• Published 10th Mar 2018
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Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 43 - Final Wedding Arc; Code Black

The flight to Eventa was slow compared to last time for those who have been. The Equestria girls were completely taken back by the speed they were going. Poor Fluttershy was holding onto Rarity for dear life while she herself was trying her hardest to keep her mane in check. When they finally slowed, they gazed to the ground and fawned in fascination at all the lights outlining the city of Capita on the right The sun was coming up now, thanks to Celestia back in Cop. Giving the passengers of the chariots light to witness the true magnitude of how important today was in not only Twilight's eyes. But in the entire country. The moment Ponyville Applejack peeked over the edge of the chariot, her mouth slowly widened. "Oh... My... Faust."

Sunset Shimmer also looked down and gasped loudly. Then everyone else followed along. Rarity whispered, "Oh my..."

Pserateps. Millions upon millions of Pserateps flooded the streets and land down below leading to the giant wall of steel that EQG Rainbow Dash was looking at. Pointing ahead, she asked, "What's that?"

Turning forward, Sunset followed her hoof and answered, "Events at Eventa. The city within a city."

Ponyville Pinkie Pie bounced over and wrapped a hoof around Rainbow Dash's neck with a huge grin directed towards the wall of steel. "It's a stadium that can hold all the itty bitty Pegasi-Pserateps in a five mile long stadium that I know is five miles wide too! And Twilight is having her wedding inside of it! Whee~!"

"What?!" The Equestria girls all yelled.

The chariot they were riding in slowed to be accompanied by a guard wearing brown military wear and a helmet, body fitted with so many weapons Applejack wondered how he was still in the air. "State your business!" He bellowed.

The guard beside him saluted and yelled back, "Escorting the friends of Lady in Waiting Arcadia Nova to the Grand Stadium, per procedure!"

The Soldier nodded and ordered some commands into his Comm Block. Then turned back to the Elite Guard and ordered, "Take them to Entrance E-Fourteen, the Force Guard will take it from there!"

"Ten-four! Pivot right!" The soldier who must've been part of the "Guard" tilted his body like a plane in Sunset's eyes and left their sights to the left at the synchronized time their own chariot tilted and pivoted to the right, aiming down towards the ground.

Both of the Pinkie's shot their hooves into the air as if it were a roller coaster while the rest hung on to the bars setup in front of them. They lowered down into what looked like a large gathering of ponies taking one side of the street below wearing dress suits, ties, bowties, all types of nice things. Some pulling wagons like Trixie's while others just chose to go with nothing else except a camera around their neck. All waiting in line to be checked inside of the massive building-city. The chariot carrying the foreigners touched down on the street parallel to the Pserateps' and rolled to a stop in front of a line of guards. "Everyone out, let's go, let's go!"

The guards beside their doors pulled on the steel handles to open it. The mares filed out and stood in a wide line before they were patted down and chariot searched. EQG and Ponyville Rarity weren't too fond of them looking in their hair as if they were eyeing the newest valuable item. No matter how good it sounded. After a few seconds and a brief chariot check, the Force Guard stepped back and gave them clearance.

The girls piled back in their chariot and got settled in while the Guards calmly pulled them inside. They past the giant steel doors and through what looked like a steel tunnel with bright neon lights above. The entrance was really wide and they weren't the only ponies going in. They were behind a line of around sixty more Pserateps heading for the steel doors ahead that led into what was apparently "Section Three." According to the sign above.

Trixie and the other girls were never inside Eventa. So they were completely blown away when they finally strode through the doorway into skyscrapers, apartment buildings, stores, streets, houses, and so much more, customized with festivities. Balloons, signs, and "Viewing Areas" that were being held inside of party stores. Mouths were left open with disbelieving eyes trying to spectate everything at once. The large light fixture above wasn't only blinding, but also provided a noticeable heat on their coats. As well as their chariot that moved with the mass through the city. At a certain point, they turned onto a larger main street and moved towards the glass.

"We're approaching the Grand Stadium," Sunset Shimmer stated. "I hope Twilight's ready. Because these are a lot of couples."

Back in Merry's apartment, Twilight dropped in front of everyone, took in a deep breath and yelled, "I'm not ready!!"

Startled, Cadance asked, "Wh-What do you mean?"

Twilight began pacing, worry evident as an expression. "What if something goes wrong? Or... O-Or a Changeling comes and does something? The ground breaks apart and I fall or—"

"A majority are reformed, Twilight," Luna reminded her. "Stop worrying, everything will go smoothly. Imagine riding up to the stage in that beautiful dress holding a bouquet of roses. Eyes on the face of your fiance waiting for you. You say your vows, then you kiss and spend as much time together as possible. You will be a happy wife, Queen, and mother."

"Speaking of~!!" Twilight Velvet sang. She slid up to Twilight and poked her pregnant stomach."Somepony's a grower."

"Uh, Merry has twins!" Twilight stated. Obviously anxious to move on away from her pregnancy. Merry could take this one. "Let's get the dress. Where's the dress? What time is it?"

