• Published 10th Mar 2018
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Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 53 - To The Throne

Author's Note:

Quote the full sentence containing a typo if there is one. Epilogue next.

After the trial ended and everyone was back to normal, the defensive party all turned to Queen Arcadia. But she was already packing up and bouncing out of her seat. Madun grinned and teased, "Wait, wait, sweetheart, where are you going?"

"To my filly, thank you." Once she had everything she needed, Twilight anxiously walked towards the door and out into the hall without him. "Something happened, I can feel it!" She stated.

Madun sighed but nodded his head. "Yeah, I should get back too. Fresh Dawn will be looking for her mommy and daddy soon and if she doesn't find them her magic sort of... Goes nuts. We'd better get out of here."

Celestia nodded and rose up with the others who came to support them. Then followed the king out the door. They didn't even bother watching Blueblood be escorted out of the room and back towards the back hallway. They knew for a fact they would see him again. Not anytime soon they acknowledged, but still soon. Luna could definitely feel it.

When they stepped out, Twilight was already gone. Leave it to a mother to clear a room for her baby. While they traversed the halls that only the king and queen could travel, Celestia sighed and stated, "I'm having such a hard time coming to the terms that my precious student has fully grown up and had a filly of her own."

Night Light leaned over and commented, "You and me both."

Madun shrugged from the front and replied, "Twilight and I have been discussing having a foal for quite some time, maybe five months after we started dating." They turned to him in surprise and confusion before he clarified. "Okay well she was actually talking with Gardeen in the hall about... Intimate situations before her rule as Queen. And since my entire family line has great hearing, I accidentally picked up on the words 'I want a foal.' She tried to scoot past it once she walked in, but I decided we should talk about it while the subject was up."

Twilight was anxious. Way more than anxious. So much in fact she quickly trotted the glossy castle floors past anyone in the way for her home where her baby rests. But it was all she could do to not teleport there. Actually, why hadn't she done that?

Lighting her horn, Queen Arcadia teleported into the doorway of the home's garden and trotted past all the saluting guards. Then twisted the handle and pushed the door open.

"Meesa your mee, Fresh Dawn!!" She called. Then closed the door and listened in. She heard some filly laughter in the back, urging her to stomp her way through and nearly run her mother over in their bedroom door making her way to the front. "Sorry, mom!"

She slowed into Dawn's playroom with anxious eyes scanning everything colorful. Dawn was watching Cadance and Flurry play a game while chewing on one of her toys on her mat. Then she looked up and spotted her mother.

Dawn gasped and spread her hooves out, cheering loud and proud. This pony had her mother's coat and hair! This was her!!

"Ooooh, I missed you the entire time during the trial, my little foal!!" Twilight shouted. Then used her magic to pick up Fresh Dawn and pull her into her tight and loving embrace. Humming in satisfaction and love. Dawn made cooing baby noises and tapped her hoof against Twilight's face. "Oooh and I see you missed me too."

Dawn responded with another confused coo while Twilight turned to her family. "Thanks so much for watching her for me. Madun and I really appreciate it. Isn't that right, Dawn? Meesa Dawn mokoy malarno?" Dawn squealed and tapped her hooves together, giving Twilight the answer to her question. "I asked her if she had fun."

Cadance walked over before Twilight Velvet rushed back in with a bottle. Looking to Twilight, she blushed and asked, "Oh! Well I guess bottles are no longer needed when she can get milk from the source, huh?"

Twilight playfully glanced to the ceiling and answered, "Oh I don't know~. Dawn can do either. But it's alright. Are you hungry?" Dawn buzzed her ears with a cute face aimed at her mother. Then giggled and wiggled her hooves. "I'll take that as a no. She more than likely already ate. How about all of you? You've been here for quite a while, we can offer you something or have the chefs prepare something special."

Cadance smiled and shook her head. "No thank you, Queen Arcadia. We had whatever that chocolatey brown loaf was in your fridge."

