• Published 10th Mar 2018
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Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 51 - Coronation(Extended)

Equestria was bright and shining. Her sky was packed with birds returning after the three month disaster, then another three month resurrection. Technically, a half year of the strange unnatural occurrence that turned Equestria gray. Then green once more thanks to Lady Arcadia. Celestia couldn't call her that anymore. She was going to be crowned today.

Just like Luna and Cadance, Celestia was being groomed and pomped up in her room in front of a mirror. Secretary of Royalty Gardeen Daisy had contacted them through Twilight's journal to Sunset a few weeks ago relaying the event details. Apparently Twilight "was extremely busy" and she was taking over for now. But she did say a reserved meetup was scheduled for breakfast this morning at eight. In which case that means Rainbow Dash may be a little grumpy.

Celestia held up her hoof to freeze the ministrations and makeover. At least makeup wasn't involved. She stood up and stepped around to get a good picture of her bright white and orange dress, complete with sequins. How it felt, how much it weighed.

"It's great," she decided. "Thank you."

They bowed quickly then made their way across the carpet towards the open door, leaving Celestia to herself. Just to think back on things the way they used to be. Twilight was literally moving up to their position. Should Celestia and the others be worried? Possibly. Happy? Of course. This is Twilight. Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle of Psera, her student. Protege. Friend. Why shouldn't she be happy for her? Just a little worried about her well being. She's going to be a mother really soon as well as a wife and Queen. But Twilight is known for pressure. It's no sweat to her.

Celestia smirked at herself in the mirror then moved for the door after the mares. It was time to go and meet up with Gardeen.

The halls of the Canterlot Castle were once again full of life. Everything were beginning to grow back to normal, save for the spots in different cities here and there. Ponies were walking around with smiles and clean coats, foals were running around outside from what Celestia could tell from a passing window. The sun was shining upon the ground of green grass littered with buildings and concrete.

Celestia shook her head and moved on. Appreciation could be expressed in Psera. As soon as she met up with Luna, Cadance, and her friends. Along with a few VIPs here from Equestria.

When she had that thought, Celestia bumped past the throne doors and into the room itself where Luna and Cadance with Flurry Heart were waiting. Along with everypony else. Was she really so late that even the ponies who lived miles from Canterlot got here before she did? Even those from Sunset's world, as well as Sunset herself were ready, standing with Starlight and talking about something. Including Twilight. It was going to take some used to seeing Twilight. But not this world's Twilight.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were wearing their dresses already and passing the time by playing an apparently competitive game of cards. Rarity was brushing her hair, Fluttershy was speaking with Twilight's parents and Shining Armor, Twilights old friends were making a lot of noise, apparently talking too, leaving Celestia alone.

She smiled and walked forward. "Good morning, everypony."

Everyone stopped what they were doing and focused on Celestia. Luna smirked and asked, "Did the cake hold you, sister?"

Celestia nudged her playfully with her wing when she reached her. "Oh stop, I didn't realize it was going to be so long. What time is it?"

Rainbow Dash zoomed over and answered, "She should be here soon."

Moon Dancer—wearing the most colorful garment with an appropriate amount of purple—walked over and asked, "So... Twilight's okay now?"

Celestia honestly answered, "She seemed alright when we last saw her. She should be fine now. She's supposed to have gone into labor by this point, so there may be a little filly running around."

Minuette zipped over, hyper as ever and asked, "Is the stallion cute?" Celestia was the most surprised that she would ask her out of all the ponies in here that question. Wouldn't Rarity be more suitable for that? Either one?

Speaking of which, Ponyville Rarity decided to take that one. Chuckling, she answered, "Darling, he is handsome. I mean really, Twilight snagged a real looker."

"Yeah, I'll be the judge of that."

"Just be prepared for a pat-down when we walk through first, okay?"

"...what?" The area in front of the throne burst into a glowing purple bubble, blowing back their manes a little before it focused and created Twilight's signature portal. The best of the best.

Next up, Gardeen. She stepped out of the portal and looked around first. Guard-less. That's a first. But she did have a Comm Block on. Smirking she stated, "Wow, this place looks great. Hello, Princess Celestia."

Celestia smiled and delivered a hug to Gardeen. "Hello, Secretary. How are you?"

Gardeen pulled back and answered, "Honestly? A little tired. These last few weeks have been... A little taxing on everyone back in the castle. Security measures were being put in place, VIPs were going through background checks, the stage was being built, the family pod was being prepped, the castle was being decorated—which you all should know is a feat in itself."

Luna nodded and stated, "Yes, it must be."

"Yes, it took a few weeks. Then after today it has to go down, ugh. I'm tired. Anyway, let's see uhhh..." Gardeen flipped the document she brought with her on a clipboard and stated, "I'm sure you have all signed the confidentiality form Her Highness had made in advance? Save for these four new attendees Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, and Moon Dancer?"

Minuette walked forward from the back of the line and answered, "Yes, that's us."

"Okay, so since you're new and Her Highness approves you, I'm going to have to tell you the rules straight. What you see in our country you are not allowed to tell anyone else outside of this circle and castle under imprisonment in our land for a decade, as well as payment. We are really strict when it comes to our nation and don't like word of it leaving the places mentioned."

Minuette nodded with the other girls and answered, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Gardeen stared at her for a moment with a blank mind then glanced at Cadance, who responded with a motion saying it was okay. "...alright. I'll take that as a yes. Sign where the X is."

She held the clipboard out to them and pointed a firm hoof at where they should sign. After a minute of signing, Gardeen took the clipboard back and shook their hooves. "Thank you. Now that you've signed it I'll introduce myself. Hello, I'm Secretary of Royalty Gardeen Daisy. I do what they ask me to do and sometimes more. If there is an issue, I handle it. As well as a personal friend of Lady Arcadia Nova.

