• Published 10th Mar 2018
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Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 52 - Trial of The Decade

Sleep is one of the most treasured things that many take advantage of. But being a mother, sleep was vital to Queen Arcadia's motion. Back and forth for the foal sleeping in her crib next to their bed. Across from her and away from the father spooning her from behind. Madun was a heavy sleeper. At least he didn't snore. He was so peaceful when he wasn't moving.

But Arcadia wasn't thinking about that. It's been a few weeks since her crowning. It sat nearby in a locked glass case that had a special lock on it that only the immediate family could open. She needed that everyday.

Today was a very important day for that. On the same week of her coronation, Queen Arcadia was informed of the trial date for the attempted assassination on her and her husband's wedding date. Today.

Arcadia's eyes trained on Fresh Dawn sleeping motionless in her crib. She had a hard time going to sleep last night. Turns out she wasn't as active as she usually is so her sleep schedule was a little off. She didn't stop moving until seven-thirty. And she would probably sleep in until eight since she usually sleeps at seven and wakes up at seven. That gives Arcadia time to get ready.

Arcadia's ear flickered repeatedly against Madun's hoof, literally tickling him awake. He hummed for a moment then sighed. Whispering, "Good morning" in her ear.

"Good morning," she replied. Arcadia leaned back to kiss that special spot on his muzzle he liked. "Remember, no hopping out of your seat."

After receiving an obviously begrudged nod, Arcadia used her wing to push aside the covers and crawl out of bed onto the cool wooden carpeted floors. Then stood in between the bed and the crib to stretch her wings to the high ceiling. Not to mention her hooves. "I have to get ready. It's almost..." She looked to the clock near the dresser for reference. "Nine? She's still sleeping?"

Madun raised a worried eye and quickly shuffled out of the bed to quietly approach the crib with his wife. Then looked over the wooden bars inside. Their worries were dashed to make way for relief. She was fine. Sleeping with near quiet mews and little tiny hooves moving about. Arcadia wondered what she was dreaming about that had her in such a state of bliss. Narmeelah knows she needed that.

Madun nodded reassuringly and stated, "She's just dreaming."

Arcadia nodded then leaned down to nuzzle Dawn in her stomach. So lightly she wouldn't notice it.

Then stood back up and whispered, "I have to get ready." Madun nodded and watched her go, leaving him with their filly for a little while.

Sighing, he reached in and picked her up to cradle her by his chest. Such a small child shouldn't be left alone in a room by themselves. She needed to be fed and—from the smell—changed. Dawn cooed and snuggled up to her father's fur. He chuckled and whispered, "Looks like some filly needs a diaper change. C'mon, let's get you ready for your grandparents."

They weren't going to bring Dawn to the trial. She'd become fearful from all the attention. So Twilight called in four of the best ponies needed to make Dawn comfortable. Twilight Velvet, Night Light, Cadance, and surprisingly Flurry Heart. They knew their daughter. Around Flurry, Dawn was excitable. Around her cousins in Psera she was excitable. They would keep her entertained during the hearing. As a matter of fact, they should be here soon.

Placing Dawn down at the changing station, Madun looked up at the clock nearby. Nearing nine. They'll be here around that time. Let's get back to the task at—

Madun's thoughts were interrupted by a firm slap on the left side of the face by a wing. Followed by another then another! Along with filly laughter. Looks like someone's awake. Fresh Dawn fawned up at her father and flapped her wings in surprise, shooting him with adorableness. Madun grinned and leaned down to blow raspberries in her tummy, pulling more laughter out of her.

"Good morning, Sugar Plum!" He greeted. "Did you dream great dreams?" Dawn only stared with a confused face. "I'll take that as a yes. Well let's get you changed alright? No shooting magic at me." It never took long to change Dawn. Most of the time it involved staring up at the pony doing it. A stare so intense that it would make her mother proud.

Speaking of, Arcadia teleported into view and looked down into Dawn's lively eyes. She immediately followed up to look at her in return. Grinning, Twilight leaned in and kissed Dawn on the top of her forehead.

"Good morning, my little Veola," she whispered. Dawn cheered and reached up to cup Arcadia's face, bringing a sense of pride to her. She still couldn't believe this filly, this beautiful wonderful filly was her and Madun's child. She was their pride and joy. Along with Psera. But Fresh Dawn was the filly that sealed the deal.

The symbol of a new life. A new beginning. Fresh Dawn. Only one thing left to do to bury the hatchet. Get that rich stuck-up-his-own-flank pony Blueballs—Blueblood. Madun was starting to rub off on her.

Once Madun had her wiped and changed, He reached in and hefted her into the air. "Well you hit me in the face with your wing this morning. What do you have to say for yourself?"

Dawn raised her hooves and cheered, "Buh buh buh ooo wub wah wah!"

