• Published 16th Jun 2018
  • 1,464 Views, 94 Comments

Tales Of Friendship - Bluecatcinema

Friendship stories from across Equestria.

  • ...

Making Waves

Author's Note:

This chapter takes place after "The Hearth's Warming Club".

It was a sunny Saturday morning in Ponyville. The students of the School of Friendship were all set to start enjoying their weekend. Silverstream, as always, was full of excitement and enthusiasm, practically bouncing as she made her way through the corridors.

"I love Saturdays!" She told her fellow students, as she rushed past them. "Maybe not as much as Tuesdays, but still... They're pretty great!"

"Nice to see going to school has really mellowed you out, Silverstream."

"Huh?" Silverstream froze, turning of the direction of the familiar voice.

Standing before her were her father, Sky Beak, and her brother, Terramar.

"Hi, sweetheart." Sky Beak greeted his daughter.

"No. WAY!!" Silverstream, moving with unnatural speed, rushed over and hugged them both. "Ohh, it's so good to see you!"

"Hey, big sis." Terramar grinned.

"Hey, li'l bro!" Silverstream beamed, hugging him more tightly. "What are you and dad doing here?"

"I wanted to talk with Princess Twilight regarding the possibility allowing more Hippogriff students for the school's next semester." Sky Beak revealed. "And of course, once Terramar caught wind of my visit, he just had to come along."

"What can I say?" Terramar smiled. "Couldn't pass up a chance to visit Equestria... and my favorite sister."

"I'm your only sister, silly!" Silverstream chuckled.

"All the more reason to come and see you." Terramar pointed out. "Besides, since you decided to spend the Three Days of Freedom Festival here, I figure we've got some catching up to do."

"I hope mom wasn't too upset about that." Silverstream fretted.

"It's okay, sweetheart." Sky Beak assured. "The letter from Princess Twilight made it clear you had your reasons for staying. Ocean Flow understood. But she still expects you to visit for her birthday, no excuses."

"Tell her not to worry." Silverstream smiled. "I'll be there!"

"Wonderful." Sky Beak grinned. "Now, while I'm talking with your headmare, why don't you show Terramar around, introduce him to the local sights?"

"With pleasure." Silverstream nodded. She turned to Terramar. "Ready, little bro?"

"Lead the way, sis." Terramar smiled.

As the two made their way down the hallways, Sky Beak went in a different direction, seeking out Twilight's office. Terramar was enthralled by the sight of school, which was so unlike anything he had seen on or below Mount Aris, eagerly following Silverstream's impromptu tour.

"And there's professor Dash's Loyalty classroom." Silverstream pointed out. "And over there is professor Rarity's Generosity class..."

"You weren't kidding when you said this school wasn't like any other." Terramar noted.

As they continued their tour, the Cutie Mark Crusaders emerged from another classroom, three students thanking them for providing them with help in finishing their homework.

"Hey, Terramar!" Scootaloo noticed the visitor. "Long time, no see!"

"Hey, Crusaders." Terramar smiled. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We're official friendship tutors!" Sweetie Belle announced.

"We give the students a li'l help when they need it." Apple Bloom added.

"After the help you gave me, that doesn't sound so surprising." Terramar declared. "It's good to see you, by the way."

"Same here." Scootaloo nodded. "How long are you staying?"

"Not too long, I'm afraid." Terramar admitted. "Probably gonna be heading out before the end of the day."

"Then we'd better make the best a' the time we got." Apple Bloom pointed out.

"We still have a student or two left to help." Sweetie Belle declared. "But we should be done soon enough."

"How about we all meet outside?" Scootaloo suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Terramar smiled.

"That should give us just enough time for me to introduce you to my friends." Silverstream grinned. "Come on, Terramar!"

"See you soon!" Terramar told the Crusaders as Silverstream dragged him down the halls.

Silverstream led Terramar to the library, where her friends had also chosen to get a start on their homework (so they could then be free to enjoy their weekend as much as possible).

"Hey, guys!" She announced their arrival. "Guess who this? It's my brother, Terramar! Say hi!"

"Hi, brother of Silverstream!" Yona smiled.

"Hello." Ocellus said quietly.

"Nice to meet you." Sandbar added.

"Hey." Smolder raised a claw in greeting.

"Yeah, hi." Gallus shrugged.

"Terramar, these are my best friends: Sandbar, Yona, Ocellus, Smolder and Gallus." Silverstream indicated each one in turn.