"Now when we step through the portal follow all instructions that are instantly barked at you and remain calm. The Guard are going to do a much more thorough body check today. Security is of the utmost importance. Now if you'll all follow me we can get some more important stuff out of the way." Gardeen turned around and made her way back through the portal.

Celestia turned to the new visitors and repeated, "Just follow what the guards tell you to do to the letter and it will be easy." And with that, Celestia led them through to the other side. To Psera. The second they stepped through they were inside of what looked to be a large room made out of mirrors or something else shiny. There were Royal Guards stationed around taking up positions at maybe fifteen different spots, eyeing everyone as they filed out. Once Starlight, Trixie, and the others were out, Gardeen said something into the Comm Block while the Guards had their own ideas.

"Spread your hooves, spread your wings, chins up, don't move!" Minuette eeped and did as asked before a mare started feeling through her body. "Don't move, open your mouths, open 'em!"

Mouths? Celestia did as asked and watched the mare in front of her shine a flashlight inside. Is this really necessary? Once the light cut off, the soldier stepped back and motioned for Celestia to relax with everyone else. "CLEAR!"

The door for the room was swiftly pushed open, letting out the visitors into the very decorative area of the castle halls. Yeah, Psera had been busy. All along the walls were vines of flowers and signs pointing towards where everything was going to be held. A Dance Hall, Picture Taking, Press Room, Security Office, a few more things.

Once Gardeen led them into the clear, EQG Twilight asked, "Is it just me, or did they up their game on Security?"

Gardeen chuckled and answered, "It's not just you. Everything is going into super mode. All Security was upgraded just for today. It's a really important event. A new Queen is taking the throne, which hasn't happened in centuries. The pony in charge of the security is Captain Dark Silver, the head of security here inside of the castle, and actually the first Pseratep Lady Arcadia met when she came here. So he's taking this a little more personal than anyone."

Minuette nervously asked from the side, "So... A-Are you guys uhh... Always so investigative?"

Gardeen answered, "You have no idea." She lifted her Comm Block and relayed, "Secretary Gardeen to Hive, the visitors have arrived. We're taking the blue path to the Royal Dining Hall."

"Ten-Four, Secretary," a very familiar voice responded.

Gardeen lowered her hoof and turned the large group of over twenty towards the left into a hall outlined with deep blue roses. All on the walls and floor creating a walkway. When they walked in Twilight Velvet gasped and stated in envy, "Ohh these are so pretty!"

Gardeen smiled and replied, "Yes, they're fresh and new. Too bad they're only in here for a day unless the King and Queen decide to do something with them. Gardeen to Hive, now ascending the Blue stairwell."

"Ten-four." Gardeen turned right and led them up a flight of high stairs, nearly wearing out poor Moon Dancer. Thankfully, they reached what had to be the most active level in the entire castle. LiVAM crews, moving ponies, and a lot of service ponies wearing dark violet badges to state their positions. A few of the cameras positioned on them for a few seconds before moving on. Yeah, this was the most busiest floor.

"Gardeen~!" Gardeen stopped and turned her attention to the right into the grinning muzzle of Merry Fire. She was wearing a fire red dress with golden ear clamps that encircled her entire ear, held a small golden tiara on her head, and gorgeous Hoofshoes that too were gold and held a lot of gems. She asked, "Where. Have. you. Been?"

Gardeen blinked then motioned to Celestia and the others waiting. "Grabbing the visitors. What's going on?"

"My brother wanted to speak with you for a moment whenever you had the time. It's figured out now, but they needed you. They don't have Comm Blocks, so... Hey! Who are you?" Merry zipped over into Minuette's face and looked her over. "Who is this, Gardeen?"

Gardeen rolled her eyes and answered, "The new visitors Lady Arcadia asked for. They've already signed the contracts, I have to file them. Ladies, this is Princess Merry Fire of Psera. Please don't—" Minuette eeped and dropped her face to the ground with Lemon Hearts, Moon Dancer, and Twinkleshine. "Bow. Please don't bow."

Merry agreed, "Yeah, please don't. I may be the daughter of Great Queen Molten Ice, but I'm not all about that bowing royal stuff. Except when needed. Do that to the others, but not me. And don't call me your highness, Princess, all that drama."

Moon Dancer straightened up first before the others while Celestia asked, "So... Where are the foals?"

Grinning, Merry answered, "Ooh, you're a sneaky one, Celestia. The twins are with their father. And because I know you're going to ask, you'll meet the first Natural Alicorn-Pseratep in a few minutes. I'll let Gardeen take care of that. Hey, Rarity! And... Rarity."

The two waved at her from the back before Merry moved on, heading towards another location that only she knew with a pep in her step. She was really happy that she could actually move again, let alone briskly.

Gardeen shook her head and chuckled. "You'll have to excuse Merry. She's been exuberant ever since she had the twins."

Twilight Velvet added, "And Twilight?"

"Equally so. Now follow me." Gardeen turned back around and led them down the hall through the madness, passing the Royal Throne Room currently in the midst of last minute touches. The doors were closed, but the others who have never seen the room could feel the warmth of power in there. Anyone who was anybody knew who dwelled and ruled in there.

Eventually, they arrived at the dining hall still being setup. But it was mostly complete by this point. There were guards standing on the side watching everything. But these guys were much bigger and wore violet armor. Gardeen ignored them and motioned towards the long table decorated with untouched hot and cold food already seated with a few more ponies wearing dress attire. Both of the Rarities had to approve with a nod of their heads.

Of those seated were the military Generals in the middle of the table on both sides, including Secretary Manny, Generals Bold Shoulder, Shooting Star, and a few more. Then Bright Gold later down the line with a few more VIPs from that S3 facility. Whatever it was.

And at the end of the very long table were two thrones. Both made of Gold and obviously very expensive in Equestria. They didn't get to gander long at the thrones though because Gardeen pointed them to their own places before she trotted off. The table was really long and already had way more than enough chairs. Nearly fully occupied. But by the throne were a few more higher chairs, as well as an out of place but definitely appropriate high chair to the right of the future Queen's, and two next to the throne on the left side of the table.