"Right here, and nine-twelve!" Gardeen answered from the library. She walked out with three more mares pushing the ponyquin towards them, fitted with the dress Twilight was going to wear.

Celestia, Luna, and Night Light all gasped in surprise. The mares' eyes were sparkling, just like the glitter and sequins on the garment, creating shapes and different colors apart from the violent already on it. After they parked it in front of them, Celestia whispered, "It's so beautiful. Merry made this?"

Merry sort of wobbled over to her and answered, "I had to put two more projects on hold for it, but yes I did. Our little filly's going to be precious today. Now let's get her in this thing."

After they walked onto the marble floor of the Grand Stadium lobby, Twilight's friends looked around at all the staff and guests checking in by the desks that were unoccupied weeks ago. Not to mention less festive. After the ponies checked in, they made their way for one of the many glass doors up ahead that were blaring with chatter. Sunset Shimmer gulped down her fear with everyone else before they were escorted to a nearby Service Elevator through the faces of smiling and happy Pserateps. So far, nothing was amiss. But the Guard and military presence definitely stuck out. They were walking around in groups of five, watching everything. There were even some behind the check in desk, watching a camera feed. Once the party were inside, the elevator doors closed and they began to descend.

"We're taking you to the mare in charge," one Elite Guard explained. "Lieutenant Gliding Sword. She's overseeing Lady Arcadia's safety here outside of the Castle." They coalesced without a verbal response. Not even when the door opened up in an underground area of the stadium. Unlike upstairs, this area looked pretty much like a secret military base with extremely wide halls, bland with color save for the gray steel everywhere. There were even a few jail cells here and there. Pserateps ranging from basic security with yellow and black outfits to military guards wearing armor and weaponry were walking back and forth in the halls, testing Comm Blocks and weapons. As well as looking over documents and forms. The group calmly walked out of the room and made their way into the fray. A lot of walking happened after that before they reached a large room on the right, riddled with camera feeds on display screens on every single wall, taking up the whole room.

Around twenty Pserateps wearing black and had on earpieces were sitting in front of control panels watching them closely, keeping a close eye out on everything happening. So far, just ponies moving around with smiles and such. Those from Canterlot City were blown away by their technological advances. Equestria had nothing like this. Not even close. The room was dark, lit only by the screens. There was a steel table directly in the middle, littered with notes and "Security Protocols." As well as a dart of something on the side.

The guard escorting them saluted and announced, "Lieutenant Sword." A mare with a light gray coat wearing dark armor watching the feeds on the right side turned her head their way. The moment she locked eyes with them, Trixie and Fluttershy—from both worlds squeaked. It was so intense.

Lieutenant Gliding Sword walked closer and asked, "Yes?"

The guard motioned to them and answered, "These are Lady Arcadia's friends who helped design and setup the wedding. Is there any specific place to set them?"

"Right in the front row so we can keep an eye on them. Nothing personal, we just have a high security presence since that pony hasn't been spotted. And can I just say..." She leaned in close to Rarity's face, the one that she recognized as the one from Equestria. "...the designs are amazing. Great work."

Rarity widened her eyes in surprise and glanced at the others. "Er... Thank you."

Gliding nodded and waved her hoof, urging them to get a move on. Before they left, the Comm Block on her wrist blared, "King Madun is now exiting the Castle and boarding the chariot for Eventa. Her Majesty and Prince Consort Blazing are with him."

Celestia fanning her face scrunched up with tears, eyes trained on Twilight's beautiful body hidden underneath the wedding dress she was wearing from a few feet away. Luna, Cadance, and Twilight Velvet were no better. Spike wasn't all that about it.

There were more than enough napkins on the floor along with tissues wet with tears. Finally, the last two pieces were applied. The Veil, and the small shining tiara.

Merry flipped it over Twilight's face and adjusted the headpiece. Then stepped back to get a good look. After a second, she darted forward and adjusted the Tiara a little to the side. Then stepped back once more. "And... Done. You're all set for the wedding, your highness."

Twilight looked at herself in the mirror and blushed. Then looked back at her family and friends. Even Flurry was awake by this point. She twirled around and decreed, "You look really pretty, Aunt Twilight!"

Twilight giggled and responded, "Thank you, Flurry."

Gardeen tapped her hooves together excitedly and looked at herself. Gasping, she turned to Light Pink and grabbed her shoulders. "We don't have our outfits!" She screeched.

Merry went, "Pffft, girls, I got you handled. Your outfits are in the library too in the closets. Your names are on the sticky notes, which are applied. So go and get dressed already!" Merry yelled.

Their friends yelped and immediately ran that way while Arcadia laughed and asked, "Mood swings?"

Merry shrugged and answered, "Not sure. See if you can move, Queen Butt." Ignoring that, Arcadia lifted a hoof and stepped off the platform she was standing on. The train that was attached to the dress followed along while she made her way to her parents. Merry nodded and stated, "We're in business. We can leave whenever we're given the green light." Merry eagerly walked past the embracing family and towards the door that she swiftly pulled open. Then tapped a guard on the shoulder and stated, "We're ready whenever you are."

