• Published 10th Mar 2018
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Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 38 - Code Yellow Pocedure

All the ponies in Psera were ordered to stay inside their homes after the alert of a Code Yellow. Hiding behind closed and locked doors while the Elite Guard did a sweep of each and every city, building and facility except homes. Those walls were thick. But all Pserateps could practically feel Lady Arcadia when she screamed in fury.

"That! Is! IT!! IF HE HURTS ME, OR ANYPONY IN MY FAMILY, I WILL RIP HIS HEAD OFF HIS SHOULDERS AND FEED HIS BODY TO THE SHARKS!!" Madun and everyone else in the escort stared at Arcadia in shock. She was practically blowing fire through her nose before she continued walking. "Somepony better keep him away from my family!!"

"Alright sweetheart, you made your point," Madun cooed. He placed a wing over her back and led his furious wife-to-be with the rest of the Guards towards the secure base inside the castle. They turned a right in the offices towards a pair of steel doors that the Guard there swiftly opened, letting in the large group before shutting and locking them back.

"My point will be made after I buck him into a wall," Arcadia snarled. Then carefully walked with the guard down the steel staircases.

Madun shook his head and replied, "Not in your condition. If anyone's doing any bucking, it's me. I'm the one protecting my family."

"And I'm protecting my daughter," Arcadia responded.

"Son," Madun corrected.


"Son. Stop worrying, everything will be okay." Madun leaned up and nuzzled that spot again, pulling a hum out of Arcadia. "I'll watch out for our family. No one is touching you with any ill intentions. I'll assure it."

The Elite Guard led them down past the ground floor of the Castle and deeper still before arriving at the very bottom, made of concrete lit up by lights on the hallway walls. There was a pair of open steel doors at the end that Arcadia could see. Revealing a large two floor room similar to Her Majesty's.

It was fitted with a wall of books, steel walkways above, the crest of Psera hanging down from the ceiling, bright lights on the wall, a few more rooms, display screens, and a bunch of Elite Guards. The escort led them inside before they grabbed and pulled on the heavy thick doors, closing and locking it behind them while they headed back.

A green head poked out of one the rooms and focused on Arcadia and Madun. Merry gasped and jetted out, wrapping Arcadia in a hug. "Hey, girl!" She greeted. Then stepped back and asked, "Now what the buck is happening up there?"

Arcadia started to respond but Madun beat her to it. Poking his head in, he answered, "That Blueballs pony is believed to somehow be in Psera and wants to either cause harm to my fiancee, me, or our baby! If I see that pony, I am laying it on him!"

Merry groaned and replied, "He's really jealous of you two's relationship. I really want to knock his teeth in! I bet he just wants to rut Arcadia because she has a nice flank!!—I'm sorry, your highness. That just came out," Merry quickly backpedaled. "Please forgive me."

Arcadia's eyes were wide with bright rose colored cheeks, blushing in embarrassment. She shifted her wings to cover her rear, thankful they were big enough, and used her tail to cover everything else. "A-Are there clothes or something in here? I feel a little uncomfortable and exposed now."

Madun grunted at Merry who was smiling apologetically at Arcadia, and motioned to a guard who quickly brought over a golden colored dress. Arcadia lit her horn and teleported it onto herself immediately. Then turned to Merry and stated, "Watch what and where you say it Merry. You can say that between us girls but... Not around my fiance or the Guard. Please don't let it happen again. Now as for Blueballs—I mean Blueblood, he has always been a crazy stallion. If he is in fact on Psera and Law Enforcement manages to catch him, I will purposely alter his memories of this time, let alone me and Psera. He has crossed a huge line just by illegally crossing Psera's border and will be penalized for it under Psera's name, not Equestria's."

"I agree." They all looked up towards the overhead walkway at Her Majesty Molten Ice. "But if he does manage to hurt any of you, and we catch him, he will be taken to Chamber Nine in Lavender."

