• Published 24th Feb 2018
  • 6,614 Views, 221 Comments

MLP - New Game Plus Postmortem - Reizthefakebrony

You know the gimmick about human being ponyfied and brought into the canon of the show. But, there's some kicker. A boy, Allen, goes indeed in Equestria...... FROM THE GRAVE! Side effects: Medium Plot Bending, Black Humor, and Videogame Logic.

  • ...

Bullseye Dubstep

Author's Note:

After a while, I finally made this chapter. Now, I'm going to inform you with anticipation about the chapter itself. Instead of three episodes of the show, I had compressed right five of them, which justifies it's length.

Also, voted ability or object that you had voted isn't inserted yet because of the obvious reason. As I said in the previous chapter, there is a "Chapters before Level Up:" thing written on. Which means the voted ability addition will trigger that after tot chapters, just to give others the time to vote.

If there is someone who doesn't like that at all, then what he had to do is to tell me that and I will do something about that.

And there's also the Chaos Rule, or otherwise called as the 'Three Object Rotation,", which justified the initial green colored text on the beginning. If you want to know how it work, no problem. Its explained in both chapter 8 and the beginning of this chapter.

If there's some errors, typo or just wanted to comment, any feedback is welcome. Good reading.

Rotatory abilities:
DNA Twister
Gravity Manipulator
Book of Healing

Removed ability:
DMC Dante's mcguffins

After four hours of sleep, took the opportunity to take a stroll. Actually, that was a way to digest my previous encounter with the Videogame Logic itself, being a male douchebag named Yomi. He wasn't responsible for me being reborn in Equestria, but rather exploited me as a pawn in order to create his own version of the MLP Canon. I had then cornered him after told him my story and convinced him to give me the powers that I had as a Iron Ghost.

The bad news was that he, in reprisal, made sure that I would had only three of the certain items or abilities and replace them with others, like a rotation. The good news is that I have a underground living room... If I didn't had discovered a fraud. Most of the books, movies and games were all plastic. Also, this day I already had the DMC Dante's abilities being removed... And I'm not gonna miss it.

Also, I was wondering why Lilly was in the hurry when I noticed three multicolored insects passing nearby the doorway of my house... Oh, damn, I remember now.

"That is the Swarm of the Century, right?" I asked to no one particular and the looked at the creatures. "Well, I guess I have to kick these things out of my house before they go Zerg rush on me."

That was my intention but before doing that, I took a look at the black orb to see what abilities Yomi's demented rotation gave to me. Luckily I had the DNA Twister and the Gravity Manipulator, which was a huge vantage to me. I pointed my hoof at the insects and made them levitate above the ground. I then put them inside my bag.

Once I had 'trapped' them, I put on a black hood and used the twister to turn myself into a blue-metallic pegasus. Instead of galloping, I just hoovered myself above the ground and floated at a rapid pace toward Fluttershy's cottage, hoping that was the time in which Rainbow Dash was gathering the Parasprites inside a tornado made by her.

I had arrived and thank god I was just in time. I was observing the scene from behind the bushes. The only factor to consider was that Pinkie Pie would had arrived and accidentally screwed up the things. That wouldn't be a problem.

"Looks like our problem are solved," Applejack said optimistic.

Yeah, optimistic... Until Pinkie Pie showed, obviously hopping and carrying to cymbals on her neck.

"They will be with these cymbals." Pinkie Pie said one second before the cymbals were dragged away by the tornado's suck force. "Hey! Give me those back."

The cymbal were about to enter the tornado and going to screw up Rainbow Dash's method... Well, not until I'm around. I pointed my hoof at the cymbals.

"Saiki Kusuo style." I said for a nonsensical cool factor as I used my gravitational powers on the objects.

I stopped the cymbals in mid-air, a few inches away from the tornado, and sent them to fly so far that they ended up whizzing in the sky. The Mane Six were struck with shocked incredulity, minus Rainbow who was busy to keep the tornado together to pay attention at that. I had exploited their distraction to toss the Parasprites that I had trapped in my bag in that vortex.

As Rainbow's tornado was dragging the Parasprites far away from Ponyville, the five mares were still baffled from the flying cymbals' phenomena, but they weren't the only ones. Even I was impressed by how far I was able to launch them... I had realized to have used my powers in a wrong way.

"Ok... Maybe I had exaggerated." I thought.

"W-what the... Ha..." Twilight stuttered incredulous. "What happened?"

"There must be some mojo jumbo going on here!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Maybe those cymbals were possessed by some enchanted influence!

"Pinkie, how can you even tell that?" Applejack demanded.

And now there comes the exploitation . I just entered the scene to explain that. And since I am in the form of a blue metal pegusus, the took me as another pony. Thanks a lot, DNA Twisted.

"Allow me to explain that," I said with a young solemn voice, getting their attention. "What you had witnessed I the demonstration of a way to use magic that nopony can perceive at all. Is called Magical Stealth, a form of magic that can't be perceived or those aura couldn't even be saw."

I won't even bother to show up since that would be pointless. I could had took my leave but I preferred to watch their conversation just to see if there are other complications. I mean, with cultist and other things at random, I can't possibly know what else would happen at this point.

"Well, at least Celestia's visit will go smoothly as planned," Twlight said optimistic. "I mean, we have solved the problem."

"No, is not!" Rainbow's voice shouted in the distance.

