• Published 10th Mar 2018
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Twilight Daylight - thedarktome

Twilight has always been the mare to go to when you have a situation. But what happened if no one looked to her for help anymore? Her sole purpose was to help ponies and give them information. That's why she loved the library. But......what now?

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Chapter 7 - End of Phase Two

It was now three in the afternoon. A beautiful afternoon so far. Twilight, Madun, and the guards have managed to get to Lavendar, Capita, Eventa, and Rayray. All within the span of one day that wasn't even over yet, making the Pserateps cheer and love her even more, thus making her magic far stronger. Twilight could feel it, the energy coursing through her whole body.

Snow, just like Blue Comrade had told her, was a business city. Keyword, "Was". The Ursa Major clearly arrived here first since most of the buildings were still destroyed.

"The giant glowing bear struck here first!" Madun confirmed loudly as they came in for a landing on the top of the mountain that overlooked the entire city. They touched down onto the land at the top, getting situated while he explained the actual situation. "We have been able to repair around half of the buildings since the attack, but those were the mostly damaged ones, two thirds of the homes."

"Where did the bear leave to?" She asked before shaking her head. "Actually, nevermind. That's not important right now." She took her pose, tilted her head up, and lit her horn before sending out the pulse. Then waited a few minutes for it to come back with the information, and began the charge.

After three minutes and the data was received, she sent it out, watching as it hit the soil, making the grass grow immediately instead of a small delay, proof that her magic has gotten stronger than ever before.

Trees, flowers, bushes, ponds, and more abundances of nature were created on the ground down in the large city that held skyscrapers all around. It wasn't Eventa, but it was close. Eventa was bigger than Fenix, with sports domes and large arenas made for partying. Lavender was made for military and their families. Hosting more training grounds and homes.

Once the deed was done, they all turned to head back to Cop, their last stop, before Twilight stopped them.

"Wait!" She called out, making them all stop and look back. "I wanna watch this." Twilight walked towards the edge and settled down. The others looked at each other. Then followed her example. The Pserateps who lived in the city could be seen coming in from the distance, a cloud of smoke behind them as they ran into the city. At first they stopped, looked around and just stared. Before that one Pseratep yelled:

"YEAAAAAHHH!" The others, even the little foals yelled out too, their cheers reaching the Twilight's ears. Her smile transformed into a grin. She closed her eyes, feeling the magic in her grow more. So much so that she felt like she was going to pop. It felt amazing to be appreciated by a mere pony. But an entire country was amazing.

Twilight laughed and flapped her own large wings in happiness. She could feel them growing, emerging. They were going to be huge, she could tell already. After a few more seconds, she stood up and faced the group of Pserateps behind her.

"Let's go. One more place then we can stop for the day," she announced proudly. The guards nodded before taking off ahead of the two, protecting them as they flew over the city of cheering ponies, making their way towards the Capital. And the last stop.


"She's....nowhere," Celestia whispered disheartedly. She was walking back into the castle slowly with her head low, accompanied by Luna who was beside her. Their hoofsteps sounding like the loudest thing in the building once they walked through the doors that guards opened. Then shut behind them. The sound resonated around the halls, bouncing off the walls and hitting the ears of the castle's current inhabitants and visitors. The staff stopped and bowed when they walked past, paying their respects and not paying any mind to their conversation. "We've checked everywhere we could reach. Yet, there is not even a sign of her. Or the Element."

"I am worried as well sister," Luna replied, her face in focus. "But a powerful pony in anger is something you approach carefully. I know you are passionate about the elements, I am as well. But if we do find Twilight, you can't rush in and demand that she return it at once. We must learn of the problem and why she took it from Equestria. I have noticed that about you lately. You are in an agitated state."

"Luna, I have seen this before with Sunset," she replied. They stopped at a break off of the halls and faced each other. "I offended her once and she went rogue. Became evil. Yes she became a rightful Equestrian again, but that was because of the elements. That Twilight commanded."

"Yes, I understand she has control over the Element of Magic," Luna replied.

