• Published 16th Jun 2018
  • 1,464 Views, 94 Comments

Tales Of Friendship - Bluecatcinema

Friendship stories from across Equestria.

  • ...

The Storytellers

Rockhoof, Pillar of Equestria and hero of yesteryear, was currently in a modern cafe, awaiting the arrival of an old friend.

As he sat in a booth, taking up an entire seat, he gained a few looks from the rest of the cafe's patrons. This was something he was used to. Even if his fellow ponies didn't recognize him as one of the six legendary heroes recently brought to the present, his greater-than average size would usually draw attention.

'Is it just me, or have ponies gotten smaller than I remember?' He asked himself.

As he looked around, Rockhoof finally spotted the pony he had been waiting for: Stygian.

"Stygian!" Rockhoof called (loud enough to startle everypony in the cafe. "Over here, old friend!"

"Rockhoof!" Stygian smiled as he walked over to join the Pillar of Strength. "Good to see you!"

Chuckling heartily, Rockhoof pulled the small Unicorn into an almost bone-crushing hug.

"Oof!" Stygian groaned, feeling like all the air had just been forced out of his body.

"How have you been?" Rockhoof grinned as he released him.

"I can't complain." Stygian declared as he sat down. "Things have been going quite well for me lately. This modern world took some getting used to, though..."

"You don't have to tell me that." Rockhoof scoffed. "Everything is so different now. New buildings, new roles for ponies to play... and of course, we have places like this, that offers a banquet's worth of food and drink."

"And several of those food and drink have very complicated names." Stygian noted. "Just take a look at the fare offered here." He indicated the menu board. "Do you have any idea what a 'non-fat decaff soy mocha latte' is?"

"Not a clue." Rockhoof shrugged. "Ah, for the days when water, milk and various fruit and vegetable juices were the limits of our drinking choices..."

"I'm afraid those days are long gone, my friend." Stygian sighed. "And if I've learned anything, it's that you shouldn't focus so much on the past."

"Aye." Rockhoof nodded. "The past is a good place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there."

One of the barristas (a pale blue Earth Pony mare with green eyes and a snow white mane) approached their booth, carrying a tray with two cups.

"I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of ordering our drinks." Stygian declared.

"Here are your smoothies, sirs." The barrista placed the cups on the table.

"Thank you, miss." Stygian gave her a decent tip.

"'Smoothies'?" Rockhoof frowned, eyeing his cup with some trepidation.

"They're a new kind of fruit-based beverage." Stygian explained. "Truth be told, I've actually taken quite a liking to them. Try it."

Rockhoof took a sip of his drink, and received a delightful fusion of strawberry and banana.

"Mm, not bad." He admitted.

"Told you." Stygian chuckled, before taking a generous amount from his own cup. "Ah, mango and peach. Delicious." Lowering his cup, he added "So, how have things been for you?"

"I won't lie, it wasn't easy at first." Rockhoof admitted. "In fact, it was almost too hard for this old warrior."

"How do you mean?" Stygian asked.

"Now there's a long story..." Rockhoof sighed.

Rockhoof quickly filled Stygian in on his recent struggles; how he couldn't seem to find his place in the modern world, and had become so disheartened that he had wanted to be turned to stone.

"That's awful." Stygian frowned. "Though since you're here with me now, I'm guessing something happened to change your mind."

"Not something. Somecreature." Rockhoof declared. "One of Twilight's students, a sweet young yak named Yona, helped me realize that I still had something to offer Equestria."

"And what's that?" Stygian asked.

"My storytelling skills." Rockhoof smiled. "The entire school were hanging on my every word. Eager to listen to all my old stories. Princess Twilight even made my Equestria's official 'Keeper of Tales'."

"That's wonderful." Stygian grinned. "I'm glad things worked out for you, old friend."

"Thanks." Rockhoof nodded. "And from what I've seen and heard, things have been working out for all of our old friends. Flash Magnus, Mistmane... Everypony."

"I've heard about their new exploits myself." Stygian noted. "Star Swirl's off learning about friendship, Somnambula's helping so many ponies... It's humbling to see them adjusting so well."

"Don't sell yourself short." Rockhoof smiled. "I heard from Princess Twilight that you've been pursuing a career in literature. Become quite the accomplished author, haven't you?"