I turned at the voice direction to see the cyan pegasus flying toward them, accompanied by two pegasi mares at her sides. I shook my head, recognizing in horror upon seeing them. One of them was blue maned with a dark yellow coat and the other was a pink maned green one... The same ones that I had accidentally killed with my icy ninja technique that I had used to protect my mound from a storm and that I had resurrected them with the Corpse Remodelling procedure as Remodelled Corpses with normal appearances... As Twilight alone wasn't enough.


"Rainbow, what are they doing here?" Twilight asked perplexed before becoming alarmed. "And what do you mean with the problem is not resolved!?"

Applejack turned sternly to Fluttershy. "Ah hope ya haven't another one of those Parasprites with you."

"No, the ones that were dragged away by Rainbow were the last ones," Fluttershy assured. "I had even checked my house for other ones, but there are none."

"Actually.... Is our fault," The dark-yellow pegasus said. "Yesterday, me and my friend took a stroll in the woods when we had found one of these insects being alone. We thought that he was lost, so we took him with us and helped him to find his home. Right, Mint Cloudborne?"

"Yes, Boreal Bright," Mint replied. "Unfortunately, the situation got of control when we found him being able multiplying himself. In a hour, those things became many... And now they are heading to Ponyville. I guess."

The Mane Six went all wide-eyed in dismay and gasped for that news, with Twilight looking nervously at the two, with her eye almost twitching and on the verge to go Crazy Light mode. I, on other hands, I was awfully incredulous... badly.

"You can't be serious."

"Eh.. Eheheheh..." Twilight already showed the signs. "You are telling me that there is another group of Parasprites... Headed toward Ponyville?"

"Yeah," Boreal replied, meekly.

"... Goody. Eheheh..." Twilight said, almost loosing it.

This is bad. I am about to witness to one of her breakdowns in live... Fortunately for Twilight, I had that backup plan. Without even waiting for her to snap, I showed up with the intention to cool down the situation.

"Guys!" I shouted, getting their attention. "Before you are flipping from my sudden appearance or other reason, let me expose my solution regarding the Parasprites. I know how to deal with them."

Twilight suddenly beamed up. "Really?"

"But you had to let me do a thing first," I said before approaching Pinkie. "You were planning to use musical instruments to lure the creatures out of the town?"

"Wow. How do you know that?" Pinkie asked cheerfully.

"Just intuition," I said sporadically. "Now what we need in this moment is a freaking marching parade. Can you provide one?"

"Yep! It was my intention from the very start!" Pinkie affirmed.

"Wait a second, Pinkie," Twilght halted. "You are telling me that was your idea?"


"And that was reason for you to bring those cymbals from before?"

"That's right." Pinkie responded.

"Look, you won't believe that," Mint said. "But when we tried to get information regarding them before today, we found out that music is one of their weaknesses."

Twilight looked at her with a blank expression. "You are not joking, right?"

"Yes, right in the updated edition of Underground Bestiary." Mint responded.

Underground Bestiary.... What the hell does that title even mean?

Twilight turned toward Pinkie, remaining silent for a moment before muttering. "Why didn't you had explained - Arrrgh - Forget it.... Alright, you can do that, but if Ponyville-"

"We will help you to rebuild it." Boreal interrupted. "Trust us on that."

"Yeah, promised." Mint added politely.

I shuddered for a moment. "Oh, no. If they began to display the unnatural strength that their undead condition bestowed to them... I couldn't even imagine about what will happen next."

"Ok, everypony. Follow me." Twilight commanded, skeptical about what is going to happen next.

We headed toward Ponyville, were Pinkie equipped herself with a musical arsenal on her back. As the Parasprites arrived, the Elements of Laughter made her first move and, as I had predicted, she managed to lure them out of the town, much to Twilight's surprised. After a minute, Celestia arrived in place on a chariot just in time to hear Twilight about that event, but I didn't bothered to see the scene and went inside the woods, far away from their eyes.

Once out of their sight, I hoovered myself and whizzed very fast at home.

Reaching the doorway of my mound, I landed and used the DNA Twister to return to my true form. Originally, I was thinking about testing that weird DETHLOSENSICAL 91 console that Yomi had 'gifted' to me. But, then again, that would be lazy and predictable of me since I didn't had done anything this concrete today.

Instead I put on black cloak that veiled my face and went for a stroll in the woods...


Until I heard Lilly's voice, which came from my left. I turned in her voice's direction and, of course, I saw here walking toward me, with a tired look in her face.

"Sorry for the question but... What happened?" I asked.

"I was convoked when I heard about a swarm of Parasprites heading toward Ponyville" Lilly asked. "Devouring most of the edible things that they came across, crops included. Don't tell me that you were still sleeping."

"Not entirely..." I responded, lazily.

"I think you know what happened next," Lilly said, sternly. "You better follow me and tell me the details."

I sighed quietly. "If you want."

Much to my annoyance, I followed her and explained the details, except the part with the Parasprites that I had found in the house. Lilly was so convinced of what I had told to her but was slightly baffled by the part in which Pinkie's exploitation of their weakness for the music was involved.

Nonetheless, I spent the entire day with Lilly since she has no intention to let me slacking off in the coffin. Which is quite reasonable, if wasn't for the fact that she had to drag me into some parts of her duty, The only useful moment, to me, was her talking about finding other ways to keep the alternate Granite Daggers member at bay... And that's it. The rest is just pure boredom.

Once the night fell, I was free to return back to home and got some sleep.