Celestia sat down in her seat and waved to Secretary Manny who decided to salute in return. The others followed suit with greeting and engaged in conversations with each other while the Equestrians got into conversations of their own. This went on for a little while before the doors at the very end opened up, urging silence. Those sitting at the table stood up in respect, including the new visitors and eyed the open doors. Eyes still trained, Sunset leaned over and whispered to Starlight, "So... You excited?"

Starlight smiled and leaned back over to whisper, "Let's ask Twilight that question when she comes in."

A fancy looking Pseratep Stallion at the door cleared his throat and announced, "Presenting Her Majesty Molten Ice! Previous Queen of Psera for nine hundred years!"

Nine hundred?! Her Majesty Molten Ice, wearing something definitely from the past walked in while the Equestrians tried to wrap their heads around that news. It was a fire red dress in sequins and other elements that was tight fitting and moved up to her neck, stopping right underneath her head. The table bowed while she moved for the chair next to the Senate Board on the left. She didn't sit in it yet, instead focused back where she came from.

"Presenting Princess Merry Fire of Psera, and Prince Consort Blazing Fire with their newborns! Princesses Lightning Fire and Daisy Fire!" Next in walked Merry Fire and Blazing Fire carrying two little foals on her back. They would be exactly identical if it weren't for the variation of coats. One had a blue coat while the other had a yellow one. But both were so adorable in their little dresses and tiny tiaras!

Starlight found herself silently fawning with the rest of the table. Still moving Merry chuckled and stated loudly, "If you think they're cute, you should look at the first princess."

Once Merry had the foals in their high chairs and ready, the pony at the door cleared his throat and yelled, "And presenting the current rulers of Psera, the Selfless King Shimmering Madun, King of Psera, the exceedingly honorable Lady in Waiting Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle, Saviour of Psera, and their firstborn daughter, the first ever naturally born Alicorn-Pseratep, Princess Fresh Veola Dawn of Psera!"

Madun and Twilight both walked in at the same time, side by side smiling. Madun was wearing a red and orange suit with a gem-drenched crown on his head. The suit had been designed with all types of curving vines similar to an out of control rose bush. On his right chest were multiple medals and symbols, symbolizing his status. His hooves had been decorated with steel hoof shoes molded into a riding flame that traveled upwards. And whoo was he handsome. Rarity wasn't joking when she said the king was a looker. Muscular with a cute face. Moon Dancer heard Minuette mutter something naughty under her breath, earning a light jab.

Twilight was the most beautiful in the room though if those flashing cameras had a say so. Her sharp horn had been fitted with Golden rings, connected by glistening chains dangling below that split off at the base towards the light purple dress' neckline she was wearing. A hood or something with a violet glistening lace veil had been placed on her head, concealing her eyes from view just barely.

The dress was purple but had a similar look to Madun's, save for the near transparency. Flowing with shimmering glowing vines. Medals of honor flowed on her right chest and orange red hoof shoes tapped along her dragging wings.

Gardeen had walked out with another mare behind them bearing saddlebags holding foal supplies, including a little stuffed bird poking out.

Then draped across Twilight's right chest was a purple bundle, technically a stylish blanket that went from the right side of her neck to underneath her left hoof. At the top was a tiny head of red hair poking out with wide violet eyes looking up at the ceiling, little hooves playfully poking at the air. Or to the mare carrying them. Along with an itty-bitty tiara behind a tiny horn.

The room bowed while they moved to their seats. Twilight levitated Fresh Dawn into her hooves and looked into her curious eyes for a moment before placing a kiss on her horn, earning a grip on her cheeks and a mew. Then calmly set her down in her seat facing the table.

Madun said, "Please rise." Everyone pulled their heads back up and focused on them, but didn't take a seat yet. The family and friends were squealing inside at Fresh Dawn's cuteness. She had on a purple dress with socks and a large bow behind her messy red mane. Eyeing everything with a curious nature.

Madun smiled and said, "Today, we welcome to the Crown of Psera her saviour, the Great and Kind Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle, my loving wife, and mother of our daughter. We celebrate the morning with an early feast. Then move on the day with casual interaction before twelve's coronation, and the parade. Until then, please enjoy the breakfast."

Madun and the others took a seat before food was placed on plates and passed around along with casual conversation. While Madun engaged in conversation on one side, his wife was on the other. Twilight Velvet raised her hoof and waved to her daughter with the rest of the company. She returned it and waved especially to her old friends before lifting her veil. Turning to a bubbly Fresh Dawn she said, "Say hi to Grandma. See?"

Fresh Dawn followed her mother's hoof to the grinning, proudly waving older version of her mother. Dawn leaned in for a few long seconds, possibly assessing the situation then jumped back and made a noise of shock. She looked up to Twilight for an explanation as to who this pony was. "It's your Grandma, sweetie! Your Grandma! Marshoola Gerheema, Sigh?"

Fresh Dawn looked back to Twilight Velvet with wide violet eyes and an open mouth for another few seconds that gradually grew into a toothless smile.

Twilight Velvet swallowed her breakfast before gasping and pointing out, "Oooh, she's smiling at me!" Fresh Dawn giggled and blew a raspberries her way. Then started jumping in her seat and banging her hooves on the table in her high chair.

Madun Swallowed his food and stated, "She gets really excited when she sees new faces. How is everyone? I see new faces."

Princess Cadance answered kindly, "We are well, thank you King. How was your uhhh... Timool, I believe it was?"

Twilight answered happily, "We loved it. Madun, this is Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Moon Dancer, and Twinkleshine. Girls, this is my husband, King Shimmering Madun. Thank you so much for coming."

The girls waved while his handsome self nodded in a discreet bow and greeted, "A pleasure to meet you all. I see a bit of you in Moondancer, sweetie."

Moondancer nervously laughed and stated, "Yeah we get that a lot." Then decided to indulge in the food.

