• Published 10th Mar 2018
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Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 19 - Realization Of The Future

Celestia walked down the empty hall of Canterlot Castle with a downtrodden expression. The halls were clear at the moment besides the guards providing protection. But she paid them no mind as they bowed to her when she walked past. There was more pressing matters at the moment.

Per her executive order, Celesta has ordered all constructing to cease, and citizens to recycle all metals, plastic, paper, and even rubber just in case. Since rubber came from trees it could be a likelihood that they may be cut down in the future and will have to be recycled. Right now? Things were not looking good.

"What to do, what to do," she sighed. Her hoofsteps sounded like thunder to her ears at every step, letting her know that doom was coming. Could they fight it? Not with military strength. She needed knowledge, not swords.

"Aunt Celestia," someone said from behind her. Her ear twitched and she let out a groan before she turned around and faced her stuck up nephew. He was standing there with the look of a high class pony. Muzzle high in the air with slow eyes. "Is there any word on Twilight Sparkle?"

Celestia nearly blanched. Equestria was in the middle of a crisis and he was worried about Twilight? She had to admit though it's sweet that he cares on her whereabouts, but now was not the time for questionsof that sort. "Twilight is not available and you know this Blueblood," she answered quickly.

"So you know where she is then!" He exclaimed in happiness. Princess Celestia looked at him in confusion. "For the last few months whenever I asked, you would answer with, 'There is no sign of her, nephew.' But this time ,you said Twilight is not available, giving the impression that you do in fact know where she is!"

"Blueblood, I do not know where she is."

"Lie all you want Aunt Celestia, but I know you. You cannot lie to me. Now where is Twilight Sparkle? I wish to ask her-"

"Blueblood, can I just say that you will never have Twilight?" She sighed, rubbing her hoof against her head. He looked to her in confusion and interest.

"Why? Are her parents not accepting of me? I will pay them for her hoof in a relationship." Celestia was just burning inside. "It is so simple."

"Well for one? She. Does. Not. Like you. And two, she is not available to you." She poked her hoof into his chest. "It is time to move on Blueblood to another mare that may slightly like you. But Twilight? She is not available to you and does not even slightly like you. Now if you will excuse me, I have more important matters to attend to."

"One last question." Celestia wanted to groan and roll her eyes so baaad. "Where is she?" Celestia sighed and turned around walking away.

"Like I said Blueblood. She is not available to you," she said before muttering, "Or anypony else." Blueblood watched her walk away before he breathed out a torrent of hot air and narrowed his eyes.

He muttered unheard, "She will be mine even if I have to drag her back here." Then turned around and walked towards the entrance of the castle. He had to do some research. A lot of research.

While Blueblood was researching, Sunset was going through the portal for Earth to speak with her friends about something that has been bugging her since last night. Bugging her, Trixie, and Starlight. Twilight had dodged a few questions they had asked her. Not just about the eighth ground city. But another one. What was making them so abundant in such a large continent? They had so much in possession. A large castle, a stadium as big as a city, eight cities in the sky, and technology. Electronics. How did they get all of that? There was no way regular ponies were able to go so far and become so advanced like that. They were on par with the human world while Equestria was begging on its knees just for scraps. As the same with other countries like Zebrica and the Griffin kingdon. Something wasn't adding up.

Soon, the ride ended and she flew out of the portal, sliding along the concrete on her stomach. She yelped at the scraping her knees received from the lack of protection of her cargo shorts. "...ouch," she groaned before standing back up. Brushing herself off, she looked around the front of the school. Her friends were talking on the steps of the school. Apparently about something funny because Rainbow Dash suddenly burst into a fit of giggles.

"Hey, guys!" She greeted while running over. They looked over and waved at her.

"Hey, Sunset!" Rainbow greeted before she smirked. "How was your alone time with Twilight-oh! Excuse me-Arcadia yesterday?"

"It was fine," she responded while setting down her bag she brought from Equestria on the steps. She sighed and sat down next to Fluttershy, who was petting Angel Bunny. "But... Something's been bugging me, Trixie, and Starlight about it."

"Like...what?" Fluttershy asked. She lifted a finger, calling for a Red Robin to land on it, which it did.

