• Published 16th Jun 2018
  • 1,464 Views, 94 Comments

Tales Of Friendship - Bluecatcinema

Friendship stories from across Equestria.

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Reunions And Reflections

A unique celebration was going on in Ponyville. It was being held in honor of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and attended by virtually everycreature the trio had ever helped, and that number was quite high. They had all been gathered together to convince Scootaloo's parents to let her stay in Ponyville. That goal had been achieved, and the celebration continued, as the attendees now took joy in the knowledge that the ones who helped them were staying together.

Babs Seed, Apple Bloom's cousin from Manehattan, and one of the many recipients of the CMCs' aid, was making her way through the gathering, sharing hellos with others the CMCs had helped, only to bump into a familiar face... literally, in fact.

"Oops!" She yelped, knocking the other filly back a step or two. "Sorry, I just-" She froze as she realized who she'd collided with: Diamond Tiara.

Diamond Tiara reacted a second later, having taken a moment to readjust her tiara, which had been knocked askew by the collision.

"Oh." She blinked. "Hi."

"Hi." Babs said. "It's... Been a while, hasn't it?"

"It has, yeah." Diamond Tiara agreed.

The two fillies stood in silence for a moment.

"So... This is awkward." Diamond Tiara cringed.

"A little, yeah." Babs agreed. "I mean, Apple Bloom told me all about what happened with that whole class president thing, how you turned your life around, but it's still a little weird to be standin' here, talkin' to ya. 'Specially after what happened the last time we saw each other..."

"I remember." Diamond Tiara shuddered. "All that mud. My mother was not pleased..."

"I heard about her, too." Babs added. "Tellin' her what you'd been up probably wouldn't've done much, considerin' how bad she is." She shook her head. "Gotta say, knowing how bad that mother of yours is sure explains a lot."

"Tell me about it." Diamond Tiara agreed. "I know it's not much of an excuse, but she made me think I needed to be the best, and treat everypony else like dirt. And for so long, I did just that. Until the Cutie Mark Crusaders set me on the right path."

"Yeah." Babs smiled. "They do that a lot, don't they?"

"If they didn't, we wouldn't both be here today." Diamond Tiara noted.

"Or anypony here." Babs added. "And boy, are there a lot of 'em. The CMCs musta been workin' overtime since I last saw 'em."

"They always did know how to keep busy." Diamond Tiara smiled appreciatively. "Even before they found out what their special talents were, they were always trying some crazy stunt to try and find those talents."

"Really? Like what?" Babs asked.

"Well, I didn't exactly pay them much attention back then, but a few things stood out." Diamond Tiara admitted. "Like the time they put on a musical comedy show, or the time they put on a play... Or that time they beat me and Silver Spoon in becoming the official flag carriers at the Equestria Games."

"Yeah, I saw that." Babs nodded. "Me an' my sister were at the games."

"So was I." Diamond Tiara smiled. "My parents and I were up in the most expensive seats. Above most of the other ponies, just like mother wanted..." She added scornfully.

"... Anyway, I meant to go and talk to the CMCs, but by the time me and my sis were finished watchin' the Games, most ponies were long gone." Babs declared. "Including those three."

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that." Diamond Tiara declared.

"Eh, don't be." Babs shrugged. "Saw 'em plenty a' times since then. Didn't have to wade through an entire crowd a' ponies to get to 'em, neither."

"That's good to hear." Diamond Tiara noted.

"Still, I woulda liked to've seen 'em more, but a round trip between Manehattan and Ponyville ain't the quickest trip." Babs admitted. "Or the cheapest."

"Right..." Diamond Tiara mused. "Sometimes I forget other ponies aren't as rich as my family. It's a real shame."

"Yep." Babs sighed.

An awkward silence once again hung in the air. Diamond Tiara searched around for a new topic of conversation, worried that her flippant talk of her family's riches might have alienated Babs.

"I, er, see you got your Cutie Mark." She noted the symbol on Babs' flank.

"That's right." Babs nodded. "Turns out my special talent's manestylin'. Go figure."

"Congratulations." Diamond Tiara smiled. "It isn't easy, figuring out what you're meant to do with your life. Even after getting my Cutie Mark, it took a long while for me to figure out what kind of pony I was supposed to be. I thought my talent meant I could think I was better than anypony else, and make them do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. But now I know that it's really about being a leader, and encouraging others to help pitch in with what really matters... All thanks to the CMCs. Even after all the times I tormented them, they reached out to me, saw something in me I didn't even see in myself."

