• Published 10th Mar 2018
  • 9,831 Views, 526 Comments

Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 45 - Fortune Teller

The hallway holding Twilight was littered with notecards, flowers, and gifts when Gardeen showed up the next morning. She herself had brought a teddy bear with Light Pink and the rest of their friends. Fast Right and Dark Shadow were upset, but didn't let it show. Unfortunately, the only ponies who were allowed to see her in that group was Gardeen herself. The others had to wait out in the lobby. Gardeen's hooves felt like lead when she moved them, stepping to the room with so many flowers it looked like a garden. But it definitely wasn't on the other side.

Gardeen verified this when she finally stepped inside. It was the same as yesterday. In the center of the entirely white room, Arcadia was face up with a mask over her face, covered with a blanket fighting for her life. Madun was there by her side. On the right of her bed holding her hoof. And sleeping. When Gardeen walked in his eyes fluttered open and focused on her. "...hey," he greeted. He was clearly tired. His eyes were droopy and he looked a little bit exhausted.

"Hi," she responded. Then walked over to her left and sat down.

Madun looked at Arcadia and answered her unasked question, "Nothing's really changed. Her blood pressure went up to keep blood flowing. But other than that she's still comatose."

"I really want that pony dead," Gardeen deadpanned.

Madun sighed and slowly nodded his head. "...me too."

After they left the hive and entered the silent tall and grand halls of the Castle of the Gods, Princesses Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Shining Armor were escorted towards the Senate Hall. Celestia was so sure that the Pserateps synchronized with the mood by the King. If he was sad, everypony was sad. Or it could have just been Twilight. Either way, she didn't speak about it when they walked down the stairs towards the empty lobby floors and down another hallway. Eventually arriving at a guarded quadrupled set of doors. The captain of this unit gave Celestia the stink eye and motioned for the door to be opened. The guards quickly did, exposing the inside of the Senate Hall. It had four rows of ascending seats setup with microphones, a gallery on the far side, and the panel at the front in front of the Crest of Psera. All occupied.

All conversations the Pseratep leaders were having ceased and all eyes were directed towards them. Luna gulped and followed her family with the Guards towards the seats in the front. And center. They were going to be facing the angry faces of the Pserateps. Actually practically their parents. Her Majesty Molten Ice was watching them directly above the five Senators with really strange eyes. One of them, a stallion with a gray coat had narrowed eyes aimed at Shining Armor. Why him? No idea. They sat down in their seats and got comfortable. Then they began.

Her Majesty greeted sourly, "Hello, Princesses and Prince Consort Shining Armor. Thank you for coming. Yesterday, a pony of extreme importance was shot yesterday at her wedding. Lady in Waiting Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle, Saviour of Psera. We have the culprit, who is actively losing his mind in Chamber Nine, and there is nothing you can do about it. Now... Secretary Manny informed me that she did in fact tell you about the consequences of any actions against Lady Arcadia on her wedding day. Correct?"

Gulping, Celestia nodded and answered, "Yes, she made it very clear to us that if something were to happen to Lady Arcadia we would in fact be on tense hooves with Psera."

One of the Judges at the top, a mare with a light orange coat responded, "At the time of this we were positive that since Equestria had apologized for their actions and were actively working things out that we had nothing to worry about. Until it was reported that a Unicorn who had a thing for Arcadia in the past was actively running amok through our land. Our Guards were having trouble catching him and were doing everything they could to keep their weapons and wings ready to fly at the first sign of an issue. However, he was using magic.

"Psera is currently taking steps to apply detectors across the nation in case an event such as this were to ever happen again. Or even a threat. Unfortunately, it took this one to make it happen. Queen Arcadia now lies on an unstable line that could shift from Awake to Cardiac Arrest in a hospital bed. Pregnant. Thanks to a pony from your nation."

Another older Stallion on the far left with a forest green coat added, "Even though you may not be in connection with this attack, you forget. The pony who did it has direct ties to Equestria royalty. As well as Equestria itself. So we're blaming Equestria, who has a record of lying to Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle."

Cadance raised a hoof to place her input. "With all due respect we were unaware that Twilight didn't know her role in Equestrian Society."