In the next day, I had got up after a decent rest and took a look at my surrounding. Since Lilly wasn't there due to her being convoked for a emergency in Fillydelphia, I went in the pseudo basement slash living room slash fun zone. I turned on both the TV and the DETHLOSENSICAL 91. Much to my delight, the console worked.

I had even putted on both the Freezing Gauntlet and the Berseker Claw in order to use the controller. Seriously, I couldn't even use it with just my hooves, unless I want to do a challenge but... Who the hell want to do that anyway?

And since I had already got stressed for the fact that I didn't had any real break since Vaelox's appearance, I decided to vent it by playing the first Doom, which was one of the few games that I had found so far. I got bored after three hours and went upstairs.

Since there's no point to return to my sleep so early, I had took a stroll while listening music with Melkior's Ipod. I didn't had any idea about what to do next until... A very disturbing idea came into my mind.

"Alright... Let's do this experiment."

And for experiment I meant speding the rest of the day by playing around with the DNA Twister, testing it on birds or squirrels that came I had encountered, turning them into ponies.

After promising them to return back to normal, we talked a little bit. Apparently, one of the transformed squirrels is seriously on the opinion that Angel Bunny was an asshole because he had witnessed him abusing of Fluttershy... Well, he didn't had used that word but that came close. The birds, however, talked about their frustrating ordeal with the red dragon's smog. After a while, I returned them back to normal and returned to my mound with a bad taste in my mind.

"I think I had played mad scientist...... Boredom can be indeed dangerous."

As night fell, I ate some of the cupcakes that were salvaged from the incident with Shilaw. Needless to say that after some time, I had entered into the coffin, waiting for Morpheus once again.

And yes, I'm aware this day is the one where Ponyville was preparing for the Winter Wrap-Up... But I don't give a shit about that. Besides, that is the part where Twilight took a character development from there, so my intervention is kinda inappropriate. I got a moment of peace.

Until I heard Twilight's voice.

"I know you are here. Could you please wake up?" Twilight's voice asked.

Half fed-up, I rose from the coffin and looked at the doorway, were Twilight was already there, this time wearing a green-blue jacket and perplexed expression. I expected her to face me, which is improbable, or trying to get some answers from me about my intentions.

"So... What brought you there?" I asked, not expecting anything from her.

"Seriously, you had recovered from your injuries and yet you are still slacking off." Twilight stated.

"Yet you didn't had answered to my question."

"Be grateful that I didn't had brought my friends with me since they were busy in their works. They are still distrusting you."

"That can't be helped." I responded, with a almost deadpan tone.

Twilight was stuck with a slightly dumbfounded visage for a moment and then sighed. "You... Are not putting any effort prove that you are trust worthy."

"Just what do you want?" I asked impatiently.

"I just wanted to know your background," Twilight responded. "I mean, I know that Celestia tasked you to stop the advance of those malignant entities..." She became a little embarrassed upon remembering something. "Which I had forgot during the time with Zecora," She paused. "But putting aside that, what are you exactly doing during your day?"

"Nothing in particular except being dragged by Lilly in her work, most of the time," I said, half-lying. "The rest is just me taking some stroll in the woods... Oh, but if you are talking about transfer that Lilly had force on me... It was cancelled."

"......That's all?" Twilight said, not knowing if I was joking or not.

"I was suddenly attacked and that place for my job was destroyed," I responded. "Say, did you had at least one job outside being librarian?"

For a moment, Twilight glared at me but then quickly calmed down and narrowed her eyes.

"I had actually helped the inhabitants of Ponyville to organize their traditional Winter Wrap-Up," Twilight said calmly. "And surely it has nothing to do with slacking off."

"Whatever, just give me a break," I said with a half-tired tone. "Yesterday, I almost had a bunch of insects invading my house."

"And yet your home isn't so messy." Twilight pointed out.

"That because I had kicked them out," I responded. "By the way, didn't you have any friendship report to send to Celestia?"

"I already had!" Twilight said, stressed by my responses. "You know, Violet. I tried to get along with you, but you are keeping on to isolate yourself. You are even allowing my friends to villainize you."

"I would had talked to them, but not now," I said.


"When they would had made their first move on their own."

Frustrated, Twilight turned around and was about to leave, but not before giving me one last warning.

"It does not end here. Hero or not, I have to keep you in check." Twilight said before leaving for real.

Well, even that is done. I know that Twilight wanted to get along with me but I have to keep them from finding out about my powers and discovering my identity and tremendous history as a Iron Ghost.

But who cares. I fell on my futon and finally took my sleep... Hoping that Aunt Death wouldn't make her own show in my dreams again.

I woke up upon hearing some voices. Three familiar voices, which one of them was that of.... Applebloom? ... Which means that the other two were Sweetie Bell and Scootaloo... That is not a good thing.

"Oh, boy," I whispered with annoyance. "Tell me that the Cutey Mark Crusader didn't came to bother me under Applebloom's suggestion."

"Are you sure that is a good idea, Applebloom?" Sweetie Bell's voice asked.

"Ah don't think that Violet will wake up so soon since it's too lazy." Applebloom's voice answered.

I groaned quietly. "Talking about bad moment."

I peered from behind the wall of my coffin and saw the three fillies nearby the doorway, talking to each others. I was about to use the gravity manipulation to silently lead them out of my house without any incident.

Unfortunately, Applebloom turned toward me as she was pointing her hoof in my direction, as she was explaining something. Badly enough, the Cutey Mark Crusaders noticed me. The three fillies went wide-eyed and flinched freaked out upon seeing me.