"It's great to finally meet you guys." Terramar declared. "Silverstream's told me so much about you, I feel like you're already my friends too." He turned to face Yona. "Yona, you're always ready to have fun..."

"Because yaks are best at having fun!" Yona boasted.

"Sandbar is the nicest guy around." Terramar continued, earning a proud smile from the young Earth Pony. "Ocellus loves to read..."

"Guilty." Ocellus chuckled.

"Smolder is really good at sports..." Terramar noted.

"That sounds about right." Smolder grinned.

"And Gallus is kinda grumpy, but a real softy underneath." Terramar finished.

"You said that about me?" Gallus scowled at Silverstream, as Smolder and Yona sniggered behind him.

"It's true, isn't it?" Silverstream shrugged. "Or did you want me to lie? I don't think professor Applejack would approve of that..."

"Next time, run that kind of stuff by me before you go blabbing to your brother, okay?" Gallus pouted.

"Wow. You really nailed the 'grumpy' part, didn't you?" Terramar told Silverstream.

"Told ya." Silverstream chuckled. "But he's still one of my best friends!" She gave Gallus a one-limbed hug.

"I was expecting an apology, but that works too, I guess." Gallus smiled.

"Sure it does, Mr. Softy." Smolder sniggered.

Gallus's response was a cold glare.

"So I was thinking we could all head outside and have some fun." Silverstream declared. "I really want Terramar to really get to know you guys. And professor Pie always says the best way to get to know somecreature is by having fun with them!"

"Yona would like to get to know Terramar!" Yona announced.

"Beats studying." Smolder grinned.

"No kiddin'." Gallus agreed.

"I guess our homework can wait a little while." Ocellus declared.

"Looks like it's unanimous." Sandbar chuckled.

"Great!" Silverstream beamed.

"The Cutie Mark Cruaders will be joining us too." Terramar added. "Hope that's okay with you guys."

"The more, the merrier." Sandbar nodded.

"This is gonna be fantastic!" Silverstream cheered. "What could be better than having fun with friends and family?"

"Nothing I can think of." Sandbar declared.

"Why friends stand around talking?" Yona said impatiently. "Friends have fun already!"

"My thoughts exactly." Smolder agreed.

One by one, the group exited the library. As they walked through the corridors, Silverstream's friends talked with Terramar.

"Silverstream told us you spend time in both Mount Aris and Seaquestria." Ocellus noted. "Must be pretty busy."

"It is." Terramar nodded. "But it's worth it. Mount Aris has amazing views, and there's nothing quite like swiming in Seaquestria..."

"And your dad's part of the royal guard." Sandbar added. "That's so cool!"

"Yeah, I guess it is." Terramar shrugged. "He's been in the guard since before even Silverstream was born, so it's kinda the norm for us."

"And your mom's the Queen's sister." Smolder declared. "Must be nice."

"You wouldn't know it to talk to her." Terramar stated. "She's so down-to-earth and easygoing. And a great cook, too."

"Yona like Hippogriff mom already." Yona grinned.

"Both our parents are the best!" Silverstream smiled. "We're so lucky to have parents like them!"

"Yeah, lucky you..." Gallus muttered under his breath.

"Huh?" Silverstream turned in the Griffon's direction. "Did you say something, Gallus?"

"Nope." Gallus said bluntly.

"Really?" Silverstream frowned. "I could've sworn-"

"I didn't say anything." Gallus said firmly. "Okay?"

"Okay..." Silverstream said awkwardly.

The others shared confused looks. Except for Smolder, whose eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"...How about I ask you guys some questions?" Terramar sought to break the tension. "Yona, what's it like living in Yakyakistan?"

"It great!" Yona said proudly. "Lots of snow and things to smash. Yakyakistan is best! ...But pony land has lots of good things too. Different good, but still good."

"I know what you mean." Terramar nodded. "Ponyville is way different from Mount Aris or Seaquestria, but it's totally amazing."

"It's something, alright." Smolder nodded. "A lot more colorful than the Dragon Lands, that's for sure..."

"What about you, Ocellus?" Terramar asked the young Changeling. "What was it like, growing up in a hive?"

"Not that great at first." Ocellus admitted. "But since Thorax took charge, things have really turned around. We've been trying all sorts of new things, and having fun along the way."

"That's nice." Terramar smiled. "And what was it like growing up in Griffonstone, Gallus?"

"Pretty much what you'd expect." Gallus said gruffly. "Griffons here, Griffons there, Griffons everywhere. No big deal."