Brown loaf? What Brown Loaf did they... Oh no. Twilight widened her eyes and asked, "Wait... Chocolate loaf?" Twilight teleported out to the kitchen for a moment. Then teleported back in with what looked like a small loaf of hard chocolate that had a few parts obviously shaved off in her magic. She positioned it in front of them and tentatively asked, "Is this what you ate?"

Twilight Velvet slowly nodded and answered, "Yes, dear. It was really good. Was that an issue?"

Twilight immediately shook her head when the front door opened. Looks like they finally caught up to her. "Well no, but uhh . . . You see, this is for Dawn."

Cadance immediately apologized. "Oh we are so sorry! We didn't realize it was baby food."

Twilight shook her head and doubled back. "No no, that's not what I meant. Oh how do I put this . . . "

While Queen Arcadia tried to figure it out, Madun walked in ahead of the rest of the family and looked around. "Well at least this room is still standing," he stated proudly. Then proceeded to nuzzle their filly reaching out to him in Arcadia's hoof. "Hey there, Sugar Plum! Uh oh, mommy's holding the loaf again~! You know what that means... Tummy trouble!!" When Madun threw his hooves into the air Fresh Dawn did too and cheered. Shining Armor chuckled and shook his head. He remembered doing something like that with Flurry Heart.

Twilight turned to him and said, "No, sweetheart, umm... She didn't eat the chocolate."

Madun took hold of Fresh Dawn then looked at the loaf. Then up to Twilight's face with a confused expression. She gestured with her eyes towards the mares. After a few seconds, Madun looked down at the loaf then to them. Back and forth, back and forth. Then he seethed through his teeth with Arcadia. "They didn't know, did they?"

"No, I forgot to tell them."

Sensing something wrong, Twilight Velvet asked worriedly, "What is it?"

Night Light and the Princesses walked in while Twilight began to explain. "Well after Dawn gets enough baby food, she starts to cry for awhile. When this first happened we took her to the pediatrician and they said that if she eats more than four times a day of semi-solid matter, she'll get... Backed up, because she's so young."

Madun stroked Fresh Dawn's smooth red mane and said, "All Psera foals go through it. So in order to get past it they give out medicine in the form of sugarless desserts. Ow!" Fresh Dawn pulled back her hoof and giggled at her father's face after poking him in the eye. "Well at least she's not disappointed."

Twilight Velvet backpedaled and said, "Wait, wait, hold on... When you say backed up do you mean..." She rubbed her stomach.

Twilight curled her lips in and slowly nodded her head. "Yes, this chocolate is made to help foals move. It's a laxative."

Twilight wasn't sure if it was fate or what, but Cadance's stomach gurgled loudly at the right time, backing up her point. All eyes shot down to it before Celestia asked, "How much did you have, Caddy?"

Cadance gulped. Then raised her hooves like she didn't know and answered nervously, "A small cake slice?"

Arcadia seethed and whispered, "Oh yeah, you guys have to go. You're supposed to eat a tiny bit. You ate enough for a whole week." Dawn tapped her hooves and cheered at something only she knew. Amusing her mother. "And just what are you cheering for, little missy?"

Dawn made a bunch of bubbling sounds and blew a Raspberry at Twilight while she anxiously started working on the portal. It was going to be a long trip to Equestria.

The night was calm and peaceful back in Psera, in Equestria, and for anyone else who needs to sleep. Unfortunately, according to the discrete sounds forcing Madun's eyes open, that didn't apply to everyone. Madun blinked and focused his eyes on the empty space previously holding Arcadia. Then glanced to the small light breaching their room from the hall.

Madun sighed and closed his eyes. He could only guess what was happening. But it was more than likely right. Only one way to find out. So he flipped the covers and silently shuffled out of bed. Then took silent steps towards the crib on Arcadia's side. Fresh Dawn was sound asleep. Barely moving really.