"Which controls all of them."

"But the question is, 'What has she always used it for?' She has always used it for the side of Equestria. Even when Discord came and tried to take over again, she fought for us."

"But now she isn't with Equestria anymore. She loathes us. We have done a deed that has made her loathe us. She destroyed her own castle. What makes you think she won't come and destroy ours?" Luna sighed, realizing her sister was right. Twilight was upset and had every right to be. And she could strike whenever she wanted to. "We must be careful, Lulu. But if it makes you feel better, I promise not to scold and demand when she reveals herself."

"That is all I am asking for," she replied, nodding her head. They continued on their way with rapid and worried thoughts plaguing their minds.


In the Crystal Empire, Starlight and Trixie were walking around, enjoying the summer heat after sitting inside of a cold library for days. One of them had done a show that had left the crowd wowed, giving her a sense of pride as they both bowed on stage. The other catching up with a friend. But now, something was a little off. And it was obvious by the high presence of Royal guard lining every street like light poles. The two eyed them curiously, then glanced at each other.

"What do you think is going on?" Starlight asked worriedly, walking by another guard looking around the area nervously. "I've seen them everywhere here. King Sombra?"

"No, he's gone for good," Trixie replied, adjusting her hat. "Why don't we just ask?"

"No wait Trixie, DON'T....mmmmmm." Trixie had already walked over with a gleaming smile to one of the guards, the plan already in action.

"Excuse me," she said, poking his armor and making him turn towards her. "Can you tell us what's going on?"

Starlight watched from a distance as the conversation between the two occured, hoping that it wasn't too big a deal. She was wrong apparently, based on Trixie's reaction.

"WHAT?!!!" She yelled, jumping five feet in the air. She turned and made her way to Starlight, grabbed her hoof, and started dragging her down the street, running at the same time.

"Whoa, whoa, Trixie, where's the fire?" She yelled.

"Your teacher's gone insane! She's gone rogue and stole the element of magic! They put everyone on an Equestrian emergency thing, but they can't find her!"

"Wait, what?! Twilight's gone rogue?!!!"

"Alright, Lady Twilight!" Silver Sword said proudly as the group landed on the top of the mountain on the far side of the castle. "This is your last stop. Got enough in ya'?"

Twilight rolled her eyes playfully and looked behind her at the group. "I was given enough magic to fly faster. I'm pretty sure I have enough."

She faced forward again and did her thing. The Pserateps down below have all been ordered to go inside, a safety precaution, while she scanned the city. They all felt the tickling sensation as the wave rushed past them for three minutes before returning with the exact same.

Once she received the data, she charged her horn and released the spell. But this time, she made it climb down the side of the mountain, sure to reach every inch and centimeter of the ground below. It eventually hit the soil, making its way through all the buildings and planting great nature. Not to mention the side of the mountain ring. The group grinned widely once it reached the castle, planting trees that ringed the outside of the whole building. Soon, it went up the other side of the mountain range, leaving a peaceful land back behind it.

The Pserateps down below cheered once more, rolling around in the grass, flying through the air with all the others.

"It's complete," Twilight announced calmly, flapping her large wings. She was greatly enjoying them, feeling the feathers ruffling as the wind blew."Why not go down and enjoy the festivities?"

"Because you don't know how to use those things," Silver Sword chuckled, walking over and poking them. "Can you fully open 'em?"

Twilight looked forward and closed her eyes, focusing on the wings. When they opened, her right wing caught Silver Sword in the mouth without her even realizing it. He grunted and brushed his face while the others were chuckling at his embarrassment.

"Oh yeah......definitely for speed," he commented, getting up and brushing himself off. "That hit was fast."

"Onto the castle!" The king yelled, cueing everyone to open their wings and take off. Silver Sword was right, those things were for speed. She had passed the group and landed on the castle steps ten seconds before they had and turned around to see the Pserateps celebrating with the rest of the castle staff. They had all come outside to witness the transformation. They were definitely not disappointed if their enthusiasm was a clue. After Twilight had landed, they all cheered louder, applauding, clapping and stomping their hooves for her. She grinned and waved at them from the top, making sure to get every pony out there in her sights.