"Hey, let me see my sister first!" Merry directed her gaze down the hall hat Shining was trotting down to them from. Merry stepped to the side while the Guard relayed the news to everyone on the channel. Once he entered Shining gasped and walked right up to his sister, who smiled with tears in her eyes. She was truly happy at this point. He laughed and stated, "You look stunning, LSBFF!"

Twilight shared a nuzzle with him and responded, "Thank you, BBBFF. How did Madun look?"

Shining pulled back and shook his head. "Sorry, Twily, no spoilers of your fiance. You'll just have to see him on the stage."

"Aww, Shining—"

"Nope. Sorry, no spoilers."

"Okay, we're ready!" Gardeen and Merry yelled at the same time. Merry waved a hoof her way and clarified, "We're ready to move you out, Queeny. Let's go."

Twilight took a deep breath before her eyes locked on the hoof that was being held out her way, belonging to her father. He was offering her a smile that progressed into a grin when she took it. Then walked out the door with him first. As expected, the hallway had around twenty guards watching them as they moved. Once they were in the middle and the rest of the ponies were out of the apartment, the guards moved with them towards the front, relaying their position to those outside. The Pserateps who made her pretty were behind her carrying the train as they moved through the halls, eventually reaching the foyer.

The guards in there bowed as they moved past, heading for the front doors of the castle that held a light on the other side. The guards rose and pulled them open to allow them out into the brisk morning air and for the eyes of everyone else out there to witness. The press fawned and immediately began taking their photos. They've been out there for a while, Celestia realized. Had to have been. Twilight's grin was like the sun for anyone who could see it underneath the veil: Bright and radiant. Her eyes full of wonder and joy as they descended down for the chariot. Happiness. She was getting married today.

Her father led her to the chariot set up directly at the foot of the stairs to the castle. Much longer than the others and required ten guards to pull. Very fancy since the way inside were a pair of let-down steps. Her father let her hoof go so Gardeen could help her on. Then the rest of the party, including those from Equestria.

Once they were on and Twilight was comfortable, the Guard let the steps back up and stepped behind the chariot. Twilight took a deep breath and whispered, "I'm so nervous right now."

The chariot began to slightly progress before moving briskly along the road in front of them. Unlike the first few times, instead of a sudden ascent, the chariot gradually lifted off the ground, soon soaring directly over the tip of the mountain range and flanked by a seeming two dozen Royal Elite Guards in a formation.

Celestia was positive they practiced this. But shrugged those thoughts off so she could reassure her student.

She placed a hoof on one of hers and whispered, "Everything's going to be okay. Do like Luna said and imagine yourself with a bouquet of flowers riding up to the stage where your more than handsome fiance is waiting for you."

Luna poked in and asked, "I believe Celestia still has a drive." Celestia blushed while the Equestrians chuckled.

"A-Anyway, everything's going to be just fine."

When they were finally escorted into the Grand Stadium, Twilight's friends once again realized how important today was. The crowd outside the Stadium didn't even compare to what was inside. The lights were dimmed, creating a dark atmosphere, but shined off the coats off the massive amount of Pserateps making conversation. Thousands upon thousands of couples were sitting on pillows and such with enough room to leave them with hoof space on the ground while many more were on the sidings above, inside the stores and more, watching the stage through the glass windows of restaurants.

The lights on the side provided a minor glow while the thinner ones on the levels animated different colors throughout the facility of the crest of Psera and balloons. The giant display screens were already up and running, feeding an agenda for the day to the crowd below them. Including the ones at the very front who had their eyes trained on the screens that weren't near the center of the stage.

The friends of Twilight were directed out of an emergency exit inside of a pod and driven all the way to the front of the center of the stage. There was what seemed to be a large golden arch there decorated with red and blue gems. Along with a chorus of young fillies and colts on the stage currently getting their pictures taken on top of a stack of rising benches. So who was going to bring the ring forth?

It didn't matter right now. The pod stopped in front of a sectioned off area already prepared with eight guards sitting around it. Right there on the right side of the wide aisle that Pinkie guessed were for the bride and groom. But how were they going to get down here? This place was huge! She took her seat with everyone else and looked around.

Starlight decided to finally find her voice after all this time by turning to Sunset and asking, "This is going to be nice, right?"

Sunset rolled her eyes and clarified, "It's a wedding, I should hope so."

"You know what I mean," Starlight added.

Ponyville Pinkie nudged Starlight's left shoulder and yelled, "Relax! Everything's going to work out!"

EQG Pinkie nudged her right one from around Sunset and added, "You'll see. It's as simple as baking cupcakes!" She dug into her mane and pulled out a cupcake that was swiftly thrust into her mouth.

Starlight rolled her eyes then turned back to the stage. One of the doors behind it was opened and an older Pseratep Stallion wearing black and white walked out, heading for the black podium setup directly in the middle of the stage, right in front of the rising benches. He rose up on his rear hooves and looked at a few sheets. Then cleared his throat and spoke into a small stick, more than likely a microphone.

