's no violence at all?"

"Not a very gory one," I butted in. "Equestria it's a happy world where the most crude things weren't as elevated like in your world. In fact, there's no murder since the Princesses came to exist."

Geeko facehoofed. "That's a Demolition Man level of dumb,"

"What?" Celestia raised a eyebrow.

"So there was no war, no murder, and not even genocide since your own existence?" Geeko turned toward me. "And yet you were ok with leaving this guy doing his job as your personal executioner?... Isn't this very hypocritical?"

"I know that," Celestia said. "I never wanted to tolerate any murder at all, but since we have a problem with the so called cultist from another universe, we had no choice but entrust our hope into him."

"But you are so freaking powerful that you could prevent that by yourself," Geeko paused and pondered about that. "But I understand that you can't act like a cop all of the time."

"You know, royal duties," I added.

"Don't get me started with the time that you had accidentally killed Twilight and resurrected her with unconventional methods," Luna said sternly.

"Whoa," I flinched.

"What methods?" Geeko asked to me.

"The one which I hated most," I admitted. "It's Corpse Remodeling."

Geeko's eyes widened and she promptly leaped over me, pinning me down on the floor. And this point, she started punching me really hard.

"YA FUCKING KIDDING ME!" Geeko shouted as she continued to punch me. "Is corpse remodeling being legalized in Equestria now? WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?!"

"ENOUGH!" Celestia shouted in her royal voice, causing Geeko to flinch in awe.

"You better listen to her, until you can," I warned Geeko, who reluctantly released me from her grasp. "Damn if that hurts."

"Twilight was indeed resurrected in that way," Celestia explained. "But trust me, she at least looked as normal as she was before. And let me tell you by now that she's my protege, so of course I got infuriated at Allen when I learned that but..." She sighed. "Just because it was accidental, I decided to forgive him and making him my own agent."

"Don't forget that he accidentally killed and resurrected two female pegasi too," Luna added.

Geeko glared on me. "I hope you didn't had took Nero's path... For christ's sake. And I was killed by Nero in a final confrontation."

My eyes widened. "What confrontation? I thought she had at least mellowed out."

"Allow me to get that straight in your skull," Geeko said. "I came from a parallel universe in which Nero was still a bitch. I was about to finish her off, but unfortunately for me, we ended up killing each other. So... I cannot say that she has mellowed out because that didn't happened at all."

"Wow..." I stuttered. "I-I never know about that. I am sorry."

"Spare me your pity," Geeko the turned to the princesses. "I guess I got arrested or something." She paused. "Or maybe you wanted me to join you as your agent."

"Actually... You are under house arrest," Celestia stated.

"Wait," Geeko halted. "So you'rent putting me into a dungeon?"

"Nothing like that," Celestia said. "You are going at least to be surveiled and put into a job to contribute to society."

"That's... Actually pretty nice of you," Geeko said. "However, if this guy uses corpse remodeling for crime-"

"I swear. I won't do anything like that," I said nervously.

"I hope so," Geeko said as she turned around and leaved the throne room, escorted by a unicorn Royal Guard.

I was about to say something until a familiar buzz ranged. A text box appeared on the screen, which was something that amazed me... In a very bad way. Did Murphy decided to screw me again?

A new soul has been reborn into Equestria

"I'm starting to hate myself," I said before facehoofing.

"Allen, is it by chance what I think it is?" Celestia asked, fearing the worse.

"Unfortunately it is," I said with a grave tone as the text box disappeared.

Celestia sighed heavily. "....... Allen. You know what to do, right?"

"Yes, I know," I said. "I ha-"

"Don't say anything else," Celestia interrupted me. "You have to investigate. Starting by now."

And so, I was escorted back to my home, accompanied by Lilly, who couldn't decide if lynch me or less. The carriage in which I was in took a half hour to arrive. As we landed nearby my mound, she decided to give a little advice.

"Let me tell you one thing," Lilly said. "Just pray that this 'Yomi' doesn't commit another mishap like this."

"It wasn't his fault either," I said while scratching my head. "He couldn't control this phenomena."

"Whatever, do what you want," Lilly said with a tone of urgency. "Just don't screw up anything, ok?"

That being said, Lilly entered inside the carriage and was escorted back to the castle, I guess. Now I don't know where this third soul, or I should say, third reborn could be. The only hint that I had was that every time a soul was reborn, a mound suddenly appeared. Could that be the case.