Fresh Dawn sang out before a small bottle of milk was put into her mouth. Looking to Twilight, Celestia asked, "So when was she born?"

Twilight answered with a nostalgic look, "Two months ago. That day was really exciting."

Madun smirked and playfully added, "My hoof still hurts." That earned a playful jab from his wife. "It was worth it. We named her Fresh Veola Dawn—" Fresh Dawn dropped the bottle of milk and called out to her cousins. But they were too busy eating to notice before she did it again. "Because she's literally and figuratively the symbol of a new start." Fresh Dawn and the twins made noises at each other before Lightning Fire jumped in her seat and giggled.

Secretary Manny asked, "So what is on her highness' agenda?"

Twilight grinned and responded, "In which department? I have six agendas, sharing Madun's load. Not much as this hour considering the Company's Success. The economy is flourishing above schedule. The only thing I am concerned about is environmental impact and inland security. Finding a pony shouldn't have been too difficult. I'll first be meeting with the Secretary of Public Safety to ensure we have a way to discover inland threats. No matter how many bills we need passed."

"We'll assist where we can."

"I hold no doubts. Hey, Flurry!"

Flurry waved from afar beside Shining and responded, "Hi, Aunt Twilight! Is that my cousin?"

"Yes it is. Say hi, she'll like it. Say 'Meecha Kee.'"

Flurry waved her small hoof towards Fresh Dawn, stealing her attention from her other cousins. "Meecha Kee! I'm Flurry!"

Fresh Dawn's ears perked up when she heard the magic words. She stared at her for a few seconds before she laughed and banged her hooves, squealing in joy. Rarity fawned and decreed, "She's adorable."

Madun added, "She really enjoys interaction. But not too much. She gets nervous when ponies crowd her, just like any foal."

Twilight took a bite out of her food and motioned towards Madun. Then the doll poking out of the bag Gardeen had set down beside his chair. Madun nodded and answered her unheard question, "She hasn't asked... Nevermind." Fresh Dawn was reaching out of her chair towards her father, making whining noises. That must've meant something important, Cadance figured. Madun reached down into the bag and pulled out the bird that Twilight grasped in her magic. Then animated it with flapping wings in front of Dawn. Fresh Dawn laughed with outstretched hooves before she grabbed and pulled it into her chest lovingly. Then stuck the beak in her mouth. How nice.

Molten from the other side set down her cup and said, "Let's talk about today's festivities. Like my son said, after breakfast Lady Arcadia will be taken to the back to have final adjustments taken care of with her friends and families. Then they will split to be escorted towards the main stage in the center of the city."

Ponyville Rainbow Dash commented, "I hear you guys have a large stage?"

While their daughter "Played with the toy," Twilight answered, "It's located in the center of Cop. We're not doing Eventa because... You know. That and it's too much of a hassle. The castle and Cop is already big enough for this, we don't need any bigger."

Secretary Manny added, "Security is ready for anything this time. And has made sure to check every single Pseratep in sight. The Elite occupy every building, peeking through windows and checking in every few minutes. The Secretary of Royalty has been on top of it."

Twilight nodded and nudged Gardeen playfully. "Yes she has. I couldn't ask for a more loyal pony. Spike, you're a Dragon." From beside EQG Rarity Spike dropped his frown and replaced it with an obviously faux smile. "And actually, I have something for you."

Twilight lit her horn and teleported in a small gray drawstring bag that hovered a few inches away from in front of her face. Then calmly pushed it his way. Once it passed Rarity, he plucked it out of the air and tugged it open. Then released a gasp at the find. "You got more of those gems?!" He exclaimed.

Twilight smiled and nodded. "We're really abundant in only those. They're not hard to find at all and don't take long to dig up."

"Wow, thanks Twilight! I mean Queen Arcadia."

He playfully bowed before Twilight playfully responded, "Thank you, Spike the Brave and Glorious."

Fresh Dawn burped. Time to be mommy. Twilight pulled her out of her chair and up to her right side so she could start patting her back. "You're almost there, sweetie. Almost, annnnddd...." Dawn burped exceptionally long behind Twilight's back. "That's my filly." Twilight pulled her back so she could wipe her face with a towel Gardeen presented.

Dawn mewed then used her tiny hooves to push it away, already trying to push her mother out. Madun poked in and stared at Dawn to say, "I guess it's mother daughter day entirely, huh sweetheart?"

Dawn squealed and reached out to him with a smile. "Nope, looks like Super Dad's saving the Princess again from way too obsessed mom. Up we go!" Madun scooped Fresh Dawn out of her mother's grip and into the air. "Fwoosh! Whoa, sweetheart! Slow down, you're already flying faster than your daddy!"

Dawn squealed and flapped her large wings before Madun brought her back down. "Now you're flying too fast, just like your mother."

Arcadia shook her head and swiped her neck at her friends. "I don't fly too fast."

He looked Fresh Dawn in her eyes and added, "You're mother is a widely known fast flier. I think you're following along."

Arcadia shook her head at the rest of the table, obviously denying that claim. "She's as fast as her father." Or not. After that Arcadia wiped her mouth and finished off her breakfast. Then stood up out of her chair.

Gardeen and the other mare grabbed the bags while she moved around towards the other side of Madun's seat for her filly. Madun asked, "Are you ready to go?"

Twilight nuzzled Fresh Dawn's cheek lovingly responding, "Yes, I am. I need to change again before Merry makes me. We must stay on schedule."

"I know, right?" They both turned to Merry. Or rather her tongue after she stuck it out at them. Madun winked and got out of his own seat with Fresh Dawn in one hoof. "But enough playing with Merry. It's time to get mommy dressed up for her coronation. Let's make mommy even more pretty, my little filly!"

Twilight Velvet raised her hoof and asked, "I-Is it alright if we tag along, your highness?"

Madun chuckled and answered, "Of course it is, we're family."

