• Published 10th Mar 2018
  • 9,831 Views, 526 Comments

Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 3 - New Location? Found!

In Canterlot, the home of the two Princesses, both of the sun and the moon, realized there was a slight unease in the air. Princess Celestia could feel it. Even as she was listening to the boring noble in front of her offering an idea that she wasn't listening to. Most of the time, whatever they were offering revolved around them making more bits. If it was up to her, she would just kick them out of the castle at the first time they said, "I would like". That was an immediate red flag. I would like more land. I would like more property for my business. I would like a raise in funding.

Suddenly in the middle of...whatever the hay he was talking about, she felt a rush of magic that tingled her fur making her cast her sights to the window on the left, ignoring the pony.

She raised her hoof, silencing him for a moment before listening for anything strange. She hasn't felt magic like that in a while. Curious, Celestia stalked off her throne and walked over to the window, gazing out and looking for something strange.

The flash behind her didn't even break her away from her focus while her sister approached.

"Celestia! Did you feel the-"

"I did," she responded, continuing to pour her sights towards the ground below. "Guard!" One of the guards at the door walked towards the two and saluted. "Prepare my chariot, we're going to Ponyville."

"Yes, your highness." He turned around and scampered off quickly to inform his captain about the order. Luna and her sister shared a glance while looking at the area in the distance that was Ponyville, already beginning to worry.

An hour later they were in the air, soaring towards the area with guards pulling and flying with them, preparing for something that could cause damage to Equestria or anyone else.

"What do you think that was?" Luna asked absentmindedly. "It was a strong flare."

"It was an explosion," Celestia answered back. She faced the area as the small town came into view. "Of a high magnitude. Of what, I'm not—oh my Faust, Twilight!" Luna looked back and faced the area in front of her, gasping at what she saw. The top of the castle had fallen to the ground a little after Sunset and Spike had left the elements to mourn. The spire was damaged greatly. Celestia jumped out of the chariot and flew down towards the area ahead of the guards.

The entire town was there looking at the damage, parting out of the way for the two rulers of the land as they walked closer. "Who did this?" Luna asked, stopping in front of the doors. "Who destroyed—"

"Twilight did." They looked to the side at Spike and Sunset looking over the letter again. Trying to find a clue as to where she could have went. "She trashed her room, bucked the doors down, and blew the top of this 'castle'," Sunset explained. "If you can really call a one floor structure a castle."

"Why would she destroy her home?" Ceelstia asked carefully, walking over to the two while Spike lowered the letter and faced the princesses.

"Why? Because you lied to her! You all lied to her!" He snapped. "I'll tell you just like I told the others. After everything she did for you, to make her 'Princess Twilight Sparkle' and then say that she wasn't really a Princess destroyed her! Do you realize how she felt upon finding out that after four years, she wasn't really a princess?! That it was all just a lie?!! She feels..." He looked at the letter again to make sure he got this right. "'Lied to, made fun of, and humiliated!' All for what? What did she do to feel that way, huh?!"

Celestia grabbed the letter from his grip, reading it over. It apparently must've been from Twilight. The two Princesses looked at it and read it over before Celestia lowered it, her face having shock written all over it. "She's gone?"

"Yeah, after she destroyed the 'castle'," Sunset said, rolling her eyes. "Once again. Not really sure if it's a castle."

"Sister. There's a tiny section here," Luna said, gesturing towards the bottom part of the letter. Princess Celestia looked back down at the letter towards the area where her sister was pointing to see that she was right. There was something else there. It was tiny and they were words.

"It's a Post script," she announced, squinting and reading it out loud slowly. "'By the way....I took something with me. Now it's your turn to feel how I feel.'"

"IT'S GONE!!!!!" They all looked up to see the element bearers hectically running out of the destroyed building and making their way towards the rulers.

"What's gone, what's missing?"

"The Element of Magic! It's not there anymore!"

"WHAT?!!!" The two yelled before running into the castle with the group right behind them along with three guards. Spike and Sunset shared a glance before following along, wanting to see this for themselves. They ran back into Twilight's room and looked around, shocked at the devastation before spotting the shattered glass casing that held the Elements that now only held five of them.

"She took it with her!" Celestia exclaimed. Luna turned around and motioned for a guard.

"Put Equestria on high alert to keep an eye out for a lavender pony with an eight pointed star for a cutie mark. She holds a weapon of destruction and must be contained! Go!"

The crown that Luna spoke of was adjusted on the head of Twilight as the boat continued its journey towards the land known as Psera. Apparently a world where only Pegasi, or Pserateps, roam. If she was going to help these ponies she'd have to know their language and names.

"I never got your names," she said over her shoulder.