"You're preaching to the choir, pal." Babs related. "They saved me from a nasty crash into mud after I was so mean to 'em. Not just anypony would do that."

"They would. All it took to turn both our lives around was those three ponies." Diamond Tiara grinned.

"And the lives of so many others." Babs added. "I bet all these guys remember the day the CMCs helped them just as fondly as we do."

"I don't know why, but it feels like I haven't been up to much since." Diamond Tiara admitted. "Almost like my story's over. Sounds crazy, right?"

"Actually, I kinda see what you're getting at." Babs admitted. "Things have been kinda quiet for me since I got my Cutie Mark. Almost borin'. I was even more glad than I thought I'd be to get the invite to come and jon the party. Any excuse to see my favorite cuz an' her friends, y'know?"

"I do." Diamond Tiara nodded. "Those three have been so busy helping others and tutoring at Princess Twilight's school that I don't get the chance to see them much outside of regular school."

The two found themselves being joined by Diamond Tiara's best friend, Silver Spoon, who had taken a moment to chat with some school friends.

"Sorry, Di." She apologized. "Twist had a lot to tell about her time at cooking camp..."

"Hey, Silver Spoon, look who it is." Diamond Tiara indicated Babs.

Silver Spoon glanced in Babs' direction, and history repeated, as she froze in place as Diamond Tiara did.

"Oh." She smiled nervously. "Hello, Babs."

"Relax." Babs rolled her eyes. "I ain't gonna bite."

"That's not what I'm worried about." Silver Spoon said awkwardly.

"Or knock you into some mud, neither." Babs rolled her eyes.

"That's good to know." Silver Spoon breathed a sigh of relief.

"How about we all start over?" Diamond Tiara suggested, eager to help Silver Spoon to relax. "Keep the past in the past, and just move on? It worked when the Crusaders and I buried the hatchet."

"I can do that." Babs smiled. "How about you, Silver?" She offered her hoof.

"Sure." Silver Spoon nodded, meeting Babs' hoof with her own.

"Aces." Babs shook Silver Spoon's hoof.

"We were just talking about what's been happening since we last each other." Diamond Tiara told Silver Spoon. "You know, Cutie Marks, true purposes, all that stuff."

"How, 'bout you, Silver?" Babs asked. "Anythin' interestin' happen to you?"

"Uh... Not really." Silver Spoon shrugged. "Just regular stuff."

"Give yourself a little more credit than that." Diamond Tiara encouraged her best friend. "Remember that cooking class we took? You made a really great pie."

"Well, yeah." Silver Spoon blushed humbly. "But that's not really some big achievement."

"It's somethin', though." Babs retorted. "Somethin' you're really good at. You should be proud a' that, like I'm proud of being really good at cuttin' hair."

"You cut hair?" Silver Spoon frowned.

"It's her special talent." Diamond Tiara pointed out, as Babs showed off her Cutie Mark.

"Oh, right." Silver Spoon smiled sheepishly. "Guess I was too busy being afraid of you to notice."

"Can't argue with that logic." Babs chuckled. "By the way, lemme know if you ever want a manecut."

"I'm good, thanks." Silver Spoon stroked her silvery braid. "I like my mane just the way it is. But let me know the next time you visit Ponyville, and I'll bake you a nice cherry pie."

"Sure, why not?" Babs grinned. "I like a good dessert."

"And Silver Spoon's is the best, trust me." Diamond Tiara smiled.

"You keep that up, and maybe I will start to get proud of my baking abilities." Silver Spoon gushed.

"And would that be such a bad thing?" Babs pointed out.

"I guess not." Silver Spoon shrugged.

"And before you ask, I like my mane the way it is too." Diamond Tiara added.

"Your loss." Babs declared. "Personally, I think you'd look great in ringlets."

"Really...?" Diamond Tiara mulled over the possibility for the moment. "...Nah. I still think I'm good as is."

"Suit yourself." Babs accepted her choice. "Just let me know if you ever change your mind."

"If I do, you'll be the first to hear of it." Diamond Tiara pledged. "Just don't give me a buzz cut, okay?" She joked.

The three fillies chuckled at Diamond Tiara's joke.

"Now here's a sight I ain't seen in a long while." A familiar voice announced.

Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Babs looked to the side, and saw the Cutie Mark Crusaders stood before them. The trio had just said goodbye to Scootaloo's parent, who had to leave to catch the train to their new jobs (though not before promising to visit soon).

"Well, if it isn't the ponies of the hour." Diamond Tiara smiled.

