• Published 16th Jun 2018
  • 1,464 Views, 94 Comments

Tales Of Friendship - Bluecatcinema

Friendship stories from across Equestria.

  • ...

A New Verse

All was well in the Dragon Lands. The latest generation of dragons had been hatched, and were being greeted by their elders - most of them, that is. Several were being cuddled by Fluttershy, who was overwhelmed by their cuteness.

"You are the cutest little darling dragons I've ever seen!" Fluttershy squealed, snuggling a pair of hatchlings closer. "Yes you are!"

Several dragons looked at the Pegasus mare's show of affection with bemusement at best, and awkwardness at worst. By their very nature, they were unused to creating such displays of affection, let alone seeing them.

"Is she okay?" A purple, female dragon asked.

"Oh, yeah." Smolder said nonchalantly. "She actually does this a lot, especially around really cute creatures."

"Ponies are so weird." A hulking, blue male said bluntly.

"Oh, yeah." Smolder repeated. "But that's what makes 'em so much fun to hang around with."

Dragon Lord Ember was taking the saccharine scene a little better than the rest of the dragons, due to her own prior exposure to pony ways. But that wasn't going to stop her from making her opinion on the matter known - by way of some classic Ember snark.

"Wow." She grinned, flying over to Fluttershy. "Are you planning on introducing yourself to every hatchling?"

"That's the idea." Fluttershy beamed, cuddling another trio of hatchlings.

"Then you're probably gonna be here a while." Ember rolled her eyes.

"Well, it's hardly my fault you decided to put every egg in place." Fluttershy countered.

"It's not really mine, either." Ember admitted. "It's just the way things have always worked around here."

"So all dragon eggs have always been brought to one place to hatch?" Fluttershy asked, taking a moment between cuddles to mull the concept over. "If that's true, then I can't help but wonder why Spike's egg ended up all on its own?"

"Sorry, but I can't really answer that question." Ember apologised. "I would've been just a kid myself when Spike's egg was laid. I was too busy practicing my flying and long-range firebreathing skills to worry about how many eggs there were. And it's the dragon parents' job to bring their eggs to the hatching grounds, so whatever became of Spike's egg, the fault lies with the parents. Maybe they lost it on the way here, or were attacked by a Tatzlwurm. Anything could've happened, really."

"I see." Fluttershy's face fell. "Thanks anyway."

"If you want, I could ask around, see if any dragon parents lost an egg a while back." Ember offered, intent on brightening the mood. "Kind of a long shot, sure, but it's better than nothing."

"I'm sure Spike would appreciate that." Fluttershy nodded. "I know he's happy in Ponyville, but he probably wouldn't mind knowing a little more about his past."

"Then it's settled." Ember smiled. "When the dragon parents show up to collect their hatchlings, I'll ask them all, and make sure they pass on the question, too. They should be here to pick up their kids sooner or later...."

"Thank you, Ember." Fluttershy said gratefully.

"No problem... Fluttershy, right?" Ember replied.

"That's me." Fluttershy nodded.

"I'm definitely getting better at remembering pony names." Ember smiled. "Hopefully, I can move on to actually remembering pony faces soon..."

"You keep working on that." Fluttershy encouraged her. "And I'll keep working on welcoming these cuties to the world!" She returned to her baby dragon cuddling with renewed vigor.

At the same time, Spike was speaking with his former nemesis Garble, whose secret love of poetry had ended up saving the day. Garble had gotten a brief respite from the attentions of the dragons clamouring over his surprise talent, and Spike had capitalised on it.

"So this is what Smolder meant when she said you had a sensitive side." Spike noted. "Impressive. ...Seriously, never woulda guessed you had it in you."

"That was kinda the point." Garble said bluntly. "Nodragon was supposed to know. Except for Smolder, that is."

"But now it's all out in the open." Spike pointed out. "Feels good, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, it does." Garble smiled proudly. "All this time, I couldn't share my poetry with anydragon. Only Smolder got to see that side of me. Now, everydragon knows. And it's not nearly as bad as I figured it'd be."