"Well, I wouldn't say 'accomplished'." Stygian said humbly.

"According to Princess Twilight, you've just written your third book." Rockhoof pointed. "If that's not accomplished, I don't know what is."

"Honestly, it was never my intent to become an author." Stygian admitted.

"Oh, really?" Rockhoof raised an eyebrow. "Then how did all that happen?"

"Well, it happened a few months ago..." Stygian declared.


After a fortnight spent traveling from place to place, Stygian had found himself in Baltimare. After paying for a room in the local guesthouse, he had gone out to get some groceries for the week.

At the town's grocery store, he was picking out his favorite foods, when he heard some nearby ponies talking.

"Did you hear about those legendary ponies returning?" One pony, a red-coated Pegasus mare, asked.

"I've heard the rumors." A silver-coated, suit-wearing Unicorn stallion with a stylish black mane and blue eyes, nodded. "Apparently, they spent the last thousand years or so trapped in some weird place where they didn't age."

"It's incredible." The mare declared. "I grew up hearing stories about Mistmane, and now she's back, large as life. It's almost like a dream come true."

"No kidding." The stallion nodded. "Just imagine all the amazing stories they must have to tell. The stories that didn't make it into the history books."

"What I wouldn't give to hear some of those stories." The mare smiled.

"Me too." The stallion agreed. "Too bad those guys don't have agents..."

Stygian smiled to himself. While he wasn't sure what an "agent" was, he had no doubt ponies all over Equestria would marvel at the tales of his friends' heroics.

'Even after a millenia away, ponies still love the Pillars...' He thought.

After paying for his groceries, Stygian departed from the store. As he did, he found himself bumping into another stallion.

"Oh, sorry!" He apologized, barely able to keep his groceries aloft in his magical aura.

"That's okay." The stallion declared. "No big-" As the stallion turned to face him, Stygian realized it was the same one he had overheard inside. "...Hey, I know you."

"You do?" Stygian asked, confused.

"Yeah." The stallion nodded. "You're that guy who was with the Pillars. Stygian, right?"

"Yes, that's me." Stygian declared, pleasantly surprised to meet somepony who knew who he was.

"I thought so." The stallion grinned. "The name's Silver Ink. Nice to meet you."

"The feeling is mutual." Stygian smiled.

"So is it true that you actually brought the Pillars together?" Silver Ink asked.

"Yes." Stygian nodded. "I needed them to fend off a trio of Sirens that had descended on my home village."

"Sounds like quite an adventure." Silver Ink declared.

"Oh, it was." Stygian agreed. "Quite an epic one, at that."

"I'll bet." Silver Ink nodded. "...You know, I'm sure a lot of ponies would like to hear all about that story."

"So am I." Stygian admitted. "But I'm afraid I don't have the means to go around telling everypony about it."

"I have a better, more efficient idea." Silver Ink declared. "You should write a book about it."

"I should?" Stygian frowned.

"Oh, yeah." Silver Ink grinned. "I just so happen to be a publisher. My company, Golden Quill Publishing, would be happy to market such a book. You could tell that story to everypony in Equestria, and barely have to go anywhere. Not to mention, we would be happy to compensate you handsomely for your efforts..."

Stygian couldn't deny that he could use some extra money. Enough to afford a permanent home for himself, for starters. And sharing the Pillars' beginnings with the good citizens of Equestria just seemed right to him.

"A tempting offer..." He admitted.

"Here." Silver Ink handed Stygian a card with his company's contact details on it. "No pressure. You just take a little while to mull it over, and let me know when you've come to a decision."

"I will." Stygian took the card. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Silver Ink smiled. "'Till next time..."

As the two parted ways, Stygian glanced at the card.

'Me, a writer...' He mused.

The Present...

"After giving it due consideration, I decided to take Silver up on his offer." Stygian declared. "Following a fairly detailed planning session, I writing all about my first encounters with you and the other Pillars, and of the battle against the Sirens."

"You didn't take any liberties with the stories, I hope." Rockhoof asked playfully.

"On the contrary, I wrote nothing but the truth." Stygian assured him. "I felt it was best to do so. Every little problem, and unfortunate side-issue, I kept in. Even that trouble with the crazed wildlife in Meadowbrook's swamp."