After Madun and Arcadia approved, pretty much everyone decided to follow except the ponies helping out with the event. Along the way, all eyes were—of course—on the foal wrapped up in Twilight's blanket thing, busy scratching or moving her face up against Twilight's chest. Twilight Velvet moved in and locked eyes with her for a second. "Ooohhh, my second grandfoal! What's she like, dear?"

The Guard accompanying them turned a left, directing their movement while Twilight answered. "Very active. She's rarely tired except after breakfast ironically, and has a tendency to get angry if she can't find her dolls and stuffed toys. Her favorite is the Morion, a water bird."

Madun laughed and added, "She gets incredibly excited over it. We have a much bigger one in her playroom that she literally sleeps in. It's her favorite one."

Twilight looked down at her filly and said excitedly in Old Pseratopian, "Mall Meecha kee, Dawn!"

Fresh Dawn stopped rubbing her head against Twilight's chest to look up for a second. Then went right back to it.

A little concerned, Cadance asked, "Is she okay? Why is she doing that?"

The Guard led them right into the Offices before they reached their location. The entrance to the home of the two rulers. Without moving his eyes Madun answered, "Oh she's fine."

Twilight clarified, "Apparently, I groom my coat too much and it becomes too smooth for Dawn's liking. She likes it soft, warm, and cozy. So she rubs her head against my chest to 'puffen it up' and relax. You'll see what I mean in a few seconds." The Guard led them towards the golden doors of the suites and pushed them open to drop them off in a totally decorated area of their home.

The ringing second floors above were decorated with violet and red flowers of some sort with possible gem dust, based off of the shining sunroof ahead that must be opened. There were a few butterflies and more in the decorated garden. Along with the chirping of birds coming from somewhere. This one was a lot more permanent based off of the sign in it that read "Dawn's Garden" in playful calligraphy. It was filled with flowers, grass, and even had a little pond.

Rarity sang, "Somepony is already spoiling her little filly~!"

Twilight shrugged unashamed before the family turned an unexpected left, leading them towards a... Wall? Rarity and Applejack shared a look before Madun stopped beside a guard and did something to it. Then unexpectedly pushed it open for a stairwell on the other side. Twilight stated, "Our home is a lot bigger than you think. Today, Madun and I decided to use my study space. The place where I research and relax away from the family but close to home."

She and Madun led them inside a narrow staircase and began to climb up with them hot on their trail. At the very top were a pair of violet double doors with Twilight's cutie mark, emblazoned with crushed gems. Once they were at the top, Twilight walked forward and placed her hoof in the middle of the right door. After a second, it clicked and pushed in on its own, allowing Twilight to push it in further and reveal the land inside.

Books, desks, work areas and a large chalkboard taking up three-fourths of the entire right wall, littered with notes and formulas. A laboratory. Larger compared to what Twilight was used to. All along the walls were bookcases of colorful books, reaching high up towards the ceiling. Above were really neat lamps that looked like flowers spinning slowly like fans, keeping it cool and natural.

Rainbow stopped and glanced around while the rest walked around, whistling. "Wow, Twilight. Full on egghead, huh? I thought this was for relaxing."

Twilight stopped and sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. "Well uhhh... Unwind?"

Madun walked past and stated, "She's my little nerd." Earning a tail whip to the flank. "That was a compliment!"

Ignoring him, Twilight gestured to her personal space around them and said, "I do my fast sciences here. And since our home isn't big enough for all of you, we'll be doing my changing and conversing in here. There are books, a few LiVAMs, tables, and areas for Dawn—oh, there she goes Cadance."

Twilight turned around to show Dawn to the others. Just like she said, Dawn purposely messed up her coat to create a large puffball that she settled down into. So much fur that Dawn would be invisible if her mane didn't contrast against Twilight's color.

Applejack fawned and stated, "The poor darlin' looks so comfortable."

Twilight stated, "Yeah, she's probably about to go to sleep. She just had breakfast too, so she's ready for a nappy. Just make yourselves at home. Speaking of which, how is Equestria coming along?"

Twilight took a seat next to Madun at the nearest table with the others nearby. While they got comfortable, Celestia approached and answered, "Well our economy is back up to speed, metal is appearing back in stores and industrial warehouses, but we are dealing with some slight issues with reimbursement. A lot of ponies lost a score of treasured property because of it."

Twilight hummed and glanced to the side, revealing a secret: She knew something about the metal shortage. Something they didn't. Luna's glancing let Celestia know she picked up on it too. Twilight may hold a lot of secrets, but some things she probably let slip on purpose. Had to.

Madun sighed and released the air with, "Well I'm sure your personnel has it handled."

EQG Rainbow Dash floated over with a smirk and asked, "So what's the mighty Queen Twilight going to do after this? Going to visit sometime or is she too busy?"

Twilight cleared her throat and with a smile answered, "Well after this I'm going to pulverize Blueblood then organize my agenda while also taking care of my foal."

"Oh!" Cadance gasped. "Well, uhh..."

"I mean really, he says one wrong thing in that courtroom I'm going to get up, walk straight over there, pull him out of his seat and teach him a thing or two about messing with my daughter and my family—"

"Annnd some Queen needs a time out," Madun joked. He placed his eyes on Twilight and said, "Sweetheart, we need to set an example. As much as I feel like wringing him out like a wet towel we are not allowed to have any physical interaction."

Twilight sighed and begrudgingly coalesced, "Ooooh, I know. But look at our baby!" Twilight and Madun looked down into the blanket that Fresh Dawn was sleeping in peacefully. She wasn't even moving, barely even snoring. That must be one comfortable place to sleep. "Look at her ear, Blueblood is going to get it." At that Dawn's pierced right ear twitched and buzzed before her eyes cracked open and immediately trained on Flurry Heart.

Twilight smiled and greeted silently, "Hey, Dawn. How was your nappy?"