But before I started to investigate about that, I putted my black bag under the futon, so there's no way hell that I lose some item again. Since the incident with my Berserker Claw, I didn't wanted something like this so happen again.

And with that out of the way, I was ready.

"Let's find out," I said as I used my DNA Twister on myself and grown some dragon wings.

Seriously, if the Gravity Manipulator was missing, then this twister is the best substitute. I hoovered in mid air and soared above the forest, scanning it like it was a map, until I found that said mound.

It was three it kilometers near my own mound.

"That was easy," I said as I landed nearby the mound.

I wasn't the type to disrupt someone's privacy but I have to investigate the place anyway. I dematerialized my dragon wings and made a few steps toward the building. As I was approaching the place, someone talked to me.

"You are the guy named Allen?" A female voice asked.

"Yes, I am. But-" As I was turning toward the source, I got instantly punched. Again.

I fell aback and whined a little bit for the pain. I was about to ask whoever punched me for a explanation when I was approached by the speaker. It was a female crimson maned gray pony, who was standing two legged with a serious expression. And wasn't alone. Oh no.

She was accompanied by other two white mares. One was a brown maned and the other one was a azure maned. It didn't took long for me to notice their appearance that both of them had in common.

They were both zombies. Initially I though they were both remodeled corpses, but I then discarded that by the moment I had recognized my interlocutor.

"No way." I turned to the mare. "You gotta be kidding me... You're Reiko?"

"That's right, Allen," She said. "My name is Reiko Himezono, a necromancer for hire coming from a parallel universe. I never thought to be reborn in this world without a shadow of crime or violence. I guess I don't belong here."

".... Speaking of my case," I said. "Why the hell you have punched me!?"

"You are a doom magnet for this world," Reiko said. "And that's the problem. No wonder crazy cultists and other disgrace happened to infest this world."

"It's not my fault," I complained. "Who told you about the magnet part anyway."

Reiko raised her hoof and dismissed her two zombies, causing them to disappear in the void. "I was told by a creature named Yomi that you were partially responsible for many erroneous murder and to be a magnet to the alternate Granite Daggers.

"Damn it, Yomi. I couldn't have a little rest that you had to speculate about me, like it was my fault!" I thought.

"It's not entirely my fault," I said.

"I know that," Reiko replied. "I just punched you because you had actually screwed up this world and the Element of Magic."

"Wait, you know everything about Twilight?" I asked.

"You should worry about yourself," Reiko said as she equipped her hoof with.... The Freezing Gauntlet?

"Wait what are you-" I was about to stood up but I ended up being frozen.

My consciousness fell into the darkness and my sense were disconnected from my brain.

I didn't know what happened next.

I won't even comment about what was happening in this moment. There was Aunt Death sat in front of me. We were playing at chess, except for the fact that there only kings on the board. No pawn, no bishops, no knights, no queens or even towers. Just sixteen kings of different colors. I counted them.

"What kind of game is that?" I asked.

"I just got bored with the usual rules," Death said. "In fact I had made up those pieces in that position so I can screw with your mind. What do you think of multiple checkmates?"

".... You know this joke isn't funny," I said with a fed-up tone.

"Too fed-up of human being reborn as ponies?" Death asked deviously.

"Exactly! Weren't Nero and Geeko alone far enough?" I asked. "Of course not. Now I have also to take care of a necromancer for hire." I then realized something. "I was frozen by her."

"Thank god you didn't had took the frozen meme," Death said.

"What?" I was confused.

"You don't want know that," Death said. "By the way, never heard about time skips?"

"Allen, wake up!" Lilly shouted, causing me a momentary earache.

"Whoa... Don't scream like that lady," I said with a groggy tone. "I am also having a headache right now." I then looked around and realized to be nearby Reiko's mound. "W-what time is it?"

"I can't blame you for being confused," Lilly said calmly. "After all, you were frozen for about two days."

"Two days you said?" I said in shock, suddenly remembering Reiko, and the stood up with a start. "Just give me a second to think."

"Huh?" Lilly looked confused.

I was pondering about Reiko having stole my Freezing Gauntle. How the hell she managed to obtain that this quickly was something out of ordinary. There was a semi possibility that Reiko sent up one of her zombies to retrieve that when I was flying.

And speaking of them, I had completely forgotten about these two undeads. Those zombies at her service were Saki Yurikawa and Midori Yurikawa, whose background was so grim that I won't even describe.

