• Published 16th Jun 2018
  • 1,458 Views, 94 Comments

Tales Of Friendship - Bluecatcinema

Friendship stories from across Equestria.

  • ...

The Sweetest Apple

The sun was setting over Sweet Apple Acres, just like any other day. But this was a special day. Mere hours ago, Big Mac had married his longtime girlfriend Sugar Belle, making her his wife, and now they were settling in to their new life together. Of course, that new life included Sugar Belle moving in to the Apple family homestead, and her new in-laws were all too happy to help.

"That's the last of it." Applejack announced, her and her siblings having helped bring in all of Sugar Belle's possessions.

"Eeyup." Big Mac nodded dipping down and allowing the biggest of the luggage to slide off his back.

"Thanks for the help, everypony." Sugar Belle smiled, setting down her saddlebags using her magic. "Funny how you never realise how much stuff you have until you need to move it all..."

"Y'all are jest in time." Granny Smith emerged from the kitchen. "I was jest about to make a start on supper."

"First supper with our new family member!" Apple Bloom noted. "That's what Ah call a special occasion."

"No argument here." Applejack nodded. "Ain't every day we get a new Apple. Closest we got after you was when we thought Pinkie could be our cousin."

"You and Pinkie are related?" Sugar Belle asked.

"We ain't entirely sure, tah be honest." Granny Smith shrugged. "The family records are a little hazy on the matter."

"Literally." Apple Bloom deadpanned.

"At least we can be sure yer a part a' the family." Applejack chuckled.

"Eeyup." Big Mac nuzzled his new wife.

"And I couldn't be happier." Sugar Belle grinned.

"This is nice, an' all, but Ah gotta get back tah the kitchen." Granny Smith declared. "Supper ain't gonna cook itself, ya know..."

Granny made her way back to the kitchen.

"Meanwhile, we gotta get all this stuff squared away." Applejack brought the group's attention back to Sugar Belle's belongings.

"Shouldn't take too long." Apple Bloom noted.

"Especially if we all work together." Sugar Belle added.

"Eeyup." Big Mac agreed.

The four of them picked up what they had brought in, and moved to deposit them in the required places. As they did, Sugar Belle took in her surroundings. This was by no means her first time at the Apple homestead (the time she had stayed over for Hearth's Warming was still fresh in her mind), but now that it was to be her new home, it was like she was looking upon on it in a brand new light.

'This is it, Sugar Belle.' She told herself. 'Your new life begins now. Feels like the wedding was only seconds ago...'

Between a lack of funds and the workload around the farm, Big Mac wasn't able to provide much regarding a honeymoon (for the time being, at least), but Sugar Belle didn't mind; just being with her new husband was enough for her.

'Right here is exactly where I want to be.' She thought. 'As long as I'm with my new husband, I couldn't be happier.'

"So tell us, Sugar Belle: what's it like, bein' Mrs. Big McIntosh?" Applejack interrupted her musings, a big grin on her face.

"It's wonderful." Sugar Belle sighed happily. "It's something I've been dreaming about for so long now. I almost can't believe it's really happening."

Big Mac threw his new wife a wide smile from across the room, which she gladly returned.

"And Ah can't believe Ah got a new sister!" Apple Bloom cheered. "It's gonna be so great, havin' you as part a' the family! We're gonna have all kinds a' fun together!"

"Whoa there, sugar cube." Applejack chuckled. "Ah know yer excited tah have Sugar Belle in the family, but reign in the enthusiasm a li'l. It ain't like she's goin' anywhere."

After putting away Sugar Belle's things, the Apple family, joined by their newest member, made their way into the kitchen, and took their seats around the table. Sugar Belle of course sat next to Big Mac.

"Supper's ready!" Granny Smith announced moments later, bringing the plates over one by one.

Tonight's supper involved apple fritters, wheat crumpets, milk, and several rounds of toast topped with zap apple jam.

"This all looks so good." Sugar Belle stared with wonder at the food sitting before her.

"Thanks, Sugarcube." Granny Smith smiled.

"Ya really pulled out all the stops tonight, Granny." Applejack said appreciatively.

"Well, like Apple Bloom said, tonight's a special occasion." Granny Smith noted. "Figured we could show our newest Apple the best items on the ol' menu."

"You didn't have to go to all that trouble just for me." Sugar Belle blushed.

"Ain't no trouble at all." Granny Smither shrugged the statement off.