Madun sighed and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you bet you're sorry."

Arcadia rolled her eyes and softly levitated Fresh Dawn out of his hooves into her own. "Madun, she doesn't know any better."

"Oh I know, but she has her mother's mind. So... She knows something." Arcadia whipped his flank with her tail. "Ow. Gonna feed her?"

Arcadia made moves for the bed and nodded. "Mmm hmm. She needs her breakfast before the others get here. Along with the lawyers. We may be the king and Queen, but we still need court representation. They say it's already an open and shut case, but the judge still needs to hear it." Arcadia crawled over to the bed and got comfortable while Madun made strides out the door.

"Well I'm going to get ready now while you feed her, and greet the ponies when they get here."

"Okay. Breakfast, sweetie!" Twilight set Dawn down and moved her body around while Madun softly closed the door. Breastfeeding was a special time between mother and daughter. He would check on them afterwards.

Twilight's old rebuilt home, before Celestia's school was excited. But only by one character. Pictures of Filly Twilight and Shining Armor with Flurry Heart and Cadance riddled the walls. The floor was clean and everything was tidy. Night Light, Shining Armor, Cadance, and Flurry were all waiting by the open door, ready to depart for the castle in Canterlot to get to Psera. The only ponies dressed up were Night Light and Shining Armor. They were going to the trial with the King and Queen while the mares stayed with Fresh Dawn. But one mother wasn't ready to go yet. That left them waiting at the front door.

Groaning from Cadance's back, Flurry cried, "Grandma, come on already!"

Twilight Velvet's voice up the stairs replied, "One moment, dearie! I have to find Twilight's old toys!"

"You said that ten minutes ago!"

"Alright, I'm coming, I'm coming!" Relieved smiles graced their faces at the news. Then slowly returned back to frowns with each thump of the treasure chest she was lugging down the staircase. Once it hit the floor, they stared in silence. There was some plastic train thing poking out one of the sides, threatening to burst through.

Cadance and Shining Armor bit their lips and glanced at each other. Then back at Twilight Velvet and her treasure chest of toys.

From the side, Night Light cleared his throat and deadpanned, "Honey, they will not let you bring that through the portal."

Velvet held her head up high with a look of defiance and announced, "I'm bringing it anyway! It's for my little filly!"

"Twilight is also not going to let you bring that. Well not all of it anyway. Why not break it down into tiny bits for Dawn's birthdays, holidays, whenever we visit? It's much better than bringing a treasure chest full of toys nearly five hundred miles across the ocean."

The rest of his side nodded their heads in approval. Shining ordered, "Mom, leave the toys behind. We have to get to Psera on time. And that would definitely slow us down anyway."


Twilight wasn't really concerned about her family being a little late. As a matter of fact, it gave her and Madun a little more time to play with their little princess in the living room. She was really into hide and seek. So much so she played it when they weren't supposed to. Madun may be doing something in his office and Dawn would poke his hoof and hide in a random spot, letting them know she was ready to play. Then would do it while Twilight was at work and she was with her. Sometimes jump off randomly and hide underneath a table, laughing and giggling. Thankfully she didn't do that during important times. As if she knew there was a place and time for everything. Madun would tease the story and say that even meetings bored Dawn. Even though she had no idea what was going on.

Arcadia grinned with that thought in mind while she and Madun counted down from ten loud and proud from the kitchen. Arcadia could hear Dawn moving around and making smallish giggles in the living room. She usually would hide her entire body out of sight but leave the trail of her wings out. It was easy to find her. And she would get so happy she was found.

"Three... Two... One! Meecha, Or lah! Hay la kue!" Twilight called in Old Pseratopian. Then she and Madun turned around and looked around. Twilight already spotted her but decided to heighten the fun by playing that she hadn't. Scanning the area, she gasped and slowly asked, "Oh no! Where's my little filly!"

Madun smirked, clearly catching on and responding, "I'm going to look for her! You check that side, I'll check this side!" She and Madun split off and walked around the couch into the living room. She was hiding under the glass table. Not a good place to hide away from ponies taller than you. She was like a bright big purple bubble in a brown and red room. And a little bit of purple. Twilight gasped and slowly stated, "I don't see her! Do you?"

Madun shook his head and playfully answered, "No, I do not! Maybe she's—"

Two knocks on the door interrupted him and Twilight's "Quest." Madun brushed off his red dress coat and walked over to the door while Twilight continued looking. Unlocking and opening it, he quickly raised his left hoof to his mouth and quietly shushed the family waiting. Then waved them in.

Twilight Velvet noticed Twilight standing in the living room in her dress looking around with a confused expression. What was she doing? And where was the foal? Tapping her chin, Arcadia hummed and said, "I could have sworn I saw her."