"How rude of us," the one directly behind her said. He had a pitch black coat with dark green eyes and a silver mane and tail. "My name is Dark Silver. I'm one of the soldiers of Psera."

"I'm Worn Weather," the one behind him introduce. He had a light brown coat, golden eyes, and golden mane. "I'm with black butt here." He patted Dark Silver on the back, making him groan in annoyance while the last one, who was pushing the boat introduced himself.

"And I'm Shining Sword," He said, flapping his wings still. Those things were longer than the average Pegasus. Way longer. He had a light green coat, light green mane and light green eyes. Apparently, he smiles a lot. "I'm the smart one."

"Not really," Dark corrected playfully. "Don't listen to him, he's just a little tired."

"I don't get tired."

"So what's Psera like?" Twilight asked.

"Hey, you have a crown!" Worn weather announced, pointing at the top of her head. "How did we miss that?"

"How did we? Are you royalty?" Shining sword asked.

Twilight closed her eyes. A sigh of sadness escaped her lips. "So I thought. Apparently, since I don't come from a royal line, I'm not. After all I did for Equestria, they crown me, give me a 'castle', and call me Princess Twilight Sparkle when all along it was just a signing for respect."

"What did you exactly do for this Equestria? We're approaching the coast." Twilight looked forward spotting the coastline after nearly an hour of riding.

"I helped defeat villains, helped save a whole city called the Crystal Empire although my assistant Spike actually saved it by the end, took down the God of Chaos, took down a crazy bug queen, and restored harmony all over. But in the end, I didn't get the respect I deserve. So, I left. This is a crown, but it's also a weapon. It doesn't work without the others and vice versa. Without this, they are stranded. They let that lie run for four years, leaving me thinking I was a princess. Turns out..." She sighed and looked at the bottom of the boat. "I never was."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, what you have told us sounds exactly like what a princess would and should do," Worn Weather said from behind Dark Silver, the others nodding in agreement. "They didn't appreciate you for what you have done. Reminds me a little bit of King Madun. He's done things like you have too."

"I'm guessing he's a Pseratep too, then."

"He's the ruler of the whole land. He wants us to hold out and hope for the best for awhile. Hope for a way to get some help. So far, it's not working. But if you can help us rebuild the land, regrow our crops and get rid of that cloudy layer above it, we'd be entirely in your debt."

The other two voiced their agreements while Twilight smiled. "Well, I promise I'll try my hardest to get your land back together. How bad is it?"

"You're about to find out." Dark silver pointed to the docks that had a line of soldiers protecting it as they slowed down to a stop. Shining Sword turned the boat around while

Dark Silver jumped off and trotted up to one that had a hat on his head of some kind. "Dark Silver reporting sir!"

"At ease," he said, making the pony relax. "And who is this?" He motioned towards the mare who flew out of the boat and stopped next to her. "And what is that on her head?"

"We were headed towards the way you took us when a storm started brewing, keeping us there for awhile where we fell asleep. We woke up with her staring at me and using magic. She says she can help us."

The pony turned to the mare in question, seeing her give him a large smile. "You gave up the search....because a mare said she can help us?!" He scolded to the guard.

"She knows magic, sir."

"What the heck is magic?!"

"Excuse me?" Twilight said, catching their attention. "My name is Twilight Sparkle and I was recently the number one mage in Equestria that knew the most advanced of magic. That was how Equestria was born. By magic. The buildings, castles, funds, everything there is magic. I promise not to give up until your land is able to grow again, I give you my word. Would you like to see an example?"

The general looked at Twilight, who was back to grinning wildly before he sighed. "Well, what've we got to lose?" He raised a hoof to the area behind him, making Twilight look and gasp. Everything was destroyed, dirt everywhere, as well as wounded Pserateps.

"Wow this is bad. Okay, first thing's first. Let's check this dirt." She walked forward, passing the line of soldiers who just noticed the obstruction on her forehead before she stepped into some dirt and pointed her horn down, completing a spell.

Her horn glowed violet before a large area of the ground in front of her did as well, attracting the soldier's attention. They looked on in wonder as grass began growing, giving the dark area a little more light. The alicorn moved forward, dragging the spell along with her and making more grass, all the while keeping her head down and horn to the ground.

The soldiers all looked at each other before abandoning their posts and following her towards her destination, which was unknowingly the first town called Merōl. Her spell was going great. Being experienced in magic made sure that was so. Practice makes perfect after all. She was so focused, she didn't even notice more Pserateps stopping what they were doing and staring at her in shock before slowly following her.

Soon, she walked into a residential part of the town where others looked out their windows and gasped, finally seeing grass for the first time in almost five years. They rushed out their doors and looked towards the front of the street to see a mare with shorter wings walking with her head low, apparently drawing grass.