"Nothing beats being yourself." Spike agreed. "And take it from me, there are worse things to be ashamed of than being a poet."

"Coming from a dragon who doesn't hide that he likes to sew blankets, that's really sayin' somethin'." Garble noted.

"So, what caused the change of heart?" Spike inquired.

"That pony friend of yours." Garble admitted. "Don't tell anydragon I said this, but she's pretty fierce."

"If it's any consolation, you're not the first dragon she's given a good talking to." Spike declared. "Or even the biggest."

"Seriously?" Garble frowned.

"Oh, yeah." Spike nodded. "One time, this big red dragon almost choked all of Ponyville with sleep smoke, and Fluttershy managed to talk him into leaving."

"Whoa." Garble gaped. "Normally, I'd say you're making it up to make ponies look good, but after seeing that pony in action, I totally believe ya."

"That's Fluttershy: she must be seen to be believed." Spike joked.

The two former enemies shared a chuckle.

"Maybe I had you pegged wrong all this time." Garble admitted. "I guess it takes some kinda guts to just come out and admit you like all that frilly pony stuff..."

"Thanks. I think..." Spike awkwardly.

"It's more guts than I had 'til today." Garble sighed. "I sure wouldn't have been brave enough to recite my poetry in front of everydragon yesterday."

"When something important's on the line, you'd be surprised at what you can do." Spike noted. "Those eggs needed heat to hatch, and you made sure they got it, even if it meant having everydragon laugh at you. I'd say that took plenty of guts."

"Thanks." Garble smirked proudly. "I was pretty awesome, wasn't I? Hero of the Dragon Lands, right here!"

"Way to go, Mr. Hero." Spike said sincerely.

"...Look, I know I've been kind of a jerk to you since... Well, the moment we met." Garble admitted. "Seeing a dragon who seemed even softer than me made it look like you were an easy target. But Smolder and your pony friend helped me see that that was no excuse. I wouldn't blame ya if you hated me for everything I did to ya..."

"...Eh, I don't really do 'hate'." Spike admitted. "Not my style. Besides, Smolder's my friend. If she cares about you, then I can at least be civil with you."

"Really?" Garble asked, surprised. "You forgive me, just like that?"

"Chalk it up to my upbringing." Spike shrugged. "Ponies are pretty big on forgiveness."

"Sure they are." Garble rolled his eyes.

"I'm just glad we can finally bury the hatchet." Spike admitted. "Seriously, this feud between us has been going on for way too long..."

"Just don't think this makes us 'best pony pals' or whatever now." Garble suddenly scowled. "...Still, I guess if Smolder thinks you're worth hanging out with, I'd be okay with that." He admitted grudgingly.

"And he's not just saying that because he knows I'll give him a piece of my mind otherwise." Smolder added, as she joined them. "Right, bro?"

"Right, sis." Garble nodded. "I won't ever lay a claw on the squirt ever again. Promise."

"I, for one, am very glad to hear that." Spike deadpanned.

"But seriously, I'm proud of you, Gar-Gar." Smolder said warmly. "You showed everydragon here who you really are. And you saved the eggs too."

"I'm proud of you too, sis." Garble replied. "I thought going to that pony school might mess you up, make you soft. But today, you proved you're just as tough as I remember."

"What can I say?" Smolder smirked. "Guess ponies are better teachers than either of us thought."

"Yeah, maybe." Garble shrugged. "That Pegasus sure taught me a lesson..."

"Now she's a great teacher." Smolder smiled. "She's won 'teacher of month' every month since the school opened."

"A real winner, huh?" Garble mused, his competitive nature roused. "That explains a lot..."

"Speaking of school you should totally come to the next Friends and Family Day." Smolder suggested. "I've got a friend who'd probably love to hear some of your poems."

"I'll think about it." Garble declared. "From the looks of the things, I'm gonna be pretty busy around here, teaching poetry to everydragon."

"Not too busy to spend time with your little sister, I hope?" Smolder promoted.

"I'll never be too busy for that." Garble assured her.