"But did you let her know? As a ruler and pony of higher authority in your nation it is your duty to tell your subjects, friends or not, what they need to know. And from what I understand you are all four years overdue. Not four days, four weeks, four months, but four years." Cadance sighed and looked away. They had a point.

Molten stayed undeterred. "The attacker Blueblood is indubitably going to be staying in a Maximum Security Prison for the rest of his life. Now if Lady Arcadia dies, after all she has done for you and your nation, Psera will be forced to take action. As of this moment, we are boarding our Aquatas and retrieving the Anchors. There will be no warning. No white flags. We are swarming Equestria and taking everything down with a swift iron hoof!" She banged her golden-covered hoof on the table. "And there will be nothing you can do about it."

Celestia gulped and asked, "Are you sure there's nothing we can do?"

"Can you bring back the dead?"

"Er... Well—"

"Then no. My son was possibly traumatized on that stage! Along with those foals! About to kiss his one true love that I myself have seen blossom from mere flirting to a permanent bond of love about to be forged together yesterday! Only to come to an abrupt halt when a pony from your nation shot an arrow into the abdomen of his fiancee! A pony whom I myself have come to adore, as well as the rest of this nation! She has done so much for Psera! And asked for nothing in return! She found love here, as well as respect! Something she didn't receive in Equestria! Yet she still can't escape your clutches, and is now fighting for her life in that hospital bed! Well if she goes, you're going with her, I assure you."

The sound of heartbeats were the only sound reaching Twilight's ears. Not the Heart monitor, Gardeen's writing, or her fiance's snoring on the side. Her worrying wasn't much right now on the outside for her foal. What happened to her baby? Was she as the mother okay? She needed answers. Hopefully soon.

Twilight felt something. A movement. Feeling. Her right wing fluttered. Or buzzed. She couldn't tell. Her horn was burning alive! Her eyes registered light coming past her lids. She felt the rest of her body. Her hooves. Her wings, horn, muzzle. Everything. As if she was just born. After a few more seconds. A dull ache in her abdomen. She slowly fluttered her eyes open. The light above her was bright. A little blinding. She was tempted to find the switch and cut it off. She was too tired. She needed food.

The sound of wrapping in her right ear made it twitch. Wrapping paper. Food. She slowly turned her head to the right at Gardeen, eating a Maphito out of the wrapping with a large notebook in her lap. Was it early morning? Or was she doing like some breakfast for dinner type thing? Either way, she herself wanted one.

Gardeen's eyes were scanning the words she put down. Reading. They sounded right. Of course they sound right. In her mind. "'Love is the one thing that conquers all,'" she whispered. "'Without it nothing would exist. Through the pain and fire lies a light of happiness. From love and admiration comes a new life.' No that doesn't sound right."

"I thought it sounded beautiful." Gardeen looked up and gasped. Arcadia's purple eyes were trained on her, smiling. "Keep it in there."

"Arcadia!!" Gardeen hopped up and immediately walked over. "Doctor!! Ponies, get in here!! How are you feeling, your highness?" Arcadia raised a hoof her way, inviting her in for a hug. Gardeen carefully moved in and wrapped her hooves around her. Arcadia did the same and nuzzled her cheek.

"I thought we lost you," Gardeen whispered.

"I'm always around, Gardeen," she whispered. Then placed a tiny kiss on her cheek. "I'm okay."

Arcadia pulled back when a few doctors rushed in from the door on the right up ahead. Triage being the first gasped and announced, "She's awake!! Your highness how are you feeling?"

While the doctors started poking and looking her over, Arcadia sighed and whispered, "Hungry. I want some Maphitos. How is my baby?"

Violet Triage set up her stethoscope while other doctors checked over the rest of her body. With a smile, she answered, "She is fine. There are more specifics but we need you relaxed and calm before we tell you.

So everything is okay. Except for one thing. "Where is he?"

Violet Triage stepped to the side, letting her sight train on King Madun sleeping in the chair beside her with his head face down. He had his crown off and everything else. Leaving him in his orange coat and messy orange-red mane. How was he not hearing all of this? Maybe it was his snoring. Each time he inhaled, it was like a small engine blaring loud, echoing around the room. That happens when he's stressed. Twilight had a remedy for it.