"It feels good to be appreciated," Twilight muttered, continuing to wave. "Really good."


The Friendship Express pulled into the Ponyville station before two ponies teleported out and began running towards the town, more specifically a castle. "Why...are we running......so fast?" Trixie asked breathlessly. "I was the one pulling you earlier!"

"Because this is important, Trixie!" Starlight yelled as they ran past Pinkie Pie. She was standing outside catching some air from all the baking that was going on inside while the two ponies quickly ran past. She watched them leave, creating a dust trail. "We need to know if it's....true..." The two mares slowed to a slow trot, looking in disbelief at the ruined castle of Friendship. "Oh my faust....."

"What.....happened?" Trixie muttered, walking towards the damaged structure slowly. She walked into the building with Starlight right behind her, observing the internal damage. The door was broken and the crystal had been cracked.

"She was lied to." The two turned around quickly. Pinkie was making her walk towards them with a darker coat of pink and a straight mane, a sign that she was NOT happy. "She was never a Princess."

"W-what are you talking about? What do you mean she was never a Princess?" Starlight asked. Pinkie sighed and got comfortable before telling them everything. From the ceremony where she was crowned, to the destruction of the castle.

"And now she's gone," Pinkie finished, wiping a tear from her eye. "Princess Celestia can't even sense or track her. And she took Equestria's first and most promising line of defense with her."

Starlight and Trixie looked at each other before sighing deeply. This had all happened within a span of one day. What's next?


Twilight yanked the last feather from her large right wing. She wanted to look presentable for today's festivities. Yesterday was a huge success. All the cities had green back, giving it a lively look. The clouds had been moved, letting in the sun and warming the continent, and ponies were happy. That was what really mattered.

Today was a new day. Literally. It was day and you could tell without having to look at a clock. You could actually see the sun now. The day of the party where she was the guest of honor. It was supposed to begin at nine and it was already seven. And since Twilight was a stickler for keeping things on track, and on time, she was a little on edge.

"Where's my crown?" She muttered, running back and forth in her room, unaware that it was sitting on her dresser. "I need my crown, where is it?!" She lifted the bed sheets before lifting the whole bed with her magic, showing the strength of her newly transformed horn. After she had went to sleep yesterday, her small horn had gotten longer and more sharp, making it far stronger and easier to focus magic. But it wasn't helping her find her crown.

The door opened slightly as the king peeked in, trying to figure out why it was so noisy when he walked up. Cocking his head in confusion, he opened it wider and stepped inside. "You uhhh.....ya' lose somethin'?"

"I CAN'T FIND MY CROWN!" She yelled to him, obviously desperate. She began running again, back and forth, back and forth. It made the king a little dizzy.

Rubbing his eyes, Madun chuckled and walked towards the dresser calmly. "You mean this crown that's been sitting on this dresser for more than likely the whole time?"

Twilight slid to a stop and immediately turned around. The Element of Magic was sitting right where he said it was. She blushed in embarrassment, turning fully around to look. "Oh."

The king chuckled and picked up the crown. Then made his way over to Twilight. She smiled and sat down as he placed it behind her horn, positioning it as straight as possible. "I see you become really anxious, Lady Twilight," he commented, backing away and getting a good look. "You look......beautiful. Stunning."

Twilight grinned and blushed some more before turning her head to face the bed. "Thank you, Madun. You look really handsome yourself. Like a true gentlecolt."

"I should hope so. I am the king, I have to set an example for my people. Now, are you ready?"

"Not quite. There's still one last thing I need," she replied, holding up a hoof with a smile.

"Okay, what is it, I can get it for you!" Madun said worried, getting antsy and making Twilight chuckle.

"Calm down," she said, waving her hoof at him. "This is a party. And I....need....a date."