But her mother in the living room was up in the middle of the night studying. Again. Ever since she was given the title as Queen, Twilight's been studying hard in preparation for her first day on the throne tomorrow. Correction. Today, according to the clock above the door. It was two in the morning.

"Jeez, Twilight," he sighed. Then proceeded out the empty door into the living room.

Just like he guessed, there she was in the middle of the room on the carpet with books all over the place. What she was doing was easy to figure. Going over everything. For the fifth time. She could recite the oldest law in Old Pseratopian, yet here she was doing it again.

Madun rolled his eyes and proceeded to put his plans into action. It was quite simple to get her attention. So simple. Just reach out and swipe one of her books while she was studying. So enraptured that she'd barely hear you move.

Next she'd flick her ear, glance up, then finally realize her book was missing. Twilight lightly squealed then whipped her head around. She set the one she was currently looking at down then stood and moved around. Madun stifled a snicker when she even lifted the bookshelf with her magic. Why would it be under there?

After Twilight softly placed it back on the floor, she moved around the couch to follow her muzzle and eventually came face to hoof with Madun. Thus freezing her motions. He sighed and whispered, "Dear, it's two in the morning. Come back to bed."

Stifling a grunt of annoyance, Twilight stood back up straight. There's her book. Being held prisoner in Madun's hoof while he himself was staring at her unamused. Using her magic, she teleported the book out of his hold and back to the pile on the floor. Then whispered, "I can't, I have to—"

"Study, I know. Look, you have this in the bag. You surprisingly know the laws of Psera more than Old Judge Crew, let alone need to worry about an old law no one breaks anymore. You got this, Twilight."

Twilight took a deep breath and looked back to the floor full of books. It was just a big mess to others but it was her way of saying, "I'm studying." But Madun had a point. She knew the laws of Psera way more than expected of her. Yet here she was digging through a whole bunch of more laws. Including ones that had already been applied to with an amendment that he could make out with a small glance.

Coming to a conclusion, Twilight replied sadly, "Yeah, you're probably right. I should get some rest."

Madun smiled but knew something was up. Twilight wasn't really good at keeping secrets away from him. "Hey, what's wrong? Come on, have a seat." He used his head to nudge Twilight back towards and onto the couch. Then took a seat next to her after fighting his way through all the books on the floor. "I can tell you're worried, but there's obviously more to it than that."

Twilight nodded and trained her eyes on the photos lining the fireplace across. Sometime between the trial and now, Twilight had placed spells on the walls that enabled the outside world to be seen from inside. Like a window made of magic. They could see outside at all of Psera from their current floor, but no one could see in. Live. "I'm just ... Worried about my first day. I'm a Queen, sweetheart. Do you know what that implies?" Madun was about to deadpan his answer when she added, "A foreign Queen. This is huge."

Madun sighed and said, "I understand dear. But you're more than ready."

"I know, but if I make a single mistake I may face bad backlash. Because I wasn't born in Psera. I was born in Equestria. I can already see the headlines."

"Well don't think about the headlines. You're thinking about all the bad things, sweetheart. Don't think about those. Think about how successful you'll be on that throne and managing the greatest country in the world. And because of you, Psera will continue to prosper. You managed to organize and rebuild this country from the literal dirt, what are you afraid of? Even if someone out there doesn't like you, that's just a few ponies compared to how many that do. So just have confidence, sit on the throne, and be yourself. Okay? You got this."

Twilight sighed and nodded. Madun was right. The might of Psera was behind her. Even if she messed up Madun would more than likely help her. There was nothing to be afraid of. Taking a deep breath, Twilight sighed and nodded. "You're right. I got this. This is my big day and I'm more than prepared, I got this."

"There's my wife." He leaned in and nuzzled Twilight's neck at that place she liked. Then pulled back and motioned to the room. "Make sure you get some sleep though, okay? Psera doesn't want their Queen tired before they even take the throne on their first day."

Twilight nodded and said, "I'll be there soon. How's Dawn?"