Twilight Velvet acted on instinct, unfortunately for Twilight and Madun's playtime. Gasping, she asked, "Is Dawn missing?! Oh no! Don't worry baby, I'll find you!" Then slipped right past Madun and started sniffing the floor. She moved right past Twilight's embarrassed face and towards the table, following the scent of brand new filly. Her muzzle bumped into Dawn's purple wing. She was curled up into a little ball, smiling at Twilight Velvet's face. Reaching in, she grabbed Fresh Dawn and pulled her out and into the air. Grinning, she cheered, "Found you!"

Dawn squealed loud and flapped her wings against air, sending feathers all over the place. She was small but those were some big wings. Cadance and the rest walked over to greet Madun and Twilight. Shining even wrapped Madun in a hug and asked, "Good morning, how are you?"

Madun pulled away and answered, "Tense. We're going to court with the same pony who tried to murder my wife and unborn child. And Twilight wants me not to hurt him."

Shining turned to Twilight, busy digging through a toy bin with a question on the tip of his tongue before she said, "That applies to you too, Armor! And Dad!"

Night Light huffed and muttered, "I wasn't even going to ask, I was just gonna do it. But I understand as the King and Queen you have a duty to set an example."

Twilight lifted her head out of the toy bin with Dawn's favorite toy in her magic, and turned around for her mother, obsessed with her granddaughter and Flurry Heart. "That's right. Now here's what you do." Twilight levitated the toy in front of Dawn and made a honking noise. Dawn squealed and reached out towards it in utter glee. Then grabbed and pulled it into her own chest while Twilight Velvet held her in her hooves.

Twilight pointed towards the kitchen and instructed, "Make sure Dawn gets fed at eleven and gets her nap at twelve. There's formula in the fridge and the microwave is right beside it. She loves to sleep on the bigger version of her favorite toy so keep it nearby." Said toy was then teleported into view. Well in front of the small-ish library in the corner. It was a much bigger version of a bird. Same color and shape, just far bigger. It took up one fourth of the living room.

Fresh Dawn screeched and reached out towards the doll, dropping the one she already had. Night Light grinned and nodded his head. "Yep, she takes after Twilight alright. When her mother shook the Smarty Pants doll her way, she would go crazy."

Madun looked towards his wife and smirked at her blush. Arcadia immediately moved on. She didn't need him teasing her later. "Uhhh, D-Dawn likes to play. A lot. So try to keep her entertained before lunch. There are books in her playroom, the room connected to ours. She really enjoys Hide 'n Seek. But she only understands a little ponish right now. She mostly knows Old Pseratopian. There's a book next to her crib with the phrases that she understands so you may have to learn a little bit of it. What else... What else..."

Madun sighed and reminded her, "Sweetheart, we have to get to—"

"Oh, her favorite food!" Madun sighed while Twilight trotted into the kitchen. "Dawn's favorite food is a mish-mash of potatoes with olive juice."

Twilight Velvet looked down to Fresh Dawn and asked, "You like Olive juice?" Dawn's ear flickered but her eyes didn't leave off her mother. "She can't understand us, can she?"

Madun shook his head and answered, "Not entirely. You need the book. Now come on sweetheart, leave Dawn with the Guards and your family."

Twilight looked around in case she forgot something. Pretty much everything Was in place. It was all okay. Twilight nodded then adjusted her gem-drenched crown and purple dress before she was pushed by Madun from behind, destination for the door. "Come on," he grunted. "We have to get to the courthouse."

"Wait, wait! My baby needs her kisses!"

Madun grunted and let Arcadia skip back for the living room. This was grabbing their time, but anything for the foal. Twilight reached into her mother's arms and pulled Fresh Dawn out with a coo to face her. "Moosa maloo, Dawn. Carlo mee hala, kee?"

Dawn blinked at her first before her face scrunched up. Then came the whimpering before the storm of tears. Twilight instinctively pulled her softly into her chest. "Awww, maree, Dawn. Mommy will return." Dawn wrapped a hoof tightly around her mother's and refused to let go, still crying up to Twilight's face, adorned with despair and desperation. Twilight's face started to scrunch up too before she buried her muzzle into Dawn's mane, crying with her.

Sighing, Madun decided to enlist his services. Taking a seat next to Twilight's he wrapped his hooves and wings around them both. Whispering, "It's okay. We'll come back." Dawn stopped crying and looked up to her father. He reached out and wiped her tears away from her purple cheeks. It broke his heart to see his little girl cry. Smiling he leaned down and nuzzled the cheek, eliciting a giggle from her small form. "Meesa meecho mahala, kee? We would never leave you behind."

Either out of frustration, or because she got it from her mother, Dawn reached out and bopped her father on the cheek. Then laughed about it. Madun sighed and muttered, "I'll take that as a yes. She's back to normal."