"This is unwanted visit part two, right?" I thought.

"Y-you again!?" Applebloom exclaimed. "Girls! Let's get out of there!"

Panicking, they were about to escape... Too bad that I had suspended them in mid-air. I feel bad since they start panicking, but I cannot allow them to tell the others where I live. Twilight is enough.

"No way!" Applebloom exclaimed. "This earth-pony can use magic!? No wonder mah sister distrust him!"

"That can't be possible!" Sweetie pointed out. "He hasn't got a magical artifact to begin with!"

"Maybe he's a creature from another world or something?" Scootaloo said sporadically, causing the other two fillies to look at her with slight annoyance. "What?"

Ignoring the rest of their conversation, I went out the coffin and approached the levitating fillies. I'm feeling awkward about giving them that treatement, but I think they should know about education. I looked at Applebloom with a slightly annoyed look, mostly because I'm still sleepy.

"Ok, how did you know I was living here?" I asked sternly.

"W-well, yesterday, I followed Twilight in this point during the Winter Wrap-Up." Applebloom admitted meekly.

"Our visit was her own idea." Sweetie replied, nervously. "We didn't even know you were here in the first place."

"Who cares! This pony is out of the ordinary!" Scootaloo said, freaked out. "He's not even a unicorn to begin with!"

"M-mah sister talked of him as a villain," Applebloom said intimidated. "But I never expect him to have powers too."

"Oh, c'mon, girls." I said with a half-sleepy tone, scratching my head. "I don't care if you came here for whatever reason passed through your brains. Is just a good thing that your sisters and idol were to busy with their jobs to deal with some 'villain', whose crime was just trolling and lecturing them. But, then again, didn't you have anything better to do?"

The Cutey Mark Crusaders exchanged looks with each others and reluctantly nodded before looking back at me. Applebloom, however, was slowly becoming a little annoyed, for some reason.

"At least Ah'm not passing the day 'schooling' mah sister," Applebloom said calmly but grumpily. "And surely Ah'm not so crazy to sleep inside that coffin. Ah mean, who would sleep inside that thing anyway?"

"I have a futon, but that should be none of you business," I replied, not expecting her to have any other opinion about that. "Perfect, now is becoming a running gag as it goes on."

"Applebloom is right," Scootaloo said. "We were looking for a treasures. Nopony called us the Cutey Mark Crusaders of the lost arks."

"....... You came here looking for treasure." I said with a deadpan tone. "And you expected to get your own cutey mark from that?"

Applebloom and Sweetie looked annoyed at Scootaloo, who was realizing too late to have confessed that.

"Scootaloo. Did you had to spoil everything from your mouth?" Applebloom asked sternly.

"S-sorry," Scootaloo replied apologetically.

"If I have to be honest," Sweetie said, calmed down a little bit. "He didn't looked like the villain that my sister had described as such."

"How can ya tell that?" Applebloom asked.

"For somepony who was tagged as the Anti-Fashion incarnated," Sweetie explained bluntly. "He looks like tamed. He wasn't even trying to explain him-"

"You know what? Let's play a game," I proposed. "You want to be released right? Well you have to follow these conditions."

Their eyes went wide for the fear, with Applebloom being the first to talk. "What are they?"

I remained silent with a dead pan expression and then shrugged my shoulders. "Keep your visit and conversation with me a secret, and most importantly..."

"Most importantly what?" Sweetie demanded, unable to bear the suspense.

"Achieve your goal without cheating, whatever it is." I responded calmly.

The three fillies looked at each other in confusion before saying at unison. "What?"

"Remember that you had to accept the secret part," I reminded them.

"Alright, alright. We won't tell about you to anypony." Applebloom said reluctantly. "After all, you'd also contributed to the misunderstanding with Zecora... Although I don't even know why."

"Applebloom, do you seriously think that he would answer that?" Sweetie retorted.

"Hey, I have not the whole day," I said, almost annoyed. "Now get out of my property."

That being said I hoovered in mid air and forcefully accompanied the Cutey Mark Crusaders in a point nearby Ponyville and then I traveled back home, hoping that they would maintain their words.

Not wanting to get other surprises, I slightly closed the metallic doors, which I had forgot about this whole time, and went in the basement. I had continued to play Doom for three hours and spent other five hours reading some decent sci-fi books, hopefully not made of plastic like the rest that was infesting the bookshelves.

As the sun was setting down, I opened the metallic doors when I saw Lilly returning from Fillydelphia without telling me anything. She seemed to be in a foul mood, probably because of something that had gone wrong with her. Not wanting to get any argument with her, I ate my dinner and went to sleep afterwards.

Unwilling to blast my brain in front on a screen again, I came up with a very instructive idea of flying across Equestria by flying in two hours. I turned myself into a rainbow maned white pegasus and put on a white cloak before going to the outside. I just looked around to see if there aren't anypony around before wheezing into the sky, literally.

And boy if the vertigo is strong since I'm actually at seventy meter high without even flapping my wings. I could see Canterlot mountain from above, but my real stop, however, is simply Appleloosa. I'm still really nervous everytime I looked down, but, hey, I would get used to it, someday.

... And then becoming bored.