However, I don't have the time to worry about those details. I have a necromancer to pursue. I headed toward the woods, until Lilly blocked my way.

"Allen, since that has something to do with reborn souls," Lilly said. "It would be a wise choice if I come with you."

"... You don't trust my good faith and abilities, right?" I asked.

"That's not the problem," Lilly retorted. "Did you had forgot that I have a career to protect."

"Ok, fine. You can follow me," I said as I use the DNA Twister to gains dragon wings, much to her shock.

"The heck?" Lilly flinched.

"Just follow me." I said as we both hoovered in the air and flew in the air and headed toward our destination.

I remembered where it was. The only problem if I can still find her before she does something inappropriate. I don't know how the Equestrian law works in case necromancy, but I think it's strictly forbidden in this world.

"You're still creeping me out," Lilly said disturbed by my wings.

"At least I didn't had turned you into C. Lilly again," I reminded.

"Don't make me remember that," Lilly shuddered.

"Well, think about a positive side," I said. "At least-"

I was about to continue but I then interrupted that when I heard Reiko's voice from beneath us. Specifically, she was nearby my own mound.

"Oh Satan," Reiko's voice said. "Lords of demons, hear my pray."

"It's her," I said as I looked down, spotting Reiko doing something on a... Remodeled Corpse pony's corpse, being red maned violet female unicorn with spikes that protruded from her back. I hate to be redundant but it still suck when another complication showed up.

Anyway, we both landed a few meters away from her as she was continuing her ritual.

"Breathe life into death, if only for a moment's breath," Reiko continued.

"What the hay are doing!?" Lilly shouted.

"I am just investigating," Reiko said.

"You are joking, right?" Lilly demanded.

"Just watch," I said while facehoofing.

The dead unicorn... Opened his eyes and stood up with a startling speed, which clearly shocked Lilly. She turned to Reiko with a dumbfounded expression.

"W... Where am I?" She asked.

"S-She's alive!" Lilly exclaimed.

"Can you tell me who did hired you to going after Allen?" Reiko asked.

"What?" I looked confused.

"... It wasn't a very ordinary pony," The unicorn said. "It was a pure genius, a very crazy one. You see, I was minding my own business when somepony backstabbed me. I was embraced by my own death, but only for a moment."

"Tell me the name," Reiko said.

"I don't know her name," The unicorn denied. "But I can remember her look, being that of a blond maned gray pony with a pair of weird glasses."

My eyes widened. "Weird glasses!?"

I flinched for that revelation. My own great fears are actually funded. I hated to believe that claim, but that mean that Nero is on the loose, and is back to do some damage.

"But wait a minute, Nero shouldn't be able to do Corpse Remodeling." I thought. "I had destroyed her equipment."

"Allen, what's wrong?" Lilly asked suspicious.

"You heard her. There's someone..." I corrected myself. "Wait... Somepony else who is practicing Corpse Remodeling who isn't me."

"No way," Lilly said incredulous.

"I think is time to put you back to the slumber," Reiko said and began another ritual. "Oh Satan, Lords of Demons. Return this one to her slumber."

With that, the unicorn returned to be a dead corpse, and I was left with a bad taste in my mouth. I mean, Nero was survived the fall and was liberated by her frozen cage.

"I don't know if you were helping us or not," Lilly said to Reiko. "But necromancy is something I won't tolerate."

"I am under arrest, I guess," Reiko said with resigned tone.

"You heard me," Lilly said sternly.

"Alright... You can escort me to Canterlot," Reiko said as Lilly escorted her.

Contrary to Nero, Reiko's intentions were noble, just like my own. But, again, necromancy is strictly forbidden in Equestria. My Corpse Remodeling of Twilight counts as a crime too, but that was a exception since the Elements are a big priority.

But that didn't mattered anyway. Equestria is fated to be screwed up. No matter how valiantly I fought to prevent that. I had dematerialized my dragon wings and went inside my mound. I entered inside the stone coffin and laid down on my futon. I noticed that my Freezing Gauntlet was there, which means that Reiko putted it back after she had frozen me.

I spent my entire day meditating about the future of this world.

It's not my fault, and wasn't Yomi's fault either. If Equestria is fated to be screwed, then that means that someone should was behind this, laughing his ass as the story goes on... However, that was just my own delirium.