"Good morning, everyone!" His voice boomed through the entire building. Like a switch, the volume in the entire building zipped down to zero, leaving only the fading voices. The display screens changed to display his face in a pleasant animation.

Back in the security room, Gliding Sword reached up and said to her Comm Block, "All units, be alert. We're starting. Close off all entrances."

"My name is Administer Golen Wing," he greeted. There were ponies in front of the stage holding a bunch of camera equipment getting his face and the faces of every single foal on that stage, as well as Guards watching close. "And today we are all gathered here to celebrate love. The Great and Legendary land of Psera is more than happy to host the wedding of two souls. The Selfless King Madun, and the Kind Hearted Legendary Saviour of Psera, Lady in Waiting Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle.

"They found each other upon the docks of Merōl, sensing a need all the way from the land of Equestria, nearly five hundred miles away from our borders. She flew here to find pain, frustration, struggles. But beneath all the dirt and pain, she grew the restoration and began Psera's resurrection into the great nation we have ever witnessed. She found hope, she found a home... And she found love.

"King Shimmering Madun of Her Majesty Molten Ice, the selfless king who has done nothing less than please and assure his ponies during their time of need. The disaster that occured being a plain example. Instead of staying and rusting away with the great land created by Narmeelah, he risked it all by making sure his ponies were safe and healthy by preparing a nationwide evacuation. Thankfully, his one true love landed on the shores and assured she could help. And she did. It is an honor being here today under Narmeelah's sky to witness two kind souls bond together in matrimony. I have no other words except bring forth the groom, King Shimmering Madun of Psera."

At that, all the ponies in the building stood up and either turned to the screens or the doors at the very front of the Stadium.

Beyond them among Eventa's brightened halls, Twilight and Madun were held in separate rooms directly across from each other outside of those doors. The screens inside of them and waiting for the moment when they were allowed to leave. Once Madun's name was called out, he was ushered out and directed towards the single chariot similar to the long and flowery one next to it, facing the same direction. There were commanders and friends already on it as the grooms ponies, including Blazing Fire who had dressed up later on after they left the castle.

Once he was comfortable, Madun took a deep breath and nodded, ready. The guards in front of the doors saluted then grabbed the handles and tugged them to the side. They folded and pushed out, letting light into the dark Grand Stadium. The ponies at the very end bowed before everyone else followed along.

The Guards pulling the chariot immediately took off, heading right into the darkness with Madun grinning at the space ahead of him. Once he was out, the guards in the lobby closed the doors back and walked over to Twilight's room. She didn't even notice her door had opened up, too busy wiping away the tears in her eyes that came from witnessing Madun's smile and suit.

"My baby looks so handsome!" She cried.

Gardeen fawned and grabbed Lady Arcadia's hoof, calmly leading her away from the display screen in front of her and back to the door behind them. Celestia and everyone else had left already and were now sitting with the rest of the Equestrians.

Intrigued, Rarity turned to Flurry and asked, "How did she look?"

"She looked beautiful," Flurry whispered.

After a few more minutes, Madun's chariot finally arrived in their sights before it began to slow down. They, along with everyone else bowed while the chariot turned to the left at the front and parked beside one of the stairs leading up to the stage. The side of it was lowered before the Groom Ponies filed off first and onto the stage. Then Madun himself. He was more elegant with it. Rainbow admitted to herself that if Twilight wasn't talking to him and about to marry him, she definitely would be. Madun strode onto the stage with slightly low wings and took his position in front of the groom and podium. Smiling and pulling at his collar.

The Administer smirked and asked, "Nervous?"

Madun's voice boomed through the stadium and feeds, "You have no idea. I'm ruining this suit right now, I think."

The ponies in the stadium laughed for a quick second before focusing once more. "Well you don't have to be nervous too much, your highness. Because now... It's time to bring out the bride. Bring forth the bride, Lady Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle of Psera."

While the children began to sing in a synchronized Harmony on the stage, the bridesmaids were helping Arcadia get comfortable in her dress and on the platform. Including Merry who had dressed down in the last second. It was a struggle getting into this white. Once she was and they had gotten the train of her dress down, Arcadia took a calming deep breath and nodded towards the guards. They saluted, then once again opened the doors for the chariot.

Unlike for Madun, the trek for Lady Arcadia was sort of elegant and slow. Instead of flower fillies, Rarity had somehow made the chariot spurt out flowers in front of the chariot as it moved down the aisle, creating a wonderful sight for all to see as she moved. She looked like a snow white ghost, holding a bouquet of flowers in her hooves while her train flowed out the back of the chariot, dancing in the breeze as they moved.

"She is so beautiful," Sunset muttered in awe. Her friends couldn't paint words to describe how amazing she looked. Twilight Velvet wiped a stray tear from her eye and buried her muzzle into Night Light's coat while Shining was trying to suppress tears. Cadance remembered he gets emotional at weddings. This one was with his sister. She admitted to herself she was too.

