• Published 10th Mar 2018
  • 9,831 Views, 526 Comments

Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 48 - Premarriage(Interlude)

Less Than Two Days Later

When Molten walked into the Royal Throne Room the morning after she was entirely surprised at the amount of decor that greeted her. Celestia truly stuck to her word. The golden columns had been wrapped in red and blue roses and the area in front of the thrones were set up with a decorated stage. On the side of the thrones, a little obscured from sight from the columns were two more elevated and turned to the right.

Pinkie zipped up to the side of Molten and said, "Those are for the foal choir who were at the first one! They're going to sing when Twilight walks in!"

Molten trained her eyes on Gardeen who was looking at a clipboard on the side away from the red Carpet in front of them that led up to the stage. Multiple bouquets of flowers, a white stage with two vases on the corners. And a podium with a microphone. Simple, but very beautiful. The rest of the ponies were finishing up by cleaning up anything they may have missed.

Molten looked down to Pinkie and asked, "Have you done the banquet hall?"

"Yes, indeed-ly!!"

Molten nodded and replied awkwardly, "Well... Then... I guess you're... Done?"

"Not yet! Now we have to get Twilight in here!" Applejack responded. She was straightening up the red carpet by smoothening the edges outside the walkway. "And King Madun, of course."

Gardeen nodded in agreement and responded, "The entire nation is anxious to see her fly again." She placed her clipboard underneath her right wing and walked over. "Lady Arcadia's status is well. There have been no problems with the baby, and she's free to leave tomorrow morning. Early."

Celestia walked over from the thrones and assumed, "So all tasks must be completed today then. Who is attending the ceremony in here?"

Her Majesty sat down and answered, "Royalty, a few ponies from the past, LiVAM crews, Princess Merry, Prince Consort Blazing Fire, the Merōl Choir, and the host for the last attempt. He's already here in the castle."

"Okay. Is there anything else you need, Pinkie?"

Everyone shifted their sights to Pinkie Pie, who somehow between the time she first spoke to Molten and now had donned a black outfit for spying. "Yes, there is." She donned a pair of shades and asked, "How are we getting them in here?"

Molten chuckled and answered, "We'll do the best approach. By being direct. Gardeen and Merry are handling Lady Arcadia, and Blazing is handling Madun." Gardeen raised her hoof, getting Molten's attention. "Yes, Gardeen?"

She lowered her hoof and suggested, "Actually Your Majesty, Shining Armor could help with that."

From across, Shining Armor pointed at himself and repeated, "Shining?"

Gardeen chuckled and nodded. "Yes, you. I spoke to Lady Arcadia this morning and she said she told Madun to ask you about parenting advice. This would be a great opportunity for you to actually keep him distracted in honesty."

"Oh!" Shining shrugged and nodded. "Yeah, sure. I'm fine with that. When can I meet up with him?"

"Since they're being released tomorrow... Tomorrow. You'll know when they're released."

Molten stood back up and said, "As I'm sure you can tell the citizens of Psera truly look up to their leaders."

Celestia nodded and said, "Yes, I've noticed that the second we walked in earlier this week."

"It is imperative their happiness equals to those of their citizens. So apart from having them married, let's make sure Lady Arcadia and King Madun's wedding is filled with smiles."

Rainbow saluted and said, "You got it, Your Majesty!"

Today was the day. The day Twilight was being released. The plan was this: Gardeen and Merry would meet with the King and Lady in Waiting this morning to inform Lady Arcadia that Shining Armor was at the castle waiting to give parenting advice while at the same time Merry was giving her brother a chance to try on a new outfit. Something he agreed to way beforehoof.

While they were doing that, Arcadia would be going through hugs and such with her own family and friends back at the castle while a few of the castle staff would escort everyone attending and listen in on their position and timing. Turns out, Psera knows how to keep secrets. Surprise, surprise. Celestia and the Princesses knew for a fact the Pserateps weren't telling them everything about Psera. But it didn't matter at the moment.

The kitchen staff were already set this morning at two to start their cooking in the kitchen and to make final adjustments to the celebratory hall somewhere on the first floor of the castle. The Royal Throne Room was currently in the midst of grandeur set up and Celestia had yet to raise the sun.

But LIeutenant Gliding Sword was already on the way to the debriefing room inside of the hospital, made specially only for Law Enforcement and National Defense as a backup. The night nurses and doctors were moving around with clipboards and such tending to other patients while she moved with an urgency. There was no time like the present to get this task running. Back at the castle Gardeen was watching the Throne Room setup to stay on her own end. Or ends. She was in charge of the whole operation. So everything ended up on her shoulders. And if she was to take any lessons to mind from her employer and friend, lists greatly helped.

She had some things to check up on this morning: Security checkup with Dark Silver for the protection around the castle, a check in with Gliding to learn the current steps in motion at the Hospital, and... That was it for now. Everything else would fall into place on its own as long as the Equestrians stay far and away. Oh! And to get the foal choir into position, and be fed if necessary. They should be here by nine just to get it all into place. The wedding ceremony begins at eleven and Lady Arcadia leaves at ten. Plenty of time.

Gardeen watched the final piece for the stage be applied. A podium for the Administer. He was going to be the one presiding over the service today. Again. Hopefully no one would bring up what happened last time. It's supposed to be treated like the original wedding. Full of happiness.

Author's Note:

Just a basic interlude. What do you think is going to happen next? New upload going on my YouTube Channel as well @ 5PM EST. Not my best work, but I'll do better next time. It's my second time making Progressive House.

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