One of them bent low and sniffed the grass and took a bite out of it. He gasped and stood up straight. "It's....real!"

The ponies started muttering while she continued her trek, focused on the grass that was continuing to grow in front of her and the area around her. It didn't go everywhere, and would take a while to get to that point, but this was a great start. She was showing the general what she could do and how she could help.

Twilight continued trotting, her magic still nowhere to going out as she walked out of the town and stopped at the ledge. Raising her head up, she put a hoof to her chin, deep in thought. "I wonder....."

Shrugging, Twilight decided on a mass growth spell that she hasn't used in a long time. She planted her hooves into the newly formed grass and built up her magic, a light beginning to form at the top of her head that grew brighter and brighter, nearly blinding the ponies behind her who had to cover their eyes with their wings.

"What is she doing?" The general asked Dark Silver, who were both covering their eyes as well.

"I don't know! But it's—" Twilight unleashed the spell. Her magic poured over the entire landscape in front of her except the path that apparently led up to the large building in the distance. The ponies watched in anticipation to see what would happen next when the ground started to turn a light green. Grass grew even bigger. It grew thicker and thicker until it stopped, revealing a whole landscape of grass.

The Pserateps stared with their mouths hanging open before she turned around, still not noticing the following. "Well, your ground is fertile. So you can obviously—WHOA!" She jumped high into the air, realizing the nearly one hundred ponies behind her. She looked around in shock at them while they shared the same expression. Although for an obviously different reason. "Where.......where did they come from?"

"Twilight, you walked right through a long residential road that goes two miles," Worn Weather deadpanned, flying over and landed next to her. "If you're walking around with your face in the dirt, creating grass with your...horn, then that tends to raise some questions. But if you put aside the fact that you were walking around dragging your face, then consider that these Pserateps haven't seen anything that wasn't dark brown in four years. Nearly five actually."

Twilight formed an "Oh" with her mouth before turning to face the ponies. "Hi, everyone! I'm Twilight Sparkle!" She greeted with a wave.

"Hi, Twilight," they responded back with a tone similar to that of a group therapy session.

"I come from Equestria, where magic is abundant. But I left because I was used, as well as finding out that....where am I again?"

"Psera," Dark Silver whispered from beside her, shaking his head.

"Oh yeah! I left because I was used and found out that you guys needed help. So I've come to offer you my skills in magic. I was the top unicorn back in Ponyville, and I am still considered the best in magic all over Equestria."


"Yeah?" She responded looking towards her left to see Worn Weather trying not to laugh.

"You've said four words so far that no one here knows. Equestria, Ponyville, Unicorn, and magic." Twilight sighed and put her face in her hoof.

"Can I just speak to your ruler?" She groaned.

King Madun sat in his study, looking over the reports of Cop, the Capital of Psera, down below, a feeling of worry on his mind. Full of numbers, charts, and graphs. The room lit only by a candle whose light bounced of his orange-red coat that seemed to enhance the light since their primary form of energy was out since the attack, plumbing them down into the dark ages.

"That bear thing really messed us up," he muttered, planting his face in between his two hooves, his eyes wide and teeth gritting in frustration. "How are we going to get out of this hole?"

He sighed deeply, closing his eyes and thought. His focus was interrupted when some soldiers began talking outside his door, making him look up.

"She did what?"

"Just get the king, she said she can help!"

A pony knocked on his door drastically. "Come in!" He called. The door burst open, revealing two of his Guards standing at attention, saluting him.

"Sir, we have spectacular news!" One of them said.

"What is it?"

"A pony called....an alicorn has created grass in Merōl!"

"What?" He stood up and walked around the desk, his long wings trailing the floor around him. "A what and grass?" He stopped in front of the three while they reported what they saw.

"Yes. She wants to see you at once!" The king walked back into his room and grabbed his crown that was seated on a stand behind his desk and placed it on his head before walking back out the door.

"Grab my advisors," he ordered, setting one pony off to go get them while the others followed after him. He walked down the flight of steps and into the foyer, where multiple ponies bowed to him. He stopped at the doors and waited for the advisors to come along.

"Are you absolutely sure?" He asked over his shoulder to one of the guards. "I do not want false hope among my people."

"Yes, your highness!" The guard on the right said excitedly. "She showed up on one of our boats and said she left wherever she came from after they hurt her. She saw we needed help. So she came here."

"Your highness." The king turned around and faced his three advisors, all looking towards him expectantly.

"I need you three to follow me," he ordered. "There is apparently a new pony in Psera that can help us. And if she is legit, I would like to arrange agreements."