What nopony down below couldn't see above was perfect for Blueblood. After a long excruciating climb and teleportation, he finally managed to hide himself on top of the third to last display screen. A few feet away from the stage. Thanks to the brightness of it, it'd be impossible to spot him unless you were at his exact level. At least from down below.

Over the past few months he had been perfecting a spell to supercharge an arrow. Creating a faster-than-Rainbow-Dash speed for it once he pulled the trigger on the crossbow, which was lying right beside him, ready to be used. He had a total of three arrows. Three shots. All for one pony. Madun.

Blueblood's rear hooves were dangling from the edge of the display screen, sitting on the frame with angry eyes trained down on Madun, then on Twilight who soon rode directly underneath him. More stunning than anypony he has ever met in his life. Dressed so beautiful in all the white.

He was smiling then. Imagining himself in Madun's place, watching Twilight, his fiancee walk up the stairs behind the bridesmaids who took places right behind her. Then he remembered that he wasn't in his place. He was supposed to be.

"Finally," he muttered. They were in position. Twilight and Madun, facing each other. Without taking his eyes off, Blueblood grabbed his Crossbow and prepared to fire. He withdrew an arrow and softly set it inside. Then pulled back the string and locked it in place. Now he was ready.

Blueblood held up the weapon, aimed and observed through the crosshairs. He was going to save her, and marry her for himself.

Madun was transfixed on Twilight's body as she walked over and stopped in front of him. Even with a nearly transparent veil over her face, she was still beautiful as always. That grin with tears of joy in her eyes could melt a million souls.

"You look stunning, my love," he whispered.

Twilight smiled and whispered back, "And you look amazing and handsome yourself. Keep that suit okay?"

"I don't want to take it off."

The administer cleared his throat and looked between the two of them, ready to begin. "We are gathered here today under the eye of Narmeelah, may she forever watch down upon us as we bond these two, forged together by love for love of one another. King Shimmering Madun and Lady in Waiting Twilight 'Arcadia Nova' Sparkle in Psera's name. They have prepared their vows that they are both ready to relay to each other."

With his eyes still trained on the ceremony, Blueblood lit his horn, readying the spell. The arrow inside of the crossbow illuminated a bright blue, creating a neon that could have been seen from the ground were anyone looking that high.

His narrowed right eye trained on Madun who cleared his throat and said, "Ever since that day we first met, on the sands of Merōl, I vowed to ensure you knew happiness here in Psera. That even though Equestria made you sad and upset, that I would take on the responsibility to make it right again by giving you happiness for restoring our land and our nation as a whole. I am so happy that I am completing phase one now." Arcadia blushed and rolled her eyes. Madun got that from her phase organization she created when they were actually rebuilding Psera. Phase One was Land Restoration. "I vow to make sure we make many phases together, Twilight. From becoming husband and wife, to becoming co-rulers, and becoming a family with a filly. I love you."

Twilight winked, he saw it. Then took the silence as her turn now. Blueblood was beyond ready to let loose from above, but was interested in what Twilight had to say about this. So he lowered his crossbow and listened closely. As well as ponies all over Psera, eyes on the display screens or TVs in their homes.

With a loving smile, Twilight said, "Madun... I remember the day we first met very well. You were really nervous but showed strength beneath it. Fragile, but strong. Fearful, but brave. Firm, but kind. You showed me a life I wish I knew sooner on this land I now call home. With friends that are now added to the ones I call family across seas. I vow to spend the rest of my life by your side, giving you the love Psera gives me, ready to begin a new life here with my growing family. And to begin anew here, forever with the wonderful nation of Psera, and the loving Fire Family. No one else has my love like you do and our unborn child. I love you forever, 'til death do us part."

Blueblood was beyond stunned. She loved him? She said that before, but he took it as a joke! Yet, here she was proclaiming her love for this long-winged stallion. She loved him and only him, huh? 'Til death do you part, yeah? Blueblood had enough of this.

He raised his crossbow and squinted his eyes through the crosshairs, trained on Madun. "Slight change of plans," he whispered to himself. Then slowly shifted the crossbow so it was trained on Twilight. 'Til death do you part. Since I can't have you... Nopony will.

The administer looked between the two and asked, "Do you, Shimmering Madun, take Twilight Sparkle to be your lawfully wedded wife forever? And vow to make her happy?"

He nodded eagerly and answered, "Yes, I do."

"And do you, Twilight Sparkle, take Shimmering Madun to be your lawfully wedded husband? And vow to make him happy?"

Twilight eagerly nodded and laughed a little in excitement. "Yes, I do!"

Gardeen strode forward with a pillow of some sort, holding both of their ring necklaces. Twilight couldn't play favorites, so she decided to let an adult Pseratep do the honors of giving her the ring, something Flurry was surprisingly calm about. "Don the rings around each other."

Madun reached out and flipped back Twilight's veil, revealing her face plastered with makeup. Then grabbed Twilight's original necklace ring, stretched it out, and placed it over and around her neck before it relaxed comfortably on her chest.