"Seriously, Saitama is not the only one who didn't felt any excitement due to him feeling overpower." I said to no one in particular. "Even Saiki Kusuo has his own problems. Like him, I would had probably the sense of challenge and wonder being taken away from being overpowered. But unlike Saiki Kusuo, I could need those videogame powers as a extra to fight those damn cultists.... Speaking of my stress. I hope I don't have to take some complaint lessons from Rarity."

Say, that experiment of two days ago made remember what I heard from a movie that I won't even bother to name. That speaks for itself.

"Or die as a hero or live long enough to see yourself a villain, right?" I said, a moment before a part of my life flashes in front of me. "Yeah... I was pretty arrogant then."

After a half hour of gravitational fly, I had landed in Appleloosa without any of the earth-ponies living here, not even the so 'welcoming' Braeburn, notice me. There was a special rodeo, which was nothing more than a equine-western equivalent of the Olympics. And of course, no bull is involved... Not I wanted to see a pony riding a minotaur anyway.

I watched a part or the aforementioned, which was practically a steeplechase. I'm not very fond of competition of these type, but was a good opportunity to know how events of that caliber was lived by the towns ponies. And... Damn if this is so noisy.

Everything looked normal when I spotted a mare, a participant of the contest, trying to sabotage another one by putting some herbs in her tea before the next round. That would be in reality a normal thing if she wasn't grinning maliciously.

"Stop. Trolling Time." I whispered as I used my gravity screwing ability to throw the tea in the saboteur's face while startling the ponies watching what would be a bizarre phenomena.

"Hey!... What the.... No... I can't...." The mare said, feeling dizzy for a moment before fainting.

"Sorry, lady. No cheating." I said quietly as turned around and leaved the scene. "Moving on."

I walked toward the exit when a chilling sensation traversed my spine. I looked around to see where it came from. It was not like magic or anything. Just the feeling of someone.

"I don't know why but I need to leave now."

I galloped out of the town and then flew away in the sky, headed toward Whitetail Woods. Speaking of it, there must a competition between Applejack and Rainbow Dash. I won't mind to see that again but I need to do something first. I passed above the Ghastly Gorge...


When a frightening sound of gunshot echoed loudly from below, a moment before I heard a unbearable pain in my hind-leg.


Loosing my focus, my gravitational equilibrium was shattered and I ended up falling down, diagonally. Who and how the fuck did shot me from that absurd distance? Not even a sniper could do that.

I was thinking to use the Gravity Manipulator again to restore the equilibrium. However since that bastard was able shot me and would had done that again, I let myself fall to let him believe me dead instead.

I waited until I got closer to the trees of the arboreal area that should be the Whitetail Woods. I was about to faint due to the force of gravity of the fall screwing with my senses. Once my eyes were almost meeting the leaves of the tree, I used my gravitational abilities to slow down the fall and making look natural. I was preparing myself for the toned down impact.

The fall happened in the very bizarre way. I crushed on what looked like a finish line in the exact same moment I saw Applejack and Rainbow Dash reaching it while beating the crap each other in their own violence ball. I ended up rolling for a couple of yards before stopping in front of a tree, far away from them.

Dazed, I lifted my head and saw the crowd of ponies being distant from me. I sighed in relieve for a moment and then landed gracefully. They looked shocked to see me falling from the sky like that, including Applejack and Rainbow Dash themselves, after having recovered from their beating. The same thing goes also for Pinkie Pie and Spike, who had just arrived on board of the Twinkling Balloon.

I would have a hard time to escape since their first though was putting me safe because of my possible injuries, not counting the bullet that I had took. And, honestly, I have not intention to remain stuck in the hospital, in this current form.

"Yeah, fuck subtlety. They didn't even know that this pony is actually me."

Nonchalantly, I hoovered myself in front of the ponies, who gasped and flinched in bafflement to see that.

"Your surprise is not my problem." I said while turning around in mid-air. "I'm leaving now."

I whizzed away from the place like a rocket. I won't even waste anymore time in that form.

"WAIT!" Rainbow's voice shouted.

"Oh, please. Not her." I complained.

Since I know that she was that faster, I continued to fly forward while waiting for her to get her usual super speed. As she was reaching me, I stopped and let her pass nearby me until she get far too distant from me as she tried to stop herself. Before she could have the time to turn toward me, I flew in another direction, zigzagging around the trees until I lost her.

After a seemingly eternal half hour, I had reached my home and opened the metallic doors. I went inside, removed my white cloak and entered into the coffin. My wound looked very bad since it soaked my leg with a discrete amount of blood.

I pulled out the Healing Book from my bag and putted my hoof on my wound. I concentrated, causing my hoof to glow with the very silver light. I felt some energy going through it, healing it... Slow as molasses as usyak. It took me twenty minutes, again, to cure it. As it finished, the bullet was eject from my leg. Before I could examine that, the book suddenly glowed in a golden aura.

I took a look at the pages and noticed the blank one next to the first one having the text suddenly appearing.

Level Reached: Your healing time, efficiency and pain relieving abilities have greatly improved.

"I hope that It goes from twenty minutes to ten." I muttered as I putted away the book and put my Freezing Gauntlet to take the bullet. "Whatever..."

I took a look at it and noticed... a human skull being sculpted on it?

"What?" I said, paled by that. "That can't be real... And now that I'm thinking about, ponies can't shoot a gun with their hooves. And most of all, is not possible that-" I stopped as thought traversed my mind. "Or maybe..." I putted the bullet inside my bag as I looked upward, pondering in search for answer. "Where did I had saw that?"