Twilight fawned then leaned in with Madun and kissed her cheek. "We'll be back soon, sweetie. Let's go." After leaving Dawn in her grandmother's hooves, Twilight stood up and turned for the open door where Celestia and Luna were waiting for her. Then made for it with Madun, Shining, and Night Light. "Remember the rules!"

Twilight Velvet waved before the door shut, leaving them in their home. Certainly they could find anything in here, right? Cadance and Twilight Velvet shared a look before Dawn wiggled out of Velvet's hooves and onto the floor in front of Flurry. They stared at each other for a moment. Flurry with the thought of if she looked like this before growing a little, to Fresh Dawn who wondered why she looked like her. Crawling, Dawn jabbed a hoof towards her horn and dubbed, "Huh!"

Dawn glanced up at her horn then back to Fresh Dawn. "Yeah, this is my horn." Dawn just stared blandly at her with an open-mouthed expression, forcing Flurry to sigh. "Yeah, you can't understand me."

Cadance huffed and suggested, "Well let's look for the book. We'll have a much better time getting her to understand that way."


Just as predicted, Celestia, and Luna were waiting for them outside with a mix of both Arcadia's guards and Madun's. Wearing the purple and black armor. They saluted when they stepped out and approached the Princesses. Madun ordered, "At ease. Good morning, princesses."

Celestia greeted, "Good Morning, King Madun." Then embraced him before doing the same to Twilight. "And good morning to you, Queen Arcadia."

"Good morning, Princess," Twilight greeted into her coat. She was still much taller than her. A little height difference would change none.

After pulling away, Celestia motioned towards the door to their home and queried, "Filly issues?"

Arcadia sighed and drawled, "She didn't want us to go. And I didn't want to either. But the court needs to hear my say so, and Dawn doesn't do so well in crowds. Or with too many eyes on her." Twilight looked back to the door and muttered, "I just hope she can do well in there without her parents."

Luna came to her rescue and said, "Well if I know her mother as well as I do, Dawn will be just fine. Maybe a little off, but she can definitely do fine."

Twilight took a deep breath and nodded her head. "Yeah, you're right. Well let's go get this over with so I can finally start anew."

Twilight and Madun turned and walked with the Guards towards the entrance with Celestia and Luna. Ready to face their fears. The fear of Madun unable to keep himself back in the stands, the fear of Twilight unable to keep her magic from blowing up the table Blueblood would be sitting in, and the fear of Celestia and Luna never being able to see Blueblood again. That would more than likely be the case, but Psera has a history of sentencing ponies to death. Or behind bars for life. And based off of the severity of the crime, Blueblood could get either one. Celestia feared for the well being of Blueblood's safety. Either way, they wouldn't find out in the halls.

So without further adieu, Celestia let her mind focus on the present. Getting to the courtroom, wherever it was.


Blueblood was scared. He admitted it. He really should've just left Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle alone. He realized that after being literally thrown into a dark and dank cell for seven days with no contact with anyone. No matter how loud he screamed. He realized that after the door opened and he was pulled out, slapped on with chains, and roughly pulled towards the worst prison he has ever been in less than a mile away. He realized that after he was put in a thick, cold metal cell with a single toilet, and a roommate that had told him he takes what he wants with a tap to his chest. He realized that after he was pulled into a fight with three of the biggest stallions he had ever seen. And then "nudged" by his cellmate once again when he could barely move to defend himself.

He realized that after he gave up all hope of ever getting out. He realized that today. His sentencing day. The day he was loaded onto a thick steel pod, chained up, and shipped all the way to the Castle. Where he would see Twilight face to face after shooting her with an arrow nearly four months ago. Along with the rest of the angry citizens of Psera. He. Was going. To die. If not by Twilight, then by her husband, from what he hears. And if not by him, by his aunts. And if not by them, then the definite thousands upon thousands upon thousands of Pserateps watching. He. Was going. To die.

In a few hours, his pod was pulled into the back service entrance of the castle and backed into place. Inside of the big steel block of which sat Blueblood. Facing the two pairs of steel barriers to keep him in. Along with a horn inhibitor to keep his magic restricted. There was no way he was escaping. Chains lined his hooves from the doors. Keeping him in place. There would be no chances of escape.

After the pod cut off, the back doors went through a lot of clanking and banging. Then were thrown open, letting light and a slight cool breeze. Not that Blueblood could tell, there was a coat that only allowed his hooves to go out so far. At least it was thick and warm.

Two Elite Guards were standing on their hind legs pointing dangerously sharp weapons at him. Crossbows with something. Those guys were wearing purple armor while the other six were wearing gold plated. Either way, they disconnected the chains from the doors and pulled him out onto the concrete of the Security Bay. Just a concrete walkway leading up to two more thick steel doors, flanked by two police officers.