"And... that's all there is to it?" Terramar frowned. "Nothing else you'd like to add?"

"Well..." Gallus's eyes darted nervously, until he spotted the Crusaders approaching. "Oh, look! It's the Crusaders!"

"Hey, guys!" Apple Bloom waved. "Ready tah have sum fun?"

"Yona always ready!" Yona smiled. "Crusaders ponies just watch Yona have fun!"

"We're all gonna have fun!" Scootaloo cheeered. "Right, Terramar?"

"Right." Terramar winked.

The group made a quick detour to Rainbow Dash's class to pick up some sports equipment, then headed outside the school.

"Who's up for some water volleyball?" Silverstream offered, holding up a volleyball and indicating the pond around the school.

"That would be me." Terramar smiled.

"I'm in!" Ocellus smiled.

"Yona... still not like water much." Yona said nervously, memories of almost drowning still in her mind.

"Join the club." Smolder snarked.

"Pass." Gallus shrugged.

"Count me in." Sandbar smiled.

"Great!" Silverstream smiled. "Terramar, you and I are team captains! And don't expect me to easy on you!"

"I could tell you the same thing." Terramar grinned.

"Sandbar, Ocellus, you're with me." Silverstream declared.

"You got it!" Sandbar nodded.

"We won't let you down." Ocellus smiled.

"And you guys can cheer us on!" Silverstream told Gallus, Smolder and Yona.

"Yona best at cheering!" Yona whooped.

"Beats doing homework." Gallus shrugged.

"Win one for the home team, guys!" Smolder urged.

"Scootaloo, you wanna be on my team?" Terramar offered.

"If that means getting to be a Seapony again, you bet!" Scootaloo grinned.

"I'm in, too!" Sweetie Belle added.

"Ah'll be the referee, if ya'll don't mind." Apple Bloom announced.

"Ooh, right!" Silverstream nodded. "I forgot we kinda need one of those!"

"Okay, let's get to playing." Terramar placed a claw on Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle's shoulders, then activated the magic of his necklace.

In a flash of light, the three transformed into Seaponies, and dived into the water on one side of the stepping stones leading to the school entrance.

"Woo-hoo!" Scootaloo cheered as she breached the surface. "I almost forgot how awesome this is!"

"It's a little better than I remembered." Sweetie Belle admitted, as she wiggled her newfound tail.

On the other side, Silverstream shared her magic with Sandbar, while Ocellus used her natural shapeshifting abilities to turn into a Seapony.

"Cool..." Sandbar grinned, as he put his tail through its paces.

"Game on!" Silverstream cheered. She passed Apple Bloom the volleyball. "Whenever you're ready!"

"Three... two... one..." Apple Bloom counted, holding up the volleyball. "And... go!" She hurled the ball into the air.

Both Silverstream and Terramar leapt out of the water, eager to get the volleyball. But Silverstream got her fin on it frst, batting it over to Terramar's team's side.

"Not so fast!" Scootaloo performed a flip, batting the volleyball back with her tail fin.

"Nice move!" Smolder called from the sidelines.

"Not nice enough!" Sandbar returned the serve.

"So we're getting serious already, huh?" Terramar caught the returning volleyball. "Good to know..."

Terramar flung the volleyball up into the air, then leapt out of the water to meet it, striking it and and sending it to the other side of the pond. Ocellus was just able to catch it, and threw it over to Silverstream, who returned it to Terramar's side. The volleyball hit the water before any of Terramar's team could stop it.

"Score!" Silverstream cheered.

"Yay, school team!" Yona bellowed.

"Not bad." Terramar admitted. "But the game's just starting..."

Over the next few minutes, both teams played furiously, points being scored on both sides. Smolder and Yona cheered for both teams, while Gallus simply sat and watched silently. In the end, the two teams decided to call it a tie, both teams being utterly exhausted. They emerged from the water, changing back to their land-based forms along the way.

"Good game." Silverstream told Terramar breathlessly.

"You too." Terramar panted. "Guess all this schoolwork hasn't made you rusty after all."

"I'm guessing you've played this game before." Sweetie Belle deduced. "A lot."

"Uh-huh." Silverstream nodded. "But we mostly played it underwater. ...Y'know, because of the whole 'hiding from the Storm King' situation?"

"It's a little different up on the surface, but not enough that all that practice didn't come in useful." Terramar declared. "Me and Silverstream used to play this all the time."