Arcadia gasped and asked, "Is that really necessary, your Majesty?"

Molten Ice sighed, then jumped off the walkway and glided down to them. After touching the concrete ground, she walked over to Arcadia and answered, "A basic prison cell will not do for a lone pony who wishes to assassinate a Royal of Psera. Let alone their Legend and Saviour. Psera would not be what it is today were it not for you, Arcadia. You saved Psera. You did. And this Blueblood pony needs to learn that this is not his world. It is yours. It is your life, not his. So we will remind him in the worst cell and in the worst prison Psera has. The same goes for any pony that wishes to do you harm, or my son. Now as for altering his memories, it will do. But while we are down here, I wish to speak about the Front Lawn taking a possible route to Equestria. Why is that?"

Clearing her throat, Arcadia answered, "We need to have the steel delivered there."

"But why do the—oh!" Molten facehoofed and laughed at her own mistake. "Stress, of course! You do not want to cause yourself any stress. And that is a rather large piece of metal. It must take a lot out of you if you were to fly it over there with your magic. It's been so long since I've been pregnant that I've forgotten how much a single thing can impact the foal."

Arcadia chuckled and shrugged. "It happens to the best of us. But Madun and I have decided that the Front Lawn needs to be inspected by the safety personnel first, then put through congress and The Branch of Defense before it is enrolled in the system. Then goes on its first assignment overseas. And since this is an international trade agreement, The Elite and Aqua Guard will be deployed to accompany it on its journey. Whether or not I go—"

"You're not going anywhere," Madun interrupted. He bounded forward and stated sternly. "Our daughter's not going over there, too dangerous. And I don't want you getting hurt. We'll send the Colonel and Bright Gold some instructions on how to handle the trade, but we're not going. We still have a wedding to plan and Psera still needs their ruler."

Arcadia sighed, but nodded. He was right, Equestria would be fine without her presence. She was needed here. Arcadia turned back to Molten Ice and stated, "We'll be saying here and overseeing things. The trade would do fine. I have to get the wedding up and running on its own—not to mention trying on a dress—and Madun has to oversee all of Psera until I am Queen. Then we can do it together. I also have to go and check on the Blue Gold. The Gold that apparently has the ability to build itself, thus restoring any lost gold we have on Psera. So we'll leave the trade to the military. And Madun? Thanks for agreeing with the baby being a girl. Finally."

"....what?" Arcadia giggled at his face. Didn't even realize he said "Our daughter's" earlier.

Molten Ice hummed and nodded. "Excellent choice."

After the girls were pushed through the rapidly built portal, landing them back in the castle in Canterlot in Equestria, Sunset jumped up and screamed, "CODE YELLOW!!!" Celestia and Luna both looked up from their meeting with S3 towards her. Not to mention the Pserateps, who gasped.

Celestia asked, "Er... Code Yellow?"

Sunset pointed out the window and answered, "Psera's been put on a Code Yellow! I have no idea what that means, but they took Lady Arcadia and King Madun someplace."

The Gold coated stallion Pseratep that Sunset remembered was named Bright Light said, "The Psera Detection System Security Code are three codes that Arcadia put in place when she was the Royal Secretary. Active only when the PDS cannot help. Yellow, Red, and—you all I believe know this one—Black. The lowest priority code is Yellow, when a dangerous threat is believed to already be on Psera and the military is placed to start searching. Red is when a threat has actively been spotted but has yet to be apprehended or extinguished. So the threat is actively on Psera and running amok. And Black is when the threat has caused harm to an inhabitant, a large group of Pserateps, or terrorism. So a terror attack by a Pseratep would cause a code black. Someone just hurt another pony and is now on the loose would be red, and a pony actively planning something would be yellow. Are you certain there is a Code Yellow in Psera?"

The group of girls all nodded when Rarity explained. "That lady burst through the doors and yelled they had a Code Yellow, and that they had to move King Madun and Lady Arcadia. Then Lady Arcadia threw us back in here."