It's like the king's brain shut off as he stared at her, trying to make sure he wasn't hearing things. After a few more seconds, and Twilight trying her hardest not to laugh, he shook his head, finally coming out of his stupor.

"I'm sorry, I must've misheard you, did you say you need a.....date?" He asked carefully, leaning in to get a good earful this time.

"Yes, I did."

"Okay, umm.....phew, okay. How about Dark?" He suggested, much to the mare's disgust.

"What? No!" Twilight replied in mock horror. "No way, uh uh."

"Okay, how about general—"


"Silver?" She shook her head once more. Maxun sighed and rubbed his forehead. "Well those are the only gentlecolts I know that can treat a lady right."

"Are you sure about that?" Twilight asked smiling. "There's one more. And, by the way, you need more friends."

"And who's that?" Twilight raised a hoof and pointed at him, finally getting him to see the picture. "Ohhhhhhh....."

"Would you like to—"

"Hold on, Lady Twilight," he said, pressing a hoof against her mouth and giving her a smile. "I'm supposed to be asking you." He removed his hoof, letting Twilight get out that laugh.

She playfully rolled her eyes and said, "Alright, fine. Ask me."

King Madun backed up and cleared his throat, preparing to say something that could possibly change his life. "Lady Twilight........would you like to accompany me to the dance today?" He held out his orange hoof with a gorgeous smile. She blushed and took it with her own.

"I'd love to." The king grinned like a child who just got a brand new toy.

"GREAT! I NEED MY COLOGNE!" He turned around and made his way back to the door, opening it and stepping out before turning back around. "Oh, and umm......I'll....pick you up or something from this room." Twilight grinned and nodded before he shut the door, heading to go put on the oil. Along the way he encountered the last mare he'd expect to see roaming the large and grand castle halls, considering that she never likes to come there to that floor. Even if she is family.

"Hey, King Butt." He looked over to his right, seeing his sister walking next to him. She had a green coat, red and orange mane, and orange eyes. She had that sneaky grin on her face, meaning her mind was full of mischief. He grew up around that. "Saw you sneakin' out of Lady Twilight's bedroom. What's going on in there?"

"Hello, Merry," he greeted blandly, turning down another hallway that led to the stairs. "And nothing happened, why do you think something happened?"

"Well besides you yelling, 'GREAT! I NEED MY COLOGNE,' there's also that little bounce in your step. You only get those when you have a really good day planned or something. Sooooo.......what happened in her room?"

"None of your business, jeez. Don't you have your own relationship to tend to?" The two bounded up the stairs that led up to the Royal Suite

"I do and he's getting ready to attend the party. I'm already ready. Now spill, what happened in there?"

Madun sighed before they stopped in front of the doors that led into his home, guarded by two guards. He turned and faced his sister unamused. "Well, if you must know, Twilight needed a date to the party."

"And she picked you, I take it. Good job bro!" She lifted a hoof and hit him hard in his chest, making him grimace. "It's about time you find yourself a lady. But twenty golds say that she'll say no to your advances and go dance with another stallion. And will not go on another date with you."

"Deal." The two shook hooves before she hit him again in the chest. "Stop doing that."

"Go get' em.....her. Go get her." Merry turned around and walked away, leaving the king to shake his head and walk into his Suite to grab the cologne and most fashionable outfit. Ready to impress Twilight.


"Okay, what's next? What's...........next?" Twilight muttered to herself. She flipped over the scroll, looking at another step for Psera's return to normal. First there was the cloud removal, then the planting of green. Next up was health and rebuild. The Pserateps were living in a bunch of dust for awhile along with barely any sun, which means less vitamin D. These ponies could've been sick for awhile and they probably didn't know it. The bed she was sitting on shifted a little when she got comfortable, the creak the only noise in the room as Twilight wrote down some notes next to the upcoming task. So when it happens she'll have something to refer to. But that was a little ways away.

Someone knocked on her door, making her turn her head, activate her magic, and open it. She immediately laughed. Madun was trying to strike a pose in a blue and white suit. How he managed to get his wings in it was a mystery. "My my, Madun. You look great. What's the occasion?" She asked. Twilight set down her notes and made her way over to him.