"Hi, Crusaders." Silver Spoon waved.

"Hey, cuz." Babs grinned.

"Howdy, Babs." Apple Bloom shared a hug with her favorite cousin. "How ya bin?"

"Same ol', same ol'." Babs declared. "Can't complain. I was just catching up with some old friends."

"She means us." Silver Spoon added redundantly.

"It's kind of weird to see you three together again." Sweetie Belle admitted.

"I had a feeling it would." Diamond Tiara grinned.

"At least you're not trying to bully us this time around." Scootaloo added.

"Never again." Silver Spoon shook her head. "You can count on that."

"So, Babs, how are things back home?" Apple Bloom asked. "Are the Manehattan CMCs still goin' strong?"

"Oh, yeah." Babs nodded. "Still recruitin' and helpin' blank flanks all over the city."

"That's awesome!" Scootaloo grinned.

"'Manehattan CMCs'?" Diamond Tiara gaped. "Didn't know you guys had branches elsewhere in Equestria."

"Just the one... For now, at least." Sweetie Belle nodded.

"Even after getting my Cutie Mark, I still hang around with my CMCs, help 'em any way I can." Babs announced. "Gettin' my Cutie Mark didn't mean we couldn't still be friends, y'know?"

"Exactly." Apple Bloom nodded. "If one of us had gotten our Cutie Mark ahead of the others, we'd feel the exact same way."

"I just hope the Manehattan CMCs have been making as much of a difference as we have." Sweetie Belle declared.

"Oh, they are, don't worry." Babs assured her.

"I guess it helps that Manehattan is such a big place." Silver Spoon surmised. "Statistically, there's got to be a lot of ponies there needing help finding their true purpose. Especially compared to Ponyville."

"Yep." Babs nodded. "And sure, none of us actually have helpin' others as a special talent, but we do okay."

"Who knows? If you keep up the good work, maybe the Manehattan CMCs will get their own appreciation day." Diamond Tiara smirked.

"That would be somethin', alright." Babs agreed. "One day, maybe..."

"Ah'm sure ya'll get there sooner or later." Apple Bloom assured her. "Jest keep up the good work."

"You know it." Babs grinned.

"Speaking of which, congratulations on your big day." Diamond Tiara told the original Crusaders. "You all really deserve it."

"Thanks." Scootaloo smiled. "For me, what really matters is that I get to stay in Ponyville. But it is nice to be appreciated."

"I'd say you deserve a little of the credit, Diamond Tiara." Sweetie Belle chipped in. "It was helping you turn your life that helped us realize what we were meant to do with our lives."

"I wouldn't go that far." Diamond Tiara said humbly. "I'm sure you would've figured that out without me. After all, you three were helping ponies way before that."

"Ponies like me." Babs pointed out. "You were livin' up to your true purpose before you even knew what it was."

"Guess yer right there." Apple Bloom admitted. "...Say, Babs, how long before ya gotta go back tah Manehattan?"

"I still got a little time." Babs shrugged. "Why, whatcha got in mind?"

"I was thinkin' since the celebrations are dyin' down, we could head down tah Sugarcube Corner an' get some milkshakes together." Apple Bloom declared. "You in?"

"You bet." Babs nodded.

"Mind if we come with?" Silver Spoon offered. "It's been so nice catching up. It's be a shame to end things now."

"I'll pay for the milkshakes, if you like." Diamond Tiara offered.

"That's nice of you to offer, but I think we can afford it." Sweetie Belle politely refused.

"Friends don't need to always buy stuff for each other, anyway." Scootaloo pointed out.

"Sorry." Diamond Tiara said sheepishly. "Old habits, you know..."

"Eh, we've forgiven worse from you." Apple Bloom chuckled.

"Don't I know it." Diamond Tiara smiled. "Lucky me, having friends like you."

"Me too." Babs added.

"I'd say we're all lucky to have such great friends." Scootaloo grinned.

"And we keep making more all the time." Sweetie Belle added.

"Who knows? Maybe we'll make a new friend at Sugarcube Corner?" Apple Bloom suggested.

"Here's hoping." Diamond Tiara smiled. "Shall we?"

"Right behind you, Di." Silver Spoon nodded.

"We all are." Babs beamed.

Once the celabrations finally wound down, the Crusaders and their old friends departed to Sugarcube Corner to enjoy some milkshakes together. As good as it felt to be celebrated for their good deeds, there really was nothing better than the simple pleasure of hanging out with their friends.