They led him up to it while they unlocked it. Then led him through into the castle, chains rattling. The halls were as dead as everything else in Blueblood. Completely white brick with bright lights along the ceiling. A long silent walk apart from the clopping of hooves with no doors until the end. A pair of much more kind doors was on the right leading somewhere else unseen while a single steel one was on the left.

They stopped him while one guard abandoned the group to open the single one with a pair of keys. Then they led him inside. It was a waiting room of some sort obviously. Everything was as white as Blueblood's coat. The walls, the floor, the ceiling. The room was a single large with white glistening walls. The floors were squeaky plastic that applied traction to his hooves. A single tube of light was pinned above a steel table in the center, adorned with two chairs facing each other on opposite sides. Other than those nothing else.

The Guards led him over to the furthest one from the door and ordered, "Sit down." One thing Blueblood knew about these guys? There was no please.

Doing as told by sliding into the chair, the Guards kept him in place by clipping the chains in different loops bolted to the ground. Then backed away and made way for the door, leaving him in there with only four guards wearing violet armor in the corner behind him. Why did they leave him in here alone like this? Based off of the chair across from him, he had a feeling he was going to get a sudden visit from somepony. Question is... Who? The answer to that was going to make his blood freeze.

After a few minutes of waiting, Blueblood's ears recognized a female voice outside the door, speaking with a deeper one. Then the door opened and the guards near it saluted. The last pony he ever expected to walk in—alone, nonetheless—did. Twilight. Wearing a long violet dress that covered her long wings with a gaze on Blueblood that made his blood run faster through his veins.

Twilight raised a hoof in a silent order for the guards to relax. Her eyes were the deepest purple Blueblood had ever seen, accentuated with slight makeup, but not too much. Pretty much spelled Twilight all over. But that face of cold wasn't. Using her magic, Queen Arcadia pulled the chair back across from Blueblood and sat down on the floor. She didn't really need one anyway. Blueblood needed one because he wasn't going anywhere.

She sighed and stared right at Blueblood before the door was closed. Leaving him and her with the Guards.

The room was really tense right now. So tense that Blueblood was afraid to move, in fear Twilight might lunge across this steel table and impale him with that horn. Her expression gave him that feeling that was what she was going to do.

Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep calming breath. Then started off the conversation with, "By Narmeelah's law, I am allowed to speak with you before the trial, since this is primarily about me. The victim of the cold, heartless,clearly jealous crime you have committed. And to be honest, if I was born on Psera, I would kill you right now. You shot me with an arrow and hurt my baby. Thankfully, she turned out beautiful for the most part, and everything I've ever wanted. But the damage has been done. Fresh Dawn has a knick in her ear now because of you among. . . Other things. It's a small damage, but she shouldn't even have that. So I guess the question I want to ask, and the reason I walked in here is... Why? Why did you hurt me? And hurt my baby?"

Blueblood was officially sure he was going to have a heart attack any second now. That was a really big question, with a really small, simple, and completely unacceptable answer. But Twilight wanted an answer. Gulping down his fear, he whispered, "Twilight—"

"Queen... Arcadia," she corrected. "I am the Queen of Psera now."

Now Blueblood knew he was in some deep manure now. How much credit did she have to become Queen?! He thought she was just getting married!! Gulping again, Blueblood started over. "Queen Arcadia, I... Guess I have no real excuse."

"Then what excuse did you have? The court is going to ask you the same question, and the whole country is going to want to know."

"I guess ... I was jealous," he whispered. "I know that is not an excuse, but... I thought you would be the mare for me. After all the letdowns, the failures, the lonely nights I thought that I would finally be able to put you under my wing—figuratively—and I could finally have what I wanted. I know it's not an excuse, but it answers your question."

Twilight slowly nodded and sighed again with, "A lot of your reasons as to why you did what you did came to mind. Most of them had the root of jealousy. In the midst of jealousy, we don't tend to make the right decisions as ponies. We act irrational just to get our point across; to be seen, regardless of the judgement, or the results. And just like usual, after it is all done, we are yelled at because of the following results. For instance, because of what you did, I was put into a coma for two months. My baby was still growing, thank Narmeelah. But during that time was a tense cold war between Equestria and Psera. Psera was about to go to war against Equestria. My worst dream was about to come true. Everything that you know of would be gone. And it all depended on whether or not I lived. Thankfully, I did. So there is no war.

"I got married, had the baby, and was sworn into office for the years to come until my husband or I pass the throne down. You're lucky. Because if I died, they would have killed you in the same second. Slowly." Blueblood flinched and glanced towards the guard in the corner eyeing him with distaste. "But ... There is literally nothing stopping me from hurting you."