"Sleeping like a filly. I'll meet you there." Madun stood up and made his way back to the room, leaving Twilight to her books. Looking at them now, she realized that she may have overdid it a bit. There were stacks of texts on the floor alongside notebooks, pens, the works.

Twilight sighed and got to work cleaning up. She shaved off two hours of sleep already and had to make them up. Like Madun said, Psera didn't need a quiet queen.


When the sun rose and basked its morning glow on the countries and such around the world, so did Arcadia and Madun. And surprisingly Fresh Dawn. They never would have woke up at six if it weren't for her whines hitting their ears. Like a flash, Twilight was up.

She snapped her eyes open and teleported with a snap to Dawn's crib, shocking her husband awake. The crack that comes from her spell was much louder up close. While Madun tried to get his bearings, Twilight was peering down with tired eyes on Fresh Dawn's contorting face. "Uh oh, I smell a dirty diaper! Time for a change, Veola!" While Fresh Dawn's whines calmed down, Twilight went to work removing the diaper and cleaning her up.

Madun meanwhile groaned dejected and slid out from underneath the covers onto the bedroom floor to stretch. Sleep was no longer available. Time for the next best thing. "Whooo, how do you do that? Good morning, baby."

"Good morning, and do what?" Twilight used her magic to grab a new diaper and slipped it on Dawn's bottom.

Madun yawned and dodged something floating past his head. "Well get up at the stomp of a hoof like that and still be excitable for one." He looked down into the crib and nuzzled Fresh Dawn while she was getting changed. "And two still look good even with a bedhead." Twilight playfully whipped him with her tail while he nuzzled her. Then focused once more on Fresh Dawn. "Have you ever thought about... How Fresh Dawn is an Alicorn? I mean according to Celestia being born an Alicorn is really rare in Equestria. The only instance it has ever happened was for your niece."

Once Fresh Dawn was in her diaper, Twilight picked her up with her hooves and held her to her chest. Then turned to Madun and answered, "Oh yes, plenty of times. But since there was nothing I could really do about it, I just let it be. But it was a struggle. I mean Fresh Dawn is the first Alicorn-Pseratep according to record. I have so many questions and I can't answer them all without resorting to the Canterlot Archives for past information and comparing them for current knowledge about Alicorn physiology. As much as I would like to get more research in, I just want my daughter to be happy."

The door to the room squeaked open before an obnoxious voice decreed, "Uh oh, someone's going all egghead again."

That voice. That itchy rough and annoying voice this early! Madun whirled around and asked, "Merry, how did you get in here? And why?"

Merry stopped strolling into the room and pointed behind her with a look. "Uhhh... The door? I'm here to dress the Queen up in her new garb!"

Arcadia sighed and turned around to face Merry. She was already tugging in a bunch of clothes with a tongue hanging out her mouth. Desperately trying to squeeze it all through the tight doorway. Arcadia shared an unsure look with Madun and said, "Uhhh, M-Merry? I was thinking that I'd just wear something from the closet today."

Merry had the unfortunate opportunity of slipping and falling backwards at that bit of news. Arcadia and Madun flinched, but Fresh Dawn laughed. On the floor, she desperately yelled, "Wait, what?! Come on, Queen—"

Arcadia held up her hoof, silencing her. Then added, "It's not that I don't appreciate your designs and help, but I already have a full closet with just your clothes. I think I have way more than more enough. As well as my own from my Equestria friends. So I'll have to decline this one, Merry."

Merry jumped up and coalesced, "Okay, I understand. Oh by the way, I'm not alone."


Merry was about to answer the question, but somepony just had to walk right into the room and look around. Twilight Velvet locked eyes with Twilight and asked, "Am I too early?"

Fresh Dawn cooed at her voice, but Twilight was a bit more forward. "Mom, you have to stay out unless I say it's okay for you to come in. Are the Guards not doing their jobs?"