Night fell upon my mound, something that I noticed since it was getting dark. I went out of my stone coffin to do something constructive when found a unicorn standing in front of the entrance. That one being Twilight, who looked more paranoid as usual.

"You didn't look too well. Are you ok?" I asked.

"Ok?... Of course not!" Twilight exaggerated. "That one doubt won't stop biting my own soul! You turned me into some kind of a zombie, right!? Who can guarantee that I don't have flesh eating tendencies?! What about my own future!? And most of all, what I am supposed to do!?"

"Don't exaggerate too much with your delirium," I said calmly. "You are not a flesh eater. Ok? Your future is still safe as long you can control your actions. And most of all. Stop. Stressing."

"Alright..." Twilight panted. "But allow me to tell you something. If my condition is going to be exposed, my future will be ruined. It's your fault."

"I know that and I won't do that again," I sighed. "But still, don't you have a friendship problem to solve with Pinkie Pie?"

Twilight flinched. "How did you know about-" She groaned. "Screw it! I have to go!"

And with that, Twilight galloped away like a crazy horse, being in hurry to reach her destination. As for me, I took my own book and went inside the stone coffin to read it in full relax.

Without realizing that, I went to the dreamworld.

I had woke up very late in this morning since it was almost afternoon. I went out of my mound and galloped to the woods, headed to Ponyville. My priority was investigating about Nero's whereabouts, which was going to be a very difficult task. In my arrival, I ended up encountering Fluttershy.

Or I should say the 'new' Fluttershy.

"What brought you here, mister Allen?" Fluttershy said arrogantly.

"I don't know who I am talking with in this moment," I said, pretending that's not a big deal as I noticed a puddle beneath me.

"You play dumb with me!" Fluttershy said angrily. "You are here just to satisfy your own trolling behavior! Well guess what. You will not obtain nothing funny from me!"

"Ok, whatever," I said. "Just do a me favor."

"What favor?" Fluttershy said sternly.

"Just look at yourself in the puddle," I asked.

"Do you think I am so stupid to-" Fluttershy saw her own reflection and reacted horrified to that. "I am a monster."

"No. That Iron Will's advice was the real problem," I said.

"What?" Flutttershy looked dumbfounded.

"You see, his advice was too perfect that is... Well..." I said.

"Well what?"


"Really," Fluttershy took a moment to pondering about that and then leaved. "For today, you should probably leave me alone. Really."

I think she was both depressed and disturbed to have realized that Iron Will's method were too exaggerated. She was going to realize the she doesn't need to be a bully too, so my presence wasn't required.

I traveled back to my 'house'. It took me one hour like time to arrive in Ponyville, but I was too lazy to use my DNA Twister on myself again. Well, to be correct, I didn't want to further damage my image of 'hero', if Celestia would call me like that.

In my arrival, I saw... Reiko standing four legged nearby the entrance?

"Reiko?" I asked surprised. "Weren't you-"

"Celestia allowed me to act as her own secondary agent," Reiko explained. "She was reluctant to accept, but we have a psychopath to catch, as well as the cultists to take down. So of course she had released me."

"Let me ask you one question," I said. "How did you had died?"

"I was killed during a fight against a masonic organization," Reiko said. "Both me and the leader ended up killing each other."

Great. Another double edged death. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"I feel sorry to make you describe such thing like this," I said apologetically.

"Don't worry," Reiko assured. "My own world can live normally without a necromancer like me. By the way, you are a Iron Ghost, right."

"Of course. So what?"

"...... You are also working for me from now."

"WHAT!?" I exclaimed incredulous.

"Let's meet up inside the labyrinth, tomorrow" Reiko ordered. "You better not make me wait."

That being said, Reiko leaved me with a sense of annoyance. It was ok taking order from Celestia or Lilly, but taking orders from Reiko? I hate to admit, but I didn't remembered her being so pedant and almost arrogant.

By the way, she came from a manga too.

I passed the rest of the day playing Dead of Alive 5 since I had pretty much nothing to do. After night fell upon my 'house', I went to sleep just so I can forget the complications that were biting me in that moment.

I think I would had inaugurate a Murphy Day at this point.

In the following day, I made my way through the crowd and went inside the labyrinth. It took me a few minutes to reach it thanks to my DNA Twister, but took me one hour to even enter inside. As usual, Iron Will is doing his 'major drill' advice to the public.

What surprised me was to see Fluttershy being at my left. "What? You?"