"You're sure I'm not imposing?" Sugar Belle asked.

"What impose?" Granny Smith chuckled. "Yer family now, sugarcube. And family looks out fer one another."

"Granny's right." Applejack agreed. "From this day forward, yer an Apple."

An' this is yer home." Apple Bloom added.

"Eeyup." Big Mac grinned, embracing his new wife.

"Thanks, everypony." Sugar Belle gushed. "I'm so happy to hear that."

"Yer welcome." Granny Smith grinned. "But right now, what Ah'd like tah hear the most is the sound of mah family enjoying the supper Ah put so much work inta makin'."

"Okay, Granny." Applejack chuckled. "We get the hint."

"We're eatin', already." Apple Bloom rolled her eyes.

The family started digging into their food. Sugar took a bite of the zap apple jam toast, and was not surprised to find that it tasted just as good as it looked.

"Mmm, this really is amazing." She said between bites.

"Mah own recipe." Granny Smith said proudly. "Ain't needed to improve it once since Ah first came up with it as a filly. That's how good it is!"

"I came up with my first recipe when I was a filly, too." Sugar Belle admitted. "Banana cupcakes with chocolate frosting."

"Sounds good." Apple Bloom grinned. "Don't suppose ya still remember the recipe?"

"I sure do," Sugar Belle nodded. "I might just whip some up tomorrow, in fact."

"Awesome!" Apple Bloom cheered.

"Jest try an' focus on the food in front of you, sugarcube." Applejack teased.

"Okay..." Apple Bloom returned to her half-finished apple fritters.

It didn't take long for the diners to empty their plates (even with Big Mac and Sugar Belle sharing loving glances between bites). Soon, they had full bellies to contrast their empty plates.

"Another great supper, Granny." Apple Bloom rubbed her stomach.

"Boy howdy." Applejack agreed.

"Eeyup." Big Mac nodded.

"No arguments here." Sugar Belle added.

"Thank ya kindly, young 'uns." Granny Smith smiled as she gathered up the plates for washing.

"Need any help with those?" Sugar Belle offered. "I'd be happy to clean them for you."

"That's sweet a' ya, but it's fine." Granny Smith replied, turning on the kitchen sink's faucet. "Ya shouldn't be worrying about cleanin' dishes on yer weddin' night, anyone."

"I'm family now, remember?" Sugar Belle pointed out. "Only fair I chip in on the chores. And not to brag, but I think I could wash the dishes a little faster." Her horn lit up, and a plate and washcloth rose up into the air. The plate went under the stream of water, and the cloth started to wipe it.

"Well, if you insist." Granny Smith rolled her eyes. "Got a li'l stubbornness in ya, sugar cube. Jest like all the best Apples."

"Eeyup." Big Mac chuckled.

"So that's what Big Mac saw in ya." Applejack joked.

All the Apples had a good laugh at Applejack's joke, including Sugar Belle.

"Real funny, Applejack." Apple Bloom snickered.

"What can Ah say?" Applejack smirked. "A good sense a' humor is sumthin' else we Apples are known for..."

Not long after, the Apples retired for the night, with Sugar Belle joining Big Mac in their shared bedroom. It had been a big day. Big, and tiring. The second Sugar Belle's head hit the pillow, she fell into a contented sleep. At first, it seemed like Big Mac was going to join her, but instead, he quietly sidled out of the room, and made his way to the barn. His night was only just beginning.

The next morning...

Sugar Belle awoke from her long, pleasant sleep with a yawn.

"Good morning, Big Ma-" She started, before realising her new husband wasn't there. "Oh. He must've already gone to work. Gotta admire Apples and their work ethic..."

Sugar Belle got out of bed, washed and groomed herself, then headed down to the kitchen for breakfast. As she'd expect, the rest of the family were already sat around the table, enjoying some breakfast pancakes.

"Mornin'... Sis." Apple Bloom said brightly between bites.

"Morning... Family." Sugar Belle chuckled, tousling Apple Bloom's mane.

"Hope ya like pancakes." Applejack announced, as Sugar Belle took her place at the table.

"Love 'em." Sugar Belle nodded. After taking a moment to add syrup, she eagerly dug into her breakfast. "I guess Big Mac is put working the orchards?"

"That's right." Granny Smith nodded, an odd look in her eyes. "Apple buckin' is a full-time job, ya know."