Dawn wasn't even listening to her mother. Her eyes were locked directly on Flurry. Just to test it, Flurry shifted to the right by EQG Rarity. Yeah she was staring at her. Because those eyes immediately followed after. Madun chuckled and whispered, "She's eyeing you. Come closer, she won't bite. She loves meeting new ponies."

Flurry Heart inched past the others a little closer into Dawn's relaxing area of her aunt's chest. Dawn made a noise somewhat like she said, "Huh." Making Flurry back up a bit out of instinct. Right before Fresh Dawn held her hooves out to her in an inviting gesture. Tentatively, Flurry reached out and allowed her tiny hooves to grab it. It was strange to see another foal holding her hoof. They were so tiny.

Fresh Dawn smiled again and literally moved Flurry's hoof up and down. "Buh buh buh buh BUH buh buh!"

Sunset's head poked up from the back into sight wearing a surprised expression just like everyone else's and asked, "Did she just say hello? She is soooo smart!"

Twilight looked up to Flurry and whispered, "Introduce yourself."

Flurry looked back down to the filly staring at her and greeted proudly, "Hi! I'm your cousin Flurry!"

Dawn squealed happily at her response. Then pushed her hooves out her way in another inviting gesture. Madun cocked his head to the side and stated, "Apparently, she wants to hug you."

Twilight chuckled and calmly picked Fresh Dawn out of her blanket. "Hold your hooves out, Flurry," she ordered.

Flurry held her hooves out while Fresh Dawn's hooves were waving her way. Twilight calmly slid Fresh Dawn between her hooves and then said, "Okay now wrap your left hoof around her legs so you're holding her rear and your right hoof around her back." Flurry slowly did as told. Once Twilight thought she was okay, allowed her to only hold her. But stayed close just in case.

Dawn flung her hooves out to her side and cheered before wrapping them around Flurry's head. Twilight could already tell they were going to be the best of friends in the future.

Before anyone knew it, an hour had passed. Twilight immediately knew it when someone knocked on her doors, interrupting their conversations. "Your highness~!" Merry sang. "We have to get you ready, it's eleven!"

"That's our cue," Madun said. He stood up and walked over to Flurry who quickly hoofed Fresh Dawn back over. She was doing something to her mane that she couldn't see and had a bad feeling about. Reinforced by Rainbow Dash's laughing in the back. Both of them. That was too weird.

Madun reached down and picked her up, then held her over his shoulder so she could crawl onto his back. "We all have to go because none of us are allowed to see Twilight in her coronation outfit before we see her at the stage."

The group stood up and immediately showered Twilight with hugs. Ponyville Fluttershy whispered, "Good luck, Twilight."

"Yeah, be awesome on that stage!"

"Stay humble, ya' hear?"

"We'll see you soon, darling."

After the others had their say, they stepped back and made for the door. It was such a large crowd. But Twilight didn't let Madun leave without letting her plant a kiss on her baby's horn. "I'll see you soon, sweetie!"

Fresh Dawn cooed and laughed at her as Madun filed out the door with the others, allowing Merry and the other mares to move in. Oh no, she had that grin on her face that spelled trouble. Once the door shut Arcadia immediately asked, "What happened? What did you do?"

Merry shook her head at her as she progressed closer. "Nothing, I'm just smiling," she answered. Then walked past Arcadia for the one single door that nobody noticed. It was pretty much a standard closet next to her blackboard. "I'm surprised nobody noticed this room."

Arcadia stood up and allowed the mares in Merry's crew to move her over to one of the tables with a full makeup kit. Smirking, Arcadia answered, "They were distracted by all the books."

"I am too, to be honest. How much reading do you need, Queen?" Merry pulled open the door and leaned in to pull out a rack holding the dress of the hour towards the rest of the crew setting up. It looked similar to the outfit she was wearing now just more colorful. Instead of purple and orange, it was white, red, and gold. And had a minimum amount of design to it. It would be too distracting if there was a lot, so Merry decided to go minimal.

She parked it by Arcadia's right and stepped over to the other side of the table facing her with a focused look. "Okay, so we're going to leave the rings over your face and take off the dress you're wearing now."

The mares standing by walked around the dress and unhooked everything so Arcadia could simply step out. While they were doing that Merry stared upon Arcadia's face, picturing what kind of makeup should be applied. "Okay some slight blush, a dash of eyeshadow and a darker purple for mascara. Alright now we're going to transform you, Lady Arcadia! Say nothing while we work our magic!"


It took around thirty minutes for Merry to "work her magic." Which meant Arcadia had to sit still for thirty minutes until it was completed in silence. While that was going on, her friends and family were being escorted through the thoroughly protected Castle, decorated with amazing art. While they moved, Celestia noticed that a majority of the guards had switched their standard outfits for purple armor bearing Twilight's cutie mark. Something Luna voiced.

"It seems there's a new tradition," she said. she looked to the ceiling, delving into her memories. "Do you remember our coronation, sister?"

The coronation of the Two Pony Sisters. A moment in Equestrian history that revolutionized their country. Celestia sighed and answered, "It was so long ago. I can barely remember who was there, let alone how it went. How far is the stage?"

One of the four Guards escorting answered, "In the middle of the city. We'll be taking a much faster route to get you there without hassle. A lot of ponies will be in the way."

It didn't take long to reach the Castle's empty foyer, surprising Twilight's Canterlot friends at its size. Moondancer looked around and stated, "This. Is. Big."

From behind, Sunset Shimmer stated, "You haven't even seen half the castle yet."

EQG Rainbow Dash added, "Or Psera yet."

The Guards at the doors grabbed the handles and pushed the doors open, revealing the crowds, chatter, and activity a little ways from the Castle's entrance behind a gate protected by even more security. Just like Her Majesty said, there was a lot of security. The stone front yard of the castle was protected by a full line of Elite Guard, keeping the citizens back from the castle and in the city. It made sense. Another successful day in the name of Psera.