Bright Gold hummed and concluded, "Then that would make it the first high priority military deployment in nearly five years. The last one was when the bear touched our soil, which would be classified as a Code Black now. Back then it was just a military deployment. An alarm sounded, all hooves on deck, then pushed out. We never managed to take it down. Hopefully this threat will be extinguished soon. Now Princess Celestia? We have a plan in place in Psera. Tomorrow will be the day we finally recycle the air in Equestria. You don't have to worry about pushing air back in. It will come on its own. Afterwards, we will move onto the trade. We both have our packages ready for transportation. But we need a place large enough to setup. Do you have a way of breaking down a large block of steel?"

Celestia and Luna nodded. Luna answered, "We have plenty of ways."

"Good, because we're only dropping it off. Now this steel block we're bringing over here is humongous. It's actually extremely more than enough for your citizens. As for the damage to the land... I don't know what to do about that except let it grow on its own."

"But didn't—"

"Yes," Bright Gold answered. "Yes, Lady Arcadia did in fact restore all the grass with a wave of her horn in every single city on Psera. However, she is pregnant at the moment, not to mention Psera is actively under a Code Yellow, and will possibly remain under a Code Yellow until tomorrow. And Arcadia can only do one city every four hours, if my memory serves me correctly. I doubt Lady Arcadia will return to Equestria after the realization of pregnancy really sets in. She will be slow, more cautious, and extremely careful. So she'll probably just be giving orders more often from this point on. So unless she does show up unexpectedly, you will have to do the regrowth on your own.

"About the trade. We can get the steel here, but we will have to get it out using our own tools. So we spoke with another department and have come up with a strategy to get it on the land. Where is your biggest city off the West Coast?"

Celestia lit her horn and conjured a large map of Equestria in between herself and S3. She raised a hoof to her chin, thinking about the biggest area. "Well the biggest city in all of Equestria is Manehattan. But since that's on the East, we'll have to go with its cousin, Las Pegasus. Here." She pointed to the large span of land that held a large amount of skyscrapers, the sign that read Applewood, and some mountains. "That is the biggest patch of land Equestria can offer on the West. It has a beach, a lot of dirt there, and more."

"Alright. Write that down, Green. Psera will more than likely take that patch. The reason I'm asking is because this steel block is—once again—huge. And it is heavy. Extremely heavy. The only pony who can lift it is Lady Arcadia, who we've all seen do. Our original plan was for her to move it onto the land and drop it off. But since she's out of commission until an estimated September of two thousand nineteen, we had to come up with another way. The other way is ship it over and drop it. But we can't bring the vehicle it's coming on over the land. So we'll have to push it off and pull it on. Once the craft is ready and given the green light, we'll bring it right over. Of course with a full army since we're bringing something extremely valuable to Equestria, and don't like surprises. But while we wait, our partners back in Psera will be building equipment here on Equestria. So we needed someplace large and big to do that."

"Then Las Pegasus will do," Luna responded. "It's our largest camp in the West. We can show you the grounds if you'd like."

The streets in all of Psera were silent, save for the Comm Blocks on the Hooves of the Elite Guard that were swarming every last one of them. They peeked underneath items, doors, on top of roofs in groups. Unaware that the pony they were searching for was literally walking right past them. When they heard the metal clinking, the Elite Guards' heads shot up and looked around. Nothing out of the ordinary, they went right back to searching. But he was there.

Blueblood carefully moved along the city of Cop, staring up at the insanely large castle in front of him, guarded by a full on Army with Pserateps flying through the air over the entire city. Weapons up and ready for action. These ponies are wayyy too guarded, Blueblood thought before stopping in the middle of the road. I'm just one pony. Who knows, somepony may have captured Twilight and taken her against her will. He shook his head and continued moving along. He needed to find another place to hide. Maybe that strange access gate... Access gate?