"Oh, I remember that mess." Rockhoof groaned. "Did you really have to put that in the book?"

"Sorry." Stygian shrugged. "Like I said, I felt it was best to use the whole truth."

"I know a certain honesty teacher who'd approve." Rockhoof smiled.

"I expected ponies would be interested to read my story." Stygian declared. "But I didn't expect the book to sell nearly as well as it did. Almost immediately after Silver Ink had my manuscript replicated and sent out to every book store in Equestria, I received word that the copies were, to quote Silver, 'flying off the shelves'. Suddenly, I had more money than I knew what to do with. I put some of it towards buying a nice little cottage for myself, donated a fair amount to worthy causes, and, on Silver's suggestion, had the rest put into something called a 'bank account', where it would be safe and sound."

"Can't say I'm surprised." Rockhoof smiled. "That was indeed a grand adventure."

"The readers seemed to think so." Stygian noted. "Before I knew it, I was getting recognized on a regular basis. I could barely walk down the street without at least one pony telling me how much they loved my story. Not long after, Silver arranged for me to have a book signing."

"A... 'book signing'?" Rockhoof frowned. "What's that?"

"Basically, ponies line up to have their favorite authors write their names in their book." Stygian explained. "Apparently, it makes those books 'collector's items'."

"These modern pony ways really confuse me sometimes." Rockhoof reaffirmed.

"I didn't quite understand it myself." Stygian admitted. "But it made the readers happy, so I just went along with it. There were so many lining up to have their books signed, I almost strained my horn accomodating them all."

"Ouch." Rockhoof chuckled. "I suppose we all have to suffer for our art, don't we?"

"It was a small price to pay." Stygian agreed. "It wasn't long before Silver and I had another talk..."


Stygian was in Silver Ink's office. It was a fairly luxurious place, with white shag carpeting, a large fish tank in the corner, and a desk made out of the finest timber in Equestria.

"Stygian, your book is a certified smash hit." Silver Ink announced. "The fans love it."

"I'm glad to hear that." Stygian beamed.

"in fact, they love it so much, I'm starting to think you should write another book." Silver Ink declared.

"Another?" Stygian repeated.

"That's right." Silver Ink nodded. "And it's not like you're short on material. I'm sure you and the Pillars had lots more adventures after that one, right?"

"We certainly did." Stygian nodded. "Perhaps not a lot more..." He mumbled, recalling his fall from grace. "But definitely enough for another book."

"So you'd be up for writing a sequel?" Silver Ink offered.

"Of course." Stygian grinned. "Wouldn't want to disappoint my fans... or my publisher friend."

"That's what I like to hear." Silver Ink chuckled. "Whenever you're ready, pal. Whenever you're ready..."

The present...

"So I got to work on a second book, and, lo and behold, it proved even more popular than the first." Stygian declared. "This one revolved around all the other fiends and beasts that you and the Pillars did battle with."

"With help from our genius strategist." Rockhoof grinned. "I hope you kept sticking to the truth, and didn't downplay your own contributions!"

"I did try to at least be humble about it." Stygian shrugged. "I may have done a lot of the thinking back then, but you and the others did the real work."

"I'm guessing your second work earned as much as the first?" Rockhoof asked knowingly.

"And more." Stygian nodded. "I gave a lot more of those proceeds to charitable causes. I had more than enough to survive on from the sales of the first book, after all."

"And you had to do more book signings, right?" Rockhoof inquired.

"Indeed." Stygian nodded. "I even agreed to an interview with a reporter from the Canterlot Chronicle. My schedule was rather busy back then."

"That's the price of fame." Rockhoof joked.

"I was just happy the stories of our adventures were known to one and all." Stygian shrugged. "Replacing legends with fact. That was my main goal. I never lost sight of that. Even when..."

"Even when... what?" Rockhoof asked.

"Well..." Stygian said awkwardly.


Two months after Stygian's second book had launched, he found himself being called to Silver Ink's office once again.

"You're on a roll, pal." Silver Ink smiled. "Two best-sellers in a row."

"It is quite gratifying, I'll admit." Stygian nodded.

"I'll bet it is." Silver Ink nodded. "Already, our readers want another book from you!"