Twilight decided to go by regular Pseratep tradition and use her hooves for this one. Sitting down, she grabbed the thicker necklace and did what Madun did, stretching it out. Then reached out and slipped it over his head, allowing it to relax around his neck.

Nopony saw what happened next. Not even her friends who were right up there by the stage, literally watching everything with a tear in their eyes. Celestia was the most clueless. One second Twilight was standing. The guard were in front of the stage, watching everyone who were watching them. The Guard in the lower control room were smiling too. Even though they were watching security cameras at the same time. This was the moment. The one they were all waiting for.

Satisfied, Administer Golen Wing nodded and said, "Under the eye of Narmeelah and within the law of Psera, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

They recalled King Madun and Twilight leaning in, just like everyone else who were about to do the same with their spouses before Twilight stopped. Then her smile dropped before she looked towards the crowd, confusing her friends and family. Except, she wasn't looking towards the crowd exactly. She was looking above it. Right after that, everything went from happy, celebratory, and festive to tragic.

All anyone saw was Twilight's mouth open slightly before she screamed. And was flown back farther onto the stage by an unknown force, rolling to a stop by the choir. Madun and everyone on the stage gasped and quickly ran over. Then Merry screamed, "Oh my.... TWILIGHT!!"

The ponies in the crowd started muttering and talking with the same question in mind. Sunset asked, "What happened? What just happened?"

"I don't know!" Ponyville Rainbow answered. "I can't see her, they're crowding around her!"

The rest of the Equestrians also stood up, eager to find out before two words were announced from the stage that made the blood of Twilight's family run cold. "CODE BLACK!!" A guard yelled. "CODE BLACK, SHUT IT DOWN!!"


All screamed before doing as instructed, dropping down onto their fronts and spreading their hooves and wings. Then all the lights shut off and feeds of the wedding were cut.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no," Ponyville Fluttershy whispered, then covered her eyes in fear. The administer quickly got down too while the Guard bolted onto the stage to check on Twilight.

"Buck, we need the platform here now!!"

"It's an arrow, we can't take it out, we'll cause internal damage!"

"Are you bucking me?!!" Lieutenant Sword yelled in the control room. The Guards inside quickly ran out while those manning the cameras played everything back. Sword raised her comm block and asked, "What just happened?! Someone talk to me!!" She reached out and flipped a bright red button, triggering the Code Black routine. The lights in the facility shut down, shrouding the building in darkness.

One of the guards out there on the stage lit up a flashlight and pushed the bridesmaids to the side so he and the rest of the Guards could get to her. It was truly a heartbreaking scene when they got there. The Bridesmaids were holding onto Twilight's hoof while she screamed in pain from an arrow, impaled in her stomach. Blood was seeping out quickly and creating a rapidly growing puddle on the stage. Just like everyone else, Equestria were down on their stomachs, hooves and wings spread out while they listened to an alarm blare from above. The tracks underneath sprouted up and began moving at a fast pace.

Gardeen grabbed Twilight's hoof and held onto it tight while a guard relayed what happened, "Twilight, look at me okay? Focus on my voice, we're gonna get you out of here, alright?"

Twilight's pain filled eyes focused on Gardeen while the other Bridesmaids were forced to the ground. Madun was on the other side screaming obscenities and demanding to know where the Platform was.

"What happened, what's wrong with my baby?!" Her mother yelled from below.

"It's an arrow, we have to get her out of here!" A guard responded through the Comm Block. "Someone shot her, I need eyes on everything!! Lay the King down on the ground! Now!!"

Twilight didn't say anything, too busy crying out. Before she could even scream earlier, Blueblood's magic hit her with enough force to send her flying back. And from the looks of it, based off the tiny blue light in the distance, he was hoping for a second shot. Still in major pain, Twilight made it worse by shifting her wing, dripping blood out to nudge Gardeen to the side a little, just so she could aim. Twilight bet her bits that Blueblood was going for Madun next. She couldn't, and wouldn't let it happen. Weakly, Twilight lit her horn and fired a bright light right above, highlighting Blueblood and blinding him.

Merry yelled, "Twilight, what are you—"

"There!" She interrupted, still crying. Gardeen followed the light and made out a moving shape on top of the viewing screen.

"There, up there!!" She yelled. The Guards followed her hoof with Twilight's light. Then zipped straight up before Blueblood could recuperate. One second he was there running for the edge of the display screen, the next he wasn't and an arrow was twirling in the spot he was at a second ago, falling to the ground below on top of a Pseratep.

Twilight dropped the light while the Guard handled him. Then cried out louder. She had to get this arrow out. It was killing her.

Gardeen grabbed her hoof before she could touch it. "No, your highness! You'll hurt the baby!"

Her baby. That arrow had went into her stomach. Into her filly. "MY FILLY!! HE HURT MY FILLY!" She cried.

After three more seconds, the emergency platform arrived and stopped a little ways away from the scene. Twilight heard Madun yell, "They're going to get you to the hospital, okay?! Stay calm, Twilight!!"

"What happened to my baby?!"


"Hold on, Twilight! Stay calm, okay?!"