"An' we all know what ah hard worker Big Mac is." Applejack added, a light smirk on her lips.

Apple Bloom suddenly snorted, as if she was trying to hold in a giggle.

"What was that?" Sugar Belle asked.

"Oh, nuthin'..." Apple Bloom replied, trying and failing to keep a big grin off her face.

"... Okay, what's going on?" Sugar Belle frowned.

"A lot's goin' on." Applejack said vaguely. "That's the way it goes on a farm. Always workin', growin', harvestin' tah do..."

"Right..." Sugar Belle narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

At that moment, Big Mac walked into the kitchen. He was clearly exhausted, but bore a contented smile on his face.

"Mornin'." He kissed Sugar Belle on the cheek.

"Morning." Sugar Belle grinned. "Looks like you had an early start today."

"Not exactly." Big Mac smirked.

Apple Bloom suppressed another snort.

"And what exactly does that mean?" Sugar Belle asked, recognising the same air of knowingness in her husband as the rest of the Apples.

"Ah'll tell ya after breakfast." Big Mac told her.

"Speakin' a' breakfast, y'all better quit yer jawin', and finish yer pancakes before they get cold." Granny Smith instructed.

"Yes, Granny." Apple Bloom shovelled more food in her mouth (in hopes of avoiding another telling noise).

"Don't gotta tell me twice." Applejack nodded. "Ain't nuthin' worse'n cold, mushy pancakes."

The family finished their pancakes in due course. Granny Smith washed the dishes (insisting upon doing it herself this time), while Applejack made her way to the barn, and Apple Bloom headed out to join her fellow Cutie Mark Crusaders in their usual work guiding ponies with Cute Mark-related problems.

Big Mac, on the other hoof, gave Sugar Belle another knowing smile.

"So, now are you going to let me in on the big secret?" Sugar Belle gave a knowing smile of her own.

"This way." Big Mac indicated, leading his wife out of the kitchen.

As Sugar Belle followed, Big Mac suddenly covered her eyes with his hoof.

"Ooh, somepony's gotta a secret." Sugar Belle giggled.

"Not fer long..." Big Mac chuckled.

Big Mac led Sugar Belle through the front door, turning her to the side. He then removed his hoof.

"So what's the big- oh..." Sugar Belle gasped. finally laying eyes on the big surprise.

Big Mac had constructed a porch swing, big enough for two. An image of a heart within an apple had had been carved into the back rest.

"...Did you...?" Sugar Belle asked.

"Uh-huh." Big Mac nodded.

"This is what you were up to, isn't it?" Sugar Belle smirked. "There were no chores. You were working on this all morning."

"All mornin', an' most a' last night." Big Mac admitted. "Needed a li'l extra work tah get it next right."

"Oh, Big Mac." Sugar Belle beamed. "This is so sweet of you."

"Awww..." Big Mac said bashfully. "It wuz the least Ah could do. 'Specially with the whole 'no honeymoon' thing..."

"That's okay." Sugar Belle smiled. "I didn't marry you for the promise of a honeymoon, you know."

"Ah know." Big Mac sighed. "But you deserve the best."

"Silly, I have everything I could possibly want right here." Sugar Belle assured him.

"Really?" Big Mac smiled hopefully.

"Really." Sugar Belle kissed him. "But the porch swing is a nice gesture. Shall we test it out?"

"Ah wuz jest about tah ask you that." Big Mac chuckled.

The two sat together on the porch swing, snuggling closely as they gently swayed.

"Let's hope you don't any chores lined up for a little while." Sugar Belle pointed out.

"No worries there." Big Mac assured her. "AJ said she'd cover for me this mornin'."

"That was nice of her." Sugar Belle noted. "Not that I'd expect anything less from a pony like her."

"Ya shouldn't expect anythin' less from any Apple." Big Mac clarified. "Like Granny Smith said yesterday, family looks out fer one another."

"You know, I think I'm really going to like being an Apple." Sugar Belle smiled. "It's a very nice fringe benefit to our new partnership."

"Eeyup." Big Mac nodded. "Ain't much better than bein' an Apple."

"Except for being a wife to the sweetest Apple of all." Sugar Belle grinned.

"Pretty tough tah argue with logic like that." Big Mac grinned.

The newlywed couple shared a slow, sweet kiss. As any apple farmer would know, there was always room for another apple in the orchard. And as Big Mac would happily attest, Sugar Belle was now the sweetest Apple around.