Turns out the best way in was around the festivities, which meant ten more minutes of walking fresh streets and observing. They were decorated with all sorts of flags, banners, and ground items. Ponies not observing from the ground lied atop buildings and peeking through windows with the guards. Some were even sitting and relaxing on clouds!

The stage was big, tall, and wide, kept away from the crowd by a wide empty gray space and Guards of course. The gray space was definitely a road of some sort. There were steps in the corners leading up to the real deal bearing seats, a podium, and a single violet throne. More than likely painted over.

Their positions in the front center of the crowd was the best to watch King Madun be escorted up the stage with everyone else aligned in Government. Secretary Gardeen, Manny, definitely some judges and a big black box beside Twilight's throne. The Officials were sitting in their own areas on the corners of the large stage on high rising seats, similar to bleachers in Equestria. The king had his own seat next to the violet colored one where the new Queen would sit. Front and center with all of those cameras in the front row trained on her. And all eyes would see it here thanks to the two large LiVAMs setup on the side, flanking the stage.

Sunset and Starlight sat with the Equestria girls looking around this environment. Starlight said, "It's been months since I've been here."

Minuette leaned over and whispered, "There is so much gold here."

Sunset replied, "You have no idea." She wasn't entirely sure, but she knew for a fact that the Rarity from her world knew where all this Gold came from. She had to know. She didn't talk about it, but she knew something.

A few minutes later, sirens from the distance made Sunset's ear twitch. As well as the others. Starlight eagerly moved her head around then motioned back towards the looming castle. "Here she comes," she announced. A parade of matte gray pods with flashing yellow lights were casually moving down the street, escorting the shiny sleek and long golden pod with the Crest of Psera on the doors.

An eruption of cheering soared through the air while the ponies on the stage stood up out of respect. Moondancer had an open mouth expression of awe at the attention Twilight was getting. As well as what the buck she was sitting in. It was so shiny and beautiful! Even the wheels were glistening. And the treasure inside was magnificent.

Twilight and Merry Fire were the only ponies occupying it with the former waving her hoof with a proud grin. She had on lipstick, mascara, and eyeliner based off of what Ponyville Rarity's trained eye could make out. The space in between the stage and the crowd was for the pods as predicted. They could see that now. The escort pulled into the space slowly with Twilight still waving to the Pserateps. That was a really nice pod.

Once the pods parked, a few Guards walked over and opened the doors for both Merry and Twilight. Merry jumped out and waved eagerly, but Twilight was a lot more gracious in stepping out, waving and saying hi. Her dress was a mix of violet, red and white. A beautiful mixture of darkness and light.

Pinkie Pie waved her hooves yelling, "Twilight! Twilight, over here!!" Twilight looked over at the loud voice. The single high pitched one that pierced her ear drums and waved back with a wide smile towards her friends and family. Then turned and allowed herself to be escorted up the stairs for the stage.

Cadance turned to Celestia and stated, "She looks beautiful!" Then focused back on Twilight's interactions with everyone else on stage. The ponies handling the coronation were the Supreme Court Judges. Five of them anyway. After bowing and speaking they walked up to the podium while she took her place with her husband and foal, who immediately crawled over to her. After a few more seconds of cheering, the Pserateps all over the country calmed down and listened to what they had to say. There were three mares and two stallions. Looked like mares ruled the country here.

The Judge who took the stand was a stallion with a deep blue coat, light blue mane, and navy blue eyes. His face appeared on the LiVAMs before he spoke his first words. "Good day, ponies of Psera!" His voice resonated around the city, bouncing off the mountains ringing it. "I am Judge Berry of the Senate of Psera. Today we crown a pony of great judgement. A pony of great skill. A pony of great honor, and a pony of great will, and power. Today we are crowning Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle as Queen of Psera."

The Pserateps cheered again to the sky, and stomped or clapped their hooves. Twilight merely waved to them before they quieted down and allowed the judge to finish. "When she first arrived here, she astounded us by first dragging her face through dirt." A few bits of laughter came from the crowd and the stage. Even from the Lady herself. "But it was a good thing she did, for this land, this great country would be no more if she didn't. She has proved herself to hold leadership, loyalty, honesty, generosity, kindness, and magic."

Applejack and the others slowly turned to each other then directed their sights to Arcadia, who also held that same bewildered expression. It was more than likely a coincidence, but a good one nonetheless. Laughter wasn't included.

"When it was first announced that Lady Arcadia was going to be married to our selfless King Madun, a pool circulated around the country under even our noses. But when we did find out, we were astounded by what it was about. To have Lady Arcadia Nova become Queen. The first one in years. It has shown us that Psera has their mind made up on where to place her in our society. As ruler of Psera alongside the King. We know great things will come our way from such a great pony. And will expect nothing less from the pony who brought us life once again. Not to mention laughter."

Again? Sunset hummed and whispered, "Has to be a coincidence."

"Now without further adieu, we will now crown our next ruler of Psera. Lady Arcadia, please step forward." Lady Arcadia stood up from her smaller throne next to Madun and nudged her daughter over to him. Thankfully, Fresh Dawn was quiet. Even when her mother walked away and stopped in front of the Judges who followed along immediately after. Two ponies wearing white gowns with golden designs and scarves over their faces also followed along from the corners of the stage and moved towards the black box while the judges did their thing. Judge Berry was hoofed over a large book with something on the cover that nopony else could see. But it had to weigh a little something because he could barely hold it.

Facing each other, Judge Berry motioned towards the book and ordered, "Place your right hoof onto the cover of Narmeelah's Law." Twilight lifted her right hoof and placed it on the cover. "Now pledge your left hoof." Twilight raised her left hoof towards the sky and smiled to the judges. "As Queen of Psera, do you pledge to put the safety of your citizens first?"

Arcadia's voice resonated somehow through the city. "I do."

"Do you pledge to keep Psera's best interests at heart?"

"I do."

"Do you pledge to treat every citizen with respect?"

"I do."