I was about to reach a conclusion when Lilly's voice broke my focus.

"Violet, wake up. I need your help." Lilly's voice said with tone of urgency.

"Perfect... just when one bullet in the leg and a fall from the sky weren't enough." I whispered in annoyance.

I went out of the coffin, only to find a very nervous Lilly. Why I'm thinking that must be something trivial behind it.

"What do you need this time?" I asked sardonically.

"Spare me your sarcasm," Lilly retorted impatiently. "I need a idea. You are the one who has always one when needed. I'm right?"

"..... Well, not at all. Then again, what you need?"

"Is for a dress."

I was taken aback from that. "Seriously."

"Hey, I may be a Royal Guard, but I'm still a mare. Remember?" Lilly replied annoyed. "Besides. Is not like I even want to wear that in the first place."

"Then why you are asking me THAT?" I asked impatiently.

"Because I lost a bet with a colleague of mine and now I'm forced to dress one made by somepony for a day, ok?" Lilly muttered. "All because she thinks I am tomboyish. Oh, and don't dare to facehoof yet. I am not finished!"

"There's more?" I asked with a impassive tone.

"There's a positive side for that," Lilly reassured. "I don't need any spectacular idea. Even the most mediocre one is good."

"Why not asking to Rarity for that job?" I pointed out.

"My colleague forbid me to do that as part of the bet." Lilly said, almost grumpily. "Which is why I'm asking you or anypony else. As for the artisan that would had the task to make the dress, I preferred to ask the help of some obscure one from Canterlot."

I was about to facehoof when a twisted and yet justified idea struck my mind.

"Is time to troll her."

I smiled for that. Lilly was almost freaking out for that reaction. But I didn't care since for me that is a extra point for me. Besides, more like trolling, is just a experiment to see if Lilly's reaction upon wearing a dress that is as weird as the one that I had designed.

"Violet, stop that. I don't like this type of expression." Lilly said nervously.

"Can you wait for a moment?" I asked calmly.

I put on the Freezing Gauntlet and went In the basement. I found, surprisingly enough, a quill, a ink bottle and some paper. I draw a specific anatomy of the dress on it and then returned to her. I'm not this pro at drawing something but I made that so I can give that to her.

"That is my own idea of fashion. You will need this." I informed as I gave the drawing to her.

Lilly looked at the draw and became instantly dumbfounded, blinking her eyes for a moment before answering. "I'm not a expert of fashion, yet... I can't tell if that is a very orthodox design."

"C'mon, Lilly." I muttered. "I thought you said-"

"I know, I know. Even the mediocre idea is fine," Lilly interrupted and the sighed. "Thanks for the help, huh."

"Whatever you say." I responded as I returned inside the coffin.

After that... Awkward talk, Lilly leaved me alone. At this point I had almost closed the metallic doors while a filter for the moonlight. I took my usual dinner and was about to sleep, but I couldn't stop thinking about who could had tried to shoot me. I have the vague hunch that sniper may be a member of Granite Daggers, yet I can't be sure of that. I need to investigate that and find my aggressor.

Until then, I'm going to the dreamland, hoping that no one would try to assault in the sleep.

Since that incident, I spent a few days investigating my attacker's possible whereabouts. I floated above and around the Ghastly Gorge or some areas nearby the edges of the Everfree Forest for a clue with my gravitational powers for hours and yet I didn't found any clue. He must had shot that blow from one of those areas but with no result.

The sun was setting down and I returned to my mound, empty handed and frustrated. However, instead of entering inside, I just stood in front of the entrance to ponder about that. The breeze of chilly pre-nocturnal air helped my concentration a little bit, even if that wasn't enough.

"If I consider that I felt watched when I was in Appleloosa, I could assume that bastard was following me.... Nah, that can't be right. He couldn't be there and the being in the plain area nearby Whitetail Woods at the same speed as when I was flying in the air. There must be something else involved..."

"Here you are, Violet," Lilly's voice said.

For once, I am glad to hear her stern voice, because I want to have a pause from that. I looked at the pegasi Royal Guard, who was still wearing her armor and looked relieved, which is strange.

"Lilly, what about your dress?" I asked confused.

"I exactly wanted to talk about that," Lilly replied. "You are a cursed genius."

I blinked. "Wait, what?"

"I put on the dress and showed up in front of my colleague," Lilly said calmly, a second before beaming up in weird glee. "She felt so in love with it that she decided to put the bet aside and put it on herself. She even insisted and begged to give that to her."

"You are kidding me, right?" I asked, almost baffled. "That design is supposed to be mediocre and improvised."

"Who cares," Lilly replied. "What matter is that I am now free from that embarrassing toll."

"Good for you." I murmured, hiding my resignation from the lost opportunity to see her being utterly trolled.

"In any case, you will come with me in Ponyville," Lilly informed.

"For what purpose?"

"I had to guard the Fashion Show that will take place in the town. Hoity Toity will be present at the event and I don't want any stupid entity to endanger anypony."

Now that I'm thinking... Is Rarity's show. Outside her being temporarily humiliated, that sniper would be there as well. I bet that bastard would lurking around to kill someone... Or trying to finish the job with me.

"Can I put something?" I asked.

"Well, I can't allow you to be recognized, so of course you can." Lilly responded, coldly but slightly warmer than usual.

I put on a very long black coat veiling my face, mane and the rest of my body and traveled with Lilly at Ponyville. We arrived at the infamous fashion fest. Everything was in place.