Blueblood shifted his eyes back to Arcadia, bearing that murderous look. She was ready to hurt someone. Eyes narrowed, teeth bared. "I could literally toss this table to the side, and beat you senseless. Lawfully, I could. I could grab this table..." Arcadia used her magic to slowly lift the table. "...push it to the side..." The table levitated and moved from the path, revealing Blueblood in his shivering-in-fear state with an empty space between him and her. Arcadia got up and tauntingly moved across the shining floor right up to Blueblood's face, glaring hard in a really close proximity. He could smell the mint on her breath, the anger of a thousand mothers. "And could mop the floor with your face. Beat it, mold it, break a leg or two, and—if I feel like it—snap your horn off and stuff it right up your flank. There is literally nothing stopping me. There is no law saying I can't do that. There is protection for you until the court date. The reason why is because there are already guards in the room standing by in the corners. Waiting for something to happen. But here? In this room? There are no laws abiding for you. This is, what is called, a Code-Free zone. There are no rules in here. The Guards could have done it themselves if they wanted to."

Blueblood gulped before Arcadia pulled back and slid the table back into place. Then sighed to calm herself. "But as a Queen and a representative of responsibility, it's my job to show maturity and a firm example for my citizens. So I won't, even behind closed doors. But heed my words, Blueblood. If you say one wrong thing in that courtroom, nothing will stop me from showing you my dark side. This is your only warning. So you better watch what you say, because you would not like what you see."

The courtroom was packed. The Senate apparently did a lot of things besides passing bills and govern the nation. They also apparently judged the criminals of the decade. And allowed everyone else in. Including first-seaters nearby. All eyes were watching it on the LIVAMs at their homes, but some also wanted to see and hear it in person. The Princesses definitely.

They were seated in a respected area directly behind where the victims would sit. Where the King and Queen were with Gardeen a little on the right. Well Twilight was currently speaking to Blueblood herself, leaving Madun alone for the time being. He was doing something with a notebook, drawing out what appeared to be a diagram with Fresh Dawn's name at the top.

Luna peeked over the barrier and whispered teasingly, "Already planning out your filly's life, I see?"

Without looking up, Madun smirked and answered around the pen in his mouth, "Is that so bad? I feel like our little girl should have options for her life. Of course I am aware some of these may not even apply to her in the future. But it's always good to be prepared."

Celestia hummed and nodded. She could tell Twilight rubbed off on him. There was always that preparation-thing she had. Speaking of which, the door to the right opened up and in she walked. Well stomped was more like it. Those that spotted her stood up and quieted out of respect before she ordered, "Please! Have a seat!" Luna couldn't help but smirk. Being assertive was so unlike Twilight. But then again, as a full fledged Queen she had to have a strong backbone.

Queen Arcadia walked over to the table Madun was smirking at her from with a deadly glare. Then plopped down and just stared at the front of the room, ignoring the eyes on her. Madun was about to ask before Twilight turned to him and jabbed a hoof in his chest. "I gave him warnings, very convincing warnings. If he says one thing out of line you are all going to witness my dark and ugly side, and I am not responsible for what happens after."

They all nodded slowly. Gardeen was trying her hardest not to laugh at her friend—practically her mother's face. She has never seen Arcadia this mad before. Hopefully she won't blow up before the trial starts. Because she clearly has a short fuse.

Deciding to push it to the side, Night Light came up with a conversation. "So when is the first day you take a seat in the office? Your mother is going to want to take pictures."

That brightened Twilight's mood. She smiled and answered, "Well it's next week on monday. At the moment, I'm decorating my own personal space for both Madun and Fresh Dawn. Speaking of which—" Before Arcadia could stand up, Madun leaned over into her wing and plucked a feather. "Ow! Madun!"

Shaking his head, he assured, "The baby is fine. Come on, calm down. She has your clearly overprotective mother—no offense, Night Light..."

He sighed and shrugged. Unfortunately, it was true. Ever since Twilight Velvet got to hold her, she's been coming up with crazy ideas for gifts and such.

Madun added, "She's got your old foalsitter, and her cousin. She's fine."


Turns out, the book on Old Pseratopian was actually a bunch of notes Twilight herself took. Twilight Velvet knew exactly how to decode all of these words. She would sometimes read those notes out loud when she was around back home to her.

Little Fresh Dawn was sitting in Flurry's lap in the living room eyeing the book cover with a doll in her hooves. Cadance was browsing Twilight's library nearby, trying to figure out her system. It was... Complex, to say the least. Other than that, it was quiet. Dawn was a quiet filly.

Finding what she was looking for, Twilight Velvet lowered the book and asked, "Er... Morkor torseah malshoopa cartoo?"

Dawn's ears perked up with wide eyes on Twilight Velvet and she just froze. Cadance walked over and looked at her from the side to see what she was doing. Her ear flickered for a second before she threw her hooves into the air and squealed happily. Twilight Velvet sighed in relief and stated, "I asked if she wanted to play."

Cadance giggled and said, "I'll take it she does."