"You already know, Lady Twilight. Are you ready?"

"Ever since you left a few minutes ago." She said before looking at herself in the mirror. Finding herself presentable, she turned towards the door and walked out. Madun closed it behind her, super careful not to close in her large wings. They began walking down the hallway while making idle conversation, trying to make this much easier and comfortable around the guard escorting them.

"So you're trying to impress somepony I see," Twilight thought aloud. She lifted a large wing and stretched it, nearly hitting staff walking by.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," He replied innocently. Twilight laughed and poked his side with a hoof.

"Yes you do. This magnificent button up suit, golden crown, cologne. You are definitely trying to impress a lady. Who is it?" Madun looked at her and gave her a sly smile.

"You know exactly who I'm trying to impress."

Twilight giggled before lightly bumping into him, looking at the ground. "You don't have to do that. I like you just the way you are."

"Well I wanted to make YOU look good, then."

"That's sweet, Madun.....all you need now is some—"

"Better cologne?" Twilight looked at him strangely, before realizing he was joking.

"Oh my faust, I thought you were serious," she said, rubbing her face. The king laughed before bumping her lightly.

"Don't worry, I'll get you some flowers. What are your favorites?"

"I like.....Daffodils," she replied, smiling at him.

"Then I'll get you a whole bouquet of Daffodils. You can count on it." Twilight grinned at him before they walked out the front doors of the Castle, meeting up with the guards and some more Pserateps that Twilight hadn't met yet.

"There he is, Mr. Smooth," Merry said sarcastically, pointing at her brother. "Hello, Lady Twilight."

"Twilight, this is my sister, Merry Fire," Madun clarified when he saw Twilight's confusion. "And this is her husband Blazing Fire. He's a scientist."

"A scientist?!" She asked him excitedly. Then turned to the Pseratep in front of her."Do you know a lot about energy?"

"A lot actually," Blazing answered. The Pseratep had a red coat, a red mane, and yellow eyes. As well as a goatee. He had large wings just like the other Pserateps there, obviously from affection. "I have helped discover different ways to help build the city without using up too much of our current resources. For instance, I helped discover hydroelectricity here, thanks to a plant in Merōl."

"Excellent! I would like to talk more about how you get it after the party."

"Of course, I'd love to tell you." Twilight nodded before King Madun gestured towards the air.

"Well, let's go, everyone, can't leave Psera waiting!" The group took off into the air, Twilight taking the lead thanks to her large wing flaps boosting her speed.

"So......this is your first date?" Merry asked her brother, watching as he smiled.

"Yes. Technically, she asked me but I said I wanted to do it."

"You sound like a child, King Madun," Blazing Fire commented, watching as Twilight flew farther. "She is a new species. What did she call herself again?"

"An Alicorn. A Unicorn, Earth Pony, and Pegasi mix."

"Well.....she is also part Pseratep now. We can't keep calling her an Alicorn."

"Do you think she'll like to be called something else?" Merry asked her brother as they tilted towards Eventa. Twilight wasn't even in sight anymore.

"Maybe, maybe not. It's up to her. She doesn't like whatever this Equestria is, but I think she does have some reservations for the land. I'll ask her later. But for now....we celebrate." They continued their flight in silence, arriving in Eventa thirty six minutes later.

The group looked down at the ground to see Twilight waving at them, her large wings fully outstretched and ready to party it seems. This is going to be a day.

Author's Note:

Hey, guys! I want you guys to donate some ideas! What do you want to see more of in the story? Comment down below and I'll try to put it in! Also, should I do a time jump and get to the good stuff? I think so because I have this crazy idea in my head on when they find Twilight and I'm still stuck here.

King Madun and Twilight are getting more comfortable, it seems. Makes me think of this song: First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage. HMMMMM....gives me something to think about.

But yeah! Give me some ideas and let me know what you want to see! I write for the readers!

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