Arcadia shared a look with Gardeen, then shifted her body so her wing was free. Slowly she pushed it out from underneath the blanket and over to him. Then shook it by his nose.

"This wakes him up from anything," she whispered.

She pulled her wing back and observed Madun. First he stopped snoring then reached out with his right hoof before cracking his eyes open. Smacking his lips he glanced around and finally noticed the large amount of doctors and nurses inside. Immediately, he got worried. "What happened? Give me some information, now!"

Arcadia cleared her throat, finally getting his attention. With a smile, she whispered, "Hey, love."

Madun instantly walked over while the doctors sort of just jumped out of the way and embraced Twilight underneath her hooves, giving her the most loving hug he could manage. "You're awake," he whispered. Then pulled back and kissed her on the lips. Twilight could relish in that forever. But she was still worried about their child.

After a few moving seconds, Twilight pulled back and nodded, giving him those lively eyes he fell in love with so long ago. Smiling, she asked, "How long was I out?"

"Uhhh..." He turned back to the doctors who also shared a worrying look. Then turned back to his fiancee. "Don't freak out... But two months. You were in a coma sweetheart."

Twilight's eyes grew even wider. Then slowly shifted her sights to her stomach. It definitely got bigger. Bulging with the blanket. Which meant her foal was still alive. She still had more questions, but she also had a feeling she wasn't going to get any answers right now. So she instead nodded and motioned for the doctors to continue prodding.

Violet Triage walked forward first and started everything off with the blood pressure. Thankfully it was stabilized, but they still needed a lot more readings.

While looking in her eyes, one of the doctors said, "So about your foal. We have great news. Thanks to whatever you were doing with your magic, it kept her alive."

Madun quickly asked, "It's a filly?!"

"Yes, it is. It's a filly. But there was slight damage. The arrow pierced a growing ear, her right one. So unfortunately, there will be a hole in her right ear. It's not going to be an issue in her life. More like a permanent piercing and that's it. Other than that, she's just fine."

Twilight took a deep breath in relief. So that spell worked. She didn't know what she would do to Blueblood if he had killed her foal. Probably put Tartarus in his mind for the rest of his life. Or how about dropping him all the way to the ground from twenty thousand feet? Maybe shoot him with an arrow. Or how about put him to sleep and make him imagine what it felt like being pierced with an arrow? While pregnant?! In Taratarus?! Twilight blinked those thoughts away, but did keep the last one in the darkest corner of her mind, in case she had to use it.

She raised a hoof to her head and rubbed it, then asked, "What happened while I was out?"

"Before we start on that..." Madun reached behind him and grabbed a Maphito from the tray a nurse just rolled in. Then presented it in front of her face. "Eat first. You need as much energy as possible for what we're about to tell you."

Twilight Velvet was worrying herself ragged. Night Light was no better, but he wasn't making it known by running back and forth around the Crystal Empire Castle holding pictures of Twilight. It's been two months since she was attacked on her wedding day. And they were forbidden from getting even an update. They protested and said that it wasn't fair. Well Psera said that they were on the precipice of War right now. So nothing is fair. If Twilight dies, they do too. If she doesn't they will be notified and the Cold War as of right now will cease.

The halls inside of the Castle were silent and tense. The Guards in the castle could feel. The Princesses could feel it. And Night Light himself could feel it. Even while walking around with his granddaughter on his back. She wasn't sleep, but she definitely wasn't talkative. Shining Armor and Cadance were worried about her. She wasn't as active as usual ever since the attack. She, just like everyone else, was in that Grand Stadium. And was one of the firsts to witness Twilight go flying back onto that stage. So Night Light volunteered to take her for a walk. She usually enjoyed hanging around "pop pop." But right now, it definitely didn't seem like it.

Night Light lifted his head to look into her eyes and asked, "Wanna go to Aunt Celestia and Aunt Luna?"

Flurry shook her head and answered, "No."