"Relax your body, okay?" A guard instructed. Gardeen let go of her hoof and stepped back before a medic took her place. "On two! One... Two!" They lifted her up and pretty much exposed her for all to see. Most of her beautiful wedding dress changed from white to red along with her wings. They had brown halves on them. They carried her to the platform, ready and waiting for them to set her down. Once she was securely strapped in, the Guard hopped on and zipped off. Making for the hospital.

The Equestrians didn't see much, but Sunset pretty much yelled out that she did. Celestia asked, "What happened?! What did you see?!"

Sunset covered her face, crying before Starlight hit her shoulder. "What did you see?!" She repeated.

Sunset shook her head and answered, "Blood. There was so much blood."

"Grab your partner's hoof!" The guard yelled out from above. "Let's go, let's go! Emergency evacuation!"

Sunset grabbed Starlight and Celestia's hoof before she stood up and turned her body to the left, placing them on Celestia's flanks. Then walked with the crowd towards the exit. The boom from the Code Black Hangar resonated around the building, causing a few more screams to ring out. The Bridesmaids had joined the fray too, dancing towards the doors.

Once they were outside, they let each other go and looked around. They were in Section Two, in front of the emergency exit. This region had emergency lights lit up, providing them with enough to see. Still a little clueless before the Bridesmaids and Groom walked out. The groom walked out fine, but the bridesmaids were pretty much in blood. Gardeen had gotten blood on her side from Twilight's wing. And Merry had some on the front when she was pushed down into it. She was irked from that.

Gardeen was holding Light Pink close once they were out so she could cry in her shoulder. She knew this had traumatized her. Shining Armor hectically ran over and asked among the chaos, "What happened to my sister?!"

Still holding her girlfriend, Gardeen looked at her dress with blood on it. Then at those waiting for an answer. With a shaky breath she answered, "Lady Twilight was shot by an arrow. Right before they could kiss. They flew her to the hospital in Capita. It was so sudden..."

A white noise rang in Twilight's ears. Her sight grew blurry by the time they shot her out of the Code Black Hangar, soaring for the Main Hospital in Capita. Her wedding. It was ruined. They were wrong, it wasn't going to be okay. It was terrifying. Is this how Cadance felt on her wedding day? More than likely not, she didn't get shot with an arrow.

The platform jostled when they landed in the Main Hospital's hangar. Already prepped with nurses and doctors. It latched onto the hook and slowed before locking in place in front of the platform where the ponies were standing. Twilight felt her body shift from the platform then onto what must've been a gurney. Her dress was ripped open so they could get a closer look.

Their voices seemed distant. Far away from where they really were. "It's in her stomach! We need an ultrasound to get a good visual and blood now! Your highness, we need to put you under for a little while okay?" Twilight didn't even move. "Buck, let's go!!" The last thing Twilight remembered was her sight going entirely white. Then flashing into darkness. Silence.


King Madun wanted answers. Just like Merry, Molten, Blazing, Celestia... Everyone wanted answers. They couldn't stand being kept in the dark like this. Celestia was pacing with the rulers and Twilights parents back in Eventa inside a security room, watching the news on the display screens. There was a name for them but Madun couldn't remember it right now, or anyone else. Just Display Screens. There was a reporter in front of the Main Hospital in Capita on one screen, and one of the Grand Stadium in Eventa. There were a bunch of ponies relaying what they saw as witnesses.

"One second she was about to kiss the king," one Pseratep, a teenage mare recalled desperately. "The next she was flying back onto the stage screaming!"

That was all you see on every channel. Lady in Waiting Twilight "Arcadia Nova" Sparkle Attempted Assassination on Wedding Day. Madun was clearly a wreck. Crying into his sister's coat. None of them could go anywhere. At least not yet before the security was lifted. Gardeen walked out of the bathroom with Pink after they took off their dresses and yelled in anger, "It was that pony! That stupid stallion that was going after Arcadia for who knows how long! He tried to kill her!"

Merry nodded and rubbed King Madun's back. "Yeah, Arcadia shone a light on him! He somehow got on top of one of the displays above and was shooting down at Arcadia!"

Molten turned and jabbed a hoof into Celestia's chest, taking her and the others by surprise. "This pony of yours is causing a major disruption in our way of life!!"

Celestia gulped with a terrible thought. This country was powerful. And an assault on Arcadia by a foreigner that put her in the hospital is enough to cause a war, just like Secretary Manny said.

"L-Look, we know nothing of Blueblood's plans. We can only do so much around him in a land we don't know about."

Shining added, "Like I said this morning, we can't find anything in a place ten times the size of Equestria. If he were in Equestria, we could. The only ones who know this land are the Pserateps. We can tell you that Blueblood is here and his motives, but we can't find him here nor his operations. Only you can. You know the ins and outs of this place better than we do."

Merry zipped over and yelled, "Are you blaming us for Twilight's near assassination?!!"

"No, no!" Cadance quickly answered. "We're just saying that Blueblood is a tricky character and this is a big land for him to hide in, making him even more difficult to track. The only one who could truly find him was Twilight, who said herself that she detected Blueblood's spell casting."