"Well, when we weren't with mom and dad." Silverstream added. "We just to swim around, having family activities, eating mom's delicious kelp fritters."

"Yeah, those are the best." Terramar grinned. "You haven't lived until you've tried them."

"I'll take your word for it." Smolder deadpanned.

"It may have been a little dull living underwater for so long... okay, a lot dull." Silverstream admitted. "But at least we had each other. Me, Terramar, mom and dad... us being all together as a family made all that time so much more bearable."

Unbeknownst to Silverstream, Gallus set his beak into a scowl.

"Ah know the feelin'." Apple Bloom smiled. "Family can get ya through the toughest a' times."

"They sure can." Silverstream chuckled. "Even after the Storm King was defeated, when dad chose to live on Mount Aris and mom decided to stay underwater, our family bond is still so strong. We're pretty much the best family I know!"

Gallus suddenly stood up, and started walking away.

"What's up, Gallus?" Sandbar asked.

"Nothing." Gallus claimed. "I'm just... going back inside. Gonna get a start on that homework."

"All by yourself?" Ocellus frowned. "That doesn't seem like you at all."

"Come on, Gallus." Smolder urged. "We're gonna play another game." She turned to Silverstream. "One less water-based, right?"

"Of course." Silverstream nodded. "I wanna show Terramar what kind of games Ponyville has to offer."

"Always teaching me new ways to have fun." Terramar nodded. "Another thing that hasn't changed."

"What are big sisters for?" Silverstream beamed.

"Gallus stay and have fun with us!" Yona urged.

"Maybe later." Gallus muttered.

"Gallus-" Silverstream started.

"I said later, okay?!" Gallus snarled.

The others were taken aback by the Griffon's loss of temper. But he was quick to compose himself.

"Later." He repeated, turning and walking back into the school.

"Well, that was... Awkward." Scootaloo stated the obvious.

"...How about we move on to our next game?" Sandbar offered. "Ever heard of Buckball, Terramar?"

"Silverstream may have mentioned it in one or two of her letters." Terramar declared.

"Well, now you can experience it first-hoof." Sweetie Belle smiled.

The group unanimously agreed to make their way to Rainbow's classroom, Terramar asking questions about Buckball that his sister's letters didn't answer. Silverstream brought up the rear, still dwelling on what had just happened.

"What's wrong with Gallus?" She frowned. "He seems extra grumpy today."

"Gee, I wonder why." Smolder said sarcastically. "I mean, here you are, showing off your sibling bond with Terramar, talking non-stop about what a great family you have..."

"And... What's your point?" Silverstream asked, confused.

"Think about it." Smolder urged. "It's not like Gallus, an orphan, wouldn't be upset about you bragging all day about how great a family you have, is it?"

"...Oh." Silverstream's face fell. "He left because of me, didn't he? Because of all my talk about family."

"That would be my guess." Smolder snarked.

"I gotta go find him." Silverstream decided. "I need to make this right. Tell Terramar and the others I'll be back soon."

"Good luck." Smolder nodded earnestly.

Silverstream flew down the opposite corridor, seeking out Gallus.

"Catching on homework... That really doesn't sound like you, Gallus." Silverstream shook her head. "So you're probably not in the library..."

Silverstream flew past the library, and headed for the most likely place to find Gallus: the student dorms.

"Knock, knock!" She knocked on the door of Gallus, trying to keep a cheery tone. "Anycreature in there?"

She received no answer, but decided to enter the dorm anyway, reasoning that Gallus might not be in an answering mood. As she suspected, Gallus was indeed there, sitting on his bed, a more sour look than the norm on his face.

"Hey, Gallus." Silverstream said awkwardly.

"What are you doing here?" Gallus asked flatly. "Why aren't you off having fun with that awesome brother of yours?"

"I just wanted to check on you." Silverstream told him. "You seemed upset before."

"Upset?" Gallus let out a hollow chuckle. "What do I have to be upset about?"

"So that's the way you wanna do this?" Silverstream said defiantly. "Suit yourself."

"I'm not 'doing' anything." Gallus said stubbornly.

"Here goes then... I'm sorry, Gallus." Silverstream apologized.

"...For what?" Gallus asked, still playing dumb.

"For making such a big deal about Terramar being here." Silverstream sighed. "For bragging about what a great family I've got."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Gallus kept up the act.

"You don't have to pretend it doesn't bother you." Silverstream told him. "I was so excited about having Terramar here, I didn't stop to think about how you'd feel. I mean, what with you being... Well..."