They nodded and followed him out the insanelu large structure before taking off into the air, following the two guards towards the mountain range that served as protection for the capital from outside forces.


"As you can see, when I light my horn I can do many things with it. Like this." Twilight lit her horn before she vanished in a flash of light, making the crowd gasp and mutter, a little scared that she may have disappeared.

"Over here!" They looked towards the right where the lavender alicorn was standing, waving her hoof. The crowd went "aaahhh" before tapping their hooves together. Instead of stomping, they tap their hooves for appraisal. Interesting. Twilight thought while waving, unaware of the six Pserateps landing behind her.

The crowd gasped before bowing deeply, confusing her. She cocked her head to the side and turned around. An orange Pseratep with very long wings and a golden crown was looking at the ground around him.

"Is...is this.....grass?" He asked himself.

"Yes it is!" He looked up before his eyes slowly widened and his mouth dropped open, seeing the most beautiful mare he's ever seen in his young life. Twilight gave him a beaming smile making his eye twitch.

"Your highness, you're drooling," one of his guards announced. He snapped out of his gaze and wipe the trail of spit coming out of his mouth.

"I am so sorry about that," he said to her and offering a smile. "Let me introduce myself. I am King Shimmering Madun of Psera." He grabbed her hoof and planted a light kiss on it, making Twilight stifle a giggle and blush.

"I am Twilight Sparkle from Equestria," she responded back, fighting down that blush that was threatening to reveal itself. Now is not a good time. "I, umm, oh my Faust I couldn't help but notice that your land is damaged and I would like to offer magic to help."

"What is magic?" He asked. "I've never heard of this."

"It's what I used to create this grass." She moved her hoof through the nature that dwelled underneath her. "And it also let's me do and create all sorts of things. Like this!"

She lit her horn and flashed white for a second before diminishing, revealing four more Twilight's around her, looking around in confusion and making the real Twilight sigh. "They......they aren't as smart. It's a work in progress." She walked over to one eating grass and pushed her over on her side. The copy gasped in delight.

"Wowee zowee, that was a fun ride!!!"

The real Twilight shook her head slowly. "That wasn't a....no, just....no." she lit her horn and got rid of them before focusing back on the king. "Sorry, that wasn't a good example. Let me.....your crown, your highness, it's.....rusting."

King Madun glanced up and took the spiky and extremely rusted crown off his head, sighing. "Yes, the air has been eroding metal and it has affected my regalia greatly."

Twilight lit her horn and made the crown flash for a second. When the light died down, the golden crown was as good as new, making everyone gasp. "There. Now put it back on, I wanna see what you look like WITHOUT a rusted crown."

Madun broke out of his state of disbelief and placed it back on his head. The crowd applauded, seeing him back to his former glory. "You look so much better, your highness," the alicorn commented. "Let's see what it looks like with the sun shining on it, this dirty overcast is blocking the view. I'll be right back." She flapped her wings and flew straight up, towards the brown clouds that were cutting off the city from the light and heat.

The king watched her go before turning to the crowd. "Who has discovered her?" He asked, watching three hooves fly up.

"It is more like she discovered us," Dark Silver answered, approaching him. "We were sleeping and she woke us up." Before the king could respond, sunlight broke through the cloud layer and hit the ground around them. It got brighter and less colder. The crowd settled in and began to enjoy it. Some even laid down and rolled on the ground, soaking up the heat in happiness before Twilight came back down, her hair wet and sticking to her face from the humidity up there.

"See? Your crown shines so much better when the sunlight hits it," she pointed out while he stared at her in admiration.

"What can we do to get you to help us?" He asked, approaching her with hope in his eyes.

"Silly king stallion, I'm already doing it!" She teased, reaching up poking his arm before recoiling at how hard it was. "Wow, you've got some muscles on you."

"So, you'll help us?"

"Yes." The crowd cheered and danced around before Twilight said one last thing. "But!"

"But?" The king said, getting in her face. "What do you need, we'll pay in full!"

"What? No, I just need some place to rest, my wings are tired from that flight as well as my legs from bucking all day."

The king grinned before nodding enthusiastically. "Consider it done, Ms. Sparkle."

Author's Note:

How do you like that chapter? Didn't spend too much time on it but....okay I lied I spent half my Saturday dreaming it up! But I really hope you enjoy! Leave your comments below, they drive the story!

Adding one chapter to the Story of Rainbow and Queen Scootaloo tomorrow! You've been asking for it, so I'll deliver! Turn on the Dubstep and start typing!

See ya' tomorrow!

P.S. Like my facebook page for more news on my works! The page is still in its baby age, so I'll try to update it as much as possible!

Thanks guys!

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