Dawn put the doll into her mouth and jumped out of Flurry's lap onto the floor, nearly giving them a heart attack. What type of filly jumps onto the floor?! But she was fine. Assessed because she grabbed Flurry's hoof and pulled it. Then made her way around the couch. Twilight Velvet gasped then used her magic to grab Fresh Dawn and pull her back over. "Oh no you don't. I have to keep an eye on you, you're a sneaky one."

Dawn squealed and grabbed Flurry's cheeks for leverage. Then squealed, "Ma! Ma! Mama!" She looked around before she teleported away, snapping out of sight to somewhere in the back.

Cadance eeped and followed the source of the sound. Hopefully she was okay! A filly teleporting was one of the most dangerous things a foal could ever do! They needed to keep an eye on her, much closer than usual. So far she's managed to disappear twice within twenty minutes. The first time Cadance almost screamed. Flurry shut her up before she could by placing both hooves over her mouth. If anyone heard a scream around here it would certainly become a big thing.

They rushed into Madun and Twilight's room, the most organized bedroom in existence, then turned right into "Dawn's Playroom," a very colorful and foal-friendly spot in the suite. There was a light pink mat in the center decorated with clouds, and a large bed beside it. As well as a changing station. Prepped with diapers and a few more things.

And of course, toys. Toys were everywhere. Dolls, dollhouses, little tiny pods, animals with smiley faces, blankets, and a bin with a lot more toys. The Citizens probably gifted her with them. There were so many!

Dawn was going through one of the bins in the corner for a toy, soothing their fears. Obviously wanting to play, she pulled out a bird with two heads. Then presented it to Flurry. "Ga ga?" She asked.

Flurry blinked then grabbed it with her magic. What even was this? It looked like a chicken mixed with a dragon with two heads. Next, Dawn pulled out a pod that had a... Cannon? Probably a small military thing. This was a military country after all. She set it on the mat then blew a raspberry at Flurry and started moving the Pod around. Looks like they were going to play.


Queen Arcadia nodded to Madun's assurance and said, "Yes. Yeah, you're right. She's fine, nothing's wrong, nothing could go wrong—what if she's out of milk?!"

Madun used his hoof to stroke through her mane. "Sweetheart, she's fine. If something is wrong, then we'll be contacted."

A gavel banged down from the front, grabbing their attention. Sometime earlier, the judges had walked in and took their seats. The same ponies they saw at the Coronation. Everyone stood up, including the King and Queen, cutting off the conversation of their foal and bringing them to the manner at hoof. The blue one, Judge Berry was the one holding the gavel while the others were starting at the gallery. The LiVAM crews on the side swiveled to focus on their faces.

He cleared his throat and greeted, "Good morning, Psera and visitors. Today we are finally putting the illegal interloper, a uhh... Prince Blueblood to trial after the attempted assassination of Queen Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle. You may be seated." The gallery sat down and got comfortable. "I am Judge Berry, I will be leading the trial with Judges Sunlight, Light, Crew, and Mahtoo. Must I say this isn't the worst crime I've seen, but it is the coldest. Personally, I do not pity him. Good morning, your majesties."

Madun and Twilight both nodded and greeted, "Good morning, Judge."

Judge Sunlight, a yellow coated mare with long flowing yellow hair that sparkled, and dark yellow eyes asked, "I understand this will be a rather sensitive trial, but I ask that you please hold in your anger until you are allowed one last message after the sentencing. It will move this along much quicker. Bring forth the accused!"

The door on the right side of the room was thrown open, and in walked Blueblood, held together by multiple chains and pulled along by police. All eyes were trained on him as he was taken to the table on the far left past Twilight and Madun, and ordered to sit down again. Then was chained to the floor. Judge Light, a light orange coated mare with orange eyes sighed and asked, "Prince Blueblood of Equestria? Do you even realize the magnitude of what you did? And how worse it could have been?"

Blueblood gulped and nodded to the floor. "Look up here, please." Blueblood lifted his head and looked into their angry eyes. "Not only did you try and commit murder, but you nearly did it to an unborn foal. That alone is very unacceptable. Add that you tried to kill the Saviour of Psera, a highly respected mare in our history on her wedding day, with obvious intentions to do the same to her fiance, and you nearly caused a war. From what we hear and read, all rooted from jealousy. Tell me why we shouldn't have you sentenced to death."

Blueblood slowly shook his head and whispered, "I cannot."

"Speak up, pony."

"I cannot," he answered much louder.

Judge Berry nodded his head and said, "Well either way, there is no bright future ahead for you."