Blueblood stopped and stared. On the right side of the castle, there was a large shiny steel gate cutting off one whole street that apparently led out of Cop. It wasn't too out of the ordinary, except for the fact that this gate led into the mountain. It was definitely not a mine shaft either. He's been all over Cop by this point, and there was no other road here that led into a mountain that required that much security and soldiers from their military.

Blueblood looked back at the castle nearly a hundred kilometers away from in front of him. Then back towards the gate. Curious, he walked towards it. He wasn't worried about the Elite Guard detecting him. The Pserateps may be an advanced race of Pegasi. But even they can't catch what they can't see.

While Blueblood was unknowingly scouting out Psera, the Code Base, as it were called underneath the Castle of the Gods, were still under lock down. It's been around five hours now, and Merry was bored out of her mind. Based off the groaning coming from the room across from Arcadia's and Madun's. Arcadia was lying down underneath the covers inside silently sleeping while Madun was reviewing a few things with Blazing in the library nearby.

"Ugggghhh!" Merry groaned. Madun and Blazing turned towards the room while Molten Ice acted like she didn't hear it. Still eating and reading in the large kitchen on the side. Merry stomped out and demanded, "Somepony please tell me they caught that Equestrian Miscreant!"

Madun sighed and replied blandly, "Merry, we will be informed when Bluebird is caught." Molten chuckled from the kitchen. She was honestly wondering if Madun was getting his name wrong on purpose. It sure sounded like it. "Until then, the answer is no. What is so important that you need to start yelling?"

With a stomp of her hoof, Merry angrily answered, "Because! I need to prepare that dress, gown, shirt, jeans, necklace—"

Arcadia's door swung open, interrupting her. Without moving from her bed, she yelled, "For Psera's sake, Merry! I need my sleep! You should do the same!!" Lighting her horn, Arcadia slammed the door back, resonating across the entire underground base.

Everyone looked in the direction of Merry's wide eyes and frozen state. Before she turned to Madun and whispered, "Hey bro? When Arcadia hits her mood swings, you better run."

Madun just blinked at her a few times with a blank mind. Then turned to blazing and commented, "When Merry hits her mood swings, you wanna trade for the period? Call me in and switch places? I'll take Merry on any day rather than deal with the angry wife that knows magic, can travel over four hundred miles away with only a few calm steps forward, can move things without lifting a hoof, and fly as fast as Merry."

Blazing snickered and slowly shook his head. "No thanks, I'm good. Hey, ask your mom."

Molten Ice slowly lowered her book when everyone turned to her. Slowly shaking her head with wide eyes, she silently mouthed the word "No." The door to Arcadia's bedroom opened, letting out the Lady in Waiting herself who yawned timidly. Then look around at everyone else whose eyes were trained on her.

Feeling like she was missing something, she asked, "What is it? Is there something in my hair? I just ate those flowers, did I miss one?"

Merry, stifling her laughter, answered, "No, Lady Arcadia, just.... Nothing."

Author's Note:

Wedding chapter incoming on the Ninth of November. Gotta get the transportation for Psera out of the way. New stories are currently in progress. Tomorrow I'm working on planning out my novel. Fact: Did you know that it is illegal to sell a My Little Pony fanfiction, let alone a fanfiction that is not a Public Domain work? That is in fact true. Since My Little Pony is not in the Public Domain, and is privately used and sold through Hasbro(Toys) and Discovery Family(TV), it is copyrighted. If someone catches you, you bet both your flanks you will charged by Federal Law Enforcement for Copyright Infringement for a large hefty sum that will be delivered to Hasbro for using all their hard work and making money off of it without their permission. All the characters, locations, and more of My Little Pony are all Copyrighted. Because if it weren't, then I'm absolutely positive this site would become a sudden bookstore where the developers would not have to ask for a Patreon Donation or work off ads, and would instead ask for at least a one percent cut and PPCs.

Yours Truly, markelsmith866.

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