"An orphan?" Gallus finished, a pained tone to his voice.

"Yeah." Silverstream nodded. "You never had any kind of family to have fun with, to help you through the tough times..."

"I get the picture." Gallus said flatly.

"And there I was, bragging on and on about how great my family is..." Silverstream sighed. "I don't blame you if you think I've been rubbing that in your face all day, or something."

"It's okay." Gallus assured her. "I'd have to be a pretty lousy friend to think that."

"I'm still sorry, though." Silverstream insisted. "I should have been more sensitive about it."

"Hey, I get it." Gallus admitted. "Terramar's a pretty cool guy. I'd probably brag a little too if I was lucky enough to have a brother like him."

"Yeah..." Silverstream smiled.

"It's just hard, sometimes." Gallus sighed. "You and the others all have these wonderful families, but I never had anygriff back home."

"If it makes you feel any better, you're like family to me." Silverstream smiled as she a claw on Gallus's shoulder.

"Really?" Gallus asked.

"Yeah." Silverstream nodded. "And I'm sure the others feel the same way."

"Thanks." Gallus smiled.

"And like professor Applejack says, good friends are like family." Silverstream pointed out.

"Think I might've slept through that particular class." Gallus joked.

"Come back and play with us." Silverstream offered. "It won't be as much fun without all of us."

"Well..." Gallus muttered.

"We're playing Buckball." Silverstream told him. "And I could use a good catcher on my team. Whattaya say?"

"Okay, I'm in." Gallus gave in.

"Great." Silverstream beamed.

The two of them quickly returned to the others, who were just finishing up their current match, the Crusaders against Yona, Ocellus and Smolder. The game was played a little different than normal, since Sweetie Belle was the only one with Unicorn magic (though Smolder was able to match her with her flight), and Scootaloo was unable to fly (Terramar helped out by carrying her).

"Hey, guys, look who's back!" Silverstream pointed out.

"Welcome back, Gallus." Sandbar smiled.

"What happened to your homework?" Ocellus asked.

"What, a Griffon can't change his mind?" Gallus shrugged.

"Whatever ya say, pal." Smolder smirked knowingly.

"Besides, what could be more than having fun with my friends?" Gallus added. "Old... And new." He nodded in Terramar's direction.

"I think I'm starting to see the 'softy' side of him, sis." Terramar told Silverstream.

"Told ya." Silverstream smirked.

"Friends talking, or friends playing?" Yona asked.

"Definitely playing." Gallus grinned. "Me and Silverstream need to make up for lost time. Terramar, you wanna be part of the team?"

"Sure." Terramar nodded. "I think I'm getting the hang of this game."

"Wait'll you see what your big sister can do." Silverstream smirked.

"And your big sister's friend." Gallus grinned. "Try to keep up..."

The friends and family played together for the rest of the day, their revelry only stopping when Sky Beak sought them out, announcing that it was time to go.

"It was great meeting you all." Terramar told Silverstream's friends before departing.

"Same here." Sandbar smiled.

"Yona had best time with Terramar!" Yona announced.

"You got game, no question." Smolder nodded.

"I hope you can visit us again sometime." Ocellus declared.

"Or maybe all of you can come visit me at Mount Aris." Terramar offered. "You and mom wouldn't mind, would you, dad?"

"Of course not." Sky Beak smiled. "Any friends of you and Silverstream are welcome at our home."

"Thanks, dad." Terramar beamed. He then turned to the others "So, y'know, drop by any time."

"Maybe we will." Gallus nodded.

"Wild Timberwolves couldn't stop me." Scootaloo grinned.

"See you at mom's birthday, li'l bro." Silverstream hugged Terramar.

"Just be ready for a lot of hugs." Terramar smirked. "Mom's got a lot of unused affection left over from the Three Days of Freedom Festival."

"And I'll be ready for it." Silverstream winked.

With that, Terramar and Sky Beak departed, the Crusaders, Silverstream and her friends waving them off. Once the visitors had left, the students and friendship tutors went back inside the school, Gallus and Silverstream bringing up the rear.

"Gotta admit, you've got a real great family there." Gallus told Silverstream.

"And you've got a great family here." Silverstream smiled.

"Guess so." Gallus nodded. "Not exactly the family I've always dreamed of..."

Silverstream's face fell.

"...Because it's way better." Gallus smirked.

"Ahh! You got me!" Silverstream chuckled. "Good one!"

The two laughed together as they continued down the hallways of the school.