Scratch Vinyl at the remix console, spotlights being placed correctly and crowd being ready to be enthralled, or disappointed since I had already saw where this goes. And at the top of the pre-disaster preview, there was Hoity Toity, the fashion reviewer. Hopefully not on the internet, otherwise that would be really confusing.

I looked around and scanned the crowd to see if I can find anything odd, but there's nothing abnormal and nothing bad happened... Yet.

"Where is he?" I whispered.

"Watch over the place should be my job," Lilly pointed out. "Oh, well. I guess you have to look after your enemies after all, right?"

"That is why I am here as well," I said, hiding the fact that I was looking for my attacker.

"I wonder if my colleague would even show up." Lilly murmured.

"Why you ask?"

"She's a show off, even during a fight. She's so in love with everything that exalted her personality and doesn't almost take things very seriously."

"In other words, another weirdo like Photon Gladion or Boreal Bright." I thought.

The show started in the way I had predicted. The Mane Six, minus Rarity, entered the stage while wearing their ridiculous dresses and the crowd was displeased or even feeling uncomfortable upon seeing the result. Hoity Toity, of course, dropped his C-Bomb, as for criticism, about this and utterly humiliated the Element of Generosity.

Without destroying her of course, but still humiliating her.

"Oh, those amateurish designs look like a piled-on mishmash of everything but a kitchen sink!" Hoity stated harshly "It's a travesty is what it is. Those outfits are the ugliest things I've ever seen, oh for shame. Who is responsible for subjecting our eyes to these horrors? Not to mention wasting my valuable time."

I couldn't see Rarity, but I already know that she tried to hide behind Opalescence. Proving that useless, she showed up and took all of the harsh, verbal bullets of the crowds' disapproval.

However something about their criticism, justified or not, was bothering me.

"Ok, enough bull. At least Rarity tried to do something to please everyone, even if that ended up in failure. But, even if that is the case... What the fuck is this hypocrisy?! All of you, except Hoity, should had known Rarity for a long time! She never let you down! Anypony, even her, can fuck up and yet still find a way to stand up! Why don't gave her that chance!?"

My mental motor rant stopped upon remembering something which calmed my anger... And turned it into grim realization upon seeing the obvious.

"Oh, I forgot. Because otherwise there won't be a aesop." I murmured.

"I don't think it is the right time to reflect about the dresses," Lilly said sternly.

I was about to retort, but a sudden energetic, cocky voice nullified my attempt.

"What's up, guys!?" She said arrogantly, getting our attention.

It was a rust-orange maned pear-white female pegasus with a delighted smug, red eyes and the dress that I had drawn on the paper that I had given to Lilly, brought into reality. The dress was infamous and bizarre as I expected it to be. To be fair, it was an almost regal dress, which was mediocre at its best.

The real deal, however, was it's motif, depicting on the dress a fractal, geometric object with three colors: Blue, red and yellow. The depicted form was a bizarre and yet endowed one, which repeated itself in its same form on different scales, and therefore enlarging any part of it obtains a figure similar to the original.

"Aster Brightside," Lilly called her reluctantly, narrowing her eyes. "Weren't you taking a vacation?"

"But I am, my dear," Aster replied cheerfully but mockingly. "I just took the occasion to show off this dress. I genuinely love it. And all thanks to that humble fashionista that resides in Canterlot."

"Wait, does a pony that can rival Rarity even exist?" I said surprised, getting Aster's attention.

"Oh, you must be the haunted hero," Aster responded. "I guess that you have a reason to be here. Well, at least it has nothing to do with Rarity."

"What does that mean?" Lilly asked. "He's here to make sure that nothing bad happened." She looked at the stage, where a crestfallen Rarity was leaving, which sight mortified her. "Well... Putting aside that of course," She snickered nervously. "But seriously, do you have to be this dreadfully harsh to anypony that you came across."

"Well, mortifying you had make you stronger," Aster said, a moment before her eyes shrunk with glee. "And I like this method and every seconds of it."

Wow, I never saw Lilly feeling this uncomfortable with this wacko around. I can see that this Aster is also both a narcissist and a moral sadist. Who the hell is that smuck?

"Do you have any decency?" I asked.

"No Equestrian love forbids to at least morally humiliate anypony who deserve my treatment," Aster replied confidently. "By the way, even if Rarity didn't had put this travesty, I still retained her definition of style being... Childish."

I went wide eyed. "What?"

"Violet, don't you dare to put any trouble." Lilly ordered.

"Ok, Aster. What is your deal?" I asked.

"Ohohoh, straight to the point," Aster said, strangely exalted a little. "You see, I have my own way to teach every pony, subordinates included, to take example from my vision of the world, including my methods. If they were able to satisfy my tastes and conditions, then I have to mortify them. Otherwise I couldn't possibly call that a very, satisfying job."

"Aster, not in front of the public," Lilly muttered irritated.

"Ops, my bad." Aster replied with fake honesty.

Lilly wouldn't even know that, but I hate her colleague already. Yet that snob gave me a great idea. I turned toward the crowd of ponies observing the stage, with Rarity and her friends having leaved the stage while Hoity Toity was still there, preparing himself to leave.

Let's see if Aster can bear that.

"Hey, guys!!" I shouted, getting the attention of everypony, including Hoity. "If you are not tired of nightmarish designs," I pointed at Aster's dress. "There's one idiot that put on one of these!" He paused. "And thinks she's above everypony in beauty."