"Do you pledge to acknowledge all laws, amendments, and articles?"

"I do."

"Do you pledge to tell the truth to your citizens, your lawmakers, your assistants, and to set an example among ponies?"

"I do."

"And do you pledge to keep peace in Psera, defend Psera through any means necessary, and to love Psera?"

"I do."

Judge Berry nodded and pulled back the book, allowing Arcadia relax. "Let it be known that Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle has agreed to Narmeelah's Law. Bring forth the Untouched Crown!"

The ponies wearing all white by the black box leaned down and unlocked the lid. It was pushed over to the side, revealing the crown. With rubber hoof covers, they reached in and picked it up with one hoof each. Not necessarily making hoof contact, but did pick it up and walked towards Arcadia. It was the most prettiest thing Arcadia and anyone else had ever seen. It looked just like a regular crown. Complete with spikes and glistening with gem dust. It was golden and silver, patterned with bright red rubies, and practically soaking in diamonds. When the sun hit it, all you would see were the colors of the rainbow.

The two ponies stepped in front of Arcadia and froze for a moment. Then nodded at her and lifted the crown onto her head behind her horn. She closed her eyes and tilted her head forward to allow them to place it behind her head. Then rose back up to look up to the judges. Judge Berry passed the book back to the others while the ponies sitting in the background all rose to their hooves and approached to flank the throne. Her husband was directly on the right side with Fresh Dawn in his hooves.

Judge Berry motioned to the podium and asked, "Would you like to say a few words?"

Twilight nodded and approached the podium with striding slow steps. All eyes all over the nation were on her and the large LiVAMs.

She cleared her throat into the microphone and said, "I want to thank all of my supporters, family, and friends. Both Equestrian, and Pseratopian. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am today. Without you, I would not have met King Madun and helped you all persevere through the storm of darkness into the light of restoration. Without you, Psera would not be where it is today. Strong, powerful, and full of love. Without you, well... There would be no you. A King or Queen, Prince or Princess is not just placed into power, it is earned.

"Being a leader is not easy, and will not ever be easy. But all of the worry and stress is worth it when you see your subjects happy. I want to thank you all for entrusting me with your country, but remember: Without you, I would not be here. And I will never take Psera for granted. You are safe with me."

The crowd cheered and stomped their hooves again while Twilight waved once more. Then stepped back and faced the judges once again. Judge Berry nodded and decreed, "Under the eye of Narmeelah, the eye of Psera and her citizens, we now pronounce you Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle of Psera. Please. Take your rightful place upon your throne." He raised an inviting hoof towards the purple throne in the middle of the stage that the other ponies were gathered around while the ponies in white gowns grabbed the podium and moved it away.

Arcadia took a deep breath and made moves for the purple cushion. This was it. The place Psera put her for a better future. The place Equestria unknowingly put her. The beginning of a new chapter of her life and the start of a journey she was born ready for. Once she reached it, Twilight turned around and calmly slid onto the seat. Then placed her hooves on the arm rests. Psera bowed, and Equestria bowed. The King bowed as well as the judges. Everyone bowed towards their new Queen, both close and far.

After rising up, Judge Berry faced the crowd and decreed, "All eyes in Psera and of Psera! Make it be known your new Queen! All hail Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle! All hail the Queen! All hail the Queen!!"

The cheering of the Pserateps and her family couldn't be any louder while the Queen waved proudly with a grin. Those on the stage clapped their hooves and made moves. Meanwhile, Madun made his own. He gestured towards on of the Guards while he himself stood up and approached, leaving Fresh Dawn with her grandmother. "Queen Arcadia Nova," he said. Twilight stopped waving and stood up to face him with a look of amusement. Here he goes acting mysterious again. "I have a gift for you on this day that I have successfully hid from you."

The crowd calmed down and watched as two guards walked on stage with another black box, but longer in width and bolted with must be a lock on the front. While the guards set it down in front of her, Madun added, "I had this personally crafted when I learned that you were going to take up the throne and be by my side in ruling Psera. This is symbolic, but can be used for other reasons as you see fit." While the guards went to work unlocking it, Madun described, "It has reinforced steel, long, and decorative only for you."

The Guards finally unlocked it and pulled it open, revealing what was inside. Arcadia gasped and had to stand back up in surprise. This was a true gift. One that she would treasure forever.

A sword. A longsword to be precise. Similar to what the guards back in Equestria used back in the day when Celestia and Luna were fillies. But it was much more decorative. The pommel was decorated to look like a starburst with a glowing center. Possibly because they borrowed magic from one of the military reserves Arcadia donates every month to Lavender to increase their military power. It was made out of a large crystal and somehow attached. The crossguard was gold and looked pretty standard among Psera tradition. But the blade was the real shim-winner.

It was golden, but Arcadia could make out signs of steel underneath it. Double edged, and really thin for cutting. Hopefully she would never have to use that on anyone. And on the blade itself was a text written in Old-Pseratopian leading up to the double edge. Arcadia read aloud, "To Strike Swift and Fast With The Honor of Psera." Then used her magic to levitate it out and reveal the gift to the eyes of everyone watching.

Madun nodded and named it, "The Sword of Arcadia is yours. I hope you like it."

Celestia hummed and leaned back a little with Luna when they saw it, the latter whispering, "Very pretty... And a little dangerous."

Next, she levitated out a violet steel scabbard with a golden tip that she carefully sheathed the sword in. Smiling, she looked up to Madun and wrapped him in a hug. "Thank you, my king," she whispered. On the verge of tears, she added, "I love it."

"You're welcome, my Queen."

Author's Note:

Yeah, I know. I could've extended it, but I didn't want to overwork it too much. If there is an extension, it will be in the Epilogue Shorts. If there are any typos, please quote them in a comment and I will fix them. Thank you for reading, and sorry for the delay!

UPDATE(February 25th)
I added the Sword of Arcadia because it plays an important part in the sequel. I hope you love it:applecry:

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