Ponyville Rarity gasped and pointed at them. "That would explain why she looked up and gasped! Blueblood was casting a spell and she detected it!"

"But that's beside the point!" Gardeen yelled. She wrapped a wing around Pink and stated, "We came here to support and have Arcadia get married like she wanted! Like the King wanted! This was setup months ago! All ruined because a pony from your nation still won't accept the word no!"

"We are extremely sorry," Celestia responded. "We'll do what we can to make it right, but right now Twilight is in the hospital because of him! Let's worry about her first before we worry about Blueblood."

The Display Screen blared before they could argue further, "This just in, Lady Arcadia Nova is undergoing surgery after being attacked. No word yet on if the unborn child is affected or not. But sources in the hospital are saying they are exhausting every effort to save them both. For those of you just tuning in, Lady Arcadia Nova was shot on stage this morning at the Wedding of the Century by what is believed to be a lone assailant. Military and Police have locked down the city of Eventa until further notice while an investigation is taking place."


When Doctor Violet Triage first received the notice that Lady Arcadia was shot, she immediately ran back to the office to grab records and everything on Lady Arcadia, then hightailed it straight to Capita. The military presence there was exhausted, that much was clear. They even stopped her before she even reached the hospital, asking who she was. After verifying that she was in fact Lady Arcadia's official doctor, they let her pass.

The second she stepped into the hospital, she requested to speak with the doctor tending to Arcadia Nova. Once he showed up, she was briefed.

"We're doing everything we can," he told her. They were walking the marble and glossy halls, heading for the Guarded hall entrance on the end. "But she's lost a lot of blood, and there's a chance she'll have a miscarriage."

"She needs blood," Triage ordered. They walked past the entrance in the Royal Wing into what was described as chaos. Nurses and doctors were grabbing tools flying back and forth. Many wearing plastic were walking into a large room while others were looking at readings, barking orders. "Is there any of her type in here?"

"She has Type-C, we barely have any of that."

"Then we need some. We need a run to Eventa. Most of her family is there, hopefully they match."

Twilight Velvet was pacing by this point. The tension in the room was molten hot. Equestria was scared that Molten was going to slap somepony with Merry as her backup, and Madun had moved on from devastated to worried and furious. He just witnessed his fiancee, literally about to become his wife in a few seconds get shot by that pony. And his baby was in the crossfire. Nobody was speaking at all right now. Just watching the news. Last they heard from an hour ago was that Arcadia was in an unstable position and they were struggling to keep her stable.

The only door that led out of the room clicked, attracting their ears before it was opened. Lieutenant Sword walked in with around ten more guards. "We need Type-C blood for Twilight!" She announced. "Does anyone—"

"We all have Type-C," Twilight Velvet interrupted. She strode forward and asked, "What's going on?"

"The pony who shot at Arcadia is being held in the lower areas, but the damage has been done. She lost a lot of blood and the doctors are doing everything they can to keep her alive at the hospital, but Type-C blood here in Psera is extremely rare. One out of every thousand Pserateps have it, but we don't have enough for her. She's hanging on, but barely. We need some blood now. Let's go!"

The guards directed everyone out of the room and into Section Two. All the citizens were still in there talking about what happened. The poor choir that was on the stage who were going to witness the kiss were traumatized, they could see that now.

Once they were out, they were quickly led towards the chariots on the right and threw themselves inside. Then they were off. Madun was in the one with the Princesses, zooming through the streets and soon into the emergency exit of the building. The lights in there that were neon blue were now flashing a red, signalling that the facility was still locked down. Twilight Velvet was holding onto Night Light who had his own tears on his face. After they breached out into the sunny day and into the chaos outside, the chariots lifted and zoomed straight into the air.

Rainbow watched the ground leave their sights before they tilted left, zooming at an increased speed that forced them all back into the seats of their chariots. They didn't mind. They needed to be there. They arrived at the hospital in two minutes. It looked like a long white bar, big as Events at Eventa. The military presence there looked like somepony was ready to go to war, sending a bad feeling down Celestia's spine.

The hospital was settled in front of the entire city pretty much from the South end and the rest of the city was behind it. Which meant the second Twilight entered Capita was the same second she entered the hospital.

The chariot lowered down and landed on a street. Then continued on by hoof for an entrance on the right. There was a group of around six Pserateps already waiting for them when the chariot turned and stopped. Violet Triage ran forward and yelled, "She's stabilizing herself!"

Confused, Madun asked,"Huh? What are you talking about Triage? Merry take it easy, you're pregnant remember?" Merry was dancing on hot hooves, ready to rumble. Her husband had a wing on her back, trying to calm her down.

"Lady Arcadia knows her magic. She's somehow supplying a flow through her body to cut down the stress she may be under. She's using the magic she has as blood to flow through her and the baby's body, but it can only last but so long. It's enough to keep her above Critical, but not enough for a permanent resolution. We're supplying oxygen and nutrients. But she needs Type-C blood."

Author's Note:

Guess what happens next 😉

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