Night LIght sighed and continued walking. He knew what she wanted. She wanted to see Aunt Twilight. Just like everyone else here. Besides her mother, her friends were the most distraught. They were somewhere around here. He didn't know where exactly, but they were.

Night Light turned a corner and nearly bumped into another pony. A mare with a a white coat, silver mane and tail. And had five... Pserateps. The Elite Guard. Gardeen. He instinctively backed up and stared at her, who in turn stared back. Gardeen didn't have an angry look on her face like he expected. More like a strange... Stare. Night Light shared a look with Flurry, then back to Gardeen. "...Hey."

Without changing her look, she replied, "Hello, Night Light. Where can I find the Princesses?"

"Uhh... In the Throne Room. Down there." He pointed towards the hall he and Flurry just walked from.

Gardeen poked her head around and eyed the golden double doors. Then turned back to Night Light and nodded. "Thank you. Oh, you may want to come with us too. And bring Twilight Velvet."

"She's already in there... I think."

Gardeen nodded again and made her way around them for the throne room. The Elite Guards made their way around them too and followed along. Without a word, Night Light turned and quickly brought up the rear. He had a suddenly bad feeling. "Wait, wait, hold on!" He caught up to Gardeen's right and asked, "What happened? Something happened didn't it? You're not telling me!"

"Chill, Night Light. You'll learn once we're in the throne room." Night Light didn't have anymore questions. Instead, treaded the halls with Gardeen and the Elite Guards.

Celestia hasn't been having a good time lately. First Blueblood goes nuts, then Twilight gets shot by Blueblood, who is possibly still being held in Chamber Nine, and now Psera is going to demolish Equestria if Twilight dies. As if Twilight dying isn't enough. They were all grieving in their own way, even though they all did it together. Celestia was just staring out the stained glass windows reminiscing, Cadance was trying to calm her nerves on her throne, Shining Armor was somewhere, Twilight Velvet was with Cadance sobbing and showing her photos from a photo album. And the girls.... Were everywhere.

Applejack was huffing and puffing, furious at "that stupid bucking prince," Rarity was sobbing on her fainting couch. Pinkie Pie's mane was down, Fluttershy was crying underneath Rainbow Dash's wing, and Rainbow Dash herself was lying down with her chin to the floor. She wasn't crying or anything, but she was definitely upset.

Luna was somewhere else at the moment. The only one not in the castle. Twilight Velvet flipped a page to another photo of Filly Twilight playing with little Shining Armor. She pointed at it and stuttered, "T-T-Twilight was just learning a new game Sh-Shining taught her! Sh-She never l-learned by herself, so Shining was helping!"

Celestia sighed and lowered her head. All of this crying was making her upset. Twilight wasn't gone yet. There was still hope that she could make it out alive. And live her life like she planned. Someone knocking on the door was what ceased all the tears and emotions.

Cadance straightened herself and responded loud and clear, "Enter!"

The door nudged open with a groan and Night Light poked in with Flurry. "So uh... We may have an issue," he said.

Celestia turned around and asked, "Wh-What do you mean?"

Night Light responded by pushing the door the rest of the way open. The ones standing there made their blood turn cold. Gardeen had the most straightest look on her face. Even Rainbow Dash who's been mostly quiet during the entire time she was in here stood up and faced her. Gardeen walked inside with her five guards and up to the throne. Rarity and everyone else moved out of the way, letting her stop at the foot and bow.

"Your majesty," she greeted.

Cadance gulped and responded, "Secretary Gardeen. How can we help you?" She and everyone else knew that Gardeen had no business being in Equestria unless she was delivering news. That was her job in Psera. Whether it was good or bad was the question. And it definitely didn't look good.

Gardeen straightened up and answered, "I've come to deliver news from Psera. Revolving around... Lady Arcadia." Celestia and everyone else calmly walked forward and stopped in front of her. Those eyes were telling them something not good. Not good at all. And that smile upside down wasn't helping matters either. It had them all on edge.

Night Light walked up to his wife and wrapped a hoof around her shoulders, worried eyes on Gardeen. "What. Happened."

Gardeen took a deep breath. Then smiled and answered, "She's in shock and... Destroying every Maphito she can get her hooves on. Lady Arcadia woke up at eight-sixteen this morning."