"That's great." Smolder grinned. "Because I've still got time before I have to go back to school. Plenty of time for us to hang out."

"Awesome." Garble smiled. "And, y'know, if you want Spike to come with, I'd be good with that."

"You'd better be." Smolder joked. She rounded on Spike. "How 'bout it, Spike? You up for some more fun?"

"Always." Spike nodded. "I'd invite Fluttershy, but she still seems a little... Occupied." He glanced over, seeing that Fluttershy was still cuddling every baby dragon she could find. "Make that a lot occupied..." He smirked.

"Who's up for some lava surfing?" Garble offered.

"You know I always am!" Smolder grinned.

"Sure, why not?" Spike nodded. "It's been a while since I last surfed. I could stand to hone my skills."

"Oh, is that what you call 'em?" Garble joked, remembering the last time he saw Spike lava surfing.

"Ha, ha. Very funny." Spike pouted.

"Gar-Gar..." Smolder frowned.

"Just kiddin'!" Garble said defensively. "Hey, you wanna get some real skills? Just follow my lead. I'll show ya some moves. I taught Smolder everything she knows, back when she was smaller than you. So I think I can teach you a thing or two."

"Really? Thanks." Spike smiled.

"Eh, it's the least I can do after... Y'know, everything." Garble shrugged.

"That's my big bro." Smolder said warmly.

As the trio headed back to the lava flows, Fluttershy was still cuddling with the hatchlings.

"I think you've cuddled pretty much every newborn here." Ember smirked.

"Sorry." Fluttershy giggled. "They're just so adorable!"

"I gathered that." Ember joked. "I'm not seeing it myself. Then again, dragons have never been big on 'adorable'."

"Well, not all ponies love adorable creatures." Fluttershy admitted. "It sort of varies, depending on the pony."

"Huh. Every time I talk to a pony, I learn something new." Ember noted. "Is it the same for all of you?"

"For me, it is. I've only been here one day, and already learned so much." Fluttershy noted. "I'm going to have quite the Kindness report to write up for Twilight..."

"'Kindness report'?" Ember frowned.

"That's kind of a long story." Fluttershy chuckled.

"I've got nothing but time." Ember smiled. "And I think the little ones might enjoy hearing about it. You know, now that they're out of the eggs, and can actually hear what you're saying..."

Fluttershy glanced down at all the baby dragons, their cute eyes all gazing at her.

"How can I say 'no' to those sweet little faces?" She cooed. "Okay little ones, gather round. Auntie Fluttershy has a story or two to tell you."

After a long day of fun (and storytelling) Spike, Smolder and Fluttershy had to depart back to Ponyville. Fluttershy practically had to be dragged away from the baby dragons, who had taken as much of a shine to her as she had to them. Only the promise of future visits could convince her to leave.

"I'll see all you little sweeties again soon." She told the hatchlings. "Yes, I will! Yes, I will!"

The hatchlings swarmed Fluttershy in one last, big group hug.

"I'll miss you too!" Fluttershy chuckled.

"See ya soon, bro." Smolder smiled, sharing a farewell fistbump with her brother. "Promise."

"You keep representing at that pony school." Garble grinned. "Show 'em all how awesome dragons are."

"Always do." Smolder bragged.

"As for you..." Garble loomed over the Spike... And gave him a light jab in the shoulder. "See ya 'round, Spikey-wikey."

"See ya... Gar-Gar." Spike grinned.

"Don't push it, kid." Garble frowned.

"Duly noted." Spike responded. "Not quite there yet, I see... Think you'll have some new poetry by next time?"

"You better believe it." Garble nodded.

"Can't wait to hear it." Spike declared.

"Me neither." Smolder agreed. "And from the look of things, you'll have a way bigger audience from now on."

"Don't worry." Garble chuckled. "You guys will always have front row seats. That's a promise."

Joined by Fluttershy, Spike and Smolder began flying their way back to Ponyville. They had all learned much during their trip. And Fluttershy did indeed have quite the Kindness report to give Twilight...