"What are you doing here?" Fluttershy asked.

"I wasn't interested into Iron Will," I said. "I just came here because somepony asked me a 'date'"

"Date?" Fluttershy raised a eyebrow.

"It's called sarcasm." I explained.

"Found you," Reiko said, suddenly showing up, almost startling me.

"Ok, Reiko," I said almost calmly. "Any briefing."

"I though you were investigating 'her' whereabouts," Reiko said suspiciously.

"Let's go with order first," I replied.

"Allen. Who is this... Creepy mare?" Fluttershy asked.

Reiko slightly glared at her. "Creepy what?"

"Reiko, don't go Geeko on her, please." I begged.

I then turned my attention to the show. Which reminded me: Why Fluttershy would ever return there anyway?

"Seriously, the only thing I pitted most are the fools!" Iron Will said. "The only-"

He was suddenly interrupted by something unusual. A ram like minotaur was literally smashing through the wall, showing up on Iron Will's stage, much to his surprise.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing here!?" Iron Will shouted.

"Shut up, fool," The ram minotaur said. "Cut the jibber jabber. The A man is here to make a real message that is far more significant than yours."

"What the hay do you think you are?" Iron Will demanded.

"First name Mr., Period, Last name A." The ram like minotaur declared. "Allow me to explain you something. One: Your methods are both aggressive and misguided. Two: You were too exaggerated when is about showing up your boasts. And finally: You gotta a lot mouth. And I gotta a lot of fist in your mouth!"

Jeesh, man. Mr. T too much. That was the most randomic and improvised why to ever show up. And besides, is this guy the real minotaur equivalent to Mr. T?

"Ok, calm down," Iron Will said intimidated. "Let's just talk."

"Listen, I know you wanted to show them how to be assertive," Mr. A said. "But there's one difference in between being that and just being a bully. You better had realized that."

"... O-ok." Iron Will stuttered.

"However... There's another message for this crowd," Mr. A then turned toward me. "Or I should say for you."

I looked around and then looked back at him. "Me? Why?"

"I know your trolling way to teach a lesson to the others," Mr. A said. "Well let me tell you that you won't get any result if satisfy your own ego and fun are your only motivation. You should know how to be a good teacher for the future generation. So for now correct your own methods and shut your hey pie hole!"

"NO PLEASE, MR. A! DON'T HURT ME!" I exclaimed and leaved the labyrinth.

It looked more stupid of me to leave the stage like that, but I have to keep my cover as solid as ever. Also, seeing Mr. A gave me a very scary impression of me... Since he looked more charismatic than Iron Will. I have nothing personal against him.

As I went out of the labyrinth, I saw Lilly wandering around. She noticed me and approached me with a serious look.

"What are you doing here?" Lilly asked suspiciously.

"Reiko asked me to come here," I said.

"Since by then you are working for her?"

"Since yesterday. I couldn't say no to her."

"I don't know why, but I feel sorry for you," Lilly said melancholic and the turned her tone into a sternly one. "Just for today."

"So... What you want to ask me?" I demanded.

"I just want to tell you that we found another corpse," Lilly said crudely.

"Another one?" I looked shocked.

"In other words," Reiko butted in. "Another Remodeled Corpse. Is it in the morgue already."

"Yes, but you have to wait tomorrow if you want to do..." Lilly cringed. "That ritual of yours."

"Fine," Reiko then punched me again. "That's for leaving me like a idiot."

With that, I traveled back to my mound. It took me a few minutes thanks to the miracle that is the DNA Twister. As I had arrived, I took the occasion to do practice with the Book of Healing. Seriously, I still have the pains of the punches that I took from both Geeko and Reiko altogether. I think I would had a fracture.

As the bones of my skull felt regenerated, the book suddenly glowed in a golden aura. I took a look at the pages and noticed the blank one next to the first one having the text suddenly appearing.

Level Reached: Your healing time, efficiency and pain relieving abilities have hugely improved, as well as the ability to remove the poison.

Good thing for me... Too bad is still gonna be a pain in the ass going after many complication. I hope to not going insane for that. Because, whatever happen to Equestria, is still going to suck.

Next Level Up:-2

1)Power Limiter: A gauntlet with power to nullify the magic of every living creature.

2)Money Rifle: A shotgun that uses money as bullets.

3)????: It's up to the public to see what it is, so don't be shy and unleash your creativity.