"Well..." She looked around her before whispering to them. "Psera is big. Like, REALLY big. She gave us a tour of Psera yesterday and everything was long, tall, and big. They had a hospital that was a mile long, and Events at Eventa was just...oh my gosh I can't even describe it. And the castle you all saw." They voiced their agreements. Rarity herself was painting her nails. "But...during the tour, Trixie, Starlight, and myself would ask a few questions. A more specific one was how did they make all of this. And Twilight would answer with, 'We're just smart.' This was the end of the tour mind you. How did you create cars? We're just smart. How did you make a stadium that large? We're just smart. And then I asked a final question. Yesterday, we only saw seven cities besides Cop. So I reminded her that there were eight besides it. She completely ignored it."

They all looked to Sunset in interest as she continued. "We saw Merōl, Fenix, Lavender, Capita, Eventa, Rayray, Snow, and Cop. But there was supposed to be one more." Rarity bit her bottom lip in realization, knowing exactly what city Sunset was kept out of. Serl. The city of science and work. All of Psera's resources come from Serl. If they had went there it would be a sight to see. And that area of Psera was completely off limits to anypony besides guards, royalty, scientists, technicians, and engineers.

"So Twilight...lied to you?" Sci-Twi asked while stroking Spike's back.

"Well not exactly. But she, and probably the rest of Psera, are hiding something. I just don't know what. I mean in the castle's executive offices there was a war room that had electronics in it." They all looked to her confused.

"But...that world doesn't use electricity," Pinkie confirmed. "Everything they do runs on magic."

"Well not Psera. They have electricity. When we were flying over Eventa, the stadium had a roof with lights on it that were blinking in a pattern. Which means that whatever it was hooked up to...was programmed. Which means..." She waved a hand at the group, trying to get them to finish it.

"They have computers," Rainbow guessed.

"Yes. Also, that afternoon Twilight and Madun were making a speech because they were going to hold a contest, or a tryout of some sort, to see who would be the better pick in cooking, entertainment, decorating, fashion, etcetera for the wedding. Well somehow, I saw all of this, somehow they had cameras. Video cameras, not standard cameras like Equestria has. Large video cameras like someone was shooting a movie. There faces were displayed on what I call jumbotrons. Crystal. Clear. Like past HD. More like 4K."

"They had display screens?" Sci-Twi asked in amazement. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, you guys left early. They also had microphones and speakers. But what has me on edge is where are they getting this stuff from? The only answer I have is Earth. Is Twilight grabbing things from Earth and supplying it to Psera? Or is it something else entirely?" Nope, Rarity thought.

"I think it's the latter," Applejack answered while she chewed down an apple. "If Princess Twilight...Lady Arcadia were to come to Earth, Pinkie's Pinkie sense would've let us know."

"Yeah, that's right," Sunset agreed. Pinkie grinned from the side. "But that still leaves the question unanswered. Based on what Madun told us, Psera was completely destroyed. Which meant buildings, homes, food, and military was all gone. So Arcadia comes in and gives everyone grass and clears the air, giving them sight and helping their health. But they also had to rebuild everything. Which meant every city and town. Where did they get the materials to rebuild a mile long hospital, maybe one third of the castle, and a little of Events at Eventa? Those are some big jobs. Really big jobs. Not to mention rebuild some of the cities entirely."

"I have to admit, it does sound a little fishy," Rainbow agreed. "But what are you going on about? It's Twilight, she's unpredictable."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. One second she's quiet, the next she comes up with the best idea to rebuild the planet. But I'm just curious. And a little hopeful. If they have so much building material, maybe they could help out Equestria. We're in a very bad metal shortage right now and no other countries are willing to help us. We're on our own. And it's so bad in fact that the Princesses are stopping all construction to conserve. We're below four percent of metals right now. Before yesterday it was seven percent, but now it's under four."

"So what are the repercussions of a metal shortage?" Rarity asked while brushing her hair.

"Without metal, Equestria is forced to downgrade. Anything that's metal that we have left is going to be recycled or preserved. So instead of metal, we'll be using plastics, wood, rubber, and more that is not metal and can be recycled. If we ever use metal again, it'll more than likely be for a battle, war, or something else. We're holding our metals for something a lot more important." They were all staring at Sunset in astonishment before they shared nervous glances.