"Oh dear, Merry let me in." All eyes trained on Merry for a moment. Her frown immediately shot up into a smile, convincing them of innocence. Well except Madun.

Madun pointed to Merry and ordered, "You? Out. Now. Guards, escort Merry and her clothes out, please!" Less than three seconds later, two Elite Guards rushed in and pulled her out before she could even say anything. Instead her voice was heard outside the door before Twilight used her magic to shut it.

Then they trained their eyes on Twilight Velvet. Twilight glanced up at Madun. Then looked back into her mother's lively innocent eyes. Genuinely curious, she asked, "Uhhh... Why are you here early, mom?"

Twilight Velvet smiled and said, "I wanted to spend time with my little filly before she took her first day on the throne. Officially taking her place as Queen."

Twilight nervously chuckled and adjusted Dawn in her hold. "Well, I was officially sworn in a few weeks ago, making me Queen then, but I guess everypony has their own definition. Umm, I actually haven't fed Dawn first, so..."

Twilight Velvet brushed that off with a wave of her hoof and said, "Oh don't worry sweetheart, we're both mares. Besides, I've seen what you looked like when you were a filly."

Twilight sighed inside her head and bargained, "Mom, at least wait in the living room with Madun. This is very personal to me and Dawn."

Twilight Velvet smiled and relented with a literal turn around of her body. "Oh alright. I'll leave you and Fresh Dawn to your alone time together." Then pranced out, leaving Madun with his family for a moment. All he had to do was look at Twilight and she knew what he was thinking.

Walking towards the bed, she smiled and said, "Be nice, she's just really excited."

Madun grumbled and moved for the door while she hopped onto the comforter and adjusted herself for Dawn's feeding. "You know I'm not a fan of in-laws, sweetheart."

Twilight giggled and lifted a wing. Then calmly pushed Fresh Dawn to her exposed undercarriage. Once she was, she lowered her wing and shielded her from view. "I know, but just make sure you get to understand mom first. You'll—oohh, there she goes. You'll see. Now go. Get out. Shoo." Using her magic, Twilight playfully opened the door and pushed Madun out. Then closed it back. Breastfeeding was a sacred bond between mother and foal after all. No one else but them.

After Dawn had her breakfast, Twilight walked into the living room and was quite surprised to see Madun and her mother having an important conversation of some sort around some Equestrian legacy involving herself. Twilight wasn't entirely listening, but she did hear something about King Sombra in it. She definitely got it from Princess Cadance.

The conversation shifted over from "King Sombra" to "Little Dawn" when Twilight set her in her grandmother's hooves so she and Madun could get ready. It didn't take them long. Of course a thorough wash was needed for them. Then Fresh Dawn shortly after, leaving Twilight Velvet to her devices in the cozy home of the King and Queen. The others decided not to come to allow Twilight her space.

But Velvet knew her daughter. If somepony wasn't around her that she was entirely comfortable around, she would freak out, fret, and do a no-show because she was too busy hiding under her bed. So she volunteered herself, and was not stoic in Twilight's look. When she walked out with little Dawn in her hold, Twilight Velvet squealed and skipped over to the hallway. Up to her daughter wearing a piece-by-piece purple dress with golden edges, golden hoofshoes, and the crown that let others know of her status. As Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera wearing lip gloss.

"Oohh, look at you~!" She fawned.

She calmly wrapped her hooves around Twilight's neck and pulled her into a hug while Twilight giggled in glee. Genuinely excited, she pulled away and did a tiny dance. "I know! Oh, do you think the gloss is too much?"

Twilight Velvet shook her head and answered, "No eyeshadow, no eyeliner, and you're okay. When do you take the throne?"

Twilight walked over to her library with Dawn and answered, "Fifteen minutes. I need my notes, I need my journal, I need my—"

"You need to calm down, is what you need." Madun walked up to Twilight and used his large body to keep her away from the library, and used his wing to direct her back to the couch. "What did I tell you this morning, you got this. This is your land and your ponies. If they didn't believe in you, they wouldn't have made you Queen. Trust me, I've lived with them for years."