Twilight Velvet took the most biggest breath she could take to slow her racing heart while everyone else did something similar. Celestia held a hoof over her heart and asked, "How is she? Any medical issues?"

Gardeen glanced up to the ceiling and hummed. That was a hard question. "Well... If anger was a medical issue, then yeah. She is pissed at this pony of yours. A few hours ago, she was asking about Maphitos and now she's really upset that Blueballs ruined her wedding, her dress, and her Timool. Honeymoon. Boy, was she mad. I'm kind of glad she sent me here to 'appease' you just to get out of there. Between you and me, I honestly think her mood swings took over."

"GARDEEN!!!" Everyone jumped and turned to the side. Twilight was probably using a spell or something, but there she was. And boy was she showing. Rainbow's concern was immediately pushed to the side when she saw that stomach. Like a watermelon. Except entirely round and not an oval like most pregnant mares. With red cheeks, Twilight walked over and asked, "What did I say about telling ponies about my mood swings?"

"TWILIGHT!!" Rainbow Dash zoomed forward and straight through Twilight instead of into her, and slammed straight into the wall behind her.

Twilight seethed through her teeth and slowly turned around to look at Rainbow. "I don't think that was a smart move even if I was here considering I'm pregnant, Rainbow Dash." She turned back to the others while Rainbow peeled off the wall. "Hey, everypony."

Celestia teleported in front of her and asked, "How are you feeling, Twilight? I am so, so sorry about what happened! If there was something we could've done, we—"

"Celestia, the past is in the past," Twilight interrupted. Then smiled and added, "We'll just have to do the wedding all over. Merry's beautiful dress was ruined and those poor foals on the stage..." Twilight sighed again and added, "Everything has been pushed back two months. Now, possibly, all three events will happen in the same month. The wedding, the coronation, and labor."

Twilight Velvet darted forward and asked worriedly, "How's the little foal?! Are they okay?!"

Twilight nodded and answered, "She is fine, for the most part."

Cadance gasped and squealed excitedly. Then asked, "It's a filly?! And what happened?"

Twilight reached up and flicked her ear. "The arrow got her ear and the doctor says that when she's born there's going to be a permanent hole there. They're not sure if she's going to be in pain for now, but either way..." Twilight's smile greatly contrasted against her next words. "When I see Blueblood, no one is going to stop me from putting his greatest nightmares on loop inside of his mind, and plunging him into a realm of darkness that even Discord himself wouldn't want to be in. Because he hurt my filly and I am definitely going to have some very choice words and actions for him."

Gardeen glanced awkwardly between the two parties who basked in the subtle silence. Then whispered, "Your highness, you're getting angry again."

"I AM NOT!!"

Rainbow leaned over in Applejack's peripheral and whispered, "Madun better run."

Twilight took a deep breath and counted down from five. That pony has really irked her. She huffed out and said, "They're not letting me leave the hospital just yet, so everything is sort of... On hold right now. Including the wedding. Everything was ruined..." Twilight took a deep breath but her voice got wobbly, triggering her tears. "My dress got a lot of blood on it and was ripped open, everyone was traumatized and I was in a coma for two months! I'm SO FRUSTRATED! I need a Maphito! I'll talk to you later!" Twilight turned around and started to leave.

"Wait, wait!" Luna called. Then asked, "How are the talks about the Psera-Equestria Cold War going?"

Twilight sniffed and cried, "I don't know, but you'll know more than likely in a few days... Or weeks. Maybe during the trial, when I see Blueblood and stomp his face into the ground in front of everyone just so they know how angry I can get! I have to go!!" Twilight dissipated out of view, leaving Gardeen behind. The area was silent once more, with Twilight's sad voice ringing through the halls. Gardeen calmly scuffed her hoof against the ground, avoiding the awkward eye contact with the others. After a few seconds, a portal opened behind them. She waved at the ponies in front of her, then darted through with the eager guards, anxious to get out of there themselves.

Author's Note:

For those that don't know (everyone), a Maphito is a Donut that has no hole and comes in all shapes and sizes.

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