"And no one can help you out?!" Fluttershy asked in worry. Sunset shook her head.

"No. Zebrica, the Griffons,and the Dragon Lands were not willing to help us. That's what Celestia said through her executive order. Our last hope would be Psera if they are willing."

"I highly doubt that," Rainbow responded. "Based on what Equestria did I highly doubt Twilight would want to come back to Equestria at all. They lied and manipulated her. So there is a small chance that Twilight, or Arcadia, would want to help out."

"But there is still a chance."

"Yes, but a very small one, darling," Rarity argued. She put her nail file back in her pocket before she continued. "Arcadia is really upset at Equestria. Yes, you can ask her for help all you want, but I am afraid it will have to come at a cost. Probably a nationwide apology. Or something else demeaning and embarrassing. Twilight is forgiving dear. But she still wants some reassurance that something like this will never happen again."

"So what are we supposed to do? Go through poverty?" Sunset suggested in deep sarcasm. "Most of our buildings in Equestria are dense with metal. If we're desperate enough, the Equestrians will tear them down for 'a better future' and preserve them for an important use. And the most we could get out of it would be maybe twenty or more fifteen by fifteen blocks of metal. That's not NEARLY enough of what we need to survive. Homes? Metals. Heating? Metals. Tools? Metal. Clothing? Made with metal. We're still in winter right now and it's about to get colder. The pegasi will be fine but the terrestrial ponies won't. Pegasi? They can just fly up to the clouds, wrap themselves up in a cloud blanket, go into their cloud homes, and sleep. They have absolutely nothing to worry about. Which can cause jealousy among other ponies. Then........ THAT'S what she meant!" They all glanced at each other when Sunset got off topic.

"Say what now?" Applejack asked in confusion.

Sunset looked at them nervously. "When Twilight left Equestria and blew up the castle, she left a letter. I can't remember what it said exactly, but she said something that was very true. Talking about the Elements of Harmony. She said Harmony is the balance of good and evil, and that even though Equestria has had a peaceful moment, evil will soon return to Equestria. This shortage is a prime example of that. And she said that Equestria is on its own. If we don't find some metals or something soon, Equestria is going to have a civil war."

Arcadia woke up that morning feeling great. Yesterday's dress previews were wondrous. There were a few dresses that she liked, and there were some that she didn't. So she recommended that Merry and Rarity sell them to some celebrities of Psera. But she did pick one that the girls definitely agreed to, and went to work on immediately. Although Merry had to do most of the work. Rarity had to head back to Earth at the end of the day. She would possibly come back today at some unscheduled time to work on it some more.

Arcadia sighed and tried to get up before something pulled her back down from behind, putting her back into the pillow like object behind her. "And where do you think you're going?" Madun mumbled in her ear. Arcadia giggled and rolled her eyes. Crazy stallion talking in his sleep.

"Madun, I have to get up and work," she whispered back. He moaned and nuzzled the back of her head.

"Don't gooo," he responded. Arcadia rolled her eyes and turned over to face him. He cracked his right eye open before he closed it again, making her giggle.

"You aren't slick, sweetheart," she whispered. She leaned in and nuzzled his cheek. "We both have to get up and work today. I have to move some more metal for Serl, and you have some ruling to do. I am sure there must be something that can keep you busy."

"Yes, you can keep me busy all you like." Twilight scoffed and poked him.

"We are not ready to have a child yet, Madun. Keep it in there, cowpony." He groaned and shuffled his wings a little, making her chuckle. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I promise we'll get to that point. Maybe even on our honeymoon. Who knows?" He beamed at her.

"Great! Can't wait!" He responded excitedly, shooting up into a sitting position.

"I bet you can't," she agreed before she slinked out of the bed. "Now get up, I can't always be the first one to move, you know." He groaned and flopped back down unto the covers while she went to go and take a bath.

While she was getting prepared, Arcadia was thinking about how to make a good example today. The Pserateps were indubitable up by now. And Merry probably was as well. More than likely waiting in the living room for her or something. She could wear that outfit she lent her that she had yet to try on. It was really pretty. She's just never worn it before. And it was supposed to be really cold today. She paid careful attention to her wings, making sure they were dry all the way after she stepped out of the shower.