For the next two hours, evidence and theories were brought forth by the ponies who actually witnessed the attack, as well as the weapons used. Turns out—surprise, surprise—all weapons on Psera were registered. So when Blueblood actually took the weapon, there was already a code in place to find it. They knew he was on Psera the second it disappeared. But just like Twilight stated, they were going to have a hard time finding a pony who teleported everywhere. A few Guard captains testified as well, about how strange fluctuations in Eventa's energy field was messing with the cameras a few days before the wedding actually took place. Twilight theorized that it was Blueblood teleporting around and setting up somewhere. Which meant they couldn't find him in Psera because he was already there at the wedding before it even started. So all of the patrols and such outside of the stadium were pretty much pointless when he was already inside.

So Summary? Blueblood used a lot of magic to get past Arcadia's portal and onto Psera, stole a few weapons, hid in Eventa, then when the time was right, fired the bolt with intention to kill. Rounding up the charges of International Trespassing, Threatening the Crown, Attempted Assassination of the Crown, Larceny of Military Weaponry, and three more. The first charge was automatically twenty years behind bars, but threatening the crown was fifty, attempted assassination was seventy, stealing military weapons was ten, and resisting arrest was a year. The others were all twenties. Making the total estimated count for prison time to be two hundred eleven years behind bars. He was never going to see Psera again. Or Equestria for that matter.

After it was all done which took an estimated two hours, Judge Berry took off his reading glasses and focused on the table where the Royalty were sitting. "Your majesties, would any of you, including our visitors like to say a word?"

Celestia and Luna glanced at each other then shook their heads. Shining Armor and Night Light answered, "No sir."

Madun was less than restricted. He stood up and said to Blueblood, "If I had caught you, you would not be sitting in that chair right now. I would gladly and proudly buck you until you could no longer move for hurting my wife and my daughter."

Blueblood harrumphed. He already had his fate judged. Life in a cell with a creepy stallion who "takes what he wants," and pretty much getting beat up. So without remorse he said, "Well not that I'm glad, but—" Arcadia cleared her throat for a moment, shushing him before he even started. Her message was clear: Don't get cocky.

Judge Berry looked between the two of them for a few seconds. There was clearly an air of hostility. He asked, "Your highness, would you like to say a few words?"

Twilight cleared her throat and stood up out of her seat. "Yes, I would." Then slowly moved for Blueblood's side of the room. Unfortunately he couldn't move right now, so he had to endure that gaze once again. By law, she was allowed to make these motions. She stopped directly in front of his table and glared down at him. Even though they were keeping Blueblood in his seat, the Guards escorting him were really tempted to just leave by the intensity she was giving off.

By chance, Gardeen glanced down at the pen on the table when it moved catching her eye. It vibrated and bounced a little as if there were a very large pod passing nearby. Along with the agenda she had and Madun's notebook. The gavel on the stand was also moving, catching the eyes of the judges before the lights in the building started flickering. "Uhh... A-Arcadia?" She whispered.

Suddenly, the room went dark and Arcadia burst into purple flames. Sharp teeth bared and angry eyes. Blueblood yelped and nearly flew out of his seat. And based on the rattling chains, would have if it weren't for them. Twilight leaned down into Blueblood's face and snarled, "Say. It."

With his chained hooves in front of his hooves, Blueblood asked, "Say what?!"


"I'm sorry!!"

"For?!! Look me in my eyes!" Blueblood suddenly felt his hooves thrown onto the table at Arcadia's command and body pulled up to her level, gazing into face. Into her black pooled eyes, flaming with anger. Body burning with fire. She was angry.

"I'm sorry for nearly killing you and your filly!!" Blueblood screamed.


"And threatening your husband!!" Queen Arcadia dropped Blueblood back down into his seat and slowly backed away. The lights slowly flickered back on showing the shocked faces of Psera. Gardeen might've been a little terrified.

Once Twilight's coat sizzled down she leaned in and said through gritted teeth, "If I wasn't in a coma, I would have gladly killed you. Shall you live through your sentencing, never test me, my family, or my country ever again. Am I CLEAR?!"

"Yes! Yes! Crystal!"

Queen Arcadia nodded and trotted back to her table, followed closely by the eyes of everyone. When she sat down in her seat, Madun slowly leaned in and whispered, "So uhhh ... Setting an example, are we?"

"This is different."

"Uh huh."

Getting the shock out of his mind, Judge Sunlight cleared her throat and continued forward. "Now that the victims have had their say, it is time to sign judgement." She picked up a sheet the jury had hoofed over earlier and read, "We, the Judging Body of Psera hereby sentence Blueblood of Equestria to two hundred one years in Lavender Hall Maximum Security Prison without parole. This trial is over." And without delay, the gavel was banged and Blueblood's sentence was applied. Ending the drama.

Author's Note:

If there are any typos, please quote its sentence in a comment so I may correct it.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Two more chapters away from the end of Twilight Daylight, and the beginning of Twilight Daylight 2. Once this story has the completed tag on it, I will set an official date for Twilight Daylight 2, currently at 103,945 words.

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