They were instantly astounded to see that. Is like their mind were simply blown away. I expected them to react with disgust, especially since the design was mediocre as it should be. Aster became already nervous from their incoming reaction.

But my plan of trolling that prick took a very undesired outcome when the ponies of the crowd, except Hoity Toity, had suddenly collapsed on the grass. They were convulsing frantically and yet they didn't seemed to suffer. They were retaining a incredulous face as they continued to shake.

Hoity Toity was still standing, which surprised me like no other. Really, this guy must have a tolerance of steel to resist at something like that. He even struggled to remain still as he observed the dress.

"I.... I never saw something this bizarre like this," Hoity said, shocked in almost every sense. "I will have some answers about that tomorrow... In the meantime... I think I'm going home..."

With that, Hoity turned around and walked away, shambling a little bit in his track. I looked at Aster and Lilly, who were literally taken aback from that and looked at her dress with a sense of fright.

"W-what just happened?" Aster asked.

"Ehm, I think is your dress' fault," I pointed out."

"What!? But how!?" Lilly looked confused.

"It's motif caused to them one thing," I paused. "Seizure attack. Which was the most bizarre one, I could say."

"Are you kidding me!?" Lilly exclaimed.

"Don't look at me! I wasn't expecting that happening!" I muttered.

"You made me wear a very horrid dress," Aster said horrified, a moment before removing it and tossing it nearby my feet while shouting in rage. "You had ruined my image! You will pay for this, someday! AAAAARRRGGGH!!"

With that scream, Aster galloped away in the most undignified way possible. Lilly didn't seem to approve that. Before she can talk, somepony called out from behind.

"Congratulation, you had gave her lesson while putting everypony's life at risk," Lilly said.

"You know that wasn't my intention." I remarked.

"Yes, but that could be avoided!" Lilly groaned. "Why every single thing must take a very demented turn every time you are involved!?"

Without saying anything else, Lilly took the dress and stormed out of the scene frustrated, probably headed toward the mound to get her guard post or maybe returning into his office. She didn't know but she was right.

"Is the same question that I was asking to myself since my rebirth."

I galloped toward the woods and then slowed down to take a stroll before going home. It was a shame that sniper didn't had made his move or even showed up. At that point, I had understood to be a idiot to even expect him to show up. He's probably hiding somewhere.

"Where the hell are you?"

The wind was suddenly blowing brusquely. Something was crawling on the grass, which made me jump backwards.


The gunshot was heard again. In a nanosecond, a hole in the grass nearby me suddenly appeared, as if the void had suddenly chewed that piece up without leaving the rest. I noticed the crawling thing being simply snake, who was paralyzed in fear by that blow.

Knowing that he would had shot another bullet, I instantly floated in the air and whizzed away from there. Reaching my mound, I stormed inside and closed the doors. I peered from behind them. He was surely waiting for me from the outside.

I stepped into the mound and entered inside. I don't think I would get any sleep with that guy being still around, whoever it is. Yet I feel like I saw that bullet from before and that way to attack from the distance in the past life.

At least he wouldn't shoot in the distance.

As I can see, I must be dreaming. Because Aunt Death was in front of me, and I had realized that I was playing chess with her... except that it wasn't chess at all.

"Is that a variant," I asked.

"You can tell," Death replied. "But that is no just chess. You got some Singularity Chess! So you know this is the real shit!"

"Ok, joke aside. What do you want?"

"If you recall, I putted you in Equestria to screw up the status quo, but the Granite Daggers weren't expected from my original design."

I glared at her. "What do you mean with that?"

"I can't tell all of the details, but there's one fact that you had to keep in mind," Death explained. "There's something screwing with the circle of souls."

"The circles of souls?" I asked confused. "What are you talking about, Death? As Yomi alone wasn't enough, there's even that metaphysical stuff! You maybe powerful but you are not explaining anything!"

"It will come on its own." Death said.

".... At least for once, is not a cheap ass comedy segment." I commented with pseudo optimism.

I woke up, very dizzied, and a little drained, because I felt my head a little screwed. I had yawned very loudly and tried to get up. Then, the sound resembling that of a paper came from beneath my sight. I looked down and found a letter, which I had picked up and read it mentally.

Dear Gentle Anonymous Maker

I am the one pony responsible for the making of the dress illustrated in your drawing. To be honest, I seemed impossible to finish but I had put my best without any expectation. I'm not Rarity but I could see that wanted me to make it. It looked very mediocre and way too bizarre but then, Hoity Toity came in my boutique this morning. He talked about that and asked If I was responsible for that.

I had said yes, but I had also told him that wasn't a idea of mine. As a result, I was asked to make serial production of those things. However, I can't accept to gain money from something that I didn't had projected with my own hooves. For this reason, half of my gain to you.

I hope you understand my point of view. I wanted to express my gratitude to you. I hope to meet you very soon.

Flower Chrome.

I lay down with my head on my pillow, looking at the darkened ceiling to contemplate about that shot of luck.

"So I got paid... Now that is random."

Chapters before Level Up: -2

Next Level Up:

1)Soul Calibedge: A very conflicted and yet dreadful sword who doesn't give any vantage to the owner outside being a huge weapon.

2)Pluto Gun: A gun that can use the coins as bullets which spawns a number of other coins from one to nine every time a living target was hit.

3)Void Ring: A object that allowed the user to become a living void that disintegrates and clean through everything that came across and revert back when is needed.