"Okay, okay!" Arcadia shuffled away from Madun before Dawn cried out in her hooves. She looked down and asked, "Moro, Dawn? Kala chee tara toy?"

Dawn made an "uh" sound at the clock ticking away on the wall. Then pointed at it and cheered, directing Twilight's attention to it. And Madun's. They gasped once they realized the time. They had seven minutes!! Did time seriously past that fast? "Oh no!" Twilight yelled. "I'm going to be late—We're going to be late! Mom, since you're here—"

Twilight Velvet didn't even let her finish. Right when she said "Mom," Twilight Velvet was already prepared. She walked towards the kitchen and said, "Of course I'll watch her for you! When will you be back?"

Madun and Twilight walked towards the door while Madun answered, "Twilight will be back by six this afternoon, I'll be back by seven. Thank you so much. Meesa me, Dawn!" Dawn cheered and blew a raspberry while clapping her hooves together. Then everything turned into business.

Arcadia used her magic to pull the door open, revealing their entourage. A line of guards were waiting patiently on the other side wearing different variations of their signature armor. Arcadia's purple, and Madun's orange-red. Stoic as always. Secretary Gardeen was standing in the far back checking the watch she had on her right hoof. They were nearing that time. The special moment Twilight had been waiting for. Once they stepped out of the threshold of their home, the Guards and Gardeen bowed their way.

Madun greeted, "Good morning, everyone."

Arcadia smiled and ordered, "Please rise. How much time do we have?"

Gardeen checked her watch and answered, "Six minutes, your highness."

"Then let's get a move on."


All was quiet as the Castle of the Gods was traversed by the King and Queen. Arcadia's violet veil shrouded her face. The rings attached to her horn shimmered with gold, born from the great land underneath their hooves.

Arcadia was Queen, Madun was King, Fresh Veola Dawn was the Princess. The first hybrid family on Psera. Queen Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle, the first foreign Queen on Psera, as well as the bringer of magic. The Saviour of Psera... There were so many titles Arcadia couldn't keep up with them all. So many experiences that would be treasured in her lifetime. Of course being shot with an arrow wasn't on the list. This upcoming memory was going to be added.

Gardeen leaned over to her from Arcadia's right and asked, "Nervous jitters?"

Arcadia smiled and answered, "Trying not to think about it. I'm nervous but... Psera made me Queen for a reason. To lead and protect them. And that is what I am going to do."

"Psera will be glad to hear that." Their hoofsteps led them to the elevators that opened when they arrived. Bright lights on the inside with a reflective roof and marble floors. Wooden walls. Four of their Guards stayed outside leaving two to go up one floor with them.

While the doors shut, Arcadia adjusted her dress using her magic and whispered, "How does the third floor look?"

A Guard answered from the front, "Pretty busy, your highness. The third floor is from the first floor."

While the elevator slowed Madun added, "Everypony's going to want a request from Queen Arcadia Nova. So I'm probably going to just watch and point out things."

When the elevator stopped Arcadia turned to Madun and inquired, "You're not doing anything?"

"They're more than likely going to see you before they see me. Everyone has already spoken to me. I'll probably be needed in meeting today than anything else."

No matter how true that was, Arcadia nuzzled Madun when the door opened and said, "Well I may need your help sometime. So keep your eye on me."

"Definitely." Madun and Twilight walked out the elevator and made their way across the hall towards the Throne Room's secure rear entrance. And stopped.

This was it. The beginning of her new life as Queen of Psera. Co-ruler of the greatest nation in the known world. The nation that saved another. Celestia vowed herself their kindness will be met with their own. Arcadia wouldn't doubt it.

A wing of warmth draped over her back. Moving her thoughts from the future to the Present once more. Madun smiled and whispered, "Are you ready... Queen Arcadia?"

"...I am. Let's move forward. Together."

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