Once she had the dress on, which was just an elegant and transparent light blue with her cutie mark in the bottom front corners , as well as copper hoof shoes and a copper fashionable chest plate with a gem cut into her cutie mark, she walked out of the room to see Madun making breakfast. Once again.

"You know," she said from behind, catching his attention. "You should let me cook sometime." She walked forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek, which he happily reciprocated.

"Can you cook?" He asked in suspicion.

"I've lived with a baby dragon, somepony had to," she responded sarcastically. She walked to the living room and looked over her saddlebags she stuffed last night.

"What did you make?" Madun asked.

"Mostly pancakes and daisy sandwiches." He looked over at her in confusion as he placed her breakfast on a plate. "A daisy sandwich is exactly what it sounds like. A sandwich with a daisy and some dressing. It's pretty good if you have the right dressing for it." She put her bags by the door and walked towards the table to eat with her fiancé.

"Eh, I'll give it a shot," he told her before he dived down into his own breakfast. "So what do you have to do in Serl again?"

"Move more steel and chromium," she answered before diving into her omelet. "The Pserateps want more boats for the beaches in Eventa. Have you been up to Psera Skies yet?"

"Not yet. Why don't we have our honeymoon up there? Psera Skies North? I hear it's the best." Arcadia chuckled and nodded.

"Oh yes, Psera Skies North was my best work. I added mostly houses, but I also put a mall up there that teens very much go to. A lot of Pserateps have stores up there. And there is a large pool too. It was very hard to work on. It took me two weeks while the others were just two days. It is my biggest one yet. I could've went bigger, but I had more things to tend to."

"Ah, right." The two went back to their breakfast before Arcadia giggled, catching his attention. "What's so funny?"

"Merry. My mind is in the gutter right now. Did she seduce Blazing yet?" Madun nearly choked on his food.

"That put a very weird image in my head," he wheezed. "But...I hope not. That stallion would not know what to do. They're both saving themselves. So they have absolutely no experience when it comes to sex."

"But they can at least ask...right?....Oh no, she might ask me for some pointers." Madun cocked his head to the side.

"I really doubt—" The front door of the house opened up and in ran Merry who was looking around in distress.

"Arcadia, girl! I need your help!" She yelled. Arcadia shared a look with Madun before she shot a small bolt at Merry. She yelped and looked her way. "What was that?"

"It was for rushing in here and yelling. Now what do you need help with?" She went back to her food before Merry quickly trotted over and whispered in her ear. Arcadia stopped chewing and her face changed into a darker purple. As well as her eyes, which got as big as a large snowball. Merry pulled back and Arcadia looked towards her in embarrassment.

"So.....you attempted...and he was turned off?"

Madun was just staring with his mouth slightly parted, frozen. "Did she really just come in here and ask about how to seduce her husband?" He groaned. "Merry, if you need help on how to seduce a guy, just ask a guy."

"But it'd be weird, Arcadia what do I do? How do you seduce my brother?"

"That's even weirder than you asking me!" Madun asked. Arcadia chuckled before she cleared her throat.

"Let me show you." She stood up and faced Merry. "First I move my tail side to side, and give my wings a little shuffle." She did the movements and Madun stopped mid bite, looking at her flank. Frozen in interest. "Then I move a little and give him bedroom eyes. Like so. Pay close attention." She turned around and gave him the best seductive eyes she could manage. He groaned and tried to look away. He had to work this morning! Arcadia giggled and then turned back to her sister in law, who was chuckling in amusement at Madun's hopelessness. "And then I brush a wing across his cheek."

"No no no no," Madun muttered before a the tip of a purple feather brushed across his right cheek. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths, trying to stifle the sensations running through his body. Arcadia drew her wing back to her side and looked to Merry. And then you say......I'll be in the room."

"Oh my stars, stop it!" Madun exclaimed in frustration. The two mares in the room laughed at his frustration before Arcadia came over and rubbed her side up against him.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I just couldn't resist."

"You owe me a flank," he muttered before going back to his food. Arcadia rolled her eyes and kissed his cheek, then walked back over to her sister-in-law.

"I hope you learned a little something," she said. "Because now Madun won't stop staring at my flank." The two quickly turned towards the king, who quickly darted his attention from Arcadia's rear to his food.