"Another?" Stygian frowned. "I'm not sure I can write another. I already chronicled all the adventures the Pillars had back in the day. There isn't much else to write about."

"Well, there is one thing..." Silver Ink said hesitantly.

"What?" Stygian asked, not liking his tone.

"I realize this may be a sore subject, but... what about the event that led to you and the Pillars ending up in the present?" Silver Ink suggested. "You know, the whole Pony of Shadows thing?"

"You... know about that?" Stygian said awkwardly.

"I heard rumors about it." Silver Ink nodded. "Lots of ponies did."

"You're right, it is a sore subject." Stygian nodded. "I did a very terrible thing, allying myself with the shadows. But I like to think I've moved past that, and so have my friends. Even so, it may not be the best idea to drudge up those old wounds."

"But this could be your chance to tell your side of the story." Silver Ink urged. "To be upfront about it. To tell the world 'hey, I made a mistake, but I won't let it define me'."

"I don't know, Silver..." Stygian sighed. "Do you really think the readers would appreciate those terrible days?"

"I'm not gonna force ya to write it, Stygian." Silver Ink said fairly. "But your fans have already heard most of your story. They're read all about the part you played in protecting Equestria all those years ago. They know you're a good guy. But knowing a pony is about knowing all of him, the good and the bad. If they're real fans, they'll stick by you, no matter what. And who knows? It might feel good for you to get all off your chest."

"You make some valid points there..." Stygian admitted grudgingly.

"It's up to you, Stygian." Silver Ink assued him. "Whatever choice you make, I'll be fine with. You've already given me two best-sellers. That's more than enough from one writers, if you ask me."

"Thanks, Silver." Stygian smiled weakly. "I'll think it over, and inform you of my decision soon."

"That's all I ask." Silver Ink nodded.

Stygian left Silver Ink's office, already struggling with one of the biggest decisions of his life.

'What should I do?' He thought ruefully. 'What? What?'

The present...

"That must've been tough." Rockhoof said sympathetically.

"It was." Stygian nodded. "Thinking it over cost me more than one sleepless night. But after a lot of soul-searching, I decided that I had to finish my story. Not just for my fans, but for myself. And so, I agreed to write the story of my fall into darkness... and my return to the light."

"And...?" Rockhoof urged.

"And it turned out Silver was right." Stygian smiled. "It did feel good to write it all down. Like a great weight had been lifted from my chest. And the fans loved it. The Canterlot Chronicle called it 'a spellbinding tale of one lost soul's struggle with darkness and redemption'. It sold better than either of my previous books, and I had more book signings to attend than ever."

"So it all worked out in the end? Marvelous." Rockhoof slapped Stygian on the back. "if anypony deserves a happy ending, it's you."

"Thanks, Rockhoof." Stygian smiled (rubbing his aching back as he did). "But as I said, my goal was to let the story be known. And I accomplished that. That's enough for me."

"So be it." Rockhoof nodded.

At that point, a young Pegasus stallion with a cobalt coat, lavender mane and magenta eyes approached, carrying a copy of Stygian's latest book.

"Mr. Stygian?" He asked nervously.

"What is it, lad?" Stygian smiled.

"I... I was wondering if you could... sign my copy of your book?" The stallion stuttered.

"I'd be happy to." Stygian nodded. "Who should I make this out to?"

"N-Nimbus, sir." The stallion answered.

Stygian wrote "To Nimbus, best wishes, Stygian" in the book.

"Thank you, sir." Nimbus gushed.

"My pleasure." Stygian smiled.

As Nimbus giddily departed, Rockhoof chuckled.

"Looks like you don't have to worry about not being noticed anymore." He joked.

"It seems unlikely." Stygian grinned.

"Nothing like a good story to grab ponies' attention, I always say." Rockhoof declared. "I guess this means we're both 'Keepers of Tales' now, eh?"

"I suppose it does." Stygian smiled. "Shall I order us some more smoothies?"

"Please do." Rockhoof nodded. "That last one was delicious."

"Looks like modern beverages aren't so bad, are they?" Stygian pointed out.

"Not smoothies, at least." Rockhoof chuckled.

Stygian shared the chuckle as he went to order more smoothies. The two storytellers had much more to discuss. And now that Stygian's story had been told, he felt more ready than ever to face the future, no matter that future brought.