"Yeah, I know what to do," Merry answered. "You ready to go to Serl? Your assistant is waiting for you outside." Arcadia looked past the door to see Gardeen Daisy looking at a clipboard she was holding.

"And she's punctual," Merry added with a nod of her head in approval.

"I am definitely keeping her," Arcadia muttered to herself. She levitated the last bit of the omelet into her mouth before she grabbed her saddlebags and gave the cranky Madun a kiss to the cheek. "I'll be safe sweetheart. And try to get that thing down before you go to the throne room." Madun gave her a nonchalant look before she gave him a kiss to his lips. "I love you, Madun. We'll reach that stage someday, okay?" He sighed and nodded his head.

"Alright. Be safe and fly slow. Serl is a little ways from Cop."

"I will, see ya'." She and Merry walked out of the room and into the garden outside, greeting Gardeen. "Hello, Gardeen. How did you sleep?"

The assistant looked up and gave the princess a grin and a bow. "I slept well, Lady Arcadia. Thank you for asking."

"Great. Let's head on out then." She led the two towards the center of the castle while trying to attempt at conversation. "So what do you do for a living besides tend to Royalty here, Gardeen? I don't really know much about you. Just that Her Majesty assigned you to me."

"W-well I like to go out to parties," she stuttered. "But I mostly like to spend my time with my friends and family. I also write books and read."

"Oh? I guess that's where you get your writing speed from huh? What type of genre and how long have you been writing?" The group walked into the offices where the guards standing in attention bowed to Arcadia.

"Well I've been writing for ten years and I write mostly fantasy, science fiction, and adventure."

"Do you have a target market?" Merry asked.

"Er...I have no idea what that is."

"A target market," Arcadia started to explain as they went through the doors into the faculty residence rooms. The ponies there quickly stopped and bowed to her as they walked past. "Is a group of ponies that fall into the category you want to reach out to with your publication. So for example. If I wrote a children's book that taught foals how to use the bathroom, my target market would be parents of foals under five months that are going through potty training."

"Oh! Okay! So I guess my target market would be ponies that are teenagers that have a thing for violence."

"Yes, that is a good example. If you research more on your target market and apply your findings to your books, you can get some good sales. What else is on my agenda today besides the visit to Serl?" The assistant held up her clipboard to read out what was planned.

"You have to visit Capita to see what we have to deal with for the upcoming flu season. Foals that become sick usually go to a nearby hospital, but they are having an issue in protocol and are asking for your assistance."

"Is that all?"

"That's it for today, your highness. Serl and Capita."

"Good." The three jumped over the railing and made it to the floor where everyone bowed to her. "Good morning, my fellow Pserateps!"

"Good morning, your highness!" They all greeted. A guard at the door opened it for her and the three stepped out into the air of Psera. Arcadia stopped for a moment and breathed in the scent before she motioned to her personal guards at the the bottom waiting for her.

"Good morning, ponies," she greeted. They bowed and replied back with a smile. "Today we're going to Serl. We're flying fast and far. Are there any dangers we need to be wary of?"

"No, your highness," one confirmed. "We're ready when you are." Arcadia nodded before she took to the air and flew over and around the castle with the group behind her. Headed towards Serl. The guards caught up and flew in front of and all around the group. Once again, Arcadia had no reason why she needed security, but she didn't question it yet. Along the way, she felt something. Something that made her stop.

"Hold!" She commanded. The group slowed down to a hover and turned to Arcadia who was looking towards the East. Something was wrong. But not in Psera. She could feel it. Even all the way out here.

"What is it?" Merry asked. Arcadia hummed before she waved her hoof, starting off the flight again.

"I am not sure," Arcadia answered as they flew. "But it was in the East. Which meant Equestria. It was a bad sign. I could feel it. But...it's not my problem. Let's continue."

Author's Note:

What Twilight wore to Serl:

I wonder what's going to happen in Equestria. The next chapter will be more than likely entirely equestria. Which means more snotty Blueblood, more Celestia, Luna, and Cadance, and the Elements. Also Sunset will be suspecting that Rarity is hiding something when she starts acting strange. I wonder what it could be?:duck:

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